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无齿螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes dehaani)是长江河口中、高潮滩的优势底栖动物之一,具有重要的生态功能.由于其经济价值较低,所受关注很少.本文调查了相似高程芦苇(Phragmites australis)带、芦苇斑块、菰(Zizania aquatica)植被以及裸地4种生境中无齿螳臂相手蟹的数量分布及其洞穴的利用情况.有植被分布的3种生境间植株密度、植株高度和植物干重生物量(地上部分)差异显著(P<0.001);4种生境问,陷阱桶采样获取的无齿螳臂相手蟹数量分布(P<0.001)和性比(P=0.001)差异显著;裸地区域没有无齿螳臂相手蟹可用的洞穴分布,芦苇带、芦苇斑块和菰植被间无齿螳臂相手蟹可用的洞穴密度(P<0.019)、单位洞穴蟹个体数(P<0.001)差异显著,挖掘洞穴采样获取的无齿螳臂相手蟹密度差异接近显著水平(P=0.067),洞穴占用率(P=0.667)、不同洞穴占用方式频次组成(P>0.05)差异不显著;无齿螳臂相手蟹可利用洞穴密度与植株密度、植物干重生物量显著负相关(P<0.05),而挖掘洞穴采样获取的无齿螳臂相手蟹密度与植株高度(P=0.077)相关性接近显著水平且与洞穴密度(P<0.001)显著正相关.这些结果表明盐沼植被对无齿螳臂相手蟹的分布和洞穴利用存在影响.而进一步探讨盐沼不同植被对无齿螳臂相手蟹分布的影响,需要先了解无齿螳臂相手蟹在不同植被中分布格局在时间上的变化,并结合无齿螳臂相手蟹在不同植被间的迁移行为以及繁殖周期等进行探讨.  相似文献   

福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类生态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林俊辉  郑凤武  何雪宝  王建军 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4910-4919
根据2009年至2012年在福建沿岸5块典型红树林湿地所作的调查资料,分析了福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类的物种多样性、生态分布特点以及与环境因子的关系。研究区域春、秋两季共记录多毛类动物45种,其中沙蚕科、海稚虫科和小头虫科3个科种类最为丰富,种类属性为低盐或广盐性种类。多毛类平均密度和生物量分别为190个/m2和2.17 g/m2,样地×季节双因素方差分析表明,密度在不同样地间差异显著,密度和生物量的季节变化均为春季显著高于秋季。此外,林外光滩的多毛类数量要高于林内,不同样地的摄食群组成各异。红树林断面的平均种类数和多样性指数H'与沉积物粘土含量呈显著负相关,与多毛类类群的大尺度空间分布特征关联最为紧密的因子为地理纬度。  相似文献   

针对双齿近相手蟹Perisesarma bidens 9个群体(龙海、深圳、珠海、阳江、徐闻、企水、清澜港、北海、防城港)228只个体的22项形态比例参数,采用聚类分析、判别分析和主成分分析对群体间形态差异进行了比较。结果表明,聚类分析不能把群体明显地分群;9个群体提取的6个主成分的累积贡献率为84.09%,第一、二主成分绘制的散点图显示,各群体互相重叠,无法区分开来;综合判别准确率为40.8%,判别准确率不高,无法有效地运用判别函数依据个体形态特征进行分类;单因子方差分析显示,各群体大多数变量的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明双齿近相手蟹群体间个体形态有一定差异,可能是受环境影响;差异系数(CD)值均小于亚种分类的阈值1.28,说明群体间的形态差异小,未达到亚种水平。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展, 分布于热带、亚热带沿海潮间带的红树林遭受到各类污染物的威胁。各种陆源有机污染物严重威胁着红树林湿地的水体、沉积物及生物体。汇总我国红树林生态系统水、沉积物及生物体内多环芳烃、多氯联苯、有机氯农药、抗生素、溴代阻燃剂等机污染物的研究结果, 进而评价我国红树林生态系统的有机污染现状及生态风险。总体来看, 已有多种污染物在红树林水体、沉积物及生物体中检出, 有机污染物含量处于较低水平。红树林水体中有农药及抗生素检出; 沉积物中多环芳烃、多氯联苯含量在珠江口地区最高, 二者在沉积物中的潜在生态风险较低; DDT 在红树林沉积物中的生态风险属于较低水平, 但部分红树林区DDT 含量存在超过ERM 的现象, 应引起重视;多溴联苯醚等“新型”有机污染物在珠江口红树林沉积物中普遍检出。多种有机污染物在红树林植物及林内生物体种存在生物富集效应。红树林是多种有机污染物的重要蓄积地。  相似文献   

