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This study presents an ecological analysis of the relationship between infant mortality and economic status by race in metropolitan Ohio, using census data on mother's residence and economic status determined by the percentage of low-income families living in each area. The analysis updates previous studies as white-non-white comparisons for total infant mortality are examined for the US censuses of 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000; and more detailed period- and broad cause-specific rates are presented for 2000. A pronounced inverse association is consistently found between income status and infant mortality for whites, while for non-whites this pattern first emerges in 1979-81, disappears during the 1980s and then returns more strongly during the 1990s. Similarly, the 2000 data reveal a consistent inverse pattern between income status and infant mortality for white and non-white neonatal and postneonatal death rates, as well as exogenous cause-specific death rates. It is concluded that low-income whites and non-whites have infant mortality rates substantially higher than the overall rate for the population. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This study utilizes an ecological approach based on census tracts of residence to examine the relationship between infant mortality and socioeconomic status in metropolitan Ohio at two points in time (1959–61 and 1969–71). The data presented clearly indicate that the infant mortality rate continues to exhibit a pronounced inverse association with a wide variety of socio‐economic variables. Although there were some notable exceptions and/or variations from the general patterns, a basic inverse relationship was generally found to be characteristic of both neonatal and postnatal components of infant mortality, for both males and females, and for both major exogenous and endogenous causes of death. Of all the variables examined, the one factor that emerged as the strongest and most consistent determinant of census tract variations in infant mortality was the proportion of low income families. Thus, the overriding conclusion suggested by this study is that in spite of such things as continued advances in medicine and public health, the expansion of a variety of social programs during the 1960's, and the recent resumption of a downward trend in the overall infant mortality rate, there has been little if any progress in achieving more equitable life chances for the economically deprived segments of our population.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence has consistently documented the direct relationship between infant mortality and socioeconomic inequality in the United States and numerous other countries. While the majority of these studies reveal an inverse relationship between socioeconomic level and infant mortality, not even this finding is free from disagreement. Furthermore, the specific nature and magnitude of this relationship has varied over time. This study will examine the relationship between socioeconomic status and infant mortality in metropolitan Ohio by using birth and infant death data centered on the 2000 Census. The analyses presented herein will describe and analyze the relationship between infant mortality and socioeconomic status in metropolitan Ohio in the year 2000. The key finding is that in spite of remarkable declines in infant mortality during the past several decades, most notably in neonatal mortality, there continues to be a pronounced inverse association between the infant death rate and the economic status of a population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between infant mortality and a complex measure of socioeconomic status for evidence of diminution. In data on counties in the US with a minimum of 20 infant deaths over the 5-year period 1971-75, no evidence of a declining relationship between socioeconomic status and infant mortality was found. Both level of community affluence and racial composition of the population exerted direct effects on levels of infant deaths. In addition, both socioeconomic status and racial composition exhibited indirect effects which operated through teenage childbearing. When total infant mortality was subdivided, teenage fertility serves as a mediating variable in the link between socioeconomic status and neonatal mortality, but not for the postneonatal components. Given the nearly equivalent total effect of socioeconomic status on infant mortality, it is concluded that the classic division into neonatal (supposedly a function of biological and genetic agents) and postneonatal (traditionally attributed to social and environmental agents), may be too crude to allow the contemporary effects of the socioenvironmental milieu to be evaluated effectively.  相似文献   


This study examines factors impinging on the survival of children in Cameroon using longitudinal data collected by the United Nations Demographic Training and Research Institute of Yaounde, Cameroon. It deals especially with the role of socioeconomic factors (mother's education, employment, marital status, ethnicity, and household income), housing characteristics (construction materials, power source, source of water supply, extent of crowding), and immunization status on infant and child mortality. Two‐state parametric and nonparametric hazards models for the risk of death at any time within the course of the study are used, with and without accounting for unmeasured heterogeneity. Overall, overcrowding has robust deleterious effects on infant and child survival. As regards the effects of socioeconomic variables, the robustness of the effects of household income and ethnic differentials are unchanged, even after controlling for unmeasured heterogeneity; the deleterious effects of marital status are also apparent, but these effects are largely explained by unmeasured covariates. The data also suggest that the protective effects of full immunization status are robust and not contaminated by confounding factors, at least in the first 16 months of life. These findings provide solid ground to support immunization programs and efforts as a means to reduce significantly infant and child mortality.  相似文献   

New genetic information on the taxonomic status of an endangered species may have strong implications for its continued protection and that of other listed taxa with questionable species status. While analyzing a more comprehensive project on the molecular phylogeny of North American Spiranthes (Orchidaceae), lack of genetic differentiation between endangered S. parksii, endemic only to Texas, and a common local congener, S. cernua, was discovered. To confirm these results in a comparative context, we focused parsimony analyses on a subset of data from local Spiranthes and the same congeners found elsewhere, expanded by additional local samples of the two focal species. Four DNA sequence segments (two chloroplast, one mitochondrial, one nuclear ribosomal) totaling 3191 base pairs were used separately and together to verify that S. parksii is nested within the same clade as S. cernua, and thus likely to be the same species. Our results concur with another recent investigation using AFLP and microsatellite data that also suggests S. parksii is not unique genetically. Therefore, based on empirical data and the phylogenetic species concept, endangered S. parksii is merely an aberrant local phenotype of and a synonym for S. cernua sensu lato. Our results should be considered during the current review of this orchid’s listing status, despite some recent policy changes on consideration of genetic data after listing.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between obesity and survival, and the extent to which this relationship varies by socioeconomic status (SES). The underlying model is based on the “Pathways to health” framework in which SES affects health by modifying the relationship between lifestyles and health. We use data from the British Health and Lifestyle Survey (1984–1985) and the longitudinal follow-up in June 2009, and run parametric Gompertz survival models to investigate the association between obesity and survival, also accounting for interactions between obesity and both age and SES. Generally we find that obesity is negatively associated with survival, and that SES is positively associated with survival, in both men and women. The interactions between obesity and SES predict survival among women but not among men. Obesity compared with normal weight is associated with a reduction in survival of 3.3, 3.2 and 2.8 years in men aged 40, 50 and 60 years, respectively. Corresponding numbers among women in the lowest SES group are 13.1, 9.7 and 6.1 years, respectively; in the highest SES group they are 6.2, 3.1 and 0.1 years, respectively, a difference of approximately 6 years between the highest and lowest SES groups.  相似文献   

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