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基于电子导航地图POI的北京城区绿色空间服务半径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,电子导航地图中的兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)在城市地理与城市生态研究方面越来越受到重视。城市绿色空间对其居民的生产生活服务作用十分重要,城市绿地系统的配置是否科学对城市生态系统服务供需情况有着重要影响。利用北京城区五环以内的POI数据,采用核函数模拟出城市居民生产生活在空间分布上强弱程度的热力图,对该区域绿色空间实体不同半径服务区内的热力特征进行耦合分析。研究表明:北京市五环以内绿色空间实体500、750 m和1000 m典型服务半径的覆盖面分别占总面积的77.99%、91.55%和97.46%,从服务供给角度表现出空间分布格局相对均匀;但在绿色空间500 m服务半径内,仅覆盖了POI热力图中极高密度区中51.19%的地区,高密度区中54.78%的地区,中密度区中66.21%的区域,从服务需求角度表现出绿色空间分布格局明显不均衡。研究认为城市绿色空间在POI热度较高区域的主要商圈、人流密集区域匹配明显不足,需要通过增加绿地或疏解POI集中程度来缓解绿色空间供需矛盾。  相似文献   

城市绿地可达性与公平性评价   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
尹海伟  孔繁花  宗跃光 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3375-3383
城市绿地是城市重要的绿色基础设施,是实现城市可持续发展的重要空间保障,具有重要的生态、社会文化功能.20世纪80年代以来,我国一直以城市人均(公共、公园)绿地面积、绿地率、绿化覆盖率等面积比率指标作为核心指标来指导城市绿地建设,缺乏具体引导城市绿地空间分布的指标,较少关注城市绿地服务功能的公平性问题.借助于GIS技术,构建了城市绿地社会功能评价的简明框架,尝试将表征城市绿地空间分布的可达性和公平性指标引入城市绿地的功能评价中,以体现城市建设"以人为本"、"社会公平"的理念,并以上海和青岛为实证,对新构建的系列指标进行了分析与检验.研究结果表明:(1)可达性和公平性系列指标导入城市绿地的功能评价中是可行的,能够有效的表征和测度城市绿地空间布局的合理性程度;(2)可达性和公平性指标使用时需要界定研究区范围、研究尺度,特别是数据精度,以利于研究区的纵向比较和城市间的横向比较.研究结果将丰富我国城市绿地评价的核心指标体系,亦可为城市规划者和建设者合理规划与布局城市绿地提供重要的依据和参考.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市绿地景观引力场研究——以宁波市为例   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
周廷刚  郭达志 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1157-1163
城市绿地是城市用地的重要组成部分 ,也是城市生态系统的一个子系统。城市绿地景观的评价是城市生态系统研究的重要课题之一。在 GIS技术支持下 ,对城市绿地景观进行了研究。在研究过程中 ,将物理学中“场”的相关理论引入城市绿地景观的研究 ,提出绿地景观引力场的概念及评价方法。绿地景观引力场是城市绿地系统为城市居民提供服务能力的大小或潜力 ,其主要影响因素有绿地景观本身的质量、城市人口分布状况、城市土地利用现状、城市主要交通设施等。在研究中需要建立以下相关模型 :城市阻力的空间分布模型、城市人口的空间分布模型、城市公共绿地的空间分布模型、城市绿地景观引力场的空间分布评价模型。研究结果得出以下结论 :(1)景观引力场用于城市绿地系统的评价 ,能够更好地反映城市绿地的空间分布格局 ;(2 )丰富了城市绿地系统评价的指标内容和评价方法 ;(3)该方法从景观设计上提供了一个可供决策参考的依据 ;(4 )景观引力场还可用于城市其它服务设施的合理性与有效性的评价与研究。  相似文献   

Green space has been identified as a modifiable feature of the urban environment and associations with physiological and psychological health have been reported at the local level. This study aims to assess whether these associations between health and green space are transferable to a larger scale, with English cities as the unit of analysis. We used an ecological, cross-sectional study design. We classified satellite-based land cover data to quantify green space coverage for the 50 largest cities in England. We assessed associations between city green space coverage with risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and suicide between 2002 and 2009 using Poisson regression with random effect. After adjustment for age, income deprivation and air pollution, we found that at the city level the risk of death from all causes and a priori selected causes, for men and women, did not significantly differ between the greenest and least green cities. These findings suggest that the local health effects of urban green space observed at the neighbourhood level in some studies do not transfer to the city level. Further work is needed to establish how urban residents interact with local green space, in order to ascertain the most relevant measures of green space.  相似文献   

