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The catecholamine content and morphology of the superior cervical and the hypogastric ganglion and the carotid body were studied in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) before (at the age of 6 weeks) and after (at the age of 20 weeks) becoming hypertensive, with Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats as controls. The study was performed by formaldehyde-induced fluorescence method combined with quantitative microfluorimetry of catecholamines. At the age of 6 weeks the only significant difference observed between the rat strains was a greater number of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells in the superior cervical ganglion of SHR. At the age of 20 weeks the fluorescence intensity was higher in the principal neurons of the superior cervical ganglion and in glomus cells of the carotid body of SHR compared to WKY. The volumes of superior cervical ganglion and carotid body were larger in 20-week-old SHR compared to WKY. In the hypogastric ganglion differences were not found between SHR and WKY rats. The present results show differences in the superior cervical ganglion and in the carotid body of adult SHR compared to controls. These differences develop during the time period when the SHR become hypertensive, and might be functionally significant in the regulation or maintenance of the increased blood pressure in SHR rats.  相似文献   

Summary The catecholamine content and morphology of the superior cervical and the hypogastric ganglion and the carotid body were studied in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) before (at the age of 6 weeks) and after (at the age of 20 weeks) becoming hypertensive, with Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats as controls. The study was performed by formaldehyde-induced fluorescence method combined with quantitative microfluorimetry of catecholamines.At the age of 6 weeks the only significant difference observed between the rat strains was a greater number of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells in the superior cervical ganglion of SHR. At the age of 20 weeks the fluorescence intensity was higher in the principal neurons of the superior cervical ganglion and in glomus cells of the carotid body of SHR compared to WKY. The volumes of superior cervical ganglion and carotid body were larger in 20-week-old SHR compared to WKY. In the hypogastric ganglion differences were not found between SHR and WKY rats. The present results show differences in the superior cervical ganglion and in the carotid body of adult SHR compared to controls. These differences develop during the time period when the SHR become hypertensive, and might be functionally significant in the regulation or maintenance of the increased blood pressure in SHR rats.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the acetylcholinesterase, non-specific cholinesterase and non-specific esterase activity has been investigated histochemically in the hypothalamic neurons during the ontogenic development of the rat.Acetylcholinesterase activity is located in the supra-optic and para-ventricular nuclei mostly, but some activity is present in the other nuclei and in the median eminence of the adult rat, as well. The supra-chiasmatic neurons are always negative. The activity of non-specific cholinesterase was encountered in the endothelial cells of the capillaries, in the glia and in the ependymal cells especially around the supra-optic and para-ventricular neurons. The localization of the non-specific esterase was similar to that of the non-specific cholinesterase, but in addition activity is seen in the supra-optic and para-ventricular perikarya, in the parvo-cellular neurons of the tuberal area and in the median eminence. No sexual differences were seen in the distribution of the estrase activity.The appearance of acetylcholinesterase took place already before birth. At about the 16th post-coital day the area from which the arcuate and ventro-medial nuclei will differentiate was positive for acetylcholinesterase. A strong activity in these nuclei was observed during the critical period of the sexual differentiation of the rat hypothalamus (0–10 postnatal days). In the development of the non-specific cholinesterase and esterase no similar variation was seen. Acetylcholinesterase and non-specific esterase were seen in the neurosecretory nuclei before birth, non specific cholinesterase after birth, and non-specific esterase in the parvo-cellular neurons during the first post-natal week.Supported by a grant from The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim.  相似文献   

Synopsis It is known that hydrocortisone causes a great increase in the number of small intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells in the sympathetic ganglia when injected into newborn rats. The effect of hydrocortisone on nervous tissuein vitro has not been studied previously.Pieces of newborn rat sympathetic ganglia were cultivated in Rose chambers. Hydrocortisone was dissolved in the medium in concentrations of 1–9 mg/l. Both control and hydrocortisone-containing cultures were examined daily by phase-contrast microscopy, and the catecholamines were demonstrated histochemically by formaldehyde-induced fluorescence after 7 days in culture.All cultures showed outgrowths of axons and supporting cells elements, although these were less extensive in the groups of cultures with hydrocortisone. After a week, SIF cells with a green fluorescence were observed in the control explants. In all cultures with hydrocortisone, a concentration-dependent increase was observed in the fluorescence intensity and the number of the SIF cells in the explant; numerous SIF cells were also seen in the outgrowth. Some SIF cells showed processes and the longest processes were seen in cultures with the highest concentration of hydrocortisone.It is concluded that hydrocortisone causes an increased synthesis of catecholamines in the SIF cellsin vitro, and an increase in their number by affecting either their division or their differentiation from a more immature form, or both. This effect was a direct one and not mediated by any system other than the ganglion itself. Induction of enzyme synthesis by hydrocortisone is proposed as an explanation of the increase in catecholamine concentration.University of Melbourne Senior Research Fellow, September 1971-August 1972Sunshine Foundation and Rowden White Trust Overseas Research Fellow in the University on Melbourne, September 1971-August 1972  相似文献   

The effects of chronic treatment of the rat with methacholine and atropine on the cardiac muscarinic cholinergic receptors were investigated. [3H]Quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB) was used to directly estimate the number and affinity of the receptors in the heart ventricular membrane. Methacholine treatment decreased, in a dose-related and time-dependent manner, the specific binding of [3H]QNB by 34% as compared to the control. Atropine treatment, on the other hand, resulted in a dose-related increase (28 to 66%) in the number of the receptors. The equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of the receptors for the ligand was the same (about 200 pM) for the control and the methacholine treated groups of rats, whereas a dose-related increase (39 to 105%) in the KD was noted for the atropine treated rats. Similarly, the concentration of acetylcholine causing a 50 percent inhibition (IC50) of the [3H]QNB binding was unaltered for the methacholine treated rats (4 μM), but it was increased 43% for the atropine treated rats.  相似文献   

