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Larvae, nymphs, and adult stages of 3 species of ixodid ticks were collected by tick drag methods in Seoul during June-October 2013, and their infection status with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) virus was examined using RT-PCR. During the period, 732 Haemaphysalis longicornis, 62 Haemaphysalis flava, and 2 Ixodes nipponensis specimens were collected. Among the specimens of H. longicornis, the number of female adults, male adults, nymphs, and larvae were 53, 11, 240, and 446, respectively. Ticks were grouped into 63 pools according to the collection site, species, and developmental stage, and assayed for SFTS virus. None of the pools of ticks were found to be positive for SFTS virus gene.  相似文献   

The species of ixodid ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) recovered from domestic dogs in Japan between September to November 2000 and April to June 2001 were identified. A total of 4122 ticks, including 1624 larvae, 1200 nymphs, 1016 females and 282 males were removed from 1221 dogs during these periods. Haemaphysalis longicornis (Neumann) was the most frequently found (40.3% of dogs), followed by H. flava (Neumann) (16.1% of dogs), Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) (4.8% of dogs) and Ixodes ovatus (Neumann) (4.1% of dogs). Small numbers of H. hystricis (Supino), H. campanulata (Warburton), H. japonica (Warburton), H. ias (Nakamura and Yajima), I. persulcatus (Schulze), I. nipponensis (Kitaoka and Saito) and Amblyomma testudinarium (Koch) were also recovered. In the spring sample, a total of 1408 ticks (78 larvae, 411 nymphs, 792 adult females and 127 adult males) were recovered from 570 dogs. The autumn sample included a larger proportion of larval stage and fewer adult ticks (1546 larvae, 789 nymphs, 224 adult females and 155 adult males). Haemaphysalis longicornis, H. flava and I. ovatus showed a wide geographical distribution from northern to southern Japan, whereas R. sanguineus were mainly distributed in the subtropical Okinawa prefecture with a few exceptions. Dogs in rural areas more frequently carried H. longicornis, H. flava and I. ovatus than dogs in urban or suburban areas, whereas R. sanguineus was more associated with the dogs in urban/suburban areas. Exposure to a garden was significantly associated with R. sanguineus and exposure to woodland was significantly associated with H. flava and I. ovatus. This is the first systematic survey of canine ticks in Japan.  相似文献   

Proteomic tools allow large-scale, high-throughput analyses for the detection, identification, and functional investigation of proteome. For detection of antigens from Haemaphysalis longicornis, 1-dimensional electrophoresis (1-DE) quantitative immunoblotting technique combined with 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) immunoblotting was used for whole body proteins from unfed and partially fed female ticks. Reactivity bands and 2-DE immunoblotting were performed following 2-DE electrophoresis to identify protein spots. The proteome of the partially fed female had a larger number of lower molecular weight proteins than that of the unfed female tick. The total number of detected spots was 818 for unfed and 670 for partially fed female ticks. The 2-DE immunoblotting identified 10 antigenic spots from unfed females and 8 antigenic spots from partially fed females. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) of relevant spots identified calreticulin, putative secreted WC salivary protein, and a conserved hypothetical protein from the National Center for Biotechnology Information and Swiss Prot protein sequence databases. These findings indicate that most of the whole body components of these ticks are non-immunogenic. The data reported here will provide guidance in the identification of antigenic proteins to prevent infestation and diseases transmitted by H. longicornis.  相似文献   

The results of experiments on regeneration of the Haller's sensory organ in the metastriate ixodid tick Haemaphysalis longicornisNeumann in the presence of the juvenoid methoprene and retinoic acid and of studies of its structural changes by SEM confirmed the similarity of prostriate and metastriate ixodids as concerns the juvenalizing effect of the above morphogens on regenerative processes during nymphal-imaginal metamorphosis. However, the metastriate ticks (Haemaphysalis and earlier studied Hyalomma) are well behind the prostriate ticks (Ixodes) as concerns the extent of changes induced by juvenoids and retinoids in the sensillar sets of Haller's organ regenerates.  相似文献   

