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Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) isolated from the dorsal mesentery and gonadal ridges of 10.5–12.5 days post coitum (dpc) embryos showed a progressively increasing adhesiveness to laminin and fibronectin coated substrates, whereas type I collagen and various glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, heparin and chondroitinsulphates) were poor adhesive substrates. At later stages germ cells appeared to lose their adhesiveness to fibronectin and laminin substrates; the ability to adhere to laminin decreased very rapidly in male and slowly in female germ cells. Oocytes and prospermatogonia from 15.5 dpc fetal gonads showed poor adhesiveness to all substrates tested. PGC adhesion to laminin and fibronectin substrates did not require calcium but was markedly trypsin sensitive. Antibodies against the fibronectin receptor of CHO fibroblasts and short peptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence greatly reduced PGC adhesion to fibronectin. Following adhesion to laminin or fibronectin, most PGCs did not exhibit a morphology typical of motile cells, but remained spherical. A significant proportion (about 30%) of oocytes from 13.5–14.5 dpc embryos appeared, however, able to spread and elongate following attachment to laminin. The results support the hypothesis that mouse PGCs may utilize laminin and/or fibronectin as adhesive substrates during migration and gonad colonization, but indicate that additional factors are probably required to promote PGC motility. In addition, our data provide indirect evidence that binding sites for specific components of extracellular matrix are present in PGCs, and that their expression may be developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a commonly used medium supplement with variable and undefined composition, which presents problems in culture of pluripotent stem cells. The purpose of this study was to determine if FBS can be replaced with Knockout Serum Replacement (KSR), a defined medium supplement, and to examine the effects of FBS and growth factors on short- and long-term culture of pig embryonic germ cells (EGC). No significant differences were observed in total and mean colony areas in primary cultures between FBS- and KSR-supplemented medium (421 x 10(3) mum(2) vs. 395 x 10(3) microm(2), p = 0.68, n = 11, and 6375 microm(2) vs. 6407 microm(2), p = 0.885, respectively). Total and mean colony areas were significantly larger in KSR-supplemented medium compared with medium supplemented with KSR and growth factors (505 x 10(3) microm(2) vs. 396 x 10(3) microm(2), p = 0.016, n = 12, and 8769 microm(2) vs. 6513 microm(2), p = 0.003, respectively). The cultures proliferated for significantly higher numbers of passages in FBS-supplemented medium and in medium supplemented with KSR and growth factors compared with medium containing KSR alone (31.1 vs. 21.9, p = 0.004, n = 10, and 35.5 vs. 21.6, p = 002, n = 10, respectively). Porcine EGC maintained in serum-free conditions were positive for pluripotent stem cell markers, maintained stable karyotypes for up to 54 passages, and were capable of differentiating in vitro into cells from the three primary germ layers. These results will help improve and standardize culture of pluripotent stem cells in the pig.  相似文献   

In vitro survival and proliferation of porcine primordial germ cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Shim H  Anderson GB 《Theriogenology》1998,49(3):521-528
Primordial germ cells (PGC) collected from the genital ridge of Day 25 porcine embryos were cultured on STO feeder cells in medium with or without supplemented growth factors. The effects on porcine PGC proliferation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), LIF + stem cell factor (SCF) or LIF + SCF + basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), growth factors shown to be essential for in vitro survival and proliferation of murine PGC, were tested. After histochemical staining, both freshly collected and cultured PGC expressed alkaline phosphatase activity. With or without supplemented growth factors, porcine PGC survived and proliferated in culture for at least 5 d. None of the growth factors tested markedly enhanced in vitro growth of porcine PGC. These results suggest that growth factors provided by either the STO feeder layer or the cultured PGC themselves are sufficient to support in vitro survival and proliferation of porcine PGC. With the support of STO cells, addition of growth factors shown to be essential for the in vitro growth of murine PGC is not required for survival and proliferation of cultured porcine PGC.  相似文献   

Fetuin: the mucoprotein of fetal calf serum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

