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Leech neurogenesis. II. Mesodermal control of neuronal patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports analyses of the effects of eliminating mesoderm from one or both sides of embryos of the glossiphoniid leech Theromyzon rude on the differentiation and distribution of ectodermal cells, especially identified peripheral neurons and central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-containing neurons arising from the bilateral pair of cell lines called the n bandlets (n-kinship cells). In mesoderm-deprived regions, no segmental hemiganglia formed, and identified neurons were not organized into recognizable patterns, although 5-HT neurons underwent neurochemical differentiation and grew axons. In unilaterally mesoderm-deprived embryos, segmental hemiganglia were formed in a midbody experimental zone, and cells that had abnormally crossed the ventral midline from the deprived side gave rise to identified neurons that were incorporated as supernumeraries into the normal organization of hemiganglia on the nondeprived side. In a posterior experimental zone, ganglionic morphology was disrupted on both sides. We conclude that precursor cells are committed to specific neuronal fates regardless of whether they occupy normal positions and that mesodermal tissues provide positional cues necessary for such precursor cells to find positions appropriate to their fates.  相似文献   

The stereotyped distribution of identified neurons and glial cells in the leech nervous system is the product of stereotyped cell migrations and rearrangements during embryogenesis. To examine the dependence of long-distance cell migrations on positional cues provided by other tissues, embryos of Theromyzon rude were examined for the effects of selective ablation of various embryonic cell lines on the migration and final distribution of neural and glial precursor cells descended from the bilaterally paired ectodermal cell lines designated q bandlets. The results suggest that neither the commitment of q-bandlet cells to migrate nor the general lateral-to-medial direction of their migration depend on interactions with any other cell line. However, the ability of the migrating cells to follow their normal pathways and to find their normal destinations does depend on interactions with cells of the mesodermal cell line, which appears to provide positional cues that specify the migration pathways.  相似文献   

The o and p bandlets of the leech embryo are parallel columns of ectodermal blast cells which are identified by their relative positions, and which during normal embryogenesis follow distinct developmental pathways. A previous study showed that o blast cells are initially capable of following either the O or P pathway, and suggested that commitment to the O pathway depends upon interaction with the adjacent p bandlet. To better understand the nature and timing of this interaction we examined the fate of o blast cells whose p blast cell neighbors had been selectively ablated by photoexcitation of a fluorescent lineage tracer. If an o blast cell has not yet begun its secondary divisions, its normal commitment to the O pathway can be effectively prevented by ablation of the adjacent p bandlet. Comparing the outcome of progressively later lesions reveals that the progeny of the o blast cell become committed to the O pathway in a series of three discrete steps, and that these steps occur around the time of the first three blast cell divisions. Each of the three events affects a different subset of elements within the blast cell clone, and apparently commits those elements to either the O or P pathway depending upon the presence or absence of the other bandlet. These changes in blast cell fate are coextensive with the lesion along the bandlet's length, suggesting that the interaction of the two bandlets is localized to neighboring cells.  相似文献   

Morphogenetic cell interactions during development were studied by combining cell ablation and cell lineage tracing techniques in embryos of the leech Helobdella triserialis. Ablation of an identified ectodermal teloblast, or teloblast precursor blastomere, on one side of an early embryo was often found to result in the later abnormal migration of the progeny cells of the corresponding contralateral, nonablated teloblast to the ablated side of the embryo; such abnormal migration was termed “midline violation.” Two different kinds of midline violation were observed. Crossover: after ablation of an N teloblast individual stem cell progeny of the contralateral N teloblast sometimes cross the ventral midline of the germinal plate of the embryo. Switching: after ablation of an OPQ teloblast precursor bandlets of stem cells produced by the contralateral O, P, or Q teloblasts sometimes switch to the germinal band of the ablated side at the site of origin of the germinal bands. The occurrence of crossover and switching shows that the eventual site occupied by a progeny cell of a particular teloblast is not automatically determined by its lineage, but also depends on interactions with other cells. Midline violation in the leech embryo CNS does not constitute true regulation, however, since the restoration of neurons to the ablated side is accompanied by a neuron deficit on the nonablated side. The occurrence of the two distinct kinds of midline violation, crossover and switching, may be explained by the relative position of the stem cell bandlets within the germinal bands, and by the geometrical features of the formation of the germinal plate from the germinal bands.  相似文献   

