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l-Lactate-driven ferric and nitrate reduction was studied in Escherichia coli E4. Ferric iron reduction activity in E. coli E4 was found to be constitutive. Contrary to nitrate, ferric iron could not be used as electron acceptor for growth. Ferric iron reductase activity of 9 nmol Fe2+ mg-1 protein min-1 could not be inhibited by inhibitors for the respiratory chain, like Rotenone, quinacrine, Actinomycin A, or potassium cyanide. Active cells and l-lactate-driven nitrate respiration in E. coli E4 leading to the production of nitrite, was reduced to about 20% of its maximum activity with 5 mM ferric iron, or to about 50% in presence of 5 mM ferrous iron. The inhibition was caused by nitric oxide formed by a purely chemical reduction of nitrite by ferrous iron. Nitric oxide was further chemically reduced by ferrous iron to nitrous oxide. With electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, the presence of a free [Fe2+-NO] complex was shown. In presence of ferrous or ferric iron and l-lactate, nitrate was anaerobically converted to nitric oxide and nitrous oxide by the combined action of E. coli E4 and chemical reduction reactions (chemodenitrification).  相似文献   

Nitrate and nitrite was reduced by Escherichia coli E4 in a l-lactate (5 mM) limited culture in a chemostat operated at dissolved oxygen concentrations corresponding to 90–100% air saturation. Nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase activity was regulated by the growth rate, and oxygen and nitrate concentrations. At a low growth rate (0.11 h–1) nitrate and nitrite reductase activities of 200 nmol · mg–1 protein · min–1 and 250 nmol · mg–1 protein · min–1 were measured, respectively. At a high growth rate (0.55 h–1) both enzyme activities were considerably lower (25 and 12 nmol mg–1 · protein · min–1). The steady state nitrite concentration in the chemostat was controlled by the combined action of the nitrate and nitrite reductase. Both nitrate and nitrite reductase activity were inversely proportional to the growth rate. The nitrite reductase activity decreased faster with growth rate than the nitrate reductase. The chemostat biomass concentration of E. coli E4, with ammonium either solely or combined with nitrate as a source of nitrogen, remained constant throughout all growth rates and was not affected by nitrite concentrations. Contrary to batch, E. coli E4 was able to grow in continuous cultures on nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen. When cultivated with nitrate as the sole source of nitrogen the chemostat biomass concentration is related to the activity of nitrate and nitrite reductase and hence, inversely proportional to growth rate.  相似文献   

NorR is a nitric oxide sensor that in Escherichia coli regulates the gene encoding for flavorubredoxin, an enzyme involved in nitrosative detoxification. The present work shows that although purified NorR can bind independently to each of three binding sites in the flavorubredoxin gene promoter, the presence of all sites is required for in vivo nitric oxide-dependent induction of the flavorubredoxin gene. Furthermore, trimerization of NorR upon binding to the three sites was observed by protein cross-linking experiments. These results reveal the importance of the multiple DNA binding sites present on NorR-dependent promoters and suggest that the functional form of NorR is a trimer.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain LCB2048 is a double mutant defective in the synthesis of the two membrane-associated nitrate reductases A and Z. This strain can grow anaerobically on a non-fermentable carbon source, glycerol, in the presence of nitrate even in media supplemented with high concentrations of tungstate. This growth was totally dependent upon a highly active, periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap). Due to the presence of a previously unreported narL mutation, synthesis of the periplasmic nitrate reductase by this strain was induced during anaerobic growth by nitrate. We have also demonstrated that methyl viologen is an ineffective electron donor to Nap: its use leads to an underestimation of the contribution of Nap activity to the rate of nitrate reduction in vivo.  相似文献   

