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李兆英 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):680-684
本研究通过形态解剖和原位末端标记法(TUNEL),对中华蜜蜂Apis cerana cerana视叶胚后发育过程中的细胞凋亡进行了研究,结果表明:视叶内的细胞程序性死亡开始出现在1龄幼虫末期,随后凋亡细胞数量逐渐增加;在视叶的胚后发育过程中,细胞凋亡经历了3个高峰期,即2龄幼虫、5龄幼虫和蛹发育的第2天;在视叶3个部分的发育中,视髓层中细胞凋亡的数量远远多于视小叶和视神经节层,而视神经节层最少,说明了细胞凋亡的数量和位置与各部分结构发育的时间以及神经投射有关。广泛的细胞凋亡是蜜蜂视叶发育过程中的一个显著特征。  相似文献   

The lateral protocerebrum of the fly's brain is composed of a system of optic glomeruli, the organization of which compares to that of antennal lobe glomeruli. Each optic glomerulus receives converging axon terminals from a unique ensemble of optic lobe output neurons. Glomeruli are interconnected by systems of spiking and nonspiking local interneurons that are morphologically similar to diffuse and polarized local interneurons in the antennal lobes. GABA-like immunoreactive processes richly supply optic glomeruli, which are also invaded by processes originating from the midbrain and subesophageal ganglia. These arrangements support the suggestion that circuits amongst optic glomeruli refine and elaborate visual information carried by optic lobe outputs, relaying data to long-axoned neurons that extend to other parts of the central nervous system including thoracic ganglia. The representation in optic glomeruli of other modalities suggests that gating of visual information by other sensory inputs, a phenomenon documented from the recordings of descending neurons, could occur before the descending neuron dendrites. The present results demonstrate that future studies must consider the roles of other senses in visual processing.  相似文献   

The optic lobes of Diptera have been examined by variants of the Golgi-Colonnier selective staining techniques and by reduced silver procedures. All, bar one, of the elements described by the earlier authors (Vigier 1908; Zawarzin 1913; Cajal & Sanchez 1915) have been seen, in part or in their entirely, in these preparations. Many other forms, hitherto unrecognized, have been found. Their perpendicular topographical relationships have been reconstructed in the optic lobe regions. Some lateral relationships have also been reconstructed between elements in regions whose columnar arrangement is clearly discernible in Golgi preparations; these include the lamina and the medulla. In the Diptera the projection pattern of the retina mosaic into the lamina neuropil involves complex chiasmata between the two regions (Braitenberg 1967); these have been confirmed from these species. The retina-lamina mosaic is, essentially, homotopically preserved in the columnar medulla, via long visual fibres and monopolar cells. The medullary mosaic is preserved through its strata by transmedullary cells and the longest small-field amacrine cells. The mosaic is projected to the two regions of the lobula complex by class I cells (see part I). The organization of the tangential cell processes suggests that some of them may interact with large or whole field aggragates of the relayed retinal mosaic. Others, especially in the lobula, may interact with small oval or narrow strip-field aggragates. Although there are many differences of neural form and number of neurons between species, both the Lepidoptera and Diptera have the same fundamental plan of neuroarchitecture.  相似文献   

Variants of the Golgi-Colonnier (1964) selective silver procedure have been used to show up neurons in insect brains. Neural elements are particularly clearly impregnated in the optic lobes. Three classes of nerve cells can be distinguished; perpendicular (class I), tangential (class II) and amacrine cells (class III). There are many types of neurons in each class which together have a very wide variety of form. Their components are related to specific strata in the optic lobe regions. Short visual cells from the retina terminate in the lamina in discrete groups of endings (optic cartridges). Pairs of long visual fibres from ommatidia pass through the lamina and end in the medulla. Class I cells link these two regions in parallel with the long visual fibres and groups of these elements define columns in the medulla. These in turn give rise to small-field fibres that project to the lobula complex. Tangential processes intersect the parallel arrays of class I cells at characteristic levels. Some are complex in form and may invade up to three regions. Another type provides a direct link between the ipsi- and contralateral optic lobe. Amacrine cells are intrinsic to single lobe regions and have processes situated at the same levels as those of classes I and II cells. A fifth optic lobe region, the optic tubercle, is connected to the medulla and lobula and also receives a set of processes from the mid-brain. There are at least six separate types of small-field relays which could represent the retina mosaic arrangement in the lobula.  相似文献   

