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Feces were collected from six Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) that consumed known amounts of Atka mackerel ( Pleurogrammus monopterygius ), Pacific herring ( Clupea barengus ), pink salmon ( Oncorhynchus gorbuscha ), walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ), and squid ( Loligo opalacens ). The goal was to determine the numbers and types of taxon-specific hard parts that pass through the digestive tract and to develop correction factors for certain abundantly occurring structures. Over 20,000 fish and squid were consumed during 267 d of fecal collection. During this period, over 119,000 taxon-specific hard parts, representing 56 different structures, were recovered. Skeletal structures and non-skeletal structures accounted for 72% and 28% of all hard parts, respectively. The branchiocranium, axial skeleton, and dermocranium regions of the skeletal system accounted for the greatest number of hard parts recovered. Over 70% of all recovered hard parts were represented by one to six taxa specific structures for each prey type. The average number of hard parts (3.1–31.2) and structure types (2.0–17.7) recovered per individual prey varied across taxa and were used to derive correction factors (to reconstruct original prey numbers). A measure of the variability of hard part recovery among sea lions showed no difference for certain herring, pollock, and squid structures, however, there was a significant difference for salmon and Atka mackerel structures. Identifying all taxon- specific prey hard parts increases the likelihood of identifying and estimating the number of prey consumed.  相似文献   

Seven prey species ( n total > 2,700) were fed to seven captive male Pacific harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina richardii ) in 177 experimental meals to quantify biases associated with scat analysis and current consumption models. Hard parts from an individual meal were recovered in an average of 3.8 ± 1.8 scats (range 1–10; mean ± SD). Overall, 57.7 ± 33.2% of otoliths and 89.5 ± 15.5% of squid beaks were recovered. Recovery rates varied, and prey with smaller, fragile otoliths were recovered in lesser quantities than prey with larger, robust otoliths. Recovery rates of all prey except pink salmon were improved by a mean of 31.7% when all diagnostic structures were included in estimates. Estimated recovery of pink salmon was 9.5 times that fed seals based on the all-structure technique. Mean length reduction of recovered otoliths was 20.4 ± 10.1%. Correction factors calculated from average length reduction improved length estimates for all fish species. Grade-specific length correction factors (gLCFs) reduced variability in all of the estimates and significantly improved estimates of prey with highly eroded otoliths including Pacific hake and shortbelly rockfish. The Biomass Reconstruction (BR) model accurately predicted biomass consumption within 4% of known consumption, whereas estimates based on frequency of occurrence were inaccurate.  相似文献   

Scats (fecal samples) collected between 1987 and 2000 on northern fur seal Callorhinus ursinus rookeries of St Paul ( n =2968) and St George Islands ( n =1203), Alaska, were used to examine the relationship between breeding sites and food habits of adult female seals. On the basis of the frequency of occurrence (FO) and per cent minimum number of individual prey (%MNI) in scats, juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma and gonatid squid Gonatopsis borealis/Berryteuthis magister and Gonatus madokai/Gonatus middendorffi were the dominant prey species consumed overall. Other primary prey (FO>5%) included Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapteus , Pacific herring Clupea pallasi , northern smoothtongue Leuroglossus schmidti , Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius , Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus spp.) and other squid of the Gonatus genus. We identified five rookery complexes from a cluster analysis of the FO of primary prey in scats. Rookery complexes were separated geographically and each was further defined by characteristic patterns in the representation of prey types typically associated with specific hydrographic domains. Diet differences were observed among rookeries on the north and south side of St George Island and on the east, south and south-west side of St Paul Island. The rookery clusters observed in this study provide evidence of resource partitioning among adult female northern fur seals and have important implications for fur seal conservation and management.  相似文献   

The DNA of prey present in animal scats may provide a valuable source of information for dietary studies. We conducted a captive feeding trial to test whether prey DNA could be reliably detected in scat samples from Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Two sea lions were fed a diet of fish (five species) and squid (one species), and DNA was extracted from the soft component of collected scats. Most of the DNA obtained came from the predator, but prey DNA could be amplified using prey-specific primers. The four prey species fed in consistent daily proportions throughout the trial were detected in more than 90% of the scat DNA extractions. Squid and sockeye salmon, which were fed as a relatively small percentage of the daily diet, were detected as reliably as the more abundant diet items. Prey detection was erratic in scats collected when the daily diet was fed in two meals that differed in prey composition, suggesting that prey DNA is passed in meal specific pulses. Prey items that were removed from the diet following one day of feeding were only detected in scats collected within 48 h of ingestion. Proportions of fish DNA present in eight scat samples (evaluated through the screening of clone libraries) were roughly proportional to the mass of prey items consumed, raising the possibility that DNA quantification methods could provide semi-quantitative diet composition data. This study should be of broad interest to researchers studying diet since it highlights an approach that can accurately identify prey species and is not dependent on prey hard parts surviving digestion.  相似文献   