A macro and micro assay for the spectrophotometric determination of serum nitrite and nitrate was developed. Nitrite/nitrate in biological samples can be estimated in a single step by this method. The principle of the assay is the reduction of nitrate by copper-cadmium alloy, followed by color development with Griess reagent (sulfanilamide and N-naphthylethylenediamine) in acidic medium. This assay is sensitive to 1 microM nitrate and is suitable for different biological fluids, including sera with a high lipid concentration. The copper-cadmium alloy used in the present method is easy to prepare and can completely reduce nitrate to nitrite in an hour. The present method provides a simple, cost-effective assay for the estimation of stable oxidation products of nitric oxide in biological samples.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are climatically important trace gases that are produced by both nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. In the denitrification pathway, N2O is produced from nitric oxide (NO) by the enzyme nitric oxide reductase (NOR). The ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea also possesses a functional nitric oxide reductase, which was shown recently to serve a unique function. In this study, sequences homologous to the large subunit of nitric oxide reductase (norB) were obtained from eight additional strains of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, including Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus species (i.e., both beta- and gamma-Proteobacterial ammonia oxidizers), showing widespread occurrence of a norB homologue in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. However, despite efforts to detect norB homologues from Nitrosospira strains, sequences have not yet been obtained. Phylogenetic analysis placed nitrifier norB homologues in a subcluster, distinct from denitrifier sequences. The similarities and differences of these sequences highlight the need to understand the variety of metabolisms represented within a "functional group" defined by the presence of a single homologous gene. These results expand the database of norB homologue sequences in nitrifying bacteria.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K12 reduces nitrous oxide stoichiometrically to molecular nitrogen with rates of 1.9 mol/h x mg protein. The activity is induced by anaerobiosis and nitrate. N2+formation from N2O is inhibited by C2H2 (K i 0.03 mM in the medium) and nitrite (K i=0.3 mM) but not by azide. A mutant defective in FNR synthesis is unable to reduce N2O to N2. The reaction in the wild type could routinely be followed by gas chromatography and alternatively by mass spectrometry measuring the formation of 15N2 from 15N2O. The enzyme catalyzing N2O-reduction in E. coli could not be identified; it is probably neither nitrate reductase nor nitrogenase. E. coli does not grow with N2O as sole respiratory electron acceptor. N2O-reduction might not have a physiological role in E. coli, and the enzyme involved might catalyze something else in nature, as it has a low affinity for the substrate N2O (apparent K m3.0 mM). The capability for N2O-reduction to N2 is not restricted to E. coli but is also demonstrable in Yersinia kristensenii and Buttiauxella agrestis of the Enterobacteriaceae. E. coli is able to produce NO and N2O from nitrite by nitrate reductase, depending on the assay conditions. In such experiments NO inf2 sup- is not reduced to N2 because of the high demand for N2O of N2O-reduction and the inhibitory effect of NO inf2 sup- on this reaction.Dedicated to Professor L. Jaenicke, Köln, on the occassion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Previous work based on double immunodiffusion assays had shown that there are common antigenic determinants for nitrate reductase from Escherichia coli and component I of nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii. Further work reported herein using a variety of immunoelectrophoretic techniques indicates that the cross-reaction between nitrate reductase and antiserum to component I of nitrogenase results from a contaminant antigen co-purified with nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

Reduction of the four Fe centers is not required to initiate the reaction of the Halomonas halodenitrificans nitric oxide reductase (NOR) based on the facts that NOR in the form that ferric heme b(3) and non-heme iron (Fe(B)) are not bridged and/or the interaction between them is weakened and reversibly binds NO molecules, and that NOR in the form that only heme b(3) is oxidized reacts with NO molecules.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from Paracoccus halodenitrificans reduced nitrite or nitric oxide to nitrous oxide. Extraction of these membranes with the detergent CHAPSO [3-(3-cholamidopropyldimethylammonio)-1-(2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate)], followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation of the solubilized proteins, resulted in the separation of nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities. The fraction containing nitrite reductase activity spectrally resembled a cd-type cytochrome. Several cytochromes were detected in the nitric oxide reductase fraction. Which, if any, of these cytochromes is associated with the reduction of nitric oxide is not clear at this time.Abbreviations PMS phenazine methosulfate - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - CHAPSO 3-(3-cholamidopropyl-dimethylammonio)-1-(2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate) - NH buffer 150 mM NaCl-50 mM - HEPES pH 7.5; octylglucoside, octyl--d glucopyranoside - NIR intrite reductase (nitrite to nitric oxide) - NOR nitric oxide reductase (nitric oxide to nitrous oxide)  相似文献   