赵鑫  熊李虎 《动物学杂志》2016,51(3):423-433
蟹类是潮滩沼泽(本文简称潮沼)湿地生态系统底栖动物重要组成之一。蟹类对潮沼植物活体的牧食以及对潮沼植物上筑巢繁殖鸟类的巢捕食表明,潮沼蟹类会攀爬上潮沼植物。然而对于潮沼中蟹类攀爬植物的行为了解甚少。隐秘螳臂相手蟹(Chiromantes neglectum)是长江口及邻近潮沼生态系统中的优势底栖动物之一。本研究在长江口芦苇(Phragmites australis)潮沼中通过野外直接观测计数估计潮沼地表、潮沼植物(芦苇)上隐秘螳臂相手蟹密度的昼夜变化,来分析其攀爬芦苇行为的时间变化规律。攀爬芦苇隐秘螳臂相手蟹密度和地表隐秘螳臂相手蟹密度均具有显著的昼夜差异(所有P0.05),根据隐秘螳臂相手蟹攀爬密度、地表密度的昼夜变化结合野外行为观测发现,隐秘螳臂相手蟹一般在日落前后(17:00~19:00时)开始攀爬芦苇,在日出后(7:00时以后)大部分隐秘螳臂相手蟹都已经从芦苇上撤离回到潮沼表面。隐秘螳臂相手蟹攀爬比例也具有显著的昼夜变化(P0.05),在夜间时段(19:00~5:00时)攀爬比例高于白天时段(5:00~19:00时)(P0.05),夜间时段攀爬比例在0.16~0.34之间,白天时段攀爬比例在0.02~0.15之间。隐秘螳臂相手蟹相手蟹的总密度在各观测时间段间差异显著(P0.05),夜间时段总密度要高于白天时段(P0.05),表明隐秘螳臂相手蟹在白天时段会较多利用潮沼表面的洞穴,从而呈现出从潮沼植被、潮沼地表到潮沼表面洞穴间的昼夜移动。此外,不同观测日期之间隐秘螳臂相手蟹攀爬密度、地表密度、总密度和攀爬比例均存在显著差异(所有P0.05),但是规律性不明显。隐秘螳臂相手蟹的植物攀爬行为似乎与取食芦苇叶片有关系,同时又受到光照强度昼夜变化的影响,具体影响隐秘螳臂相手蟹攀爬芦苇行为的因素以及隐秘螳臂相手蟹攀爬芦苇行为对潮沼湿地生态过程的影响有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

彭红艳  徐婧  王燕  于莉 《菌物研究》2012,(4):266-270
红树林湿地是位于热带、亚热带海湾、河口的潮间带滩涂,是一个复杂、特殊的生态体系。红树林湿地具有丰富的真菌资源,是海洋真菌的第二大类群。文中对红树林湿地海洋真菌界定、资源数量、地理分布及其影响因素和基质多样性进行了概述。  相似文献   

