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Elongation of the mouse anteroposterior axis depends on a small population of progenitors initially located in the primitive streak and later in the tail bud. Gene expression and lineage tracing have shown that there are many features common to these progenitor tissues throughout axial elongation. However, the identity and location of the progenitors is unclear. We show by lineage tracing that the descendants of 8.5 d.p.c. node and anterior primitive streak which remain in the tail bud are located in distinct territories: (1) ventral node descendants are located in the widened posterior end of the notochord; and (2) descendants of anterior streak are located in both the tail bud mesoderm, and in the posterior end of the neurectoderm. We show that cells from the posterior neurectoderm are fated to give rise to mesoderm even after posterior neuropore closure. The posterior end of the notochord, together with the ventral neurectoderm above it, is thus topologically equivalent to the chordoneural hinge region defined in Xenopus and chick. A stem cell model has been proposed for progenitors of two of the axial tissues, the myotome and spinal cord. Because it was possible that labelled cells in the tail bud represented stem cells, tail bud mesoderm and chordoneural hinge were grafted to 8.5 d.p.c. primitive streak to compare their developmental potency. This revealed that cells from the bulk of the tail bud mesoderm are disadvantaged in such heterochronic grafts from incorporating into the axis and even when they do so, they tend to contribute to short stretches of somites suggesting that tail bud mesoderm is restricted in potency. By contrast, cells from the chordoneural hinge of up to 12.5 d.p.c. embryos contribute efficiently to regions of the axis formed after grafting to 8.5 d.p.c. embryos, and also repopulate the tail bud. These cells were additionally capable of serial passage through three successive generations of embryos in culture without apparent loss of potency. This potential for self-renewal in chordoneural hinge cells strongly suggests that stem cells are located in this region.  相似文献   

Orthotopic grafts of [3H]thymidine-labelled cells have been used to demonstrate differences in the normal fate of tissue located adjacent to and in different regions of the primitive streak of 8th day mouse embryos developing in vitro. The posterior streak produces predominantly extraembryonic mesoderm, while the middle portion gives rise to lateral mesoderm and the anterior region generates mostly paraxial mesoderm, gut and notochord. Embryonic ectoderm adjacent to the anterior part of the streak contributes mainly to paraxial mesoderm and neurectoderm. This pattern of colonization is similar to the fate map constructed in primitive-streak-stage chick embryos. Similar grafts between early-somite-stage (9th day) embryos have established that the older primitive streak continues to generate embryonic mesoderm and endoderm, but ceases to make a substantial contribution to extraembryonic mesoderm. Orthotopic grafts and specific labelling of ectodermal cells with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to colloidal gold (WGA-Au) have been used to analyse the recruitment of cells into the paraxial mesoderm of 8th and 9th day embryos. The continuous addition of primitive-streak-derived cells to the paraxial mesoderm is confirmed and the distribution of labelled cells along the craniocaudal sequence of somites is consistent with some cell mixing occurring within the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

The developmental potency of cells isolated from the primitive streak and the tail bud of 8.5- to 13.5-day-old mouse embryos was examined by analyzing the pattern of tissue colonization after transplanting these cells to the primitive streak of 8.5-day embryos. Cells derived from these progenitor tissues contributed predominantly to tissues of the paraxial and lateral mesoderm. Cells isolated from older embryos could alter their segmental fate and participated in the formation of anterior somites after transplantation to the primitive streak of 8.5-day host embryo. There was, however, a developmental lag in the recruitment of the transplanted cells to the paraxial mesoderm and this lag increased with the extent of mismatch of developmental ages between donor and host embryos. It is postulated that certain forms of cell-cell or cell-matrix interaction are involved in the specification of segmental units and that there may be age-related variations in the interactive capability of the somitic progenitor cells during development. Tail bud mesenchyme isolated from 13.5-day embryos, in which somite formation will shortly cease, was still capable of somite formation after transplantation to 8.5-day embryos. The cessation of somite formation is therefore likely to result from a change in the tissue environment in the tail bud rather than a loss of cellular somitogenetic potency.  相似文献   

