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Over the past decade, birds have proven to be excellent models to study hormone-mediated maternal effects in an evolutionary framework. Almost all these studies focus on the function of maternal steroid hormones for offspring development, but lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanisms hampers further progress. We discuss several hypotheses concerning these mechanisms, point out their relevance for ecological and evolutionary interpretations, and review the relevant data. We first examine whether maternal hormones can accumulate in the egg independently of changes in hormone concentrations in the maternal circulation. This is important for Darwinian selection and female physiological trade-offs, and possible mechanisms for hormone accumulation in the egg, which may differ among hormones, are reviewed. Although independent regulation of plasma and yolk concentrations of hormones is conceivable, the data are as yet inconclusive for ovarian hormones. Next, we discuss embryonic utilization of maternal steroids, since enzyme and receptor systems in the embryo may have coevolved with maternal effect mechanisms in the mother. We consider dose-response relationships and action pathways of androgens and argue that these considerations may help to explain the apparent lack of interference of maternal steroids with sexual differentiation. Finally, we discuss mechanisms underlying the pleiotropic actions of maternal steroids, since linked effects may influence the coevolution of parent and offspring traits, owing to their role in the mediation of physiological trade-offs. Possible mechanisms here are interactions with other hormonal systems in the embryo. We urge endocrinologists to embark on suggested mechanistic studies and behavioural ecologists to adjust their interpretations to accommodate the current knowledge of mechanisms.  相似文献   

The use of enzymes in non-aqueous solvents expands the use of biocatalysts to hydrophobic substrates, with the ability to tune selectivity of reactions through solvent selection. Non-aqueous enzymology also allows for fundamental studies on the role of water and other solvents in enzyme structure, dynamics, and function. Molecular dynamics simulations serve as a powerful tool in this area, providing detailed atomic information about the effect of solvents on enzyme properties. However, a common protocol for non-aqueous enzyme simulations does not exist. If you want to simulate enzymes in non-aqueous solutions, how many and which crystallographic waters do you keep? In the present work, this question is addressed by determining which crystallographic water molecules lead most quickly to an equilibrated protein structure. Five different methods of selecting and keeping crystallographic waters are used in order to discover which crystallographic waters lead the protein structure to reach an equilibrated structure more rapidly in organic solutions. It is found that buried waters contribute most to rapid equilibration in organic solvent, with slow-diffusing waters giving similar results.  相似文献   

Dinucleotide over- and underrepresentation is evaluated in all available completely sequenced DNA or RNA viral genomes, ranging in size from 3 to 250 kb (available RNA viruses fall into the small-virus category). The dinucleotide CpG is statistically underrepresented (suppressed) in all but four of the small viruses (more than 75 with lengths of < 30 kb) but has normal relative abundances in most large viruses (> or = 30 kb). Most retrotransposons in eukaryotic species also show low CpG relative abundances. Interpretations, especially in some cases of DNA viruses or viruses with a DNA intermediate, might relate to methylation effects and modes of viral integration and excision. Other possible contributing factors relate to dinucleotide stacking energies, special mutation mechanisms, and evolutionary events.  相似文献   

Annual migrations of birds profoundly influence terrestrial communities. However, few empirical studies examine why birds migrate, in part due to the difficulty of testing causal hypotheses in long-distance migration systems. Short-distance altitudinal migrations provide relatively tractable systems in which to test explanations for migration. Many past studies explain tropical altitudinal migration as a response to spatial and temporal variation in fruit availability. Yet this hypothesis fails to explain why some coexisting, closely-related frugivorous birds remain resident year-round. We take a mechanistic approach by proposing and evaluating two hypotheses (one based on competitive exclusion and the other based on differences in dietary specialization) to explain why some, but not all, tropical frugivores migrate. We tested predictions of these hypotheses by comparing diets, fruit preferences, and the relationships between diet and preference in closely-related pairs of migrant and resident species. Fecal samples and experimental choice trials revealed that sympatric migrants and residents differed in both their diets and fruit preferences. Migrants consumed a greater diversity of fruits and fewer arthropods than did their resident counterparts. Migrants also tended to have slightly stronger fruit preferences than residents. Most critically, diets of migrants more closely matched their preferences than did the diets of residents. These results suggest that migrants may be competitively superior foragers for fruit compared to residents (rather than vice versa), implying that current competitive interactions are unlikely to explain variation in migratory behavior among coexisting frugivores. We found some support for the dietary specialization hypothesis, propose refinements to the mechanism underlying this hypothesis, and discuss how dietary specialization might ultimately reflect past interspecific competition. We recommend that future studies quantify variation in nutritional content of tropical fruits, and determine whether frugivory is a consequence or a cause of migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

