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The first member of a novel subfamily of ubiquitin-conjugating E2-proteins was cloned from a cDNA library of Arabidopsis thaliana. Genomic blots indicate that this gene family (AtUBC2) consists of two members and is distinct from AtUBC1, the only other E2 enzyme known from this species to date (M.L. Sullivan and R.D. Vierstra, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86 (1989) 9861-9865). The cDNA sequence of AtUBC2-1 extends over 794 bp which would encode a protein of 161 amino acids and a calculated molecular mass of 18.25 kDa. The protein encoded by AtUBC2-1 is shown to accept 125I-ubiquitin from wheat E1 enzymes, when expressed from Escherichia coli hosts as fusion protein carrying N-terminal extensions. It is deubiquitinated in the presence of lysine and, by these criteria, is considered a functional E2 enzyme.  相似文献   

The human UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB), a heterodimeric protein composed of 127 kDa (UV-DDB1) and 48 kDa (UV-DDB2) subunits, has been shown to be involved in DNA repair. To elucidate the in vivo function of plant UV-DDB2, we have analyzed T-DNA insertion mutants of the Arabidopsis thaliana UV-DDB2 subunit (atuv-ddb2 mutants) and AtUV-DDB2 RNAi silenced plants (atuv-ddb2 silenced plants). atuv-ddb2 mutants and atuv-ddb2 silenced plants were both viable, suggesting that AtUV-DDB2 is not essential for survival. Interestingly, both plant types showed a dwarf phenotype, implying impaired growth of the meristem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first occasion that a dwarf phenotype has been found to be associated with a UV-DDB2 mutation in either plants or animals. The mutants also demonstrated increased sensitivity to UV irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate and hydrogen peroxide treatment, indicating that AtUV-DDB2 is also involved in DNA repair. Our results lead us to suggest that not only does AtUV-DDB2 function in DNA repair, it also has a direct or indirect influence on cell proliferation in the plant meristem. Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries.  相似文献   

Summary. In this work, we analyzed the developmental anatomy of cotyledons and leaves in the has mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. It is a recessive T-DNA insertion mutation that causes changes in the size, shape, and tissue organization of the cotyledons and leaves of has plants. Analysis of has cotyledons revealed a prominent decrease in the cell number and an increase in the area of cotyledon cells and intercellular spaces of has plants. At early stages of development, has leaves are fingerlike structures, but later they develop small, lobed blades with rare trichomes. An important characteristic of the mutant leaf anatomy is the absence of mesophyll tissue differentiation. In addition, both cotyledons and leaves display a disrupted pattern of vascular bundles. Furthermore, mutant plants are defective in root and shoot morphology, indicating that the has mutation affects a number of aspects in plant development. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Botany and “Jevremovac” Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, Belgrade University, Takovska 43, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia.  相似文献   

Two DNA fragments, AP-1 and AP-2, encoding amino acid sequences closely related to Ser/Thr protein phosphatases were amplified from Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA. Fragment AP-1 was used to screen. A. thaliana cDNA libraries and several positive clones were isolated. Clones EP8a and EP14a were sequenced and found to encode almost identical proteins (97% identity). Both proteins are 306 amino acids in length and are very similar (79–80% identity) to the mammalian isotypes of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A. Therefore, they have been designated PP2A-1 and PP2A-2. A third cDNA clone, EP7, was isolated and sequenced. The polypeptide encoded (308 amino acids, lacking the initial Met codon) is 80% identical with human phosphatases 2A and was named PP2A-3. The PP2A-3 protein is extremely similar (95% identity) to the predicted protein from a cDNA clone previously found in Brassica napus. Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA using AP-1 and AP-2 probes, as well as probes derived from clones EP7, EP8a and EP14a strongly indicates that at least 6 genes closely related to type 2A phosphatases are present in the genome of A. thaliana. Northern blot analysis using the same set of probes demonstrates that, at the seedling stage, the mRNA levels for PP2A-1, PP2A-3 and the gene containing the AP-1 sequence are much higher than those of PP2A-2 and AP-2. These results demonstrate that a multiplicity of type 2A phosphatases might be differentially expressed in higher plants.  相似文献   