In wild-type Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. and other higher plants, nitrate reductase (NR) is regulated at the post-translational level and is rapidly inactivated in response to, for example, a light-to-dark transition. This inactivation is caused by phosphorylation of a conserved regulatory serine residue, Ser 521 in tobacco, and interaction with divalent cations or polyamines, and 14-3-3 proteins. The physiological importance of the post-translational NR modulation is presently under investigation using a transgenic N. plumbaginifolia line. This line expresses a mutated tobacco NR where Ser 521 has been changed into aspartic acid (Asp) by site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in a permanently active NR enzyme [C. Lillo et al. (2003) Plant J 35:566–573]. When cut leaves or roots of this line (S521) were placed in darkness in a buffer containing 50 mM KNO3, nitrite was excreted from the tissue at rates of 0.08–0.2 mol (g FW)–1 h–1 for at least 5 h. For the control transgenic plant (C1), which had the regulatory serine of NR intact, nitrite excretion was low and halted completely after 1–3 h. Without nitrate in the buffer in which the tissue was immersed, nitrite excretion was also low for S521, although 20–40 mol (g FW)–1 nitrate was present inside the tissue. Apparently, stored nitrate was not readily available for reduction in darkness. Leaf tissue and root segments of S521 also emitted much more nitric oxide (NO) than the control. Importantly, NO emission from leaf tissue of S521 was higher in the dark than in the light, opposite to what was usually observed when post-translational NR modulation was operating.Abbreviations NR Nitrate reductase - NO Nitric oxide - Ser Serine - WT Wild type  相似文献   

Nitrate dissimilation in chemostat grown cultures ofClostridium butyricum SS6 has been investigated. Sucrose limited cultures grown on nitrate produced nitrite as the principal end-product of nitrate reduction whilst under nitrate-limiting conditions ammonia accumulated in the spent media. Nitrate reduction was accompanied by the synthesis of a soluble nitrate reductase (123 nmol·NADH oxidised · min-1 · mg protein-1) and in addition, under N-limiting conditions, a soluble nitrite reductase (56 nmol NADH oxidised min-1 · mg protein-1). Corresponding ammonia grown cultures synthesised neither enzyme. Concurrent with the dissimilation of nitrate to nitrite and ammonia cell population densities increased by 18% (C-limitation) and 32% (N-limitation). Spent media analyses of the fermentation products from ammonia and nitrate grown cells showed the accumulation of acetate in nitrate dissimilating cultures. Molar ratios of acetate/butyrate increased by a factor of 5 (C-limitation) to 12 (N-limitation) upon adding nitrate to the growth medium. In C-limited cultures, grown on nitrate, hydrogenase activity was 340 nmol · min-1 · mg protein-1 and under N-limitation this increased to 906 nmol · min-1 · mg protein-1. Since N-limited cultures are electron acceptor limited, the increase in hydrogenase activity enables excess electrons to be spilled by this route.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nitrite and nitrate anions derived from nitric oxide in biological fluids is presented. After separation on a strong anion-exchange column (Spherisorb SAX, 250×4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm), two on-line post-column reactions occur. The first involves nitrate reduction to nitrite on a copper-plated cadmium-filled column. In the second, the diazotization-coupling reaction between nitrite and the Griess reagent (0.05% naphtylethylendiamine dihydrochloride plus 0.5% sulphanilamide in 5% phosphoric acid) takes place, and the absorbance of the chromophore is read at 540 nm. This methodology was applied to biological fluids. Before injection into the chromatographic system, the samples were diluted and submitted to suitable clean-up procedures (urine and cell culture supernatant samples are passed through C18 cartridges, and serum samples were deproteinized by ultrafiltration through membranes with a molecular mass cut-off of 3000). The method has a sensitivity of 30 pmol for both anions, as little as 0.05–0.1 ml sample volume is required and linearity is observed up to 60 nmol for each anion.  相似文献   

