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Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

A rapid separation of the ten nuclearly-encoded subunits of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and ten out of the eleven subunits of cytochrome bc1, was achieved using a short, 50 mm C18-reversed-phase column. The short column decreased the elution time 4–7 fold while maintaining the same resolution quality. Elution was similar to a previously published protocol, i.e., a water/acetonitrile elution gradient containing trifluoroacetic acid. Isolated subunits were identified by MALDI-TOF. The rapidity of the described method makes it extremely useful for determining the subunit composition of isolated mitochondrial complexes. The method can be used for both analytical and micro-preparative purposes.  相似文献   

We report kinetic data for the two-step electron transfer (ET) oxidation and reduction of the two-domain di-heme redox protein Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome (cyt) c4 by [Co(bipy)3]2+/3+ (bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine). Following earlier reports, the data accord with both bi- and tri-exponential kinetics. A complete kinetic scheme includes both “cooperative” intermolecular ET between each heme group and the external reaction partner, and intramolecular ET between the two heme groups. A new data analysis scheme shows unequivocally that two-ET oxidation and reduction of P. stutzeri cyt c4 is entirely dominated by intermolecular ET between the heme groups and the external reaction partner in the ms time range, with virtually no contribution from intramolecular interheme ET in this time range. This is in striking contrast to two-ET electrochemical oxidation or reduction of P. stutzeri cyt c4 for which fast, ms to sub-ms intramolecular interheme ET is a crucial step. The rate constant dependence on the solvent viscosity has disclosed strong coupling to both a (set of) frictionally damped solvent/protein nuclear modes and intramolecular friction-less “ballistic” modes, indicative of notable protein structural mobility in the overall two-ET process. We suggest that conformational protein mobility blocks intramolecular interheme ET in bulk homogeneous solution but triggers opening of this gated ET channel in the electrochemical environment or in the membrane environment of natural respiratory cyt c4 function.  相似文献   

The release of cytochrome c from the mitochondrial intermembrane space is a decisive event in programed cell death. Once in the cytoplasm, cytochrome c is involved in the formation of the macromolecular complex termed apoptosome, which activates procaspase-9 which in turn activates downstream procaspase-3. There are increasing evidence indicating that cyclophilin A is highly expressed in many tumors and cell lines where it exerts an anti-apoptotic function. In brain tissue, which over-expresses constitutively cyclophilin A, we found mixed dimers composed of cyclophilin A and cytochrome c. In a cell-free system we observed that pure cyclophilin A inhibited cytochrome c-dependent procaspase-3 activation. Moreover, we detected cyclophilin A-cytochrome c complexes within the cytoplasm of HCT116 cells following staurosporine-induced apoptosis. Our results strongly support that, in tumor cells, cyclophilin A is able to inhibit procaspase-3 activation by sequestering cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Leslie I. Grad 《BBA》2006,1757(2):115-122
Mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction is responsible for a large variety of early and late-onset diseases. NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) defects constitute the most commonly observed mitochondrial disorders. We have generated Caenorhabditis elegans strains with mutations in the 51 kDa active site subunit of complex I. These strains exhibit decreased NADH-dependent respiration and lactic acidosis, hallmark features of complex I deficiency. Surprisingly, the mutants display a significant decrease in the amount and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). The metabolic and reproductive fitness of the mutants is markedly improved by riboflavin. In this study, we have examined how the assembly and activity of complexes I and IV are affected by riboflavin. Our results reveal that the mutations result in variable steady-state levels of different complex I subunits and in a significant reduction in the amount of COXI subunit. Using native gel electrophoresis, we detected assembly intermediates for both complexes I and IV. Riboflavin promotes the assembly of both complexes, resulting in increased catalytic activities. We propose that one primary pathogenic mechanism of some complex I mutations is to destabilize complex IV. Enhancing complex I assembly with riboflavin results in the added benefit of partially reversing the complex IV deficit.  相似文献   

