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In recent years, in situ protein synthesis microarray technologies have enabled protein microarrays to be created on demand just before they are needed. In this paper, we utilized the TUS-TER immobilization technology to allow label-free detection with real-time kinetics of protein–protein interactions using surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi). We constructed an expression-ready plasmid DNA with a C-terminal TUS fusion tag to directionally immobilize the in situ synthesized recombinant proteins onto the surface of the biosensor. The expression plasmid was immobilized on the polyethylene imine-modified gold surface, which was then coupled with a cell-free expression system on the flow cell of the SPRi instrument. The expressed TUS fusion proteins bind on the surface via the immobilized TER DNA sequence with high affinity (∼3–7 × 10−13 M). The expression and immobilization of the recombinant in situ expressed proteins were confirmed by probing with specific antibodies. The present study shows a new low cost method for in situ protein expression microarrays that has the potential to study the kinetics of protein–protein interactions. These protein microarrays can be created on demand without the problems of stability associated with protein arrays used in the drug discovery and biomarker discovery fields.  相似文献   

Thiolated pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acids (HS-PNAs) bearing d-prolyl-2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) backbones with different lengths and types of thiol modifiers were synthesized and then characterized by MALDI–TOF mass spectrometry. These HS-PNAs were immobilized on gold-coated glass by self-assembled monolayer (SAM) formation via S atom linkage for the detection of DNA hybridization using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The amount and the stability of the immobilized HS-PNAs, as well as the effects of spacer and blocking thiol on DNA hybridization efficiency, were determined. SPR results indicated that the hybridization efficiency was enhanced when the distance between the PNA portion and the thiol terminal was increased and/or when blocking thiol was used following the HS-PNA immobilization. The immobilized HS-PNA could discriminate between fully complementary DNA from one or two base mismatched DNA with a relatively high degree of mismatch discrimination (>45%) in PBS buffer at 25 °C. The lowest DNA concentration at which reliable discrimination between fully complementary and single mismatched DNA could still occur was at about 0.2 μM, which is equivalent to 10 pmol of DNA. This research demonstrates that using these novel thiolated PNAs in combination with the SPR technique offers a direct, rapid and non-label based method that could potentially be applied for the analysis of genomic or PCR-amplified DNA in the future.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging system was constructed and used to detect the affinity-tagged recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. With regards to model proteins, the hexahistidine-ubiquitin-tagged human growth hormone (His(6)-Ub-hGH), glutathione S-transferase-tagged human interleukin-6 (GST-hIL6), and maltose-binding protein-tagged human interleukin-6 (MBP-hIL6) expressed in E. coli were analyzed. The cell lysates were spotted on gold thin films coated with 11-mercaptoundecanol (MUOH)/dextran derivatized with Ni(II)-iminodiacetic acid (IDA-Ni(II)), glutathione, or cyclodextrin. After a brief washing of the gold chip, SPR imaging measurements were carried out in order to detect the bound affinity-tagged fusion proteins. Using this new approach, rapid high-throughput expression analysis of the affinity-tagged proteins were obtained. The SPR imaging protein chip system used to measure the expression of affinity-tagged proteins in a high-throughput manner is expected to be an attractive alternative to traditional laborious and time-consuming methods, such as SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blots.  相似文献   

We report a novel in vitro high-throughput (HTP) kinase assay using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). In vitro tyrosine phosphorylation was performed in a microtiter plate, after which the substrate was captured with an antibody on a sensor chip and phosphotyrosine (pTyr) was detected with an anti-pTyr antibody. The capture and pTyr detection steps were performed using a Biacore A100, which is a sensitive and high-performance flow-cell-based SPR biosensor. This system allowed multiple sample processing (1000 samples/day) and high-quality data sampling. We compared the abilities of the HTP-SPR method and a standard radioisotope assay by measuring the phosphorylation of several substrate proteins by the Fyn tyrosine kinase. Similar results were obtained with both methods, suggesting that the HTP-SPR method is reliable. Therefore, the HTP-SPR method described in this study can be a powerful tool for a variety of screening analyses, such as kinase activity screening, kinase substrate profiling, and kinase HTP screening of kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Generating global protein expression profiles, including also membrane proteins, will be crucial for our understanding of biological processes in health and disease. In this study, we have expanded our antibody microarray technology platform and designed the first human recombinant antibody microarray for membrane proteins targeting crude cell lysates and tissue extracts. We have optimized all key technological parameters and successfully developed a setup for extracting, labeling and analyzing non-fractionated membrane proteomes under non-denaturing conditions. Finally, the platform was also extended and shown to be compatible with simultaneous profiling of both membrane proteins and water-soluble proteins.  相似文献   