Hensen's node, also called the chordoneural hinge in the tail bud, is a group of cells that constitutes the organizer of the avian embryo and that expresses the gene HNF-3(&bgr;). During gastrulation and neurulation, it undergoes a rostral-to-caudal movement as the embryo elongates. Labeling of Hensen's node by the quail-chick chimera system has shown that, while moving caudally, Hensen's node leaves in its wake not only the notochord but also the floor plate and a longitudinal strand of dorsal endodermal cells. In this work, we demonstrate that the node can be divided into functionally distinct subregions. Caudalward migration of the node depends on the presence of the most posterior region, which is closely apposed to the anterior portion of the primitive streak as defined by expression of the T-box gene Ch-Tbx6L. We call this region the axial-paraxial hinge because it corresponds to the junction of the presumptive midline axial structures (notochord and floor plate) and the paraxial mesoderm. We propose that the axial-paraxial hinge is the equivalent of the neuroenteric canal of other vertebrates such as Xenopus. Blocking the caudal movement of Hensen's node at the 5- to 6-somite stage by removing the axial-paraxial hinge deprives the embryo of midline structures caudal to the brachial level, but does not prevent formation of the neural tube and mesoderm located posteriorly. However, the whole embryonic region generated posterior to the level of Hensen's node arrest undergoes widespread apoptosis within the next 24 hours. Hensen's node-derived structures (notochord and floor plate) thus appear to produce maintenance factor(s) that ensures the survival and further development of adjacent tissues.  相似文献   

Developmental fates of cells emigrating from the primitive streak were traced by a fluorescent dye Dil both in chick and in quail embryos from the fully grown streak stage to 12-somite stage, focusing on the development of mesoderm and especially on the timing of ingression of each level of somitic mesoderm. The fate maps of the chick and quail streak were alike, although the chick streak was longer at all stages examined. The anterior part of the primitive streak predominantly produced somites. The thoracic and the lumbar somites were shown to begin to ingress at the 5 somite-stage and 10 somite-stage in a chick embryo, and 6 somite-stage and 9 somite-stage in a quail embryo, respectively. The posterior part of the streak served mainly as the origin of more lateral or extra embryonic mesoderm. As development proceeded, the fate of the posterior part of the streak changed from the lateral plate mesoderm to the tail bud mesoderm and then to extra embryonic, allantois mesoderm. The fate map of the primitive streak in chick and quail embryo presented here will serve as basic data for studies on mesoderm development with embryo manipulation, especially for transplantation experiments between chick and quail embryos.  相似文献   

Several genes containing the conserved T-box region in invertebrates and vertebrates have been reported recently. Here, we describe three novel members of the T-box gene family in zebrafish. One of these genes, tbx-c, is studied in detail. It is expressed in the axial mesoderm, notably, in the notochordal precursor cells immediately before formation of the notochord and in the chordoneural hinge of the tail bud, after the notochord is formed. In addition, its expression is detected in the ventral forebrain, sensory neurons, fin buds and excretory system. The expression pattern of tbx-c differs from that of the other two related genes, tbx-a and tbx-b. The developmental role of tbx-c has been analysed by overexpression of the full-length tbx-c mRNA and a truncated form of tbx-c mRNA, which encodes the dominant-negative Tbx-c. Overexpression of tbx-c causes expansion of the midline mesoderm and formation of ectopic midline structures at the expense of lateral mesodermal cells. In dominant-negative experiments, the midline mesoderm is reduced with the expansion of lateral mesoderm to the midline. These results suggest that tbx-c plays a role in formation of the midline mesoderm, particularly, the notochord. Moreover, modulation of tbx-c activity alters the development of primary motor neurons. Results of in vitro analysis in zebrafish animal caps suggest that tbx-c acts downstream of early mesodermal inducers (activin and ntl) and reveal an autoregulatory feedback loop between ntl and tbx-c. These data and analysis of midline (ntl-/- and flh-/-) and lateral mesoderm (spt-/-) mutants suggest that tbx-c may function during formation of the notochord.  相似文献   