红树林湿地在海岸生态系统维护中的功能*   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
段舜山  徐景亮 《生态科学》2004,23(4):351-355
综述了红树林湿地在海岸生态系统中所具有的维护生物多样性、防风消浪、促淤护岸、防灾减灾、净化海水、调节大气和美化海岸带景观等方面的功能。探讨了广东及华南沿海红树林的分布状况和存在问题,指出了华南沿海现存的红树林湿地正在遭受严重的威胁和破坏。华南沿海现存红树林湿地面积仅有1.5×105hm2,比历史最大面积减少了70%;广东省的红树林湿地由10年前的1.47×104hm2减少到现在的9100hm2,减少了38%。提出了建立和完善红树林自然保护网络系统、积极实施红树林湿地生态修复工程、注重红树林的引种和种苗培育技术研究、充分评估红树林湿地的巨大生态效价等对策与建议。  相似文献   

红树林湿地恢复研究进展   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:14  
红树林是生长在热带、亚热带隐蔽潮间带的独特植物群落,在过去几十年内因人口压力和经济发展而遭到严重破坏,质量下降,面积萎缩.近年来,尽管世界各地采取了一系列措施进行红树林的恢复,然而由于缺乏造林技术资料、造林成活率低下、经营管理粗放,加上人为干扰和自然灾害的影响,红树林面积增长缓慢;造林成活率低依然是制约红树林湿地恢复的主要因素.总结了近年来国内外红树林湿地恢复四个方面的研究成果,即(1)宜林地选择,包括温度、底质、水文的环境条件研究;(2)树种选择与引种,包括乡土树种的选用和外来树种的引种状况;(3)栽培技术的应用,包括造林栽培技术与育苗技术,造林成本的比较;(4)植后管护及监测,包括幼林巡护、病虫害防治、生态监测,结合野外调查的结果,综述了红树林恢复的一些基本原理与应用实例.根据我国红树林湿地恢复的现状,提出今后红树林恢复研究的重点为:开展"退塘还林"工程,监测红树林湿地生态系统生物多样性的恢复,深入探讨红树林的化感作用,营造红树林混交林,实现红树林的生态恢复.  相似文献   

人工红树林湿地系统净化污水研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
咸淡水交接处这种特殊的生境造就了红树植物“抗污”和“降污”的功能,但能否将自然红树林湿地作为污水处理场所目前仍有争议。按照构建的人工红树林湿地的类型,分为三大类:模拟潮汐湿地系统、人工红树林污水处理系统以及红树林种植-养殖生态耦合系统。第一类系统模拟了自然海滩上的潮涨潮落的情形,第二类系统与一般人工湿地相类似,而第三类系统是指在养殖塘种植红树植物以去除有机物和营养盐。不同的类型反映了该领域研究工作的不断深入,展现了红树林湿地净化污水从理论探索向实际应用不断靠近的过程。应用人工红树林湿地净化污水具有较大的可行性,前景可观。  相似文献   

至上世纪末,淇澳岛红树林湿地遭到严重的破坏,互花米草入侵滩涂,相关人士对淇澳岛红树林的恢复做了许多工作.通过对相关文献的查阅与实地调查,总结了淇澳岛红树林湿地的植被群落类型、红树和半红树植物的引种与栽培、互花米草的防治、引进种无瓣海桑在淇澳岛的扩散与入侵性、红树林湿地的生态服务功能以及08年寒害对淇澳岛红树林的影响等方面的研究成果,对华南其他地区红树林湿地的恢复具有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

