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Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or accelerated by genetic associations between female preference loci and male coloration loci. Preferences, as well as coloration, are heritable traits and are probably determined by more than one gene. However, little is known about potential genetic associations between these traits. In turbid water, we found a population that is variable in male nuptial coloration from blue to yellow to red. Males at the extreme ends of the phenotype distribution resemble a reproductively isolated species pair in clear water that has diverged into one species with blue-grey males and one species with bright red males. Females of the turbid water population vary in mating preference coinciding with the male phenotype distribution. For the current study, these females were mated to blue males. We measured the coloration of the sires and male offspring. Parents-offspring regression showed that the sires did not affect male offspring coloration, which confirms earlier findings that the blue species breeds true. In contrast, male offspring coloration was determined by the identity of the dams, which suggests that there is heritable variation in male color genes between females. However, we found that mating preferences of the dams were not correlated with male offspring coloration. Thus, there is no evidence for strong genetic linkage between mating preference and the preferred trait in this population [Current Zoology 56 (1): 57-64 2010].  相似文献   

Although conspicuous visual sexual signals, such as bright colors,in males serve to attract females in numerous species, theymay also attract the attention of potential predators and thusmay be costly in terms of increasing individual risk of mortalityto predation. Most models of the evolution of extravagant malesexual traits and female preferences for them assume that thesexually preferred male trait is costly to produce and maintain.However, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence fordirect fitness costs associated with sexually selected visualtraits that enhance male mating success. In the present study,we report a direct fitness cost for sexually selected, brightbody-color patterns in males in the form of an associated greaterrisk of mortality to predation. By using the guppy (Poeciliareticulata) and the blue acara cichlid fish (Aequidens pulcher)as a model prey–predator system, we demonstrate experimentallythat individual cichlids preferentially and consistently approached,attacked, and captured the more brightly colored of two size-matchedmale guppies presented simultaneously in staged encounters.This resulted in the brightly colored male incurring, on average,a significantly higher risk of mortality given an encounterwith the predator than with the drabber male in matched pairs.Our results constitute strong behavioral evidence for a directviability cost associated with bright coloration in male guppies,and they corroborate the generally accepted paradigm that directionalpredation by visual fish predators against brightly colored,adult male guppies underlies the evolution of the known divergentcolor patterns in natural guppy populations that experiencedifferent intensities of predation. The viability cost associatedwith bright conspicuous coloration in male guppies potentiallyreinforces for females the reliability of this sexually selectedtrait as an indicator trait of male quality.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that females should choose males that signal viability and quality. However, few studies have found fitness benefits among females mating with highly ornamented males. Here, we use Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), a teleost fish with no parental care, to investigate whether females could gain fitness benefits by mating with highly ornamented and large-sized males. Carotenoid-based coloration signalled by males during spawning is believed to be an indicator of good genes for this species. Paternal effects on offspring size (body length and dry body mass) were examined experimentally by crossing eggs and sperm in vitro from 12 females and 24 males in a split-brood design and raising larvae to 30 days past hatching. We clearly demonstrated that there was a relationship between offspring size and paternal coloration. However, a negative interaction between paternal length and coloration was evident for offspring length, indicating that positive effects of paternal coloration were only present for smaller males. Thus, the red spawning coloration of the male Arctic charr seems to be an indicator of good genes, but the effect of paternal coloration on offspring length, an indicator of 'offspring quality', is size dependent.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts that parents should adjust their current investment in relation to perceived mate attractiveness if this affects offspring fitness. It should be selectively advantageous to risk more of their future reproductive success by investing heavily in current offspring of high reproductive value but to decrease investment if offspring value is low. If the benefits of mate attractiveness are limited to a particular offspring sex we would instead expect relative investment in male versus female offspring to vary with mate attractiveness, referred to as 'differential sex allocation'. We present strong evidence for differential allocation of parental feeding effort in the wild and show an immediate effect on a component of offspring fitness. By experimentally reducing male UV crown coloration, a trait known to indicate attractiveness and viability in wild-breeding blue tits (Parus caeruleus), we show that females, but not males, reduce parental feeding rates and that this reduces the skeletal growth of offspring. However, differential sex allocation does not occur. We conclude that blue tit females use male UV coloration as an indicator of expected offspring fitness and adjust their investment accordingly.  相似文献   