The marine feeding pattern of anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus was studied during June to August in 1992–1993 and 2000–2004 in a fjord in northern Norway. In general sea trout fed proportionally more on fishes than on crustaceans and insects (81, 1 and 18% by mass, respectively) by comparison with Arctic charr (52, 25 and 22% by mass, respectively). Herring Clupea harengus dominated the total fish diet of both species, but the Arctic charr also fed significantly on gadoids and sandlance Ammodytes spp. While sea trout became virtually all piscivorous at fork lengths ( L F) ≥250 mm, the Arctic charr was ≥400 mm L F before shifting totally to a fish diet. Despite annual variation in diet and forage ratios, there was a clear shift in diet from 1992–1993 to 2000–2004. Sandlance and different crustaceans constituted most of the diet during the initial period with a shift towards gadoids and especially herring during the latter period. This shift seemed to be associated with a high abundance of herring larvae during the latter sampling period, indicating a preferential selection on herring when present, particularly by sea trout. Furthermore, an index indicated dietary overlap in years with intensive feeding on herring of both species, and usually differences in the trophic ecology during years feeding mostly on other prey species. In combination, it was hypothesized that the two species reflect the type of marine prey present within a fjord system over time, and therefore provide an index of variation in the production and biological diversity of their potential prey within fjords.  相似文献   

Gastric lavage was used to investigate the effects of temperature, prey type and prey size on gastric evacuation in small cod Gadus morhua and whiting Merlangius merlangus . The fish were fed to satiation and subsequently the stomach contents were sampled to determine the rate at which food was evacuated. Satiation meal size was positively related to temperature and differed between prey types. The gastric evacuation rate (GER) also tended to increase with temperature and varied with prey type. GER at temperatures of 11.3–12.7° C averaged 1.5–1.7 times higher than at 6–9.5° C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the evacuation of lugworm Arenicola marina , sandeel Ammodytes spp., and herring Clupea harengus , but the GER of brown shrimp Crangon vulgaris was much slower (P<0.05). No significant changes in GER were observed when fish were fed on three different size groups of either herring or brown shrimp. In whiting, there was no significant difference in the GER of individual herring or brown shrimp when they were fed as single species meals or incorporated in meals containing a mixture of prey species.  相似文献   

The analysis of pinniped scats has been used to quantify their diet, using prey remains to identify species and to estimate the numbers and sizes of prey consumed. There are, however, potential biases involved with scat analysis and, for this method to be used successfully, these biases need to be quantified. Thirty-six Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) were fed meals of exclusively either fish, squid, or krill and their scats were collected and analyzed. The major sources of error in the analysis of prey remains from scats were the differential erosion and passage rate of items in relation to their size. However, using simple correction functions, such as those which model otolith erosion, it is possible to reduce these errors. Using plastic beads as dietary markers showed recovery rates were negatively related to their size. Larger squid beaks had lower recovery rates than smaller beaks, but there was no size-related bias in the recovery rates of krill carapaces. Only 33% of the squid beaks and 27% of the otoliths originally fed were recovered from the scats. Recovery rates were greater for squid (77%) and fish (50%) eye lenses and these structures gave a better estimate of numbers eaten. Differences found between experimentally derived and published regression equations (used to calculate prey sizes eaten from prey remains) highlights the need for regression equations based on local prey characteristics, if these are to be used with any success to describe the prey eaten.  相似文献   

We performed a captive feeding experiment using California sea lions to assess biases associated with estimating pinniped diet using scats and spews. Sea lions were fed nine of their natural prey species: anchovy, sardine, Pacific mackerel, jack mackerel, hake, steelhead smolts, shortbelly rockfish, pink salmon, and market squid. Recovery percentages varied among prey species using otoliths and were improved for adult salmon and sardine using the all‐structure method. Numerical and graded length correction factors provided better estimates of number and size of prey consumed. Four models used to determine the proportions of prey species consumed by a sea lion population were tested. The all‐structure method and variable biomass reconstruction model, in conjunction with numerical and graded length correction factors, provided more accurate estimates than without. We provide numerical correction factors for all prey species, including correction factors for specific salmon bones: vertebrae, branchials, radials, teeth, gill rakers, and hypurals.  相似文献   

