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Summary The ultrastructure of the epidermal and sub-epidermal cells of the appendix of the Sauromatum guttatum inflorescence reveals developmental changes during anthesis. These changes precede, and probably make possible, heat and odor production. Two days before D-day (the day of heat production and inflorescence-opening) the mitochondria of the epidermis divide; apparent division of the amyloplasts was observed at the same time. The presence of lipid bodies and peroxisomes in the epidermis was clearly evident. On D-day, the epidermis becomes a continuous layer in which the cell walls separating two adjacent cells disappear. At the same time, in the sub-epidermal cells, the mitochondria and the amyloplasts undergo division. The mitochondria become electron-dense, and their DNA is clearly visible. On that day, lipids as well as starch are being depleted. The peroxisomes change in structure every day, from D-2 to D-day. It has also been demonstrated by histochemical techniques that during anthesis the activity of cytochrome c oxidase (3,3-diaminobenzidine as a substrate) decreases whereas the activity of NADH dehydrogenase [tetrazolium salts: nitro-blue tetrazolium chloride (NBT) or neotetrazolium chloride (NT) in the presence of NADH], increases. Oxygen consumption of isolated mitochondria from the D-day appendix was inhibited in the presence of the two tetrazolium salts to a different degree: oxidation of NADH in the presence of NBT was the most sensitive to inhibition, more so than the oxidation of malate and succinate. NT was less effective as an inhibitor in the presence of those three respiratory substrates.  相似文献   

A NAD(P) reductase-like protein with a molecular mass of 34.146 ± 34 Da was purified to homogeneity from the appendix of the inflorescence of the Sauromatum guttatum. On-line liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry was used to isolate and quantify the protein. For the identification of the protein, liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of tryptic digests of the protein was carried out. The acquired mass spectra were used for database searching, which led to the identification of a single tryptic peptide. The 12 amino acid tryptic peptide (FLPSEFGNDVDR) was found to be identical to amino acid residues at the positions 108–120 of isoflavone reductase in the Arabidopsis genome. A BLAST search identified this sequence region as unique and specific to a class of NAD(P)-dependent reductases involved in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Edman degradation revealed that the protein was N-terminally blocked. The amount of the protein (termed RL, NAD(P) reductase-like protein) increased 60-fold from D-4 (4 days before inflorescence-opening, designated as D-day) to D-Day, and declined the following day, when heat-production ceased. When salicylic acid, the endogenous trigger of heat-production in the Sauromatum appendix, was applied to premature appendices, a fivefold decrease in the amount of RL was detected in the treated section relative to the non-treated section. About 40 % of RL was found in the cytoplasm. Another 30 % was detected in Percoll-purified mitochondria and the rest, about 30 % was associated with a low speed centrifugation pellet due to nuclei and amyloplast localization. RL was also found in other thermogenic plants and detected in Arabidopsis leaves. The function of RL in thermogenic and non-thermogenic plants requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Induction of indole synthesis in young appendix sections ofSauromatum guttatum Schott was studied. The inducer, known ascalorigen, a compound synthesized in the mature staminate flowerbuds, is capable of triggering a rapid metabolic spurt in theappendix of the inflorescence. The induced indole-formationlasts for only a short period of time, and is similar to thenormal pattern of indole synthesis. Under the experimental conditions,indole was detectable after 7 to 8 hr of calorigen treatmentbut had disappeared about 35 hr later. The moment when indoleis present in maximal amount coincides with that of maximalheat production, i.e., about 27 hr after the application ofcalorigen. A simple and sensitive bioassay for detection ofcalorigen, based on the formation of indole, could be devised. Calorigen also causes, to a lesser extent, a temperature-riseof those young floral parts (male, female and sterile tissues)where indole is not detectable at any time. The time sequenceof the induced production of heat for the various floral partsmimics that of a natural metabolic flare-up. Extracts prepared from the mature staminate flowers of Arummaculatum L., Arum dioscoridis Sibth and Sm., and Dracunculusvulgaris Schott were all able to induce the formation of indolein the appendix of Sauromatum in a fashion similar to that causedby the staminate flower extract of this plant. (Received February 12, 1972; )  相似文献   

