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Larval and adult activity of the oriental beetle Exomala orientalis (Waterhouse), a pest of turfgrass in Korea, was investigated at four golf clubs in Pusan, Korea, from 1995 to 1999. Adult emergence was first observed on the greens in late May with peak activity occurring 2 wk later. During the day, E. orientalis adults were most active between 1800 and 2200 hours. First instars were found mostly in early July, second instars mostly in late July, and third instars from August to April. The density of larvae in fixed plots decreased steadily from the time of egg laying to pupation: 667/m3 on 26 July, 267/m3 on 29 August, and 122/m3 on 2 October 1997. All the observed E. orientalis completed one generation per year. Adult females were observed feeding on flowers of a late-blooming variety of Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata Sieb & Zucc). E. orientalis larval densities were higher in greens with Japanese chestnut nearby, and where magpie, Pica pica sericea (Gould), feeding was observed. More E. orientalis adults emerged from the right, left, and back of greens than from the front or middle. The intensity of emergence was inversely proportional to the amount of golfer traffic on various parts of the green. Counting emergence holes may be a way that golf course superintendents can predict which greens and tees are most likely to be damaged from E. orientalis larvae without destructive sampling.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of Palpita nigropunctalis larvae was studied on five oleaceous tree species in Ibaraki, central Japan, for two years. The larval population peaked on some tree species in both spring and autumn while it peaked on other tree species only in autumn. In bimodal populations, the spring peaks consisted of larvae infesting leaves, while the autumn peaks consisted of larvae infesting various tree parts (flowers, fruits and leaves). Larval development was longer and pupal weights were lower on Ligustrum lucidum fruits than on Ligustrum japonicum fruits. Thus, L. japonicum fruits were suitable for larval development in autumn. First-instar larvae appeared to occur three times per year (in late April to early May, mid to late September and early to mid October). Adults were observed from late March to early April, mid May to early June, and early September to mid November at the census sites, showing that P. nigropunctalis had three generations a year. The percentage of females having premature ovaries were 64.3 and 12.5% at 15 °C under 14-h and 15-h photophases, respectively, and 28.6 and 25% at 20 °C under the respective photophases. These temperatures and photoperiods are typical of those in May and June in the census sites. The ovaries of females collected in the field between late May and mid July were premature, in agreement with the laboratory experiments. The pupal duration was prolonged under the short photoperiod, especially at reduced temperatures. We discuss a possible life cycle of P. nigropunctalis in Ibaraki.  相似文献   

The life history traits of the caddisfly, Psilotreta locumtenens Botosaneanu (Odontoceridae), were studied in two stream reaches with different thermal ranges (main and branch streams) of the Gapyeong Stream, a typical mountain stream located in the central Korean Peninsula. Psilotreta locumtenens larvae were quantitatively sampled monthly from November 2008 to July 2010, and biweekly during the emergence period (late April to early July), using a Surber sampler (30 × 30 cm). Adults were quantitatively sampled with a sweep net. Larval density in the main stream (324.21 ± 38.59 m?2) was higher than that in the branch stream (60.48 ± 10.86 m?2). The larvae hatched in the early summer and overwintered as 5th and 3rd instars in the main and branch streams, respectively. The emergence peak at the main stream was approximately 2 weeks earlier. The sex ratio at both sites was approximately 0.3. The life history in both streams was univoltine. Secondary production in the main stream was much higher than in the branch stream, owing to high larval densities, and the P/B ratios at the two sites were similar. This study demonstrated remarkable differences in larval growth patterns and emergence peaks in P. locumtenens between the two stream reaches due to differences in accumulated degree days (230.30 DD) and other phenological cues such as daily mean threshold water temperature (9°C) during the ascending phase, despite their relatively small mean annual water temperature difference of 0.58°C.  相似文献   