New small cytochrome c (TniCYT) was purified from haloalkaliphilic sulfur-oxidizing bacterium Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens. The protein was analyzed by mass spectrometry as well as using visible, CD and EPR spectroscopy. It was found that TniCYT is a monomer with a molecular mass of 9461 Da which contains two hemes per molecule. The data of CD and EPR spectroscopy showed that two hemes possess different optical activity and are in distinct, high and low spin states. TniCYT was also demonstrated to have unusual characteristics in the visible spectrum, namely, the splitting of characteristic peaks was observed in α- and β-bands of the heme spectrum when the reduced form of cytochrome was analyzed. The α-band has two peaks with maximum at 548 and 556 nm whereas the β-band showes ones at 520 and 528 nm. According to the MALDI finger-print analysis, the new cytochrome has a unique amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

In plants, channeling of cytochrome c molecules between complexes III and IV has been purported to shuttle electrons within the supercomplexes instead of carrying electrons by random diffusion across the intermembrane bulk phase. However, the mode plant cytochrome c behaves inside a supercomplex such as the respirasome, formed by complexes I, III and IV, remains obscure from a structural point of view. Here, we report ab-initio Brownian dynamics calculations and nuclear magnetic resonance-driven docking computations showing two binding sites for plant cytochrome c at the head soluble domain of plant cytochrome c1, namely a non-productive (or distal) site with a long heme-to-heme distance and a functional (or proximal) site with the two heme groups close enough as to allow electron transfer. As inferred from isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, the two binding sites exhibit different equilibrium dissociation constants, for both reduced and oxidized species, that are all within the micromolar range, thus revealing the transient nature of such a respiratory complex. Although the docking of cytochrome c at the distal site occurs at the interface between cytochrome c1 and the Rieske subunit, it is fully compatible with the complex III structure. In our model, the extra distal site in complex III could indeed facilitate the functional cytochrome c channeling towards complex IV by building a “floating boat bridge” of cytochrome c molecules (between complexes III and IV) in plant respirasome.  相似文献   

Triphenylmethane dyes are considered to be one of the most recalcitrant pollutants in the environment. Malachite Green (MG) was successfully removed from aqueous solution by Pseudomonas sp. DY1 immobilization with Aspergillus oryzae. Inhibition test in the presence of sodium azide and nystatin indicated that A. oryzae was a natural immobilization reagent, and removal of MG by the immobilized cell pellets was attributed to the biodegradation by Pseudomonas sp. DY1. Optimum conditions of immobilization for maximum biodegradation were obtained using Taguchi design at 37 °C, inoculation size of Pseudomonas sp. DY1 (dry cell mass) 0.01 g, of A. oryzae (spore number) 1.0 × 109, initial pH 6.5. Decolorization and biodegradation of MG by immobilized pellets under optimum conditions were 99.5% and 93.3%, respectively. Immobilized pellets exhibited more than 96% decolorization after 16 days in batch condition, indicating it had stable and high biodegradation capabilities when immobilized for long-term operation.  相似文献   

Redox-controlled backbone dynamics in cytochrome c (Cyt c) were revealed by 2D 15N NMR relaxation experiments. 15N T1 and T2 values and 1H-15N NOEs of uniformly 15N-labeled reduced and oxidized Cyt c were measured, and the generalized order parameters (S2), the effective correlation time for internal motion (τe), the 15N exchange broadening contributions (Rex) for each residue, and the overall correlation time (τm) were estimated by model-free dynamics formalism. These dynamic parameters clearly showed that the backbone dynamics of Cyt c are highly restricted due to the covalently bound heme that functions as the stable hydrophobic core. Upon oxidation of the heme iron in Cyt c, the average S2 value was increased from 0.88 ± 0.01 to 0.92 ± 0.01, demonstrating that the mobility of the backbone is further restricted in the oxidized form. Such increases in the S2 values were more prominent in the loop regions, including amino acid residues near the thioether bonds to the heme moiety and positively charged region around Lys87. Both of the regions are supposed to form the interaction site for cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) and the electron pathway from Cyt c to CcO. The redox-dependent mobility of the backbone in the interaction site for the electron transfer to CcO suggests an electron transfer mechanism regulated by the backbone dynamics in the Cyt c-CcO system.  相似文献   