Electron microscopic studies showed that the trans-Golgi network (trans indicates the polarity of cisternae within the Golgi apparatus; it is opposite to the cis-face that is adjacent to the rough endoplasmic reticulum) was involved in the processing of the osmiophilic material present in the appendix of the inflorescence of Sauromatum guttatum. This material accumulated in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and in special pockets of the plasma membrane prior to heat production. Associations between the endoplasmic reticulum and trans-Golgi network were observed. The Golgi apparatus was composed of 5–6 dictyosomes on one side and one or two somewhat detached cisternae on the other side. Various nonosmiophilic Golgi-derived vesicles were observed: small ones covered with spike-like material, large ones with a smooth surface, and irregularly shaped ones. These electron-translucent vesicles seemed to accumulate in specific localities at the plasma membrane surface in the vicinity of the osmiophilic material; they were not found when the aroma was released. During heat production, the Golgi structures shrank and the activity of the trans-Golgi network seemed to be reduced. At the same time, coated pits were seen at the plasma membrane surface. In some cells, hypertrophic Golgi apparatuses were seen with only 2–3 dictyosomes that contained granulated material in their lumens. Finally, the osmiophilic material was also found in the plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Contraction of Sauromatum guttatum roots creates a slow, downward underground corm movement, the corm be-coming covered by a greater amount of soil, and the geophilous plant surviving the dormancy period at a safer soil position. Corm movement of Sauromatum guttatum is only possible if root contraction results in pulling activity. This pulling activity can be quantified using the lifting technique. Measurements of the pulling activity are shown as working curves over time and as the maximum work of a single contractile root. Our results show that root activity varies in individuals cultivated under different parameter conditions. It can be shown that two factors induce root contraction: first, rapid temperature fluctuations during the preceding growth period; second, illumination of the sheath leaves during the actual growth period. However, light induction is, as found here, more important and hierarchically superior, for the temperature effect is only seen in plants whose sheath leaves are not illuminated. Mobility of S. guttatum plants can thus be described as photo-movement. If the light effect is not present, the mobility of S. guttatum may become thermo-movement. However, at present, there is no indication that this movement is oriented to the direction of stimulus.  相似文献   

The alternative oxidase (AOX) is a non-protonmotive ubiquinol oxidase that is found in mitochondria of all higher plants studied to date. To investigate the role of highly conserved amino acid residues in catalysis we have expressed site-directed mutants of Cys-172, Thr-179, Trp-206, Tyr-253, and Tyr-299 in AOX in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Assessment of AOX activity in isolated yeast mitochondria reveals that mutagenesis of Trp-206 to phenylalanine or tyrosine abolishes activity, in contrast to that observed with either Tyr-253 or 299 both mutants of which retained activity. None of the mutants exhibited sensitivity to Q-like inhibitors that differed significantly from the wild type AOX. Interestingly, however, mutagenesis of Thr-179 or Cys-172 (a residue implicated in AOX regulation by α-keto acids) to alanine not only resulted in a decrease of maximum AOX activity but also caused a significant increase in the enzyme's affinity for oxygen (4- and 2-fold, respectively). These results provide important new insights in the mechanism of AOX catalysis and regulation by pyruvate.  相似文献   

The pattern of surface temperatures of the inflorescence of Sauromatum guttatum was investigated by using an infrared camera. The male flowers are weakly thermogenic on the first day of inflorescence opening (D-day) as well as on the next day (D + 1), reaching 0.5 to 1°C above ambient temperature. The appendix (the upper sterile part of the inflorescence) is highly thermogenic on D-day, reaching 32°C, and is faintly thermogenic on D + 1, reaching 1°C above ambient temperature. The lower part of the spadix, close to the female flowers, is also thermogenic on D-day and D + 1, reaching a temperature similar to that of the appendix only on D + 1. Salicylic acid does not induce heat production in the lower part of the spadix, as it does in the appendix. Respiration of tissue slices obtained from the appendix shows that the capacity for cyanide-insensitive respiration is present in young and mature appendices. This alternative respiratory pathway is not, however, utilized in young appendix tissue, but is engaged during the maturation of that tissue.  相似文献   

In appendices of Sauromatum guttatum that are developing thermogenicity, mitochondria isolated from successive developmental stages of the inflorescence show an increase in the oxidation rates of proline and glutamate. A similar rise in the oxidation rates of these compounds is observed in mitochondria obtained from the spathe, a nonthermogenic organ of the inflorescence. Changes in oxidative metabolism were also observed in mitochondria isolated from sections of immature appendix treated with salicylic acid (SA) at 0.69 microgram per gram fresh weight indicating that they are induced by SA. At that concentration, however, SA has no effect on oxygen consumption by mitochondria in the presence of glutamate, proline, or malate. Furthermore, oxygen uptake by mitochondria in the presence of proline or glutamate is partially sensitive to salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) at concentrations greater than 2 millimolar when in the presence of 1 millimolar KCN. For NADH, succinate, and malate a high capacity of the alternative (cyanide-resistant) pathway is found that is completely sensitive to SHAM at 1.5 to 4 millimolar. The increase in the mitochondrial capacity to oxidize either amino acid is also found in four other Araceae species including both thermogenic and nonthermogenic ones. After anthesis, the rates of proline and glutamate oxidation decline.  相似文献   