君主绢蝶的生物学及生境需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在甘肃省永靖县境内通过野外设点观察、样线调查及室内饲养等方法研究了君主绢蝶的生物学特性及其生境需求,分析了其种群趋势及波动的原因,提出了保护措施。(1)君主绢蝶是中国特有种,在甘肃永靖县1年1代,以卵越冬,卵多产于寄主植物灰绿黄堇Corydalis adunca(也是中国特有种)附近的岩石壁上,翌年3月中旬卵孵化。幼虫4龄,平均历期为52d,3下旬至6月下旬都可见到幼虫。蛹期平均为47d。5月初始见其成虫,成虫飞翔迅速,7月中旬至8月中旬为成虫高峰期,至9月下旬仍可见成虫活动。卵期一般为8个月。(2)君主绢蝶在永靖县牙沟生境内是一个优势种群,成虫喜欢飞翔于有裸露岩石的沟谷,其幼虫则生存于阳光充足、气候干燥、有大量寄主植物的阳坡及半阳坡。君主绢蝶与其寄主植物灰绿黄堇的分布范围在中国相一致,二者之间有紧密的协同进化关系。(3)在永靖县和甘南合作市分布的君主绢蝶是两个亚种,在永靖县牙沟地区发生的是君主绢蝶兰州亚种Parnassiusimperator gigas Kotsch,在合作市发生的是君主绢蝶祁连亚种P.imperator regulus(Bryk et Eisner)。(4)极端的异常气候(强降温、霜冻、降雪)是影响君主绢蝶种群数量下降的主要因子,人类活动的干扰是另一个影响君主绢蝶生存的主要威胁。(5)保护措施建议:保护生境和减少人为干扰是两个最主要的促进绢蝶种群恢复的方法;强调对绢蝶种群进行长期监测,并开展生境丧失、气候变化等对绢蝶的影响研究。  相似文献   

Harpalus rufipes (Degeer) was studied in a strawberry plot in Northumberland from 1973 to 1978 by pitfall trapping, and in the laboratory. Adults were active from April until November. Overwintered male beetles predominated at the beginning of each season until May, followed by overwintered females in June and July. Newly emerged, mainly female, beetles were active from August onwards. Overwintered females matured during early summer and laid eggs in August with a fecundity of 10–15 eggs/female. In the laboratory about 30% of beetles survived from one breeding season to the next. First- and second-instar larvae were caught in pitfall traps in autumn; in the laboratory they made approximately vertical burrows in which they stored seeds taken from the soil surface. Third-instar larvae fed on these seeds and were not active on the surface. Preferred seeds were those of grasses and Chenopodium album L. Larvae were usually aggregated in the soil at densities of 3–20/m2.  相似文献   

The life history of Ilybius fenestratus was studied in Målsj?en, a lake in S?r-Tr?ndelag, Central Norway (63°14'N, 10°26'E), during 1971–1972. Adults and larvae were sampled in activity traps every week during March–October and every 2–3 weeks during November–February. Newly-emerged adults were generally found from mid-July to September, and after overwintering in torpidity, probably in the water, they again appeared in the second half of June to August/September. Laying of eggs took place from early/mid July to early August. Larvae occurred in the traps from late July to early May. I. fenestratus was thus found to be a semivoltine summer breeder, with overwintering larvae the first winter and overwintering adults the next. Both adults and larvae lived in large areas of the lake's littoral zone.  相似文献   

Pachycerus cordiger Germar (Curculionidae: Cleonini) is a potential agent for the biological control ofHeliotropium europaeum L. (Boraginaceae) in Australia. Adults feed on the leaves and larvae feed on the main roots of the weed within an earthen cell. These is one generation per year. Adults overwinter in the cells before emerging in late spring when they begin to feed, mate and oviposit on their host plants from late May until late July. Seven Boraginaceae and 31 economically important crop species were tested using adults and 1st instar larvae.P. cordiger was found to be specific to the Boraginaceae. Field observations strongly suggested that the weevil is restricted to summer-annualHeliotropium species. A widespread egg parasite,Caenocrepis? bothynoderi Gromakov [Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae], caused up to 18% mortality.  相似文献   

A population of Bittacomorpha clavipes was studied in an Ozark spring from July 1987- August 1988. Measurement of larval head capsules (N=4,544) showed B. clavipes has four distinct larval instars. Seasonal distribution of immature and adult life stages suggests that this population has an asynchronous, non-seasonal, multivoltine life history with at least three cohorts. First instar larvae and pupae were collected during all months except December through March and December through February, respectively. Adults and larval instars II-IV were collected throughout the year. Larval recruitment generally paralleled adult flight periods, and the presence of adults during all months sampled indicates a correlation with ovipositional periods. The life history documented here for B. clavipes suggests that limiting factors for growth and reproduction are not seasonally dependent for this population.  相似文献   

