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Type XVIII collagen is a homotrimeric basement membrane molecule of unknown function, whose COOH-terminal NC1 domain contains endostatin (ES), a potent antiangiogenic agent. The Caenorhabditis elegans collagen XVIII homologue, cle-1, encodes three developmentally regulated protein isoforms expressed predominantly in neurons. The CLE-1 protein is found in low amounts in all basement membranes but accumulates at high levels in the nervous system. Deletion of the cle-1 NC1 domain results in viable fertile animals that display multiple cell migration and axon guidance defects. Particular defects can be rescued by ectopic expression of the NC1 domain, which is shown to be capable of forming trimers. In contrast, expression of monomeric ES does not rescue but dominantly causes cell and axon migration defects that phenocopy the NC1 deletion, suggesting that ES inhibits the promigratory activity of the NC1 domain. These results indicate that the cle-1 NC1/ES domain regulates cell and axon migrations in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Summary Here, we describe assay systems that utilize serum-free defined media to evaluate capillary morphogenesis during human endothelial cell (EC) invasion of three-dimensional collagen matrices. ECs invade these matrices over a 1–3-d period to form capillary tubes. Blocking antibodies to the α2β1 integrin interfere with invasion and morphogenesis while other integrin blocking antibodies do not. Interestingly, we observed increased invasion of ECs toward a population of underlying ECs undergoing morphogenesis. In addition, we have developed assays on microscope slides that display the invasion process horizontally, thereby enhancing our ability to image these events. Thus far, we have observed intracellular vacuoles that appear to regulate the formation of capillary lumens, and extensive cell processes that facilitate the interconnection of ECs during morphogenic events. These assays should enable further investigation of the morphologic steps and molecular events controlling human capillary tube formation in three-dimensional extracellular matrices.  相似文献   

Endostatin, located in the NC1 domain of the collagen XVIII, is believed to inhibit the migration and proliferation of endothelial cells (Fed. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. J. 15 (2001) 1044) and to play a role in axon guidance in Caenorhabditis elegans (J. Cell Biol. 152 (2001) 1219). Zebrafish is an attractive vertebrate model to determine the role of endostatin and the entire molecule of collagen XVIII during vertebrate development. Therefore, we have investigated the expression pattern of COL18A1 in zebrafish embryos from the segmentation to the hatching period stages.  相似文献   

Endostatin, the C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, is known to suppress tumour growth and angiogenesis by inhibiting endothelial cell proliferation and migration. We have previously shown that endostatin and its precursor are important for the structural organization of basement membranes (BM). The aim of this study was to investigate cutaneous wound healing in mice overexpressing endostatin in keratinocytes (ES-tg) and in mice lacking collagen XVIII (Col18a1(-/-)). Excisional wounds were made on the dorsal skin of mice, the wound areas were measured and the wounds were collected for further analyses after 3, 6 or 14 days. The healing of the wounds was delayed in the ES-tg mice and accelerated in the Col18a1(-/-) mice, and the vascularisation rate was accelerated in the Col18a1(-/-) mice, but not affected in the ES-tg mice. Abnormal capillaries with swollen endothelial cells and narrowed lumens were observed in the wounds of the ES-tg mice. In these mice also the formation of the epidermal BM was delayed, and the structure of the epidermal and capillary BMs was more disorganised. Moreover, detachment of the epidermis from the granulation tissue was observed in half (n=10) of the 6-day-old ES-tg wounds, but in none of the controls, suggesting an increased fragility of the epidermal-dermal junction in the presence of an excess of endostatin.  相似文献   

Multiplexins are multidomain collagens typically composed of an N‐terminal thrombospondin‐related domain, an interrupted triple helix and a C‐terminal endostatin domain. They feature a clear regulatory function in the development of different tissues, which is chiefly conveyed by the endostatin domain. This domain can be found in proteolytically released monomeric and trimeric versions, and their diverse and opposed effects on the migratory behavior of epithelial and endothelial cell types have been demonstrated in cell culture experiments. The only Drosophila multiplexin displays specific features of both vertebrate multiplexins, collagens XV and XVIII. We characterized the Drosophila multiplexin (dmp) gene and found that three main isoforms are expressed from it, one of which is the monomeric endostatin version. Generation of dmp deletion alleles revealed that Dmp plays a role in motor axon pathfinding, as the mutants exhibit ventral bypass defects of the intersegmental nerve b (ISNb) similar to other motor axon guidance mutants. Transgenic overexpression of monomeric endostatin as well as of full‐length Dmp, but not trimeric endostatin, were able to rescue these defects. In contrast, trimeric endostatin increased axon pathfinding accuracy in wild type background. We conclude that Dmp plays a modulating role in motor axon pathfinding and may be part of a buffering system that functions to avoid innervation errors.  相似文献   