Experimental analysis of the mechanisms of somite morphogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earlier studies have suggested influences on somite morphogenesis by “somite-forming centers,” primitive streak regression, Hensen's node and notochord, and neural plate. Contradictions among these studies were unresolved.Our experiments resolve these conflicts and reveal roles of the primitive streak and notochord in shearing the prospective somite mesoderm into right and left halves and releasing somite-forming capabilities already present. The neural plate appears to be the principal inductor of somites.Embryo fragments containing no somite-forming centers, node, notochord, or streak nevertheless formed somites within 10 hr. Such somites disperse within the next 14–24 hr, which may explain why others failed to see them. In these fragments, an incision alongside the streak substitutes for streak regression in releasing somite formation. All such somites form simultaneously rather than in the normal anteroposterior progression. These fragments contain neural plate, but not notochord. We believe that physical attachment of somites to notochord in normal embryos stabilizes them and prevents dispersal.Pieces of epiblast were rotated 180° putting neural plate over lateral plate mesoderm regions. Somites were induced from the lateral plate by the displaced neural plate region. This is additional evidence of the powerful ability of neuroepithelium to induce somites.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1997,192(1):45-58
A characteristic abnormality of chimeras composed of wildtype andT/T(Brachyury) mutant embryonic stem cells is the aggregation and accumulation of mutant cells in the primitive streak and its descendant, the tail bud (V. Wilson, L. Manson, W. C. Skarnes, and R. S. P. Beddington (1995).Development121, 877–886). To demonstrate that this aberrant behaviour of mutant cells in the streak is due only to the absence of wild-type T protein and to investigate dosage effects of T function on cell deployment during gastrulation, a vector expressingTunder the control of its own promoter (which results inTexpression in the primitive streak but not in the notochord) was introduced intoT/Tmutant ES cells carrying a ubiquitouslacZlineage marker. Four clones (TR clones) that express T appropriately in the streak and rescue abnormal chimeric morphology were recovered. In chimeras, these four clones fall into two distinct categories with respect to their ability to exit from the primitive streak and their subsequent tissue colonisation profile. TR1 and TR4 descendants no longer accumulated in the tail bud and gave rise to all types of mesoderm as well as colonising ventral neurectoderm. Interestingly, TR2 and TR5 cells (which express higher levels of T protein than TR1 and TR4in vitro) tended to exit the streak prematurely, showed a marked reduction in posterior mesoderm colonisation, and were virtually excluded from ventral neurectoderm. However, while descendants of all four TR clones can colonise dermomyotome at all axial levels, the parentT/Tmutant cells only contribute to this tissue rostral to the forelimb bud and are completely excluded from more caudal dermomyotome. These results show that the abnormal aggregation of mutant cells homozygous for theBrachyurydeletion (∼200 kb) can be ascribed solely to the lack of wild-type T protein, as can the failure ofT/Tcells to colonise caudal dermomyotome. They also suggest that patterns of cell recruitment from the streak can be influenced by the level of T expression.  相似文献   

T-box gene family members have important roles during murine embryogenesis, gastrulation, and organogenesis. Although relatively little is known about how T-box genes are regulated, published gene expression studies have revealed dynamic and specific patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues of the mouse conceptus. Mutant alleles of the T-box gene Brachyury (T) have identified roles in formation of mesoderm and its derivatives, such as somites and the allantois. However, given the cell autonomous nature of T gene activity and conflicting results of gene expression studies, it has been difficult to attribute a primary function to T in normal allantoic development. We report localization of T protein by sectional immunohistochemistry in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation, emphasizing T localization within the allantois. T was detected in all previously reported sites within the conceptus, including the primitive streak and its derivatives, nascent embryonic mesoderm, the node and notochord, as well as notochord-associated endoderm and posterior neurectoderm. In addition, we have clarified T within the allantois, where it was first detected in the proximal midline of the late allantoic bud (approximately 7.5 days postcoitum, dpc) and persisted within an expanded midline domain until 6-somite pairs (s; approximately 8.5 dpc). Lastly, we have discovered several novel T sites, including the developing heart, visceral endoderm, extraembryonic ectoderm, and its derivative, chorionic ectoderm. Together, these data provide a unified picture of T in the mammalian conceptus, and demonstrate T's presence in unrelated cell types and tissues in highly dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

The regionalisation of cell fate in the embryonic ectoderm was studied by analyzing the distribution of graft-derived cells in the chimaeric embryo following grafting of wheat germ agglutinin--gold-labelled cells and culturing primitive-streak-stage mouse embryos. Embryonic ectoderm in the anterior region of the egg cylinder contributes to the neuroectoderm of the prosencephalon and mesencephalon. Cells in the distal lateral region give rise to the neuroectoderm of the rhombencephalon and the spinal cord. Embryonic ectoderm at the archenteron and adjacent to the middle region of the primitive streak contributes to the neuroepithelium of the spinal cord. The proximal-lateral ectoderm and the ectodermal cells adjacent to the posterior region of the primitive streak produce the surface ectoderm, the epidermal placodes and the cranial neural crest cells. Some labelled cells grafted to the anterior midline are found in the oral ectodermal lining, whereas cells from the archenteron are found in the notochord. With respect to mesodermal tissues, ectoderm at the archenteron and the distal-lateral region of the egg cylinder gives rise to rhombencephalic somitomeres, and the embryonic ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak contributes to the somitic mesoderm and the lateral mesoderm. Based upon results of this and other grafting studies, a map of prospective ectodermal tissues in the embryonic ectoderm of the full-streak-stage mouse embryo is constructed.  相似文献   