周晓榕  陈阳  郭永华  庞保平 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1598-1603
2010—2011年于内蒙古乌兰察布市四子王旗格根塔拉草原对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus(B.-Bienko)种群动态进行了研究。结果表明,亚洲小车蝗种群空间格局为随机分布;亚洲小车蝗于6月中旬开始孵化出土,1~3龄蝗蝻高峰期在6月中下旬至7月初,终见期在7月下旬;4~5龄蝗蝻于6月下旬始见,高峰期在7月上中旬,终见期在7月末;成虫于7月上旬始见,高峰期在7月中旬至8月下旬,终见期在9月上旬。应用最优分割法将亚洲小车蝗种群动态划分为3个阶段:(1)6月中旬,为蝗蝻开始出土期,数量稀少,空间格局为聚集分布或随机分布;(2)6月下旬至7月上中旬,为蝗蝻发生盛期,密度低时为随机分布,密度高时为聚集分布;(3)7月中下旬至9月上旬,为成虫发生期,空间格局为随机分布。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):169-174
The robber fly, Promachus yesonicus, a predator of scarab adults and larvae was observed on golf clubs in Korea to determine its seasonal activity, daily activity, and relationship to scarab adult activity. P. yesonicus adult density varied more than 10-fold among the four golf clubs where it was observed, with the most activity being at golf clubs with the most scarab adults in June and July. At Yongwon Golf Club P. yesonicus activity closely tracked Popillia quadriguttata activity and both peaked in late June and early July. The ratio of scarab adults (mostly P. quadriguttata):P. yesonicus adults was 8:1. On average mean of 7.5% of all P. yesonicus adults observed in visual surveys were holding captured prey. 50% of all captured prey was a scarab turf pest, P. quadriguttata. At Yongwon Golf Club, regression analysis indicates that P. quadriguttata activity explains 75% of the variation in activity of P. yesonicus. The potential impact of P. yesonicus on populations of P. quadriguttata and other scarab turf pests is discussed.  相似文献   

小金蝠蛾Hepialus xiaojinensis Tu.是小金县冬虫夏草主要寄主之一.在小金县海拔3 850 m的自然条件下,完成1代需要4年,以各龄幼虫休眠越冬.每年5月初-7月上旬为蛹期.6月中旬-7月下旬为成虫期,成虫羽化时间多出现在16:00-20:30,羽化当晚或次日交配,在18:30和20:00有2个交配...  相似文献   

Eggs and larvae of Anisocentropus kirramus were collected from leaf packs in riffles and pools in a small upland rainforest stream in tropical Queensland. Adults were collected in floating emergence traps. Egg masses contained 80–100 eggs. None developed in water at 12–15°C but at 22–25°C larvae hatched in 3–10 days. There were five larval instars and complete development appeared to take several months. Instars II‐V were present in all nine months sampled; instar I was present in all but one month. Adults emerged in all ten months sampled, but there was clear seasonality with peak emergence in the summer. The sex ratio of adults was 1:1.  相似文献   

黄檀丑舟蛾生物学特性及防治的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄檀丑舟蛾是南岭黄檀的重要食叶害虫,该虫在福建南平一年发生6代,以蛹在疏松土壤中越冬,翌年5月初成虫开始羽化。雌虫产卵于嫩叶上,成块。每雌产卵82-306粒。幼虫5龄,各代幼虫的危害盛期;第一代5月下旬至6旬上旬。第二代6月下旬,第三代7月下旬,第四代8月中旬,第五代9月下旬,第六代11月上旬至中旬。试验表明,20%杀灭菊酯4000倍液或80%敌敌畏2000倍液对幼虫均有良好的毒杀效果。  相似文献   

Macrorhaphis acuta were bred in the laboratory (25°C) and fed on larvae ofAscotis selenaria reciprocaria. The incubation period was 8.4 days and the mean hatch was 94.4%. There were 5 nymphal instars which occupied 3.3, 5.0, 5.6, 6.6 and 12.0 days, respectively, from the lst to the 5th. Each nymph consumed an average of 22.8 host larvae to complete development. Adults had a mean longevity of 74.9 days and each consumed an average of 67.5 host larvae. Significant reduction was noted in pupation of 5th instar host larvae sucked by adult predators for periods ranging from 4 to 10 mn. The food requirements of 3rd, 4th, and 5th instar nymphs fed on 3rd instar host larvae were also investigated. The conversion ratio varied with the weight of food consumed during the instar and later instars were more efficient than earlier ones. Predatory value did not vary significantly with successive instars.  相似文献   

The antipredator responses of adult and larval fathead minnows Pimephales promelas to chemical alarm cues prepared throughout ontogeny were tested using various behavioural assays. Larval epidermis was also examined during ontogeny using standard haematoxylin and eosin staining techniques. Adults elicited an antipredator response to chemical alarm cue made from larvae as young as 8–17 days post‐hatch. Interestingly, larvae did not possess visible club cells until 28–37 days post‐hatch and did not respond to conspecific chemical alarm cue until 48–57 days post‐hatch. These results suggest that chemical alarm cue may not be contained within club cells and that the components of larval and adult chemical alarm cue may be similar throughout ontogeny.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays showed that the susceptibility of Simulium vittatum to Neoaplectana carpocapsae increased with successive larval instars. First, second, and third instar larvae were resistant to infection, while seventh instars were highly susceptible. Significant differences in intra-instar susceptibility were also evident, as mortality ranged from 58% for the smallest seventh instar larvae to 97% for the largest. Dissections revealed that the basis for the resistance of early instars was physical exclusion of the comparatively large nematodes. The principle factor regulating the susceptibility of mid and late instars was injury to nematodes caused by larval mouthparts during ingestion. Differences in intra-instar susceptibility were similarly related to nematode injury.  相似文献   