Endostatin, a potent inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation, migration, angiogenesis and tumor growth, is proteolytically cleaved from the C-terminal noncollagenous NC1 domain of type XVIII collagen. We investigated the endostatin formation from human collagen XVIII by several MMPs in vitro. The generation of endostatin fragments differing in molecular size (24-30 kDa) and in N-terminal sequences was identified in the cases of MMP-3, -7, -9, -13 and -20. The cleavage sites were located in the protease-sensitive hinge region between the trimerization and endostatin domains of NC1. MMP-1, -2, -8 and -12 did not show any significant activity against the C-terminus of collagen XVIII. The anti-proliferative effect of the 20-kDa endostatin, three longer endostatin-containing fragments generated in vitro by distinct MMPs and the entire NC1 domain, on bFGF-stimulated human umbilical vein endothelial cells was established. The anti-migratory potential of some of these fragments was also studied. In addition, production of endostatin fragments between 24-30 kDa by human hepatoblastoma cells was shown to be due to MMP action on type XVIII collagen. Our results indicate that certain, especially cancer-related, MMP family members can generate biologically active endostatin-containing polypeptides from collagen XVIII and thus, by releasing endostatin fragments, may participate in the inhibition of endothelial cell proliferation, migration and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis are proved to be a major factor preventing the emergence of clinically manifested stages of human cancer. The protein endostatin, a 20-kD proteolytic fragment of type XVIII collagen, is one of the most active natural inhibitors of angiogenesis. Endostatin specifically inhibits the in vitro and in vivo proliferation of endothelial cells, inducing their apoptosis through inhibition of cyclin D1. On the surface of endothelial cells, endostatin binds with the integrin alpha(5)beta(1) that activates the Src-kinase pathway. The binding of endostatin with integrins also down-regulates the activity of RhoA GTPase and inhibits signaling pathways mediated by small kinases of the Ras and Raf families. All these events promote disassembly of the actin cytoskeleton, disorders in cell-matrix interactions, and decrease in endotheliocyte mobility, i.e., promote the suppression of angiogenesis. Endostatin displays a high antitumor activity in vivo: it inhibits the progression of more than 60 types of tumors. This review summarizes results of numerous studies concerning the biological activity and action mechanism of endostatin.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the oligomeric endostatin domain of collagen XVIII (NC1) functioned as a motility-inducing factor regulating the extracellular matrix-dependent morphogenesis of endothelial cells. This motogenic activity gave rise to structures resembling filipodia and lamellipodia and was dependent on Rac, Cdc42, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. Here, we demonstrate that these properties of endostatin are primarily mediated by laminin in the basement membrane and heparan sulfates on the cell surface. The sites of interaction between laminin and oligomeric endostain include the N-terminal regions of all three laminin chains (amino acids 204-1243 of the alpha chain, 932-1161 of the beta chain, and 150-965 of the gamma chain). A monoclonal antibody that blocks the interactions between endostatin and laminin was utilized to inhibit the motogenic activity of endostatin. In parallel, we have engineered selective point mutations and produced recombinant forms that lack binding to heparan sulfates on the cell surface. Our data are consistent with a model of endostatin with two binding sites: one mainly to laminin in the basement membrane and the other to heparan sulfates on the cell surface. The two binding domains on endostatin appear to be separate with the possibility of some overlap between the two sites.  相似文献   

We studied the expression of the fibril-associated collagen XII by fibroblasts cultured on attached (stretched) or floating (relaxed) collagen I gels. Accumulation of collagen XII in the medium as determined by semiquantitative immunoblotting was 8-16 times higher under stretched compared to relaxed conditions. Northern blot experiments showed that tensile stress controls collagen XII expression at the mRNA level. Tenascin-C mRNA levels were also influenced, whereas relative amounts of fibronectin and matrix metalloproteinase-2 mRNA were barely affected. The response to a change in tensile stress is rapid, since de novo biosynthesis of collagen XII was fully down-regulated 12 h after relaxation of a stretched culture. To demonstrate that the effect is also reversible, we mounted collagen gels with attached cells to movable polyethylene plugs. The cultures were relaxed or stretched at intervals of 24 and 48 h, and media samples were analyzed every 24 h. By ELISA, the amount of collagen XII secreted into the medium was found to increase or decrease in accordance with the tensile stress applied. This is evidence that the mechanical stimulus per se, rather than an indirect secondary effect, was responsible for the observed changes in collagen XII production.  相似文献   