Cell division patterns and cell-cell interactions in the germinal bands of the glossiphoniid leech Helobdella triserialis were studied with the aid of a cell lineage tracer dye. Each germinal band of the Helobdella embryo consists of five columns, or bandlets, of primary blast cells, designated as the mesodermal m bandlet and ectodermal n, o, p, and q bandlets. Primary blast cells of each ectodermal bandlet appear to undergo stereotyped, lineage-specific cell divisions. The metameric segmentation pattern of the leech thus appears to arise through a series of segmentally iterated, stereotyped cell divisions of serially homologous primary blast cell clones. Cell-cell interactions were studied by means of cell ablations. With one exception, blast cells underwent their stereotyped divisions without regard to the presence or absence of their normal neighbors. In the one exceptional case, o blast cells underwent divisions normally characteristic of p blast cells when their normal neighboring p bandlet was deleted. However, both o and p blast cells underwent their normal stereotyped divisions when their neighboring m, n, and q bandlets were deleted. It is proposed that the differential choice of pathway by the o and p blast cells depends upon their relative position with respect to each other and to a polarity cue external to the germinal band.  相似文献   

In embryonic development of the leech Helobdella triserialis, each of the four paired positionally identifiable, ectodermal teloblasts (N, O, P, and Q) generates a bandlet of blast cell progeny that merges with ipsilateral bandlets into a germinal band. Left and right germinal bands coalesce into the germinal plate which gives rise to the segmental tissues of the leech and wherein the progeny of each teloblast generate a characteristic pattern of epidermal and neuronal cells. Experiments reported here show that the positionally identified O teloblast sometimes generates the P pattern and vice versa. The reversal of these teloblasts' generative identities was shown to correspond to the formation of chiasmata by their blast cell bandlets, so that the positions of their bandlets in the germinal band are reversed as well. Thus it is the position of the bandlet in the germinal band, rather than the position of the parent teloblast, which correlates with the fate of o and p blast cells. Moreover, two types of ablation experiments have shown that, in the absence of generative P teloblast progeny, those cells which would normally generate the O pattern take on a new fate and give rise to the P pattern in the nervous system, both at the gross pattern level in the segmental ganglia, and at the level of identified neurons in the peripheral nervous system. If related, these phenomena suggest that the O and P teloblasts, which derive from the symmetric cleavage of the OP proteloblasts, have a common developmental pluripotency. And in that case, the fates of their progeny are determined hierarchically on the basis of relative position in the nascent germinal band, with P-type fate being preferred.  相似文献   

Ectodermal segmentation in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex is a process of separation of 50-microm-wide blocks of cells from the initially continuous ectodermal germ band (GB), a cell sheet consisting of four bandlets of blast cells derived from ectoteloblasts (N, O, P and Q). In this study, using intracellular lineage tracers, we characterized the morphogenetic processes that give rise to formation of these ectodermal segments. The formation of ectodermal segments began with formation of fissures, first on the ventral side and then on the dorsal side of the GB; the unification of these fissures gave rise to separation of a 50-microm-wide block of approximately 30 cells from the ectodermal GB. A set of experiments in which individual ectoteloblasts were labeled showed that as development proceeded, an initially linear array of blast cells in each ectodermal bandlet gradually changed its shape and that its contour became indented in a lineage-specific manner. These morphogenetic changes resulted in the formation of distinct cell clumps, which were separated from the bandlet to serve as segmental elements (SEs). SEs in the N and Q lineages were each comprised of clones of two consecutive primary blast cells. In contrast, in the O and P lineages, individual blast cell clones were distributed across SE boundaries; each SE was a mixture of a part of a more anterior clone and a part of the next more posterior clone. Morphogenetic events, including segmentation, in an ectodermal bandlet proceeded normally in the absence of neighboring ectodermal bandlets. Without the underlying mesoderm, separated SEs failed to space themselves at regular intervals along the anteroposterior axis. We suggest that ectodermal segmentation in Tubifex consists of two stages, autonomous morphogenesis of each bandlet leading to generation of SEs and the ensuing mesoderm-dependent alignment of separated SEs.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of neural crest formation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The insect central nervous system (CNS) is composed of a brain and a chain of segmental ganglia; each hemiganglion contains about 1000 individually identifiable neurons. How is the enormous neuronal diversity and specificity generated? Neurons of a hemiganglion largely arise during embryogenesis from a stereotyped pattern of individually identified neuronal precursor cells, called neuroblasts (NBs). The transition from ectoderm to individual neurons thus involves two major steps: first, an undifferentiated ectodermal cell sheet produces the stereotyped pattern of 30 NBs per hemisegment; second, each of these NBs contributes a specific family of neuronal progeny to the developing CNS. We have used a laser microbeam to ablate individual cells in the grasshopper embryo in order to study the initial events of neuronal determination. In particular, how does a layer of apparently equivalent ectodermal cells produce a highly stereotyped pattern of unique NBs? Our results suggest the following mechanism for NB determination. (1) Cell interactions between the approximately 150 equivalent ectodermal cells of a hemisegment allow 30 cells to enlarge into NBs. (2) As these young NBs enlarge they inhibit adjacent ectodermal cells from becoming NBs; the adjacent cells then either differentiate into nonneuronal support cells or die. (3) Each NB is assigned a unique identity due to its position of enlargement within the neuroepithelium. (4) The NB then generates its characteristic family of neurons by an invariant cell lineage. Development of the insect CNS depends on cell interactions and positional cues to create a pattern of NBs, and then on cell lineage to restrict the fate of the NB progeny.  相似文献   

