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Partially nonhomologous (heterologous) synapsis of meiotic chromosomes in a spontaneous desynaptic mutant form of rye is determined by two recessive genes, sy2a and sy2b, that have independent expression and inheritance. The third gene, dominant inhibitor suppressing the mutant phenotype, has been revealed in hybrid combinations between sy2 mutants and lines segregating other meiotic mutants: sy10 (heterologous synapsis), sy1, and sy9 (asynapsis). All three genes determining desynapsis (sy2a, sy2b, and I) were shown to be nonallelic to monogenic mutations sy10, sy1, and sy9, inherited independently of them and expressed at later stages of prophase I than the sy10 gene. The possibility of modifying monogenic segregation of mutation sy2 by gametophyte selection for a locus linked to the gene expressed as sy2 at particular frequencies of recombination between this gene and selected locus is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic collection of meiotic mutants of winter rye Secale cereale L. (2n = 14) was created. Mutations were detected in inbred F2 generations after self-fertilization of the F1 hybrids, obtained by individual crossing of rye plants (cultivar Vyatka) or weedy rye with plants from autofertile lines. The mutations cause partial or complete plant sterility and are maintained in collection in a heterozygous state. Genetic analysis accompanied by cytogenetic study of meiosis has revealed six mutation types. (1) Nonallelic asynaptic mutations sy1 and sy9 caused the formation of only axial chromosome elements in prophase and anaphase. The synaptonemal complexes (SCs) were absent, the formation of the chromosome "bouquet" was impaired, and all chromosomes were univalent in meiotic metaphase I in 96% (sy1) and 67% (sy2) of cells. (2) Weak asynaptic mutation sy3, which hindered complete termination of synapsis in prophase II. Subterminal asynaptic segments were always observed in the SC, and at least one pair of univalents was present in metaphase I, but the number of cells with univalents did not exceed 2%. (3) Mutations sy2, sy6, sy7, sy8, sy10, and sy19, which caused partially nonhomologous synapsis: change in pairing partners and fold-back chromosome synapsis in prophase I. In metaphase I, the number of univalents varied and multivalents were observed. (4) Mutation mei6, which causes the formation of ultrastructural protrusions on the lateral SC elements, gaps and branching of these elements. (5) Allelic mutations mei8 and mei10, which caused irregular chromatin condensation along chromosomes in prophase I, sticking and fragmentation of chromosomes in metaphase I. (6) Allelic mutations mei5 and mei10, which caused chromosome hypercondensation, defects of the division spindle formation, and random arrest of cells at different meiotic stages. However, these mutations did not affect the formation of microspore envelopes even around the cells, whose development was blocked at prophase I. Analysis of cytological pictures of meiosis in double rye mutants reveled epistatic interaction in the mutation series sy9 > sy1 > sy3 > sy19, which reflects the order of switching these genes in the course of meiosis. The expression of genes sy2 and sy19 was shown to be controlled by modifier genes. Most meiotic mutations found in rye have analogs in other plant species.  相似文献   

Inheritance of two spontaneous meiosis-specific mutations with similar cytologic phenotype was studied. Both mutations were independently obtained from two rye populations (Vyatka variety and weedy rye). Both mutations are recessive, allelic, and monogenically inherited; the corresponding gene is designated mei8. The mutant alleles of the gene cause abnormal meiotic chromosome structure expressed as irregular compaction along the chromosome length, chromatin stickiness at all stages of meiosis, and chromosome fragmentation in anaphase I.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has demonstrated that meiotic mutations mei8 (irregular condensation and fragmentation of meiotic chromosomes) and mei10 (chromosome overcompaction) are nonallelic. Mutation mei10 exhibits digenic inheritance (with a segregation ratio of 13:3) in the combinations of crosses studied. It is assumed that the phenotypic expression of mutation mei10 is suppressed by the effect of recessive gene lch1 or lch2 (long chromosomes), both of which have been revealed in one of the parental lines (Mc10). These genes determine weak condensation of meiotic chromosomes. In double mutants mei8 mei10, the mutations are expressed independently of each other. Gene mei10 is linked with gene mei8 (r = 36.8 +/- 5.38%); genes lch1 and lch2 are not linked either with them or with each other. Taking into account the data on the linkage between genes mei10 and sy10 and between mei8 and sy10, the order of genes in the linkage group is shown to the following: mei8-sy10-mei10.  相似文献   

