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Patterns of infection withFusarium culmorum (W G Smith) Saccardo were observed in seedling roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), maize (Zea mays L.) and asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L). Apical regions of the main roots were not infected. Since penetration into the root occurred several days after inoculation and the roots were growing during the experiment, these regions had apparently not been in existence long enough to be infected. In older regions of barley, wheat and asparagus, hyphae entered through the tips of lateral roots. In barley and wheat, which had not developed any suberin lamellae in their subepidermal layer, infection occurred randomly over the remainder of the root. In maize, the fungus penetrated the epidermis at many sites but did not breach the exodermis in which all cells possessed both Casparian bands and suberin lamellae. Maize roots, therefore, sustained only minimal infections. In asparagus, the fungus grew through the short (passage) cells but never the long cells of the exodermis. In doing so, it penetrated cells possessing Casparian bands but lacking suberin lamellae. The results support the hypothesis that suberin lamellae provide effective barriers to the growth ofF. culmorum hyphae.  相似文献   

When the basal zones of 4-d-old hydroponically grown maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Seneca Horizon) roots were exposed to moist air for 2 d, the development of both endodermis and exodermis was affected. In the endodermis, Casparian bands enlarged and more cells developed suberin lamellae. The most striking effect was seen in the exodermis. In submerged controls, only 4% of the cells had Casparian bands, whereas in root regions exposed to air, 93% developed these structures. Similarly, in submerged roots 11% of the exodermal cells had either developing or mature suberin lamellae compared with 92% in the air-treated region. The majority of epidermal cells remained alive in the zone exposed to air. Some cell death had occurred earlier in the experiment when the seedlings were transferred from vermiculite to hydroponic culture. The precise stimulus(i) associated with the air treatment which led to accelerated development in both endodermis and exodermis is as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Forty-three species of seedless vascular plants were assessed for modifications to root cortical cell walls. All species except Lycopodium had an endodermis with distinct Casparian bands. Experiments with the apoplastic tracer berberine hemisulfate showed that walls of all root cortical cells in the two Lycopodium species tested were permeable to this tracer. Although most species examined lacked a hypodermis several Equisetum species had a hypodermis with modified walls. Three Selaginella species had distinct Casparian bands in this cortical cell layer. This layer, therefore, is an exodermis in Selaginella and its presence limited the inward diffusion of the apoplastic tracer berberine hemisulfate.  相似文献   

Lux A  Morita S  Abe J  Ito K 《Annals of botany》2005,96(6):989-996
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Free-hand sectioning of living plant tissues allows fast microscopic observation of internal structures. The aim of this study was to improve the quality of preparations from roots with suberized cell walls. A whole-mount procedure that enables visualization of exo- and endodermal cells along the root axis was also established. METHODS: Free-hand sections were cleared with lactic acid saturated with chloral hydrate, and observed with or without post-staining in toluidine blue O or aniline blue. Both white light and UV light were used for observation. Lactic acid was also used as a solvent for berberine, and fluorol yellow for clearing and staining the samples used for suberin observation. This procedure was also applied to whole-mount roots with suberized celllayers. KEY RESULTS: Clearing of sections results in good image quality to observe the tissue structure and cell walls compared with non-cleared sections. The use of lactic acid as a solvent for fluorol yellow proved superior to previously used solvents such as polyethylene glycol-glycerol. Clearing and fluorescence staining of thin roots such as those of Arabidopsis thaliana were successful for suberin visualization in endodermal cells within whole-mount roots. For thicker roots, such as those of maize, sorghum or tea, this procedure could be used for visualizing the exodermis in a longitudinal view. Clearing and staining of peeled maize root segments enabled observation of endodermal cell walls. CONCLUSIONS: The clearing procedure using lactic acid improves the quality of images from free-hand sections and clearings. This method enhances the study of plant root anatomy, in particular the histological development and changes of cell walls, when used in combination with fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

