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A propagated potential produced in the Pacinian corpuscle in response to mechanical stimuli leaves a refractory state of 7 to 10 msec. duration. The refractory state is presumably produced at the first intracorpuscular node of Ranvier. The recovery of receptor excitability for producing an all-or-none response to mechanical stimulation follows the same time course as that of the electrically excited axon. Upon progressive reduction of stimulus interval (mechanical), the propagated potential falls progressively to 75 per cent of its resting magnitude and becomes finally blocked within the corpuscle. A non-propagated all-or-none potential, presumably corresponding to activity of the first node, is then detected. The critical firing level for all-or-none potentials increases progressively during the relative refractory period of the all-or-none potential, as the stimulus interval is shortened. Thus generator potentials up to 85 per cent of a propagated potential can be produced in absence of all-or-none activity. Generator potentials show: gradual over-all increase in amplitude and rate of rise as a function of stimulus strength; constant latency; and spontaneous fluctuations in amplitude. A generator potential leaves a refractory state (presumably at the non-myelinated ending) so that the amplitude of a second generator response which falls on its refractory trail is directly related to the time elapsed after the first generator response and inversely to its amplitude. The generator potential develops independently of any refractory state left by a preceding all-or-none potential.  相似文献   

Repetitive activity at the non-myelinated ending of Pacinian corpuscles leaves the following after-effects: (1) With certain parameters of repetitive mechanical stimulation of the ending a depression in generator potential is produced. The effect is fully reversible and has low energy requirements. The effect is a transient decrease in responsiveness of the receptor membrane which is unrelated to changes in resting membrane potential. It appears to reflect an inactivation process of the receptor membrane. Within certain limits, the depression increases as a function of strength, frequency, and train duration of repetitive stimuli. (2) With other, more critical parameters of repetitive stimulation a hyperpolarization of the ending and of the first intracorpuscular Ranvier node may be produced. This leads to respectively post-tetanic potentiation of generator potential and increase in nodal firing threshold. The balance of these after-effects determines the threshold for the production of nerve impulses by adequate (mechanical) stimulation of the sense organ. The after-effects of activity at the node can be elicited by dromic (mechanical) stimulation of the ending, as well as by antidromic (electric) stimulation of the axon; the after-effects at the ending can only be produced by dromic and not by antidromic stimulation.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the site of production of the generator potential in Pacinian corpuscles is the receptor membrane of the non-myelinated ending, and the site of initiation of the nerve impulse, the adjacent (first) Ranvier node. Effects of membrane polarization of these sites were studied in the present work. Nerve ending and first Ranvier node were isolated by dissection, electric activity was recorded from, and polarizing currents were passed through them. All observations were done at steady levels of polarization, seconds after onset of current flow. The following results were obtained: The amount of charge transferred through the excited receptor membrane is a function of the electrical gradients across the membrane. The generator potential in response to equal mechanical stimuli increases with resting potential of the receptor membrane. The refractory state of the generator potential is not affected by polarization. The electrical threshold for impulse firing at the first Ranvier node (measured by the minimal amplitude of generator potential which elicits a nodal impulse) is nearly minimal at normal resting potential of the node. Both, hyperpolarization and depolarization lead to a rise in nodal threshold. For any level of polarization of nodal and receptor membrane, the threshold for production of impulses by adequate (mechanical) stimulation appears determined by the generator potential-stimulus strength relation and by the electrical threshold of the node.  相似文献   

Response patterns resulting from repetitive mechanical stimulation of the corpuscle depend on (1) the time course of recovery of the generator potential, on (2) the recovery of critical firing height, and on (3) the stimulus strength/generator potential function. By either augmenting stimulus frequency at constant strength, or by reducing strength at constant frequency, a sequence of propagated potentials is turned into a pattern of alternating regenerative and generator responses. In such a pattern an extra impulse can be set up whenever an extra stimulus produces a generator potential of enough amplitude to reach the firing height of the corresponding period. The new requirements of firing height introduced by the refractory trail of the extra impulse determine resetting of periodicity and appearance of a "compensatory pause." The decay time of the single generator potential is independent of stimulus duration. This is interpreted as a factor determining receptor adaptation. Upon repetitive stimulation at intervals above ½ decay time of the single generator potential, a compound generator potential is built up which shows no spontaneous decline. However, in spite of being considerably greater than the firing height for single impulses, the constant level of depolarization of the compound generator potential is unable to produce propagated potentials. A hypothesis is brought forward which considers the generator potential to arise from membrane units with fluctuating excitability scattered over the non-myelinated nerve ending.  相似文献   

