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Assimilation of toluene by Cladosporium sphaerospermum is initially catalyzed by toluene monooxygenase (TOMO). TOMO activity was induced by adding toluene to a glucose-pregrown culture of C. sphaerospermum. The corresponding microsomal enzyme needed NADPH and O(2) to oxidize toluene and glycerol, EDTA, DTT, and PMSF for stabilization. TOMO activity was maximal at 35 degrees C and pH 7.5 and was inhibited by carbon monoxide, Metyrapone, and cytochrome c. TOMO preferred as substrates also other aromatic hydrocarbons with a short aliphatic side chain. Its reduced carbon monoxide difference spectrum showed a maximum at 451 nm. A substrate-induced Type I spectrum was observed on addition of toluene. These results indicated that TOMO is a cytochrome P450. TOMO and its corresponding reductase were eventually purified by a simultaneous purification revealing apparent molecular masses of 58 and 78 kDa, respectively.  相似文献   

The copper membrane monooxygenases (CuMMOs) are an important group of enzymes in environmental science and biotechnology. Areas of relevance include the development of green chemistry for sustainable exploitation of methane (CH4) reserves, remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination and monitoring human impact in the biogeochemical cycles of CH4 and nitrogen. Challenges for all these applications are that many aspects of the ecology, physiology and structure–function relationships in the CuMMOs are inadequately understood. Here, we describe genetic and physiological characterization of a novel member of the CuMMO family that has an unusual physiological substrate range (C2–C4 alkanes) and a distinctive bacterial host (Mycobacterium). The Mycobacterial CuMMO genes (designated hmoCAB) were amenable to heterologous expression in M. smegmatis—this is the first example of recombinant expression of a complete and highly active CuMMO enzyme. The apparent specific activity of recombinant cells containing hmoCAB ranged from 2 to 3 nmol min–1 per mg protein on ethane, propane and butane as substrates, and the recombinants could also attack ethene, cis-dichloroethene and 1,2-dichloroethane. No detectable activity of recombinants or wild-type strains was seen with methane. The specific inhibitor allylthiourea strongly inhibited growth of wild-type cells on C2–C4 alkanes, and omission of copper from the medium had a similar effect, confirming the physiological role of the CuMMO for growth on alkanes. The hydrocarbon monooxygenase provides a new model for studying this important enzyme family, and the recombinant expression system will enable biochemical and molecular biological experiments (for example, site-directed mutagenesis) that were previously not possible.  相似文献   

For the investigation of the NADPH-dependent Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase MekA from Pseudomonas veronii MEK700, the encoding gene mekA with a C-terminal strep-tag was cloned and expressed under the control of a l-rhamnose inducible promoter from Escherichia coli. The mekA gene was found by analyzing the methylethylketone (MEK) degradation pathway by Onaca et al. J Bacteriol 189:3759–3767, 2007. Sequence analysis of the corresponding protein, which catalyzes the Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of MEK to ethyl acetate, showed two binding sites (Rossman-fold motifs) for cofactors NAD(P)H and FAD. Although expression of mekA resulted in large amounts of inclusion bodies compared to soluble protein, high amounts of purified and active MekA were obtained by affinity chromatography. The substrate spectrum of MekA was investigated with purified enzyme and whole cells using a variety of aliphatic, aromatic, and cyclic ketones including four chiral substrates. The specific activity of MekA with MEK as substrate was determined to be 1.1 U/mg protein. K M values were determined for MEK and the cofactors NADPH and NADH to be 6, 11, and 29 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

