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The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between four personality traits (calmness, trainability, dog sociability and boldness) of dogs (Canis familiaris) and dog and owner demographics on a large sample size with 14,004 individuals. German speaking dog owners could characterize their dog by filling out a form on the Internet. There were five demographic variables for dogs and nine for owners. Two statistical methods were used for investigating the associations between personality and demographic traits: the more traditional general linear methods and regression trees that are ideal for analyzing non-linear relationships in the structure of the data. The results showed that calmness is influenced primarily by the dog's age, the neutered status, the number of different types of professional training courses (e.g. obedience, agility) the dog had experienced and the age of acquisition. The least calm dogs were less than 2.5 years old, neutered and acquired after the first 12 weeks of age, while the calmest dogs were older than 6.9 years. Trainability was affected primarily by the training experiences, the dog's age, and the purpose of keeping the dog. The least trainable dogs had not received professional training at all and were older than 3 years. The most trainable dogs were those who participated in three or more types of professional training. Sociability toward conspecifics was mainly determined by the age, sex, training experience and time spent together. The least sociable dogs were older than 4.8 years and the owners spent less than 3 h with the dog daily. The most sociable dogs were less than 1.5 years old. Males were less sociable toward their conspecifics than females. Boldness was affected by the sex and age of the dog and the age of acquisition. The least bold were females acquired after the age of 1 year or bred by the owner. The boldest dogs were males, acquired before the age of 12 weeks, and were younger than 2 years old. Other variables, including the owner's gender, age, education, previous experience with dogs, the number of people and dogs in the household, and purpose of keeping the dogs had minor, but detectable effects. The results suggest that on-line questionnaires are a very effective means for collecting data about dog behavior, especially if owners are motivated by instant feedback. However, note that the characteristics of dogs in the present study were reported by the owners, and the associations with the traits do not necessarily represent a causal relationship.  相似文献   