Structural investigation and morphometry of meiotic chromosomes by scanning electron microscopy (in comparison to light microscopy) of all stages of condensation of meiosis I + II show remarkable differences during chromosome condensation in mitosis and meiosis I of rye (Secale cereale) with respect to initiation, mode and degree of condensation. Mitotic chromosomes condense in a linear fashion, shorten in length and increase moderately in diameter. In contrast, in meiosis I, condensation of chromosomes in length and diameter is a sigmoidal process with a retardation in zygotene and pachytene and an acceleration from diplotene to diakinesis. The basic structural components of mitotic chromosomes of rye are "parallel fibers" and "chromomeres" which become highly compacted in metaphase. Although chromosome architecture in early prophase of meiosis seems similar to mitosis in principle, there is no equivalent stage during transition to metaphase I when chromosomes condense to a much higher degree and show a characteristic "smooth" surface. No indication was found for helical winding of chromosomes either in mitosis or in meiosis. Based on measurements, we propose a mechanism for chromosome dynamics in mitosis and meiosis, which involves three individual processes: (i) aggregation of chromatin subdomains into a chromosome filament, (ii) condensation in length, which involves a progressive increase in diameter and (iii) separation of chromatids.  相似文献   

Spontaneous meiotic mutations of winter rye Secale cereale L. (2n = 14) were revealed in inbred F2 progenies, which were obtained by self-pollination of F1 hybrids resulting from crosses of individual plants of cultivar Vyatka or weedy rye with plants of self-fertile inbred lines. The mutations cause partial or complete sterility, and are maintained in heterozygote condition. Six types of mutations were distinguished as the result of cytological analysis of meiosis and genetic analysis. (1) Plants with nonallelic asynaptic mutations sy1 and sy9 lacked bivalents in 96.8 and 67.0% metaphase I cells, respectively, formed only axial elements but not the mature synaptonemal complex (SC), and had defects in telomere clustering in early prophase I. (2) Weak asynaptic mutant sy3 showed incomplete synapsis at the start of SC degradation at diplotene and lower chiasma number; yet only 2% meiocytes lacked bivalents in MI. (3) Mutations sy2, sy6, sy7, sy8, sy10, and sy19 caused nonhomologous synapsis; i.e., a varying number of univalents and occasional multivalents were observed in MI, which was preceded by switches of pairing partners and fold-back synapsis at mid-prophase I. (4) Mutation mei6 led to the formation of protrusions and minor branched structures of the SC lateral elements. (5) Allelic mutations mei8 and mei8-10 caused irregular chromatin condensation along the chromosome length in prophase I, which was accompanied by chromosome sticking and fragmentation in MI. (6) Allelic mutations mei5 and mei10 determined chromosome supercondensation, caused the disturbance of meiotic spindle assembly, arrested meiosis at various stages but did not affect formation of the pollen wall, thus arrested meiocytes got covered with the pollen wall. Analysis of double mutants revealed recessive epistatic interactions for some mutations; the epistatic group was sy9 > sy1 > sy3 > sy19. This reflects the sequence of meiotic events controlled by the corresponding genes. The expression of sy2 and sy19 proved to be modified by additional genes. Most meiotic mutations found in rye have analogs in other plants.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant form of weedy rye characterized by male and female sterility and having a hereditary block in the chromosome synapsis has been found and described. Genetic analysis has shown the synapsis block to be determined by the recessive allele of a gene designated as sy-1. Electron microscopy of surface-spread microsporocyte nuclei revealed the complete absence of the synaptonemal complex over the whole meiotic prophase I, although the axial cores were perfectly formed by each chromosome. Only univalents were observed at metaphase I, their average number ranging from 13.1 to 14.0 per cell. A precocious distribution of univalents at the poles is observed at metaphase I. All of the later stages of meiosis were irregular and resulted in the formation of abnormal microspores. Thus, the mutant proves to be asynaptic because of the blocked initiation of synapses at prophase I.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven samples of eight European commercial varieties of winter rye were examined at eight polymorphic enzyme loci. Genotype frequencies fitted Hardy-Weinberg expectations at all loci in all samples studied. Of the total genetic diversity recorded at the 8 loci, only 7% was expressed between varieties. Allele frequency differences between varieties were, however, sufficient to allow a characterization of each variety by a specific set of allele frequencies. Using subsets of the original data, it could be demonstrated that all pairs of varieties but one still showed significant allozyme differences, when only 4 loci were screened in samples half the original size of 200 individuals. Even when only one locus was analyzed, all varieties but two were distinguishable, but this diagnostic locus was not identical in all pairwise comparisons.  相似文献   