The navel orangeworm Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is a serious pest of many tree crops in California orchards, including almonds, pistachios, walnuts and figs. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying detoxification of phytochemicals, insecticides and mycotoxins by this species, full-length CYP6AB11 cDNA was isolated from larval midguts using RACE PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of this insect cytochrome P450 monooxygenase established its evolutionary relationship to a P450 that selectively metabolizes imperatorin (a linear furanocoumarin) and myristicin (a natural methylenedioxyphenyl compound) in another lepidopteran species. Metabolic assays conducted with baculovirus-expressed P450 protein, P450 reductase and cytochrome b5 on 16 compounds, including phytochemicals, mycotoxins, and synthetic pesticides, indicated that CYP6AB11 efficiently metabolizes imperatorin (0.88 pmol/min/pmol P450) and slowly metabolizes piperonyl butoxide (0.11 pmol/min/pmol P450). LC-MS analysis indicated that the imperatorin metabolite is an epoxide generated by oxidation of the double bond in its extended isoprenyl side chain. Predictive structures for CYP6AB11 suggested that its catalytic site contains a doughnut-like constriction over the heme that excludes aromatic rings on substrates and allows only their extended side chains to access the catalytic site. CYP6AB11 can also metabolize the principal insecticide synergist piperonyl butoxide (PBO), a synthetic methylenedioxyphenyl compound, albeit slowly, which raises the possibility that resistance may evolve in this species after exposure to synergists under field conditions.  相似文献   

Hydroxylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) from the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea normally catalyzes the four-electron oxidation of hydroxylamine to nitrite, which is the second step in ammonia-dependent respiration. Here we show that, in the presence of methyl viologen monocation radical (MV(red)), HAO can catalyze the reduction of nitric oxide to ammonia. The process is analogous to that catalyzed by cytochrome c nitrite reductase, an enzyme found in some bacteria that use nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor during anaerobic respiration. The availability of a reduction pathway to ammonia is an important factor to consider when designing in vitro studies of HAO, and may also have some physiological relevance. The reduction of nitric oxide to ammonia proceeds in two kinetically distinct steps: nitric oxide is first reduced to hydroxylamine, and then hydroxylamine is reduced to ammonia at a tenfold slower rate. The second step was investigated independently in solutions initially containing hydroxylamine, MV(red), and HAO. Both steps show first-order dependence on nitric oxide and HAO concentrations, and zero-order dependence on MV(red) concentration. The rate constants governing each reduction step were found to have values of (4.7 +/- 0.3) x 10(5) and (2.06 +/- 0.04) x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. A second reduction pathway, with second-order dependence on nitric oxide, may become available as the concentration of nitric oxide is increased. Such a pathway might lead to production of nitrous oxide. We estimate a maximum value of (1.5 +/- 0.05) x 10(10) M(-2) s(-1) for the rate constant of the alternative pathway, which is small and suggests that the pathway is not physiologically important.  相似文献   

Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

Phanerochaete chrysosporium cellobiose oxidoreductase (CBOR) comprises two redox domains, one containing flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and the other protoheme. It reduces both two-electron acceptors, including molecular oxygen, and one-electron acceptors, including transition metal complexes and cytochrome c. If the latter reacts with the flavin, the reduced heme b acts merely as a redox buffer, but if with the b heme, enzyme action involves a true electron transfer chain. Intact CBOR fully reduced with cellobiose, CBOR partially reduced by ascorbate, and isolated ascorbate-reduced heme domain, all transfer electrons at similar rates to cytochrome c. Reduction of cationic one-electron acceptors via the heme group supports an electron transfer chain model. Analogous reactions with natural one-electron acceptors can promote Fenton chemistry, which may explain evolutionary retention of the heme domain and the enzyme's unique character among secreted sugar dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

It has been reported that dextrans diminish the intermembrane space of mitochondria, increase the number of contact sites between the inner and the outer mitochondrial membranes, decrease the outer membrane permeability to adenosine 5(')-diphosphate, and change the kinetic properties of mitochondrial kinases. In the present work the influence of dextran M40 (5% w/v) on the oxidoreductase activities of the inner and outer membranes of mitochondria, the interaction of cytochrome c with mitochondrial membranes, and the light scattering by rat liver mitochondria were studied. No influence of dextran on the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria or its interaction with mitochondrial membranes was observed. Decreases in the NADH-oxidase (to 80+/-2% of the control), NADH-cytochrome c reductase (to 26+/-2%), succinate-cytochrome c reductase (to 70+/-5%), and NADH-ferricyanide reductase (to 75+/-3%) activities induced by dextran, which may be due to the mitochondrial aggregation, were observed. The formation of aggregates was registered by light scattering, confirmed by light microscopy, and explained within the framework of the Gouy-Chapman theory of the electrical double layer. The observed mitochondrial aggregation seems to be useful also for understanding the mechanisms of mitochondrial condensation and perinuclear clustering during apoptosis.  相似文献   