利用光学和荧光显微镜比较研究几种植物细胞壁组织化学定位染色方法和技术,结果表明:(1)硫酸消化法和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法研究凯氏带,对取材时间和部位要求高,建议两种方法配合使用,可相互印证是否具凯氏带;(2)苏丹7B染色法,蓝色激发光下不染色和硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染研究细胞壁栓质层3种方法中,不染色蓝色激发光下结果比苏丹7B染色法敏感显色,但苏丹7B染色法在普通光学显微镜下观察较为便捷;(3)木质化细胞壁染色方法中硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰对染法比间苯三酚-盐酸染色法易显色观察;(4)甲苯胺兰快速染色细胞壁取代常规苏丹Ⅲ/Ⅳ法,细胞边界和层次更清楚。  相似文献   

Hypoxia can stimulate the development of a suberized exodermis in aquatic plants; however, its influence on this aspect of terrestrial root development is sparsely documented. To determine the effects of hypoxia on maize (Zea mays cv. Seneca Horizon) roots, seedlings were grown in vermiculite (VERM), aerated hydroponics (AER), stagnant hydroponics with agar (STAG), or aerated hydroponics with agar (AERAG). The endo- and exodermis were examined for wall modifications. Lateral root emergence and aerenchyma formation were documented qualitatively. The endodermal Casparian band formation was unaffected by treatment. Endodermal and exodermal suberin lamella formation was earliest and most extensive in VERM. Suberization, especially in the exodermis of aerated treatments, was depressed in all hydroponic media. In comparison with AER, STAG exodermal lamellae were increased, but endodermal lamellae were decreased. Since the suberized exodermis forms a barrier to radial oxygen loss from roots to the medium, its stimulation in STAG roots (which also developed extensive aerenchyma) would help retain oxygen in the root. The reduction of endodermal lamellae should facilitate oxygen diffusion into the stele. Clearly, the response to environmental conditions is variable within individual cortical cell layers. Additionally, the observed patterns of lamellae, aerenchyma and lateral root development indicate a tight radial co-ordination of root development.  相似文献   

The dimorphic exodermis of the root of onion (Allium cepa L.) consists of long and short cells, both of which have Casparian bands. The long cells and some of the short cells also have suberin lamellae. The proportion of short cells with lamellae increases with distance from the root tip and with plant age, but is not influenced by drought stress. In young regions of onion roots, characterized by a mature endodermis and an immature exodermis, the plasmalemma surface area that can be contacted by the soil solution is 90·9 mm2 per mm length of root, i.e. the sum of the plasmalemma surface areas of the epidermis, immature exodermis, cortical parenchyma and endodermis external to the Casparian band. This is reduced to 14·5–14·7 mm2 by the development of a Casparian band in the exodermis, which cuts off access to the cortical parenchyma, and by the development of suberin lamellae, which cut off access to the plasmalemmae of the long and some of the short cells of the exodermis. Death of all the epidermal cells, a consequence of drought, further reduces this area to 0·205–0·0183 mm2, i.e. the area of the outer tangential plasmalemmae of the short cells without suberin lamellae. In this condition, the root's capacity for ion uptake should be reduced but its capacity to resist water loss to the soil should be increased.  相似文献   

凯氏带位于被子植物初生根内皮层细胞,环绕细胞1周,是与质膜紧密结合的非极性带状增厚结构。凯氏带作为植物根中离子径向运输障碍,调节离子的质外体吸收途径,迫使土壤中的离子通过内皮层细胞膜,选择性地进入中柱。凯氏带发现于1865年,但直至拟南芥凯氏带蛋白的发现和凯氏带阻滞作用物质基础被揭示,凯氏带的形成机理和功能才逐渐为人们所认知。凯氏带的物质基础为木质素,其形成需要由凯氏带蛋白和受体激酶组成的合成平台。细胞内部的木质素单体经ABCG载体运输到凯氏带的形成区,经ESB1dirigent蛋白、RBOHF氧化酶和PER64过氧化物酶等催化,合成木质素。该文对近年来国内外有关凯氏带形成的分子机制和功能特点方面的研究进展进行综述,为进一步理解和解析凯氏带的形成机理和功能提供参考。  相似文献   