Thirty Boophilus microplus strains from various geographic regions of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia were analyzed for the bm86 and bm95 gene. A fragment of cDNA of 794 base pairs of the parasite larvae, included between nucleotides 278–1071s, was amplified and cloned on the pGEM-T vector. Two random clones were sequenced for each population and the nucleotides 278–1071 and predicted amino acid sequences compared with the bm86 and bm95 genes. Variations from 1.76 to 3.65% were detected in the nucleotides sequence when compared with the homologous sequence of the bm86 gene and a 3.4–6.08% in the homologous amino acid sequence of the Bm86 protein. When the sequences obtained were compared with the bm95 gene, variations from 0.50 to 3.15% were detected. Variations from 1.14 to 4.56% were detected for the Bm95 protein homologous sequences in the deduced amino acid sequence. Only five of the 30 strains analyzed presented two different types of alleles expressed and the two alleles of the Alegre population and allele 1 of the Betim population were the most divergent of all those analyzed.  相似文献   

Recombinant Glutathione S-transferase of Haemaphysalis longicornis (rGST-Hl) was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified by affinity chromatography and used in the immunization of cattle. Western blot analysis showed positive antibody response in cattle immunized with rGST-Hl. The tests also showed that immunized bovine sera recognize native Rhipicephalus microplus proteins in different tissue extracts. Furthermore, the vaccine potential of rGST-Hl was investigated against infestation of Hereford cattle by R. microplus. Vaccination of cattle with rGST-Hl conferred partial cross-protection immunity against R. microplus. Considering the effect on number of engorged ticks, egg laying capacity and egg fertility, the overall efficacy of vaccination was of 57%, as compared with control group.  相似文献   

Six Inocybes are described and illustrated as new taxa or new records from Japan. A new species, Inocybe magnicarpa, is a member of section Marginatae. Two new varieties, I. malenconii var. cylindrata, a member of section Dulcamarae, and I. brunneorufa var. angusta, a representative of section Marginatae. Inocybe reisneri (section Rimosae) and I. fuscidula (section Tardae), are recorded as new to Japan. Inocybe pseudodestricta (section Tardae) is redescribed from a new locality (Chiba Prefecture). They are compared with similar taxa.  相似文献   

The questing height of the tick Haemaphysalis longicornis Neumann was studied on the plant species Solidago altissima L., Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn, Miscanthus sinensis Anderss, and Pleioblastus chino Makino in an abandoned rice field and in an ume (Japanese Apricot) orchard in a forest. On all plant species, the vertical distribution of tick adults and nymphs was not significantly correlated with the distribution of plant surface area. This result suggests that the questing height of this tick is related to the body height of its main animal host, the sika deer.  相似文献   

Three species ofUrocystis onAnemone (Ranunculaceae) are reported based on comparative morphology with specimens collected in Japan.Urocystis anemones, U. japonica, andU. pseudoanemones sp. nov. are separated by the number of ustilospores and sterile cells surrounding the ustilospores in the spore balls. Morphological characteristics, host plants and geographical distribution of these three species are also reported. Contribution No. 148, Laboratory of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan.  相似文献   

Polyporus admirabilis, P. dictyopus, P. guianensis, P. pseudobetulinus, P. tubaeformis andP. udus are reported for Japan for the first time.Polyporus tubaeformis had been confused withP. melanopus, but the Japanese collections were conspecific with Norwegian isolates ofP. tubaeformis. A key to allPolyporus species in Japan is provided.Polyporus hartmanni is reported for the first time outside the Australian continent. As the species has a bipolar heterothallism and produces brown rot, its taxonomic relationship withPolyporus s. str. is discussed.The Japanese Science and Technology Agency (STA) is thanked by the authors for financial support.  相似文献   

Some trematodes were found in the cloaca of a rustic bunting (Emberiza rustica) captured in Tsushima Islands, Japan. From their morphological characters and distribution, the flukes were identified as Urogonimus macrostomus. The phylogenetic relationship between this fluke and related species was inferred from the 28S rRNA gene sequences, and the gene sequence of the fluke was found to differ at only 4 nucleotide positions from that of U. macrostomus reported from Ukraine. This is the first report of this species in Japan.  相似文献   

The Odysseus (OdsH) gene was duplicated from its ancestral neuron-expressed gene, unc-4, and then evolved very rapidly under strong positive Darwinian selection as a speciation gene causing hybrid-male sterility between closely related species of the Drosophila simulans clade. Has OdsH also experienced similar positive selection between Drosophila sibling species other than those of the simulans clade? We cloned and sequenced OdsH and unc-4 from two clades of the Drosophila montium species subgroup, the Drosophila lini and the Drosophila kikkawai clades. The ratios of Ka/Ks for OdsH were remarkably low between sibling species of these two clades, suggesting that OdsH has been subjected to strong purifying selection in these two clades.  相似文献   