Chick Ghox 2.9 protein, a homeodomain-containing polypeptide, is first detected in the mid-gastrula stage embryo and its levels increase rapidly in the late gastrula. At this time, the initially narrow band of expression along the primitive streak expands laterally to form a shield-like domain that encompasses almost the entire posterior region of the embryo and extends anteriorly as far as Hensen's node. We have found that this expression domain co-localizes with a morphological feature that consists of a stratum of refractile, thickened mesoderm. Antibody-staining indicates that Ghox 2.9 protein is present in all cells of this mesodermal region. In contrast, expression within the ectoderm overlying the region of refractile mesoderm varies considerably. The highest levels of expression are found in ectoderm near the streak and surrounding Hensen's node, regions that recent fate mapping studies suggest that primarily destined to give rise to neurectoderm. At the definitive streak stage (Hamburger and Hamilton stage 4) the chick embryo is especially sensitive to the induction of axial malformations by retinoic acid. Four hours after the treatment of definitive streak embryos with a pulse of retinoic acid the expression of Ghox 2.9 protein is greatly elevated. This ectopic expression occurs in tissues anterior to Hensen's node, including floor plate, notochord, presumptive neural plate and lateral plate mesoderm, but does not occur in the anteriormost region of the embryo. The ectopic induction of Ghox 2.9 is strongest in ectoderm, and weaker in the underlying mesoderm. Endoderm throughout the embryo is unresponsive. At stage 11, Ghox 2.9 is normally expressed at high levels within rhombomere 4 of the developing hindbrain. In retinoic-acid-treated embryos which have developed to this stage, typical rhombomere boundaries are largely absent. Nevertheless, Ghox 2.9 is still expressed as a discrete band, but one that is widened and displaced to a more anterior position.  相似文献   

The outgrowth of the vertebrate tail is thought to involve the proliferation of regionalised stem/progenitor cell populations formed during gastrulation. To follow these populations over extended periods, we used cells from GFP-positive transgenic chick embryos as a source for donor tissue in grafting experiments. We determined that resident progenitor cell populations are localised in the chicken tail bud. One population, which is located in the chordoneural hinge (CNH), contributes descendants to the paraxial mesoderm, notochord and neural tube, and is serially transplantable between embryos. A second population of mesodermal progenitor cells is located in a separate dorsoposterior region of the tail bud, and a corresponding population is present in the mouse tail bud. Using heterotopic transplantations, we show that the fate of CNH cells depends on their environment within the tail bud. Furthermore, we show that the anteroposterior identity of tail bud progenitor cells can be reset by heterochronic transplantation to the node region of gastrula-stage chicken embryos.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, one of the properties defining Spemann's organizer is its ability to dorsalise the mesoderm. When placed ajacent to prospective lateral/ventral mesoderm (blood, mesenchyme), the organizer causes these cells to adopt a more axial/dorsal fate (muscle). It seems likely that a similar property patterns the primitive streak of higher vertebrate embryos, but this has not yet been demonstrated clearly. Using quail/chick chimaeras and a panel of molecular markers, we show that Hensen's node (the amniote organizer) can induce posterior primitive streak (prospective lateral plate) to form somites (but not notochord) at the early neurula stage. We tested two BMP antagonists, noggin and chordin (both of which are expressed in the organizer), for their ability to generate somites and intermediate mesoderm from posterior streak, and find that noggin, but not chordin, can do this. Conversely, earlier in development, chordin can induce an ectopic primitive streak much more effectively than noggin, while neither BMP antagonist can induce neural tissue from extraembryonic epiblast. Neurulation is accompanied by regression of the node, which brings the prospective somite territory into a region expressing BMP-2, -4 and -7. One function of noggin at this stage may be to protect the prospective somite cells from the inhibitory action of BMPs. Our results suggest that the two BMP antagonists, noggin and chordin, may serve different functions during early stages of amniote development.  相似文献   