Food web models depend on identifying which taxa are eaten and in what proportion they are consumed. Arctocephalus seals are generalist foragers and are an ongoing focus of Southern Hemisphere marine ecosystem research. This is the first feeding experiment to use Arctocephalus spp. to assess the utility of hard part scat analysis for diet estimation, based on mixed prey diets integrated over several days. Recovery rates of otoliths were extremely low for all taxa (0-9%). Although we could not collect scats produced during a 90 min period each day, during which the seals had access to a large pool, this result could not be attributed to otolith robustness, pinniped species or class, activity level, meal size or frequency, or fat content of the diet. We conclude that the unusually low recovery rates in this study may be due to unaccounted scats produced during 90 min of each day, if they contained otolith numbers an order of magnitude greater than all otoliths retrieved from scats produced during the other 22.5 h of each day, and/or may be related to the digestive processing of a mixed prey diet. Our study demonstrates the inadequacy of using otoliths in field collected scats for diet estimation due to the high level of unexplained variability of otolith occurrence in scats. We also identify two new potential sources of this variability. These are variability in numbers of otoliths per scat depending on activity level when a scat is excreted, and variability in recovery rates of otoliths as a function of the complexity of the diet.  相似文献   

Until July, post-smolt salmon Salmo salar ( n =337; 129–375 mm L T, mean 225 mm) in the Bothnian Sea relied largely on surface fauna (mainly terrestrial insects). From August onwards, fish was the principal food type. The smallest piscivorous post-smolts were <200 mm, but the main shift to piscivory occurred at sizes of 240–320 mm. Piscivory was promoted by a large smolt size. Almost all one-sea-winter (1-SW) salmon ( n =316; 278–524 mm, mean 397 mm) were piscivorous. Over 70% of the post-smolt and 96% of the 1-SW salmon with identifiable fish species in their stomachs had preyed on herring Clupea harengus. Other fish prey included the ten-spined Pungitius pungitius and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteusaculeatus but no sprats Sprattus sprattus. The results support earlier observations of a close relationship between recruitment of herring and production of salmon in the Bothnian Sea, and of the crucial role of smolt size in determining the ability of feeding salmon for utilizing the food resources of the area.  相似文献   

Effects of varying dietary protein intake on serum free amino acid (FAA) concentrations were studied in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) fed two different prey fish diets: either exclusively low-fat, high-protein walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) or high-fat, relatively high-energy-density Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi). Significant differences in FAA concentrations and patterns were observed between the two diets. All essential amino acids (EAA), except methionine and phenylalanine, and two nonessential amino acids (NEAA), glycine and tyrosine, decreased when the diet was switched from herring to pollock and increased on switching back to herring. Both total EAA concentrations and EAA : NEAA ratios decreased with the elevated protein intake typical of a low-fat pollock diet, indicating an inverse correlation between EAA concentrations and dietary protein intake levels. We propose that differing dietary protein intake, caused by differences in macronutrient composition of the two prey fish species, induced a change in protein metabolism that was reflected in blood-circulating amino acids. These findings suggest that surveys of amino acid profiles may be useful to partially determine the protein metabolic status of harbor seals.  相似文献   

Recovered otoliths from pinniped feces provide valuable information on diet composition and prey size. We studied the effect of meal size on otolith recovery from the feces of one harbor and eight gray seal pups. Each of 11 experiments comprised a half-ration meal, a period of fecal collection, a 1.5-or double-ration meal again followed by a period of fecal collection. A significantly lower percentage of Atlantic herring otoliths were recovered from half-ration meals (25%± 12.5% in the harbor seal, 8.6%± 6.9% in eight gray seals) than from 1.5- or double-ration meals (62.5%± 3.1 % in the harbor seal, 32.8%± 23.5% in gray seals). Meal size also significantly affected the percentage of Atlantic cod otoliths recovered from gray seal feces (65.0%± 26.3% from half ration, 98.3%± 2.9% from 1.5 ration). For both size meals, recovered cod otoliths were more significantly eroded than herring otoliths. The development of correction factors to account for the effects of digestion will need to consider the distribution of meal sizes of free-ranging pinnipeds.  相似文献   