两种相手蟹对不同红树植物叶片取食的偏好性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李旭林  彭逸生  万如  伍卡兰  陈桂珠 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3752-3759
大型底栖动物是红树林生态系统中重要的消费者,在红树林的营养物质转化和能量传递过程中具有重要作用。通过设置室内模拟饲喂实验,研究了华南沿海红树林大型底栖动物的常见种--无齿相手蟹(Sesarma dehaani)和双齿相手蟹(S.bidens)对外来红树植物无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)和乡土红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)凋落叶片的取食特性。结果表明,随着淋溶作用的进行,各树种叶片中单宁含量和C/N均逐渐降低,两个数值的变化幅度以秋茄叶片最大,分别达(45.85±7.74)g·kg-1和11.24%,无瓣海桑为(45.15±11.14)g·kg-1和2.43%,桐花树则为(18.75±15.15)g·kg-1和-1.36%。随着叶片中单宁含量和C/N的降低,两种相手蟹的取食量相应地呈逐渐上升的趋势,双齿相手蟹从3.097g到10.079g和无齿相手蟹则从2.480g到8.723g。两种相手蟹种间的取食特性差异不显著(P0.05),但对不同树种的取食上却存在显著差异,其中对桐花树的取食偏好性显著差于无瓣海桑和秋茄(P0.01),这主要与桐花树叶片的高单宁含量和低营养价值有关。研究结论说明大面积引种外来物种无瓣海桑将可能对华南沿海红树林生态系统的食物链结构产生潜在影响,并为红树林的生态恢复和科学造林提供了参考。  相似文献   

Feeding plasticity of the Andean plecopteran Klapopteryx kuscheli and Notoperla archiplatae larvae was assessed through a field experiment using enclosures. K. kuscheli has previously been described as a shredder and N. archiplatae as a scraper. Further information on gut contents from different populations supported those results. In the experiment, larvae of both species were exposed to contrasting food items: leaf litter and periphyton. Consumption, growth and the efficiency of food conversion were measured. K. kuscheli was able to feed on periphyton, though it did not grow. N. archiplatae failed to feed on leaf litter. While K. kuscheli might be considered a facultative shredder, N. archiplatae functions as a specialist scraper. The natural distribution and seasonal abundance in two small streams showed contrasting habitat use of both species. N. archiplatae inhabited high velocity runs and riffles underneath large substrates while K. kuscheli presented a higher habitat plasticity. Implications of those results for ecosystem function are discussed. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Hermit crabs, humans and Mozambique mangroves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a complex interrelationship between upper shore hermit crabs (such as Coenobita sp. and Clibanarius sp.), coastal human populations and mangrove forests in Mozambique. The abundance, activity, shell selection and behaviour of three species of hermit crab are related to the level of mangrove cover. With increased density of mangrove trees, the study species of hermit crab changed in abundance, tended to become diurnal, spent more time feeding and were clustered in larger groups when doing so, and selected longer spired shells. All five of the same variables are also linked to the proximity and activity of humans through both direct and indirect actions. Direct effects included a tendency to nocturnal activity with proximity to human activity; indirect effects included increased and more clumped food supplies, and shell middens from intertidal harvesting and deforestation. Mangroves are important to local human populations as well as to hermit crabs, for a wide variety of (similar) reasons. Mangroves provide storm shelter, fisheries and fishery nursery grounds for adjacent human settlements, but they also harbour mosquito populations and their removal provides valuable building materials and fuel. Hermit crabs may be useful (indirectly) to coastal human populations by being a source of food to certain commercial species, and by quickly consuming rotting/discarded food and faeces (thereby reducing disease and pests). They can also cause minor problems to coastal human populations because they use shells of (fisheries) target mollusc species and can be more abundant than the living molluscs, thereby slowing down effective hand collection through confusion over identification. The mixture of positive and negative attributes that the three groups impart to each other in the Quirimba Archipelago, northern Mozambique, is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological processing of leaf litter plays important roles in carbon dynamics of mangrove forests. Fate of leaf litter, that is, removal by crabs, microbial decomposition, and tidal export was quantified in two restored Kandelia obovata forests with ages of 24 years and 48 years, respectively, from December 2009 to November 2010. Crab abundance was also investigated to test the role of crabs in leaf litter processing. Daily leaf litter production was 1.064 ± 0.108 g C m?2 day?1 at the 24‐year forest and was 0.689 ± 0.040 g C m?2 day?1 at the 48‐year forest. Annual mean removal of leaf litter by crabs was lower at the 24‐year forest than at the 48‐year forest (0.177 ± 0.046 g C m?2 day?1 vs. 0.220 ± 0.050 g C m?2 day?1), due to a higher crab abundance at the older forest. Microbial decomposition and change in standing stock of leaf litter on the forest floor made a negligible contribution to the annual leaf litter production. Tidal exports of leaf litter were estimated as 0.875 ± 0.090 g C m?2 day?1 and 0.458 ± 0.086 g C m?2 day?1 at the 24‐year and 48‐year forests, respectively, accounting for 82.2% and 66.5% of their daily leaf litter production. Turnover rate of leaf litter was higher at the younger forest (1.7 ± 0.4 day?1) than the older forest (1.2 ± 0.3 day?1). Removal of leaf litter by crabs was higher in warm months while tidal export of leaf litter showed a much less apparent seasonal pattern. Spatial variations of crab removal and tidal export of leaf litter with forest zones were observed within each forest, while microbial decomposition of leaf litter was comparable among the different zones. These indicated that the ecosystem functions of restored mangrove forest could not reach a level equivalent to those of a mature forest even 24 years after restoration.  相似文献   