焦敏  周伟奇  钱雨果  王佳  郑重  胡潇方  王伟民 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9154-9163
在气候变化和快速城市化的双重影响下,全球城市面临日益加剧的热岛效应。绿地能够有效改善城市热环境。城市土地资源紧缺,优化绿地布局,使有限面积的绿地发挥更大的降温效果具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。其中,如何设置绿地斑块大小则是优化绿地布局的首要考虑因素之一。从斑块和景观的尺度总结了现有绿地斑块大小对其降温效应影响的研究进展,结果表明:1)在斑块尺度,随着绿地斑块面积增加,绿地的降温效应相应增加,但增加的趋势为非线性变化,表现为温度随绿地斑块面积的增加先下降,后趋于平稳,表明可能存在降温效率(单位面积绿地降温能力)最强的斑块大小;2)在景观尺度,绿地斑块大小在空间上的配置对热环境的影响研究结果存在差异,尚无一致性定论。基于已有研究,本文指出了现有绿地斑块大小对其降温效应影响研究中的问题与不足:1)主要关注绿地斑块大小与温度的统计关系,缺乏对其具体影响过程和内在机制的深入探讨;2)更多关注地表温度,而对与人体舒适度和健康直接相关的其他热环境指标的研究较少;3)研究中缺少对城市中数量巨大,分布最广的小型绿地斑块的考量。未来的研究应加强从遮阴和蒸腾等降温过程深入解析绿地斑块大小对热环境影响的内在机理机制,从降温效率的角度,探讨是否存在最优的斑块大小,并进一步探讨绿地周围建筑环境对绿地斑块大小与其降温效应关系的影响,为优化城市绿地分布,改善城市热环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陈阳  张琳琳  马仁锋  李冠  卓跃飞  徐忠国 《生态学报》2022,42(24):9971-9980
城市居民的绿色空间可达性是衡量城市基础设施公平分配的指向标,关乎城市民生福祉。以宁波为研究区,基于高德地图路径规划Application Programming Interface(API)测度了绿色空间可达性,融合多源数据模拟了人口空间分布,分析了绿色空间可达性与人口分布的空间匹配状态,并采用地理探测器探讨其影响因素。研究表明:(1)宁波绿色空间可达性由各区中心向郊区衰减,高可达性空间占比不高,反映了绿色服务供给不足的现状。高可达性空间集中于三江口、鄞州新城、北仑城区和镇海老城区,低可达性空间则主要分布在东部郊区、西部山区和南部农业区。(2)宁波居民的绿色空间可达性在空间上表现为市中心高人口密度-高可达性和郊区低人口密度-低可达性的空间匹配特征,在规模上仅不及半数的居民享有15min绿色空间可达性,在乡镇尺度上呈现显著的城区—郊区二元类型分异。(3)城市居民绿色空间可达性受多重影响因子驱动,按照重要性依次为区位特征、人类活动、开发强度、社会经济和地形条件。  相似文献   

俞佳俐  严力蛟  邓金阳  李健 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3338-3350
城市绿地是人工与自然耦合的城市景观之一,是改善居民居住环境重要组成部分,更是提高居民身心健康的有效途径。以杭州主城区为研究对象,通过GIS技术对城市绿地遥感图像进行解译得到杭州主城区绿地空间布局图,同时,以人口密度为阻力要素,基于交通路网的500m网络距离可达范围内绿地数量和面积作为分类标准。通过对45个高、中、低不同档次的居民区进行问卷调查得到665份居民感知数据并进行统计整理。利用结构方程模型进行以绿地数量及游玩时间为标准的组间分析,区别不同组别的差异及其原因,分析城市绿地数量、面积,居民认知、动机,绿地吸引力等与居民身心健康福祉及满意度之间的关系。结果显示:城市绿地数量、居民游玩绿地次数时间等与居民福祉有显著的正向关系;居民对绿地作用的认知、去往绿地的动机进一步影响居民身心健康福祉;城市绿地的自身引力会激发居民去往绿地的积极性,从而增加去往绿地频次。另外,不同社会属性的个体对绿地需求不同,所产生的福祉效应及满意度也会有所差异。从增加居民区周围的街头绿地及邻里公园数量、提升绿地吸引力、提升居民对城市绿地作用的认知3个方面对城市绿地今后的发展规划提出建议。  相似文献   

