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Tursia flabelliformisigen. et isp. nov. is described from the lower Pleistocene Argille Subappennine Formation near Tursi, southern Italy. The trace fossil occurs in protected sandy shoreface sediments and is associated with abundantBichordites. Tursia is a vertical fan-shaped spreite structure that is interpreted as the feeding trace of a deep infaunal deposit-feeding organism, either bivalve or “worm.”  相似文献   

Shallow lakes respond to nutrient loading reductions. Major findings in a recent multi-lake comparison of data from lakes with long time series revealed: that a new state of equilibrium was typically reached for phosphorus (P) after 10–15 years and for nitrogen (N) after <5–10 years; that the in-lake Total N:Total P and inorganic N:P ratios increased; that the phytoplankton and fish biomass often decreased; that the percentage of piscivores often increased as did the zooplankton:phytoplankton biomass ratio, the contribution of Daphnia to zooplankton biomass, and cladoceran size. This indicates that enhanced resource and predator control often interact during recovery from eutrophication. So far, focus has been directed at reducing external loading of P. However, one experimental study and cross-system analyses of data from many lakes in north temperate lakes indicate that nitrogen may play a more significant role for abundance and species richness of submerged plants than usually anticipated when total phosphorus is moderate high. According to the alternative states hypothesis we should expect ecological resistance to nutrient loading reduction and P hysteresis. We present results suggesting that the two alternative states are less stable than originally anticipated. How global warming affects the water clarity of shallow lakes is debatable. We suggest that water clarity often will decrease due to either enhanced growth of phytoplankton or, if submerged macrophytes are stimulated, by reduced capacity of these plants to maintain clear-water conditions. The latter is supported by a cross-system comparison of lakes in Florida and Denmark. The proportion of small fish might increase and we might see higher aggregation of fish within the vegetation (leading to loss of zooplankton refuges), more annual fish cohorts, more omnivorous feeding by fish and less specialist piscivory. Moreover, lakes may have prolonged growth seasons with a higher risk of long-lasting algal blooms and at places dense floating plant communities. The effects of global warming need to be taken into consideration by lake managers when setting future targets for critical loading, as these may well have to be adjusted in the future. Finally, we highlight some of the future challenges we see in lake restoration research.  相似文献   

This investigation reports the nanomechanical properties of shallow water shrimp exoskeleton at temperatures ranging from 30 ℃ to 80 ℃ measured using nanoindentation experiments. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) measurements suggest that the shrimp exoskeleton has the Bouligand structure in its layers, a key characteristic of the crustaceans. The thickness of the layers and packing density are found to be different from that of lobsters and crabs reported earlier in the literature. Mechanical properties at high temperatures are determined using micro materials nanoindentation test set up combined with the hot stage. The properties measured during nanoindentation test are corrected for the creep and thermal drift during the experiments. The reduced modulus values are found to be around 28 GPa at 30 ℃ that reduces to approximately 24 GPa at 80 ℃. The hardness values also decrease from 1.6 GPa at 30 ℃ to around 1.2 GPa at 80 ℃. The indentation size effect is found to be absent at all temperatures. Creep mechanisms of polymers like materials and its temperature dependence are discussed to give more insight into the deformation mechanism.  相似文献   

We sequenced 20 new, field-collected individuals for up to seven genes to explore the phylogeography and conservation genetics of the threatened Nile softshell turtle Trionyx triunguis, including the first known-locality specimen from sub-Saharan Africa. Samples from Cameroon (West Africa), the Mediterranean and Nile River differed by at most a single nucleotide per gene, indicating the potential for a recent connection between these currently disjunct populations via the Nile–Congo River systems. Recently reported mitochondrial diversity between Mediterranean and “sub-Saharan” samples of the Nile softshell indicate that significant divergence exists across the species’ range, but that variation cannot be fully incorporated into our analysis since those samples lack specific locality data.  相似文献   

