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  • Melampyrum pratense is an annual root‐hemiparasitic plant growing mostly in forest understorey, an environment with unstable light conditions. While photosynthetic responses of autotrophic plants to variable light conditions are in general well understood, light responses of root hemiparasites have not been investigated.
  • We carried out gas exchange measurements (light response and photosynthetic induction curves) to assess the photosynthetic performance of M. pratense in spring and summer. These data and recorded light dynamics data were subsequently used to model carbon balance of the hemiparasite throughout the entire growth season.
  • Summer leaves had significantly lower rates of saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration than spring leaves, a pattern expected to reflect the difference between sun‐ and shade‐adapted leaves. However, even the summer leaves of the hemiparasite exhibited a higher rate of light‐saturated photosynthesis than reported in non‐parasitic understorey herbs. This is likely related to its annual life history, rare among other understorey herbs. The carbon balance model considering photosynthetic induction still indicated insufficient autotrophic carbon gain for seed production in the summer months due to limited light availability and substantial carbon loss through dark respiration.
  • The results point to potentially high importance of heterotrophic carbon acquisition in M. pratense, which could be of at least comparable importance as in other mixotrophic plants growing in forests – mistletoes and partial mycoheterotrophs. It is remarkable that despite apparent evolutionary pressure towards improved carbon acquisition from the host, M. pratense retains efficient photosynthesis and high transpiration rate, the ecophysiological traits typical of related root hemiparasites in the Orobanchaceae.

Heinken  Thilo 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(1):55-72
A seed sowing experiment was conducted in a mixed secondary woodland on acidic soils in NE Germany with Melampyrum pratense, an annual ant-dispersed forest herb which lacks a natural population in the study area, but is abundant in similar habitats. Each set of 300 seeds was sown within one square metre at three sites in 1997, and the development of the populations was recorded from 1998 onward. Additionally, seed fall patterns were studied in a natural population by means of adhesive cardboard. All trials resulted in the recruitment of populations, which survived and increased in both individual number and area, up to the year 2001. Thus, local distribution of Melampyrum pratense is dispersal-limited. Total individual number increased from 105 to 3,390, and total population area from 2.07 to 109.04 m2. Migration occurred in all directions. Mean migration rate was 0.91 m per year, and the highest migration rate was 6.48 m. No individual was recorded beyond 7.63 m from the centres of the sawn squares after three years, suggesting exclusive short-distance dispersal. As primary dispersal enables only distances of up to 0.25 m, ants are presumed to be the main dispersal vectors. Despite differences in individual number and colonization patterns, migration rates did not differ significantly between the populations, but were significantly higher in 2001 due to an increased population size. Colonization patterns were characterized by a rapid, negative exponential decrease of population density with increasing distance from the sown plot, suggesting a colonization by establishment of more or less isolated outposts of individuals and a subsequent gradual infill of the gaps between. My results resemble myrmecochorous dispersal distances in temperate woodlands, and migration rates and patterns across ecotones from ancient to recent deciduous forests. They may function as a colonization model of Melampyrum pratense after accidental long-distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Summary Fruiting and seed set in two bumblebee-pollinated herbs, Melampyrum pratense L. (annual, Scrophulariaceae) and Viscaria vulgaris Bernh. (perennial, Caryophyllaceae) were studied on a dry meadow in southwestern Sweden in June 1986 and 1988. Both species produced seeds by self-fertilization. In Melampyrum (homogamous) fruiting and seed set by selfing were much lower than by natural pollination; in Viscaria (protandrous) fruiting by selfing and by natural polination were similar, but seed set per flower was lower by selfing than by natural pollination. Sequential hand pollinations increased seed set in Melampyrum, but not in Viscaria. Thus, the number of pollinations is important for high seed set in Melampyrum, and number of pollen grains deposited one pollination is important for high seed set in Viscaria. Late flowering resulted in the production of fewer seeds in both species, although the visitation rate in pure Viscaria stands was sufficient, because of limited resources. Pollen was the limiting resource in Viscaria, because hand pollination increased natural seed set. In Melampyrum pollen was limiting in 1988 but so were consumable resources, because the seedset decreased with time despite hand pollination. Pure stands of Viscaria had sced set similar to plants in mixed stands (with Melampyrum and Rhinanthus), although plants in mixed stands received fewer visits. Many seeds produced late in the season are the result of self pollination; emasculated Viscaria flowers had a very low seedset late in the season. Pollen loads containing approximately 50% heterospecific grains did not affect seed set in either species. Application of heterospecific (Lupinus) pollen to receptive Viscaria styles 6 h before conspecific pollen did not affect seed set.  相似文献   

