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L-谷氨酰胺在强酸性离子交换树脂上的稳定性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了谷氨酰胺在强酸性阳离子交换树脂「氢型」上离子交换时的化学稳定性,结果显示,在典型的及所述其他实验条件下,谷氨酰胺相当稳定。典型离交过程:100ml去菌体谷氨酰胺发酵液含主要成份谷氨酰胺、谷氨酸和硫酸铵分别为312mmol/L、67.0mmol/L和0.75mol/L,离子交换柱床层体积200ml,离交流速1.0BV/h,0.5mol/L氨水洗脱流速0.5BV/h。  相似文献   

L-谷氨酰胺精制纯化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了将谷氨酰胺粗晶进一步精制纯化使其达到国外质量标准要求的方法,报道了对粗晶谷氨酰胺的脱色条件,粗晶谷氨酰胺溶解液上离子交换树脂柱分离的操作技术和用乙醇析晶后得到的纯品谷氨酰胺的质量情况。  相似文献   

离子交换吸附L-色氨酸的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L-色氨酸是含吲哚环的芳香族氨基酸,也是人类必需的氨基酸之一,目前,工业上除部分采用化学合成法外,主要采用前体发酵法和酶促转化法生产。随着在医药、食品和饲料加工中应用的开拓,市场的需求量日益增加,色氨酸生产具有广阔的前途。  相似文献   

从苯乙烯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、二乙烯苯合成了具有磺酸、羧酸功能基团的新型Dpsc离子交换树脂,并对其表征了选择性、分离度、理论等板高度。用新型Dpsc离子交换树脂在制备规模从发酵缬氨酸液中分离制备了L-缬氨酸,应用0.2mo·L-1NH4Cl和0.5mol·L-1NH4OH,流速6.0mL·min-1,温度25℃,梯度洗脱,减少保留体积4/5。  相似文献   

离子交换法从生产胱酸废液中分离提取三种碱性氨基酸   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

离子交换法从生产胱氨酸废液中分离提取三种碱性氨基酸   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本研究利用国产732阳离子交换树脂,从生产胱氨酸废液中提取了三种碱性氨基酸。通过实验确定了洗脱分离三种氨基酸:组氨酸、赖氨酸、精氨酸的较适宜工艺条件,并根据平衡原理和色谱理论探讨了洗脱剂阴离子和pH值对洗脱分离的影响规律。有如下关系:设单位体积中离子交换树脂吸附总量为Q,则:注*:K=p/qp、q分别为氨基酸在固定相(树脂)和流动相)(洗脱剂)中所占分数。注:n(max)=r/q:指洗脱出氨基酸最大浓度时洗脱剂用量。其中γ表示理论塔板数。由(4)式可看出,E值增大时n(max)减小,即洗脱剂用量减少,由(3)式可知,pH值直接影响E值大小,不同pH条件下对E的影响如图1。由图1可知,E值随pH变化存在一个突跃阶段。恰当地调节pH值,可大幅度提高洗脱剂的洗脱能力,从而降低洗脱剂用量,降低成本;同时使洗脱后氨基酸与洗脱剂的分离更容易;另外不同的氨基酸由E值表现出的突跃阶段所对应的pH范围是不同的,因此可以利用洗脱剂pH值的改变选择性地洗脱某种特定的氨基酸,使性质类似的三种碱性氨基酸得以分离,由图2表示的实验结果证实了这一点。1.2.洗脱剂中阴离子对阳离子交换树脂洗脱的影响。当洗脱剂阴离子为弱酸根离子(以S-表示?  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺发酵条件的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
以黄色短杆菌SGr和DONr抗性菌株作为生产菌株,在16升罐对产谷氨酰胺的发酵条件进行了研究。试验结果,产谷氨酰胺5.22%,周期44h,转化率33.3%。该变异菌株具有工业化开发的价值。  相似文献   

从发酵液中提取谷氨酰胺工艺的改进   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
为提高谷氨酰胺的提取收率,采用单根弱碱性阴离子交换树脂柱方法来分离提取谷氨酰胺,得到了符合质量要求的谷氨酰胺结晶纯品,采用该法可大量减少酸碱用量并使发酵液中氨酰胺的总提取收率达到57.7%-61.7%。  相似文献   