In the neuromuscular junction, blockade of potassium channels can produce multiple discharges after single nerve stimulation. Multielectrode recording from the nerve trunk and myelinated and non-myelinated parts of the nerve ending demonstrated that repetitive presynaptic spikes elicited by 4-aminopyridine arise earliest within the part of the axon proximal to the motor nerve ending.  相似文献   

Further experimental evidence is presented indicating that the peripheral inhibitory phenomenon known as sensory adaptation, as it is manifested in tactile receptors in frogs'' skin, is produced by a neurohumor released by non-nervous cells of the skin when they are pressed upon. 1. Adaptation is not produced by electrically initiated antidromic impulses backfired into the axon branches. 2. Intermittent air jet stimulation of a region of skin several millimeters distant from a responsive single ending produces failure of response of the ending to a similar direct intermittent stimulus applied to the skin containing the ending immediately afterward. 3. Constant pressure causes an ending to adapt but no spread of the effect, as described in the above paragraph, is found. This implies that the spread is the result of the vibratory movement of the skin. 4. The time curves of recovery from adaptation are inconsistent with any known properties of isolated nerve.  相似文献   

Charge transfer through the receptor membrane of the nonmyelinated ending of Pacinian corpuscles is markedly affected by temperature. The rate of rise and the amplitude of the generator potential in response to a constant mechanical stimulus increase with temperature coefficients of 2.5 and 2.0 respectively. The duration of the falling phase, presumably a purely passive component, and the rise time of the generator potential are but little affected by temperature. The following interpretation is offered: Mechanical stimulation causes the conductance of the receptor membrane to increase and ions to flow along their electrochemical gradients. An energy barrier of about 16,000 cal/mole limits the conductance change. The latter increases, thus, steeply with temperature, causing both the rate of rise and the intensity of the generator current to increase. The membrane of the adjacent Ranvier node behaves in a distinctly different manner. The amplitude of the nodal action potential is little changed over a wide range of temperature, while the durations of its rising and falling phases increase markedly. The electrical threshold of the nodal membrane is rather constant between 40 and 12°C. Below 12°C the threshold rises, and the mechanically elicited generator current fails to meet the threshold requirements of the first node. Cold block of nerve impulse initiation then ensues, although the receptor membrane still continues to produce generator potentials in response to mechanical stimulation.  相似文献   

The author has shown the variety in denominating peripheral sensory structures serving for mechanoreception, nociception, thermoreception and chemoreception. To term peripheral sensory structures as nerve endings is considered particularly unsuitable because this denomination is based only on morphogenesis of the ending. From the view of system approach, the peripheral sensory structures forms one unit formed by two or more structural subsystems. Even though the axon or its dendritic zone has the leading role in this unit, the function of the whole formation is influenced (modulated) by further non-nervous components. Although the causes of velocity of adaptation in some sensory structures have been already explained (e.g. in lamellar corpuscles with a thick capsule), different adaptation velocity of Merkel complexes in reptiles and birds on one side, and in mammals on the other, with the same structure has not been clear up to now. From the view of system approach as well as of the share of non-nervous components in the activity of the whole sensory structure, the author has suggested to introduce the term "sensory nerve formation" for peripheral sensory structures serving for mechanoreception, nociception, thermoreception and chemoreception. The term "complex sensory nerve formation" is suggested for more complex sensory structures in which either more sensory nerve formations of the same kind (Pinkus tactile dics) or different kinds of sensory formations (Eimer organ of a mole) are connected constantly or in which the connection of sensory nerve formations with other supporting structures (hairs, feathers) occurs.  相似文献   