牧压梯度对克氏针茅生长和繁殖的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
用比较样地法调查了牧压梯度对克氏针茅生长和繁殖的影响,结果表明:长期过度放牧使克氏针茅株丛发生破碎和小型化,营养生长的株丛密度增加,生殖生长的株丛密度减少,生殖枝比例下降,枝条生物量和种子产量下降,分蘖节向地表移动,株丛茎基部和根系的储藏碳水化合物含量显著减少。而中度放牧干扰使克氏针茅的株丛大小和生殖枝营养枝比例保持适中,有利于发挥株丛和枝条各自的生长和繁殖潜力。  相似文献   

Captive harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) and gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) were fed infective larvae of Phocanema decipiens, an anisakine nematode from the flesh of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhus). Ova of P. decipiens were first detected in the feces of harbor seals 21(17–30) days after exposure; the patency period was 15 to 45 days. In gray seals, the prepatent period was 19(16–23) days; patency 20–60 days. By the sixth week of infection in harbor seals, mean body lengths of adult females and males of P. decipiens were 60.8(40.8–76.2) and 54.3(45.5–60.8) mm, respectively; mean fecundity of female nematodes was 156,000 ova. In infections of similar duration in gray seals, females and males of P. decipiens were 82.1(69.7–104.3) and 64.4(53.8–72.7) mm in length, respectively; mean fecundity of females was 366,000 ova. In sensitizing infections in harbor seals, 28% of P. decipiens survived to early patency (Days 25–30) while only 9% of the nematodes survived to midpatency (Days 35–45). In sensitizing infections in gray seals, 56% of P. decipiens survived to early patency (Days 20–30) and 48% survived to midpatency (Days 35–50). Seals with existing or recent P. decipiens infections resisted reinfection; <50% of the nematodes in challenge infections in gray seals survived to Day 3 and <10% survived to patency. Growth of the nematodes, however, was not retarded in the challenge infections and resistence to reinfection subsided when seals were maintained anisakinefree for 2–6 months after loss of prior natural or experimental infections. Natural anisakine infections were surveyed in 16 harbor and 53 gray seals from the Nova Scotia mainland. The mean incidence of P. decipiens was 62(5–177) in harbor seals and 577(11–1694) in gray seals; incidence varied seasonally and with age of host. Adult females of P. decipiens from harbor seals were 64.0(49.2–79.8) mm in length and contained 1.68(0.87–2.73) × 105 ova; females from gray seals were 78.3(62.3–92.1) mm in length and contained 2.39(0.69–4.39) × 105 ova.  相似文献   

The environment experienced during development, and its impact on intrinsic condition, can have lasting outcomes for individual phenotypes and could contribute to variation in adult senescence trajectories. However, the nature of this relationship in wild populations remains uncertain, owing to the difficulties in summarizing natal conditions and in long‐term monitoring of individuals from free‐roaming long‐lived species. Utilizing a closely monitored, closed population of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we determine whether juvenile body mass is associated with natal socioenvironmental factors, specific genetic traits linked to fitness in this system, survival to adulthood, and senescence‐related traits. Juveniles born in seasons with higher food availability and into smaller natal groups (i.e., fewer competitors) were heavier. In contrast, there were no associations between juvenile body mass and genetic traits. Furthermore, size‐corrected mass—but not separate measures of natal food availability, group size, or genetic traits—was positively associated with survival to adulthood, suggesting juvenile body mass is indicative of natal condition. Heavier juveniles had greater body mass and had higher rates of annual survival as adults, independent of age. In contrast, there was no association between juvenile mass and adult telomere length attrition (a measure of somatic stress) nor annual reproduction. These results indicate that juvenile body mass, while not associated with senescence trajectories, can influence the likelihood of surviving to old age, potentially due to silver‐spoon effects. This study shows that measures of intrinsic condition in juveniles can provide important insights into the long‐term fitness of individuals in wild populations.  相似文献   

We used a field experiment to test the effects of population density on the growth rate and survival of Austrolebias bellottii, a Neotropical annual killifish. Effects differed between the sexes: males at high densities achieved a smaller final size and experienced higher mortality while no such effects were observed in females. This sex-specific effect could be an indirect consequence of mate competition.  相似文献   