Pre-existing neuronal pathways in the developing optic lobes of Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have identified a set of larval neurones in the developing adult optic lobes of Drosophila by selectively labelling cells that have undergone only a few mitoses. A cluster of three cells is located in each of the optic lobes near the insertion site of the optic stalk. Their axons fasciculate with fibres of the larval optic nerve, the Bolwig's nerve, and then form part of the posterior optic tract. These cells are likely to be first order interneurones of the larval visual system. Unlike the Bolwig's nerve, they persist into the adult stage. The possibility of a pioneering function of the larval visual system during formation of the adult optic lobe neuropil is discussed.  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the optic lobes of three insect species   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cellular localization of 5-HT in the optic lobes of three insect species was assayed with the use of antibodies raised against 5-HT. In Schistocerca, Periplaneta, and Calliphora all neuropil regions of the optic lobe, the lamina, medulla and lobula, contain 5-HT-immunoreactive varicose fibres in different patterns, like columns and layers. Such fibres also connect the lobula to neuropil in the lateral protocerebrum. In Calliphora also 5-HT-positive fibres of the medulla and lobula plate have projections to the lateral protocerebrum, whereas the origin of the lamina fibres is not certain. In all species the processes displaying 5-HT-like immunoreactivity appear to be derived from a relatively small number of cell bodies, each neuron thus having processes over a large volume of the neuropil of the optic lobe in different layers.  相似文献   

Summary The organization, characterization and connectivity patterns of four different interneurone types were studied with the use of Golgi light- and electron-microscopic techniques. All four cell types originate in the outer chiasma; they have an efferent end-branch in the lamina and an afferent one terminating in the distal region of the second optic ganglion, the medulla. These interneurones are referred to as:(i) Garland-cell: The efferent fibre has on its tangential branch numerous centripetal side branches, so-called garlands, which synapse with first- and second-order visual cells. (ii) Y-cell: The lamina branch bifurcates before entering the lamina. It innervates two neighbouring cartridges. Synaptic contacts were seen in two different laminar strata where bottle-brush-like collaterals occurred. (iii) Single bottle-brush cell: The efferent part has only one centrifugal branch, which can be compared morphologically and in terms of synaptology with those of the Y-cell. (iv) Triptychcell: The lamina component innervates three neighbouring cartridges at three different laminar layers interconnecting different first- and second-order visual neurones.The present study provides some essential qualitative and quantitative fine-structural information, which — when compared with adequate physiological data — may lead to a better understanding of the function of the first visual information-processing centre of the bee.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic relationships between and within receptor-cell axons (RCAs), first-order interneurones (L-fibres) and accessory fibres (acc) in the first optic ganglion (the lamina) of the worker bee were studied in serial sections with Golgi-EM and routine transmission electron microscopy. The ommatidium contains nine retinular (photoreceptor) cells all of which project as RCAs to a single optical cartridge in the lamina. Six of the RCAs end as short visual fibres (svf) in the lamina, while the remaining three, the so-called long visual fibres (lvf), pass the lamina and end in the second optic ganglion, the medulla. In addition to the RCAs and an unknown number of accessory fibres, the cartridge also contains four L-fibres (L 1–4). The spatial arrangement of the RCAs and L-fibres within a cartridge is constant throughout the depth of the lamina. Serial sections reveal a great number of chemical synapses interconnecting RCAs, L-and acc fibres. Double T-shaped presynaptic dense projections are surrounded and in close association with either spherical or flattened synaptic vesicles. The finding of gap junctions between and within identified RCAs and L-fibres suggest that these axons may be electronically coupled. A model for information processing in the lamina of the bee is suggested from observations of synaptic connectivity between and within fibres of one cartridge.  相似文献   

The nine receptor cells in each ommatidium of the worker bee end as six short visual fibres in the lamina and as three long visual fibres in the medulla. Behavioural and physiological evidence for regional variation in spectral sensitivity prompted observations on the morphology of the visual units. The distribution, branching pattern, diameter and the arrangement of axonal protusions of the characteristic receptor-cell axons were studied in various regions of the lamina. The six short visual fibres and two of the long visual fibres in each laminar cartridge are uniform over the total eye surface. Only the receptor axons of the ninth cell a UV and polarised light-sensitive cell, show obvious regional variation. In view of the regional constancy in morphology of eight of the nine receptor-cell axons, the regional variations in spectral sensitivity demand either functional subdivision of morphologically indistinguishable photoreceptors (e.g., content of different visual pigments) or a highly complex connectivity pattern of their axons in the first optic ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary The arrangement of first and second order neurons in an optic cartridge and the topographical relationships of the second order neurons within a cartridge and to groups of surrounding cartridges have been analyzed in the visual system of the bee, Apis mellifera, from light and electron microscope studies on Golgi preparations. At the level of the monopolar cell body layer, the nine retinula cell fibres of each ommatidium, the six short visual fibres arranged in a circle surrounding the three long visual fibres, become cartridges as a consequence of the appearance of the second order neurons (L-fibres) which join the R-fibre bundles. Two of the four different L-fibre types, L-1 and L-2, remain together in the centre of the cartridge throughout the lamina. The axons of the L-3 and L-4 fibres, however, have their position integrated into the circle formed by the endings of the short visual fibres. On the basis of further examination of light and especially electron microscopical Golgi material, the different L-fibres can be classified into four types which appear in each cartridge. The clear stratification in the first synaptic region (A, B and C) seems to be the best criterion for a morphological classification since such a classification necessarily also includes a functional basis. According to a naming system based on the position of the lateral processes, L-fibres with side branches in strata A, B and C are called L-1 fibres. Fibres with lateral processes in strata A and B are L-2 fibres; monopolar cell fibres with branches only in the second stratum B are L-fibres of type 3; and all monopolar cells with branches only in stratum C are called L-4 fibres. In addition to the branching pattern covering only the parent cartridge, two of the four fibre types (L-2 and L-4) have long collaterals reaching neighbouring cartridges: L-2 in stratum A and L-4 in stratum C. These collaterals presumably form a substrate for lateral interactions.  相似文献   