In addition to its role in somatic cell development in the testis, our data have revealed a role for Fgf9 in XY germ cell survival. In Fgf9-null mice, germ cells in the XY gonad decline in numbers after 11.5 days post coitum (dpc), while germ cell numbers in XX gonads are unaffected. We present evidence that germ cells resident in the XY gonad become dependent on FGF9 signaling between 10.5 dpc and 11.5 dpc, and that FGF9 directly promotes XY gonocyte survival after 11.5 dpc, independently from Sertoli cell differentiation. Furthermore, XY Fgf9-null gonads undergo true male-to-female sex reversal as they initiate but fail to maintain the male pathway and subsequently express markers of ovarian differentiation (Fst and Bmp2). By 14.5 dpc, these gonads contain germ cells that enter meiosis synchronously with ovarian gonocytes. FGF9 is necessary for 11.5 dpc XY gonocyte survival and is the earliest reported factor with a sex-specific role in regulating germ cell survival.  相似文献   

Cryptobia salmositica multiplied rapidly at 10 C in a minimum essential medium (containing 1.0 mg glucose/ml, Hanks' salts and L-glutamine) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS) and HEPES buffer (25 mM). The multiplication rate of C. salmositica was related to the amount of FBS; the peak number (approximately 9 x 10(6) parasites/ml) was attained in about 6 wk when the medium contained 25% final concentration of FBS. Glucose utilization was related to the number of parasites; the maximum utilization was reached before peak numbers. Formation of rosette colonies was correlated with multiplication rate and numbers of parasites in cultures. Degenerate round forms found in old cultures probably were caused by the accumulation of metabolic wastes in the medium.  相似文献   

Fetal calf serum and a serum substitute, Ultroser G, were compared for their effects on the growth curves, clonal growth and cell cycle progression of rabbit chondrocytes in primary culture and during at least three cell passages and included a screen for the maintenance of cartilage-like differentiation i.e. the presence of type II collagen. Proliferation was also compared with another serum substitute, Nu-Serum. Ultroser G is shown to be equivalent to fetal calf serum as far as chondrocyte proliferation is concerned, clonal growth is improved and biosynthesis of type II collagen is maintained in primary culture.  相似文献   

Inconsistent results among reports on cadmium genotoxicity revealed that certain confounding factors might significantly influence the outcomes of assessment. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-W8) cells, chromosome aberration induced by six different cadmium compounds was found positively associated with intracellular cadmium concentration. A parallel association was also observed among different CHO strains treated with same cadmium compound, the cadmium acetate. Both the cadmium-induced chromosome aberration and cadmium uptake were influenced by the presence of fetal calf serum (FCS). The presence of 10% FCS during the 2 h treatment period greatly retarded the cellular cadmium uptake, and concurrently reduced the chromosome aberration induction. Other factors such as specific cadmium anion involved and the duration of cadmium treatment period in the investigation also influenced the assessment results of cadmium-induced chromosome aberration. In the protocol with a 2 h pulse treatment, cadmium acetate, chloride and sulfate induced more chromosome aberration than cadmium nitrate, carbonate and oxide. When cadmium was present in the culture of the entire treatment period for 18 h, the results went the opposite way. Cadmium nitrate, carbonate and oxide induced significant chromosome aberration, while other three cadmium compounds gave negative results. Cadmium compounds did not induce significant SCE at the same dose level that yielded significant chromosome aberration induction, either in the protocol with the short pulse or long treatment period.  相似文献   

