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Summary The effects of chlorpromazine hydrochloride (CPZ HCl) and prochlorperazin-metansulfonate (PCPZ) on the fast axonal transport of labelled proteins were examined in vitro in a peripheral frog nerve.A 0.1 mM concentration of CPZ HCl and PCPZ reduced the amount of transported proteins by more than 50 per cent. An almost complete block was obtained with a 0.5 mM concentration of these two drugs. The lower concentration hardly affected the protein synthesis. The transport inhibiting effect of 0.1 mM of the drugs was reversible but not that of the higher concentration.The number of microtubuli was strongly decreased and the number of filaments increased at the transport inhibiting concentrations. The ultrastructural changes induced by 0.1 mM of the phenothiazine tranquilizer were largely reversible. The local anesthetics lidocaine (18.3 mM) and tetracaine (3.3 mM) both caused similar changes, i.e. a reduction in the number of microtubuli. No ultrastructural effects were observed after treatment with 1 mM ouabain. These three drugs are known to block the axonal flow in the present system at the above mentioned concentrations.The biochemical and ultrastructural results are discussed in relation to those induced by other drugs affecting axonal transport.The present work was supported by grants from Statens Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsråd (No. 2535-8), C.-B. Nathorsts Vetenskapliga och Allmännyttiga Stiftelser, the Swedish Medical Research Council (B73-12X-2543-05B), H. Hierta's Stiftelse and W. och M. Lundgrens Stiftelse. Thanks are due to Mrs B. Egnér, Mrs E. Fjällstedt, Mrs. E. Norström and Mrs U. Svedin for expert technical assistance.  相似文献   

Organelles in fast axonal transport   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present minireview describes experiments carried out, in short-term crush-operated rat nerves, using immunofluorescence and cytofluorimetric scanning techniques to study endogenous substances in anterograde and retrograde fast axonal transport. Vesicle membrane components p38 (synaptophysin) and SV2 are accumulating on both sides of a crush, but a larger proportion of p38 (about 3/4) than of SV2 (about 1/2) is recycling toward the cell body, compared to the amount carried with anterograde transport. Matrix peptides, such as CGRP, ChRA, VIP, and DBH are recycling to a minor degree, although only 10-20% of surface-associated molecules, such as synapsins and kinesin, appear to recycle. The described methodological approach to study the composition of organelles in fast axonal transport, anterograde as compared to retrograde, is shown to be useful for investigating neurobiological processes. We make use of the "in vivo chromatography" process that the fast axonal transport system constitutes. Only substances that are in some way either stored in, or associated with, transported organelles can be clearly observed to accumulate relative to the crush region. Emphasis in this paper was given to the synapsins, because of diverging results published concerning the degree of affiliation with various neuronal organelles. Our previously published results have indicated that in the living axons the SYN I is affiliated with mainly anterogradely fast transported organelles. Therefore, some preliminary, previously unpublished results on the accumulations of the four different synapsins (SYN Ia, SYN Ib, SYN IIa, and SYN IIb), using antisera specific for each of the four members of the synapsin family, are described. It was found that SYN Ib clearly has a stronger affiliation to anterogradely transported organelles than SYN Ia, and that both SYN IIa and SYN IIb are bound to some degree to transported organelles.  相似文献   

Dystonia musculorum (dt) mice suffer from a severe sensory neuropathy caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cytoskeletal cross-linker protein dystonin/bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (Bpag1). Loss of function of dystonin/Bpag1 within neurons leads to a loss in the maintenance of cytoskeletal organization and to the development of focal axonal swellings prior to death of the neuron. In the present study, we demonstrate that neurons within the sciatic nerves of dt27J mice undergo axonal degeneration as has been previously reported for the dorsal roots. Furthermore, ultrastructural studies reveal a perturbed organization of the neurofilament and microtubule networks within the axons of sciatic nerves in dt27J mice. The disrupted cytoskeletal organization suggested that axonal transport is affected in dt mice. To address this, we assessed fast axonal transport by measuring the rate of accumulation of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) proximal and distal to a surgically introduced ligature on the sciatic nerves of normal and dt27J mice. Our findings demonstrate that axonal transport of AChE in both orthograde and retrograde directions is markedly affected, and allow us to conclude that axonal transport defects do exist in the sciatic nerves of dt27J mice.  相似文献   