黄海南部黄鮟鱇摄食生态   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
张学健  程家骅  沈伟  刘尊雷 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3117-3125
根据对2008年9月至2009年7月在黄海南部所捕获的黄鮟鱇胃含物的分析,对其摄食生态进行了研究。结果表明,黄海南部黄鮟鱇主要摄食小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)、矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)、细条天竺鲷(Apogonichthys lineatus)、带鱼(Trichiurus haumela)、龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)等饵料生物。鱼类是黄鮟鱇最主要的摄食类群,在食物中所占的重量百分比之和为83.44%。黄鮟鱇的摄食强度具有明显的季节变化和体长变化,冬季最高,春季最低;小于100mm体长组最高,大于500mm体长组最低。在4个季节和6个体长组中,小黄鱼都是黄鮟鱇胃中重量百分比最高的饵料生物。矛尾鰕虎鱼和细条天竺鲷在黄鮟鱇幼鱼胃含物中所占比例较高,但在成鱼胃含物中所占比例较低。聚类分析的结果显示,黄鮟鱇在体长为100mm时发生食性转换。黄鮟鱇营养级为3.66,表明其在东、黄海食物网中处于较高的位置。  相似文献   

The benthic marine worm Xenoturbella is frequently contaminated with molluscan DNA, which had earlier caused confusion resulting in a suggested bivalve relationship. In order to find the source of the contaminant, we have used molluscan sequences derived from Xenoturbella and compared them to barcodes obtained from several individuals of the nonmicroscopic molluscs sharing the same environment as Xenoturbella. Using cytochrome oxidase 1, we found the contaminating sequences to be 98% similar to the bivalve Ennucula tenuis. Using the highly variable D1-D2 region of the large ribosomal subunit in Xenoturbella, we found three distinct species of contaminating molluscs, one of which is 99% similar to the bivalve Abra nitida, one of the most abundant bivalves in the Gullmarsfjord where Xenoturbella was found, and another 99% similar to the bivalve Nucula sulcata. These data clearly show that Xenoturbella only contains molluscan DNA originating from bivalves living in the same environment, refuting former hypotheses of a bivalve relationship. In addition, these data suggest that Xenoturbella feeds specifically on bivalve prey from multiple species, possibly in the form of eggs and larvae.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of the black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) from March 1994 to April 1995 in the Community Baboon Sanctuary in northern Belize, Central America. Activity and diet composition were recorded using continuous focal animal sampling. Diet composition was compared with the relative abundance of plant parts eaten by the howlers within the study site. The study animals spent an average of 24.4% of their time feeding, 61.9% resting, and approximately 9.8% traveling. In contrast to previously published reports on A. pigra, we found the diet composition to be similar to that of other Alouatta species (conforming to the folivore/frugivore profile), with 41% of feeding time spent eating fruit, 45% foliage, and 11% flowers. This contrast may indicate a wide degree of dietary flexibility that allows A. pigra to inhabit a variety of habitat types. We suggest that a high level of resource abundance throughout the year makes the Community Baboon Sanctuary excellent habitat for Alouatta pigra. Am. J. Primatol. 45:263–279, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite earlier efforts to understand the role played by grapsid crabs inmangroves, their importance in the structuring and functioning of suchsystems is fully appreciated, particularly with regard to small-scalestudies. The present study provides some new data on the interaction between mangroves and crabs, namely the link between the distribution of particular mangrove tree species and the distribution of certain crab species at the assemblage level. Floristicand faunistic relevés were made in Gazi Bay (2 sites) and Mida Creek(3 sites), 140 km apart on the Kenyan coast, along five transects in aseries of quadrats covering the width of the mangrove belts. Zonation ofboth mangrove vegetation and brachyuran fauna was described and heightabove datum