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Plasma serotonin levels and the platelet serotonin transporter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Serotonin (5HT) is a platelet-stored vasoconstrictor. Altered concentrations of circulating 5HT are implicated in several pathologic conditions, including hypertension. The actions of 5HT are mediated by different types of receptors and terminated by a single 5HT transporter (SERT). Therefore, SERT is a major mechanism that regulates plasma 5HT levels to prevent vasoconstriction and thereby secure a stable blood flow. In this study, the response of platelet SERT to the plasma 5HT levels was examined within two models: (i) in subjects with chronic hypertension or normotension; (ii) on platelets isolated from normotensive subjects and pretreated with 5HT at various concentrations. The platelet 5HT uptake rates were lower during hypertension due to a decrease in Vmax with a similar Km; also, the decrease in Vmax was primarily due to a decrease in the density of SERT on the platelet membrane, with no change in whole cell expression. Additionally, while the platelet 5HT content decreased 33%, the plasma 5HT content increased 33%. Furthermore, exogenous 5HT altered the 5HT uptake rates by changing the density of SERT molecules on the plasma membrane in a biphasic manner. Therefore, we hypothesize that in a hypertensive state, the elevated plasma 5HT levels induces a loss in 5HT uptake function in platelets via a decrease in the density of SERT molecules on the plasma membrane. Through the feedback effect of this proposed mechanism, plasma 5HT controls its own concentration levels by modulating the uptake properties of platelet SERT.  相似文献   

Low serotonin function is associated with alcoholism, leading to speculation that increasing serotonin function could decrease ethanol consumption. Mice with one or two deletions of the serotonin transporter (SERT) gene have increased extracellular serotonin. To examine the relationship between SERT genotype and motivation for alcohol, we compared ethanol self‐administration in mice with zero (knockout, KO), one (HET) or two copies (WT) of the SERT gene. All three genotypes learned to self‐administer ethanol. The SSRI, fluvoxamine, decreased responding for ethanol in the HET and WT, but not the KO mice. When tested under a progressive ratio schedule, KO mice had lower breakpoints than HET or WT. As work requirements were increased across sessions, behavioral economic analysis of ethanol self‐administration indicated that the decreased breakpoint in KO as compared to HET or WT mice was a result of lower levels of unconstrained demand, rather than differences in elasticity, i.e. the proportional decreases in ethanol earned with increasing work requirements were similar across genotypes. The difference in unconstrained demand was unlikely to result from motor or general motivational factors, as both WT and KO mice responded at high levels for a 50% condensed milk solution. As elasticity is hypothesized to measure essential value, these results indicate that KO value ethanol similarly to WT or HET mice despite having lower break points for ethanol .  相似文献   

Although mice with a targeted disruption of the serotonin transporter (SERT) have been studied extensively using various tests, their complex behavioral phenotype is not yet fully understood. Here we assess in detail the behavior of adult female SERT wild type (+/+), heterozygous (+/-) and knockout (-/-) mice on an isogenic C57BL/6J background subjected to a battery of behavioral paradigms. Overall, there were no differences in the ability to find food or a novel object, nest-building, self-grooming and its sequencing, and horizontal rod balancing, indicating unimpaired sensory functions, motor co-ordination and behavioral sequencing. In contrast, there were striking reductions in exploration and activity in novelty-based tests (novel object, sticky label and open field tests), accompanied by pronounced thigmotaxis, suggesting that combined hypolocomotion and anxiety (rather than purely anxiety) influence the SERT -/- behavioral phenotype. Social interaction behaviors were also markedly reduced. In addition, SERT -/- mice tended to move close to the ground, frequently displayed spontaneous Straub tail, tics, tremor and backward gait - a phenotype generally consistent with 'serotonin syndrome'-like behavior. In line with replicated evidence of much enhanced serotonin availability in SERT -/- mice, this serotonin syndrome-like state may represent a third factor contributing to their behavioral profile. An understanding of the emerging complexity of SERT -/- mouse behavior is crucial for a detailed dissection of their phenotype and for developing further neurobehavioral models using these mice.  相似文献   

Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) null mutant mice provide a model system to study the role genetic variation in the 5-HTT plays in the regulation of emotion. Anxiety-like behaviors were assessed in 5-HTT null mutants with the mutation placed on either a B6 congenic or a 129S6 congenic background. Replicating previous findings, B6 congenic 5-HTT null mutants exhibited increased anxiety-like behavior and reduced exploratory locomotion on the light ↔ dark exploration and elevated plus-maze tests. In contrast, 129S6 congenic 5-HTT null mutant mice showed no phenotypic abnormalities on either test. 5-HTT null mutants on the 129S6 background showed reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding (as measured by quantitative autoradiography) and reduced 5-HT1A receptor function (as measured by 8-OH-DPAT-indcued hypothermia). These data confirm that the 5-HTT null mutation produced alterations in brain 5-HT function in mice on the 129S6 background, thereby discounting the possibility that the absence of an abnormal anxiety-like phenotype in these mice was due to a suppression of the mutation by 129 modifier genes. Anxiety-like behaviors in the light ↔ dark exploration and elevated plus-maze tests were significantly higher in 129S6 congenic +/+ mice as compared to B6 congenic +/+ mice. This suggests that high baseline anxiety-like behavior in the 129S6 strain might have precluded detection of the anxiety-like effects of the 5-HTT null mutation on this background. Present findings provide further evidence linking genetic variation in the 5-HTT to abnormalities in mood and anxiety. Furthermore, these data highlight the utility of conducting behavioral phenotyping of mutant mice on multiple genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Wang XJ  Zhong SR  Bao JJ  Dou SJ  Wu WY  Jing Q 《遗传》2011,33(1):48-53
为了探讨云南汉族人群中5-羟色胺转运体基因启动子区多态性(5-HTTLPR)与酒精依赖的关联性, 文章采用PCR扩增和DNA测序技术, 对云南地区118例酒精依赖患者和214例健康对照个体进行了5-HTTLPR的基因多态性分析。结果表明: 酒精依赖患者组和正常对照组的5-HTTLPR的基因型分布存在显著性差异, L/L和L/S基因的携带者人群嗜酒发生率显著低于S/S基因型人群(OR: 0.581, P=0.026)。S和L等位基因频率在两组间无统计学差异(χ2=2.594, P=0.107), 但其分布存在种族差异性。因此, 云南地区人群中5-HTTLPR多态与酒精依赖存在相关性, L/L和L/S基因型可能是降低酒精依赖发病的影响因子之一。  相似文献   

Meta‐analyses evaluating the association between the serotonin transporter polymorphism (5‐HTTLPR) with neuroticism and depression diagnosis as phenotypes have been inconclusive. We examined a gene–environment interaction on a cognitive vulnerability marker of depression, cognitive reactivity (CR) to sad mood. A total of 250 university students of European ancestry were genotyped for the 5‐HTTLPR, including SNP rs25531, a polymorphism of the long allele. Association analysis was performed for neuroticism, CR and depression diagnosis (using a self‐report measure). As an environmental pathogen, self‐reported history of childhood emotional abuse was measured because of its strong relationship with depression. Participants with the homozygous low expressing genotype had high CR if they had experienced childhood emotional maltreatment but low CR if they did not have such experience. This interaction was strongest on the Rumination subscale of the CR measure. The interaction was not significant with neuroticism or depression diagnosis as outcome measures. Our results show that 5‐HTTLPR is related to cognitive vulnerability to depression. Our findings provide evidence for a differential susceptibility genotype rather than a vulnerability genotype, possibly because of the relatively low levels of abuse in our sample. The selection of phenotype and environmental contributor is pivotal in investigating gene–environment interactions in psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Iceta R  Mesonero JE  Alcalde AI 《Life sciences》2007,80(16):1517-1524
Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) broadly used in the treatment of human mood disorders and gastrointestinal diseases involving the serotoninergic system. The effectiveness of this therapy depends on repeated long-term treatment. Most of the long-term studies in vivo of SSRI effects on serotoninergic activity have focused on their effects on autoreceptors or postsynaptic receptors. The chronic effect of SSRIs on the activity of the serotonin transporter (SERT) has been less studied and the results have been contradictory. The aim of this study was to determine the specific effect of long-term fluoxetine treatment on human serotonin transporter (hSERT) in vitro, by using the human enterocyte-like cell line Caco-2. Results show that fluoxetine diminished the 5-HT uptake in a concentration-dependent way and that this effect was reversible. Fluoxetine affected mainly the hSERT transport rate by reducing the availability of the transporter in the membrane with no significant alteration of either the total hSERT protein content or the hSERT mRNA level. These results suggest that the effect of fluoxetine on the expression of hSERT is post-translational and has shown itself to be independent of PKC and PKA activity. This study may be useful to clarify the effect of the long-term fluoxetine therapy in both gastrointestinal and central nervous system disorders.  相似文献   