Some of the present in vitro experiments compare the degree of inhibition of fast axonal transport produced by tetracaine at neutral and at alkaline pH. In desheathed spinal nerves from bullfrog, 0.5 mM tetracaine reduced the quantity of [3H]leucine-labeled proteins which were transported to a ligature by 43% at pH 7.2 and by 96% at pH 8.2; separate experiments established that transport was not affected by the pH change in the absence of tetracaine. The relationship between pH and transport-blocking potency of tetracaine (pKa 8.2) is such that the local anesthetic is more potent when more uncharged form of the molecule is present; this may reflect the easier penetration across the axonal plasma membrane by the uncharged form of the tetracaine molecule. The axonal smooth endoplasmic reticulum has been attributed the function of a calcium reservoir, and it appeared possible that local anesthetics could block axonal transport by releasing calcium from this structure. However, the inhibition of transport produced by 1 mM tetracaine (pH 7.1) in sheathed nerves was approximately 80% both in nerves with a lower than normal calcium content (47% of normal) and in nerves with a normal calcium content; this result does not support the hypothesis that inhibition of axonal transport by local anesthetics is mediated by an increase in intracellular free Ca2+, but does not rule out the hypothesis either.  相似文献   

The fast axoplasmic transport of labeled proteins was studied in cats showing hindlimb paralysis 4-7 weeks after a single oral dose of tullidora (Karwinskia humboldtiana) toxins. The isotope (3H-leucine) was injected into the spinal ganglion and the contralateral spinal cord of the seventh lumbar segment in order to study transport in sensory and motor fibers. The axoplasmic transport in motor fibers of the sciatic nerve was clearly altered in tullidora-treated cats. The majority of these animals showed a gradual decline of radioactivity from the cord to the periphery instead of the clear-cut wave front always seen in normal cats. An apparent wave was seen in three treated cats but the wave peak was behind the normal position and the slope of the wave front was reduced. While the rate of transport indicated by the farthest extent of the foot of the slope was not in all cases significantly changed, the results all indicated a hindered transport by the reduced slope front in the distal segments of the motor axons. In contrast, the axoplasmic transport appeared normal in the sensory fibers of all but one tullidora-treated cat. Light and electron microscopy of medial gastrocnemius and sural (cutaneous) nerves revealed axonal constrictions and axolemal irregularities associated with organelle retention after tullidora treatment. Also, some mitochondria appeared swollen. These changes were more frequent and intense in the motor nerve fibers than in the cutaneous nerve fibers.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the concentrations of prilocaine, mepivacaine, and bupivacaine which are effective at blocking fast axonal transport, to determine whether prilocaine and mepivacaine offer a better prospect of dissociating conduction block and transport block in vivo than does lidocaine and whether bupivacaine offers a better prospect than etidocaine in the same context. Fast axonal transport of [3H]leucine-labeled proteins was studied in vitro in bullfrog spinal nerves and quantitated by liquid scintillation counting. Exposure of spinal nerves to 14 mM prilocaine reduced the quantity of 3H-labeled proteins which accumulated at a ligature by 86%, and exposure to 14 mM mepivacaine reduced it by 70%; 10 mM prilocaine reduced this same parameter by 54%, a degree of inhibition close to the 44% reduction caused by 14 mM lidocaine. The D(-) and L(+) stereoisomers of mepivacaine each reduced transport to the ligature by approximately 50% at a concentration of 14 mM. Bupivacaine reduced the accumulation of 3H-labeled proteins at the ligature by 49% at a 10 mM concentration (pH 6.2); its potency is close to that found for etidocaine in a previous study. Since prilocaine and mepivacaine are at least as potent as lidocaine as transport inhibitors and at blocking impulse conduction, these two anesthetics offer no advantage over lidocaine to achieve dissociation of conduction block from transport block in vivo. Bupivacaine appears to offer no advantage over etidocaine in the same context, as the two agents have a similar potency as local anesthetics and a similar potency as inhibitors of fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Abstract— Orthograde and retrograde axonal transport were studied in rat sciatic nerves which had been crushed and either allowed to regenerate, or prevented from doing so by tightly ligaturing the nerve. At various intervals after crushing the nerve. L-[3H]leucine was injected into the lumbosacral spinal cord. and the subsequent transport of labeled protein in motoneuron axons was quantitated by measuring the accumulation of labeled protein at collection crushes made proximal to the original nerve crush. Accumulations proximal to the collection crushes (orthograde transport) 9-11 h after injection (p.i.). decreased within I day of nerve injury, but returned to normal values as regeneration proceeded. In non-regenerating nerves accumulations remained depressed for at least 30 days. Accumulations distal to the collection crushes (retrograde transport) 9-11 h pi. increased over the first 5 days following injury but returned to normal values as regeneration proceeded. In non-regenerating nerves accumulations remained elevated. The time-course of retrograde transport of newly-synthesized protein also returned to normal during nerve regeneration. It is suggested that changes in retrograde transport during regeneration may inform the neuron cell body of the progress of regeneration and elicit appropriate metabolic responses. among which may be the changes in orthograde transport that follow axotomy.  相似文献   