This study characterizes defects associated with abnormal mesoderm development in mouse embryos homozygous for the induced Ednrb(s-1Acrg) allele of the piebald deletion complex. The Ednrb(s-1Acrg) deletion results in recessive embryonic lethality and mutant embryos exhibit a truncated posterior body axis. The primitive streak and node become disfigured, consistent with evidence that cell migration is impaired in newly formed mesoderm. Additional defects related to mesoderm development include notochord degeneration, somite malformations, and abnormal vascular development. Arrested heart looping morphogenesis and a randomized direction of embryonic turning indicate that left-right development is also perturbed. The expression of nodal and leftb, Tgf-beta-related genes involved in a left-determinant signaling pathway, is variably lost in the left lateral plate mesoderm. Mutational analysis has demonstrated that Fgf8 and Brachyury (T) are required for normal mesoderm and left-right development and the asymmetric expression of nodal and leftb. Fgf8 expression in nascent mesoderm exiting the primitive streak is dramatically reduced in mutant embryos, and diminished T expression accompanies the progressive loss of paraxial, lateral, and primitive streak mesoderm. In contrast, axial mesoderm persists and T and nodal appear to be appropriately expressed in their specific domains in the node and notochord. We propose that this mutation disrupts a morphogenetic pathway, likely involving FGF signaling, important for the development of streak-derived posterior mesoderm and lateral morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary We have used interspecific grafts between Xenopus borealis and Xenopus laevis to study the signalling system that produces tail mesoderm. Early gastrula ectoderm grafted into the posterior neural plate region of neurulae responds to a mesodermal inducing signal in this region and forms mainly tail somites; this signal persists until at least the early tail bud stage. Ventral ectoderm grafted into the posterior neural plate loses its competence to respond to this signal after stage 10 1/2. We have established the specification of anterior and posterior neural plate ectoderm. In ectodermal sandwiches or when grafted into unusual positions, anterior regions gave rise to mainly nervous system and posterior regions to large amounts of muscle, together with some nervous system. Thus it was impossible to assess the competence of posterior neural plate ectoderm to form further mesoderm and hence to establish if mesodermal induction continues during neurulation in unmanipulated embryos.  相似文献   

Changing patterns of cytokeratins and vimentin in the early chick embryo   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of cytokeratins and vimentin intermediate filaments in the first 48 h of chick development has been determined using immunofluorescent labelling. During formation of the germ layers, cytokeratin expression is associated with the appearance of an integral epithelium (ectoderm), whereas vimentin expression is associated with cells that detach and migrate from this epithelium to form endoderm and mesoderm. Subsequently, vimentin persists in the endoderm and mesoderm and the tissues derived therefrom, such as the somites and developing heart, throughout the period of study. The appearance of cytokeratins at later stages of development occurs in some epithelia such as the ectoderm, endoderm, lateral plate and epimyocardium but not others including the neural plate, neural tube and somites. Expression of cytokeratins in endoderm and mesenchymal tissues occurs in tandem with vimentin. In conclusion, vimentin expression is related to its distribution in the epiblast before germ layer formation. Its initial appearance may be related to the motile behaviour of cells about to ingress through the primitive streak. The appearance of cytokeratin filaments, however, does not reflect germ layer derivation but rather the need for an epithelial sheet.  相似文献   

The murine Brachyury (T) gene is required in mesoderm formation. Mutants carrying different T alleles show a graded severity of defects correlated with gene dosage along the body axis. The phenotypes range from shortening of the tail to the malformation of sacral vertebrae in heterozygotes, and to disruption of trunk development and embryonic death in homozygotes. Defects include a severe disturbance of the primitive streak, an early cessation of mesoderm formation and absence of the allantois and notochord, the latter resulting in an abnormality of the neural tube and somites. The T gene is expressed in nascent mesoderm and in the notochord of wild-type embryos. Here the expression of T in whole-mount mutant embryos homozygous for the T allele TWis is described. The TWis gene product is altered, but the TWis/TWis phenotype is very similar to that of T/T embryos which lack T. In early TWis/TWis embryos T expression is normal, but ceases prematurely during early organogenesis coincident with a cessation of mesoderm formation. The archenteron/node region is disrupted and the extension of the notochord precursor comes to a halt, followed by a decrease and finally a complete loss of T gene expression in the primitive streak and the head process/notochord precursor. It appears that the primary defect of the mutant embryo is the disruption of the notochord precursor in the node region which is required for axis elongation. Thus the T gene product is directly or indirectly involved in the organization of axial development.  相似文献   

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