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Greater force produced with eccentric (ECC) compared to concentric (CONC) contractions, may comprise a stronger driver of muscle growth, which may be further augmented by protein supplementation. We investigated the effect of differentiated contraction mode with either whey protein hydrolysate and carbohydrate (WPH + CHO) or isocaloric carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation on regulation of anabolic signalling, muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle hypertrophy. Twenty-four human participants performed unilateral isolated maximal ECC versus CONC contractions during exercise habituation, single-bout exercise and 12 weeks of training combined with WPH + CHO or CHO supplements. In the exercise-habituated state, p-mTOR, p-p70S6K, p-rpS6 increased by approximately 42, 206 and 213 %, respectively, at 1 h post-exercise, with resistance exercise per se; whereas, the phosphorylation was exclusively maintained with ECC at 3 and 5 h post-exercise. This acute anabolic signalling response did not differ between the isocaloric supplement types, neither did protein fractional synthesis rate differ between interventions. Twelve weeks of ECC as well as CONC resistance training augmented hypertrophy with WPH + CHO group compared to the CHO group (7.3 ± 1.0 versus 3.4 ± 0.8 %), independently of exercise contraction type. Training did not produce major changes in basal levels of Akt-mTOR pathway components. In conclusion, maximal ECC contraction mode may constitute a superior driver of acute anabolic signalling that may not be mirrored in the muscle protein synthesis rate. Furthermore, with prolonged high-volume resistance training, contraction mode seems less influential on the magnitude of muscle hypertrophy, whereas protein and carbohydrate supplementation augments muscle hypertrophy as compared to isocaloric carbohydrate supplementation .  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle loss during aging leads to an increased risk of falls, fractures, and eventually loss of independence. Resistance exercise is a useful intervention to prevent sarcopenia; however, the muscle protein synthesis (MPS) response to resistance exercise is less in elderly compared with young subjects. On the other hand, essential amino acids (EAA) increase MPS equally in both young and old subjects when sufficient EAA is ingested. We hypothesized that EAA ingestion following a bout of resistance exercise would stimulate anabolic signaling and MPS similarly between young and old men. Each subject ingested 20 g of EAA 1 h following leg resistance exercise. Muscle biopsies were obtained before and 1, 3, and 6 h after exercise to measure the rate of MPS and signaling pathways that regulate translation initiation. MPS increased early in young (1-3 h postexercise) and later in old (3-6 h postexercise). At 1 h postexercise, ERK1/2 MNK1 phosphorylation increased and eIF2alpha phosphorylation decreased only in the young. mTOR signaling (mTOR, S6K1, 4E-BP1, eEF2) was similar between groups at all time points, but MNK1 phosphorylation was lower at 3 h and AMP-activated protein kinase-alpha (AMPKalpha) phosphorylation was higher in old 1-3 h postexercise. We conclude that the acute MPS response after resistance exercise and EAA ingestion is similar between young and old men; however, the response is delayed with aging. Unresponsive ERK1/2 signaling and AMPK activation in old muscle may be playing a role in the delayed activation of MPS. Notwithstanding, the combination of resistance exercise and EAA ingestion should be a useful strategy to combat sarcopenia.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of muscle glycogen concentration and postexercise nutrition on anabolic signaling and rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis after resistance exercise (REX). Sixteen young, healthy men matched for age, body mass, peak oxygen uptake (Vo(2peak)) and strength (one repetition maximum; 1RM) were randomly assigned to either a nutrient or placebo group. After 48 h diet and exercise control, subjects undertook a glycogen-depletion protocol consisting of one-leg cycling to fatigue (LOW), whereas the other leg rested (NORM). The next morning following an overnight fast, a primed, constant infusion of l-[ring-(13)C(6)] phenylalanine was commenced and subjects completed 8 sets of 5 unilateral leg press repetitions at 80% 1RM. Immediately after REX and 2 h later, subjects consumed a 500 ml bolus of a protein/CHO (20 g whey + 40 g maltodextrin) or placebo beverage. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis of both legs were taken at rest and 1 and 4 h after REX. Muscle glycogen concentration was higher in the NORM than LOW at all time points in both nutrient and placebo groups (P < 0.05). Postexercise Akt-p70S6K-rpS6 phosphorylation increased in both groups with no differences between legs (P < 0.05). mTOR(Ser2448) phosphorylation in placebo increased 1 h after exercise in NORM (P < 0.05), whereas mTOR increased ~4-fold in LOW (P < 0.01) and ~11 fold in NORM with nutrient (P < 0.01; different between legs P < 0.05). Post-exercise rates of MPS were not different between NORM and LOW in nutrient (0.070 ± 0.022 vs. 0.068 ± 0.018 %/h) or placebo (0.045 ± 0.021 vs. 0.049 ± 0.017 %/h). We conclude that commencing high-intensity REX with low muscle glycogen availability does not compromise the anabolic signal and subsequent rates of MPS, at least during the early (4 h) postexercise recovery period.  相似文献   