Summary— Human luteal granulosa cells, harvested from preovulatory follicles during in vitro fertilization attempts, were cultured in a serum-precoated substratum (‘serum cells’) or on a collagen matrix (‘collagen cells’). Concerning the ‘serum cell’ model, E2 secretion was very low in the absence of androgen; when androstenedione was added to the culture medium, cells secreted 180 ± 52 pmol/ml/24 h of estradiol, 440 ± 78 pmol/ml/24 h of testosterone and lower quantities of estrone and estriol. Follicle stimulating hormone induced a significant increase in estradiol and estriol, while the secretion of the other steroids was not altered. The secretion of progesterone was 3.15 ± 1 nmol/ml/24 h and significantly enhanced by luteinizing hormone (+ 95%; P < 0.01). The secretions of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone and 20α-dihydroprogesterone were low and not modified by luteinizing hormone. ‘Collagen cells’, in basal conditions, showed an increased secretion of estradiol (+ 50%, P < 0.05), became rounded and were less responsive to gonadotropins when compared with ‘serum cells’. Thus, the use of a collagen matrix, similarly to gonadotropins, stimulated granulosa cell steroidogenesis in relation to modifications of cell shape. The higher responsiveness of serum cells to gonadotropins makes this model more suitable for physiological and pharmacological studies than the collagen one.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - Serum is a common supplement that is widely used to protect various cells and tissues from cryopreservation because it provides the necessary active components for cell...  相似文献   

One of the problems associated with in vitro culture of primordial germ cells (PGCs) is the large loss of cells during the initial period of culture. This study characterized the initial loss and determined the effectiveness of two classes of apoptosis inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and antioxidants on the ability of porcine PGCs to survive in culture. Results from electron microscopic analysis and in situ DNA fragmentation assay indicated that porcine PGCs rapidly undergo apoptosis when placed in culture. Additionally, alpha(2)-macroglobulin, a protease inhibitor and cytokine carrier, and N:-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant, increased the survival of PGCs in vitro. While other protease inhibitors tested did not affect survival of PGCs, all antioxidants tested improved survival of PGCs (P: < 0.05). Further results indicated that the beneficial effect of the antioxidants was critical only during the initial period of culture. Finally, it was determined that in short-term culture, in the absence of feeder layers, antioxidants could partially replace the effect(s) of growth factors and reduce apoptosis. Collectively, these results indicate that the addition of alpha(2)-macroglobulin and antioxidants can increase the number of PGCs in vitro by suppressing apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanism of action of fetal calf serum (FCS) on GH3 pituitary tumour cells by measuring intracellular free calcium levels. On the addition of FCS (1%) there was a transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels which was attenuated in conditions of reduced extracellular calcium concentrations. The Ca2+ response was abolished by the prior addition of lanthanum chloride (1mM). In contrast, the elevation of cytosolic calcium levels by TRH (100nM), an agonist which causes the mobilisation of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum, was attenuated but not abolished by lanthanum chloride (1mM). We suggest that FCS (1%) causes the release of calcium from the plasma membrane and the influx of calcium from the extracellular milieu, but does not mobilise calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and its regulation in amnion, chorion, and decidual cells in the presence and absence of fetal calf serum (FCS), and in the absence of FCS but with supplementation with substrate arachidonic acid (AA). Basal rates of PGE2 biosynthesis in amnion, chorion and decidual cell cultures were significantly reduced in the absence of FCS. The magnitudes of the responses to various stimulatory agents were different between cells from different tissues and the different culture media. We conclude that these different experimental conditions must be taken into account when interpreting the results of such in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Unprimed murine lymphocytes maintained in culture medium containing fetal calf serum (FCS) and 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) developed very high levels of anti-trinitrophenyl (TNP) plaque forming cells (PFC). Both FCS and 2-ME contributed to the response. The development of anti-TNP PFC during culture was accompanied by a 10-fold expansion in the number of immunoglobulin-secreting cells, indicating polyclonal stimulation. However, the number of anti-TNP PFC was disproportionately high and not accompanied by a similar increase in plaques specific for sheep red blood cells. The TNP-specific plaques were not artifacts of the plaque assay since they were 98% inhibited by specific antigen. The in vitro induction of anti-TNP PFC by FCS and 2-ME was common to a number of mouse strains, although some genetic variation occurred. Nylon-wool-separated B cells, nude mouse spleen cells, and bone marrow cells all produced high levels of anti-TNP after culture with medium containing FCS and 2-ME. The addition of T cells to B-cell cultures increased the numbers of anti-TNP PFC by 1.5- to 2.5-fold. The presence of a TNP-cross-reacting antigen in FCS probably contributed to the unexpectedly high anti-TNP response. The response to the antigen in FCS was potentiated by the enhancing activity of 2-ME.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare fetal calf serum, new-born calf serum and normal steer serum as medium supplements in the development of bovine morulae in vitro . Bovine morulae were cultured in Hams F-10 tissue culture medium (HF-10) supplemented with 5% or 10% (v/v) fetal calf serum (FCS), new-born calf serum (NBCS) or normal steer serum (NSS). Embryos were recovered at slaughter from mixed bred donor cows of mixed breeding following estrus synchronization with prostaglandin and superovulation with follicle stimulating hormone. A total of 88 morulae were recovered, washed in HF-10 + 1% Bovine Serum Albumin and randomly assigned to treatments. Embryos were cultured in microdrops of medium under paraffin oil at 37 degrees C in a 5% CO(2) humidified atmosphere. Observations for stage of development were made every 24 hours. In vitro development was analyzed by assigning to each embryo a value of 0-5 based on the most advanced stage reached (0= no development, 5= development to a hatched blastocyst). Analysis of variance of these data revealed a significant treatment effect (P<.001) while no level effect or treatment x level interaction was apparent. Comparison of treatment means by Duncans new mulitple range test showed that NSS was superior to NBCS (P<.05) which was in turn superior to FCS (P<.05) as supplements of HF-10 in promoting the in vitro development of bovine morulae.  相似文献   