Analysis of the rye cultivar Ailés of several descents derived from crosses between plants carrying specific genotypes and/or chromosome constitutions resulted in the detection of high chromosome (2.05 x 10(-2)) and gene (9.3 x 10(-3)) mutation frequencies. The existence of a transposon system responsible for this instability is suggested.  相似文献   

Procedures for chromosome analysis and sorting using flow cytometry (flow cytogenetics) were developed for rye (Secale cereale L.). Suspensions of intact chromosomes were prepared by mechanical homogenization of synchronized root tips after mild fixation with formaldehyde. Histograms of relative fluorescence intensity obtained after the analysis of DAPI-stained chromosomes (flow karyotypes) were characterized and the chromosome content of the DNA peaks was determined. Chromosome 1R could be discriminated on a flow karyotype of S. cereale 'Imperial'. The remaining rye chromosomes (2R-7R) could be discriminated and sorted from individual wheat-rye addition lines. The analysis of lines with reconstructed karyotypes demonstrated a possibility of sorting translocation chromosomes. Supernumerary B chromosomes could be sorted from an experimental rye population and from S. cereale 'Adams'. Flow-sorted chromosomes were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for various DNA repeats. Large numbers of chromosomes of a single type sorted onto microscopic slides facilitated detection of rarely occurring chromosome variants by FISH with specific probes. PCR with chromosome-specific primers confirmed the identity of sorted fractions and indicated suitability of sorted chromosomes for physical mapping. The possibility to sort large numbers of chromosomes opens a way for the construction of large-insert chromosome-specific DNA libraries in rye.  相似文献   

It is shown that mutations mei8 (irregular condensation and fragmentation of meiotic chromosomes), sy1 (asynapsis), and sy10 (heterologous synapsis) of rye Secale cereal are nonallelic. In double mutants mei8 sy1 and mei8 sy10 both mutations are expressed simultaneously and independently of each other. A study of joint inheritance of mutations sy1 and sy10 revealed their interaction by means of recessive epistasis: the double mutants has the sy10 phenotype. This means that the sy10 gene controls an earlier stage of synapsis in meiotic prophase than the sy1 gene. Mutation mei8 is inherited independently of sy1 but it is linked to sy10 (recombination frequency 26.8 +/- 3.58%).  相似文献   

2,4-D was applied to the roots of diploid and tetraploid corn. After the application the mitotic division in the meristem of root tips was blocked; the mitotic division in differentiated cells of cortex and central cylinder, on the other hand, was provoked. In the cortex of diploid corn (variety ?eské) predominantly tetraploid were found cells with 28 chromosomes and, to a lesser extent, octoploid and diploid ones with 56 and 14 chromosomes respectively. In the cortex of tetraploid corn (variety Bernburger Tetraroggen), most cells were octoploid with 56 chromosomes; the metaphase levels with 112 and 28 chromosomes, e.g. 16-ploid and tetraploid cells, were found less frequently. The relations between the numbers of cells with different polyploidy were similar in both the varieties. The first endoreduplication cycle was different polyploidy were similar in both the varieties. The first endoreduplication cycle was found to occur in the region where the cortex cells finish their elongation. In the central cylinder of the roots of diploid corn most cells were found to be diploid, in tetraploid corn most cells were tetraploid.  相似文献   