Summary. In leaf mesophyll cells of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing GFP in the chloroplast, stromules (stroma-filled tubules) with a length of up to 20 μm and a diameter of about 400–600 nm are observed in cells with spaces between the chloroplasts. They appear extremely dynamic, occasionally branched or polymorphic. In order to investigate the effect of temperature on chloroplasts, we have constructed a special temperature-controlled chamber for usage with a light microscope (LM-TCC). This LM-TCC enables presetting of the temperature for investigation directly at the microscope stage with an accuracy of ±0.1 °C in a temperature range of 0 °C to +60 °C. With the LM-TCC a temperature-dependent appearance of chloroplast protrusions has been found. These structures have a considerably smaller length-to-diameter ratio than typical stromules and reach a length of 3–5 μm. At 5–15 °C (low temperatures), almost no chloroplast protrusions are observed, but they appear with increasing temperatures. At 35–45 °C (high temperatures), numerous chloroplast protrusions with a beaklike appearance extend from a single chloroplast. Interaction of stromules with other organelles has also been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. At 20 °C, transverse sections of stromules are frequently observed with a diameter of about 450 nm. A close membrane-to-membrane contact of stromules with the nucleus and mitochondria has been visualised. Golgi stacks and microbodies are found in the spatial vicinity of stromules. At 5 °C, virtually no chloroplast protrusions or stromules are observed. At 35 °C, chloroplast protrusions are present as broader thylakoid-free stroma-filled areas, resulting in an irregular chloroplast appearance. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Physiology and Cell Physiology of Alpine Plants, Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Sternwartestrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia trachomatis is a highly antigenic and hydrophobic transmembrane protein. Our attempts to express the full-length protein in a soluble form in Escherichia coli and in transgenic plants failed. A chimeric gene construct of C. trachomatis serovar E MOMP was designed in order to increase solubility of the MOMP protein but with retained antigenicity. The designed construct was successfully expressed in E. coli, in Arabidopsis thaliana, and in Daucus carota. The chimeric MOMP expressed in and purified from E. coli was used as antigen for production of antibodies in rabbits. The anti-chimeric MOMP antibodies recognized the corresponding protein in both E. coli and in transgenic plants, as well as in inactivated C. trachomatis elementary bodies. Transgenic Arabidopsis and carrots were characterized for the number of MOMP chimeric genetic inserts and for protein expression. Stable integration of the transgene and the corresponding protein expression were demonstrated in Arabidopsis plants over at least six generations. Transgenic carrots showed a high level of expression of the chimeric MOMP – up to 3% of TSP.  相似文献   

Proteins that specifically bind double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) are involved in the regulation of cellular signaling events and gene expression, and are characterized by a conserved dsRNA-binding motif (dsRBM). Here we report the biochemical properties of nine such gene products, each containing one or two dsRBMs: four ArabidopsisDicer-like proteins (DCL1-4), ArabidopsisHYL1 and four of its homologs (DRB2, DRB4, DRB5 and OsDRB1). DCL1, DCL3, HYL1 and the four HYL1 homologs exhibit significant dsRNA-binding activity, indicating that these proteins are involved in RNA metabolism. The dsRBMs from dsRBM-containing proteins (dsRBPs) also function as a protein–protein interaction domain and homo- and heterodimerization are essential for biological functioning of these proteins. We show that DRB4 interacts specifically with DCL4, and HYL1 most strongly interacts with DCL1. These results indicate that each HYL1/DRB family protein interacts with one specific partner among the four Dicer-like proteins. Localization studies using GFP fusion proteins demonstrate that DCL1, DCL4, HYL1 and DRB4 localize in the nucleus, while DRB2 is present in the cytoplasm. Subcellular localizations of HYL1, DRB4, DCL1 and DCL4 further strengthen the notion that HYL1 and DCL1, and DRB4 and DCL4, exist as complexes. The presented data suggest that each member of the HYL1/DRB protein family may individually modulate Dicer function through heterodimerization with a Dicer-like protein in vivo.  相似文献   

T-DNA insertions are currently used as a tool to introduce, or knock out, specific genes. The expression of the inserted gene is frequently haphazard and up to now, it was proposed that transgene expression depends on the site of insertion within the genome, as well as the number of copies of the transgene. In this paper, we show that the allelic state of a T-DNA insertion can be at the origin of epigenetic silencing. A T-DNA insertional mutant was characterized to explore the function of AtBP80a′, a vacuolar sorting receptor previously associated with germination. Seeds homozygous for the T-DNA do not germinate, but this can be overcome by a cold treatment and maintained by the following generations. The non-germinating phenotype is only observed in homozygous seed produced by heterozygous plants indicating that it is correlated with the allelic state of the T-DNA in parental lines. Analysis of the region between the T-DNA insertion and the ATG codon of atbp80a′ showed that cytosine methylation is highly enhanced in chromatin containing the T-DNA. Data presented here show that an unpaired DNA region during meiosis could be at the origin of a de novo cytosine methylation mechanism.  相似文献   