Laboratory assays indicated that infective-stage juveniles of Neoaplectana carpocapsae are highly pathogenic to Simulium spp. larvae. Instar susceptibility increased with larval size, with early instars being nonsusceptible. High rates of mortality (75 – 100%) were achieved in assays against late instars. These results indicate that N. carpocapsae may have potential value as a blackfly biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

The seasonal prevalence of the Culex pipiens group larvae occurring in a puddle in the basement of an apartment building was investigated from June 1993 to May 1994 (Period I), and from June 1994 to May 1995 (Period II). Totals of 25 237 individuals in Period I and 4989 individuals in Period II were collected: they were all C. pipiens group larvae, most of which were C. pipiens molestus. In Period I, the larvae occurred at a relatively low density in the hot months July and August; density began to increase from the cooler late September, peaked in late November, and was maintained at a high level until the third week of December. In Period II, in which mean air temperature was 5°C higher as of July and August than in Period I, larvae sharply decreased in number by one‐fifth of the total volume in Period I, and showed a peak density in the third week of July, and the peak continued until mid‐December. In Period I, the low temperature was favorable for oviposition activity of C. pipiens molestus, and accounts for the higher density of larvae in Period I than in Period II. C. pipiens molestus mostly stopped laying eggs between early December and late January. Larvae were not collected in March and April 1994 and in April 1995. However, considering that adult mosquitoes had been collected throughout the two periods except in March 1994, adults of C. pipiens molestus are thought to appear throughout the year.  相似文献   

Three species of entomopathogenicnematodes, a combination of two nematodespecies, an entomopathogenic fungal species,and a combination of a nematode and fungalspecies were evaluated against the white grubsEctinohoplia rufipes and Exomalaorientalis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in the field. The nematodes were acommercial formulation of Steinernemacarpocapsae (BioSafe) and S. glaseri from Dongrae and from Hanrim, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora from Hamyang,Republic of Korea. The entomopathogenic funguswas Beauveria brongniartii, produced onSabouraud maltose agar plus 1% yeast (SMAY),rice bran, or compost. The combinationtreatment was S. carpocapsae with H.bacteriophora or B. brongniartii. Fieldapplications were made in August or Septemberagainst third instars at a golf course infestedwith E. rufipes in Gyeongnam Province in1991, and one in Pusan with E. orientalisin 1992 and 1993. In 1991, a significantreduction of 70.2 to 79.4% of E. rufipeslarvae was observed in the nematode, fungal andchemical (fenitrothion) treatments comparedwith a 15.7% reduction in the control. In1992, the E. orientalis larval populationwas reduced between 62.7 and 82.8% in thetreatments compared to 10.7% in the control.In 1993, larval reductions in plots treatedwith nematodes (78.3 to 97%) and B.brongniartii propagated on rice bran (84.5%)were significantly better than in plots treatedwith B. brongniartii propagated on SMAY(63.6%) or compost (59.6%). Combining twonematode species did not enhance the efficacycompared to treatments with one nematodespecies alone, but combining S.carpocapsae with B. brongniartiiproduced on SMAY resulted in a significantincrease in grub mortality over the applicationof the fungus alone produced on SMAY orcompost. The high efficacy of the nematode andmost fungal treatments was attributed to theclose proximity of the white grubs to the soilsurface which allowed for excellentpathogen-host contact and to favorable soiltemperatures, sandy soil, post irrigationapplication and/or rain and a minimal thatchlayer in the turfgrass.  相似文献   

The life history ofSmicronyx guineanus andSm. umbrinus, weevils attackingStriga hermonthica, was studied in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Field experiments were conducted in 1992 and 1993 at Kaya, in fields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) K. Schum. (syn.P. typhoides (Burm.) Stapf &; Hubb). The weevils are univoltine; the adults emerge in late August, mate and eggs are laid in the ovary ofStriga inflorescence. Larval feeding in the ovary causes galling and prevents seed production. The main damage toStriga seed capsule is caused by the larvae of at least twoSmicronyx species. Last-instar larvae drop to the soil and bury themselves to a depth of 1–15 cm, pupate and enter into dormancy. Most pupae are found in the upper 5–10 cm of the soil. The pupal period lasts from late October to late July. In May, we found 75.6% of pupae against 24.4% of adults in dormancy.  相似文献   

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