I Nadelhaft 《Biophysical journal》1976,16(10):1125-1130
A phenomenological model of the process of fast axoplasmic transport is presented. The process was conceived of as occurring in two parts: (a) synthesis and storage of material in a cytoplasmic pool; (b) release from the pool and transport distally along the axon. Considering the fate of labeled proteins, the activity at points along the axon relfects events occurring earlier within the pool through the relationship: g(x,t) = const f(t - x/v); where g(x,t) represents axonal activity, f(t) the pool's activity, and v is the transport speed. Using the idea that when there is no further input of radioactivity into the pool its activity declines exponentially due to export of material to the axon. I generalized this concept to the case where activity enters and leaves the pool simultaneously. The model contains two parameters: the relative turnover rate of the pool, alpha, and T, an interval characteristic of the time of synthesis. From this model, the experimental data is unfolded and yields values for these parameters of alpha = 0.004 min-1 and T approximately 60 min.  相似文献   

The highly differentiated structure of the neuron poses special problems for the intracellular movement of molecules throughout the cell. Molecular transport distances from the synthesizing neuron cell body along the axon (which has no substantial synthetic capabilities) to the axon terminal are very great. The transported substances, transport support structures, translocator motors, and control elements are currently the focus of intense research. Interruption of this flow of molecules could have disastrous effects upon the cell and ultimately the organism resulting in neuropathological conditions. Calcium plays a critical role in modulating fast-axonal transport (FAT) speeds. Before discussing the effect of calcium on FAT, we summarize our broad perspective on the role of axonal transport in neurologic disease.  相似文献   

We have developed a model that accounts for the effect of a non-uniform distribution of tau protein along the axon length on fast axonal transport of intracellular organelles. The tau distribution is simulated by using a slow axonal transport model; the numerically predicted tau distributions along the axon length were validated by comparing them with experimentally measured tau distributions reported in the literature. We then developed a fast axonal transport model for organelles that accounts for the reduction of kinesin attachment rate to microtubules by tau. We investigated organelle transport for two situations: (1) a uniform tau distribution and (2) a non-uniform tau distribution predicted by the slow axonal transport model. We found that non-uniform tau distributions observed in healthy axons (an increase in tau concentration towards the axon tip) result in a significant enhancement of organelle transport towards the synapse compared with the uniform tau distribution with the same average amount of tau. This suggests that tau may play the role of being an enhancer of organelle transport.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of endopeptidase 24.15 (EP24.15), a putative neuropeptide degrading-enzyme, was examined in the proximal, middle, and distal segments of rat sciatic nerves using a double ligation technique. At 48h after ligation, a significant amount of the axonal transport of EP24.15 activity was found in the proximal segment, while axonal transport of deamidase activity, a lysosomal enzyme, increased in both proximal and distal segments. Western blot analysis of EP24.15 showed that EP24.15 immunoreactivity in the proximal segment was 1.8-fold higher than that in the middle segment. The immunohistochemical analysis of the segments also showed an increase in the immunoreactive EP24.15 in the proximal segment in comparison with that in the middle segment. In the distal segment, no axonal transport of EP24.15 was found in all methods examined, indicating that EP24.15 is mainly transported by an anterograde axonal flow. These observations suggest that EP24.15 may be involved in the metabolism of neuropeptides in nerve terminals or synaptic clefts.  相似文献   