Pigment-based chemotaxonomy and CHEMTAX software have proven to be a valuable phytoplankton monitoring tool in marine environments, but are yet underdeveloped to determine algal assemblages in freshwater ecosystems. The main objectives of this study were (1) to compare the results of direct microscopy and CHEMTAX in describing phytoplankton community composition dynamics in a large, shallow and eutrophic lake; (2) to analyze the efficiency of the pigment-based method to detect changes in phytoplankton seasonal dynamics and during rapid bloom periods; (3) to assess the suitability of specific marker pigments and available marker pigment:chlorophyll a ratios to follow seasonal changes in eutrophic freshwater environment. A 5-year (2009-2013) parallel phytoplankton assessment by direct microscopy and by CHEMTAX was conducted using published marker pigment:chlorophyll a ratios. Despite displaying some differences from microscopy results, the pigment-based method successfully described the overall pattern of phytoplankton community dynamics during seasonal cycle in a eutrophic lake. Good agreement between the methods was achieved for most phytoplankton groups - cyanobacteria, chlorophytes, diatoms and cryptophytes. The agreement was poor in case of chrysophytes and dinoflagellates. Our study shows clearly that published marker pigment:chlorophyll a ratios can be used to describe algal class abundances, but they need to be calibrated for specific freshwater environment. Broader use of this method would enable to expand monitoring networks and increase measurement frequencies of freshwater ecosystems to meet the goals of the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated alternative regimes in shallow lake ecosystems around the world, with one state dominated by submerged macrophytes and the other by phytoplankton. However, the stability of each regime, and thresholds at which lakes shift to the alternative regime, are poorly known. We used a cross-sectional analysis of 72 shallow lakes located in prairie and parkland areas of Minnesota, USA, during 2005 and 2006 to assess the occurrence of alternative regimes and shifts between them. Cluster analysis revealed two distinct groups of lakes characterized not only by different macrophyte abundance and chlorophyll a levels but also by different total phosphorus–chlorophyll a relationships. Thirty-nine lakes were macrophyte- and 23 lakes phytoplankton-dominated in both years, whereas 10 sites shifted sharply between those regimes. We failed to detect a universal shifting threshold in terms of chlorophyll a or total phosphorus. However, 95% of the lakes with chlorophyll a concentrations less than 22 μg l−1 were in a clear-water regime, whereas 95% of the lakes with chlorophyll a higher than 31 μg l−1 were in a turbid regime. Total phosphorus less than 62 μg l−1 was an accurate predictor of lakes in a stable clear-water regime, whereas a large change in biomass of planktivores and benthivores between years was the only variable weakly related to regime shifts. Our results support the theoretical prediction that regime thresholds vary among lakes. We recommend that lake managers focus on improving resilience of clear regimes in shallow lakes by reducing nutrient loading, rather than attempting to identify and manage complex triggers of regime shifts. Author contributions KDZ, MAH, BRH, and MLK all contributed to the design of the study, performed the research, analyzed data, and helped write the article.  相似文献   

Despite the recognition that viruses are ubiquitous components of aquatic ecosystems, the number of studies on viral abundance and the ecological role of viruses in sediments is scarce. In this investigation, the interactions between viruses and bacteria were studied in the oxygenated silty sediment layer of a mesotrophic oxbow lake. A long-term study (13 months) and a diel study revealed that viruses are a numerically important and dynamic component of the microbial community. The abundance and decay rates ranged from 4.3 × 109 to 7.2 × 109 particles ml of wet sediment−1 and from undetectable to 22.2 × 107 particles ml−1 h−1, respectively, and on average the values were 2 orders of magnitude higher than the values for the overlying water. In contrast to our expectations, viruses did not contribute significantly to the bacterial mortality in the sediment, since on average only 6% (range, 0 to 25%) of the bacterial secondary production was controlled by viruses. The low impact of viruses on the bacterial community may be associated with the quantitatively low viral burden that benthic bacteria have to cope with compared to the viral burden with which bacterial assemblages in the water column are confronted. The virus-to-bacterium ratio of the sediment varied between 0.9 and 3.2, compared to a range of 5.0 to 12.4 obtained for the water column. We speculate that despite high numbers of potential hosts, the possibility of encountering a host cell is limited by the physical conditions in the sediment, which is therefore not a favorable environment for viral proliferation. Our data suggest that viruses do not play an important role in the processing and transfer of bacterial carbon in the oxygenated sediment layer of the environment investigated.  相似文献   

In addition to efforts aimed at reducing anthropogenic production of greenhouse gases, geological storage of CO2 is being explored as a strategy to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gas emission and mitigate climate change. Previous studies of the deep subsurface in North America have not fully considered the potential negative effects of CO2 leakage into shallow drinking water aquifers, especially from a microbiological perspective. A test well in the Newark Rift Basin was utilized in two field experiments to investigate patterns of microbial succession following injection of CO2-saturated water into an isolated aquifer interval, simulating a CO2 leakage scenario. A decrease in pH following injection of CO2 saturated aquifer water was accompanied by mobilization of trace elements (e.g. Fe and Mn), and increased bacterial cell concentrations in the recovered water. 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence libraries from samples collected before and after the test well injection were compared to link variability in geochemistry to changes in aquifer microbiology. Significant changes in microbial composition, compared to background conditions, were found following the test well injections, including a decrease in Proteobacteria, and an increased presence of Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia and microbial taxa often noted to be associated with iron and sulfate reduction. The concurrence of increased microbial cell concentrations and rapid microbial community succession indicate significant changes in aquifer microbial communities immediately following the experimental CO2 leakage event. Samples collected one year post-injection were similar in cell number to the original background condition and community composition, although not identical, began to revert toward the pre-injection condition, indicating microbial resilience following a leakage disturbance. This study provides a first glimpse into the in situ successional response of microbial communities to CO2 leakage after subsurface injection in the Newark Basin and the potential microbiological impact of CO2 leakage on drinking water resources.  相似文献   