Ferrando, Arny A., Kevin D. Tipton, Marcas M. Bamman, andRobert R. Wolfe. Resistance exercise maintains skeletal muscle protein synthesis during bed rest. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(3): 807-810, 1997.Spaceflightresults in a loss of lean body mass and muscular strength. Aground-based model for microgravity, bed rest, results in a loss oflean body mass due to a decrease in muscle protein synthesis (MPS).Resistance training is suggested as a proposed countermeasure forspaceflight-induced atrophy because it is known to increase both MPSand skeletal muscle strength. We therefore hypothesized that scheduledresistance training throughout bed rest would ameliorate the decreasein MPS. Two groups of healthy volunteers were studied during 14 days ofsimulated microgravity. One group adhered to strict bed rest (BR;n = 5), whereas a second group engagedin leg resistance exercise every other day throughout bed rest (BREx;n = 6). MPS was determined directly bythe incorporation of infusedL-[ring-13C6]phenylalanineinto vastus lateralis protein. After 14 days of bed rest, MPS in theBREx group did not change and was significantly greater than in the BRgroup. Thus moderate-resistance exercise can counteract the decrease inMPS during bed rest.


Renal effects of altitude hypoxia are unclear. Renal and hormonal function was investigated in eight males at rest and during graded exercise at sea level (SL) and 48 h after rapid ascent to 4,350 m (HA). HA did not change resting values of effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), sodium clearance (CNa), urine flow, or lithium clearance (CLi), which was used as an index of proximal tubular outflow. At rest, HA increased plasma norepinephrine concentration and decreased plasma concentrations of renin and aldosterone. Exercise decreased ERPF similarly in both environments. Normoxic exercise progressively reduced GFR, but at HA GFR only decreased during heavy exercise. This resulted in a higher filtration fraction during light and moderate hypoxic exercise. However, calculated absolute proximal reabsorption rate (GFR-CLi) at HA was higher during low-intensity exercise, and there were no significant differences between exercise-induced decreases in CLi, CNa, and urine flow at HA compared with SL. Exercise gradually increased plasma norepinephrine, but values were higher at HA during light and moderate exercise. The small changes in the renal response to low-intensity hypoxic exercise may be secondary to increased adrenosympathetic activity. However, antidiuretic and antinatriuretic effects of exercise were maintained in hypoxia and in both environments seemed to be the consequence of decreased proximal tubular outflow. The results demonstrate that renal glomerular and tubular function is well preserved in acute hypoxia despite marked hormonal changes.  相似文献   

We determined changes in rat plantaris, diaphragm, and intercostal muscle metabolites following exercise of various intensities and durations, in normoxia and hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.12). Marked alveolar hyperventilation occurred during all exercise conditions, suggesting that respiratory muscle motor activity was high. [ATP] was maintained at rest levels in all muscles during all normoxic and hypoxic exercise bouts, but at the expense of creatine phosphate (CP) in plantaris muscle and diaphragm muscle following brief exercise at maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) in normoxia. In normoxic exercise plantaris [glycogen] fell as exercise exceeded 60% VO2max, and was reduced to less than 50% control during exhaustive endurance exercise (68% VO2max for 54 min and 84% for 38 min). Respiratory muscle [glycogen] was unchanged at VO2max as well as during either type of endurance exercise. Glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) rose consistently during heavy exercise in diaphragm but not in plantaris. With all types of exercise greater than 84% VO2max, lactate concentration ([LA]) in all three muscles rose to the same extent as arterial [LA], except at VO2max, where respiratory muscle [LA] rose to less than half that in arterial blood or plantaris. Exhaustive exercise in hypoxia caused marked hyperventilation and reduced arterial O2 content; glycogen fell in plantaris (20% of control) and in diaphragm (58%) and intercostals (44%). We conclude that respiratory muscle glycogen stores are spared during exhaustive exercise in the face of substantial glycogen utilization in plantaris, even under conditions of extreme hyperventilation and reduced O2 transport. This sparing effect is due primarily to G6P inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase in diaphragm muscle. The presence of elevated [LA] in the absence of glycogen utilization suggests that increased lactate uptake, rather than lactate production, occurred in the respiratory muscles during exhaustive exercise.  相似文献   

