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Modern populations from Norway and England differ in their experience of osteoporosis, the former showing lower bone mineral density (BMD) and a higher fragility fracture rate. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether this was also the case during the Middle Ages. Age-dependent loss of BMD in the proximal femur was assessed using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in male and female adult skeletons from a cemetery in the medieval town of Trondheim, Norway. Fracture prevalence was also investigated. Results were compared with those previously reported for a skeletal series from Wharram Percy, a deserted medieval village in England. Results indicate that peak BMD and patterns of age-related loss of BMD in the Norwegian and the English group were similar. Among females, the prevalence of osteoporotic fractures was greater in the Norwegian than in the English population. The BMD results suggest that differences in BMD between English and Norwegians are of recent origin, although given the fairly modest sample sizes, further work is needed to confirm this. Reasons for the greater prevalence of osteoporotic fractures in women in the Norwegian skeletal series are unclear, but the colder climate and greater frequency of hard surfaces may have meant that falls were more frequent, and when they occurred, were more likely to result in fractures than in the rural English group.  相似文献   

Long bone growth is analyzed for 180 children from a Medieval population at Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia (550–1450 A.D.). A regional interpopulation comparison is made with growth data from Wadi Halfa in Lower Nubia, and an intrapopulation analysis is undertaken to assess diachronic changes in growth at Kulubnarti. Changes in growth patterns are interpreted in the context of mortality and morbidity profiles and relationships between the three variables are discussed. It is suggested that changes in the sociopolitical environment may have been responsible in part for altering levels of biological stress and impacting growth.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of the true pelvis (defined as that portion lying below and including the pelvic brim) was undertaken on a sample of 36 females from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. Standard obstetric measurements were taken and compared to four additional prehistoric skeletal samples and to modern American standards for the same obstetric dimensions. Relative to the other prehistoric populations, the Kulubnarti pelves are smaller in most dimensions and, when compared to modern American standards, from one-third to one-half would be diagnosed as contracted in one or more planes. Given the meager, fluctuating resources of these Medieval Nubians' harsh desert environment, pelvic size reduction is a likely result of body size reduction as one biological response to nutritional stress (Mittler and Van Gerven, 1989; Moore et al., 1986; Van Gerven et al., 1981). It is argued, however, that size reduction created a high potential for either maternal-neonatal morbidity and mortality due to fetopelvic disproportion or neonatal loss due to low birth weight. In either case, it is suggested that the Kulubnarti population paid a significant biological price for this aspect of size reduction.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry is commonly used as a bioindicator of developmental stress. This study addresses asymmetry under nutritional/systemic stress in the human craniofacial skeleton and its utility as an indicator of developmental instability. Crania from the diachronic Christian cemeteries at Kulubnarti (Sudanese Nubia) were chosen as a model for nutrition/systemic stress. Previous studies indicate that individuals from the Early Christian cemetery were subjected to greater developmental stress when compared with individuals from the Late Christian cemetery. Therefore, crania from the Early Christian cemetery should display a greater magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry than crania from the Late Christian cemetery. Thirty adult crania of comparable age and sex were selected from each population. Landmark coordinates were digitized in two separate trials and averaged to minimize error. Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) was used to measure and compare the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry in each sample. Results indicate that crania from the Early Christian cemetery display greater amounts of fluctuating asymmetry than those from the Late Christian cemetery, as predicted. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry for each linear distance is highly correlated between the cemeteries, suggesting that all humans may share common patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in the skull. In contrast, there is little correlation between magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry and length of linear distance, between-subject variability, or measurement error. These results support the hypothesis that poor nutrition/systemic stress increases developmental instability in the human skull and that increased fluctuating asymmetry constitutes morphological evidence of this stress.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to obtain demographic data regarding the medieval population buried at the Yuigahama-minami site in Kamakura, Japan, and to detect a secular trend in the life expectancy of Japanese population over the last several thousand years. The Yuigahama-minami skeletal sample consists of 260 individuals, including 98 subadults (under 20 years old) and 162 adults. A Yuigahama-minami abridged life-table analysis yielded a life expectancy at birth (e0) of 24.0 years for both sexes, a life expectancy at age 15 years (e15) of 15.8 years for males, and an e15 of 18.0 years for females. The reliability of the estimated e0 was confirmed by analysis of the juvenility index. Demographic profiles comparing the Yuigahama-minami series with other skeletal series indicated that both the survivorship curve and life expectancy of the Yuigahama-minami sample are similar to those of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Jomon population, but are far lower than those of the early modern Edo population. These comparisons strongly suggest that life expectancy changed little over the thousands of years between the Mesolithic-Neolithic Jomon and medieval periods, but then improved remarkably during the few hundred years between the medieval period and early modern Edo period. The short-lived tendency of the Yuigahama-minami sample does not contradict the archaeological hypothesis of unsanitary living conditions in medieval Kamakura. This is the first investigation to address the demographic features of a medieval population in Japan, and will help refine our understanding of long-term trends in the demographic profiles of inhabitants of Japan.  相似文献   