The C-1027 enediyne antitumor antibiotic from Streptomyces globisporus possesses an ( S )-3-chloro-5-hydroxy-β-tyrosine moiety, the chloro- and hydroxy-substituents of which are installed by a flavin-dependent halogenase SgcC3 and monooxygenase SgcC, respectively. Interestingly, a single flavin reductase, SgcE6, can provide reduced flavin to both enzymes. Bioinformatics analysis reveals that, similar to other flavin reductases involved in natural product biosynthesis, SgcE6 belongs to the HpaC-like subfamily of the Class I flavin reductases. The present study describes the steady-state kinetic characterization of SgcE6 as a strictly NADH- and FAD-specific enzyme.  相似文献   

The Ccm cytochrome c maturation System I catalyzes covalent attachment of heme to apocytochromes c in many bacterial species and some mitochondria. A covalent, but transient, bond between heme and a conserved histidine in CcmE along with an interaction between CcmH and the apocytochrome have been previously indicated as core aspects of the Ccm system. Here, we show that in the Ccm system from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, no CcmH is required, and the holo-CcmE covalent bond occurs via a cysteine residue. These observations call for reconsideration of the accepted models of System I-mediated c-type cytochrome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Detailed kinetic studies were performed in order to determine the role of the single cysteine residue in the desulfonation reaction catalyzed by SsuD. Mutation of the conserved cysteine at position 54 in SsuD to either serine or alanine had little effect on FMNH2 binding. The kcat/Km value for the C54S SsuD variant increased 3-fold, whereas the kcat/Km value for C54A SsuD decreased 6-fold relative to wild-type SsuD. An initial fast phase was observed in kinetic traces obtained for the oxidation of flavin at 370 nm when FMNH2 was mixed against C54S SsuD (kobs, 111 s− 1) in oxygenated buffer that was 10-fold faster than wild-type SsuD (kobs, 12.9 s− 1). However, there was no initial fast phase observed in similar kinetic traces obtained for C54A SsuD. This initial fast phase was previously assigned to the formation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin in studies with wild-type SsuD. There was no evidence for the formation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin with either SsuD variant when octanesulfonate was included in rapid reaction kinetic studies, even at low octanesulfonate concentrations. The absence of any C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin accumulation correlates with the increased catalytic activity of C54S SsuD. These results suggest that the conservative serine substitution is able to effectively take the place of cysteine in catalysis. Conversely, decreased accumulation of the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin intermediate with the C54A SsuD variant may be due to decreased activity. The data described suggest that Cys54 in SsuD may be either directly or indirectly involved in stabilizing the C4a-(hydro)peroxyflavin intermediate formed during catalysis through hydrogen bonding interactions.  相似文献   

The carotenoid 1,2-hydratase CrtC from Rubrivivax gelatinosus has been expressed in Escherichia coli in an active form and purified by affinity chromatography. The enzyme catalyzes the conversion of various acyclic carotenes including 1-hydroxy derivatives. This broad substrate specificity reflects the participation of CrtC in 1'-HO-spheroidene and in spirilloxanthin biosynthesis. Enzyme kinetic studies including the determination of substrate specificity constants indicate that among the alternative biosynthetic routes to 1'-HO-spheroidene the one via spheroidene is the dominating pathway. In contrast to CrtC from Rvi. gelatinosus, the equivalent enzyme from Rhodobacter capsulatus, a closely related bacterium which lacks the biosynthetic branch to spirilloxanthin and accumulates spheroidene instead of substantial amounts of 1'-HO-spheroidene, is extremely poor in converting 1-HO-carotenoids. The individual catalytic properties of both carotenoid 1,2-hydratases reflect the in situ carotenogenic pathways in both purple photosynthetic bacteria.  相似文献   