Current definitions of horse personality traits are rather vague, lacking clear, universally accepted guidelines for evaluation in performance tests. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to screen behavioural and physiological measurements taken during riding for potential links with scores the same horses received in the official stallion performance test for rideability and personality traits. Behaviour, heart rate (HR) and HR variability from thirty-six stallions participating in a performance test were recorded repeatedly during their performance test training. Using the coefficient of determination, regression analysis revealed that about 1/3 of variation (ranging between r = 0.26 (“constitution” (i.e. fitness, health)) and r = 0.46 (rideability)) in the personality trait scores could be explained by selecting the three most influential behaviour patterns per trait. These behaviour patterns included stumbling (with all traits except character), head-tossing (temperament, rideability), tail-swishing (willingness to work), involuntary change in gait (character) and the rider's use of her/his hands (constitution, rideability), voice (temperament) or whip (constitution). Subsequent mixed model analysis revealed a significant (P < 0.05) influence of the behaviour pattern “horse-induced change in gait” on character (−0.98 ± 0.31 scores per additional occurrence of change in gaits), of head-tossing (−0.25 ± 0.08 scores) and rider's use of voice (−0.51 ± 0.25; P = 0.0594) on temperament, and of stumbling on each of the following: willingness to work (−2.5 ± 1.2), constitution (−2.5 ± 1.2 scores; P = 0.0516) and rideability scores (−3.3 ± 1.4). In addition, constitution scores tended (P = 0.0889) to increase with higher low frequency/high frequency heart rate variation ratios (LF/HF), indicating a shift towards sympathetic dominance and thus a higher stress load in horses with higher scores for constitution. Rideability scores from the training phase were also significantly influenced by head-tossing (−0.5 ± 0.1), and in addition rideability scores from the final test were influenced by the training rider, ranging between average estimated rideability scores of 6.8 ± 0.4 for one training rider and 8.36 ± 0.3 scores for another training rider. Horses ridden with their nose-line predominantly behind the vertical received higher scores for rideability (8.3 ± 0.3) than horses ridden with their nose-line at the vertical (7.7 ± 0.2). These findings indicate that either judges perceive horses to have a better rideability when they readily offer a more extreme poll flexion, or that riders make use of horses’ better rideability by imposing a more extreme poll flexion. Several of the above described associations, but also of the non-existing links (e.g. no association between shying or heart rate and temperament) between behaviour patterns and scores for personality traits are rather surprising, warranting further investigation regarding the underlying causes of these relationships. Some of these behaviour patterns should be considered when redesigning the current guidelines for evaluation of personality traits during breeding horse performance tests, ultimately leading to improved genetic selection for equine personality traits. However, ethical implication of defining aversive behaviour such as head-tossing as an indicator of, for example, poor temperament, should not be neglected when devising new guidelines: such aversive behaviour may in fact be an indication of inadequate training techniques rather than poor horse personality.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison was made on the fractionation of pepsin-digested horse antivenoms by ammonium sulfate (AS) fractional precipitation and ion-exchange chromatography on Q-Sepharose. In the precipitation process, pepsin digested horse anti-Naja kaouthia serum was precipitated by 30% saturated AS followed by 50% saturated AS. The recovery of antibody activity [as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) against the cobra postsynaptic neurotoxin 3] from the 30–50% saturated AS precipitate was 53% with a 1.93-fold purification. For the chromatographic process, the behavior of the horse antitoxin antibody and its F(ab′)2 fragments was first studied. The pepsin digested horse serum was then desalted on a Bio-gel P-2 column followed by chromatography on Q-Sepharose using a linear gradient (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 containing 0.0 to 0.5 M NaCl). A peak containing primarily the F(ab′)2 antibody could be obtained. This peak constituted 73% of the total antivenom activity with 2.08-fold purification. The total recovery of antibody activity by the chromatographic process was 90%. The yield of antibody activity was about 2-fold higher than that reported previously with other fractionation procedures. The implications of these results for the refining of horse therapeutic antivenoms are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the anti-wrinkle and anti-inflammatory effects of horse bone hydrolysates of <3 kDa (HL) and topically applied horse oil (HO) on UVB-induced photoaging and inflammation in hairless mice. Forty-nine mice were divided into seven groups: −NC, chow without UVB irradiation; +UC, chow with UVB irradiation, +HLL, chow with low dose (500 mg/kg body weight (BW)) HL and UVB irradiation; +HLH, chow with high dose (1000 mg/kg BW) HL and UVB irradiation; +HO, chow and combined with topical application of HO and UVB irradiation; +HOHLL, treated with a combination of dietary HLL and topical application of HO with UVB irradiation; +HOHLH, treated with a combination of dietary HLH and topical application of HO with UVB irradiation. The transepidermal water loss in mice of all treatment groups was lower than that of mice in the +UC group. Furthermore, the wrinkle depth in the +HLH group was significantly lower than that in the +UC group. In addition, HO and low level of HL significantly decreased the level of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6, and matrix metalloproteinase-9, thereby down-regulating inflammation, including the cyclooxygenase-2 synthesis. In the future, human trials are needed to confirm the efficacy and synergistic effect of HL and HO.  相似文献   

Therapeutic horse riding or hippotherapy is used as an intervention for treating individuals with mental and physical disabilities. Equine-assisted interventions are based on the hypothesis that the movement of the horse's pelvis during horseback riding resembles human ambulation, and thus provides motor and sensory inputs similar to those received during human walking. However, this hypothesis has not been investigated quantitatively and qualitatively. This study aimed to verify the hypothesis by conducting a three-dimensional analysis of the horse's movements while walking and human ambulation. Using four sets of equipments, we analysed the acceleration patterns of walking in 50 healthy humans and 11 horses. In addition, we analysed the exercise intensity by comparing the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure of 127 healthy individuals before and after walking and horse riding. The acceleration data series of the stride phase of horse walking were compared with those of human walking, and the frequencies (in Hz) were analysed by Fast Fourier transform.The acceleration curves of human walking overlapped with those of horse walking, with the frequency band of human walking corresponding with that of horse walking. Exercise intensity, as measured by the heart rate and breathing rate, was not significantly different between horse riding and human walking. The levels of diastolic blood pressure were slightly higher during horse riding than during walking, but were lower during both conditions compared with those in normal conditions (P < 0.01). The present study shows that, although not completely matched, the accelerations of the horse and human walking are comparable quantitatively and qualitatively. Horse riding at a walking gait could generate motor and sensory inputs similar to those produced by human walking, and thus could provide optimum benefits to persons with ambulatory difficulties.  相似文献   