Genetic models of maternal effects and models of mate choice have focused on the evolutionary effects of variation in parental quality. There have been, however, few attempts to combine these into a single model for the evolution of sexually selected traits. We present a quantitative genetic model that considers how male and female parental quality (together or separately) affect the expression of a sexually selected offspring trait. We allow female choice of males based on this parentally affected trait and examine the evolution of mate choice, parental quality and the indicator trait. Our model reveals a number of consequences of maternal and paternal effects. (1) The force of sexual selection owing to adaptive mate choice can displace parental quality from its natural selection optimum. (2) The force of sexual selection can displace female parental quality from its natural selection optimum even when nonadaptive mate choice occurs (e.g. runaway sexual selection), because females of higher parental quality produce more attractive sons and these sons counterbalance the loss in fitness owing to over-investment in each offspring. (3) Maternal and paternal effects can provide a source of genetic variation for offspring traits, allowing evolution by sexual selection even when those traits do not show direct genetic variation (i.e. are not heritable). (4) The correlation between paternal investment and the offspring trait influenced by the parental effects can result in adaptive mate choice and lead to the elaboration of both female preference and the male sexually selected trait. When parental effects exist, sexual selection can drive the evolution of parental quality when investment increases the attractiveness of offspring, leading to the elaboration of indicator traits and higher than expected levels of parental investment.  相似文献   

Animals may assess the quality of other individuals by using information that is contained in elaborate traits. We investigated the degree of sexual dimorphism in structural blue plumage coloration and the potential signal value of these traits in the azure-winged magpie Cyanopica cyanus . We predicted that in this species blue coloration should signal individual quality in both sexes since both females and males invest significantly in caring for offspring. Males have more saturated UV/blue coloration than females and blueness decreased from moulting to reproduction. Males and females did not mate assortatively for blue coloration although they did in relation to body size and condition. Blue colour did not correlate with adult body size or condition. However, nest predation decreased with female and male brightness. Our results suggest that blue coloration may potentially be used to assess parental qualities by potential mates in both sexes of the azure-winged magpie.  相似文献   

Female investment in offspring size and number has been observed to vary with the phenotype of their mate across diverse taxa. Recent theory motivated by these intriguing empirical patterns predicted both positive (differential allocation) and negative (reproductive compensation) effects of mating with a preferred male on female investment. These predictions, however, focused on total reproductive effort and did not distinguish between a response in offspring size and clutch size. Here, we model how specific paternal effects on fitness affect maternal allocation to offspring size and number. The specific mechanism by which males affect the fitness of females or their offspring determines whether and how females allocated differentially. Offspring size is predicted to increase when males benefit offspring survival, but decrease when males increase offspring growth rate. Clutch size is predicted to increase when males contribute to female resources (e.g. with a nuptial gift) and when males increase offspring growth rate. The predicted direction and magnitude of female responses vary with female age, but only when per-offspring paternal benefits decline with clutch size. We conclude that considering specific paternal effects on fitness in the context of maternal life-history trade-offs can help explain mixed empirical patterns of differential allocation and reproductive compensation.  相似文献   

Blue tail coloration in hatchling skinks (Eumeces fasciatus and E. laticeps) appears to be an antipredatory adaptation that distracts attention away from the body to the tail. The tail itself serves as a decoy that may be autotomized as a final defense against capture. The effectiveness of intact tails in deflecting attacks from the body was 50% against scarlet kingsnakes in the experimental conditions used. Brightness rather than hue presumably accounts for the higher attack frequency on blue than black tails in this study, but the blue color may have evolved in response to avian predation. Repeated predation without ill effects by several predators allows rejection of the hypothesis that the blue tail is aposematic for the predators tested. The hypothesis that blue tails provide stimuli inhibiting aggression or predation by adult male conspecifics is untenable for E. laticeps because adult males readily eat intact hatchlings. Although this study provides no statistical evidence that blue tail coloration inhibits attack by female E. laticeps on hatchlings, the trend of predation rates on blue- and black-tailed hatchlings is in the direction predicted for inhibition.  相似文献   