The pattern of DNA degradation in thymocytes of irradiated or hydrocortisone-treated rats has been studied by means of flow cytometry of the cells, treated with probes specifically bound to the AT or GC-pairs of DNA. It has been shown that the death of thymocytes is accompanied by a decrease in their DNA content. The main features of the occurrence and accumulation of cells with a DNA content less than the normal diploid level correspond with those of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation: such cells appear after a 1 hour lag-period, their accumulation is prevented by cycloheximide injection and is lower at 300 Gy than at doses of 10 to 30 Gy. At the same time, no increase in permeability of the cell membrane to ethidium bromide was observed up to the sixth hour after irradiation. Most of the thymocytes dying under the action of irradiation or hydrocortisone are in the G0 or G1 phases of the cell cycle. The method used allows detection of the cells with cleaved but not removed DNA.  相似文献   

The age-related time-course of changes in arginine-vasopressin (AVP) content in the pituitary gland was studied in adult intact Wistar rats. In 60-day-old rats, the hormone content was measured before and after 24 h of water deprivation. In adult rats treated with a single injection of hydrocortisone at different times after birth, the content of AVP remained high in rats injected with hydrocortisone on day 2 or day 5 after birth, exceeding significantly the content of AVP in intact rats. The animals injected with hydrocortisone on day 9 or 15 manifested a more noticeable reduction in the hormone content, as was the case in intact rats. It is suggested that the first five days after birth is a critical period in the formation of the central regulation of AVP secretion with high sensitivity to short-term changes in corticosteroid balance.  相似文献   

An increase of total glycosaminoglycan content in aortic wall and liver as well as changes in the concentration of glycosaminoglycan fractions in aorta, skin, liver, and blood serum were found in white rats fed with atherogenic diet. Urinary excretion of glycosaminoglycans was increased in experimental animals.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of formaldehyde induced fluorescence (FIF) was studied in the pituitary glands of female rats. The effects of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa), D,L-5-hydroxytryptophan (DL-5-HTP) and dopamine (DA) treatments on the FIF were followed during the postnatal period.The appearance of specifically fluorescing monoamines into the cells of the pars intermedia occurred postnatally and the level of the adult fluorescence was reached at 4–5 weeks' age. The intensity of the fluorescence was independent on the density of the fluorescing nerves. Among the fluorescing nerves droplet fibres were regularly observed from the age of 3 weeks, which confirms the theory that these fibres are caused by toxic factors when the blood-brain barrier is not functioning.There was no change postnatally in the number of fluorescing cells in the pars distalis.The fluorescing innervation of the median eminence, developed most rapidly at the age of 1–3 weeks and the level of the adult fluorescence was reached at the age of 4–5 weeks.The first specifically fluorescing cells after L-dopa treatment were observed at 6 days age. A remarkable increase in the number of fluorescing cells was seen between 12 and 18 days. After DL-5-HTP treatment fluorescent cells were seen but at later stages. These observations suggest that the cells in the pituitary gland, which store amine-precursors and monoamines developmentally differ from the APUD-cells. The rapid increase of the fluorescing cells between 12 and 18 days and the simultaneous development of the fluorescing innervation of the median eminence suggest the following correlations: the development of dopaminergic innervation of the median eminence — the secretion of releasing hormones — the activity of PAS-positive cells (FSH, LH and TSH secretion) — the uptake of L-dopa and DL-5-HTP into the PAS-positive cells.Dopamine was not uptaken into the cells of pars distalis. The walls of the blood vessels began to show fluorescence suggesting a barrier mechanism, which prevents the DA-uptake into the PAS-positive cells.This work was supported by the Grant for Young Research Workers, University of Helsinki.  相似文献   

A statistically significant decrease in the intensity of catecholamine fluorescence of some carotid body glomus cells was observed after inhibition of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase by injection of 80 mg/kg alpha-methyl-paratyrosine. The intensity of the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence was measured in individual glomus cells. The maximum decrease in the intensity was observed 4 to 6 hr after the alpha-methyltyrosine injection. This suggests a rapid turnover in the catecholamines of the carotid body.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determinecontents and turnover rates for dopamine (DA) andnorepinephrine (NE) and to identify the catecholamine (CA) releasedduring stimulation of the rat carotid body (CB). Turnover rates and therelease of CA were measured in an in vitro preparation using acombination of HPLC and radioisotopic methods. Mean rat CB levels of DAand NE were 209 and 45 pmol/mg tissue, respectively. With[3H]tyrosine asprecursor, rat CB synthesized[3H]CA in a time- andconcentration-dependent manner; calculated turnover times for DA and NEwere 5.77 and 11.4 h, respectively. Hypoxia and dibutyryl adenosine3',5'-cyclic monophosphate significantly increased[3H]CA synthesis. Innormoxia, rat CB released[3H]DA and[3H]NE in a ratio of5:1, comparable to that of the endogenous tissue CA. Hypoxia and highK+ preferentially released[3H]DA, nicotinepreferentially released[3H]NE, and acidicstimuli released both amines in proportion to tissue content. Releaseof [3H]CA induced byhypoxia and high K+ was nearlyfully dependent on extracellularCa2+, whereas basal normoxicrelease was not altered by removal of Ca2+ from the incubating solution.We conclude that the rat CB is an organ with higher levels of DA thanNE that preferentially releases DA or NE in a stimulus-specific manner.


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