and distance to the mainland (limit of non-flooded area)measured. The relationship between the presence and the absence of crabs andtrees was analysed using detrended correspondence analysis.Summarized, the mangrove tree zonation pattern contains four assemblageswith a particular dominant species: first a landward Avicennia marinazone, followed by a mixed zone with Ceriops tagal, Rhizophoramucronata and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and finally a R.mucronata zone and a Sonneratia alba zone, both of which can mixwith seaward A. marina. Ordination results show that the distributionof Neosarmatium meinerti and Sesarma ortmanni is linked to thelandward A. marina zone, that of Neosarmatium smithii, Sesarma guttatum and Sesarma leptosoma corresponds to the R. mucronata zone and that of Metopograpsus thukuhar and Sesarma elongatum to the seaward A. marina and S. albazone. There appears to be one major underlying factor in the zonation of bothcrabs and trees, with most likely a complex multiple causality. In certaincases the association between crabs and trees are causal, whereas in othercases it can be the result of an independent restriction to the same zonesby a common cause.  相似文献   

Intersexual and seasonal variation in foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. There was a moderate seasonal difference in foraging efficiency (as measured by ‘acceptable food abundance’), with a minimum in dry season and a maximum in Rainy season. The variation between sexes was more distinct with a pronounced minimum in time spent browsing of males in early wet season. By distinguishing between feeding time spent grazing and feeding time spent browsing the seasonal variation was confirmed. The proportion of foraging time spent feeding (expressed as ‘food ingestion rate’) showed an inverse pattern with a maximum in the late dry season (75.5%), decreasing values throughout the Rainy season and a minimum in early dry season (57.8%). Differences between sexes were explained in terms of reproductive demands and seasonal balance in terms of moderate climate throughout the year. Impala foraging patterns in the bimodal tropics (two Rainy seasons) is discussed and compared with unimodal tropics. The findings are matched against current ideas on optimal foraging.  相似文献   

The visual ecology of fiddler crabs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With their eyes on long vertical stalks, their panoramic visual field and their pronounced equatorial acute zone for vertical resolving power, the visual system of fiddler crabs is exquisitely tuned to the geometry of vision in the flat world of inter-tidal mudflats. The crabs live as burrow-centred grazers in dense, mixed-sex, mixed-age and mixed-species colonies, with the active space of an individual rarely exceeding 1 m2. The full behavioural repertoire of fiddler crabs can thus be monitored over extended periods of time on a moment to moment basis together with the visual information they have available to guide their actions. These attributes make the crabs superb subjects for analysing visual tasks and the design of visual processing mechanisms under natural conditions, a prerequisite for understanding the evolution of visual systems. In this review we show, on the one hand, how deeply embedded fiddler crab vision is in the behavioural and the physical ecology of these animals and, on the other hand, how their behavioural options are constrained by their perceptual limitations. Studying vision in fiddler crabs reminds us that vision has a topography, that it is context-dependent and pragmatic and that there are perceptual limits to what animals can know and therefore care about. For Mike Land  相似文献   

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