The serotonin transporter (SERT) shapes serotonergic neurotransmission by retrieving its eponymous substrate from the synaptic cleft. Ligands that discriminate between SERT and its close relative, the dopamine transporter DAT, differ in their association rate constant rather than their dissociation rate. The structural basis for this phenomenon is not known. Here we examined the hypothesis that the extracellular loops 2 (EL2) and 4 (EL4) limit access to the ligand-binding site of SERT. We employed an antibody directed against EL4 (residues 388–400) and the antibody fragments 8B6 scFv (directed against EL2 and EL4) and 15B8 Fab (directed against EL2) and analyzed their effects on the transport cycle of and inhibitor binding to SERT. Electrophysiological recordings showed that the EL4 antibody and 8B6 scFv impeded the initial substrate-induced transition from the outward to the inward-facing conformation but not the forward cycling mode of SERT. In contrast, binding of radiolabeled inhibitors to SERT was enhanced by either EL4- or EL2-directed antibodies. We confirmed this observation by determining the association and dissociation rate of the DAT-selective inhibitor methylphenidate via electrophysiological recordings; occupancy of EL2 with 15B8 Fab enhanced the affinity of SERT for methylphenidate by accelerating its binding. Based on these observations, we conclude that (i) EL4 undergoes a major movement during the transition from the outward to the inward-facing state, and (ii) EL2 and EL4 limit access of inhibitors to the binding of SERT, thus acting as a selectivity filter. This insight has repercussions for drug development.  相似文献   

Two distinct variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) within the human serotonin transporter gene ( SLC6A4 ) have been implicated as predisposing factors for CNS disorders. The linked polymorphic region in the 5'-promoter exists as short ( s ) and long ( l ) alleles of a 22 or 23 bp elements. The second within intron 2 (Stin2) exists as three variants containing 9, 10 or 12 copies of a 16 or 17 bp element. These VNTRs, individually or in combination, supported differential reporter gene expression in rat neonate prefrontal cortical cultures. The level of reporter gene activity from the dual VNTR constructs indicated combinatorial action between the two domains. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated that both these VNTR domains can bind the CCCTC-binding factor and this correlated with the ability of exogenously supplied CCCTC-binding factor to modulate the expression supported by these reporter gene constructs. We suggest that the potential for interaction between multiple polymorphic domains should be incorporated into genetic association studies.  相似文献   

The human serotonin transporter (hSERT) terminates neurotransmission by removing serotonin (5HT) from the synaptic cleft, an essential process for proper functioning of serotonergic neurons. Structures of the hSERT have revealed its molecular architecture in four conformations, including the outward-open and occluded states, and show the transporter’s engagement with co-transported ions and the binding mode of inhibitors. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism by which the hSERT occludes and sequesters the substrate 5HT. This first step of substrate uptake into cells is a structural change consisting of the transition from the outward-open to the occluded state. Inhibitors such as the antidepressants citalopram, fluoxetine, and sertraline inhibit this step of the transport cycle. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we reached a fully occluded state, in which the transporter-bound 5HT becomes fully shielded from both sides of the membrane by two closed hydrophobic gates. Analysis of 5HT-triggered occlusion showed that bound 5HT serves as an essential trigger for transporter occlusion. Moreover, simulations revealed a complex sequence of steps and showed that movements of bundle domain helices are only partially correlated. 5HT-triggered occlusion is initially dominated by movements of transmembrane helix 1b, while in the final step, only transmembrane helix 6a moves and relaxes an intermediate change in its secondary structure.  相似文献   