A reaction time and accuracy of visual recognition of emotions of joy, anger and fear in their relation to personality traits was studied in 68 healthy subjects. According to scores of Kettell Questionnaire all the participants were divided into two groups: emotionally unstable and emotionally stable, which differed in their emotional and communication traits. It was shown that in the stable group recognition of fear was significantly worse and more slowly than in the unstable group. Besides, the emotionally stable subjects recognized the frightened facial expression less accurate and slowly than they did the joyous and threatening ones. The reaction time and recognition level was found to be closely correlated with some personality traits. These traits were different in two groups and differed from data in the control session of gender recognition. The conjunction between recognition of fearful facial expression and the personality traites and its adaptive significance were discussed. The data seems to be essential for understanding of individual strategy of communication.  相似文献   

Centromere repositioning (CR) is a recently discovered biological phenomenon consisting of the emergence of a new centromere along a chromosome and the inactivation of the old one. After a CR, the primary constriction and the centromeric function are localized in a new position while the order of physical markers on the chromosome remains unchanged. These events profoundly affect chromosomal architecture. Since horses, asses, and zebras, whose evolutionary divergence is relatively recent, show remarkable morphological similarity and capacity to interbreed despite their chromosomes differing considerably, we investigated the role of CR in the karyotype evolution of the genus Equus. Using appropriate panels of BAC clones in FISH experiments, we compared the centromere position and marker order arrangement among orthologous chromosomes of Burchelli's zebra (Equus burchelli), donkey (Equus asinus), and horse (Equus caballus). Surprisingly, at least eight CRs took place during the evolution of this genus. Even more surprisingly, five cases of CR have occurred in the donkey after its divergence from zebra, that is, in a very short evolutionary time (approximately 1 million years).These findings suggest that in some species the CR phenomenon could have played an important role in karyotype shaping, with potential consequences on population dynamics and speciation.  相似文献   

This paper describes two high-throughput liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) methods for the screening of two important classes of drugs in equine sports, namely corticosteroids and basic drugs, at low ppb levels in horse urine. The method utilized a high efficiency reversed-phase LC column (3.3 cm L x 2.1 mm i.d. with 3 microm particles) to provide fast turnaround times. The overall turnaround time for the corticosteroid screen was 5 min and that for the basic drug screen was 8 min, inclusive of post-run and equilibration times. Method specificity was assessed by analysing a total of 35 negative post-race horse urine samples. No interference from the matrices at the expected retention times of the targeted masses was observed. Inter-day precision for the screening of 19 corticosteroids and 48 basic drugs were evaluated by replicate analyses (n = 10) of a spiked sample on 4 consecutive days. The results demonstrated that both methods have acceptable precision to be used on a routine basis. The performance of these two methods on real samples was demonstrated by their applications to drug administration and positive post-race urine samples.  相似文献   