离子交换法与氨基酸的分离纯化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
离子交换法广泛用于氨基酸的分离纯化。文章综述了离子交换法与氨基酸的分离纯化,包括分离纯化单一氨基酸及对氨基酸混合物进行分组分离纯化。  相似文献   

离子交换法分离D-天冬氨酸和L-丙氨酸   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对离子交换法分离D-天冬氨酸和L-丙氨酸的工艺条件进行了研究。综合考虑树脂对D-天冬氨酸和L-丙氨酸的吸附容量及相对选择系数,选择了一种适合该体系分离的树脂—XH-1,并对吸附条件及洗脱条件进行了研究,确定了最佳工艺条件,为今后工业应用提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

研究比较了5种树脂对肝素的吸附能力,从中选出S5428阴离子交换树脂来纯化肝素。通过对各因素的研究,确定了树脂对肝素的静态、动态吸附以及解吸的最佳条件。结果表明:静态吸附的温度45℃,pH 8.0的条件下吸附2 h,肝素的吸附率为90.5%;层析柱的动态吸附温度45℃,肝素溶液进样浓度1.0 mg/mL,进样速度1.5 mL/min,树脂柱能处理1.5 BV肝素液而不发生泄露,吸附量为3.05 mg/mL,达到饱和吸附时可处理4BV的料液,吸附量为9.18 mg/mL;采用2.0 mol/L NaCl洗脱,洗脱流速1.5 mL/min,肝素解吸率可达95.8%,肝素效价可达150 U/mg,效价回收率98%。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to mask the bitter taste of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (DPH) using cation exchange resins. Indion 234 and Tulsion 343 that contained crosslinked polyacrylic backbone were used. The drug resin complexes (DRC) were prepared by batch process by taking drug: resin ratios 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The optimum drug: resin ratio and the time required for maximum complexation was determined. The drug resinates were evaluated for the drug content, taste, micromeritic properties drug release and X-ray diffraction (PXRD). Effervescent and dispersible tablets were developed from optimum drug: resin ratios of 1:2 and 1:1. The formulations were evaluated for uniformity of dispersion, disintegration time, and in vitro dissolution. The X-ray diffraction study confirmed the monomolecularity of entrapped drug in the resin beads. The taste evaluation depicted the successful taste masking of DPH with drug resin complexes. The drug release of 95% in 15 min was observed for effervescent and dispersible tablets.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics and energetics of the ion exchange of four amino acids at a cellulosic ion exchanger have been studied. Experimental work included determination of ion exchange isotherms and the use of high-sensitivity titration microcalorimetry. A rigorous thermodynamic analysis of the data was developed allowing calculation of the standard free energy, the standard enthalpy, and standard entropy of exchange, and also the differential free energy, incremental enthalpy, and incremental entropy of exchange. The results show that the relative contributions of the enthalpy and entropy to the overall free energy differ markedly for the chosen amino acids. The reasons for these differences are analyzed and discussed. A knowledge of these fundamental thermodynamic properties indicates the solution conditions likely to give enhanced affinity of the ion exchanger for selected amino acids. The experimental techniques and analysis procedures developed are generally applicable to ion exchange separations of biomolecules. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Chromium present in the forms of Cr(VI) or Cr(III) in soils. Since the toxicity and mobility of Cr(VI) are higher than those of Cr(III), it would be important to estimate soil Cr(VI) accurately in order to assess the phytotoxicity of Cr. Soil redox potential can influence the distribution of Cr between Cr(VI) and Cr(III) forms, and thus an in situ method which is not affected by the soil redox condition is needed for determining Cr(VI) availability in paddy fields. In this study, the Cu-saturated selective ion exchange resin (DOWEX M4159), serving as an infinite sink, was embedded in soils to extract available Cr(VI) from three representative saturated soils with different amounts of Cr(VI). The results suggested that Cr(VI) reduction occurred in the flooded soils, and the acid environment favored the adsorption and reduction of Cr(VI). There was a significant dose-response relationship between the soil resin-extractable Cr(VI) and the plant height of rice seedlings for test soils. The experimental results suggested that the embedded selective ion exchange resin method could be a suitable in situ method for assessing the phytotoxicity of Cr in flooded soils.  相似文献   

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