猪原始生殖细胞的分离、培养与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Embryonic germ cells (EG cells) are pluripotential undifferentiated stem cells isolated from cultured primordial germ cells (PGCs). Like ES cells, EG cells are of importance for gene targeting, therapeutical cloning and organ trans-plantation. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize EG cells from porcine PGCs. The genital ridges from 24- 26 days old porcine embryos were treated in 0.02% EDTA for 20 min and pricked with a needle to release PGCs. The isolated PGCs were cultured on a SNL feeder layer in an EG cell medium. The EG cell medium consisted of Dulbecco‘‘s modified Eagle‘‘ s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 20 % Buffalo rat lever (BRL) cell-conditioned medium, 15 % fe-tal bovine serum, 1 mmol L-glutamine, 0.1 mol nonessential amino acids, 10 μmol β-mercaptoethanol and antibiotics.The freshly isolated PGCs were positive for alkaline phosphatase activity and Periodic acid-Schiff‘‘ s staining. Under this culture regime, PGCs could be maintained in an undifferentiated state and used for further cultures. One strain of the cul-tured PGCs was cultured 8 times, and alkaline phosphatase activity was detected in the colony formed from this strain.These cultured PGCs could spontaneously differentiate into fibroblast-like cells. These data suggested that we had success-fully isolated EG-like cells from oorcine PGCs.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) of porcine mature oocytes was revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after treatment with tannic acid and ruthenium red. Present in the perivitelline space (PVS) and on the surface of the zona pellucida (ZP), it appeared to be composed of thin filaments and granules at the interconnections of the filaments, which were interpreted respectively as hyaluronic acid chains and bound proteoglycans. In order to determine whether this material is produced by the corona cells (the same ECM was found also on the surface of the zona pellucida and between cumulus cells) or by the oocyte itself, the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycosaminoglycans was checked by autoradiography on semi-thin and thin sections observed by light and electron microscopy. Immature oocytes within or without cumulus cells, were incubated with L [3H-] fucose or L [3H-] glucosamine – precursors respectively of glycoproteins and hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan (HA) bound to proteoglycans – for various times (with or without chase) and at different stages during in vitro maturation. In the first case, incorporation was found in both cumulus cells and ooplasm (notably in the Golgi area for 3H-fucose) and labeled material accumulated in the ECM of the PVS and of the ZP surface. Labeling in the PVS with both precursors was maximum between metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII) and was partially extracted by hyaluronidase but not by neuraminidase. Tunicamycin, an inhibitor of glycoprotein synthesis, significantly decreased the amount of 3H-fucose labeled molecules in the PVS and increased the incidence of polyspermic penetration during subsequent in vivo fertilization. Since cumulus-free oocytes also secreted 3H-glucosamine containing compounds, both oocyte and cumulus cells probably contribute to the production of the ECM found in the PVS of mature oocytes. ECM and particularly its HA moiety present on both sides of the ZP may constitute a favourable factor for sperm penetration.  相似文献   