NO reductase synthesis was investigated immunochemically and by activity assays in cells of Pseudomonas stutzeri ZoBell grown in continuous culture at discrete aeration levels, or in O2-limited batch cultures supplemented with N oxides as respiratory substrate. Under aerobic conditions, NO reductase was not expressed in P. stutzeri. Oxygen limitation in combination with the presence of nitrate or nitrite derepressed NO reductase synthesis. On transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions in continuous culture, NO reductase was synthesized below 3% air saturation and reached maximum expression under anaerobic conditions. By use of mutant strains defective in nitrate respiration or nitrite respiration, the inducing effect of individual N oxides on NO reductase synthesis could be discriminated. Nitrite caused definite, concentration-dependent induction, while nitrate promoted moderate enzyme synthesis or amplified effects of nitrite. Exogenous nitric oxide (NO) in concentrations 25 M induced trace amounts of NO reductase; in higher concentrations it arrested cell growth. Nitrite reductase or NO reductase were not detected immunochemically under these conditions. NO generated as an intermediate appeared not to induce NO reductase significantly. Antiserum raised against the P. stutzeri NO reductase showed crossreaction with cell extracts from P. stutzeri JM300, but not with several other denitrifying pseudomonads or Paracoccus denitrificans.  相似文献   

D. Kaplan  A. M. Mayer  S. H. Lips 《Planta》1978,138(3):205-209
Comparative studies of nitrate-activated nitrate reductase (NR-NO2) and nitrate-induced nitrate reductase (NR-NO3) (EC indicate that the enzymes differ in structure, heat stability, and pH dependence, but have the same cofactor requirment. NR-NO2 developes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Dvir) seedlings as NR-NO3 disappears. A transition from the active to the inactive form of nitrate reductase takes place. Nitrite seems to activate the inactive form of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide is a denitrification intermediate which is produced from nitrite and then further converted via nitrous oxide to nitrogen. Here, the effect of low concentrations of the protonophore carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone on the time courses for dissolved gases was examined. While NO was found to oscillate, N(2)O only increased gradually as the reduction of nitrite progressed. The frequency and shape of protonophore-induced NO oscillations were influenced by temperature and the concentration of electron donor N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine (TMPD) in a manner compatible with the observed differential effects on the two involved enzyme activities. We demonstrated the existence of a pH interval, where [NO] oscillates even without uncoupler addition. Occurrence of nitric oxide oscillations in mixtures of a nitrite reductase mutant with a nitric oxide reductase mutant suggests that they cannot be due to a competition of the enzymes for redox equivalents from one common respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The fungal respiratory pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum evades the innate immune response and colonizes macrophages during infection. Although macrophage production of the antimicrobial effector nitric oxide (NO) restricts H. capsulatum growth, the pathogen is able to establish a persistent infection. H. capsulatum contains a P450 nitric oxide reductase homologue (NOR1) that may be important for detoxifying NO during infection. To characterize the activity of this putative P450 enzyme, a 404 amino acid fragment of Nor1p was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Spectral characterization of Nor1p indicated that it was similar to other fungal P450 nitric oxide reductases. Nor1p catalyzed the reduction of NO to N2O using NADH as the direct reductant. The KM for NO was determined to be 20 μM and the kcat to be 5000 min−1. Together, these results provide evidence for a protective role of a P450 nitric oxide reductase against macrophage-derived NO.  相似文献   

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