Effects of alkalosis on muscle ions at rest and with intense exercise   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of metabolic and respiratory alkalosis (MALK and RALK) on intracellular strong ion concentrations ([ion]i) and muscle to blood ion fluxes were examined at rest and during 5 min of intense, intermittent tetanic stimulation in the isolated, perfused rat hindlimb. Compared with the control (C), perfusion of resting skeletal muscle during MALK and RALK significantly increased [Cl-]i and [Na+]i, and RALK significantly lowered [K+]i; these changes, however, did not affect initial hindlimb force production. In both resting and stimulated muscle, the intracellular ion changes corresponded to appropriate perfusate to muscle ion fluxes. At rest, changes in slow-twitch soleus were greater than in fast-twitch white gastrocnemius (WG), but stimulation-induced changes in [Lac]i and [K+]i were greater in WG. At the end of stimulation [K+]i and [Mg2+]i had decreased less in MALK than in C and RALK, particularly in plantaris and WG muscles. Compared with C, the muscle to perfusate flux of Lac- increased by 37% in MALK and 27% in RALK. This was associated with significantly less Lac- accumulation in all muscles in MALK than in RALK, which, in turn, had significantly less lactate than C. Lactate efflux from contracting skeletal muscle was significantly correlated with an uptake of Cl- by muscle. It is concluded that extracellular alkalosis alters skeletal muscle intracellular ionic composition and increases Lac- efflux from skeletal muscle. In agreement with other studies, lactate release appears to occur by both ionic and molecular transport processes. Alkalosis had no apparent effect on muscle performance with this preparation.  相似文献   

Yang T  Huang QY  Shan FB  Guan LB  Cai MC 《生理学报》2012,64(2):193-198
The present study was aimed to explore the changes of phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (pAMPK) level in skeletal muscle after exposure to acute hypobaric hypoxia and exhaustive exercise. Thirty-two male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into sea level and high altitude groups. The rats in high altitude group were submitted to simulated 5 000 m of high altitude in a hypobaric chamber for 24 h, and sea level group was maintained at normal conditions. All the rats were subjected to exhaustive swimming exercise. The exhaustion time was recorded. Before and after the exercise, blood lactate and glycogen content in skeletal muscle were determined; AMPK and pAMPK levels in skeletal muscle were detected by Western blot. The results showed that the exhaustion time was significantly decreased after exposure to high altitude. At the moment of exhaustion, high altitude group had lower blood lactate concentration and higher surplus glycogen content in gastrocnemius compared with sea level group. Exhaustive exercise significantly increased the pAMPK/AMPK ratio in rat skeletal muscles from both sea level and high altitude groups. However, high altitude group showed lower pAMPK/AMPK ratio after exhaustion compared to sea level group. These results suggest that, after exposure to acute hypobaric hypoxia, the decrement in exercise capacity may not be due to running out of glycogen, accumulation of lactate or disturbance in energy status in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Cardiac output (Q, by N2-CO2 rebreathing) and limb muscle blood flow (qm, from 133Xe clearance) were determined in eight male subjects at rest and during cycloergometric loads immediately before and 12 days after return from the 1981 Swiss Lhotse Shar (8,398 m) Expedition. Compared to control conditions, after exposure to hypoxia: 1) Q was unchanged at rest and at 75 watts (W) but was 18% less (P less than 0.01) at 150 W with constant heart rate (approximately 140 beats X min-1); 2) qm in the vastus lateralis was identical at rest but 26% and 39% less (P less than 0.05 and P less than 0.001, respectively) at two submaximal leg work loads (75 and 125 W); 3) qm in the biceps at 50 W was 34% less (P less than 0.01); 4) hemoglobin flow (QHb and qmHb), similarly to blood flow (Q and qm), was significantly reduced; 5) the qm adjustment rate, measured from the time required to attain a new steady state upon a square wave change of work load starting from rest, was slower, particularly at the lower work loads. From the above results as well as from corresponding morphometric findings showing in the same subjects: 1) a decrease of the ratio between fiber section and number of capillaries and 2) a rise of the mitochondrial to fiber volume ratio, it is concluded that during altitude acclimatization peripheral O2 delivery becomes more efficient.  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is more common in men than in women for reasons that are not clearly understood. An underlying difference between men and women in the respiratory-related neural control of upper airway dilator muscles has been suggested as a possible reason for the gender difference. We have compared three aspects of upper airway dilator muscle function in healthy men and women: 1) resting inspiratory genioglossus electromyogram (EMGgg) activity, 2) the respiratory EMGgg "afterdischarge" after a brief hypoxic stimulus, and 3) the relationship between the EMGgg and pharyngeal airway pressure. Inspired minute ventilation (VI), epiglottic pressure (P(epi)), and EMGgg and diaphragm EMG (EMGdi) activity were measured in 24 subjects (12 men, 12 women in the luteal menstrual phase) and were compared between genders while lying supine awake. Every 7-8 min over 2 h, subjects were exposed to 45-s periods of isocapnic hypoxia (9% O(2) in N(2)) that were abruptly terminated with one breath of 100% O(2). The relationship between P(epi) and EMGgg activity was also compared between genders. The results of 117 trials with satisfactory end-tidal PCO(2) control and no sighs or swallows are reported. There was no gender difference in the resting level of peak inspiratory EMGgg [3.7 +/- 0.8 (women) vs. 3.2 +/- 0.6% maximal activity (men)]. Repeated-measures ANOVA showed no gender or gender-by-time interaction effect between men and women in VI or EMGgg or EMGdi activity during or after the hypoxic stimulus. The relationship between P(epi) and EMGgg was not different between men (slope -0.63 +/- 0.20) and women (slope -0.69 +/- 0.33). These results do not support the hypothesis that the higher prevalence of OSA in men is related to an underlying gender difference in respiratory neural control of upper airway dilator muscles.  相似文献   