The long allele variant of the serotonin transporter (SERT, 5‐HTT) gene‐linked polymorphic region (5‐HTTLPR) is associated with higher levels of 5‐HTT expression and reduced risk of developing affective disorders. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying this protective effect. One hypothesis is that 5‐HTT expression influences aversive information processing, with reduced negative cognitive bias present in those with higher 5‐HTT expression. Here we investigated this hypothesis using genetically‐modified mice and a novel aversive learning paradigm. Mice with high levels of 5‐HTT expression (5‐HTT over‐expressing, 5‐HTTOE mice) and wild‐type mice were trained to discriminate between three distinct auditory cues: one cue predicted footshock on all trials (CS+); a second cue predicted the absence of footshock (CS?); and a third cue predicted footshock on 20% of trials (CS20%), and was therefore ambiguous. Wild‐type mice exhibited equivalently high levels of fear to the CS+ and CS20% and minimal fear to the CS?. In contrast, 5‐HTTOE mice exhibited high levels of fear to the CS+ but minimal fear to the CS? and the CS20%. This selective reduction in fear to ambiguous aversive cues suggests that increased 5‐HTT expression reduces negative cognitive bias for stimuli with uncertain outcomes.  相似文献   

To date, the development of photoaffinity ligands targeting the human serotonin transporter (hSERT), a key protein involved in disease states such as depression and anxiety, have been radioisotope-based (i.e., 3H or 125I). This letter instead highlights three derivatives of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) (S)-citalopram that were rationally designed and synthesized to contain a photoreactive benzophenone or an aryl azide for protein target capture via photoaffinity labeling and a terminal alkyne or an aliphatic azide for click chemistry-based proteomics. Specifically, clickable benzophenone-based (S)-citalopram photoprobe 6 (hSERT Ki?=?0.16?nM) displayed 11-fold higher binding affinity at hSERT when compared to (S)-citalopram (hSERT Ki?=?1.77?nM), and was subsequently shown to successfully undergo tandem photoaffinity labeling-biorthogonal conjugation using purified hSERT. Given clickable photoprobes can be used for various applications depending on which reporter is attached by click chemistry subsequent to photoaffinity labeling, photoprobe 6 is expected to find value in structure-function studies and other research applications involving hSERT (e.g., imaging).  相似文献   

The human serotonin transporter (hSERT) regulates neurotransmission by removing released serotonin (5-HT) from the synapse. Previous studies identified residues in SERT transmembrane helices (TMHs) I and III as interaction sites for substrates and antagonists. Despite an abundance of data supporting a 12-TMH topology, the arrangement of the TMHs in SERT and other biogenic amine transporters remains undetermined. A high-resolution structure of a bacterial leucine transporter that demonstrates homology with SERT has been reported, thus providing the basis for the development of a SERT model. Zn2+-binding sites have been utilized in transporters and receptors to define experimentally TMH proximity. Focusing on residues near the extracellular ends of hSERT TMHs I and III, we engineered potential Zn2+-binding sites between V102 or W103 (TMH I) and I179-L184 (TMH III). Residues were mutated to either histidine or cysteine. TMH I/III double mutants were constructed from functional TMH I mutants, and Zn2+ sensitivity was assessed. Dose-response assays suggest an approximately twofold increase in sensitivity to Zn2+ inhibition at the hSERT V102C/M180C and approximately fourfold at the V102C/I179C mutant compared to the hSERT V102C single mutant. We propose that the increased sensitivity to Zn2+ confirms the proximity and the orientation of TMHs I and III in the membrane. Homology modeling of the proposed Zn2+-binding sites using the coordinates of the Aquifex aeolicus leucine transporter structure provided a structural basis for interpreting the results and developing conclusions.  相似文献   