Axonal transport of tubulin in the rat sciatic nerve is almost completely inhibited by a single subepineural injection of taxol, without affecting that of neurofilament proteins. Actin and a large number of polypeptides cotransported with actin as minor components are also blocked by taxol, although to a lesser extent. Fast axonal transport is essentially free from the inhibitory effect of this drug. Although previous models have suggested that slow axonal transport involves the bulk movement of cytoskeletal structures, these results suggest that such transport may involve an equilibrium between polymerised and depolymerised forms of the axonal cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Stop-flow techniques were used to determine how temperature affected the axonal transport of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH) activity in rabbit sciatic nerves in vitro. These nerves were cooled locally to 2°C for 1.5 hr, which caused a sharp peak of DBH activity to accumulate above the cooled region. Accumulated DBH was then allowed to resume migration at various temperatures. From direct measurements of the rate of migration, we found that the axonal transport velocity of DBH was a simple exponential function of temperature between 13°C and 42°C. Over this range of temperatures, the results were well described by the equation: V = 0.546(1.09)T, where V is velocity in mm/hr, and T is temperature in degrees centigrade. The Q10 between 13°C and 42°C was 2.33, and an Arrhenius plot of the natural logarithm of velocity versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature yielded an apparent activation energy of 14.8 kcal. Transport virtually halted when temperature was raised to 47°C, although only about half of the DBH activity disappeared during incubation at this temperature. Another transition occurred at 13°C; below this temperature, velocity fell precipitously. This was not an artifact peculiar to the stop-flow system since the rate of accumulation of DBH activity proximal to a cold-block also decreased abruptly when the temperature above the block was reduced below 13°C.  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro exposure of bullfrog spinal nerves to 0.2 mM chlorimipramine on the density of axonal microtubules was studied in an attempt to clarify the mechanism by which chlorimipramine inhibits fast axonal transport. A 17-h exposure to chlorimipramine reduced the density of microtubules in unmyelinated axons by only 18%; this microtubular loss does not reach the upper limit of the range of microtubule reduction associated with inhibition of fast axonal transport. A 23-h exposure to chlorimipramine, which had decreased microtubular density in unmyelinated axons by 40% in a previous study, did not decrease microtubular density in myelinated axons in the present study. These results rule out microtubular destruction as the mechanism responsible for inhibition of fast orthograde axonal transport by chlorimipramine, and greatly reduce the likelihood that microtubular destruction plays a significant role in the inhibition of fast retrograde transport by chlorimipramine.  相似文献   

In isolated rat adipocytes, basal as well as insulin-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose transport was inhibited nearly completely (maximal inhibition: 95%) by the nucleoside transport inhibitors dipyridamole (IC50 = 5 microM), nitrobenzylthioguanosine (20 microM), nitrobenzylthioinosine (35 microM) and papaverine (130 microM). Transport kinetics in the presence of 10 microM dipyridamole revealed a significant increase in the transport Km value of 3-O-methylglucose (3.45 +/- 0.6 vs 2.36 +/- 0.29 mM in the controls) as well as a decrease in the Vmax value (4.84 +/- 0.95 vs 9.03 +/- 1.19 pmol/s per microliter lipid in the controls). Half-maximally inhibiting concentrations of dipyridamole were one order of magnitude higher than those inhibiting nucleoside (thymidine) uptake (0.48 microM). The inhibitory effect of dipyridamole (5 microM) reached its maximum within 30 s. The agent failed to affect insulin's half-maximally stimulating concentration (0.075 nM) indicating that it did not interfere with the mechanism by which insulin stimulates glucose transport. Further, dipyridamole fully suppressed the glucose-inhibitable cytochalasin B binding (IC50 = 1.65 +/- 0.05 microM). The data indicate that nucleoside transport inhibitors reduce glucose transport by a direct interaction with the transporter or a closely related protein. It is suggested that glucose and nucleoside transporters share structural, and possibly functional, features.  相似文献   

Inhibition of growth of C6 astrocytoma cells by inhibitors of calmodulin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
G L Lee  W N Hait 《Life sciences》1985,36(4):347-354
We evaluated the effect of several classes of calmodulin inhibitors on the activity of calmodulin prepared from C6 astrocytoma cells and studied the activity of these drugs as inhibitors of the growth of C6 cells in tissue culture. There was a good correlation between the activity of the drugs as inhibitors of calmodulin and their activity as inhibitors of cell growth. The most potent compounds were calmidazolium and melittin as compared to the phenothiazines, trifluoperazine, chlorpromazine, chlorpromazine-sulfoxide or the diphenylbutylpiperidine, pimozide. The mechanism by which the inhibition of calmodulin leads to the death of cells could not be attributed entirely to inhibition of the calmodulin-sensitive cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. Calmodulin is a heat stable, calcium-binding protein involved in numerous biological processes. Recent evidence indicates that calcium and calmodulin may be important for cellular proliferation. For example, this protein changes in concentration during the cell cycle; is involved in the disassembly of the mitotic apparatus; is increased in concentration in rapidly growing hepatomas and in transformed fibroblasts. Weiss and co-workers demonstrated that phenothiazines and structurally similar drugs are capable of binding to and inhibiting the activity of calmodulin. It has been recently observed that certain drugs that inhibit the activity of calmodulin also inhibit the growth of malignant cells in vitro and in vivo. In these studies, however, there was no direct correlation of the effect of the drugs on the calmodulin from the cell type under investigation with cytotoxicity. To learn more about the relationship between a drug's ability to inhibit calmodulin and its antiproliferative activity, we correlated the effect of drugs on the activity of calmodulin prepared from the C6 astrocytoma cell line with their effect on cellular proliferation. Since many inhibitors of calmodulin readily cross the blood-brain barrier and since no acceptable treatment for malignancies of the central nervous system exist, we chose this cell line as a model for elucidating the potential antineoplastic effects of calmodulin inhibitors.  相似文献   