The nutritional traits of maize kernels are important for human and animal nutrition, and these traits have undergone selection to meet the diverse nutritional needs of humans. However, our knowledge of the genetic basis of selecting for kernel nutritional traits is limited. Here, we identified both single and epistatic quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contributed to the differences of oil and carotenoid traits between maize and teosinte. Over half of teosinte alleles of single QTLs increased the values of the detected oil and carotenoid traits. Based on the pleiotropism or linkage information of the identified single QTLs, we constructed a trait–locus network to help clarify the genetic basis of correlations among oil and carotenoid traits. Furthermore, the selection features and evolutionary trajectories of the genes or loci underlying variations in oil and carotenoid traits revealed that these nutritional traits produced diverse selection events during maize domestication and improvement. To illustrate more, a mutator distance–relative transposable element (TE) in intron 1 of DXS2, which encoded a rate‐limiting enzyme in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway, was identified to increase carotenoid biosynthesis by enhancing DXS2 expression. This TE occurs in the grass teosinte, and has been found to have undergone selection during maize domestication and improvement, and is almost fixed in yellow maize. Our findings not only provide important insights into evolutionary changes in nutritional traits, but also highlight the feasibility of reintroducing back into commercial agricultural germplasm those nutritionally important genes hidden in wild relatives.  相似文献   

If endorphins participate in mental processes and these also activate sperm functions, then it is reasonable to deduce that thoughts biochemically modify sperm and egg genes throughout life, and that this is inherited.  相似文献   

In vivo techniques, such as intraoviductal oocyte transfer (OT) and intrafollicular oocyte transfer (IFOT), can be considered as alternatives to bypass the lack of efficient superovulation treatments and the inadequacy of conventional in vitro fertilization techniques in the horse. We compared embryo production after transfer of in vivo recovered oocytes (1) into a recipient's oviduct or (2) into her preovulatory follicle either immediately after ovum pick-up or (3) after in vitro maturation (IVM). Recipients were inseminated with fresh semen of a stallion with a known normal fertility. Ten days after surgery, rates of embryos collected in excess to the number of ovulations were calculated and compared for each group. Embryo collection rates were 32.5% (13 of 40), 5.5% (3 of 55), and 12.8% (6 of 47) for OT, post-IVM IFOT, and immediate IFOT, respectively. Oocyte transfer significantly yielded more embryos than did immediate IFOT and post-IVM IFOT. We also showed that in vitro matured oocytes could succesfully be used for IFOT. Our results also suggest that improvement of the IFOT technique could turn it into an inexpensive and easy-to-perform procedure that could be an answer to the inefficiency of superovulation treatments in the mare.  相似文献   

Dumpling squid, Euprymna tasmanica, show consistent individual differences in behaviour that can be classified according to indices reflecting shy-bold, activity and reactivity responses. Using crosses of wild-caught single males to multiple females with known behavioural phenotypes, this study estimated patterns of additive genetic and residual variance in these behavioural traits from offspring of squid in two contexts, a threat (antipredator) and feeding (foraging) test. Genetic contributions to behavioural expression were dependent on test context. Behaviours in antipredator contexts had significant heritabilities (h(2) = 0.2-0.8) while behaviours from foraging contexts had lesser additive genetic and greater residual components (h(2) = 0.05-0.08). Personality trait variation in females was not related to her fecundity. Female boldness in foraging situations, which co-varied with body size, explained small but significant variation ( approximately 21%) in brood hatching success, while successful fertilization was determined by positive assortion of mate pairs according to their shy-bold phenotype. These results are discussed in terms of the ecological and evolutionary significance of animal "personality" traits in wild populations of animals.  相似文献   

Experimental studies and field surveys suggest that embryonic loss during the first 6 weeks of gestation is a common occurrence in the mare. During the first 2 weeks of development, a number of important cell differentiation events must occur to yield a viable embryo proper containing all three major germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). Because formation of the mesoderm and primitive streak are critical to the development of the embryo proper, but have not been described extensively in the horse, we examined tissue development and differentiation in early horse conceptuses using a combination of stereomicroscopy, light microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Ingression of epiblast cells to form the mesoderm was first observed on day 12 after ovulation; by Day 18 the conceptus had completed a series of differentiation events and morphologic changes that yielded an embryo proper with a functional circulation. While mesoderm precursor cells were present from Day 12 after ovulation, vimentin expression was not detectable until Day 14, suggesting that initial differentiation of mesoderm from the epiblast in the horse is independent of this intermediate filament protein, a situation that contrasts with other domestic species. Development of the other major embryonic germ layers was similar to other species. For example, ectodermal cells expressed cytokeratins, and there was a clear demarcation in staining intensity between embryonic ectoderm and trophectoderm. Hypoblast showed clear α1-fetoprotein expression from as early as Day 10 after ovulation, and seemed to be the only source of α1-fetoprotein in the early conceptus.  相似文献   