Predation has an important influence on life history traits in many organisms, especially when they are young. When cues of trout were present, juvenile sticklebacks grew faster. The increase in body size as a result of exposure to cues of predators was adaptive because larger individuals were more likely to survive predation. However, sticklebacks that had been exposed to cues of predators were smaller at adulthood. This result is consistent with some life history theory. However, these results prompt an alternative hypothesis, which is that the decreased size at adulthood reflects a deferred cost of early rapid growth. Compared to males, females were more likely to survive predation, but female size at adulthood was more affected by cues of predators than male size at adulthood, suggesting that size at adulthood might be more important to male fitness than to female fitness.  相似文献   

According to the good-genes hypothesis, females choose among males to ensure the inheritance of superior paternal genes by their offspring. Despite increasing support for this prediction, in some cases differential (non-genetic) maternal effects may obscure or amplify the relationship between paternal attractiveness and offspring quality. Artificial insemination controls such effects because it uncouples mate choice from copulation, therefore denying females the opportunity of assessing male attractiveness. We adopted this technique in the live-bearing fish Poecilia reticulata and examined whether paternal coloration was associated with the behavioural performance of newborn offspring. Sexually receptive virgin females were inseminated with sperm taken individually from donor males that exhibited high variation in the area of orange pigmentation, a trait known to influence female choice in the study population. Our analysis of offspring performance focused on the anti-predator behaviour of newborn fish, including schooling by sibling pairs, the response (swimming speed) of these fishes to a simulated avian predator, and the time taken for a naive investigator to capture the offspring. Although we found no significant effect of sire coloration on either schooling or swimming speed, our analysis revealed a significant positive association between sire coloration and the ability of newborn offspring to evade capture. This finding supports the view that at least one aspect of anti-predator behaviour in newborn offspring is influenced by sire genotype, which in turn is revealed by the expression of secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

Genetic theories of sexual selection predict that most ornamental secondary sexual traits provide reliable indication of the genetic quality of their bearers. Accordingly, also the offspring of mates with elaborate mating display should perform better than those of less conspicuous counterparts. In this study, we used Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) as a model species to investigate whether the variation in a carotenoid-based red breeding coloration (a sexually dichromatic trait) in different sexes would reflect differences in individual genetic variability, one measure of individual quality, and/or indirectly, be manifested in variation in the offspring’s early viability and growth. We created maternal half-sibling families by artificially fertilizing the eggs with milt from bright- and pale-coloured males and then held the resulting progenies under identical hatchery conditions. The expression of red coloration among parental fish was not associated with their genetic diversity estimates in either sex nor did offspring sired by bright males consistently differ in terms of embryo survival or endogenous growth efficiency from offspring sired by pale males. By contrast, maternal effects were notably strong and, additionally, the degree of female coloration was negatively linked to their reproductive potential. The more intensely coloured females had a smaller relative fecundity and they also produced offspring of lower viability, implying a significant trade-off in resource allocation between ornamentation and offspring. Our results indicate that the red breeding ornamentation of Arctic charr is likely to be informative rather among females than males when the reproductive quality is predicted on grounds of the number of offspring produced. Nevertheless, this study does not support the direct selection hypothesis in explaining the evolution of female ornamentation, but rather suggests that the less intense coloration of female charr compared to males may reflect inter-sexual differences in the trade-off between natural and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Coloration in birds can act as an important sexual signal in males, yet in many species, both sexes display bright colors. Social selection may account for this pattern, with more brightly colored individuals pairing together on the best territories. Mutual mate choice may also explain this, as males investing a great deal of parental care in the offspring should be choosy about their social mates. It is less clear whether this pattern of mate choice can apply to extra‐pair partners as well. We examined western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) to determine whether more colorful individuals tended to pair with one another, both in social pairs and between females and their extra‐pair partners. Both male and female western bluebirds display both UV‐blue structural plumage and a melanin‐based chestnut breast patch, although females are duller than males. Social pairs mated assortatively with regard to UV‐blue brightness, but not chestnut coloration. There was no evidence that extra‐pair partners mated assortatively, but males with brighter UV‐blue coloration had fewer extra‐pair offspring in their nests. Older males were more successful at siring extra‐pair offspring, despite displaying no differences in coloration compared to younger males. Coloration did not play a role in determining extra‐pair male success. These results suggest that coloration plays a role in the formation of social pairs, but not mate choice for extra‐pair partners.  相似文献   