Haplotype frequencies and allele distributions at 11 STR loci of the Y chromosome were evaluated in 180 unrelated individuals from Russian population of Southern Federal district of the Russian Federation (Rostov oblast, Krasnodar krai, and Stavropol krai). Among 153 Y-chromosomal haplotypes discovered, 62 were unique. In the sample of Russian population, the most frequent haplotype (frequency of 5.56%) was 16-11,14-13-30-25-11-11-13-14-11-10 (for the loci DYS19, DYS385a,b, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, and DYS439, respectively). Despite the high diversity of Y-chromosomal haplotypes in the Russian populations from the south of Russia (the h value was 0.997, 0.995, and 0.994 in Rostov, Krasnodar, and Stavropol samples, respectively), analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed the absence of differentiation between the populations (ΦST = 0.1%, P = 0.36). Comparative differentiation analysis performed for 13 Russian populations from the European part of Russia pointed to low among-population differentiation in Y-chromosomal lineages (ΦST = 0.52%, P = 0.03).  相似文献   

The rate of attrition on the permanent molars may depend on culturally and economically determined conditions of living. In order to analyse the relation the probability of having entered the stages of attrition is analysed by means of logistic regression on age at death. It is shown that not all teeth continue to be worn at the same rate throughout life and that there is an association between advanced attrition and risk of dying. The rate of dental attrition does not differ much by sex but there are some indications that male teeth are worn quicker than female teeth. This greater rate of attrition might be due to greater consumption of food in males than in females. The stages of dental attrition give some information on the age at death but they are poor age indicators on their own.  相似文献   

Weed assemblages from late medieval cornfields have been studied for the first time in northern Switzerland. Eleven samples from at least two different grain stores were investigated. The samples were collected from the carbonised remains of six wooden houses built in the late 13th century A.D. and which burnt down in the middle of the 15th century. The weed floras found in the spelt (Triticum spelta) and oats (Avena sativa) indicate a high botanical diversity in the cornfields at harvest time. Although oats are normally a summer crop and spelt a winter crop, both summer and winter crop weeds (as well as many different present-day grassland taxa) were found in each type of grain. Most of the weeds found were perennial plants, which was interpreted as an indication of both extensive tillage of the arable land and application of the three-field rotation system (Dreifelderwirtschaft). The spectra of the two palaeophytocoenoses (assemblages of ancient plant remains) studied suggest that the phytosociological method may not be reliable for classification of the late medieval remains into summer and winter crop weed communities. These findings should provide a better understanding of the development of anthropogenic plant communities, and in particular, the development of crop weed communities.  相似文献   