We recently described the in vitro and in vivo properties of an engineered homotrimeric antibody made by fusing the N-terminal trimerization region of collagen XVIII NC1 domain to the C-terminus of a scFv fragment [trimerbody (scFv-NC1)3; 110 kDa]. Here, we demonstrated the utility of the N-terminal trimerization region of collagen XV NC1 domain in the engineering of trivalent antibodies. We constructed several scFv-based trimerbodies containing the human type XV trimerization domain and demonstrated that all the purified trimerbodies were trimeric in solution and exhibited excellent antigen binding capacity. Importantly, type XV trimerbodies demonstrated substantially greater thermal and serum stability and resistance to protease digestion than type XVIII trimerbodies. In summary, the small size, high expression level, solubility and stability of the trimerization domain of type XV collagen make it the ideal choice for engineering homotrimeric antibodies for cancer detection and therapy.  相似文献   

Collagen XVIII is a heparan sulphate proteoglycan which is expressed ubiquitously in different basement membranes throughout the body. Its C-terminal fragment, endostatin, has been found to inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth by restricting endothelial proliferation and migration and inducing apoptosis of endothelial cells. Collagen XVIII has three variants, of which the shortest one is found in most vascular and epithelial BM structures, whereas the longer variants are found especially in the liver. The longest or frizzled variant has a cysteine-rich domain in its N-terminus that has been shown to inhibit Wnt signaling in vitro. The presence of collagen XVIII homologues in organisms such as C. elegans, Xenopus laevis, zebrafish and chick suggests a fundamental role for this BM collagen. Mutations in the collagen XVIII gene lead to the Knobloch syndrome, which is characterized by high myopia, vitreoretinal degeneration with retinal detachment, macular abnormalities and occipital encephalocele. Mice lacking collagen XVIII also show several ocular abnormalities. This suggests that in physiological conditions collagen XVIII is mostly needed for the proper development of the eye. Moreover, it appears to be needed for the structural stability of basement membranes in several other organs, and increasing evidence shows its importance for other organs in non-physiological situations such as atherosclerosis, glomerulonephritis or other type of tissue damage. This review focuses on clarifying the roles of collagen XVIII and its variants and domains in various physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Chick embryo sternal chondrocytes from the caudal and cephalic regions were cultured within type I collagen gels and type I collagen/proteoglycan aggregate composite gels in normal serum. Caudal region chondrocytes were also cultured within type I collagen gels in the presence of fibronectindepleted serum. There was a marked stimulation of type X collagen synthesis by the caudal region chondrocytes after 9 days in the presence of fibronectin-depleted serum and after 14 days in the presence of proteoglycan aggregate. These results provide evidence for the ability of chondrocytes from a zone of permanent cartilage to synthesise type X collagen and for the involvement of extracellular matrix components in the control of type X collagen gene expression.  相似文献   

Summary In the process of wound healing keratinocytes and fibroblasts play an important role, keratinocytes in the re-epithelization process and fibroblasts in the process of wound contraction. We have studied the role of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts in the rearrangement of collagen in a collagen lattice model system. Our results revealed that keratinocytes as well as fibroblasts rearrange the collagen lattice; this occurs in a cell number and collagen concentration dependent manner. The optimal gel contraction is obtained in the presence of keratinocytes on the top of and of fibroblasts in the collagen lattice, the situation most closely approaching the in vivo situation. Between the two types of cells, differences in morphologic behavior were observed: when incorporated into the gel the keratinocytes retained their spherical shape throughout the whole culture period, but fibroblasts became elongated and formed extensions. Our data suggest that not only fibroblasts but also keratinocytes may be involved in the process of wound contraction. This work was supported by the Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds (Netherlands Cancer Foundation, grant 84-10).  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, anti-Pisaster matrix-1 (anti-PM1) has been developed against an extracellular matrix antigen, Pisaster matrix-1 (PM1) found in embryos and larvae of the starfish Pisaster ochraceus . Pisaster matrix-1 was first observed in endodermal cells of the early gastrula, and shortly thereafter it was secreted into the blastocoel where it accumulated steadily during gastrulation. During the late gastrula stage it also appeared in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the gut lumen. Immunogold electron microscopy with anti-PM1 revealed that PM1 was found in condensations of ECM associated with blastocoel matrix fibers, in the trans Golgi network, in Golgi-associated vesicles in endoderm and mesenchyme cells and throughout the ECM lining the digestive tract of late gastrula and bipinnaria larvae. When blastula or early gastrula stage embryos were grown in the presence of the PM1 antibody, archenteron elongation, bending and mouth formation failed to occur. Pisaster matrix-1 stained with alcian blue and its assembly could be disrupted with the common inhibitor of O-linked glycosaminoglycan assembly, β-xyloside but not by tunicamycin. It was not sensitive to enzymes that degrade vertebrate proteoglycans. Pisaster matrix-1 is a large (600 kDa) proteoglycan-like glycosaminoglycan, secreted exclusively by endodermal and/or endodermally derived cells that may be necessary for morphogenesis of the mouth and digestive tract of Pisaster ochraceus embryos/larvae.  相似文献   