Two synthetic genes coding for human and Arabidopsis cytochrome c, respectively, have been designed and constructed, and the recombinant proteins have been over-expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Thus a comparative analysis of the two heme proteins, including horse cytochrome c as a reference, has been performed. In addition to their physico-chemical properties, the redox behavior of the three proteins has been analyzed by following the kinetics of both their reduction by flavin semiquinones (lumiflavin, riboflavin, and FMN) and oxidation by cytochrome c oxidase. The resulting data indicate that the accessibility and electrostatic charge of the active site do not differ in a significant way among the three proteins, but human cytochrome c exhibits some intriguing differences when interacting with cytochrome c oxidase that could be related to the amino acid changes underwent by the latter along evolution.  相似文献   

Candida albicans contains 10 putative cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes coding for enzymes that appear to play important roles in fungal survival and virulence. Here, we report the characterization of CYP52A21, a putative alkane/fatty acid hydroxylase. The recombinant CYP52A21 protein containing a 6x(His)-tag was expressed in Escherichia coli and was purified. The purified protein, reconstituted with rat NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, omega-hydroxylated dodecanoic acid to give 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid, but to a lesser extent also catalyzed (omega-1)-hydroxylation to give 11-hydroxydodecanoic acid. When 12,12,12-d(3)-dodecanoic acid was used as the substrate, there was a major shift in the oxidation from the omega- to the (omega-1)-hydroxylated product. The regioselectivity of fatty acid hydroxylation was examined with the 12-iodo-, 12-bromo-, and 12-chlorododecanoic acids. Although all three 12-halododecanoic acids bound to CYP52A21 with similar affinities, the production of 12-oxododecanoic acid decreased as the size of the terminal halide increased. The regioselectivity of CYP52A21 fatty acid oxidation is thus consistent with presentation of the terminal end of the fatty acid chain for oxidation via a narrow channel that limits access to other atoms of the fatty acid chain. This constricted access, in contrast to that proposed for the CYP4A family of enzymes, does not involve covalent binding of the heme to the protein.  相似文献   

Aerobic phototrophic bacterium Roseobacter denitrificans has a nitric oxide reductase (NOR) homologue with cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) activity. It is composed of two subunits that are homologous with NorC and NorB, and contains heme c, heme b, and copper in a 1:2:1 stoichiometry. This enzyme has virtually no NOR activity. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of the air-oxidized enzyme showed signals of two low-spin hemes at 15 K. The high-spin heme species having relatively low signal intensity indicated that major part of heme b3 is EPR-silent due to an antiferromagnetic coupling to an adjacent CuB forming a Fe-Cu binuclear center. Resonance Raman (RR) spectrum of the oxidized enzyme suggested that heme b3 is six-coordinate high-spin species and the other hemes are six-coordinate low-spin species. The RR spectrum of the reduced enzyme showed that all the ferrous hemes are six-coordinate low-spin species. ν(Fe-CO) and ν(C-O) stretching modes were observed at 523 and 1969 cm−1, respectively, for CO-bound enzyme. In spite of the similarity to NOR in the primary structure, the frequency of ν(Fe-CO) mode is close to those of aa3- and bo3-type oxidases rather than that of NOR.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is responsible for serious fungal infections in humans. Analysis of its genome identified NCP1 gene coding for a putative NADPH-P450 reductase (NPR) enzyme. This enzyme appears to supply reducing equivalents to cytochrome P450 or heme oxygenase enzymes for fungal survival and virulence. In this study, we report the characterization of the functional features of NADPH-P450 reductase from C. albicans. The recombinant C. albicans NPR protein harboring a 6×(His)-tag was expressed heterologously in Escherichia coli, and was purified. Purified C. albicans NPR has an absorption maximum at 453 nm, indicating the feature of an oxidized flavin cofactor, which was decreased by the addition of NADPH. It also evidenced NADPH-dependent cytochrome c or nitroblue tetrazolium reducing activity. This purified reductase protein was successfully able to substitute for purified mammalian NPR in the reconstitution of the human P450 1A2-catalyzed O-deethylation of 7-ethoxyresorufin. These results indicate that purified C. albicans NPR is an orthologous reductase protein that supports cytochrome P450 or heme oxygenase enzymes in C. albicans.  相似文献   

Plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH), owing to unique structural and kinetic properties, is a well known target for antimalarial compounds. To explore a new approach for high level soluble expression of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH) in E. coli, PfLDH encoding sequence was cloned into pQE-30 Xa vector. When transformed E. coli SG13009 cells were induced at 37 °C with 0.5 mM isopropyl β-d-thiogalactoside (IPTG) concentration, the protein was found to be exclusively associated with inclusion bodies. By reducing cell growth temperature to 15 °C and IPTG concentration to 0.25 mM, it was possible to get approximately 82% of expressed protein in soluble form. Recombinant PfLDH (rPfLDH) was purified to homogeneity yielding 18 mg of protein/litre culture. rPfLDH was found to be biologically active with specific activity of 453.8 μmol/min/mg. The enzyme exhibited characteristic reduced substrate inhibition and enhanced kcat [(3.2 ± 0.02) × 104] with 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide (APAD+). The procedure described in this study may provide a reliable and simple method for production of large quantities of soluble and biologically active PfLDH.  相似文献   

The thermophilic dibenzothiophene (DBT)-desulfurizing bacterium, Bacillus subtilis WU-S2B, possesses the ability to convert DBT to 2-hydroxybiphenyl with the release of inorganic sulfur over a wide temperature range up to 50 degrees C. The conversion is initiated by consecutive sulfur atom-specific oxidations by two monooxygenases, and flavin reductase is essential in combination with these flavin-dependent monooxygenases. The recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing the DBT monooxygenase gene (bdsC) from B. subtilis WU-S2B also oxidize indole to blue pigment indigo in the presence of a heterologous flavin reductase. Thus, to clone a gene encoding flavin reductase from B. subtilis WU-S2B, indigo production by coexpression of the gene with bdsC in E. coli was used as a selection. Using this method, the corresponding gene (frb) was obtained from a recombinant strain forming a blue colony due to indigo production on a nutrient agar plate, and it was confirmed that this gene product Frb exhibited flavin reductase activity. The deduced amino acid sequence of frb consists of 174 amino acid residues and shares 61% identity with that of nitroreductase (YwrO) of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. In addition, coexpression of frb with the DBT-desulfurization genes (bdsABC) from B. subtilis WU-S2B was critical for high DBT-desulfurizing ability over a wide temperature range of 20-55 degrees C. This coexpression screening using indigo production as selective indication may be widely applicable for cloning novel genes encoding either component of flavin reductase or flavin-dependent monooxygenase which efficiently couples with the other component in two-component monooxygenases.  相似文献   

Lancaster CR 《FEBS letters》2003,545(1):52-60
Electrostatic interactions play a key role in the coupling of electron and proton transfer in membrane protein complexes during the conversion of the energy stored in sunlight or reduced substrates into biochemical energy via a transmembrane electrochemical proton potential. Principles of charge stabilization within membrane proteins are reviewed and discussed for photosynthetic reaction centers, cytochrome c oxidases, and diheme-containing quinol:fumarate reductases. The impact of X-ray structure-based electrostatic calculations on the functional interpretation of these structural coordinates, on providing new explanations for experimental observations, and for the design of more focused additional experiments is illustrated by a number of key examples.  相似文献   

Arenicins are 21-residue cationic antimicrobial peptides, isolated from marine polychaeta Arenicola marina. In order to determine a high-resolution three-dimensional structure of arenicin-2, the recombinant peptide was overexpressed as a fused form in Escherichia coli. Both arenicin isoforms were synthesized using the Fmoc-based solid-phase strategy. Recombinant and synthetic arenicins were purified, and their antimicrobial and spectroscopic properties were analyzed. NMR investigation shows that in water solution arenicin-2 displays a prolonged beta-hairpin, formed by two antiparallel beta-strands and stabilized by one disulfide and nine hydrogen bonds. A significant right-handed twist in the beta-sheet is deprived the peptide surface of amphipathicity. CD spectroscopic analysis indicates that arenicin-2 binds to the SDS and DPC micelles, and conformation of the peptide is significantly changed upon binding. Arenicin strongly binds to anionic lipid (POPE/POPG) vesicles in contrast with zwitterionic (POPC) ones. These results suggest that arenicins are membrane active peptides and point to possible mechanism of their selectivity toward bacterial cells.  相似文献   

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