1. Intersegmental interneurons (INs) that participate in the larval bending reflex and the pupal gin trap closure reflex were identified in the isolated ventral nerve cord of Manduca sexta. INs 305, 504, and 703 show qualitatively different responses in the pupa than in the larva to electrical stimulation of sensory neurons that are retained during the larval-pupal transition to serve both reflexes. Action potentials produced by current injected into the 3 interneurons excite motor neurons that are directly involved in the larval and pupal reflexes. The excitation of the motor neurons is not associated with EPSPs at a fixed latency following action potentials in the interneurons, and thus there do not seem to be direct synaptic connections between the interneurons and the motor neurons. 2. IN 305 (Fig. 2) has a lateral soma, processes in most of the dorsal neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that gives rise to a single contralateral descending axon. IN 305 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in the larva and the pupa. Stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma produces an inhibitory response in the larva, but a mixed excitatory/inhibitory response to the identical stimulus in the pupa. 3. IN 504 (Fig. 3) has a lateral soma, processes throughout most of the neuropil ipsilateral to the soma, and a crossing neurite that bifurcates to give rise to a process extending to the caudal limit of the neuropil and an ascending axon. IN 504 is excited by stimulation of the sensory nerve ipsilateral to its soma in both larvae and pupae, while the response to stimulation of the sensory nerve contralateral to its soma is inhibitory in the larva but mixed (excitatory/inhibitory) in the pupa. 4. IN 703 has a large antero-lateral soma, a neurite that extends across to the contralateral side giving rise to processes located primarily dorsally in both ipsilateral and contralateral neuropils, and two axons that ascend and descend in the connectives contralateral to the soma (Fig. 4). IN 703 responds to stimulation of the sensory nerves on either side of the ganglion, but the form of the response changes during the larval-pupal transition. In the larva, the response consists of very phasic (0-2 spikes) excitation, but in the pupa there is a prolonged excitation that greatly outlasts the stimulus (Fig. 6).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Meissner corpuscle is a rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptor in the dermal papillae of digital skin. For an analysis of how the sensory endings detect tissue deformations, an examination of their fine structure and relationships with dermal collagen was carried out in the Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, using a combination of three methods: SEM of cell architecture denuded by 6N sodium hydroxide maceration, SEM of collagen networks exposed by a mild alkaline corrosion, and TEM according to a conventional procedure. Observations showed the sensory corpuscles to be represented by a stack of discoid components consisting of flattened axon terminals sandwiched between Schwann cell lamellae, as reported previously. Each corpuscle was entirely covered by a connective tissue capsule, which was linked with the basal aspect of the epidermis by dermal collagen fibers. Margins of the discoid components of the corpuscles were serrated with numerous fine projections of lamellar Schwann cells, which tightly held collagen trabeculae on the inner aspect of the pericorpuscular capsule. Central portions of the discoids, on the other hand, displayed extremely smooth surfaces, which were covered by a thick layer of basal lamina-like matrix. The former portions of the discoids appear susceptible to mechanical deformations of surrounding tissues, while the latter may follow the tissue movements rather slowly because of their indirect linkage with the dermal collagen network. The resulting distortions of the axon endings during dynamic phases of the tissue deformations will be in favor of the generation of rapidly adapting receptor potentials in the sensory corpuscle.  相似文献   

A period of supernormal excitability is left by a propagated impulse in a Pacinian corpuscle. The increase in excitability is found 6 to 10 msec. after an impulse occurs in the corpuscle. Supernormality is produced by either mechanically elicited dromic impulses, or by electrically excited antidromic impulses. Generator potentials do not cause supernormality. Local potentials discharged spontaneously by the corpuscle, and which fall on the supernormal trail left by an antidromic impulse, become enhanced in amplitude, an eventually are turned into propagated dromic potentials. The supernormal period is interpreted as caused by a negative after-potential left at the first intracorpuscular node of Ranvier which outlasts both the recovery time of the firing level and that of the generator potential during the corpuscle's relative refractory period.  相似文献   

The ERG of the dragonfly ocellus has been analyzed into four components, two of which originate in the photoreceptor cells, two in the ocellar nerve fibers (Ruck, 1961 a). Component 1 is a sensory generator potential, component 2 a response of the receptor axons. Component 3 is an inhibitory postsynaptic potential, component 4, a discharge of afferent nerve impulses in ocellar nerve fibers. Responses to flickering light are examined in terms of this analytic scheme. It has been found that the generator potential can respond to higher rates of flicker—up to 220/sec.—than can the receptor axon responses, the postsynaptic potential, or the ocellar nerve impulses. The maximum flicker fusion frequency as measured by fusion of the ERG is that of the sensory generator potential itself.  相似文献   

Subsequent to conditioning by a high frequency stimulus axons of the cat soleus nerve respond to single stimuli with brief trains of repetitive action potentials. This phenomenon, post-tetanic repetitive activity (PTR), was studied in individual axons and single motor units of an in situ cat soleus nerve-muscle preparation. The occurrence, intensity, and duration of PTR are principally dependent on the frequency and duration of the conditioning tetanus. PTR occurs synchronously in the axon and muscles of single motor units. An analysis of the temporal relationships of the repetitive nerve and muscle potentials showed that PTR is generated in the motor nerve terminal. It is postulated that PTR is produced by a generator potential which is developed in the post-tetanic period between the unmyelinated nerve terminal and the last node of Ranvier.  相似文献   