The active principle triggering the metabolic outburst of theappendices of certain arum lily species has been purified andpartially characterized. Although in the past it has been thoughtof as a single factor ("calorigen"), both paper chromatographyand DEAE-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography reveal that thereare two compounds (calorigen I and II) with calorigen activity.These can act alone or together, but show no synergism. Theyare low-molecular compounds which appear to be common constituentsof the inflorescence of Sauromatum guttatum Schott. CalorigenII is also present in the spadix of Arum maculatum L., Arumdioscoridis Sibth. & Sm., and Dracunculus vulgaris Schott.Calorigen I absorbs UV at 242, 267 and 278 nm, calorigen IIat 229 and 295 nm. No spectral changes are noted in alkalineenvironment, whereas at low pH-values there is a shift of theabsorption peaks of both compounds towards longer wavelengths.Calorigen II displays a strong blue fluorescence and has a maximalemission at 410 nm when activated at 295 nm. The possible mechanismof calorigen action is discussed. 1 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University ofWashington, Seattle, Washington 98195, U.S.A. (Received August 26, 1974; )  相似文献   

Activity of the plant mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) can be regulated by organic acids, notably pyruvate. To date, only two well-conserved cysteine residues have been implicated in this process. We report the functional expression of two AOX isozymes (Sauromatum guttatum Sg-AOX and Arabidopsis thaliana At-AOX1a) in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Comparison of the response of these two isozymes to pyruvate in isolated yeast mitochondria and disrupted mitochondrial membranes reveals that in contrast to At-AOX1a, Sg-AOX activity is insensitive to pyruvate and appears to be in a constitutively active state. As both of these isozymes conserve the two cysteines, we propose that such contrasting behaviour must be a direct result of differences in their amino acid sequence and have subsequently identified novel candidate residues.  相似文献   

Wang  Jingwen  Zhang  Yuanyuan  Fang  Zhijia  Sun  Lijun  Wang  Yaling  Liu  Ying  Xu  Defeng  Nie  Fanghong  Gooneratne  Ravi 《Biological trace element research》2019,190(1):95-100

Toxic heavy metal cadmium wildly pollutes the environment and threats the human health. Effective treatment of cadmium-induced toxicity and organ damage is an important issue. Cadmium causes organ damage through inducing oxidative stress. Our previous study also found oleic acid (OA) synthesis-related gene can confer resistance to cadmium and alleviate cadmium-induced stress in yeast. However, its alleviation mechanism on cadmium stress especially in animals is still unclear. In this study, the alleviative effects of OA on cadmium and cadmium-induced oxidative stress in rats were investigated. Oral administration of 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg/day OA can significantly increase the survival rate of rats intraperitoneally injected with 30 mg/kg/day cadmium continuously for 7 days. Similar to ascorbic acid (AA), OA can significantly reduce the cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation in multiple organs of rats. The investigation of OA on superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity showed that OA increased the SOD activity of cadmium-treated rat organs. More important, OA reduced the level of superoxide radical O2− of cadmium-treated rat organs. And OA exhibited a strong DPPH radicals scavenging activity at dose of 10, 20 and 30 mg/mL, which may contributed to alleviating cadmium-induced oxidative stress. This study revealed that OA could significantly alleviate cadmium stress via reducing cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation and SOD activity inhibition through its radicals scavenging activity.


应用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型,对2个龙生型花生高油酸种质与低油酸珍珠豆型品种杂交组合F2的油酸、亚油酸含量及其比值(O/L值)进行遗传分析,结果表明:花生油酸、亚油酸含量的遗传均表现为1对主基因加性-显性模型。控制油酸含量主基因的加性、显性效应值和遗传率在组合I中分别为8.6281、-2.0164和65.26%,在组合II中则分别为10.6638、1.0652和71.39%;控制亚油酸含量主基因的加性、显性效应值和遗传率在组合I中分别为8.0327、1.2858和73.64%,在组合II中则分别为9.0885、-1.0826和71.59%。O/L值的遗传表现为2对主基因加性-显性-上位性模型。2对主基因的加性效应值分别为0.6855、0.6814(组合I)和1.6842、0.8835(组合II),显性效应值分别为-0.6838、0.024(组合I)和-1.6559、-0.5127(组合II);加性×加性效应(i)、加性×显性效应(jab)、显性×加性效应(jba)、显性×显性效应(l)分别为0.6812、0.024、-0.6803、-0.0244(组合I)和0.8822、-0.5124、-0.8594、0.496(组合II);组合I、II主基因遗传率分别为82.57%和88.64%。  相似文献   