In the present study, we determined the incidence and effects of season and weather on clinical manifestations of endophyte-infected ryegrass toxicity, performed chemical detection and pharmacological bioassays on ryegrass extracts, and conducted trials on: (i) effects of domperidone or metochlopramide on ovarian inactivity induced by endophyte-infected ryegrass; (ii) efficacy of buspirone or dihydrochloro phenyl piperazine (m-CPP) for preventing suppressed milk production induced by endophyte-infected ryegrass; and (iii) efficacy of domperidone to induce ovulation during winter anestrus. Mares with toxicosis had prolonged gestation, embryonic losses, dystocia, poor mammary gland development, low milk production, prolonged uterine involution, and suppressed ovarian activity. Foals had respiratory failure, abnormalities of the skin, umbilicus, bone, and muscle, failure to thrive, blindness, testicular atrophy, and decreased serum total immunoglobulin concentrations. Endophyte-infected ryegrass and the incidence of toxicosis were correlated (r=0.861, P=0.03). Ergot alkaloids were not detected in extracts of endophyte-infected ryegrass by either thin-layer chromatography or spectrophotometry, but their presence was inferred in bioassays of extracts (dose-related increases in the contractile response of rat uterus). Mares given metoclopropamide (0.6 mg/kg/d), given orally every 8h for up to 7d) ovulated earlier (4-7d vs. 15-18d, P<0.001) than those given domperidone (1.1mg/kg/d) orally for up to 18d). Although both metoclopropamide and domperidone induced milk production, the latter did not induce ovarian cyclicity in healthy mares during seasonal anestrus. Based on these findings, we inferred that endophyte-infected ryegrass is associated with ergot alkaloid intoxication in horse.  相似文献   

The kinetic effects of a selection of triarylmethane, phenoxazine and phenothiazine dyes (pararosaniline (PR), malachite green (MG), methyl green (MeG); meldola blue (MB), nile blue (NB), nile red (NR); methylene blue (MethB)) and of ethopropazine on horse serum butyrylcholinesterase were studied spectrophotometrically at 25 °C in 50 mM MOPS buffer, pH 8, using butyrylthiocholine as substrate. PR, MeG, MB and ethopropazine acted as linear mixed type inhibitors of the enzyme, with respective Ki values of 4.5 ± 0.50 μM, 0.41 ± 0.007 μM, 0.44 ± 0.086 μM and 0.050 ± 0.0074 μM. MG, NB, MethB and NR caused complex, nonlinear inhibition pointing to cooperative binding at two sites. Intrinsic K′ values (≡[I]20.5 extrapolated to [S]=0) for MG, NB, NR and MethB were 0.20 ± 0.096 μM, 0.0018 ± 0.0015 μM, 0.92 ± 0.23 μM and 0.23 ± 0.08 μM. NB stood out as a potent inhibitor effective at nM levels. Comparison of inhibitory effects on horse and human serum butyrylcholinesterases suggested that the two enzymes must have distinct microstructural features.  相似文献   