1. Current flow outward through the caudal, reactive membrane of the cell causes direct stimulation of the electroplaque. The electrical response in denervated as well as in normal preparations recorded with internal microelectrodes is first local and graded with the intensity of the stimulus. When membrane depolarization reaches about 40 mv. a propagated, all-or-nothing spike develops. 2. Measured with internal microelectrodes the resting potential is 73 mv. and the spike 126 mv. The latter lasts about 2 msec. and is propagated at approximately 1 M.P.S. 3. The latency of the response decreases nearly to zero with strong direct stimulation and the entire cell may be activated nearly synchronously. 4. Current flow inward through the caudal membrane of the cell does not excite the latter directly, but activation of the innervated cell takes place through stimulation of the nerve terminals. This causes a response which has a latency of not less than 1.0 msec. and up to 2.4 msec. 5. The activity evoked by indirect stimulation or by a neural volley includes a prefatory potential which has properties different from the local response. This is a postsynaptic potential since it also develops in the excitable membrane which produces the local response and spike. 6. On stimulation of a nerve trunk the postsynaptic potential is produced everywhere in the caudal membrane, but is largest at the outer (skin) end of the cell. The spike is initiated in this region and is propagated at a slightly higher rate than is the directly elicited response. Strong neural stimulation can excite the entire cell to simultaneous discharge. 7. The postsynaptic potential caused by neural or indirect stimulation may be elicited while the cell is absolutely refractory to direct excitation. 8. The postsynaptic potential is not depressed by anodal, or enhanced by cathodal polarization. 9. It is therefore concluded that the postsynaptic potential represents a membrane response which is not electrically excitable. Neural activation of this therefore probably involves a chemical transmitter. 10. The nature of the transmitter is discussed and it is concluded that this is not closely related to acetylcholine. 11. Paired homosynaptic excitation discloses facilitation which is not present when the conditioning stimulus is direct or through a different nerve trunk. These results may be interpreted in the light of the existence of a neurally caused chemical transmitter or alternatively as due to presynaptic potentiation. 12. The electrically excitable system of the electroplaque has two components. In the normal cell a graded reaction of the membrane develops with increasing strength of stimulation until a critical level of depolarization, which is about 40 mv. 13. At this stage a regenerative explosive reaction of the membrane takes place which produces the all-or-nothing spike and propagation. 14. During early relative refractoriness or after poisoning with some drugs (eserine, etc.) the regenerative process is lost. The membrane response then may continue as a graded process, increasing proportionally to the stimulus strength. Although this pathway is capable of producing the full membrane potential the response is not propagated. 15. Propagation returns when the cell recovers its regenerative reaction and the all-or-nothing response is elicited. 16. Excitable tissues may be classified into three categories. The axon is everywhere electrically excitable. The skeletal muscle fiber is electrically excitable everywhere except at a restricted region (the end plate) which is only neurally or chemically excitable. The electroplaque of the eel, and probably also cells of the nervous system have neurally and electrically excitable membrane components intermingled. The electroplaques of Raia and probably also of Torpedo as well as frog muscle fibers of the "slow" system have membranes which are primarily neurally and chemically excitable. Existence of a category of invertebrate muscle fibers with graded electrical excitability is also considered. 17. In the eel electroplaque and also probably in the cells of neurons, tests of the mode of neural activation carried out by direct or antidromic stimulation cannot reveal the neurally and chemically activated component. The data of such tests though they appear to prove electrical transmission are therefore inadequate for the detection and study of the chemically initiated process.  相似文献   

The electromechanical transduction mechanisms operating in nerve membranes are considered theoretically. For mechanical-to-electrical transduction (mechanical generator potentials), a model is proposed in which the surface charge on the membrane mediates stress-induced changes in the intramembrane electric field, thus opening transmembrane ion conductance channels or reducing the ion selectivity of the membrane via leak conductance pathways. For electrical-to-mechanical transduction (axon diameter change with excitation), an investigation into two well-known electrostatic properties of dielectrics, electrostriction and piezoelectricity, in the context of the nerve membrane is undertaken which predicts a few percent change in axon dimensions for voltage- and space-clamped axons.  相似文献   