The effect of cytokinins (CKs) and K+ on stomatal behaviour in darkness were studied in the root hemiparasite Melampyrum arvense before (the preparasitic stage) and after attachment to the host (Capsella bursa pastoris L. Med.). The solutes were applied with xylem stream. The stomatal apparatus of the attached hemiparasite was insensitive to externally supplied CKs and K+. Contrary to this finding, the stomatal aperture of hemiparasite in the preparasitic stage increased to about 25, 40 and 69% of the value obtained in light, respectively, after treatment with 200 mM KCl and 10-5 M zeatin riboside ([9R]Z), applied separately or together. CKs influenced K+ transport. The treatment with KCl and [9R]Z,separately or together, increased the content of K+ in guard cell pairs to about 32, 46 and 79 % of the value obtained in light, respectively. Other CKs had a smaller effect (45 - 16 %) in comparison with that of [9R]Z; isopentyladenine was nearly inactive. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies of senescence accumulate rapidly from natural populations. However, it is largely unknown whether different fitness components senesce in parallel, how reproductive and survival senescence contribute to declines in reproductive value, and how large the fitness cost of senescence is (the difference between the observed reproductive value and the hypothetical reproductive value, if senescence would not occur). We analyzed age-specific survival in great tits Parus major and combined our results with analyses of reproductive senescence to address these issues. Recapture probability of breeding females declined with age, suggesting age-specific increases in skipped or failed breeding and highlighting an important bias that studies of senescence in wild populations should incorporate. Survival probability also declined with age and in parallel with recruit production. Reproductive value decreased 87% between age 1 and age 9 but at a fitness cost of only 4%; the proportion of the contribution of reproductive senescence versus survival senescence to this cost was 0.7. For 11 other species, we estimated fitness costs of senescence of 6%-63% (average: birds, 9%; mammals, 42%), with relative contributions of reproductive senescence of 0.0-0.7 (average: birds, 0.4; mammals, 0.3). We suggest that understanding when and why reproductive and survival senescence differ will help in the identification of proximate mechanisms underlying variation in rates of senescence and its evolution.  相似文献   

The ecological performance of the sea anemone Heteractis magnifica was examined during a 36-month experiment with respect to season and the presence and numbers of a mutualist (orange-fin anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus). Anemones primarily grew during the autumn, with most asexual reproduction occurring in winter; mortality was not strongly seasonal. Individual growth rates did not differ between anemones harboring one or two anemonefish, but these rates were three times faster than for anemones lacking Amphiprion. Anemones with two anemonefish had the highest fission rate, whereas those without anemonefish had the lowest. By contrast, anemones that were not defended by anemonefish suffered higher-than-expected mortality. As a consequence, anemones with two Amphiprion had the greatest net increase in surface area, and those lacking anemonefish had a negligible gain that was statistically indistinguishable from zero after three years. Anemonefish not only enhanced anemone survivorship as previously believed, they also fostered faster growth and more frequent asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Fundatrices died when caged on senescent leaves of bird cherry on which oviparae thrived. Fundatrigeniae had more ovarioles and a higher reproductive rate than fundatrices. Oviparae developed and matured eggs on unfurling leaves but they took longer to reach maturity and grew more slowly than when reared on senescent leaves. Fundatrices and oviparae in addition to having an intrinsic preference for bird cherry over other plants did better on particular growth stages of their primary host.  相似文献   

Sporulation in the floating fern Azolla filiculoides Lam. is both frequent and widespread in Britain and might therefore play a greater part in the population dynamics of the species than has been suggested by earlier reports. In laboratory experiments, increasing plant density and/or phosphorus supply resulted in increased sporulation. It was estimated that a thick mat of 8 kg m2 fresh biomass can produce 380000 microsporocarps and 85000 megasporocarps per m2.
Light and temperatures >10°C were necessary for sporocarp germination. Sporocarps could survive exposure to both low temperatures (5°C for at least 3 months) and sub-zero temperatures (−10°C for at least 18 d). Sporocarps were found to survive storage in water for 3 yr and to germinate from mud samples collected in the field. In laboratory culture, sporeling growth and survival were optimal at 15°C.
There is some evidence that A. filiculoides might have adapted to the British climate since its introduction.  相似文献   

Cobitis turcica is endemic to Anatolia, and being of a bottom‐dwelling nature is highly influenced by habitat degradation. Due to drought and water pollution, in 2006 this species was included in the IUCN Red List as endangered. Therefore in order to develop conservation strategies, knowledge of its life history traits is important. The study presents first time data on the basic life history traits of C. turcica captured in a small stream flowing from P?narba?? Springs to Kozanl? Gök Lake in central Anatolia. In total, 1356 specimens were caught between March 2003 and August 2004. The overall sex ratio (M : F) was 1 : 0.62. Longevity in females, which reaches a maximum age of 6+, is 1 year longer than for males. Females are longer and heavier than males of the same age group. Maximum observed total lengths were 103.6 mm in a 5+ year‐old male and 126.75 mm in a 6+ year‐old female. Length–weight relationships were calculated for males, females, and juveniles, with the b exponent of the relationships as 2.9068, 2.8326, and 3.6859, respectively. Spawning was fractional, beginning in April and continuing until the end of July. Mean total fecundity was 2238 at age 5+.  相似文献   