A variety of different in vivo and in vitro technologies provide comprehensive insights in protein-protein interaction networks. Here we demonstrate a novel approach to analyze, verify and quantify putative interactions between two members of the S100 protein family and 80 recombinant proteins derived from a proteome-wide protein expression library. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) using Biacore technology and functional protein microarrays were used as two independent methods to study protein-protein interactions. With this combined approach we were able to detect nine calcium-dependent interactions between Arg-Gly-Ser-(RGS)-His6 tagged proteins derived from the library and GST-tagged S100B and S100A6, respectively. For the protein microarray affinity-purified proteins from the expression library were spotted onto modified glass slides and probed with the S100 proteins. SPR experiments were performed in the same setup and in a vice-versa approach reversing analytes and ligands to determine distinct association and dissociation patterns of each positive interaction. Besides already known interaction partners, several novel binders were found independently with both detection methods, albeit analogous immobilization strategies had to be applied in both assays.  相似文献   

Lectin microarrays have emerged as a novel platform for glycan analysis during recent years. Here, we have combined surface plasmon resonance imaging (SPRi) with the lectin microarray for rapid and label-free profiling of stem cells. In this direction, 40 lectins from seven different glyco-binding motifs and three different cell lines—mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), mouse-induced pluripotent stem cells (miPSCs), and mouse embryonic fibroblast stem cells (MEFs)—were used. Pluripotent mouse stem cells were clearly distinguished from non-pluripotent stem cells. Eight lectins—DBA, MAL, PHA_E, PHA_L, EEL, AAL, PNA, and SNA—generated maximal value to define pluripotency of mouse stem cells in our experiments. The discriminant function based on lectin reactivities was highly accurate for the determination of stem cell pluripotency. These results suggested that glycomic analysis of stem cells leads to a novel comprehensive approach for quality control in cell-based therapy and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Peptide array, which is known as an emerging technology, has been developed for identification of protein kinase activity. For this purpose, the ability of quantitative analysis is very important because the absolute change in protein kinase activity is critical for the determination of cellular function. Here we report an original type of peptide array for quantitative evaluation of protein kinase activity by fluorescence imaging. We used the peptide array for the quantitative evaluation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Src activity as a model for detecting protein kinase activities. By using positive and negative control peptides, we obtained the actual ratio of tyrosine phosphorylation of substrate peptide not only by purified c-Src but also by c-Src in cell lysate. In addition, the experimental approach provided simple immobilization of peptide. Our sensitive, specific, and high-throughput peptide array can be used for quantitative evaluation of kinase activity and potentially can be applied to drug discovery and screening.  相似文献   

We describe an antibody chip technology that uses a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging system to examine the conformational change of a protein. In this study, we used Bax protein, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, as a model protein to investigate the conformational alteration triggered by a TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), a potent inducer of apoptosis. To develop the antibody chip for detecting the Bax conformational change, we immobilized Bax monoclonal antibody 6A7, which recognizes only a conformationally changed Bax protein on a gold surface. The resultant immobilized Bax antibodies provided specific and accurate measurements of the active conformation-specific epitope in the apoptotic cancer cells treated with the TRAIL; these measurements corresponded to the data obtained by immunoprecipitation analysis using an active conformation-specific Bax antibody (6A7). The results of our study indicated that TRAIL-induced Bax structural change could be monitored quickly and simply using an SPR imaging system, thus demonstrating the potential for using such a system for the analysis of conformational properties of target proteins.  相似文献   

Peptide microarrays can be used for the high-throughput analysis of protein-peptide interactions. However, current peptide microarrays are rather costly to make and require cumbersome steps of introducing novel polymeric surfaces and/or chemical derivatization of peptides. Here, we report a novel method for manufacturing peptide microarrays by elevating the peptide on the layer of protein by a fusion protein approach. Using two protein kinases and their peptide substrates as examples, we show that elevating peptides on the layer of protein allows sensitive, specific, and efficient detection of peptide-protein interactions without the need for complicated chemical modification of solid supports and peptides. It was found that kinase activity could be detected with as low as 0.09 fmol of kemptide, which is about 1000-fold more sensitive than the 0.1 pmol obtained with other microarray systems. Furthermore, peptides can be produced as fusion proteins by fermentation of recombinant Escherichia coli and thus the expensive peptide synthesis process can be avoided. Therefore, this new strategy will not only be useful in high-throughput and cost-effective screening of kinase substrate peptides but also be generally applicable in studying various protein-peptide interactions.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activity monitoring of caspases, which are a class of cysteine protease, was performed by using peptide arrays based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging. The strategy of the detection is straightforward, using streptavidin to amplify the SPR signals of the surface-immobilized substrate peptides labeled with biotin at the C termini. Thus, the cleavage of the substrate peptides by caspases was detected as a signal decrease. Using this method, we succeeded in monitoring the activities of purified caspases and caspases in cell lysates. The SPR imaging-based peptide array would be applicable to cell-based drug screening and biochemical studies to reveal signal transduction processes.  相似文献   