The control of spermathecal contractions in Locusta migratoria via a neural loop was demonstrated using mechanical stimulation and electrophysiological recordings. Extracellular electrophysiological recordings from the receptaculum seminis nerve (N2B2), which innervates the spermathecal sac, were conducted during mechanical stimulation of the genital chamber sensory cells. Activation of the genital chamber sensory cells, using a glass probe approximating the shape and size of an egg, was found to increase the action potential frequency and initiate bursts of action potentials if a tonic frequency of action potentials was present prior to stimulation. If the motor pattern initially consisted of bursts of action potentials, then mechanical stimulation of the genital chamber sensory cells resulted in an increase in firing frequency, in most preparations, with the bursting remaining. Removal of the probe from the genital chamber always returned the motor activity to that noted prior to sensory cell stimulation. Simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from both the left and right receptaculum seminis nerves (N2B2) revealed that the bursts of action potentials were coordinated, although individual action potentials were not coupled one to one. Activation of the genital chamber sensory cells also resulted in increases in spermathecal contraction frequency, an effect which was coordinated with the changes in motor activity. It is proposed that an egg in the genital chamber activates the sensory cells resulting in increases in spermathecal contraction frequency and the subsequent release of spermatozoa onto the micropyle of the egg for fertilization.  相似文献   

The response pattern of reticulo-spinal (RS) neurons in two reticulo-spinal structures (n. reticularus pontis caudalis and n. reticularis gigantocellularis) to both electrical (somatic) nerve stimulation and natural mechanical innocuous (tapping with varying force) and noxious (pinch and prick) stimulation were investigated in chloralose-anesthetized cats. Bulbar and pontine neurons were found to vary considerably in their sensory characteristics: of the former 43% were activated only by high-threshold electrical nerve stimulation and noxious stimuli, while the remainder responded to innocuous stimuli as well. In the case of pontine neurons 81% produced a response to stimulation of low-threshold nerve fibers, and to innocuous as well as noxious stimuli. A relationship was found between the sensory characteristics of reticulo-spinal neurons and their axon conductance velocities. Various aspects and the likely functional significance of specialization in brainstem neurons of the pontine and bulbar reticular formation come under discussion.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 461–469, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

Summary In the walking legs of two common crabs, antidromic stimulation of the common inhibitory axon (CI) from either opener or closer nerve produces inhibitory potentials in certain fibers of every muscle distal to the ischiopodite. In particular, CI inhibits the flexor and accessory flexor muscles of the meropodite and abolishes or reduces contractile force in the flexor. The specific opener inhibitor, OI, formerly believed to innervate the flexor, has no electrical or mechanical effect on this muscle. The brachyuran inhibitory limb innervation thus appears to be the same as that accepted for the anomurans, comprising one universally distributed common inhibitor and two truly specific inhibitors serving the opener and stretcher muscles.Abbreviations CI common inhibitor - OI opener inhibitor - SI stretcher inhibitor - FI flexor inhibitor - FE flexor excitor(s)  相似文献   

A topographical study was made of SEPs following stimulation of the right posterior tibial nerve at the ankle, with and without concurrent tactile stimulation of the soles of either foot or the palm of the right hand. Effects of the interfering stimulus were best demonstrated by subtracting the wave forms to derive ‘difference’ potentials.The majority of SEP components were significantly attenuated by tactile stimulation of the ipsilateral foot, and the difference wave form was of similar morphology to the control response. Components of opposite polarity peaking at 39 msec were consistent with the field of a cortical generator with dipolar properties, situated in the contralateral hemisphere just posterior to the vertex with the positive poles oriented towards the ipsilateral side. By analogy with median SEP findings, these potentials were believed to originate in the foot region of area 3b where neurones are mainly concerned with cutaneous sensory processing.When the tactile stimulus was applied to the contralateral foot, difference potentials maximally recorded just posterior to the vertex were of smaller amplitude but similar morphology to ipsilateral foot difference components. This suggested the possibility that input from the two lower extremities may converge at cortical or subcortical level, the effect being manifested in the response of certain neurones in area 3b. With both contralateral foot and ipsilateral hand stimulation, other difference potentials were present which suggested that there may be cortical regions responding to combinations of sensory stimuli applied to various parts of the body surface.  相似文献   

Summary The number and caliber of myelinated and non-myelinated fibers of entire and sensory vagal nerves of cats were studied by means of light and electron microscopy. The results obtained with electron microscopy show that the non-myelinated component is particularly rich (about 40,000 elements at the cervical level), with clearly higher numbers of fibers than demonstrated thus far with light microscopy. The ratio of myelinated to non-myelinated fibers is on the average 1 4 for the total vagi and only 1 8 for the sensory vagal component. The comparison of the nerve above and below the level of the nodose ganglion shows that (1) mean fiber diameter is usually greater at the infranodose than at the supranodose level, and (2) some myelinated fibers of small diameter occurring below the nodose ganglion become non-myelinated above it. Additionally, the number of non-myelinated fibers per Schwann cell is greater at the supranodose than at the infranodose level; this speaks in favor of a reorganization of the C-fiber population from one level to the other.  相似文献   

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