The capacity to regenerate limbs is very high in amphibians and practically absent in other tetrapods despite the similarities in developmental pathways and ultimate morphology of tetrapod limbs. We propose that limb regeneration is only possible when the limb develops as a semiautonomous module and is not involved in interactions with transient structures. This hypothesis is based on the following two assumptions: To an important extent, limb development uses the same developmental mechanisms as normal limb development and developmental mechanisms that require interactions with transient structures cannot be recapitulated later. In amniotes limb development is early, shortly after neurulation, and requires inductive interactions with transient structures such as somites. In amphibians limb development is delayed relative to amniotes and has become decoupled from interactions with somites and other transient structures that are no longer present at this stage. The limb develops as a semi-independent module. A comparison of the autonomy and timing of limb development in different vertebrate taxa supports our hypothesis and its assumptions. The data suggest a good correlation between self-organizing and regenerative capacity. Furthermore, they suggest that whatever barriers amphibians overcame in the evolution of metamorphosis, they are the same barriers that need to be overcome to make limb regeneration possible in other taxa.  相似文献   

Conifers growing at the alpine timberline are exposed to frost drought and freeze-thaw cycles during winter-stress factors known to induce embolism in tree xylem. The two dominant species of the European Central Alps timberline were studied: Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst) and stone pine (Pinus cembra), which usually reaches higher altitudes. We hypothesized to find embolism only at the timberline and to observe less embolism in stone pine than in Norway spruce due to avoidance mechanisms. Seasonal courses of embolism and water potential were studied at 1,700 and 2,100 m during two winter seasons and correlated to vulnerability (to drought-induced embolism), leaf conductance, and micrometeorological data. Embolism was observed only at the timberline and only in Norway spruce (up to 49.2% loss of conductivity). Conductivity losses corresponded to low water potentials (down to -3.5 MPa) but also to the number of freeze-thaw events indicating both stress factors to contribute to embolism induction. Decreasing embolism rates-probably due to refilling-were observed already in winter. Stone pine did not exhibit an adapted vulnerability (50% loss of conductivity at -3.5 MPa) but avoided critical potentials (minimum -2.3 MPa): Cuticulare conductance was 3.5-fold lower than in Norway spruce, and angles between needles and axes were found to decrease in dehydrating branches. The extent of conductivity losses in Norway spruce and the spectrum of avoidance and recovery mechanisms in both species indicates winter embolism to be relevant for tree line formation.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of physical dimension and planktivorous fish on phytoplankton standing crop, we repeated an experiment at different scales in plastic enclosures during summer 1995 in Lake Créteil, France. Enclosures were scaled for a constant surface (1.5 × 1.5 m) as depth was increased from 2.5 to 4.5 m. Even-link (zooplankton and phytoplankton) and odd-link (planktivorous fish, zooplankton and phytoplankton) food webs were established in both shallow and deep enclosures. Fish densities in the deep enclosures were scaled to allow comparisons with shallow ones for both in individuals m−2 or individuals m−3. We explicitly designed this experiment to examine the scale-dependent behavior of the top-down mechanism of algal biomass control in lakes, and in particular to test the hypothesis of stronger cascading effects of fish on lower trophic levels at reduced depth. Both fish and enclosure size had highly significant effects on phytoplankton biomass over the duration of the experiment. No depth × fish interaction effects were observed. The presence of planktivorous fish enhanced phytoplankton biomass in both shallow and deep enclosures, although the reduction in depth generally produced a stronger effect. The mean concentration of chlorophyll a in the deep odd-link systems (ca 5 mg m−3) was lower than in the shallow even-link systems (ca 17 mg m−3). Statistical interpretation did not change when data were expressed as phytoplankton biomass per unit of surface area. Light limitation and zooplankton grazing are the most probable mechanisms explaining our results in these nutrient-enriched systems. Moreover, we found that the strength of the cascading effect of fish on plankton was not a function of depth. We believe that further studies on scaling effects should be conducted in order to improve our understanding of ecological patterns and to extrapolate results from micro/mesocosms to natural ecosystems. Received: 18 January 1999 / Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