Covalent attachment of ubiquitin to other cellular proteins has been implicated in a multitude of diverse physiological processes in eukaryotes including selective protein degradation. This attachment is carried out by a multi-enzyme pathway consisting of three classes of enzymes: ubiquitin-activating enzymes (E1s), ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s), and ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s). E2s accept activated ubiquitin from E1 and conjugate it to target proteins with or without the participation of specific E3s. Previously, we have isolated wheat cDNAs encoding 16 and 23 kDa E2s, TaUBC1 and TaUBC4, respectively. TaUBC1 shows structural homology to the yeast RAD6 E2 that is essential for DNA repair whereas TaUBC4 is related to the yeast ScUBC8 E2, both of which effectively conjugate ubiquitin to histones in vitro but as yet are without a known in vivo function. Here, we report the isolation of genomic and cDNA homologues of these genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. In Arabidopsis, both of these E2s are encoded by three member gene families. Members of the AtUBC1 gene family, comprising AtUBC1, 2 and 3, encode 150–152 amino acid proteins that are 83–99% identical to each other and TaUBC1 and contain four introns that are conserved with respect to position. Members of the AtUBC4 gene family, comprising AtUBC4, 5 and 6, encode 187–191 amino acid proteins that are 73–88% identical to each other and TaUBC4 and contain five introns that are conserved with respect to position. In contrast, AtUBC1-3 gene products are only 31–36% identical to those derived from AtUBC4-6. mRNA for each family was detected in Arabidopsis roots, leaves, stems, and flowers indicating that members of each family are expressed in most if not all tissues.  相似文献   

Although IBA is a naturally occurring auxin, its role in plant development is still under debate. In this study a set of Arabidopsis mutants was used to analyze the biosynthesis of IBA in vitro. The mutants chosen for this study can be classified as: (1) involvement in auxin metabolism, transport or synthesis (amt1, aux1, ilr1, nit1, rib1, sur1, trp1-100); (2) other hormones possibly involved in the regulation of IBA synthesis (aba1, aba3, eto2, fae1, hls1, jar1); (3) photomorphogenesis (det1, det2, det3); and (4) root architecture (cob1, cob2, scr1). In addition, two transgenic lines overexpressing the IAA glucose synthase (iaglu) gene from maize were analyzed. The ecotypes No-0 and Wassilewskija showed the highest IBA synthetase activity under control conditions, followed by Columbia, Enkheim and Landsberg erecta. In the mutant lines IBA synthetase activity differed in most cases from the wild type, however no particular pattern of up- or down-regulation, which could be correlated to their possible function, was found. For rib1 mutant seedlings it was tested whether reduced IBA synthetase activity correlates with the endogenous IBA levels. Free IBA differed only depending on the culture conditions, but gave no clear correlation with IBA synthetase activity compared to the wild type. Since drought and osmotic stress as well as abscisic acid (ABA) application enhanced IBA synthesis in maize, it was tested whether IBA synthetase from Arabidopsis is also inducible by drought stress conditions. This was confirmed for the two ecotypes Col and Ler which showed different IBA synthetase activity when cultivated with various degrees of drought stress. IBA synthetase was also determined in photomorphogenic mutants under different light regimes. Induction of IBA synthetase in det1 and det3 plants was found under short day plus a red light pulse or in the dark, respectively. The results are discussed with respect to the functions of the mutated genes.  相似文献   

Müller J  Menzel D  Samaj J 《Protoplasma》2007,230(3-4):231-242
Summary. The cytoskeleton in plant cells plays an important role in controlling cell shape and mediating intracellular signalling. However, almost nothing is known about the reactions of cytoskeletal elements to heat stress, which represents one of the major environmental challenges for plants. Here we show that living epidermal root cells of Arabidopsis thaliana could cope with short-term heat shock stress showing disruption and subsequent recovery of microtubules and actin microfilaments in a time-dependent manner. Time-lapse imaging revealed a very dynamic behavior of both cytoskeletal elements including transient depolymerization and disassembly upon heat shock (40–41 °C) followed by full recovery at room temperature (20 °C) within 1–3 h. Reaction of microtubules, but not actin filaments, to heat shock was dependent on cell type and developmental stage. On the other hand, recovery of actin filaments, but not microtubules, from heat shock stress was dependent on the same parameters. The relevance of this adaptive cytoskeletal behavior to intracellular signalling is discussed. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Seventeen cDNA clones of genes corresponding to mRNAs expressed preferentially in floral organs of Arabidopsis thaliana were obtained by differential screening of a flower bud cDNA library, and classified into five groups (1A, 17A, 1B, 4B and 5B) by cross-hybridization and restriction analysis. Sequence analysis revealed that the 1A-1 and 17A-1 clones encode vegetative storage proteins (VSPs). The VSP mRNAs were detected in a small amount in leaves and increased to a limited level by wounding. Both 1B-1 and 5B-1 clones were homologous to transmembrane protein cDNAs. The protein encoded by 4B-1 clone contained a proline-rich region, but no homologous proteins were found in databases.  相似文献   