Molecular linkage mapping in rye (Secale cereale L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rye linkage map containing clones from rye, wheat, barley, oat and rice genomic and cDNA libraries, known-function genes and microsatellite markers, was created using an F2 population consisting of 110 F2-derived F3 families. Both co-dominant and dominant markers were added to the map. Of all probes screened, 30.8% were polymorphic, and of those polymorphic 79.3% were mapped. The current map contains 184 markers present in all seven linkage groups covering only 727.3 cM. This places a marker about every 3.96 cM on average throughout the map; however, large gaps are still present. The map contains 60 markers that have been integrated from previous rye maps. Surprisingly, no markers were placed between the centromere and C1–1RS in the short arm of 1R. The short arm of chromosome 4 also lacked an adequate number of polymorphic markers. The population showed a remarkable degree of segregation distortion (72.8%). In addition, the genetic distance observed in rye was found to be very different among the maps created by different mapping populations. Received: 10 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 May 2000  相似文献   

Summary When rye embryos imbibe water they rapidly return to a condition of biochemical and structural complexity. Three stages of imbibition can be recognised: Phase I a short period (10 min) of physical wetting; Phase II a longer period (1 h) when little further imbibition occurs, followed by Phase III a continuous phase of active water uptake. The latter coincides with an increase in respiration rate and an increase both in the number of mitochondria and of cristae within them. Changes in fine structure become evident in all organelles in Phase III, after 2 h of imbibition. In the unimbibed embryo endoplasmic reticulum is present only as short crescents associated with electron lucent bodies, but in Phase III the endoplasmic reticulum proliferates to form many surrounding cirlets. After 6 h these circlets become fewer and instead the endoplasmic reticulum is seen in close association with the nuclear membrane. Concurrently incorporation of radioactive uridine and thymidine is first detectible. This suggests that the large increase in protein synthesis occurs on new ribosomes present on the reticulum associated with the nuclear membrane. For the first 6 h protein synthesis must occur either on polysomes within the dense packing of ribosomes or on these circlets of endoplasmic reticulum associated with electron lucent bodies.  相似文献   

Neil D. Hallam 《Planta》1972,104(2):157-166
Summary Cells of the young embryo contain highly differentiated organelles. During maturation and dehydration, complexity is reduced, the many layers of endoplasmic reticulum associated with electron lucent bodies become reduced to a few residual crescents, lipid droplets distributed in the cytoplasm migrate to and become closely appressed to the plasmalemma, mitochondrial cristae are reduced in number and dictyosomes are compacted.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural investigations of non-viable rye grains indicate recognisible abnormalities in the plasmalemma and mitochondrial membranes of the unimbibed embryo. Once such grains are wetted there is rapid and progressive disorganisation of the tissue. Biochemical studies show a reduced uptake of water, lack of respiratory activity and a failure in nucleic acid and protein synthesis. Whereas total DNA, RNA and protein levels are unchanged on loss of viability, the integrity of DNA and RNA is impaired and ribosomal RNA and soluble protein levels are reduced.  相似文献   

The difficulties encountered in classifying the seven chromosomes of rye (Secale cereale L.) are discussed. Unequivocal classification is possible only with a standard testing system such as a translocation tester set. In the present paper a set is described which contains seven reciprocal translocations. Each chromosome participates at least once. The translocated chromosomes can be visually recognized. The size of the chromosome arms was measured and is expressed as % of the total complement length. Which chromosomes were involved in the translocations was studied by using a special graphic method based on the arm ratios of the mitotic chromosomes, and also by intercrossing followed by an analysis of the meiotic cofigurations in the F1's.  相似文献   

B-chromosomes from an experimental population of the Japanese JNK strain of rye, isogenic for its Bs, have been backcrossed into twelve different inbred lines. The experiment provides a way to study the effects of the Bs against a range of homozygous A-chromosome backgrounds. This publication deals with vigour and fertility: it shows that the rye Bs fit a parasitic model, and that they interact in their effects with the A-chromosome background genotype.  相似文献   

B chromosomes from an experimental population of the Japanese JNK strain of rye, isogenic for its Bs, have been backcrossed into twelve different inbred lines. The experiment is a way of studying the effects of the Bs against a range of different homozygous A chromosome backgrounds. This publication deals with pairing effects of both the As and the Bs, and their interactions, and with pollen mitosis. At meiosis there is a genotypic component to B effects, and they do not appear to act solely through a physical disturbance within the nucleus. In pollen the Bs are always present in more than 50% of the grains regardless of their pairing behaviour during meiosis; this result fits with a parasitic model of the activity of rye Bs.  相似文献   

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