This study aims at demonstrating the immunomodulatory property of jacaric acid, a conjugated linolenic acid (CLNA) isomer that is present in jacaranda seed oil, on murine peritoneal macrophages. Our results showed that jacaric acid exhibited no significant cytotoxicity on the thioglycollate-elicited murine peritoneal macrophages as revealed by the neutral red uptake assay, but markedly increased their cytostatic activity on the T-cell lymphoma MBL-2 cells as measured by the fluorometric CyQuant® NF Cell Proliferation Assay Kit. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that jacaric acid could enhance the endocytic activity of macrophages and elevated their intracellular production of superoxide anion. Moreover, jacaric acid-treated macrophages showed an increase in the production of nitric oxide which was accompanied by an increase in the expression level of inducible nitric oxide synthase protein. In addition, the secretion of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interferon-γ, interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α, was up-regulated. Collectively, our results indicated that the naturally-occurring CLNA isomer, jacaric acid, could exhibit immunomodulating activity on the murine peritoneal macrophages in vitro, suggesting that this CLNA isomer may act as an immunopotentiator which can be exploited for the treatment of some immunological disorders with minimal toxicity and fewer side effects.  相似文献   

Growth on Dubos oleic acid agar plates, incubated for 48 hr at 37 C in candle jars, provides a method for differentiating meningococci from gonococci. All of our 54 strains of meningococci, but none of the 49 strains of gonococci, grew on this medium.  相似文献   

It is believed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a very important role in the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but the mechanism has not been so clear, owing to the absence of direct measurable (experimental) data. In majority of the medical studies on free radicals, the analysis of ROS has generally been done by the way of measuring their secondary and breakdown products. In our study, we used electron spin resonance (ESR), a sensitive and accurate technique to detect ROS directly and also used some other sensitive techniques including ultra-weak luminescence and chemical luminescence to identify the species and relative amount of ROS. Furthermore, superoxide dismutase (SOD) was pre-administrated in ARDS rats to verify the results from the above studies and explore the possibility of the clinical application of SOD in ARDS. The spectra of ESR showed that the concentration of ROS increased at 10?min and reached a summit at 30?min after injection of oleic acid (OA), then dropped gradually. The scavenging effects of different scavenging agents on ROS by the analysis of ultra-weak luminescence proved that superoxide anion was the main species of ROS in the development of OA-induced ARDS. Moreover, the results of quantified measure of superoxide anion by chemical luminescence also showed the accordant tendency exhibited in ESR measurement. The pre-treatment of SOD might distinctly inhibit the production of superoxide anion, obviously improve the blood gas status, lung wet/dry ratio and lung/body ratio in ARDS rats. It is suggested that ROS may play a key role in the initiation phase of ARDS, while superoxide anion may be a leading actor in this process and SOD could effectively protect rats from ARDS. These results may provide helpful information for the treatment and prevention of ARDS.  相似文献   

Oleic acid (OA) is a monounsaturated fatty acid that upon binding to milk proteins, such as α-lactalbumin and lactoferrin, forms potent complexes, which exert selective anti-tumor activity against malignant cells but are nontoxic for healthy normal cells. We showed that the interaction of OA with albumins isolated from human, bovine, and camel milk results in the formation of complexes with high antitumor activity against Caco-2, HepG-2, PC-3, and MCF-7 tumor cells. The antitumor effect of the complexes is mostly due to the action of oleic acid, similar to the case of OA complexes with other proteins. Viability of tumor cells is inhibited by the albumin-OA complexes in a dose dependent manner, as evaluated by the MTT assay. Strong induction of apoptosis in tumor cells after their treatment with the complexes was monitored by flow cytometry, cell cycle analysis, nuclear staining, and DNA fragmentation methods. The complex of camel albumin with OA displayed the most pronounced anti-tumor effects in comparison with the complexes of OA with human and bovine albumins. Therefore, these results suggest that albumins have the potential to be used as efficient and low cost means of tumor treatment.  相似文献   

The permeability enhancement effect of oleic acid (OA) and propylene glycol (PG) as well as their (1:1 v/v) combined mixture was studied using rat skin. The percutaneous drug administration is a challenge and an opportunity for drug delivery. To date, there is limited research that illustrates the mechanism of penetration enhancers and their combinations on the skin. This project aims to explore the skin diffusion and penetration enhancement of PG, OA, and a combination of PG-OA (1:1 v/v) on rat skin and to identify the potential synergistic effect of the two enhancers utilizing Raman spectroscopy. Dissected dorsal skin was treated with either PG or OA or their combination for predetermined time intervals after which the Raman spectra of the treated skin were collected with the enhancer. A spectrum of the wiped and the washed skin were also collected. The skin integrity was tested before and after exposure to PG. The skin histology proved that the skin integrity has been maintained during experiments and the results indicated that OA disrupted rat skin lipid as evident by changes in the lipid peak. The results also showed that PG and OA improved the diffusion of each other and created faster, yet reversible changes of the skin peaks. In conclusion, Raman spectroscopy is a potential tool for ex vivo skin diffusion studies. We also concluded that PG and OA have potential synergistic reversible effect on the skin.  相似文献   

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