High altitude exposure normally leads to a marked natriuresis and diuresis. Acute mountain sickness is often associated with fluid retention, to which an elevated cortisol may contribute. Most investigators report a rise in resting cortisol with ascent, but little data exist regarding the cortisol response to a day trekking. We therefore measured salivary cortisol during ascent to > 5000 m in a cohort of between 42-45 subjects following a 6-h trek (samples taken between 15:30-16:30 h) and between 15-20 subjects at rest (morning samples taken between 08:00-09:00 h). Morning resting cortisol [nmol/l, mean±sd, (range)] was 5.5±2.9 (2.13-13.61) at 1300 m; 4.7±6.8 (1.4-27.02) at 3400 m, and significantly (p=0.002) rose between 4270 m [3.5±2.1 (1.4-8.34)] and 5150 m [14.5±30.3 (1.9-123.1)]. Post-exercise cortisol [nmol/l, mean±sd, (range)] dropped between 3400 m [7±6 (1.5-33.3)] and 4270 m [4.2±4.8 (1.4-29.5)] (p=0.001) followed by a significant rise in post-exercise cortisol between 4270 m [4.2±4.8 (1.4-29.5)] and 5 150 m [9.2±10.2 (1.4-61.3)] (p<0.001). There were no significant associations between severity of acute mountain sickness and cortisol levels. There was a significant though weak correlation between cortisol post-exercise at 5150 m and oxygen saturation at 5150 m (rho= - 0.451, p=0.004). In conclusion, this is the largest cohort to have their resting and post-exercise cortisol levels ascertained at high altitude. We confirm the previous findings of an elevated resting morning cortisol at > 5000 m, but present the novel finding that the cortisol response to a day trekking at HA appears suppressed at 4270 m.  相似文献   