The carboxylic acid group (–COOH) present in classical NSAIDs is partly responsible for the gastric toxicity associated with the administration of these drugs. This concept has been extensively proven using NSAID prodrugs. However, the screening of NSAIDs with no carboxylic acid at all has been neglected. The goal of this work was to determine if new NSAID derivatives devoid of acidic moieties would retain the anti-inflammatory activity of the parent compound, without causing gastric toxicity. To test this concept, we replaced the carboxylic acid group in ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, and naproxen with three ammonium moieties. We tested the resulting water-soluble NSAID derivatives for anti-inflammatory and ulcerogenic activity in vitro and in vivo. In this regard, we observed that all non-acidic NSAIDs exerted a potent anti-inflammatory activity, suggesting that the acid group in commercial 2-phenylpropionic acid NSAIDs not be an essential requirement for anti-inflammatory activity. These data provide complementary evidence supporting the discontinuation of ulcerogenic acidic NSAIDs.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics and semiempirical calculations using HyperChem 5 were carried out to investigate whether the results obtained can explain why 2-hydroxypyridine is far more soluble in water than 3-hydroxypyridine. The results of molecular mechanics calculations show that in solution in water the total energy of 2-hydroxypyridine in the oxo form is less than that of 3-hydroxypyridine in the zwitterionic form by 2.14 kcal x mol(-1). The difference is much greater for the AM1 optimized H-bonded molecules. The greater amount of energy released in dissolution and H-bond formation by 2-hydroxypyridine than by 3-hydroxypyridine together with a higher crystal lattice energy for the latter provide an explanation as to why 3-hydroxypyridine is much less soluble in water than 2-hydroxypyridine. When the predicted electronic spectral lines of the compounds were compared with the observed lambda(max) values, it is found that generally the results obtained using AM1 agree more closely with the experimentally observed values.  相似文献   

Maternal effects are an important source of adaptive variation, but little is known about how they vary throughout ontogeny. We estimate the contribution of maternal effects, sire genetic and environmental variation to offspring body size from birth until 1 year of age in the live-bearing fish Poecilia parae. In both the sexes, maternal effects on body size were initially high in juveniles, and then declined to zero at sexual maturity. In sons, this was accompanied by a sharp rise in sire genetic variance, consistent with the expression of Y-linked loci affecting male size. In daughters, all variance components decreased with time, consistent with compensatory growth. There were significant negative among-dam correlations between early body size and the timing of sexual maturity in both sons and daughters. However, there was no relationship between early life maternal effects and adult longevity, suggesting that maternal effects, although important early in life, may not always influence late life-history traits.  相似文献   

To the objective of this study is to evaluate the role and toxicity of radiotherapy in the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy. In the years 2000–2003, 121 patients with malignant exophthalmos were treated with radiotherapy of the retrobulbar area to the total dose of 20 Gy in ten fractions with a 6 MeV photon beam. The treatment was performed by the team of the Clinic of Oncology of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow. The radiotherapy was preceded by intravenous steroid therapy: methylprednisolone acetate administered at the dose of 2 g/week for four consecutive weeks. The highest efficacy, expressed as improvement of all ocular symptoms, was observed for the combined treatment. Female and non-diabetic patients responded positively to the combined treatment. Radiotherapy combined with steroid therapy in the treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy seems to be an effective treatment for strictly defined indications. In the treatment of Graves–Basedow disease, radiotherapy is a well-tolerated treatment modality. Diabetes is a factor that worsens prognosis in Graves ophthalmopathy and female sex is a favourable factor for this condition.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper presents a survey of vegetation studies on permanent plots, with an emphasis on the long-term character of these studies. It makes remarks on the external and internal causes of succession, pays attention to the pathways of succession, links up permanent plots studies and chronosequences, discusses internal causes and mechanisms of succession, and finally mentions the significance of long-term vegetation dynamics for nature conservation.  相似文献   

The neonates of aphidophagous ladybird beetles, Propylea dissecta, Coccinella transversalis and Coelophora saucia preferentially consumed conspecific eggs in presence of essential aphid prey, Aphis gossypii. This preference was strongest in P. dissecta and recorded in all density combinations of conspecific eggs and aphids. The neonates of all three species developed faster resulting in heavier second instars with lower mortality when fed on conspecific eggs as compared to mobile or defenceless aphids. In addition, they required less dry biomass of conspecific eggs than that of aphids. These results reveal that neonates are benefitted intrinsically when they feed on conspecific eggs. The neonates of P. dissecta exhibited discrimination for more nutritious food, as they contacted and ate conspecific eggs more frequently than aphids as their first meal. This discrimination was not found in Coccinella transversalis and Coelophora saucia possibly due to their bigger sizes and possible higher energy requirements. Although, the major effect of chemical cues was only noticed in P. dissecta, it could be concluded that chemicals (surface and within) of conspecific eggs possibly attract neonates for egg-cannibalism, as both eggs and aphids were consumed in greater numbers when coated with egg extracts. The reverse occurred when eggs and aphids were coated with aphid extracts.  相似文献   