Two radicals have been detected previously by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopies in bovine cytochrome oxidase after reaction with hydrogen peroxide, but no correlation could be made with predicted levels of optically detectable intermediates (PM, F and F) that are formed. This work has been extended by optical quantitation of intermediates in the EPR/ENDOR sample tubes, and by comparison with an analysis of intermediates formed by reaction with carbon monoxide in the presence of oxygen. The narrow radical, attributed previously to a porphyrin cation, is detectable at low levels even in untreated oxidase and increases with hydrogen peroxide treatments generally. It is presumed to arise from a side-reaction unrelated to the catalytic intermediates. The broad radical, attributed previously to a tryptophan radical, is observed only in samples with a significant level of F but when F is generated with hydrogen peroxide, is always accompanied by the narrow radical. When PM is produced at high pH with CO/O2, no EPR-detectable radicals are formed. Conversion of the CO/O2-generated PM into F when pH is lowered is accompanied by the appearance of a broad radical whose ENDOR spectrum corresponds to a tryptophan cation. Quantitation of its EPR intensity indicates that it is around 3% of the level of F determined optically. It is concluded that low pH causes a change of protonation pattern in PM which induces partial electron redistribution and tryptophan cation radical formation in F. These protonation changes may mimic a key step of the proton translocation process.  相似文献   

Holocytochrome c synthase (HCCS) attaches heme covalently to mitochondrial respiratory cytochromes c. Little is known about the reaction of heme attachment to apocytochromes c by HCCS, although recently it has been established that the CXXCH motif and the N-terminus of the apocytochrome polypeptide are important protein–protein recognition motifs. Here, we explore further the important features of the N-terminal sequence and investigate what variations in the CXXCH residues are productively recognised by HCCS in its substrate.  相似文献   

Ferric heme proteins bind weakly basic ligands and the binding affinity is often pH dependent due to protonation of the ligand as well as the protein. In an effort to find a small, neutral ligand without significant acid/base properties to probe ligand binding reactions in ferric heme proteins we were led to consider the organonitriles. Although organonitriles are known to bind to transition metals, we have been unable to find any prior studies of nitrile binding to heme proteins. In this communication we report on the equilibrium and kinetic properties of acrylonitrile binding to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) as well as the oxidation of acrylonitrile by CcP compound I. Acrylonitrile binding to CcP is independent of pH between pH 4 and 8. The association and dissociation rate constants are 0.32 ± 0.16 M−1 s−1 and 0.34 ± 0.15 s−1, respectively, and the independently measured equilibrium dissociation constant for the complex is 1.1 ± 0.2 M. We have demonstrated for the first time that acrylonitrile can bind to a ferric heme protein. The binding mechanism appears to be a simple, one-step association of the ligand with the heme iron. We have also demonstrated that CcP can catalyze the oxidation of acrylonitrile, most likely to 2-cyanoethylene oxide in a “peroxygenase”-type reaction, with rates that are similar to rat liver microsomal cytochrome P450-catalyzed oxidation of acrylonitrile in the monooxygenase reaction. CcP compound I oxidizes acrylonitrile with a maximum turnover number of 0.61 min−1 at pH 6.0.  相似文献   

David C. Unitt 《BBA》2010,1797(3):371-532
We have developed a respiration chamber that allows intact cells to be studied under controlled oxygen (O2) conditions. The system measures the concentrations of O2 and nitric oxide (NO) in the cell suspension, while the redox state of cytochrome c oxidase is continuously monitored optically. Using human embryonic kidney cells transfected with a tetracycline-inducible NO synthase we show that the inactivation of NO by cytochrome c oxidase is dependent on both O2 concentration and electron turnover of the enzyme. At a high O2 concentration (70 μM), and while the enzyme is in turnover, NO generated by the NO synthase upon addition of a given concentration of l-arginine is partially inactivated by cytochrome c oxidase and does not affect the redox state of the enzyme or consumption of O2. At low O2 (15 μM), when the cytochrome c oxidase is more reduced, inactivation of NO is decreased. In addition, the NO that is not inactivated inhibits the cytochrome c oxidase, further reducing the enzyme and lowering O2 consumption. At both high and low O2 concentrations the inactivation of NO is decreased when sodium azide is used to inhibit cytochrome c oxidase and decrease electron turnover.  相似文献   