Summary.  Cultured suspension cells of Arabidopsis thaliana that stably express a green-fluorescent protein–α-tubulin 6 fusion protein were used to follow the development and disintegration of phragmoplasts. The development and disintegration of phragmoplasts in the living cultured cells could be successively observed by detecting the green-fluorescent protein fluorescence of the microtubules. In the early telophase spindle, where two kinetochore groups and two daughter chromosome groups had completely separated from one another, fluorescence appeared in the interzone between the two chromosome groups. The fluorescent region was gradually condensed at the previous equator and increased in fluorescence intensity, and finally it formed the initial phragmoplast. The initial phragmoplast moved from the cell center towards the cell periphery, and it lost fluorescence at its center and became double rings in shape. The expansion orientation of the phragmoplast was not always the same as that of the future new cell wall before it came in contact with the cell wall. The phragmoplast did not usually come in contact with the cell wall simultaneously with its entire length. A portion of the phragmoplast which was earlier in contact with the cell wall disappeared earlier than other portions of the phragmoplast. The duration of contact between any portions of the phragmoplast and the plasma membrane of the cell wall was 15–30 min. The fluorescence intensity of the cytoplasm did not seem to be elevated by the disintegration of the strongly fluorescent phragmoplast. Received August 8, 2002; accepted September 25, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

The activities of several gibberellins in stimulating germination of wild-type and GA-deficient gal seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana were compared. Of the six compounds tested GA4 and GA7-isolactone had the highest activity and GA7 and GA9 the lowest; activities of GA1 and GA3 were intermediate. Combined application of pure GAs presented no indications that more than one GA receptor is involved. Four GAs were identified in extracts from wild-type and GA-insensitive gai seeds by combined gas chromatography mass spectrometry: GA1, GA3, GA4 and GA9. Effects of light and chilling on levels of GA1, GA4 and GA9 were studied using deuterated standards. Light increased both GA levels and germination in unchilled wild-type and gai seeds. As a result of irradiation GA levels in gai seeds were 7–10 times as high as in wild-type seeds. In the dark germination was 0%, in the light 14% of gai seeds and 95% of wild-type seeds germinated. A chilling pre-treatment of 7 days at 2°C was required to enhance further the germination of gai seeds in the light. Light did not increase GA levels of chilled seeds of either genotype; levels of GA4 and GA9 of chilled gai seeds, in the light were respectively 7 and 12 times lower than in non-chilled seeds, whereas the latter seeds germinated better. Slightly elevated levels of GA4 were detected in darkness after chilling, but germination capacity was still 0%. These results strengthened the conclusion that GAs are required for germination of A. thaliana seeds, whereby GA4 has intrinsic biological activity. However, it is unlikely that light and chilling stimulate germination primarily by increasing levels of GA. Instead GA sensitivity is a possible alternative.  相似文献   

Summary Glutamine synthetase (GS) plays an important role in the assimilation of nitrogen by higher plants. We present here a molecular analysis of the GS polypeptides, mRNAs, and genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Western blot analysis of leaf and root protein extracts revealed at least two distinct GS polypeptides; 43 kDa and 39 kDa GS polypeptides were present in leaves, while only a 39 kDa GS was detected in roots. The 43 kDa GS polypeptide is light-inducible. In etiolated seedlings only the 39 kDa GS was detected. However, upon greening the 43 kDa GS increased to levels comparable to those observed in light-grown plants. Four distinct GS cDNA clones, Atgsl1, Atgsrl, Atgsr2 and Atk6 were isolated and characterized. Their complete nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences are presented. The coding sequences of the four clones are 70–88% similar while their 5 and 3 untranslated regions exhibit less than 50% similarity. Northern blots of leaf, root and germinated seed RNA revealed that the four cDNAs hybridize to mRNAs which are differentially expressed in the organs of Arabidopsis thaliana. Atgsl1 is leaf-specific and hybridizes to a 1.6 kb mRNA. Both Atgsr1 and Atgskb6 hybridize to 1.4 kb mRNAs which are expressed in both roots and germinated seeds. Atgsr2 hybridizes to a 1.4 kb mRNA, which is primarily expressed in roots with low levels of expression in seeds and leaves. Atgsl1, which represents the leaf-specific mRNA, is induced by light. Atgsl1 mRNA levels increase during the greening of etiolated seedlings while Atgsr1 levels remain constant. Southern blot analysis indicated that the Arabidopsis genome contains at least four and possibly five distinct GS genes.  相似文献   

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