Top–down control of phytoplankton biomass through piscivorous fish manipulation has been explored in numerous ecological and biomanipulation experiments. Piscivores are gape-limited predators and it is hypothesized that the distribution of gape sizes relative to distribution of body depths of prey fish may restrict piscivore effects cascading to plankton. We examined the top–down effects of piscivorous largemouth bass on nutrients, turbidity, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish in ponds containing fish assemblages with species representing a range of body sizes and feeding habits (western mosquitofish, bluegill, channel catfish, gizzard shad and common carp). The experimental design consisted of three replicated treatments: fishless ponds (NF), fish community without largemouth bass (FC), and fish community with largemouth bass (FCB). Turbidity, chlorophyll a, cyclopoid copepodid and copepod nauplii densities were significantly greater in FC and FCB ponds than in NF ponds. However, these response variables were not significantly different in FC and FCB ponds. The biomass and density of shallow-bodied western mosquitofish were reduced and bluegill body depths shifted toward larger size classes in the presence of largemouth bass, but the biomass and density of all other fish species and of the total fish community were unaffected by the presence of largemouth bass. Our results show that top–down impacts of largemouth bass in ecosystems containing small- and deep-bodied fish species may be most intense at the top of the food web and alter the size distribution and species composition of the fish community. However, these top–down effects may not cascade to the level of the plankton when large-bodied benthivorous fish species are abundant.  相似文献   

Eleven taxa including one new species of gammaridean amphipods are reported from the waters of Pulau Tioman. The presence of Tethygeneia sunda sp. n. represents the first record of the genus from the South China Sea. Additional material of Ampelisca brevicornis (Costa, 1853); Cymadusa vadosa Imbach, 1967; Paradexamine setigera Hirayama, 1984; Ericthonius pugnax (Dana, 1853); Leucothoe furina (Savigny, 1816); Microlysias xenokeras (Stebbing, 1918); Monoculodes muwoni Jo, 1990 are identified from the South China Sea, supporting previous records by Lowry (2000), Huang (1994), Imbach (1967), Margulis (1968) and Nagata (1959). Three additional species, Gitanopsis pusilla K.H. Barnard, 1916, Liljeborgia japonica Nagata, 1965b and Latigammaropsis atlantica (Stebbing, 1888), whilst previously reported from the neighbouring waters, comprise new records for the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Recent advances in training deep (multi-layer) architectures have inspired a renaissance in neural network use. For example, deep convolutional networks are becoming the default option for difficult tasks on large datasets, such as image and speech recognition. However, here we show that error rates below 1% on the MNIST handwritten digit benchmark can be replicated with shallow non-convolutional neural networks. This is achieved by training such networks using the ‘Extreme Learning Machine’ (ELM) approach, which also enables a very rapid training time (∼ 10 minutes). Adding distortions, as is common practise for MNIST, reduces error rates even further. Our methods are also shown to be capable of achieving less than 5.5% error rates on the NORB image database. To achieve these results, we introduce several enhancements to the standard ELM algorithm, which individually and in combination can significantly improve performance. The main innovation is to ensure each hidden-unit operates only on a randomly sized and positioned patch of each image. This form of random ‘receptive field’ sampling of the input ensures the input weight matrix is sparse, with about 90% of weights equal to zero. Furthermore, combining our methods with a small number of iterations of a single-batch backpropagation method can significantly reduce the number of hidden-units required to achieve a particular performance. Our close to state-of-the-art results for MNIST and NORB suggest that the ease of use and accuracy of the ELM algorithm for designing a single-hidden-layer neural network classifier should cause it to be given greater consideration either as a standalone method for simpler problems, or as the final classification stage in deep neural networks applied to more difficult problems.  相似文献   

