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 Transgenic yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) plants have been generated by meristem co-cultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The binary plasmid pPZBNIa contains the bar gene under the control of a CaMV 35 S promoter. The transformation method involves inoculation of embryonic axis explants with A. tumefaciens, flooding the meristem with glufosinate, and initial culture on non-selective medium. Shoots were transferred to culture medium containing 20 mg/l glufosinate. Following subculture, shoots were grafted onto non-transgenic narrow-leafed lupin (L. angustifolius L.) seedling rootstocks, or rooted in vitro. The overall transformation efficiency, as determined at the T1 generation, was 0.05%–0.75%. The transgenic nature of plants grown to the T6 generation was confirmed by phosphinothricin acetyl transferase, PCR and Southern analyses. Received: 20 March 1999 / Revision received: 17 July 1999 / Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

Somatic embryos were obtained from immature cotyledons of Lupinus angustifolius, L. albus and L. mutabilis but not from L. luteus. Different kinds of basal media and plant growth regulators in primary and secondary culture were tested. The best induction media were based on B5 and were supplemented with 5 mg I-1 2,4-D alone or with 0.25 mg I-1 kinetin. Mature stage somatic embryos were obtained on media containing ABA (0.1–0.5 mg I-1) and a high NH4/NO3 ratio. Embryo germination and plantlet development occurred on MS media supplemented with glutamine or GA3.  相似文献   

The lupin root nodule homogenate was separated by centrifugation in the Percoll density gradient into the Rhizobium bacteroid fraction and plant subcellular components. High activities of alcohol dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase in the soluble fraction of host plant, and high capability of the isolated bacteroids to oxidize ethanol, malate, lactate and acetaldehyde evidence functional interrelationship between the plant and bacteroids.  相似文献   


Key message

This is the first clear evidence of duplication and/or triplication of large chromosomal regions in a genome of a Genistoid legume, the most basal clade of Papilionoid legumes.


Lupinus angustifolius L. (narrow-leafed lupin) is the most widely cultivated species of Genistoid legume, grown for its high-protein grain. As a member of this most basal clade of Papilionoid legumes, L. angustifolius serves as a useful model for exploring legume genome evolution. Here, we report an improved reference genetic map of L. angustifolius comprising 1207 loci, including 299 newly developed Diversity Arrays Technology markers and 54 new gene-based PCR markers. A comparison between the L. angustifolius and Medicago truncatula genomes was performed using 394 sequence-tagged site markers acting as bridging points between the two genomes. The improved L. angustifolius genetic map, the updated M. truncatula genome assembly and the increased number of bridging points between the genomes together substantially enhanced the resolution of synteny and chromosomal colinearity between these genomes compared to previous reports. While a high degree of syntenic fragmentation was observed that was consistent with the large evolutionary distance between the L. angustifolius and M. truncatula genomes, there were striking examples of conserved colinearity of loci between these genomes. Compelling evidence was found of large-scale duplication and/or triplication in the L. angustifolius genome, consistent with one or more ancestral polyploidy events.  相似文献   

The distribution of K, Na and CI in various tissues was studied in two species of lupin, Lupinus luteus L. (ex. Portugal) and L. angustifolius L. (cv. Kubesa) under conditions of NaCl-induced salinity stress. L. luteus appeared more tolerant to salt and less effective in excluding Na and Cl from its above-ground parts than L. angustifolius . Electron probe X-ray microanalysis of vacuolar contents of individual root cells of salt-treated L. luteus showed a decreasing gradient of Na and CI contents from the epidermis inwards, but in the inner cortical cells adjacent to the pericycle/endodermis, Na levels were again high while Cl remained low. L. luteus may be inefficient in restricting entry of Na into the shoot because of a limited capacity for Na storage in the vacuoles of root cells. In addition, this species appears to exclude Cl from the vacuoles of inner cortical root cells but not from its symplastic pathway. In the leaves of L. luteus , Cl levels were particularly high towards the lower surface (abaxial side), while Na accumulated in the adaxial side of the leaf. Likewise, different cells of the petiole appeared to place unequal demands on Na and Cl for osmotic adjustment. It is suggested that excess Na in the adaxial side of the leaf and the generally high levels of Na and CI in the foliage may explain the 50% fresh weight stimulation which was observed in L. luteus but not in L. angustifolius at 50 m M NaCl. However, the halophytic response of L. luteus is limited to moderate concentrations of NaCl since 100 m M NaCl caused severe necrosis and leaf abscission.  相似文献   