In many haplochromine cichlid fish, male nuptial coloration is subject to female mate choice and plays a central role in the evolution of reproductive isolation between incipient species. Intraspecific variation in male coloration may serve as a target for diversifying sexual selection and provide a starting point for species divergence. Here, we investigated a polychromatism in Neochromis omnicaeruleus, a haplochromine from Lake Victoria, East-Africa. In this species, male coloration ranges from skyblue to yellow-red and females are grey-blue to yellow. We found that both genetic and environmental factors influence the expression of these colours during individual development. In a natural population, we found that male colour was associated with size and sexual maturity: yellow males were smaller than blue males and tended to be sexually immature. In females, size and maturity did not differ between colour types. Laboratory crosses revealed that there is a heritable component to the observed colour variation: yellow parents produced more yellow offspring than blue parents. Together with repeated aquarium observations of yellow individuals that gradually become blue, these data suggest that yellow males change to blue as they approach sexual maturity, and that the occurrence and timing of this transition is influenced by both environmental and genetic effects. The significance of this mechanism of colour expression as a possible target for divergent selection remains to be evaluated.  相似文献   

Ecological specialization often requires tight coevolution of several traits, which may constrain future evolutionary pathways and make species more prone to extinction. Aposematism and crypsis represent two specialized adaptations to avoid predation. We tested whether the combined effects of color and pattern on prey conspicuousness functionally constrain or facilitate shifts between these two adaptations. We combined data from 17 natural populations of strawberry poison frogs, Oophaga pumilio with an experimental approach using digitalized images of frogs and chickens as predators. We show that bright coloration often co‐occurs with coarse patterning among the natural populations. Dull green frogs with coarse patterning are rare in nature but in the experiment they were as easily detected as bright red frogs suggesting that this trait combination represents a transient evolutionary state toward aposematism. Hence, a gain of either bright color or coarse patterning leads to conspicuousness, but a transition back to crypsis would be functionally constrained in populations with both bright color and coarse patterning by requiring simultaneous changes in two traits. Thus, populations (or species) signaling aposematism by conspicuous color should be less likely to face an evolutionary dead end and more likely to radiate than populations with both conspicuous color and coarse patterning.  相似文献   

The presence of heritable variation is a prerequisite for evolution, but natural selection typically reduces genetic variation. Variation can be maintained in traits under selection through spatial or temporal variation in fitness surfaces, frequency-dependent selection, or disruptive selection. We evaluated the maintenance of variation in the enantiomeric blend of pheromones employed by the bark beetle Ips pini (Say). In natural populations, we quantified fitness surfaces for mating success and progeny production. We investigated the effects of paternal pheromone blend on offspring survival by comparing the spatial scales at which pheromone blends and larval mortality agents vary. Males with extreme pheromone blends obtained up to 1.8 times as many mates who each laid equivalent numbers of eggs, producing strong disruptive selection on male pheromone blend. In combination with imperfect assortative mating that continually produces intermediate genotypes, this fitness surface is sufficient to maintain variation in a heritable trait that is strongly linked to fitness. The ultimate explanation for female preference is unknown but could be because of selection for reduced mortality from specialist predators that prefer common prey pheromone blends. Selection is most likely occurring at the scale of small resource patches within pine stands. Selection at coarser scales (pine stands) is unlikely because pheromone blends did not vary among pine stands. Selection at finer scales (within logs) is unlikely because males of similar enantiomeric blends were not aggregated on logs, and male pheromone blend did not affect the spacing to neighboring galleries. This study documents a rare case of diversifying selection in natural populations.  相似文献   

Individuals that invest more in immunity may not be able to invest as much in o\ther life history traits. The overall effects on fitness depend on the balance of investment in life history traits and unnecessary investment in immunity may lower fitness. Adult mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor L.) modulate their investment according to the perceived risk of infection as larvae; the amount of investment can be assessed by body coloration. This prophylactic investment in immunity can be used to assess the costs of investment when no immune challenge is present. Whether investment in immunity is traded off against sperm competitive ability, another important fitness trait in insects, was investigated. Males that had invested more in immunity (dark males) competed against males that had invested less (light males) for fertilization of offspring. Dark males did lose sperm precedence over time, whereas light males did not. However, this decrease in sperm offensive ability may not result in decreased fitness for darker males under normal female mating frequencies; the decrease in offspring did not occur for 1 week, but females that have constant access to males mate once a day, which would negate any long‐term effects of male mating order. Thus, prophylactic investment in immunity does not produce immediate reductions in a male's ability to gain fertilizations. The costs to immune investment may be born by other fitness traits in T. molitor.  相似文献   