颜金珊  祝薇  王保盛  唐立娜 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8921-8930
作为城市重要的生态空间,公园绿地为城市提供环境基础及景观保障,其资源的合理分配是社会公平的重要体现。提出公园绿地社会公平性新的内涵,即无论个体所处的人居环境条件如何,其获得的城市公园绿地质量应该平等。工业城市向服务型、创新型城市的转变是中国城镇发展的典型趋势,研究其公园绿地的社会公平性为城市更新改造与公共资源分配提供重要的科学依据。以东莞市东城街道为例,构建社会-经济-自然复合人居指标体系与公园质量评价体系,基于可达性模型与Pearson相关性系数对公平性进行测度。结果表明:由于区域更新强度及顺序不同,研究区的绿地布局存在不公平现象,居民享受的公园质量与小区的自然、经济要素具有一定的关联。转型中的工业城市高质量公园聚集于风景资源优越的高端居住区,其他公园质量普遍不佳。工业园区以及旧城区为公园服务盲区的主要聚集地。  相似文献   

青岛市城市绿地生态系统的环境净化服务价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析青岛市城市绿地空间分布及面积动态变化基础上,利用市场价值法、生产成本法、替代费用法等方法计算了1999-2009年各年度青岛市城市绿地生态系统的环境净化服务价值。结果表明,1999-2009年青岛市城市绿地的环境净化服务价值由1.587×108元增至3.491×108元,人均城市绿地的环境净化服务价值由68.42元增至126.73元。11a间青岛市城市绿地的环境净化服务价值增加了1.904×108元,平均年增长率为10.91%。在青岛市城市绿地生态系统环境净化服务总价值构成中,其气体调节服务价值占总价值的49.81%- 51.72%,而吸收有害气体和滞尘服务价值、减弱噪声服务价值占48.28%-50.19%。城市绿地的气体调节服务具有地域空间的可转移性,可以由城市以外的自然生态系统补偿;而其吸收有害气体和滞尘服务与减弱噪声服务则不具有地域空间的可转移性。加强城市绿地建设、提高城市绿化水平是改善青岛市城市环境和提高城市居民生活质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

在高分辨率影像提取福州市南台岛(仓山区)住宅用地的基础上,从覆盖研究区的30m×30m网格中随机选择50个样方进行表层土壤取样,进而分析这一快速城市化地区住宅用地表层土壤有机碳密度(Soil organic carbon density,SOCD)的变异特征及其影响因素。结果表明:城市地区住宅用地在剧烈的人类活动干扰下,土壤呈现明显的空间变异特征,其SOCD平均值为33.814t/hm~2,变异系数达72.8%,其中郊区村镇住宅用地0—20cm土层的SOCD高于城市居住用地72%,预示着村镇就地城市化后将造成土壤碳储量的下降;然而,表层土壤有机碳含量与密度在建成时间为0—5年和5—10年的城市住宅小区间无显著差异,只有住宅建成时间达到10—15年才有显著提高。基于湿度、热度、绿化率与物业管理费等因子构建的城市住宅区绿化环境管理质量指标,与城市居住区表层土壤有机碳含量及密度存在显著正相关,与土壤容重呈显著负相关,成为快速城市化地区影响SOCD变异的另一主要因素。  相似文献   