The relationship between age, sex and histomorphometry in femoral cortical bone was examined in a skeletal population of late Medieval antiquity (AD 1250–1450) from Kulubnarti, in Sudanese Nubia. These skeletal remains are naturally mummified and in an excellent state of preservation. The study sample consisted of femoral cross sections from 24 females and 19 males ranging in age from 20 to 50+ years. Femoral cross sections were examined using an image analysis system. Numbers of secondary osteons and osteon fragments were counted, osteon area and Haversian canal area were measured, and several variables were calculated to assess differences between sexes and among age groups in bone remodeling variables. The results indicate significant differences between the sexes in osteon number and size. Males had significantly more intact osteons than females, whereas females had significantly larger osteons than males. Haversian canal dimensions were not statistically significant between the sexes. Sex differences in activity patterns in which males were involved in more physically strenuous tasks may have contributed to differences in remodeling variables. Interpopulational comparisons suggest that mechanical strain affects the microstructural features examined in this study. In particular, small Haversian canals in some archaeological skeletal populations are associated with higher bone volume, which may result from high levels of mechanical strain. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:133–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The analysis of Trace Elements in bone and its application to the determination of ancient human population's ecology and adaptation is focussed. The Sr/Ca and Zn/Ca indexes of the medieval population of L'Esquerda, (Barcelona, Spain) by time periods are compared with other independent information available for the same site. The results obtained with the Trace Element Analysis greatly agree with what was expected from the historical and archeological information. The results must be considered carefully, though, because of the relatively small sample size involved when dividing the sample into time periods. Nevertheless, the technique used may provide a good ecological and adaptive information of ancient human populations, that can be used for comparing populations from different areas.  相似文献   

The British medieval population from Wharram Percy, England, has a greater prevalence of isthmic spondylolysis (11.9% of skeletons, 8.5% at the L5 level) than in modern populations (3%–6%). This may in part be due to differences in activity patterns between groups. However, Ward and Latimer (Spine 30 [2005] 1808–1814) proposed that the likelihood of developing and maintaining spondylolytic defects is also influenced by a lack of sufficient increase in mediolateral separation between articular processes in the lowest lumbar segments, given the human lumbar lordosis. Here, we demonstrate that spondylolytic individuals from Wharram Percy tend to have a less pronounced difference between mediolateral facet joint spacing of adjacent segments in the lowest lumbar region than do unaffected individuals, as seen in modern clinical and skeletal populations. These comparisons suggest that regardless of lifestyle, insufficient mediolateral increase in facet spacing predisposes people to spondylolytic defects, and so interfacet spacing patterns may have predictive utility in a clinical context. We also compare the Wharram Percy sample to a modern sample from the Hamann Todd collection with a typically modern prevalence rate. Data do not support the hypothesis that the Wharram Percy individuals had a less pronounced interfacet increase than the Hamann Todd, although they do have narrower lumbar facet spacing at the lowest three levels. Further investigation of anatomical variation underlying population‐specific prevalence rates needs to be conducted. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An analysis of the relationship between oral pathology and degenerative change at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was undertaken on an archaeological sample of 122 adult crania from the Medieval site of Kulubnarti in Sudanese Nubia. The crania were sorted into 2 groups: those demonstrating clearly visible bony changes at the joint (TMJ+) and those without visible change (TMJ-). These groups were compared according to 1) age; 2) sex; 3) active dental pathologies (abscesses, caries, partial socket resorption); 4) tooth loss with complete socket resorption; and 5) dental attrition. No statistically significant association was evident between degenerative change at the TMJ and age, active dental pathologies, or dental attrition; however, sex differences and posterior tooth loss with complete socket resorption revealed a significant correspondence to degenerative TMJ changes. Both of these factors agree with the clinical literature and with biomechanical models (most notably that of Hylander) based upon modern populations. Furthermore, the results support the contention that paleopathological conditions can be analyzed from a clinical and functional biomechanical perspective.  相似文献   

Alternative models of territoriality are based on contrastingassumptions about the behavioral processes determining territorysize. In a series of controlled field experiments on the fireant Solenopsis invicta, I tested whether territory size is affectedby the availability of food, as predicted by most economic models,and whether territory size is affected by fighting ability,as predicted by models of competition among neighbors. Abundantfood was offered for 30–35 days to selected colonies eitherimmediately next to the nest (experiment 1) or at peripheralsites near the territory boundary (experiment 2). These foodsupplements had no detectable effect on territory size. Furthermore,food placed near the periphery of the territory did not significantlyalter local boundary positions. During both experiments, largecolonies lost more territory than did small colonies, reflectingtemporary declines in worker number due to the seasonal productionof reproductives. Such losses by large colonies during the summermonths create opportunities for newly founded colonies to expandterritories. In a third experiment, colonies from which workerswere removed lost significantly more territory than did unmanipulatedcontrols. These results show that territory areas in S. invictaare strongly affected by the relative fighting ability of neighboringcolonies but provide no evidence that colonies adjust territoryarea in response to short-term changes in the availability offood.  相似文献   