Several species demonstrate obvious motor laterality (sidedness, handedness) in their motor function. Motor laterality in the horse affects locomotion and subsequently equine performance during training and may have inherent safety implications for equitation. Some of the most commonly used identification features in the horse are hair whorls (trichoglyphs), since their specific location and character vary to some degree in every horse. We investigated the relationship between the hair flow of single facial hair whorls and the incidence of lateralised motor bias in 219 horses when under saddle in ridden work. The horses exhibited significant differences in motor preferences with 104 left-lateralised (LL) horses, 95 right-lateralised (RL) horses compared to only 20 well-balanced (WB) horses (chi(2)=36.9, d.f.=2, P<0.01). There was also a significant difference in the frequency distribution of single facial hair whorl patterns in the horses consisting of 114 horses with counter-clockwise (CC) whorls, 82 horses with clockwise (C) whorls and 23 horses, which had radial (R) whorls (chi(2)=38.87, d.f.=2, P<0.01). Overall there was a statistically significant association between motor behaviour and facial hair whorl patterns in the horses (chi(2)=69.4, d.f.=4, P>0.001). The RL horses had significantly more C facial hair whorls and the LL horses had significantly more CC facial hair whorls than would be expected purely by chance alone (P<0.05). The findings may provide trainers with a useful tool when attempting to identify simple, non-invasive and reliable predictors of motor laterality in the horse. Furthermore, given that efficient targeted training of performance horses during ridden work may produce WB equine athletes, the findings could assist trainers when designing individual-specific training programmes for young horses.  相似文献   

A new and probably unique elastase inhibitor of horse serum was identified, purified to homogeneity and called pre-α2-elastase inhibitor of the horse. Electrophoretically it migrated immediately in front of the α2 position. Its molecular weight was 188 000 by pore limit polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 225 000 by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration. The inhibitor was composed of at least two non-identical polypeptide chains of Mr 68 400 and 87 600. A banding pattern of restricted heterogeneity focused between pH 4.9 and 5.2 was revealed by isoelectric focusing. Of 13 animal, microbial and plant proteinases, horse pre-α2-elastase inhibitor inhibited only pancreatic elastase and trypsin efficiently. Chymotrypsin was inhibited only in traces. No analogy between the elastase inhibitor and the known human serum inhibitors could be found with respect to immunological and biochemical criteria.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(2):315-319
Deer and horse flies, Family Tabanidae, are biological, mechanical, and potential vectors of approximately 27 viral, bacterial, and helminthic pathogens of veterinary and medical importance. Biting fly surveillance was conducted using New Jersey light traps and Mosquito Magnet® traps from May-October during 2015–2018 at eight sites (villages and US military installations and training areas) near/in the Demilitarized Zone and at a US military installation in southern Gyeonggi province, Republic of Korea.A total of 9985 deer and horse flies, comprising 4 genera and 17 species, were collected. The predominant species collected was Chrysops mlokosiewiczi (95.39%), followed by Chrysops suavis (1.48%) and Haematopota koryoensis (1.07%), while the remaining species accounted for only 2.06% of the specimens collected. A bimodal peak was observed for C. mlokosiewiczi in June and late-July, but not for the other two predominant species during the whole of the study period. This study provides and insight into ecological behavior and seasonal abundance of deer and horse flies in Gyeonggi province, Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

Although several genome‐wide association (GWA) studies of human personality have been recently published, genetic variants that are highly associated with certain personality traits remain unknown, due to difficulty reproducing results. To further investigate these genetic variants, we assessed biological pathways using GWA datasets. Pathway analysis using GWA data was performed on 1089 Korean women whose personality traits were measured with the Revised NEO Personality Inventory for the 5‐factor model of personality. A total of 1042 pathways containing 8297 genes were included in our study. Of these, 14 pathways were highly enriched with association signals that were validated in 1490 independent samples. These pathways include association of: Neuroticism with axon guidance [L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) interactions]; Extraversion with neuronal system and voltage‐gated potassium channels; Agreeableness with L1CAM interaction, neurotransmitter receptor binding and downstream transmission in postsynaptic cells; and Conscientiousness with the interferon‐gamma and platelet‐derived growth factor receptor beta polypeptide pathways. Several genes that contribute to top‐ranked pathways in this study were previously identified in GWA studies or by pathway analysis in schizophrenia or other neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we report the first pathway analysis of all five personality traits. Importantly, our analysis identified novel pathways that contribute to understanding the etiology of personality traits.  相似文献   

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