The article introduces and elaborates the hypothesis of carrier features, characteristics which in females are attractive to males as mate-choice cues. Female carrier features increase paternal resemblance and are ultimately attractive because they help pair-bonded males distinguish genetic offspring from those conceived by mates in extra-pair copulations. The proposed kin recognition mechanism, whether culturally evolved or innate, facilitates discriminatory paternal investment, and hence male fitness. Carrier features would be attractive to males in monogamous species where paternal investment is high, and cuckoldry represents a significant risk to male fitness. Logical space exists for male sender features, which tend to be expressed in offspring regardless of female characteristics. Conflict of genetic interests between the sexes should favor the evolution of carrier, rather than sender, features in both sexes. The argument centers on humans, for whom candidate carrier features are discussed with regard to physiognomy, behavior, recessive traits, and body odor. Criticisms are discussed, and testable predictions enumerated.  相似文献   

In most animals, males gain a fitness benefit by mating with many females, whereas the number of progeny per female is unlikely to increase as a function of additional mates. Furthermore, males of internally fertilizing species run the risk of investing in offspring of other males if they provide parental care. Nevertheless, males of many avian species and a minority of mammalian species provide parental care, and females of various species mate with multiple males. I investigate a two-locus genetic model for evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating in which females gain a direct benefit by multiple mating from the paternal care they thereby elicit for their offspring. The model suggests that, first, male parental care can evolve when it strongly enhances offspring survival and the direct costs of female multiple mating (e.g., loss of energy, risk of injury, exposure to infectious diseases) are greater than its indirect benefit (e.g., acquisition of good genes, increased genetic diversity among offspring); second, female multiple mating can evolve when paternal care is important for offspring survival or the indirect benefit of multiple mating is larger than its direct cost; and, finally, male parental care and female multiple mating can co-occur.  相似文献   

H. Kokko 《Ecology letters》2001,4(4):322-326
“Good genes” models of mate choice are commonly tested by examining whether attractive males sire offspring with improved survival. If offspring do not survive better (or indeed survive less well), but instead inherit the attractiveness of their father, results are typically interpreted to support the Fisherian process, which allows the evolution of preferences for arbitrary traits. Here, I show that the above view is mistaken. Because of life‐history trade‐offs, an attractive male may perform less well in other components of fitness. A female obtains a “good genes” benefit whenever males show heritable variation in quality, even if high‐quality males invest so much in sexual advertisement that attractiveness has no positive correlation with any other life‐history trait than male mating success itself. Therefore, a negative correlation between attractiveness and viability does not falsify good genes, if mating with a high‐quality male results on average in superior offspring performance (mating success of sons included). The heritable “good genes” benefit can be sustained even if sexually antagonistic genes cause female offspring sired by high‐quality males to survive and reproduce less well. Neglecting the component of male mating success from measurements of fitness returns from sons and daughters will bias the advantage of mating with a high‐quality male downwards. This result may partly account for the rather weak “good genes” effects found in a recent meta‐analysis.  相似文献   

Existing theory predicts that male signalling can be an unreliable indicator of paternal care, but assumes that males with high levels of mating success can have high current reproductive success, without providing any parental care. As a result, this theory does not hold for the many species where offspring survival depends on male parental care. We modelled male allocation of resources between advertisement and care for species with male care where males vary in quality, and the effect of care and advertisement on male fitness is multiplicative rather than additive. Our model predicts that males will allocate proportionally more of their resources to whichever trait (advertisement or paternal care) is more fitness limiting. In contrast to previous theory, we find that male advertisement is always a reliable indicator of paternal care and male phenotypic quality (e.g. males with higher levels of advertisement never allocate less to care than males with lower levels of advertisement). Our model shows that the predicted pattern of male allocation and the reliability of male signalling depend very strongly on whether paternal care is assumed to be necessary for offspring survival and how male care affects offspring survival and male fitness.  相似文献   

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