The Russian treeline is a dynamic ecotone typified by steep gradients in summer temperature and regionally variable gradients in albedo and heat flux. The location of the treeline is largely controlled by summer temperatures and growing season length. Temperatures have responded strongly to twentieth-century global warming and will display a magnified response to future warming. Dendroecological studies indicate enhanced conifer recruitment during the twentieth century. However, conifers have not yet recolonized many areas where trees were present during the Medieval Warm period (ca AD 800-1,300) or the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM; ca 10,000-3,000 years ago). Reconstruction of tree distributions during the HTM suggests that the future position of the treeline due to global warming may approximate its former Holocene maximum position. An increased dominance of evergreen tree species in the northern Siberian forests may be an important difference between past and future conditions. Based on the slow rates of treeline expansion observed during the twentieth century, the presence of steep climatic gradients associated with the current Arctic coastline and the prevalence of organic soils, it is possible that rates of treeline expansion will be regionally variable and transient forest communities with species abundances different from today's may develop.  相似文献   

Social and cultural factors had a critical role in determining the genetic structure of Europe. Therefore, socially stratified populations may help to focus on specific episodes of European demographic history. In this study, we use uniparental markers to analyse the genetic structure of Partecipanza in San Giovanni in Persiceto (Northern Italy), a peculiar institution whose origins date back to the Middle Ages and whose members form the patrilineal descent of a group of founder families. From a maternal point of view (mtDNA), Partecipanza is genetically homogeneous with the rest of the population. However, we observed a significant differentiation for Y-chromosomes. In addition, by comparing 17 Y-STR profiles with deep-rooted paternal pedigrees, we estimated a Y-STR mutation rate equal to 3.90 * 10−3 mutations per STR per generation and an average generation duration time of 33.38 years. When we used these values for tentative dating, we estimated 1300-600 years ago for the origins of the Partecipanza. These results, together with a peculiar Y-chromosomal composition and historical evidence, suggest that Germanic populations (Lombards in particular) settled in the area during the Migration Period (400–800 AD, approximately) and may have had an important role in the foundation of this community.  相似文献   

Results of molecular-genetic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from patients of Odessa and Nikolaev regions of Ukraine are represented. Occurrence of individual types of mutations in genes associated with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance has been studied for the first time. Data concerning prevalence of Beijing strains in the South of Ukraine are obtained.  相似文献   

Microbiological analysis showed that the cultural layers of soils in excavated medieval Russian settlements differ from the surrounding soils in that the cultural layers have more fungal spores, their morphology is more diverse, the species diversity of microscopic fungi is higher, and the Penicillium species that are able to grow at an elevated temperature (37 degrees C) are more frequent.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the archaeobotanical examination of early medieval occupation deposits (8th to 11th centuries A.D.) at Douai, northern France. Carbonized as well as waterlogged seeds and fruits were recovered in great numbers. In addition to the macrofossil analyses, a palynological examination of occupation deposits was carried out. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) was the most common cereal, followed by rye (Secale cereale). Common oat (Avena sativa) and hulled barley (Hordeum vulgare) must have played a fairly modest role. In addition to cereals, field pea (Pisum sativum) was an important crop plant. Four types of plum (Prunus domestica) fruitstones are distinguished. Sweet cherry (Prunus avium) as well as sour cherry (P. cerasus) were cultivated. Other cultivated fruit trees included peach (Prunus persica) and medlar (Mespilus germanica). Sloe (Prunus spinosa) fruits, including those of the var. macrocarpa, were gathered from the wild. The palynological data suggest that the Douai area had virtually been cleared of forest. A comparison between pollen and seed proportions points to serious discrepancies between the macrofossil and microfossil plant records. Weeds of arable land (Secalietea, Polygono-Chenopodietalia) and vegetations of ruderal habitats (Sisymbrietalia, Artemisietalia vulgaris) are well represented. Molinietalia vegetations in the valley of the Scarpe river were probably exploited as hay meadows; good pasture land was provided by the Arrhenateretalia grasslands.  相似文献   

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