Guanosine-inosine-preferring nucleoside N-ribohydrolase has been purified to homogeneity from yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) seeds by ammonium sulfate fractionation, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The enzyme functions as a monomeric, 80kDa polypeptide, most effectively between pH 4.7 and 5.5. Of various mono- and divalent cations tested, Ca(2+) appeared to stimulate enzyme activity. The nucleosidase was activated 6-fold by 2mM exogenous CaCl(2) or Ca(NO(3))(2), with K(a)=0.5mM (estimated for CaCl(2)). The K(m) values estimated for guanosine and inosine were 2.7+/-0.3 microM. Guanosine was hydrolyzed 12% faster than inosine while adenosine and xanthosine were poor substrates. 2'-Deoxyguanosine, 2'-deoxyinosine, 2'-methylguanosine, pyrimidine nucleosides and 5'-GMP were not hydrolyzed. However, the enzyme efficiently liberated the corresponding bases from synthetic nucleosides, such as 1-methylguanosine, 7-methylguanosine, 1-N(2)-ethenoguanosine and 1-N(2)-isopropenoguanosine, but hydrolyzed poorly the ribosides of 6-methylaminopurine and 2,6-diaminopurine. MnCl(2) or ZnCl(2) inhibited the hydrolysis of guanosine with I(50) approximately 60 microM. Whereas 2'-deoxyguanosine, 2'-methylguanosine, adenosine, as well as guanine were competitive inhibitors of this reaction (K(i) values were 1.5, 3.6, 21 and 9.7 microM, respectively), hypoxanthine was a weaker inhibitor (K(i)=64 microM). Adenine, ribose, 2-deoxyribose, 5'-GMP and pyrimidine nucleosides did not inhibit the enzyme. The guanosine-inosine hydrolase activity occurred in all parts of lupin seedlings and in cotyledons it increased up to 5-fold during seed germination, reaching maximum in the third/fourth day. The lupin nucleosidase has been compared with other nucleosidases.  相似文献   

Yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.) is a legume crop containing a large amount of protein in its seeds. In this study, we constructed a seed‐protein catalog to provide a foundation for further study of the seeds. A total of 736 proteins were identified in 341 2DE spots by nano‐LC‐MS/MS. Eight storage proteins were found as multiple spots in the 2DE gels. The 736 proteins correspond to 152 unique proteins as shown by UniRef50 clustering. Sixty‐seven of the 152 proteins were associated with KEGG‐defined pathways. Of the remaining proteins, 57 were classified according to a GO term. The functions of the remaining 28 proteins have yet to be determined. This is the first yellow lupin seed–protein catalog, and it contains considerably more data than previously reported for white lupin (L. albus L.).  相似文献   

In narrow‐leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), segregation for the necrotic (systemic hypersensitive) response to infection with a necrotic strain of Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV‐N) was studied in progeny plants from six crosses. The parents were two cultivars that always developed necrosis when infected (Danja and Merrit) and two genotypes that always responded without necrosis (90L423‐07‐13 and P26697). In the four possible combinations of crosses between the different necrotic and non‐necrotically reacting genotypes, segregation for the necrotic response in F2 progeny plants always fitted a 3:1 ratio (necrotic: non‐necrotic). All F2 progeny plants from the cross between the two non‐cultivar genotypes became infected without necrosis while 99% of the F2 from the cross between the two cultivars developed necrosis. These results indicate that the systemic necrotic response to infection with BYMV‐N is probably controlled by a single dominant hypersensitivity gene for which we propose the name Nbm‐1. However, its expression seemed influenced by independently segregating modifier genes in the genetic background since necrosis developed at widely different rates within affected F2 progeny plants resulting in staggered killing.  相似文献   

During germination of lupin seeds, the levels of in-vivo tRNA aminoacylation increase in different ways, depending on the species of tRNA. Column chromatography of tRNA on reverse-phase-chromatography (RPC-5) has shown the presence of 4 peaks of isoleucyl-tRNA, 5 of leucyl-tRNA, 5 of lysyl-tRNA, 2 of tyrosyl-tRNA, and 4 of valyl-tRNA. Cochromatography of periodate treated and control tRNA preparations, labeled with radioactive amino acids, indicates identical aminoacylation in vivo of isoaccepting tRNAs during plant development. One isoacceptor of isoleucine tRNA changes its elution profile after periodate treatment.Abbreviation RPC-5 reverse-phase-chromatography  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungDie Arbeit wurde durchgeführt mit Unterstützung des Forschungsdienstes und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, denen an dieser Stelle herzlichst gedankt sei.  相似文献   