The spinal cord of early zebrafish embryos contains a small number of neuronal classes whose growth cones all follow stereotyped, cell-specific pathways to their targets. Two classes of spinal neurons make cell-specific turns at or near the ventral midline of the spinal cord, which is occupied by a single row of midline floor plate cells. We tested whether these cells guide the growth cones by examining embryos missing the midline floor plate cells due either to laser ablation of the cells or to a mutation (cyc-1). In these embryos the growth cones followed both normal and aberrant pathways once near the ventral midline. This suggests that normally the midline floor plate cells do provide guidance cues, but that these cues are not obligatory.  相似文献   

In embryos of clitellate annelids (i.e. oligochaetes and leeches), four ectodermal teloblasts (ectoteloblasts N, O, P and Q) are generated on either side through a stereotyped sequence of cell divisions of a proteloblast, NOPQ. The four ectoteloblasts assume distinct fates and produce bandlets of smaller progeny cells, which join together to form an ectodermal germ band. The pattern of the germ band, with respect to the ventrodorsal order of the bandlets, has been highly preserved in clitellate annelids. We show that specification of ectoteloblast lineages in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex involves cell interaction networks distinct from those in leeches. Cell ablation experiments have shown that fates of teloblasts N, P and Q in Tubifex embryos are determined rigidly as early as their birth. In contrast, the O teloblast and its progeny are initially pluripotent and their fate becomes restricted to the O fate through an inductive signal emanating from the P lineage. In the absence of this signal, the O lineage assumes the P fate. These results differ significantly from those obtained in embryos of the leech Helobdella, suggesting the diversity of patterning mechanisms that give rise to germ bands with similar morphological pattern.  相似文献   

Segmental tissues of glossiphoniid leeches arise from rostrocaudally arrayed columns (bandlets) of segmental founder cells (primary m, n, o, p, and q blast cells) which undergo stereotyped sublineages to generate identifiable subsets of definitive progeny. The bandlets lie at the surface of the embryo beneath the squamous epithelium of a transient embryonic covering called the provisional integument. This "provisional epithelium" derives from microsomes produced during the early cleavage divisions. Previous experiments have shown that the primary o and p blast cells constitute an equivalence group, i.e., are initially developmentally equipotent and undergo hierarchical interactions which cause them to assume distinct O and P fates. Here, we examine the role of the provisional epithelium in determining the fates of the underlying o and p blast cells. Experiments entailing the microinjection of individual micromeres with cell lineage tracers show that, at stages 7-8 of normal development, the epithelium comprises coherent and relatively stereotyped domains derived from particular micromeres. Upon photoablating domains of epithelium labeled with photosensitizing lineage tracer, the normal assignment of O fates is disturbed; o blast cells divide symmetrically (as p blast cells do) and some supernumerary definitive progeny expressing P fates arise within the O lineage. We therefore conclude that the epithelium is essential for generation and/or reception of signal(s) by which the o and p blast cells' normally determine their fates. Finally, a new tracer substance, biotinylated fixable dextran (BFD), is described which was essential for this study by virtue of its superior resistance to photobleaching and which offers several other advantages as well.  相似文献   