Understanding the factors driving the variation in urban green space and plant communities in heterogeneous urban landscapes is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and important ecosystem services. In this study, we used a combination of field surveys, remote sensing, census data and spatial analysis to investigate the interrelationships among geographical and social-economic variables across 328 different urban structural units (USUs) and how they may influence the distributions of urban forest cover, plant diversity and abundance, within the central urban area of Beijing, China. We found that the urban green space coverage varied substantially across different types of USUs, with higher in agricultural lands (N = 15), parks (N = 46) and lowest in utility zones (N = 36). The amount of urban green space within USUs declines exponentially with the distance to urban center. Our study suggested that geographical, social and economic factors were closely related with each other in urban ecological systems, and have important impacts on urban forest coverage and abundance. The percentage of forest as well as high and low density urban areas were mainly responsible for variations in the data across all USUs and all land use/land cover types, and thus are important constituents and ecological indicators for understanding and modeling urban environment. Herb richness is more strongly correlated with tree and shrub density than with tree and shrub richness (r = −0.472, p < 0.05). However, other geographic and socioeconomic factors showed no significant relationships with urban plant diversity or abundance.  相似文献   

How should we grow cities to minimize their biodiversity impacts?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urbanization causes severe environmental degradation and continues to increase in scale and intensity around the world, but little is known about how we should design cities to minimize their ecological impact. With a sprawling style of urban development, low intensity impact is spread across a wide area, and with a compact form of development intense impact is concentrated over a small area; it remains unclear which of these development styles has a lower overall ecological impact. Here, we compare the consequences of compact and sprawling urban growth patterns on bird distributions across the city of Brisbane, Australia. We predicted the impact on bird populations of adding 84 642 houses to the city in either a compact or sprawling design using statistical models of bird distributions. We show that urban growth of any type reduces bird distributions overall, but compact development substantially slows these reductions at the city scale. Urban‐sensitive species particularly benefited from compact development at the city scale because large green spaces were left intact, whereas the distributions of nonnative species expanded as a result of sprawling development. As well as minimizing ecological disruption, compact urban development maintains human access to public green spaces. However, backyards are smaller, which impacts opportunities for people to experience nature close to home. Our results suggest that cities built to minimize per capita ecological impact are characterized by high residential density, with large interstitial green spaces and small backyards, and that there are important trade‐offs between maintaining city‐wide species diversity and people's access to biodiversity in their own backyard.  相似文献   

贾玉秋  唐立娜 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2986-2994
中国城市需要更为紧凑的空间形态,但是城市空间紧凑性的环境效应并不十分清晰。采集城市管网设施指标、城市道路、交通设施指标、生态协同指标等建立环境因子指标集,选择标准化紧凑度指数NCI、标准化离散度指数NDIS、最大斑块面积指数LPI、景观形状指数LSI、平均形状指数SHAPE_MEAN、周长-面积分形维数PAFRAC等形态指标,运用统计分析的方法探索中国146座城市的空间形态的单因子环境效应、综合环境效应及环境效应的差异性。研究结果表明:(1)人均城市道路面积、供水管密度、排水管密度、万人拥有公交车辆、万人拥有出租车辆、人均公园绿地面积等环境因子与城市空间形态密切相关。城市紧凑度越高,城市管网系统密度越低,公共交通设施越少,人均公园绿地面积越少。城市形状越复杂,城市管网系统密度越高,公共交通投入越大,人均公园绿地面积越大。(2)综合环境因子与LSI呈中等强度的正相关(r=0.43,P0.01)。城市空间形状越复杂,城市资源环境相关设施总体投入越多。(3)在不同的紧凑及形状复杂性水平下,万人拥有公交车辆、万人拥有出租车辆、供水管道密度及综合环境因子的显著性差异再次表明城市越紧凑,交通越发达;城市形状越复杂,环境投入越多。本文研究证明了城市空间形态越紧凑、资源越是节约,紧凑型城市空间形态能够用于中国城市建设。  相似文献   

长江中游大城市不透水面增长模式及其驱动因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志  李鹏  刘强 《生态学报》2018,38(11):3766-3774
以1995、2003、2010、2015年4期遥感影像数据为基础,对武汉、长沙、南昌为例的长江中游城市20年不透水面增长及驱动因素进行研究。结果表明,三城市不透水面增长显著,接近预警水平,格局呈突围扩张的基本态势;现阶段武汉不透水面主要为城郊面源"零星"增长模式贡献较大;长沙、南昌则主要来源于新城"线式"延伸及其内部"面式"填充模式;道路投资、区划政策、城市规划控制、固定资产投资、房产投资、人口增长、透水技术等是影响三城市不透水增长的主要因素,但各因素影响敏感度在三城市中又有差异;三城市可从强化城乡规划的管理措施、控制过热的房地投资经济政策措施、平衡区域人口格局的社会政策措施以及推广透水材料和技术的科技措施等方面来缓解不透水率的增长。  相似文献   