This study determined whether rates of protein synthesis increase after acute resistance exercise in skeletal muscle from severely diabetic rats. Previous studies consistently show that postexercise rates of protein synthesis are elevated in nondiabetic and moderately diabetic rats. Severely diabetic rats performed acute resistance exercise (n = 8) or remained sedentary (n = 8). A group of nondiabetic age-matched rats served as controls (n = 9). Rates of protein synthesis were measured 16 h after exercise. Plasma glucose concentrations were >500 mg/dl in the diabetic rats. Rates of protein synthesis (nmol phenylalanine incorporated. g muscle(-1). h(-1), means +/- SE) were not different between exercised (117 +/- 7) and sedentary (106 +/- 9) diabetic rats but were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than in sedentary nondiabetic rats (162 +/- 9) and in exercised nondiabetic rats (197 +/- 7). Circulating insulin concentrations were 442 +/- 65 pM in nondiabetic rats and 53 +/- 11 and 72 +/- 19 pM in sedentary and exercised diabetic rats, respectively. Plasma insulin-like growth factor I concentrations were reduced by 33% in diabetic rats compared with nondiabetic rats, and there was no difference between exercised and sedentary diabetic rats. Muscle insulin-like growth factor I was not affected by resistance exercise in diabetic rats. The results show that there is a critical concentration of insulin below which rates of protein synthesis begin to decline in vivo. In contrast to previous studies using less diabetic rats, severely diabetic rats cannot increase rates of protein synthesis after acute resistance exercise.  相似文献   

To determine if fatigue at maximal aerobic power output was associated with a critical decrease in cerebral oxygenation, 13 male cyclists performed incremental maximal exercise tests (25 W/min ramp) under normoxic (Norm: 21% Fi(O2)) and acute hypoxic (Hypox: 12% Fi(O2)) conditions. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to monitor concentration (microM) changes of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin (Delta[O2Hb], Delta[HHb]) in the left vastus lateralis muscle and frontal cerebral cortex. Changes in total Hb were calculated (Delta[THb] = Delta[O2Hb] + Delta[HHb]) and used as an index of change in regional blood volume. Repeated-measures ANOVA were performed across treatments and work rates (alpha = 0.05). During Norm, cerebral oxygenation rose between 25 and 75% peak power output {Power(peak); increased (inc) Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb], inc. Delta[THb]}, but fell from 75 to 100% Power(peak) {decreased (dec) Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb], no change Delta[THb]}. In contrast, during Hypox, cerebral oxygenation dropped progressively across all work rates (dec. Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta[HHb]), whereas Delta[THb] again rose up to 75% Power(peak) and remained constant thereafter. Changes in cerebral oxygenation during Hypox were larger than Norm. In muscle, oxygenation decreased progressively throughout exercise in both Norm and Hypox (dec. Delta[O2Hb], inc. Delta [HHb], inc. Delta[THb]), although Delta[O2Hb] was unchanged between 75 and 100% Power peak. Changes in muscle oxygenation were also greater in Hypox compared with Norm. On the basis of these findings, it is unlikely that changes in cerebral oxygenation limit incremental exercise performance in normoxia, yet it is possible that such changes play a more pivotal role in hypoxia.  相似文献   

Effect of acute hypoxia on the hormonal response to exercise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Previous studies have shown that low-intensity resistance exercises with vascular occlusion and slow movement effectively increase muscular size and strength. Researchers have speculated that local hypoxia by occlusion and slow movement may contribute to such adaptations via promoting anabolic hormone secretions by the local accumulation of metabolites. In this study, we determined the effects of low-intensity resistance exercise under acute systemic hypoxia on metabolic and hormonal responses. Eight male subjects participated in 2 experimental trials: (a) low-intensity resistance exercise while breathing normoxic air (normoxic resistance exercise [NR]), (b) low-intensity resistance exercise while breathing 13% oxygen (hypoxic resistance exercise [HR]). The resistance exercises (bench press and leg press) consisted of 14 repetitions for 5 sets at 50% of maximum strength with 1 minute of rest between sets. Blood lactate (LA), serum growth hormone (GH), norepinephrine (NE), testosterone, and cortisol concentrations were measured before normoxia and hypoxia exposures; 15 minutes after the exposures; and at 0, 15, and 30 minutes after the exercises. The LA levels significantly increased after exercises in both trials (p ≤ 0.05). The area under the curve for LA after exercises was significantly higher in the HR trial than in the NR trial (p ≤ 0.05). The GH significantly increased only after the HR trial (p ≤ 0.05). The NE and testosterone significantly increased after the exercises in both trials (p ≤ 0.05). Cortisol did not significantly change in both trials. These results suggest that low-intensity resistance exercise in the hypoxic condition caused greater metabolic and hormonal responses than that in the normoxic condition. Coaches may consider low-intensity resistance exercise under systemic hypoxia as a potential training method for athletes who need to maintain muscle mass and strength during the long in-season.  相似文献   

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