It has been shown that rice roots grown in a stagnant medium develop a tight barrier to radial oxygen loss (ROL), whereas aerated roots do not. This study investigated whether the induction of a barrier to ROL affects water and solute permeabilities. Growth in stagnant medium markedly reduced the root growth rate relative to aerated conditions. Histochemical studies revealed an early deposition of Casparian bands (CBs) and suberin lamellae (SL) in both the endodermis (EN) and exodermis, and accelerated lignification of stagnant roots. The absolute amounts of suberin, lignin and esterified aromatics (coumaric and ferulic acid) in these barriers were significantly higher in stagnant roots. However, correlative permeability studies revealed that early deposition of barriers in stagnant roots failed to reduce hydraulic conductivity (Lp(r) ) below those of aerated roots. In contrast to Lp(r) , the NaCl permeability (P(sr) ) of stagnant roots was markedly lower than that of aerated roots, as indicated by an increased reflection coefficient (σ(sr) ). In stagnant roots, P(sr) decreased by 60%, while σ(sr) increased by 55%. The stagnant medium differentially affected the Lp(r) and P(sr) of roots, which can be explained in terms of the physical properties of the molecules used and the size of the pores in the apoplast.  相似文献   

Precipitates of insoluble inorganic salts were used to clog apoplastic pores in cell walls of the outer part of rice roots (OPR) in two rice cultivars (lowland cv. IR64 and upland cv. Azucena). Aerenchyma of two different root zones (20–50 and 50–100 mm from the apex) was perfused with 1 m m potassium ferrocyanide (K4[Fe(CN)6]) while the whole root segments were bathed in 0.5 m m copper sulphate (CuSO4) medium. In another experiment, salts were applied on opposite sides of the OPR. The copper-ferrocyanide precipitation technique resembles the famous osmotic experiments of the German botanist Wilhelm Pfeffer, in which he used them with clay diaphragms. Precipitates were observed on the side where ferrocyanide was applied, suggesting that Cu2+ and SO42– were passing the barrier including the Casparian bands of the exodermis much faster than ferrocyanide. There was a patchiness in the formation of precipitates, correlated with the maturation of the exodermis. The intensity of copper ferrocyanide staining decreased along developing rice roots. No precipitates were observed in mature parts beyond 70–80 mm from the root apex, except for sites around the emergence of secondary roots, which were fairly leaky to both water and ions. Blockage of the apoplastic pores with precipitates caused a three- to four-fold reduction of hydraulic conductivity of the OPR (LpOPR). The reflection coefficient of the OPR (σsOPR) increased in response to the blockage with precipitates. The osmotic versus diffusive water permeability ratios of the OPR (PfOPR/PdOPR) were around 600 for immature and 1200 for mature root segments. Treatment significantly affected the bulk rather than the diffusive water flow and caused a three- to five-fold reduction of the PfOPR/PdOPR ratios. Results indicated that despite the existence of an exodermis with Casparian bands, most of the water moved around cells rather than using the cell-to-cell passage.  相似文献   

First-order branch roots of field-grown Zea mays L. were examined by optical and electron microscopy. They were small-scale versions of nodal roots except for the usual retention of a live epidermis throughout their length. The Casparian strips and suberized lamellae of hypodermis and endodermis developed closer to the root tip than reported for main roots (in the zone 0.5 to 5.5 cm from the tip for the hypodermis, and 0.5 to 4 cm for the endodermis), in branches retaining an apical meristem. The hydrophobic deposits were in place to the distal ends of determinate branches. All hydrophobic deposits were fully formed before the late metaxylem elements were mature. Gaps in the suberized lamellae of both hypodermis and endodermis may permit apoplastic diffusion of solutes through these layers. Pit frequency in the outer tangential walls of the hypodermis and endodermis was 0.3 per 100 μm2, and 0.6 to 0.7 per 100 μm2, respectively, in both branch and main roots. Numbers of plasmodesmata per pit in the branches were 60 and 30 in the hypodermis and endodermis, respectively. Water fluxes from published data were used to calculated the possible flux through plasmodesmata on a symplastic path. Values up to 0.2 pl h?1 for the hypodermis and twice this for the endodermis were obtained.  相似文献   

荷叶铁线蕨为岩生珍稀蕨类植物,分布在中国重庆市万州、涪陵等极少地区.为揭示荷叶铁线蕨生长特性,采集栽培在种质资源圃中的荷叶铁线蕨根样、根状茎、在阳光下生长和在阴暗环境下生长的叶片,固定于甲醛-酒精-乙酸溶液中,用双面刀片进行徒手切片,分别用三种0.1%苏丹红、0.1%硫酸氢黄连素-苯胺兰、0.05%甲苯胺蓝染色剂染色,...  相似文献   