High degree of population subdivision in a widespread amphibian   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In general, amphibians are known to exhibit a higher degree of population subdivision than any other major animal taxa, but large-scale population genetic surveys of widely distributed species are still scarce, especially in the Eurasian continent. Using microsatellite markers and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we investigated the large-scale population genetic structure of the common frog (Rana temporaria)--one of the most widespread amphibians of the Palearctic region. Analyses of cytochrome b sequences revealed evidence for two distinct lineages inhabiting western and eastern parts of Europe. The separation of these lineages c. 700,000 years ago may have been induced by the onset of the Middle Pleistocene continental glaciations. Analyses of the variability of microsatellite loci within each of the clades revealed evidence for evolution of a high degree of population subdivision (FST approximately 0.23) even in northern Fennoscandia, colonized less than 10,000 years ago. The high level of substructuring is puzzling in the face of an apparently high dispersal capacity, as evidenced by the rather rapid recolonization of northern Europe. This suggests that processes other than restricted dispersal capacity need to be explored as explanations for the high degree of population subdivision in amphibians. The colonization of northern Europe has been accompanied by loss of genetic variability as evidenced by decreasing levels of intrapopulational genetic variability in microsatellite loci from south to north across Europe.  相似文献   

For continuous-time population models with a periodic factor which is sinusoidal, both the growth rate and the basic reproduction number are shown to be the largest roots of simple equations involving continued fractions. As an example, we reconsider an SEIS model with a fixed latent period, an exponentially distributed infectious period and a sinusoidal contact rate studied in Williams and Dye [B.G. Williams, C. Dye, Infectious disease persistence when transmission varies seasonally, Math. Biosci. 145 (1997) 77]. We show that apart from a few exceptional parameter values, the epidemic threshold depends not only on the mean contact rate, but also on the amplitude of fluctuations.  相似文献   

The population of the White Stork Ciconin ciconia in Alsace (northeastern France) has decreased considerably since 1961. Using recent captureerecapture models, we analysed resighting data on ringed birds resulting from a long-term ringing programme carried out in 1947–1985. Time-dependence and age-dependence in annual survival rates are examined with reference to environmental variables in the Sahel wintering area. Our results show a decrease in adult annual survival rate linked to the severity of the drought in the Sahelian zone.  相似文献   

通过大面积野外踏查和样方调查,分析了岷江干旱河谷乡土灌木多苞蔷薇种群的分布、生长繁殖特征及其空间差异性.结果表明,多苞蔷薇广泛分布于岷江干旱河谷汶川绵褫至松潘镇江关约170 km长、海拔1 200~2 600 m的空间范围内,其株高、基径、年龄、冠幅、萌蘖株数和结实量的平均值分别为(123.33±3.13) cm、(12.49±0.40) mm、(3.34±0.16) a、(1.30±0.13) m2、(5.07±0.39)株/丛和(171.47±25.90)果/丛.随着海拔高度和纬度增加,其株高、基径、冠幅和结实量增加,而萌蘖株数没有显著变化.多苞蔷薇有性结实和无性萌蘖能力随环境空间变化的不匹配性与其生长密切相关,可能与多变环境下资源分配利用的平衡机制有关;以丛进行年龄统计,多苞蔷薇缺少幼龄个体,种群发展并不稳定,但随海拔高度升高,萌蘖株年龄结构均呈“金字塔”型,且较大龄级的萌株比例略增,显示出良好的种群持续性.综合分析发现,多苞蔷薇生长与繁殖的空间差异性是对干旱河谷长期适应的结果,既为种群持续提供了保证,也为种群扩大奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Understanding trade‐offs in wild populations is difficult, but important if we are to understand the evolution of life histories and the impact of ecological variables upon them. Markers that reflect physiological state and predict future survival would be of considerable benefit to unraveling such trade‐offs and could provide insight into individual variation in senescence. However, currently used markers often yield inconsistent results. One underutilized measure is hematocrit, the proportion of blood comprising erythrocytes, which relates to the blood's oxygen‐carrying capacity and viscosity, and to individual endurance. Hematocrit has been shown to decline with age in cross‐sectional studies (which may be confounded by selective appearance/disappearance). However, few studies have tested whether hematocrit declines within individuals or whether low hematocrit impacts survival in wild taxa. Using longitudinal data from the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we demonstrated that hematocrit increases with age in young individuals (<1.5 years) but decreases with age in older individuals (1.5–13 years). In breeders, hematocrit was higher in males than females and varied relative to breeding stage. High hematocrit was associated with lower survival in young individuals, but not older individuals. Thus, while we did not find support for hematocrit as a marker of senescence, high hematocrit is indicative of poor condition in younger individuals. Possible explanations are that these individuals were experiencing dehydration and/or high endurance demands prior to capture, which warrants further investigation. Our study demonstrates that hematocrit can be an informative metric for life‐history studies investigating trade‐offs between survival, longevity, and reproduction.  相似文献   

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