James. T.  Harvey 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(1):101-111
Six harbour seals, ages 4–8 years, were held as pairs in a 10 times 20 times 2 m tank filled with sea water, and on 60 occasions were fed a meal of a specific species of fish or cephalopod of known size. The tank was drained periodically, and harbour seal faeces were collected on a 0.5 mm sieve. Number and size of otoliths and beaks found in faeces were determined. Fifty-eight percent of 670 fish and 37% of 36 cephalopods fed to harbour seals were represented by their otoliths or beaks in faeces. Estimated number of prey consumed was determined from the greatest number of left or right otoliths or upper or lower beaks collected in faeces. Estimated length ofprey was determined from measurements of otoliths and beaks recovered in the tank and relationships of otolith and beak measurements to prey length. Estimated number of fish eaten was not significantly different among pairs of harbour seals, but was different among species of fishes. Only 24–35% of fish species with small otoliths were represented in faeces, whereas more robust otoliths from other species were less apt to be completely dissolved. Estimated length of fishes was significantly less than lengths of fishes fed to harbour seals in 39 (76.5%) of 51 trials. Cephalopod beaks were not affected by passage through the harbour seal digestive tract. Amount of otolith dissolution was not related to species of fish; estimated fish length was underestimated by an average 27.5%. Although some (7.4%) of the otoliths were collected within 100 h after the fish were ingested, more than 90% were recovered within 24 h after the fish was eaten. Correction factors were developed which will allow researchers to estimate more reliably number and size of fish and cephalopod prey eaten by harbour seals.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that increased feeding frequency in captive harbor seals would increase nutrient loads and thus reduce retention time and the digestive efficiency of natural prey. We measured daily feed intake and excretion during 6 feeding trials and fed herring (49% lipid), pollock (22% lipid) or an equal mix of each diet over 24 months. Animals were accustomed to feeding at either high or low frequency. Body mass and intake did not vary with season. Although mean retention times were similar between diets and feeding frequencies, solute and particulate digesta markers separated at high feeding frequency. Consistent dry matter digestibility resulted in greater gut fill from pollock than from herring. Digestible energy intakes from pollock were approximately 25% greater than from either herring or the mixed diet. Lipid digestibility of herring declined from 90% to 50% when lipid intake exceeded 60 g kg–0.75 day–1. Our hypothesis of a trade-off between intake and digestion was not supported for protein but was supported for lipid. Results of this study imply that a flexible digestive system for harbor seals can compensate for ingesting prey of lower energy density by increasing gut fill and enhancing protein and lipid assimilation, to sustain digestible energy intake.Abbreviations DM dry matter - DEI digestible energy intake - DIT diet-induced thermogenesis - FF feeding frequency - MRT mean retention time Communicated by: G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

To determine leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus) food habits in the Lopé National Park in Gabon, Central Africa, 196 leopard scats were collected and analysed. Prey items were determined using undigested matter isolated from the scats, and a reference collection of hairs and bones from potential prey species. A minimum of 30 different prey species were identified, 27 of which were mammalian. Leopards preyed mainly on ungulates, which made up 59% of the biomass consumed. Diurnal primates (18%) and large rodents (17%) were also heavily preyed upon. The mean prey weight estimated from scats was 29.2 kg. The most important single prey species was found to be red river hog Potamochoerus porcus (Linnaeus), making up 20% of the biomass consumed, followed by forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus (Boddaert) and cane rat Thryonomys swinderianus (Temminck), each comprising 13% of biomass consumed.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution and abundance of harbor seals occurring south of Maine were documented by counting the number of seals at traditional haulout locations. The average number of seals counted during each survey in Massachusetts and New Hampshire was 3,560 ± 255 (95% CI), 1983–1987. The maximum number of seals counted on any individual survey was 4,736 individuals. Fifty percent of all the surveys since January 1985 have resulted in counts greater than 4,000 seals reflecting a 27% increase in the abundance of seals in our study area since that date. Seventy-five percent of the seals in southern New England are located at haulout sites on Cape Cod and Nantucket Island. The largest aggregation of seals in the eastern United States occurs mid-winter at Monomoy Island and adjacent shoals. A single high count of 1,672 seals occurred at this site during the study period. An additional 271–374 seals were also counted in Rhode Island, Connecticut and eastern Long Island Sound during surveys conducted in March 1986 and 1987. The American sandlance Ammodytes americanus was the single dominant prey item of harbor seals in waters adjacent to Cape Cod based on the modified frequency of occurrence of each prey species in scat samples collected from three haulout sites on Cape Cod between 1984–1987. During January and February sandlance was the near exclusive prey item at Monomoy (99%, n= 80). During March and April, the frequency of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus increased in the scat samples at this site. Regional differences in the diet of seals reflect distinct prey communities throughout the study area. Since 1986, the percent occurrence and importance of sandlance in the diet of seals has decreased, reflecting an overall decrease in abundance of this prey species in waters adjacent to Cape Cod. In spite of fluctuations in abundance, and regional differences in the diet of seals throughout the study area, sandlance still comprised a minimum 55% of the total prey species of harbor seals throughout the study area.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and meal size on gastric evacuation rates of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , consuming sockeye salmon, O. nerka , fry were examined and used in the estimation of daily meal, daily ration and number of fry consumed by coho in Chignik Lake, Alaska. Evacuation of fry by coho was best described by a negative exponential model (average R2 = 0.93). A square root model also provided a good fit (average R2 = 0·93), but the y-intercepts deviated more from the expected value than did the y-intercepts of the exponential model. The effect of temperature ( T , 5–13° C) and meal size (MS, 0·166–0·367 g) on the exponential evacuation rate (re, h-1) could be described as
In the lake, coho fed continuously during the 24-h period in early June 1986 and 1987. Estimates of daily meal and ration of coho calculated by the Eggers method and the geometric mean of prey weight ranged from 0·224 to 0·435 g (2.1–4.4% body wt) depending on location and year. The Elliott & Persson method provided similar estimates of food consumption, whereas estimates based on the Pennington method and square root evacuation of prey differed from the exponential models. Sockeye fry represented 93% of the total prey weight. The average number of sockeye fry consumed per coho per 24 h, based on the arithmetic mean of prey weight, was 3·0–3·9 fry.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the diets of pinnipeds by visually identifying prey remains recovered in faecal samples is challenging because of differences in digestion and passage rates of hard parts. Analysing the soft-matrix of faecal material using DNA-based techniques is an alternative means to identify prey species consumed, but published techniques are largely nonquantitative, which limits their usefulness for some applications. We further developed and validated a real-time PCR technique using species-specific mitochondrial DNA primers to quantify the proportion of prey in the diets of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), a pinniped species thought to be facing significant diet related challenges in the North Pacific. We first demonstrated that the proportions of prey tissue DNA in mixtures of DNA isolated from four prey species could be estimated within a margin of ~ 12% of the percent in the mix. These prey species included herring Clupea palasii, eulachon Thaleichthyes pacificus, squid Loligo opalescens and rosethorn rockfish Sebastes helvomaculatus. We then applied real-time PCR to DNA extracted from faecal samples obtained from Steller sea lions in captivity that were fed 11 different combinations of herring, eulachon, squid and Pacific ocean perch rockfish (Sebastes alutus), ranging from 7% to 75% contributions per meal (by wet weight). The difference between the average percentage estimated by real-time PCR and the percentage of prey consumed was generally <12% for all diets fed. Our findings indicate that real-time PCR of faecal DNA can detect the approximate relative quantity of prey consumed for complex diets and prey species, including cephalopods and fish.  相似文献   

Sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and small herring (Clupea harengus) are the dominant prey fish of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Baltic Sea. If the fatty acid (FA) proportions of sprat and herring differ, the dietary history of ascending salmon could be determined from their FA profiles. Therefore, we investigated the FA composition of several age groups of whole sprat and small herring, caught from the three main feeding areas of salmon in autumn and spring. Oleic acid (18:1n-9) was the most prevalent FA in sprat and characteristic of this species. In herring, palmitic acid (16:0) was the most common FA, but herring lipid was characterized by n-6 polyunsaturated FAs, and moreover, by palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7) and vaccenic acid (18:1n-7). Due to the higher lipid content of sprat, the concentrations of all other FAs, excluding these, were higher in sprat than in herring. The concentration of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) increased with an increase in the lipid content and was consequently highest in the youngest specimens, being in young sprat almost double that of young herring, and 2.6 times higher in the sprat biomass than in that of herring. As a result of a decrease in the DHA concentration with age, the ratio thiamine/DHA increased with respect to age in both species, and was lower in sprat than in herring. It is concluded that an abundance of DHA in the diet of salmon most likely increases oxidative stress because of the susceptibility of DHA to peroxidation, and thus decreases thiamine resources of fasting, prespawning salmon. Because the FA composition of sprat and herring differs, and the relative abundancies of prey fish differ between the feeding areas of salmon, the feeding area of ascending salmon can most probably be derived by comparing their FA profiles.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of prey type, repeated stomach flushing, digestion time, and meal size on the assessment of dietary intake of captive adult Cory’s shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea). For each of Cory’s shearwaters’ main prey type (fish, cephalopod, and crustacea), we used three different meal sizes and four digestion times, stomach-flushing the birds 1, 4, 8, or 16 h after feeding. On average, fish and cephalopods showed similar percentages of mass recovery (between 23% and 33%), whereas crustaceans showed a recovery about 10–15% greater. Conversely, fish and crustaceans showed similar percentages of items recovered (between 52% and 77%), whereas cephalopods showed about 10–35% greater recovery rates. We found no significant differences in the percentage of individual prey items recovered and the interval between ingestion and recovery, over intervals ranging from 1 to 16 h.L.R. Monteiro was tragically killed in a plane crash in the Azores in December 1999.  相似文献   

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