We studied three species of Lasiocampidae with social, tent-building caterpillars in Northern Bavaria, viz. Eriogaster lanestris, Eriogaster catax, and Malacosoma neustria. We used key life-history data (number of larval instars, sizes and weights of eggs, caterpillars, and moths, size of egg clutches) as well as behavioral data (activity patterns, tent-building behavior, trail following behavior) for a comparative study. Although larvae of all three species are active only in spring, show overlapping habitat requirements, and use the same major host-plant (Prunus spinosa) with only minor differences in phenology, they show markedly different life-history and behavioral strategies.E. catax lays comparatively few but large eggs while E. lanestris lays more but smaller eggs. M. neustria lays the smallest eggs but large clusters. E. lanestris caterpillars build a large tent with an accessible interior while those of E. catax build a small tent that is only used as a resting and molting platform. M. neustria shows a flexible behavior, may abandon the primary tent and build a new one several times. M. neustria colonies also subdivide and reunite regularly while Eriogaster colonies stay together until larvae become solitary. In E. lanestris all tentmates of a colony are highly synchronized while foraging or resting. Instead, in E. catax small subgroups leave the tent for foraging while at every time the majority rests on the tent. M. neustria caterpillars forage more or less individually and only synchronize by night. Results are discussed in relation to other species of the genera Eriogaster and Malacosoma and with regard to the evolution and diversification of caterpillar sociality.  相似文献   

Tick genomics: the Ixodes genome project and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ticks and mites (subphylum Chelicerata; subclass Acari) include important pests of animals and plants worldwide. The Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) genome sequencing project marks the beginning of the genomics era for the field of acarology. This project is the first to sequence the genome of a blood-feeding tick vector of human disease and a member of the subphylum Chelicerata. Genome projects for other species of Acari are forthcoming and their genome sequences will likely feature significantly in the future of tick research. Parasitologists interested in advancing the field of tick genomics research will be faced with specific challenges. The development of genetic tools and resources, and the size and repetitive nature of tick genomes are important considerations. Innovative approaches may be required to sequence, assemble, annotate and analyse tick genomes. Overcoming these challenges will enable scientists to investigate the genes and genome organisation of this important group of arthropods and may ultimately lead to new solutions for control of ticks and tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   

The life cycles of two separate populations (colonies A and B) of the rabbit tick, Haemaphysalis leporis-palustris, were studied under laboratory conditions. Domestic New Zealand rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, and wild rabbits, Sylvilagus brasiliensis, were used as hosts for ticks from colony B and only O. cuniculus rabbits were used as hosts for ticks from colony A. Developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27±1°C and RH 90±5%. Larvae from colonies A and B fed for 8.0±3.7 days and 8.5±1.3 days, respectively, on O. cuniculus. On S. brasiliensis larvae from colony B fed for 7.2±1.3 days. Nymphs from colony A fed for 8.1±1.4 days on O. cuniculus and nymphs from colony B fed for 8.1±1.0 days on S. brasiliensis. Only one engorged nymph from colony B was recovered from O. cuniculus. Females from colony A fed for 20.9±5.9 days on O. cuniculus and females from colony B fed for 18.6±2.4 days on O. cuniculus and 18.7±3.7 days on S. brasiliensis. Engorged larvae from colony A required 13.7±3.7 days to molt while engorged larvae from colony B required 11.8±3.0 and 11.5±1.8 days to molt, after having fed on O. cuniculus and S. brasiliensis, respectively. Engorged nymphs from colonies A and B required 16.3±1.9 days and 14.7±1.4 days to molt, respectively. Engorged females from colonies A and B required 4–7 and 3–5 days, respectively, to start oviposition. Mean egg incubation periods lasted for 33–34 days. For ticks from colony B, host species accounted for significant differences (p<0.05) in larval and nymphal feeding periods, oviposition weights and CEIs. Significant differences (p<0.05) between the two colonies when ticks fed on O. cuniculus were observed for larval and nymphal feeding and premolt periods, engorged female and oviposition weights and conversion efficiency indexes (CEI). S. brasiliensis were always a more suitable host for H. leporis-palustris than O. cuniculus. Significantly more larvae and nymphs engorged and molted when fed on S. brasiliensis (p<0.001). Females fed S. brasiliensis were more successful to lay fertile eggs and showed the highest engorged and egg mass weights, and the highest CEIs. Data of H. leporis-palustris fed on wild rabbits (one of its natural host species) are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Ticks were collected from 35 animals from 5 provinces and 3 metropolitan cities during 2012. Ticks also were collected by tick drag from 4 sites in Gyeonggi-do (2) and Jeollabuk-do (2) Provinces. A total of 612 ticks belonging to 6 species and 3 genera were collected from mammals and a bird (n=573) and by tick drag (n=39). Haemaphyalis longicornis (n=434) was the most commonly collected tick, followed by H. flava (158), Ixodes nipponensis (11), Amblyomma testudinarium (7), H. japonica (1), and H. formosensis (1). H. longicornis and H. flava were collected from all animal hosts examined. For animal hosts (n>1), the highest Tick Index (TI) was observed for domestic dogs (29.6), followed by Siberian roe deer (17.4), water deer (14.4), and raccoon dogs (1.3). A total of 402 H. longicornis (adults 86, 21.4%; nymphs 160, 39.8%; larvae 156, 38.9%) were collected from wild and domestic animals. A total of 158 H. flava (n=158) were collected from wild and domestic animals and 1 ring-necked pheasant, with a higher proportion of adults (103, 65.2%), while nymphs and larvae only accounted for 12.7% (20) and 22.2% (35), respectively. Only 7 A. testudinarium were collected from the wild boar (6 adults) and Eurasian badger (1 nymph), while only 5 I. nipponensis were collected from the water deer (4 adults) and a raccoon dog (1 adult). One adult female H. formosensis was first collected from vegetation by tick drag from Mara Island, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Province.  相似文献   