The apoplasmic permeability of ectomycorrhizal roots of intact Eucalyptus pilularis seedlings infected with Pisolithus tinctorius on aseptic agar plates was examined using the nonbinding fluorochrome 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulphonate and lanthanum ions in conjunction with anhydrous freeze substitution and dry sectioning. Most mycorrhizas formed in the air above the agar surface, and in these the sheath rapidly became nonwettable and impermeable to the fluorochrome but was nevertheless permeable to lanthanum ions. In a few mycorrhizas which developed in contact with the agar the sheath remained permeable to both tracers when fully developed. This increased hydrophobicity of the sheath in mycorrhizas in the air above the agar surface might be explained by deposition of hydrophobins, but nevertheless it still allows an apoplasmic pathway for radial movement of ions. Regardless of their sheath permeation both apoplasmic tracers were always found throughout the Hartig net and were arrested at the Casparian bands and suberin lamellae of the exodermis. It is concluded that the fluorochrome must have moved longitudinally along the Hartig net which is a region of higher permeability than the sheath. Casparian bands in the exodermis of ectomycorrhizal roots have similar properties to those in nonmycorrhizal roots in excluding solutes and their exclusion of lanthanum ions indicates that they are not permeable to ions. The data do not support the concept of a totally sealed apoplasmic exchange compartment, but the differential permeability suggests that the sheath might allow radial transfer of ions but block loss of sugars and organic molecules of similar size.  相似文献   

植物根系最主要的作用之一是从土壤中获取养分并将其运输至地上部。水和营养物质径向穿过根的表皮、皮层、内皮层等所有外部细胞层,才能到达中柱,以供地上部代谢所需。其中,内皮层细胞在发育过程中会经历两个特殊的分化阶段,分别形成凯氏带和木栓层两种扩散屏障,二者在控制养分获取与流失方面起着重要的作用。该文就近年来国内外有关植物内皮层分化过程及其屏障功能方面的研究进展进行了综述,以期对深入探索内皮层屏障在植物生长发育和逆境适应中的作用提供参考,为植物育种工作开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

Martinka M  Dolan L  Pernas M  Abe J  Lux A 《Annals of botany》2012,110(2):361-371

Background and Aims

Apoplasmic barriers in plants fulfil important roles such as the control of apoplasmic movement of substances and the protection against invasion of pathogens. The aim of this study was to describe the development of apoplasmic barriers (Casparian bands and suberin lamellae) in endodermal cells of Arabidopsis thaliana primary root and during lateral root initiation.


Modifications of the endodermal cell walls in roots of wild-type Landsberg erecta (Ler) and mutants with defective endodermal development – scarecrow-3 (scr-3) and shortroot (shr) – of A. thaliana plants were characterized by light, fluorescent, confocal laser scanning, transmission and cryo-scanning electron microscopy.

Key Results

In wild-type plant roots Casparian bands initiate at approx. 1600 µm from the root cap junction and suberin lamellae first appear on the inner primary cell walls at approx. 7000–8000 µm from the root apex in the region of developing lateral root primordia. When a single cell replaces a pair of endodermal and cortical cells in the scr-3 mutant, Casparian band-like material is deposited ectopically at the junction between this ‘cortical’ cell and adjacent pericycle cells. Shr mutant roots with an undeveloped endodermis deposit Casparian band-like material in patches in the middle lamellae of cells of the vascular cylinder. Endodermal cells in the vicinity of developing lateral root primordia develop suberin lamellae earlier, and these are thicker, compared wih the neighbouring endodermal cells. Protruding primordia are protected by an endodermal pocket covered by suberin lamellae.