Collagens present in the connective tissues of the extracellular matrix of fibrosarcoma were isolated and characterized. The fibrosarcoma was induced in rats by the administration of 3-methylcholanthrene. The results obtained were compared with normal muscle. An excess amount of type V collagen was found to be produced by the fibrosarcoma tissue compared to the normal muscle. Type V collagen from fibrosarcoma was characterized on the basis of solubility behavior in sodium chloride solutions, electrophoretic mobility on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, elution pattern of phosphocellulose chromatography and amino acid composition.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of induction of tubular outgrowths in vitro on floating collagen gels and the influence of extracellular factors on this process have been investigated using the clonal rat mammary epithelial cell line, Rama 25. Growth of Rama 25 on such floating gels causes their contraction. Contraction of the gel is accompanied by a 10-fold increase in the number of cells per unit area, a change in cell shape, and a convolution of the epithelial cell sheet. Gels folded over manually show an 11-times higher incidence of tubules along the folds than on the flat surface. Tubular formation begins when cords of cells develop from local proliferations of the cell sheet and become canalized. Tubules follow wrinkles in the gel and branch to yield monopodial, dichotomous, or lobular architecture. Hydrocortisone and insulin, in the presence of serum, stimulate both narrow and thick tubular structures on folded gels, whereas extra additions of 1 ng/ml cholera toxin or 100 ng/ml epidermal growth factor preferentially stimulate thick tubular structures. Floating glutaraldehyde-fixed gels, very thick collagen gels, and collagen gels prepared on the top of rigid steel grids fail to support the formation of tubules, suggesting that flexibility and access of the medium to basal surfaces are important to their genesis. Incorporation of hyaluronic acid into the gel matrix preferentially inhibits the thick tubular outgrowths. Thus, the branching tubular structures generated by Rama 25 can be influenced in different ways by various extracellular factors in the medium and in the gel. During the course of this work E. J. Ormerod was in receipt of a Ludwig Research Studentship.  相似文献   

The collagen model peptide with sequence (Pro-Hyp-Gly)4-Pro-Gly-(Pro-Hyp-Gly)5 contains a central Gly-Pro-Gly interruption in the consensus collagen sequence. Its high-resolution crystal structure defines the molecular consequences of such an interruption for the collagen triple-helical conformation, and provides insight into possible structural and biological roles of similar interruptions in the -Gly-X-Y- repeating pattern found in non-fibrillar collagens. The peptide (denoted as the Hyp minus peptide or Hyp-) forms a rod-like triple helix structure without any bend or kink, and crystallizes in a quasi-hexagonal lattice. The two Pro-Hyp-Gly zones adopt the typical triple-helical collagen conformation with standard Rich and Crick II hydrogen bonding topology. Notably, the central zone containing the Gly-Pro-Gly interruption deviates from the standard structure in terms of hydrogen bonding topology, torsion angles, helical, and superhelical parameters. These deviations are highly localized, such that the standard features are regained within one to two residues on either side. Conformational variations and high temperature factors seen for the six chains of the asymmetric unit in the zone around the interruption point to the presence of a local region of considerable plasticity and flexibility embedded within two highly rigid and ordered standard triple-helical segments. The structure suggests a role for Gly-X-Gly interruptions as defining regions of flexibility and molecular recognition in the otherwise relatively uniform repeating collagen conformation.  相似文献   

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