Climatic variables, water quality, benthic fluxes, sediment properties, and infauna were measured six times over an annual cycle in a shallow sub-tropical embayment to characterize carbon and nutrient cycling, and elucidate the role of pelagic–benthic coupling. Organic carbon (OC) inputs to the bay are dominated by phytoplankton (mean 74%), followed by catchment inputs (15%), and benthic microalgae (BMA; 9%). The importance of catchment inputs was highly variable and dependent on antecedent rainfall, with significant storage of allochthonous OC in sediments following high flow events and remineralization of this material supporting productivity during the subsequent period. Outputs were dominated by benthic mineralization (mean 59% of total inputs), followed by pelagic mineralization (16%), burial (1%), and assimilation in macrofaunal biomass (2%). The net ecosystem metabolism (NEM = production minus respiration) varied between ?4 and 33% (mean 9%) of total primary production, whereas the productivity/respiration (p/r) ranged between 0.96 and 1.5 (mean 1.13). Up to 100% of the NEM is potentially removed via the demersal detritivore pathway. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) inputs from the catchment contributed less than 1% of the total phytoplankton demand, implicating internal DIN recycling (pelagic 23% and benthic 19%) and potentially benthic dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) fluxes (27%) or N fixation (up to 47%) as important processes sustaining productivity. Although phytoplankton dominated OC inputs in this system, BMA exerted strong seasonal controls over benthic DIN fluxes, limiting pelagic productivity when mixing/photic depth approached 1.3. The results of this study suggest low DIN:TOC and net autotrophic NEM may be a significant feature of shallow sub-tropical systems where the mixing/photic depth is consistently less than 4.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of the small fish community was studied seasonally in 1996 in the Biandantang Lake. Based on plant cover, the lake was divided into five habitats, arranged in the order by plant structure complexity from complex to simple: Vallisneria spiralis habitat (V habitat), Vallisneria spiralis–Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (V–M habitat), Myriophyllum spicatum habitat (M habitat), Nelunbo nucefera habitat (N habitat), and no vegetation habitat (NV habitat). A modified popnet was used for quantitative sampling of small fishes. A total of 16 fish species were collected; Hypseleotris swinhonis, Ctenogobius giurinus, Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius auratus and Paracheilognathus imberis were the five numerically dominant species. In both summer and autumn, the total density of small fishes was about 10indm–2. Generally, Ctenogobius giurinus, a sedatory, benthic fish, was distributed more or less evenly among the five habitats, while the other four species had lower densities in the N habitat and NV habitat, which had the simplest structures. The distribution of the small fish species showed seasonal variations. In winter, most species concentrated in the V habitat, which had the most complex structure. In spring, the fish had low densities in the N and NV habitat, and were more or less evenly distributed in the other habitats. In summer, the fish had a low density in the NV habitat, and were evenly distributed in the other habitats. In autumn, the fish had higher densities in the V–M and M habitats than in the others. Generally, spatial overlaps between the dominant species were higher in winter than in the other seasons. It was suggested that the variations in the importance of predation risk and resource competition in habitat choice determined the seasonal changes of spatial patterns in the small fishes in the Biandantang Lake.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal variation in bacterioplankton abundance, biomass, and bacterioplankton production was studied over eight years in hypertrophic Lake S?byg?rd. Biologically, the lake is highly variable; this is due mainly to large interannual variation in fish recruitment. Bacterioplankton production was low during winter, typically 1–3 × 107 cells l−1 h−1, and high during summer, albeit greatly fluctuating with maximum rates typically ranging from 60 to 90 × 107 cells l−1 h−1 (or 0.4 to 0.6 mg C l−1 day−1). Less pronounced variations were found in bacterioplankton abundance, which typically ranged from 3–8 × 109 cells l−1 in winter to 15–30 × 109 cells l−1 during summer. The specific growth rate of bacterioplankton varied from 0.02–0.2 d−1 in winter to 0.5–2.3 day−1 during summer. Interpolated mean bacterioplankton production, in terms of carbon, ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mg C l−1 day−1, corresponding to 1.6–5.5% of the phytoplankton production, while biomass ranged from 0.28 to 0.36 mg C l−1, corresponding to 1.9–4.6% of the phytoplankton biomass. We conducted regression analysis, relating the bacterioplankton variables to a number of environmental variables, and evaluated the interannual parameter variability. Chlorophyll a and phytoplankton production contributed less to the variation in the bacterioplankton variables than in most previous analyses using data from less eutrophic systems. We suggest that the proportion of phytoplankton production that is channelized through bacterioplankton in lakes decreases with increasing trophic state and decreasing mean depth. This probably reflects a concurrent increase in fish predation on macrozooplankton and loss by sedimentation. An important part of the residual variation in the equations hitherto proposed in the literature could be explained by variation in macrozooplankton biomass and pH > 10.2. A negative effect of high pH on bacterioplankton production was confirmed by laboratory experiments. The impact of different zooplankton varies considerably, with Daphnia seeming to have a negative impact on bacterioplankton abundance and, thereby, indirectly on bacterioplankton production, while Bosmina, rotifers, and cyclopoid copepods seem to stimulate both abundance and production. Bosmina apparently also stimulate the bacterioplankton specific growth rate. Received: 8 February 1996; Accepted: 16 July 1996  相似文献   

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