Plant lectin recognition of glycans was evaluated by SPR imaging using a model array of N-biotinylated aminoethyl glycosides of β-d-glucose (negative control), α-d-mannose (conA-responsive), β-d-galactose (RCA120-responsive) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamine (WGA-responsive) printed onto neutravidin-coated gold chips. Selective recognition of the cognate ligand was observed when RCA120 was passed over the array surface. Limited or no binding was observed for the non-cognate ligands. SPR imaging of an array of 40 sialylated and unsialylated glycans established the binding preference of hSiglec7 for α2-8-linked disialic acid structures over α2-6-sialyl-LacNAcs, which in turn were recognized and bound with greater affinity than α2-3-sialyl-LacNAcs. Affinity binding data could be obtained with as little as 10–20 μg of lectin per experiment. The SPR imaging technique was also able to establish selective binding to the preferred glycan ligand when analyzing crude culture supernatant containing 10–20 μg of recombinant hSiglec7-Fc. Our results show that SPR imaging provides results that are in agreement with those obtained from fluorescence based carbohydrate arrays but with the added advantage of label-free analysis.  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging system, combined with a microwell gold chip for on-chip cell cultivation, was used to monitor protein-protein interactions. In particular, we developed an on-chip microscale cell cultivation system that integrates cell culture and on-chip analysis of protein-protein interactions on a single microwell chip in a time- and labor-saving manner. To assess the performance of this system in the analysis of protein-protein interactions, we conducted a series of protein-protein interaction analyses by measuring the binding of the yeast GAL4 dimerization domain (GAL4DD) to the GAL11 protein (GAL11P). Our system was found to enable the simple and rapid analysis of protein-protein interactions, requiring no special cell culturing equipment or recombinant protein expression prior to the immobilization of the purified proteins onto the chip. Our results demonstrate that the combination of an on-chip cell cultivation system and an SPR imaging system can be a useful tool to study protein-protein interactions without the need for time-consuming and labor-intensive protein preparation steps as well as fluorescent or other labeling of the interactants.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the "open" nature of cell-free protein synthesis, this study investigated the direct analysis of protein expression using a surface plasmon resonance sensor. During the on-chip incubation of the reaction mixture for cell-free protein synthesis, the expressed protein molecules were immobilized onto the surface of the chip, giving rise to a sensorgram signal, which enabled on-line monitoring of protein expression. In addition, we found that the expression of the aggregation-prone proteins could be effectively monitored. The ability to monitor these proteins was most likely through the instant isolation of the expressed protein molecules onto the solid surface of the chip.  相似文献   

In this paper the development and feasibility of a novel detection system for a low molecular weight chemical, in which a peptide was utilized as a binding molecule, are described. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) apparatus was used as a transducer. The porphyrin binding peptide, PSP2, was used as a model peptide ligand, while a porphyrin derivative, H2TMpyP, was used as a model low-molecular-weight chemical. PSP2 was covalently immobilized onto the SPR sensor chip and SPR measurement using the PSP2-immobilized chip for various concentrations of porphyrin was carried out. H2TMpyP was detectable in the range from 100 ng ml−1 to 10 μg ml−1 with a linear correlation and good precision and the PSP2-immobilized chip could be regenerated within 1 min after measurement in this system. From comparison of the detection manners of three porphyrin derivatives, the ability of a short peptide to discriminate between differences in molecular structure was demonstrated. Moreover, the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of PSP2 was successfully prepared on the gold substrate and H2TMpyP could be detected using the PSP2-SAM chip.  相似文献   

Grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance (GCSPR) is a method for the accurate assessment of analyte in a multiplexed format using small amounts of sample. In GCSPR, the analyte is flowed across specific receptors (e.g. antibodies or other proteins) that have been immobilized on a sensor chip. The chip surface is illuminated with p-polarized light that couples to the gold surface's electrons to form a surface plasmon. At a specific angle of incidence, the GCSPR angle, the maximum amount of coupling occurs, thus reducing the intensity of reflected light. Shifts in the GCSPR angle can be correlated with refractive index increases following analyte capture by chip-bound receptors. Because regions of the chip can be independently analyzed, this system can assess 400 interactions between analyte and receptor on a single chip. We have used this label-free system to assess a number of molecules of immunological interest. GCSPR can simultaneously detect an array of cytokines and other proteins using the same chip. Moreover, GCSPR is also compatible with assessments of antigen expression by intact cells, detecting cellular apoptosis and identifying T cells and B cells. This technology represents a powerful new approach to the analysis of cells and molecular constituents of biological samples.  相似文献   

We performed a basic experiment for the rapid, on-line, real-time measurement of hepatitis B surface antigen using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor. We immobilized anti-HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen) polyclonal antibody, as a ligand, to the dextran layer on a CM5 chip surface that had previously been activated byN-hydroxysuccinimide. A sample solution containing HBsAg was fed through a microfluidic channel, and the reflecting angle change due to the mass increase from the binding was detected. The binding characteristics between HBsAg and its polyclonal antibody followed the typical monolayer adsorption isotherm. When the entire immobilized antibody had interacted, no additional, non-specific binding occurred, suggesting the immunoreaction was very specific. The bound antigen per unit mass of the antibody was independent of the immobilized ligand density. No significant steric hindrance was observed at an immobilization density of approximately 17.6 ng/mm2. The relationship between the HBsAg concentration in the sample solution and the antigen bound to the ligand was linear up to ca. 40 μg/mL. This linearity was much higher than that of the ELISA method. It appeared the antigen-antibody binding increased as the immobilized ligand density increased. In summary, this study showed the potential of this SPR biosensor-based method as a rapid, simple and multi-sample on-line assay. Once properly validated, it may serve as a more efficient method for HBsAg quantification for replacing the ELISA.  相似文献   

A method was developed to rapidly identify high-affinity human antibodies from phage display library selection outputs. It combines high-throughput Fab fragment expression and purification with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) microarrays to determine kinetic constants (kon and koff) for 96 different Fab fragments in a single experiment. Fabs against human tissue kallikrein 1 (hK1, KLK1 gene product) were discovered by phage display, expressed in Escherichia coli in batches of 96, and purified using protein A PhyTip columns. Kinetic constants were obtained for 191 unique anti-hK1 Fabs using the Flexchip SPR microarray device. The highest affinity Fabs discovered had dissociation constants of less than 1 nM. The described SPR method was also used to categorize Fabs according to their ability to recognize an apparent active site epitope. The ability to rapidly determine the affinities of hundreds of antibodies significantly accelerates the discovery of high-affinity antibody leads.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel referencing technique for surface plasmon resonance imaging systems referred to as “spot and hop.” The technique enables internal referencing for individual flow cells in a parallel processing microfluidic network. Internal referencing provides the ability to correct for nonspecific binding and instrument drift, significantly improving data quality at each region of interest. The performance of a 48-flow-cell device was demonstrated through a series of studies, including “rise and fall” time, ligand preconcentration, ligand immobilization, analyte binding, and regeneration tests. Interfacing parallel processing fluidics with imaging systems will significantly expand the throughput and applications of array-based optical biosensors while retaining high data quality.  相似文献   

Quantitation of protein is essential during pharmaceutical development, and a variety of methods and technologies for determination of total and specific protein concentration are available. Here we describe the development of a streamlined assay platform for specific quantitation assays using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology. A total of nine different assays were developed using similar conditions, of which eight assays were for quantitation of different human blood plasma proteins (IgG, IgG1–4 subclasses, IgA, transferrin, and albumin) from a chromatography-based IgG plasma process. Lastly, an assay for monitoring the concentration of a recombinant monoclonal antibody during 13 days of CHO cell culturing was developed. Assay performances were compared with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), nephelometry, ARCHITECT, and Cobas c501. SPR assays were shown to have higher sensitivity than analysis using nephelometry, ARCHITECT, and Cobas and to have significantly lower analysis and hands-on time compared with ELISA. Furthermore, the SPR assays were robust enough to be used for up to 12 days, allowing specific protein concentration measurement of a sample to be completed at line within 10 min. Using the same platform with only few varied parameters between different assays has saved time in the lab as well as for evaluation and presentation of results.  相似文献   

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