The narrow-leafed lupin possesses valuable traits for environment-friendly agriculture and for the production of unconventional agricultural products. Despite various genetic and environmental studies, the breeding of improved cultivars has been slow due to the limited knowledge of its genomic structure. Further advances in genomics require, among other things, the availability of a genomic DNA library with large inserts. We report here on the construction of the first DNA library cloned in a BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) vector from diploid Lupinus angustifolius L. cv. Sonet. The high molecular weight DNA used for its preparation was isolated from interphase nuclei that were purified by flow cytometry. The library comprises 55,296 clones and is ordered in 144×384-well microtitre plates. With an average insert size of 100 kb, the library represents six haploid genome equivalents. Thanks to the purification of the nuclei by flow cytometry, contamination with chloroplast DNA and mitochondrial DNA was negligible. The availability of a BAC library opens avenues for the development of a physical contig map and positional gene cloning, as well as for the analysis of the plant’s genome structure and evolution.  相似文献   

Ji  Yishan  Liu  Rong  Hu  Jinguo  Huang  Yuning  Wang  Dong  Li  Guan  Rahman  Md. Mosiur  Zhang  Hongyan  Wang  Chenyu  Li  Mengwei  Yang  Tao  Zong  Xuxiao 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(7):5215-5224
Molecular Biology Reports - Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) is used as grain legumes, fodder for livestock and green manure in the world and has a great potential to be developed as...  相似文献   

A crude preparation of PEP carboxylase (EC from the yellow lupin roots exhibits the pH optimum of activity within the range of 7.4-8.6 and the temperature optimum at 32 - 40 degrees C. Its Km for PEP is 0.1 mM, and Km for HCO3- is 0.7 mM. The affinity of the enzyme towards Mg2+ diminishes with the metal ion concentration. At the concentration of Mg2+ below 0.5 mM Km for Mg2+ is 0.07 mM and at the Mg2+ concentration over 1.5 mM it rises to 0.47 mM. The Hill coefficients are 0.37 and 0.88, respectively. Among several compounds affecting the PEP carboxylase activity, such as organic acids, amino acids, and sugar phosphates, at physiological pH (7.0 and 7.8), malate shows the strongest inhibition of a competitive character, its Ki being 2 mM. Also acidic amino acids strongly inhibit the enzyme activity, aspartate being more effective than glutamate. Glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 1,6-diphosphate markedly activate the enzyme. Both the inhibition by malate, aspartate and glutamate, and the activation by sugar phosphates rises considerably when pH is decreased from 7.8 to 7.0. Malonate scarcely affects the enzyme.  相似文献   

In contrast to most widespread broad-acre crops, the narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) was domesticated very recently, in breeding programmes isolated in both space and time. Whereas domestication was initiated in Central Europe in the early twentieth century, the crop was subsequently industrialized in Australia, which now dominates world production. To investigate the ramifications of these bottlenecks, the genetic diversity of wild (n = 1,248) and domesticated populations (n = 95) was characterized using diversity arrays technology, and adaptation studied using G × E trials (n = 31) comprising all Australian cultivars released from 1967 to 2004 (n = 23). Principal coordinates analysis demonstrates extremely limited genetic diversity in European and Australian breeding material compared to wild stocks. AMMI analysis indicates that G × E interaction is a minor, albeit significant effect, dominated by strong responses to local, Western Australian (WA) optima. Over time Australian cultivars have become increasingly responsive to warm, intermediate rainfall environments in the northern WA grainbelt, but much less so to cool vegetative phase eastern environments, which have considerably more yield potential. G × E interaction is well explained by phenology, and its interaction with seasonal climate, as a result of varying vernalization responses. Yield differences are minimized when vegetative phase temperatures fully satisfy the vernalization requirement (typical of eastern Australia), and maximized when they do not (typical of WA). In breeding for WA optima, the vernalization response has been eliminated and there has been strong selection for terminal drought avoidance through early phenology, which limits yield potential in longer season eastern environments. Conversely, vernalization-responsive cultivars are more yield-responsive in the east, where low temperatures moderately extend the vegetative phase. The confounding of phenology and vernalization response limits adaptation in narrow-leafed lupin, isolates breeding programmes, and should be eliminated by widening the flowering time range in a vernalization-unresponsive background. Concomitantly, breeding strategies that will widen the genetic base of the breeding pool in an ongoing manner should be initiated.  相似文献   