The goal of our research is to understand reciprocal relationships between cell function and tissue organization. We studied the regulation of fibroblast activity in an in vitro culture model that recapitulates in continuous fashion the cycle of events occurring during connective tissue repair. We present evidence that concomitant with spatial reorganization of the extracellular matrix, there was a dramatic decline in extracellular matrix synthesis and cell proliferation. Therefore, spatial reorganization was a crucial turning point for fibroblast activity. Factors that regulated the timing of spatial reorganization included serum, transforming growth factor beta, and fibronectin. By accelerating spatial reorganization of the cultures, transforming growth factor beta led to a relative decrease in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. By retarding spatial reorganization of the cultures, fibronectin led to a relative increase in cell proliferation and extracellular matrix synthesis. The results indicate that spatial information in the three-dimensional cell-matrix interaction permits higher order, tissue-level regulation of fibroblast function.  相似文献   

Recently, the hypothesis has been put forward that 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), an aldehydic product of lipid peroxidation, contributes to the mechanism of oxygen toxicity and to the selective pressure exerted by exposure to hyperoxia. Here it has been studied whether HNE itself is involved in mechanisms that convey increased resistance of the cells to the toxicity of HNE. The following four cell lines, different in their basic biological features, were used: nonmalignant Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts V79 (established cell line), human carcinoma HeLa (established cell line), pigmented murine melanoma B16f10 (primary culture), and amelanotic murine melanoma B16BL6 (primary culture). The cells were pretreated in vitro with a toxic dose of HNE (50 μM), and afterwards the effects of a second exposure to the same dose of HNE on 3H-thymidine incorporation was examined. Cells were cultured in the absence and in the presence of fetal calf serum (FCS), because it had been shown that a growth modifying effect of HNE depends on an unknown serum factor. The results showed that, regardless of the type of cells, preculturing them with 50 μM HNE in the presence of serum changed the reactivity of the cells to added serum as well as to additional HNE treatment. Thus, HNE precultured cells incorporated less 3H-thymidine in the presence of serum than if cultured under serum-free conditions. On the other hand, HNE precultured cells became less sensitive to further HNE treatment, but only if cultured in the presence of serum. It was concluded that a toxic dose of HNE renders surviving cells more resistent to oxidative stress, possibly by forming a bioactive conjugate with a serum peptide/protein. It is supposed that the same humoral factor might be responsible for the growth modifying effects of high doses of HNE as well as for the growth inhibition in the presence of serum observed for HNE precultured cells.  相似文献   

In a human gastric biopsy specimen, 30% of adhering Helicobacter pylori strain AF4 (cagA and VacA positive) was associated with adhesion pedestals. In an AGS cell assay, only a few percent of this type I strain was found to be associated with adhesion pedestals. Nevertheless, a larger proportion of the type I strain was found to invade AGS cells (P < 0.03) and to attach with depressions in the AGS cell membrane (P < 0.03) than a type II strain (cagA and VacA negative). Incubation of AGS cells and H. pylori without adding fetal calf serum (FCS) to the culture medium increased actin accumulations (FITC-phalloidin stained) beneath adhering H. pylori, and decreased H. pylori invasion of AGS cells significantly (P < 0.01). However, no increase in the number of adhesion pedestals was observed by electron microscopy. Proteinase K treatment of FCS eliminated the H. pylori invasion promoting effect (P < 0.01). Our results suggest differences in the ability of H. pylori to induce adhesion pedestals in human gastric epithelial cells and in AGS cells, but a correlation between adhesion pedestal formation in vivo and H. pylori invasion in vitro can be speculated. In addition, H. pylori invasion into AGS cells was found to be mediated by proteins in FCS.  相似文献   

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