The human serotonin transporter (hSERT) played a significant role in neurological process whose structural basis had been analysed for many years. Recently, the first homology model was constructed for hSERT based on the crystal structure of drosophila melanogaster dopamine transporter was published, and the inhibitory mechanism underlying the binding mode between hSERT and approved antidepressants was substantially investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Right after this publication, the X-ray crystallographic structures of hSERT were reported, which provided a good opportunity to reassess the performance of previous simulation. In this study, the analyses of side-chain contact map, stereochemical quality and ligand-binding pocket were firstly conducted, which revealed that the constructed homology model of hSERT could successfully reproduce the reported crystal structure. Secondly, the approved antidepressant escitalopram was docked into the X-ray structure, and its binding pose was consistent with the reported docking pose in the homology model. Finally, MD simulation were performed based on the crystal structure of hSERT, and structural features revealed as critical for escitalopram-hSERT interaction by previous simulation were successfully recaptured. Thus, the newly reported X-ray crystal structure of hSERT was precisely predicted by computational model, which demonstrated its reliability in understanding the pharmacology of other human monoamine transporters whose 3-D structure remained unknown.  相似文献   

A number of studies in recent years have linked polymorphisms within the serotonin transporter (5HTT) gene to affective disorders and anxiety traits. The human 5HTT mRNA is alternatively spliced, and the splice variants are equally expressed in the human placental cell line and dorsal raphe. In this study, using 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends, we show that the rat 5HTT mRNA is alternatively spliced, leading to three distinct mRNAs differing in the 5' untranslated region. To determine whether the three alternatively spliced mRNA species that contain one of the following untranslated regions (i) exon 1A, 63 bp (ii) exon 1A + 1B, 125 bp or (iii) exon 1C, 101 bp, were expressed in a tissue-specific manner, we used RT-PCR and exon-specific oligonucleotide hybridization. Our results suggest two of the variants (1A + 1B and 1A) may utilize the same promoter; however, they are not equally expressed. While in the adult CNS and adrenal medulla, the shorter mRNA consisting of exon 1A was considerably more abundant, in the stomach and heart, the two variants were equally expressed. The third splice variant exon 1C is only expressed in the gut and to a lesser extent in the heart. The data from this study suggest the splice variant consisting of exon 1C may utilize a distinct promoter compared to the other two.  相似文献   

Human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with the rat plasmalemmal serotonin transporter (rSERT) were incubated with 5-[3H]hydroxytryptamine ([3H]5-HT) and superfused. Substrates of the rSERT, such as p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) or methylenedioxymethamphetamine, concentration-dependently increased basal efflux of [3H]5-HT. 5-HT reuptake blockers (e.g., imipramine, citalopram) also caused an enhancement of [3H]5-HT efflux, reaching about half the maximal effect of the rSERT substrates. In uptake experiments, both groups of substances concentration-dependently inhibited 5-HT uptake. EC50 values obtained in superfusion experiments significantly correlated with IC50 values from uptake studies (r2 = 0.92). Addition of the Na+,K(+)-ATPase inhibitor ouabain (100 microM) to or the omission of K+ from the superfusion buffer accelerated basal efflux. The effect of PCA (10 microM) was markedly enhanced by both measures, whereas the effect of uptake inhibitors remained unchanged. When [3H]MPP+, a substrate with low affinity for the rSERT, was used instead of [3H]5-HT for labeling the cells, uptake inhibitors failed to augment efflux. By contrast, PCA accelerated [3H]MPP+ efflux, and its effect was strongly enhanced in the presence of ouabain. The results suggest that the [3H]5-HT efflux caused by substrates of rSERT is carrier-mediated, whereas efflux induced by uptake inhibitors is a consequence of interrupted high-affinity reuptake that is ongoing even under superfusion conditions.  相似文献   

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