The transition state of adenosine nucleosidase (EC isolated from yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus) was determined based upon a series of heavy atom kinetic isotope effects. Adenosine labeled with 13C, 2H, and 15N was analyzed by liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry to determine kinetic isotope effects. Values of 1.024+/-0.004, 1.121+/-0.005, 1.093+/-0.004, 0.993+/-0.006, and 1.028+/-0.005 were found for [1'-13C], [1'-2H], [2'-2H], [5'-2H], and [9-15N] adenosine, respectively. Using a bond order bond energy vibrational analysis, a transition state consisting of a significantly broken C-N bond, formation of an oxocarbenium ion in the ribose ring, a conformation of C3-exo for the ribose ring, and protonation of the heterocyclic base was proposed. This transition state was found to be very similar to the transition state for nucleoside hydrolase, another purine metabolizing enzyme, isolated from Crithidia fasciculata.  相似文献   

The ABA concentrations of leaves, roots, soils and transport fluids of chickpea and lupin plants growing in acid (pH=4.8) and alkaline (pH=8.0) soils and an acid soil with an alkaline subsoil and an alkaline soil with an acid subsoil were measured with the aim of explaining the poor growth of narrow-leafed lupins in alkaline soil. The ABA concentration in the leaves was higher in lupin than chickpea, but did not differ when the plants were grown in alkaline compared to acid soil. The ABA concentration of the roots and xylem sap of lupin did not differ significantly when grown in acid or alkaline soil. Chickpea roots and xylem sap had, however, lower ABA concentrations in acid soil. The ABA concentration in the soil solution was higher in the acid than in the alkaline soil. Roots of lupin and chickpea showed no suberization of the hypodermis or exodermis whether grown aeroponically or hydroponically and the pH of the cytoplasm did not change significantly when root cells of lupin and chickpea were exposed to external pHs of 4.8 or 8.0. The chickpea roots had greater suberization of the endodermal cells adjacent to radial xylem rays and maintained a slightly higher vacuolar pH than lupin in both acid and alkaline external media, but these small differences are insufficient to explain the reductions in lupin growth in alkaline soil.  相似文献   

In Lupinus shoots electrical stimulus (DC) produces a voltagewave identical in character with the action potential in stimulatedsimple plant cells or in nerves. These action potentials wereregistered with a Kipp and Zonen Micrograph BD3, calomel electrodes,and an electrometer (input impedance, 1014 ). The wave form and its amplitude propagation velocity, pointof initiation, threshold value of the stimulus, and refractoryperiod were considered; the interdependence between these parametersand the magnitude and manner of application of the electricalstimulus are discussed. An analogy with Pflüger's laws was found.  相似文献   

In 1986 in Western Australia, cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection was widespread in breeders' selections of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), and in collections of lupin cvs and wild L. angustifolius lines. When seed of some of these selections and cvs was sown, seed-borne CMV was detected in seedlings. Infection of F1 progenies was traced to use of infected parent plants. CMV was also widespread in 25 seed crops of the new lupin cv. Wandoo but not in 42 seed crops of the new cv. Danja. When samples of the seed sown in 1986 were tested, CMV was detected in 3 - 34% of seedlings of cv. Wandoo but in none of cv. Danja. Following intensive roguing of symptom-bearing plants in the 1986 seed crop of new lupin cv. Gungurru, the level of seedling infection with CMV in seed samples after harvest was 0·1-0·2%. CMV was detected in 6 - 8%, 0·6-5% and 0 - 18% of seedlings from seed samples of established lupin cvs Chittick, Yandee and Illyarrie respectively. Highest levels of seed transmission were in seed from crops grown in high rainfall areas. When a sample of cv. Wandoo seed was graded for size by sieving, CMV was detected in seedlings grown from seed in all grades, but the smallest grade contained the highest level of infection. When seed was collected from pods at different positions on plants in a CMV-infected crop of cv. Illyarrie, seed from primary pods transmitted the virus to seedlings at a 3% rate, seed from first order lateral pods at 8% while seed from second and third order lateral pods transmitted at 13%. Examination of CMV-infected lupin crops indicated that seed-infected plants competed poorly and tended to be shaded out in dense crops but to survive in sparse crops. In 1987 during drought conditions after seeding, plant mortality was greater with seed-infected seedlings than with healthy seedlings despite wide plant spacing. An isolate of CMV from subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) induced severer symptoms in lupins than four isolates from lupin; only the subterranean clover isolate prevented seed production. In tests at one lupin breeding site, CMV was found in 15 species of weeds and volunteer legumes. Fumaria officinalis, Stachys arvensis and volunteer lupins were most frequently infected.  相似文献   

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