汪淼  陈振杰  周琛 《生态学报》2023,43(13):5347-5356
城市绿色开敞空间是城市公共空间的重要组成部分,合理配置城市绿色开敞空间对城市宜居环境建设至关重要。空间可达性常用于评价公共服务设施空间布局的合理性,两步移动搜索法即是一种直观、运算简便、应用广泛的可达性计算方法,但该方法未考虑需求主体之间的差异性。本研究以南京市中心城区为例,利用手机信令数据提取需求者属性特征以及空间分布,通过分类细化需求主体改进搜索策略,改善两步移动搜索法传统研究未考虑不同群体差异性、统计数据滞后、空间尺度粗等弊端。结果表明,南京市中心城区绿色开敞空间可达性呈现出明显的空间分异特征,江南主城可达性总体比江北新区高,低值区集中在人口密度高、绿色开敞空间资源规模小的中心城区周边;不同人群的绿色开敞空间可达性总体格局相似,但在数值上老年人可达性均值是其他年龄段的14.60%,工作人群可达性均值是居住人群的86.02%,老年人作为弱势群体在享受绿色开敞空间服务中被边缘化。研究结果可为优化南京市绿色开敞空间布局提供科学依据,也可为其他公共服务设施可达性评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于景观可达性的城市绿地系统承载力估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭微  陈平  唐洁  俞龙生 《生态学杂志》2012,31(1):165-171
选取佛山市顺德区中心城区为研究样区,以景观可达性分析为基础,评价了城市绿地系统的生态服务功能等级服务范围,并结合街区人口密度估算绿地系统服务人口和承载力。结果表明:研究区城市绿地类型和斑块布局不均匀,绿地主要分布在中西部,而东部和北部较少;根据不同绿地类型的生态服务功能差异,采用费用加权距离法将研究区绿地系统服务范围划分为Ⅰ~Ⅴ级服务区,综合反映出绿地系统的空间可达性和生态服务功能差异;绿地系统服务人口大部分处于Ⅰ~Ⅲ级服务区内。基于人均绿地面积标准推算适宜的人口密度,并与绿地系统服务人口比较表明,研究区绿地系统服务人口已超过绿地承载能力。  相似文献   

With growing urbanization, it is becoming increasingly important to design cities in a manner that sustains and enhances biodiversity and ecosystem services. Native bees are critical pollinators that have experienced substantive declines over the past several decades. These declines have captured the attention of the public, particularly urbanites, prompting a large interest in protecting pollinators and their habitats in cities across North America and Europe. Unfortunately, we currently lack research about specific features of urban environments that can enhance the fitness of pollinators. We carried out an intensive study of Bombus impatiens, the Common Eastern Bumblebee, in the city of Toronto (Canada''s largest city), to better understand landscape parameters that provide high‐quality habitat for this species and likely other generalist bees. We divided the city into 270 grid cells and sampled a large number of worker bees, which were then genotyped at twelve hypervariable microsatellite loci. The genetic data allowed us to quantify the effective number of colonies and foraging distance for bumblebees in our study area. We then asked how the city''s landscape and human population demography and income are associated with the availability of high‐quality habitat for B. impatiens. Several aspects of Toronto''s landscape influenced colony density and foraging range. Urbanization had a clear effect on both colony density and foraging distance of workers. On the other hand, functional (i.e., not cosmetic) green space was often associated with higher quality habitats for bumblebees. Our study suggests several planning strategies to enhance habitat quality for bumblebees and other pollinators in cities.  相似文献   