The data suggest that endodermal cell–cell contact is required for the spatial control of Casparian band development. Additionally, the endodermal cells form a collet (collar) of short cells covered by a thick suberin layer at the base of lateral root, which may serve as a barrier constituting a ‘safety zone’ protecting the vascular cylinder against uncontrolled movement of water, solutes or various pathogens.  相似文献   

Suberin is a complex polymer composed of aliphatic and phenolic compounds. It is a constituent of apoplastic plant interfaces. In many plant species, including rice (Oryza sativa), the hypodermis in the outer part of roots forms a suberized cell wall (the Casparian strip and/or suberin lamellae), which inhibits the flow of water and ions and protects against pathogens. To date, there is no genetic evidence that suberin forms an apoplastic transport barrier in the hypodermis. We discovered that a rice reduced culm number1 (rcn1) mutant could not develop roots longer than 100 mm in waterlogged soil. The mutated gene encoded an ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter named RCN1/OsABCG5. RCN1/OsABCG5 gene expression in the wild type was increased in most hypodermal and some endodermal roots cells under stagnant deoxygenated conditions. A GFP‐RCN1/OsABCG5 fusion protein localized at the plasma membrane of the wild type. Under stagnant deoxygenated conditions, well suberized hypodermis developed in wild types but not in rcn1 mutants. Under stagnant deoxygenated conditions, apoplastic tracers (periodic acid and berberine) were blocked at the hypodermis in the wild type but not in rcn1, indicating that the apoplastic barrier in the mutant was impaired. The amount of the major aliphatic suberin monomers originating from C28 and C30 fatty acids or ω‐OH fatty acids was much lower in rcn1 than in the wild type. These findings suggest that RCN1/OsABCG5 has a role in the suberization of the hypodermis of rice roots, which contributes to formation of the apoplastic barrier.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Most studies of exodermal structure and function have involved species with a uniseriate exodermis. To extend this work, the development and apoplastic permeability of Iris germanica roots with a multiseriate exodermis (MEX) were investigated. The effects of different growth conditions on MEX maturation were also tested. In addition, the exodermises of eight Iris species were observed to determine if their mature anatomy correlated with habitat.


Plants were grown in soil, hydroponics (with and without a humid air gap) or aeroponics. Roots were sectioned and stained with various dyes to detect MEX development from the root apical meristem, Casparian bands, suberin lamellae and tertiary wall thickenings. Apoplastic permeability was tested using dye (berberine) and ionic (ferric) tracers.

Key Results

The root apical meristem was open and MEX development non-uniform. In soil-grown roots, the exodermis started maturing (i.e. Casparian bands and suberin lamellae were deposited) 10 mm from the tip, and two layers had matured by 70 mm. In both hydro- and aeroponically grown roots, exodermal maturation was delayed. However, in areas of roots exposed to an air gap in the hydroponic system, MEX maturation was accelerated. In contrast, maturation of the endodermis was not influenced by the growth conditions. The mature MEX had an atypical Casparian band that was continuous around the root circumference. The MEX prevented the influx and efflux of berberine, but had variable resistance to ferric ions due to their toxic effects. Iris species living in well-drained soils developed a MEX, but species in water-saturated substrates had a uniseriate exodermis and aerenchyma.


MEX maturation was influenced by the roots'' growth medium. The MEX matures very close to the root tip in soil, but much further from the tip in hydro- and aeroponic culture. The air gap accelerated maturation of the second exodermal layer. In Iris, the type of exodermis was correlated with natural habitat suggesting that a MEX may be advantageous for drought tolerance.Key words: Iris germanica, roots, culture conditions, development, anatomy, apoplastic tracers, multiseriate exodermis, endodermis, root apical meristem  相似文献   

Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) plants were hydroponically cultivated to achieve NO3 deficiency (N starvation), salt stress (addition of 100 mM NaCl), or normal conditions. Endodermal (ECW) and rhizodermal and hypodermal cell walls (RHCW) were isolated enzymatically from roots, and suberin monomers were released by transesterification after solvent extraction. Aromatic and aliphatic suberin monomers were identified and quantified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Between 90 and 95% of the released suberin monomers were linear, long-chain, aliphatic compounds (alcohols, acids, diacids, ω-hydroxy acids and 2-hydroxy acids) with an average chain length of 19 C-atoms. The remainder was an aromatic suberin fraction mainly composed of coumaric and ferulic acid. Suberin amounts were significantly increased in ECW and RHCW in the presence of NaCl. In contrast, N starvation led to significantly reduced levels of suberization in ECW and RHCW. It is concluded that R. communis plants reinforce their apoplastic transport barriers in roots in adaptation to NaCl stress in order to minimize NaCl uptake. Under conditions of N starvation the opposite occurs and plants reduce the suberization of their apoplastic transport barriers to facilitate nutrient uptake form the soil.  相似文献   

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