The genus Chlorophytum (Liliaceae) owing to the presence of pharmacologically important saponins has attracted interest of the scientific community to investigate the chemistry of the saponins and study their cytotoxicity. Chloromaloside-A having cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines has been isolated from C. malayense, while saponins from C. borivilianum are gaining popularity as substitute for viagra. The paper presents a review of different saponins isolated from the Chlorophytum species and their pharmacological importance.  相似文献   

A full-length sequence of a thrombin inhibitor (designated as hemalin) from the midgut of parthenogenetic Haemaphysalis longicornis has been identified. Sequence analysis shows that this gene belongs to the Kunitz-type family, containing two Kunitz domains with high homology to boophilin, the thrombin inhibitor from Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The recombinant protein expressed in insect cells delayed bovine plasma clotting time and inhibited both thrombin-induced fibrinogen clotting and platelet aggregation. A 20-kDa protein was detected from the midgut lysate with antiserum against recombinant hemalin. The gene is expressed at all stages of the tick except for the egg stage, and hemalin mRNA mainly in the midgut of the female adult tick. Real-time PCR analysis shows that this gene has a distinctly high expression level in the rapid bloodsucking period of the larvae, nymphs, and adults. Disruption of the hemalin gene by RNA interference led to a 2-day extension of the tick blood feeding period, and 27.7% of the RNA-treated ticks did not successfully complete the blood feeding. These findings indicate that the newly identified thrombin inhibitor from the midgut of H. longicornis might play an important role in tick blood feeding.  相似文献   

Species richness and composition of the Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) were studied in larch (Larix kaempheri [Lamb.] Carrière) plantations, secondary forests, and primary forests. In addition, the effects of forest management practices, such as thinning and long rotation, were examined in the larch plantation. The species richness of Chrysomelidae was higher in the larch plantation than in the secondary forest or in the primary forest. Among the larch plantations, the species richness in old-aged plantations was higher than that in middle-aged plantations. The composition of the beetle assemblages in the larch plantation differed from that in the secondary forest or in the primary forest. Exosoma akkoae (Chujo), Batophila acutangula Heikertinger, and Calomicrus nobyi Chujo were caught with a bias toward the larch plantation. Longitarsus succineus (Foudras) and Sphaeroderma tarsatum Baly were caught more in the secondary forest and the primary forest, respectively. More B. acutangula and S. tarsatum were caught in stands where their host plants occurred at higher rates. Species richness of understory plants was an important factor for chrysomlid species richness, and frequency of host occurrence affected the number of individuals of leaf beetles examined. It seems that forest types and forest management practices affect host plants as well as Chrysomelidae, and that these effects on the host plants also influence chrysomelid assemblages.  相似文献   

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