Amaku M  Coutinho FA  Massad E 《Bio Systems》2011,106(2-3):111-120
Urban yellow fever and dengue coexist in Africa but not in Asia and South America. In this paper, we examine four hypotheses (and various combinations thereof) to explain the absence of yellow fever in urban areas of Asia and South America. In addition, we examine an additional hypothesis that offers an explanation of the coexistence of the infections in Africa while at the same time explaining their lack of coexistence in Asia. The hypotheses we tested to explain the nonexistence of yellow fever in Asia are the following: (1) the Asian Aedes aegypti is relatively incompetent to transmit yellow fever; (2) there would exist a competition between dengue and yellow fever viruses within the mosquitoes, as suggested by in vitro studies in which the dengue virus always wins; (3) when an A. aegypti mosquito that is infected by or latent for yellow fever acquires dengue, it becomes latent for dengue due to internal competition within the mosquito between the two viruses; (4) there is an important cross-immunity between yellow fever and other flaviviruses, dengue in particular, such that a person recovered from a bout of dengue exhibits a diminished susceptibility to yellow fever. This latter hypothesis is referred to below as the "Asian hypothesis." Finally, we hypothesize that: (5) the coexistence of the infections in Africa is due to the low prevalence of the mosquito Aedes albopictus in Africa, as it competes with A. aegypti. We will refer to this latter hypothesis as the "African hypothesis." We construct a model of transmission that allows all of the above hypotheses to be tested. We conclude that the Asian and the African hypotheses can explain the observed phenomena, whereas other hypotheses fail to do so.  相似文献   

Resource selection by ungulates is driven by trade-offs between foraging and predation avoidance or by intraspecific competition. Ungulates use migratory flexibility to optimize access to spatially and temporally variable resources across seasons, sometimes even adaptively switching between migrant and resident strategy as conditions change. After an 80% increase in red deer (Cervus elaphus) population and simultaneous recovery of wolves (Canis lupus) in the Kremnica Mountains, Slovakia, a significant portion of the deer population started to migrate downhill (<?700 m) to marginal habitats during winter. Building on available spatial data on forage availability, predation risk, and deer abundance, we tested for differences in habitat selection of migrant and resident male red deer to assess possible reasons for this change. On high-altitude (700–1100 m) summer ranges, deer were not forced to trade-off forage to avoid predation within their home ranges. However, during winter, residents remaining on high-altitude ranges selected for areas with highly abundant forage only under low predation risk or at high deer abundance. Downhill migration exposed migrants to 15% lower forage availability but simultaneously reduced wolf predation risk by 39% relative to residents. Consequently, the limited access to forage resources at low-altitude ranges have reduced antler growth, especially in young males. Our study represents one of few that address the role of predation risk in driving seasonal migrations in temperate systems where snow is not likely to be the major driver of migration to low-altitude winter ranges.  相似文献   

The world's climate appears now to be changing at an unprecedented rate. Shifts in the distribution and behaviour of insect and bird species indicate that biological systems are already responding to this change. It is well established that climate is an important determinant of the spatial and temporal distribution of vectors and pathogens. In theory, a change in climate would be expected to cause changes in the geographical range, seasonality (intra-annual variability), and in the incidence rate (with or without changes in geographical or seasonal patterns). The detection and then attribution of such changes to climate change is an emerging task for scientists. We discuss the evidence required to attribute changes in disease and vectors to the early effects of anthropogenic climate change. The literature to date indicates that there is a lack of strong evidence of the impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases (i.e. malaria, dengue, leishmaniasis, tick-borne diseases). New approaches to monitoring, such as frequent and long-term sampling along transects to monitor the full latitudinal and altitudinal range of specific vector species, are necessary in order to provide convincing direct evidence of climate change effects. There is a need to reassess the appropriate levels of evidence, including dealing with the uncertainties attached to detecting the health impacts of global change.  相似文献   

Established empirical cases of sympatric speciation are scarce, although there is an increasing consensus that sympatric speciation might be more common than previously thought. Midas cichlid fish are one of the few substantiated cases of sympatric speciation, and they formed repeated radiations in crater lakes. In contrast, in the same environment, such radiation patterns have not been observed in other species of cichlids and other families of fish. We analyze morphological and genetic variation in a cichlid species (Archocentrus centrarchus) that co‐inhabits several crater lakes with the Midas species complex. In particular, we analyze variation in body and pharyngeal jaw shape (two ecologically important traits in sympatrically divergent Midas cichlids) and relate that to genetic variation in mitochondrial control region and microsatellites. Using these four datasets, we analyze variation between and within two Nicaraguan lakes: a crater lake where multiple Midas cichlids have been described and a lake where the source population lives. We do not observe any within‐lake clustering consistent across morphological traits and genetic markers, suggesting the absence of sympatric divergence in A. centrarchus. Genetic differentiation between lakes was low and morphological divergence absent. Such morphological similarity between lakes is found not only in average morphology, but also when analyzing covariation between traits and degree of morphospace occupation. A combined analysis of the mitochondrial control region in A. centrarchus and Midas cichlids suggests that a difference between lineages in the timing of crater lake colonization cannot be invoked as an explanation for the difference in their levels of diversification. In light of our results, A. centrarchus represents the ideal candidate to study the genomic differences between these two lineages that might explain why some lineages are more likely to speciate and diverge in sympatry than others.  相似文献   

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