It is well known that efficient functioning of photosynthetic (PET) and respiratory electron transport (RET) in cyanobacteria requires the presence of either cytochrome c6 (Cytc6) or plastocyanin (PC). By contrast, the interaction of an additional redox carrier, cytochrome cM (CytcM), with either PET or RET is still under discussion. Here, we focus on the (putative) role of CytcM in cyanobacterial respiration. It is demonstrated that genes encoding the main terminal oxidase (cytochrome c oxidase, COX) and cytochrome cM are found in all 44 totally or partially sequenced cyanobacteria (except one strain). In order to check whether CytcM can act as electron donor to COX, we investigated the intermolecular electron transfer kinetics between CytcM and the soluble CuA domain (i.e. the donor binding and electron entry site) of subunit II of COX. Both proteins from Synechocystis PCC6803 were expressed heterologously in E. coli. The forward and the reverse electron transfer reactions were studied yielding apparent bimolecular rate constants of (2.4 ± 0.1) × 105 M− 1 s− 1 and (9.6 ± 0.4) × 103 M− 1 s− 1 (5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7, 50 mM KCl). A comparative analysis with Cytc6 and PC demonstrates that CytcM functions as electron donor to CuA as efficiently as Cytc6 but more efficient than PC. Furthermore, we demonstrate the association of CytcM with the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membrane fractions by immunobloting and discuss the potential role of CytcM as electron donor for COX under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Elisa Fadda 《BBA》2008,1777(3):277-284
As part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, cytochrome c oxidase utilizes the energy produced by the reduction of O2 to water to fuel vectorial proton transport. The mechanism coupling proton pumping to redox chemistry is unknown. Recent advances have provided evidence that each of the four observable transitions in the complex catalytic cycle consists of a similar sequence of events. However, the physico-chemical basis underlying this recurring sequence has not been identified. We identify this recurring pattern based on a comprehensive model of the catalytic cycle derived from the analysis of oxygen chemistry and available experimental evidence. The catalytic cycle involves the periodic repetition of a sequence of three states differing in the spatial distribution of charge in the active site: [0|1], [1|0], and [1|1], where the total charge of heme a and the binuclear center appears on the left and on the right, respectively. This sequence recurs four times per turnover despite differences in the redox chemistry. This model leads to a simple, robust, and reproducible sequence of electron and proton transfer steps and rationalizes the pumping mechanism in terms of electrostatic coupling of proton translocation to redox chemistry. Continuum electrostatic calculations support the proposed mechanism and suggest an electrostatic origin for the decoupled and inactive phenotypes of ionic mutants in the principal proton-uptake pathway.  相似文献   

In a previous report (Luyo-Acero et al., 2004), we demonstrated that cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene analysis is an effective method for classifying several isolates of the genus Leishmania; hence, we have further applied this method to other Leishmania species in an effort to enhance the accuracy of the procedure and to construct a new phylogenic tree. In this study, a total of 30 Leishmania and Endotrypanum WHO reference strains, clinical isolates from our patients assigned to 28 strains (human and non-human pathogenic species) and two species of the genus Endotrypanum were analyzed. The Cyt b gene in each sample was amplified by PCR, and was then sequenced by several primers, as reported previously. The phylogenic tree was constructed based on the results obtained by the computer software MEGA v3.1 and PAUP* v4.0 Beta. The present phylogenic tree was almost identical to the traditional method of classification proposed by Lainson and Shaw (1987). However, it produces the following suggestions: (1) exclusion of L. (Leishmania) major from the L. (L.) tropica complex; (2) placement of L.tarentolae in the genus Sauroleishmania; (3) L. (L.) hertigi complex and L. (V.) equatorensis close to the genus Endotrypanum; (4) L. (L.) enrietti, defined as L. (L.) mexicana complex, placed in another position; and (5) L. (L.) turanica and L. (L.) arabica are located in an area far from human pathogenic Leishmania strains. Cyt b gene analysis is thus applicable to the analyzing phylogeny of the genus Leishmania and may be useful for separating non-human pathogenic species from human pathogenic species.  相似文献   

Microbial transformation of adrenosterone (1) by suspended-cell cultures of the filamentous fungus Cunninghamella elegans resulted in the production of five metabolites 2-6, which were identified as 9alpha-hydroxyadrenosterone (2), 11-ketotestosterone (3), 6beta-hydroxyadrenosterone (4), 9alpha-hydroxy-11-ketotestosterone (5), and 6beta-hydroxy-11-ketotestosterone (6). Structures of new metabolites 2, 5, and 6 were established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

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