The effect of ACTH/MSH peptides on fast axonal transport along intact or regenerating sciatic nerve was examined following injection of tritiated leucine into the rat lumbar spinal cord. The rate of fast axonal transport was not significantly changed by treatment with ACTH/MSH(4-10), the ACTH(4-9) analog ORG 2766, hypophysectomy, or adrenalectomy. Fast axonal transport was unchanged in regenerating nerves and in regenerating, ACTH(4-10)-treated nerves. However, treatment with ORG 2766 in dosages of either 1 or 10 micrograms/kg/day IP for seven days significantly reduced (62% and 64%, respectively) the crest height of the fast axonal transport curve of intact sciatic nerve. The results suggest that the reported peptide-induced enhancement of nerve regeneration is not due to changes in the rate of fast axonal transport.  相似文献   

Effects of single and repeated doses of acrylamide on fast and slow axonal transport of radio labeled proteins following the injection of L-[4,5-3H] leucine have been studied in the optic system of male Sprague-Dawley rats. A single dose of acrylamide (100 mg/kg) had no effect, but higher concentrations (200–300 mg/kg) altered the distribution of fast axonally transported materials in optic nerves and optic tracts. Repeated doses of acrylamide (30 mg/kg/day, 5 days per week for 4 weeks) produced degeneration of tibial nerves but spared optic nerves and optic tracts. Fast axonal transport rate in optic axons was reduced by 50% (reduced to 4 mm/h from 8 mm/h) in acrylamide treated animals. Acrylamide also slowed the velocity of slow axonal transport of labeled proteins in optic axons to 1.0 mm per day from 1.3 mm per day. Since acrylamide impaired the rate of both fast and slow axonal transport in the absence of overt morphological damage, it can be concluded that deficit in axonal transport is an important factor in the pathogenesis of axonal degeneration in acrylamide neuropathy.  相似文献   

Stop-flow techniques were used to determine how temperature affected the axonal transport of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity in rabbit sciatic nerves in vitro. These nerves were cooled locally to 2 degrees C for 1.5 hr, which caused a sharp peak of DBH activity to accumulate above the cooled region. Accumulated DBH was then allowed to resume migration at various temperatures. From direct measurements of the rate of migration, we found that the axonal transport velocity of DBH was a simple exponential function of temperature between 13 degrees C and 42 degrees C. Over this range of temperatures, the results were well described by the equation: V=0.546(1.09)T, where V is velocity in mm/hr, and T is temperature in degrees centigrade. The Q10 between 13 degrees and 42 degrees C was 2.33, and an Arrhenius plot of the natural logarithm of velocity versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature yielded an apparent activation energy of 14.8 kcal. Transport virtually halted when temperature was raised to 47 degrees C, although only about half of the DBH activity disappeared during incubation at this temperature. Another transition occurred at 13 degrees C; below this temperature, velocity fell precipitously. This was not an artifact peculiar to the stop-flow system since the rate of accumulation of DBH activity proximal to a cold-block also decreased abruptly when the temperature above the block was reduced below 13 degrees C.  相似文献   

The nature of kinesin interactions with membrane-bound organelles and mechanisms for regulation of kinesin-based motility have both been surprisingly difficult to define. Most kinesin is recovered in supernatants with standard protocols for purification of motor proteins, but kinesin recovered on membrane-bound organelles is tightly bound. Partitioning of kinesin between vesicle and cytosolic fractions is highly sensitive to buffer composition. Addition of either N-ethylmaleimide or EDTA to homogenization buffers significantly increased the fraction of kinesin bound to organelles. Given that an antibody against kinesin light chain tandem repeats also releases kinesin from vesicles, these observations indicated that specific cytoplasmic factors may regulate kinesin release from membranes. Kinesin light tandem repeats contain DnaJ-like motifs, so the effects of hsp70 chaperones were evaluated. Hsc70 released kinesin from vesicles in an MgATP-dependent and N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive manner. Recombinant kinesin light chains inhibited kinesin release by hsc70 and stimulated the hsc70 ATPase. Hsc70 actions may provide a mechanism to regulate kinesin function by releasing kinesin from cargo in specific subcellular domains, thereby effecting delivery of axonally transported materials.  相似文献   

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