Each visual unit (ommatidium) of the compound eye of the honey bee contains nine retinula cells, six of which end as axons in the first synaptic ganglion, the lamina, and three in the second optic ganglion, the medulla. A technique allowing light- and electron microscopy to be performed on the same silver-impregnated sections has made it possible to follow all types of retinula axons of one ommatidium to their terminals in order to study the shape of the terminal branches with their position in the cartridge. 1. The axons of retinula cells 1-6 (numbered according to Menzel and Snyder, 1974) end as three different types of short visual fibres (svf) in the lamina; the axons of retinula cells 7-9 run through the lamina to terminate in the medulla and are known as long visual fibres (lvf). Retinula cells of each type are identified by the location of their cell bodies and by the direction of their microvilli. The retinula cells 1 and 4 (group I according to Gribakin, 1967) end as svf type 1 with three tassel-like branches in stratum B of the first synaptic region. The pair of cells 3, 6 and the pair 2, 5 (group II) end in the first synaptic region in stratum A. Cells 3 and 6 have forked endings, svf type 2, whereas cells 2 and 5 have tapered endings, svf type 3. The remaining retinula cells 7, 8 and 9 have long fibres. Nos. 7 and 8 (group III) have tapered endings and are termed lvf types 1 and 2, respectively. The 9th cell is the lvf type 3 with a highly branched ending. 2. The nine axons in the bundle from one ommatidium have relative positions which do not change from the proximal retina to the monopolar cell body layer. 3. By following silver-stained retinula cells and their corresponding axons, it is possible to describe mirror-image arrangements of fibres in the axon bundles in different parts of the eye. This correlation of numbered retinula cells with specific axon types, together with the highly organized pattern in an axon bundle, allows the correlation between histological and physiological findings on polarization and colour perception.  相似文献   

A quantitative three-dimensional model of the Drosophila optic lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A big step in the neurobiology of Drosophila would be to establish a standard for brain anatomy to which to relate morphological, developmental and genetic data. We propose that only an average brain and its variance would be a biologically meaningful reference and have developed an averaging procedure. Here, we present a brief outline of this method and apply it to the optic lobes of Drosophila melanogaster wild-type Canton S. Whole adult brains are stained with a fluorescent neuropil marker and scanned with the confocal microscope. The resulting three-dimensional data sets are automatically aligned into a common coordinate system and intensity averages calculated. We use effect-size maps for the fast detection of differences between averages. For morphometric analysis, neuropil structures are labelled and superimposed to give a three-dimensional probabilistic map. In the present study, the method was applied to 66 optic lobes. We found their size, shape and position to be highly conserved between animals. Similarity was even higher between left and right optic lobes of the same animal. Sex differences were more pronounced. Female optic lobes were 6% larger than those of males. This value corresponds well with the higher number of ommatidia in females. As females have their additional ommatidia dorsally and ventrally, the additional neuropil in the medulla, lobula and lobula plate, accordingly, was found preferentially at these locations. For males, additional neuropil was found only at the posterior margin of the lobula. This finding supports the notion of male-specific neural processing in the lobula as described for muscid and calliphorid flies.  相似文献   

The role of antennal sensory projections on the ontogeny of the bee antennal lobe was analyzed using both light and transmission electron microscopy. Normal and deafferented developing antennal lobes were examined. The results obtained show that (1) initiation of synaptogenesis in the antennal lobe is independent of the arrival of sensory inputs; (2) sensory inputs are necessary for setting up the glomerular antennal lobe organization; (3) regressive events, such as the reduction of synapse density, occur during the development of the antennal lobe; and (4) glomeruli formation appears as related to glia development.  相似文献   

An evolutionarily conserved system of small retinotopic neurons in dipteran insects, called bushy T-cells, provides information about directional motion to large collator neurons in the lobula plate. Physiological and anatomical features of these cells provide the basis for a model that is used to investigate requirements for generating optic flow selectivity in collators while allowing for evolutionary variations. This account focuses on the role of physiological tuning properties of T5 neurons. Various flow fields are defined as inputs to retinotopic arrays of T5 cells, the responses of which are mapped onto collators using innervation matrices that promote selectivity for flow type and position. Properties known or inferred from physiological and anatomical studies of neurons contributing to motion detection are incorporated into the model: broad tuning to local motion direction and the representation of each visual sampling unit by a quartet of small-field T5-like neurons with orthogonal preferred directions. The model predicts hitherto untested response properties of optic flow selective collators, and predicts that selectivity for a given flow field can be highly sensitive to perturbations in physiological properties of the motion detectors.  相似文献   

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