Urban green space (UGS) availability has become an increasingly important aspect of planning and research because of the importance of green spaces for the wellbeing of urban residents. Municipalities across the European Union (EU) use different indicators in this area. Some cities provide per-capita threshold values for urban green space (UGS); some have recommendations regarding the minimum distance to green space while others have no recommendations at all. In this study, we assess green space availability in 299 EU cities according to land use and a population data grid. The results show a diverse picture across the EU. Southern European cities show below-average availability values, which may be explained by their low forest and tree cover and reflect the history of cities in Southern Europe. Comparatively, the above-average availability values in Northern European cities are a result of not only their biophysical conditions and the presence of rich forestland in general but also of Northern European attitudes toward urban living that naturally value having forests close to home.This assessment is complemented by a detailed case study analysis of two European cities ⿿ Berlin, Germany and ſódź, Poland. Results showed that this approach's explanatory power depends on the data used, scale of interest, resolution of data and estimated threshold value. By comparing results using different datasets and threshold values, we discuss opportunities and limitations for developing indicators of green space availability. We conclude that UGS availability is an important indicator to navigate urban complexity to improve human health and wellbeing but is only one component of the intricate social-ecological interactions within cities.  相似文献   

Carly Ziter 《Oikos》2016,125(6):761-768
By 2050, up to 75% of people globally will live in cities. Despite the potential ramifications of this urbanization for ecosystem services (ES), and the importance of locally produced ES for the health and wellbeing of urban residents, syntheses addressing the underlying ecology of ES provision rarely include urban areas. Here, I conduct a quantitative review of urban ES studies in the ecological literature, synthesizing trends across the discipline. I also quantify the extent to which this work considers the organisms and ecosystem components responsible for ES provision using two approaches: assessment of biodiversity–ES relationships, and an adaptation of the service provider concept. The majority of urban ES studies were conducted in western, developed countries, and typically assessed a single service in a single city – largely ignoring ES synergies and tradeoffs, and cross‐city comparisons. While several different ES are studied in urban ecosystems, the field is dominated by weather and climate‐related regulating services, with assessments of cultural services particularly lacking. Most studies described a habitat type as the service provider; however, studies that considered the biodiversity–ES relationship were more likely to identify a specific functional group, community, or population as the key provider of an ES. The biodiversity–ES relationship itself was most frequently characterized as dependent on the composition of species, functional traits, or structures, rather than correlated with the magnitude of any specific biodiversity metric. While the study of ES in urban ecosystems is increasing, there exists considerable room for further research. Future studies would benefit by expanding the number and categories of ES assessed within and across cities, as well as broadening the geographical scope of urban ES research. Biodiversity–ES assessments in urban ecosystems would also benefit from an expansion of the biodiversity types considered, particularly regarding non‐species based approaches, and consideration of non‐native and invasive species. Synthesis Urban ecosystem services (ES) affect the health and wellbeing of over 3.5 billion people who live in cities. However, syntheses addressing ES provision rarely include urban areas. I conducted the first quantitative review focused explicitly on the ecology of urban ES, including the role of biodiversity in service provision. I found that studies typically measure only a single service in one city, precluding assessment of ES synergies, tradeoffs, and cross‐city comparisons. I also found that while most studies attribute ES provision to a habitat or land‐use type, studies that consider biodiversity‐ES relationships are more likely to recognize a specific functional group, community, or population as the key provider of an ES.  相似文献   

陈明  胡义  戴菲 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):74-78
缓解大气颗粒物污染、营造清洁健康的城市环境是中国绝大部分城市须解决的问题之一。城市绿地能有效缓解PM2.5,然而当前对绿地空间形态的研究不足,导致能在规划设计中直接应用的成果不多。基于武汉市9个城市绿地空间形态要素量化差异与实地测量的PM2.5浓度大小,探索二者深层的量化关系规律。结果显示:1)PM2.5消减量随绿地规模的增加呈增长趋势,当规模大于5~10 hm2消减量减缓;2)绿地面积、周长及形状指数与PM2.5的消减量显著正相关,分维指数与近圆形形状指数相关性不显著;3)PM2.5的消减效率随绿地规模的增加急剧下降,当绿地规模超过5~10 hm2,消减效率变化不明显。通过量化分析,揭示对PM2.5消减具有显著影响的城市绿地空间形态指标,提出适当的规模、不规则或复杂的绿地形态及分散式的布局等绿地优化策略。  相似文献   

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