Segmentally iterated tissues of the mature leech comprise five distinct sets of definitive progeny that arise from chains of blast cells (m, n, o, p, and q bandlets) produced by five bilateral pairs of stem cells (M, N, O/P, O/P, and Q teloblasts). In each n and q bandlet, two blast cells are needed to generate one set of hemisegmental progeny, and two alternating classes of blast cells (nf and ns, qf and qs) can be distinguished after their first divisions. Furthermore, two distinct subsets of definitive N and Q progeny exist within each hemisegment. Here we first show that there is fixed correspondence between the class of blast cell and the subset of final progeny: ns cells contribute mainly anterior ganglionic neurons and epidermal cells; nf cells contribute mainly posterior ganglionic neurons, peripheral neurons and neuropil glia; qs cells contribute both ventral and dorsal progeny; and qf cells contribute only dorsal progeny. Second, ablation studies indicate that the two classes of n blast cells do not behave as an equivalence group in the germinal band. Finally, we show that the cycles giving rise to nf and ns blast cells differ. These data suggest that cellular interactions within the germinal band may not be critical in establishing the distinct nf and ns cell fates and that, conversely, differences between the two classes of n blast cells may be established at birth.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells able to differentiate into many cell types in vitro, thus providing a potential unlimited supply of cells for cognitive in vitro studies and cell-based therapy. We recently reported their efficient ability to recapitulate ectodermal and epidermal fates and form, in culture, a multilayered epidermis coupled with an underlying dermal compartment, similar to native skin. Thus, ES cells have the potential to recapitulate the reciprocal instructive ectodermal-mesodermal commitments, characteristic of embryonic skin formation. We clarified the function of BMP-4 in the binary neuroectodermal choice by stimulating sox-1+ neural precursors to undergo specific apoptosis while inducing epidermal differentiation. We further demonstrated that p63 stimulates ectodermal cell proliferation and is necessary for epidermal commitment. We provided further evidence that this unique cellular model provides a powerful tool to identify the molecular mechanisms controlling normal skin development and to investigate human ectodermal dysplasia congenital pathologies linked to p63 (in p63-ectodermal dysplasia human congenital pathologies). Epidermal stem cell activity has been used for years to repair skin injuries, but ex vivo keratinocyte amplification has limitations and grafted skin homeostasis is not totally satisfactory. Human ES cells raise hopes that the understanding of developmental steps leading to the generation of epidermal stem cells will once be translated into therapeutic benefit. We recently demonstrated that human embryonic stem cells can give rise to a stable somatic ectodermal cell population. Its finite population doubling, normal cell cycle kinetics and the absence of teratoma formation strongly suggest that, although derived from human embryonic stem cells, these ectodermal cells represent a clinically safe somatic cell population. They could thus be particularly useful as a source for committed, homogeneous, non-tumorigenic cell populations to be employed in clinical trials for epithelial stem cell loss.  相似文献   

The proper regulation of temporal and spatial expression of the axon guidance cues and their receptors is critical for the normal wiring of nervous system during development. Netrins, a family of secreted guidance cues, are involved in the midline crossing of spinal commissural axons and in the guidance of cortical efferents. Axons normally lose the responsiveness to their attractants when they arrive at their targets, where the attractant is produced. However the molecular mechanism is still unknown. We investigated the molecular mechanism of down-regulation of netrin-1 signaling in the embryonic cortical neurons. Netrin-1 induced the ubiquitination and proteolytic cleavage of Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), a transmembrane receptor for netrin, in dissociated cortical neurons. A dramatic decrease of DCC level particularly on the cell surface was also observed after netrin-1 stimulation. Specific ubiquitin-proteasome inhibitors prevented the netrin-induced DCC cleavage and decrease of cell surface DCC. We suggest that the ligand-mediated down-regulation of DCC might participate in the loss of netrin-responsiveness in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

Organization of haemopoietic stem cells: the generation-age hypothesis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper proposes that the previous division history of each stem cell is one determinant of the functional organization of the haemopoietic stem cell population. Stem cells from a lineage of stem cells which have generated many stem cells (older stem cells) are used in the animal to form blood before stem cells which have generated few stem cells (younger stem cells). The stem cell generating capacity of a lineage of stem cells is finite. After a given number of generations a stem cell is lost to the stem cell compartment by forming two committed precursors of the cell lines. Its part in blood formation is taken by the next oldest stem cell. We have called this proposal the generation-age hypothesis. Experimental evidence in support of the proposal is presented. We stripped away older stem cells from normal bone marrow and 13 day foetal liver with phase-specific drugs and revealed a younger population of stem cells whose capacity for stem cell generation was three- to four-fold greater than that of the average normal, untreated population. We aged normal stem cells by continuous irradiation and serial retransplantation and found that their stem cell generative capacity had declined eight-fold. We measured the stem cell generative capacity of stem cells in the bloodstream. It was a half to a quarter that of normal bone marrow stem cells and we found a subpopulation of circulating stem cells whose capacity for stem cell generation was an eighth to a fortieth that of normal femoral stem cells. This subpopulation was identified by its failure to express the brain-associated antigen which was present on 75% of normal femoral stem cells but was not found on their progeny, the committed precursors of granulocytes.  相似文献   

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