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Although both interspecific competition and coexistence mechanisms are central to ecological and evolutionary theory, past empirical studies have generally focused on simple (two-species) communities over short time periods. Experimental tests of these species interactions are challenging in complex study systems. Moreover, several studies of ‘imperfect generalists’, consistent with Liem's Paradox, raise questions about the ability of evolved species differences to partition niche space effectively when resources vary considerably across the annual cycle. Here we used a recently developed theoretical framework to combine past research on population-level processes with observational data on resource use to test for ongoing interspecific competition and understand the nature of resource overlap. We compared species diet overlaps and differences in several distinctive communities centred on a focal species, the American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla replicated both spatially and seasonally, in combination with documentation of population regulation to assess the ability of similar species to partition dietary niche space and limit interspecific competition. Our results document high dietary overlap in most of the communities studied, with only subtle differentiation consistent with known species differences in foraging behaviour and morphology. These findings are largely consistent with species foraging as imperfect generalists. However, in contrast to past studies, the high diet overlaps observed here during times of inferred resource scarcity were driven by low-value prey taxa (e.g. small ants) and did not involve truly ‘private’ resources. All of these factors increase the potential negative impacts of interspecific competition, and limit the ability of these birds to avoid competition if food availability deteriorates further than observed in our study, either seasonally or at longer intervals.  相似文献   

Individual variation and fitness are cornerstones of evolution by natural selection. The niche variation hypothesis (NVH) posits that when interspecific competition is relaxed, intraspecific competition should drive niche expansion by selection favoring use of novel resources and that among‐individual variation should confer a selective advantage. Population‐level niche expansion could be achieved by all individuals using all available resources, or by each individual using a unique combination of resources, thereby increasing among‐individual dietary niche variation. Although individual variation can lead to species‐level evolutionary and ecological change, observed variation does not ensure a beneficial outcome. We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of claw keratin and a Bayesian stable isotope mixing model to estimate the summer (July–September) assimilated diet of individual female black Ursus americanus and brown U. arctos bears. We quantified variation in dietary niche in both populations, and assessed diet relative to percentage body fat. We hypothesized that if the NVH held, percentage body fat would be similar for individuals of the same species across much of the dietary range of observed proportional salmon contributions to individual bear diets. Although we found greater differences in dietary niches between than within species, we observed greater among‐individual dietary variation in the brown bear population. Moreover, we found that within each species individual female bears achieved similar ranges of percentage body fat at various levels of salmon in the diet. Our results provide support for the NVH. Linking individual dietary niches to measures of physiological condition related to fitness can offer new insights into eco‐evolutionary processes related to food resource use.  相似文献   

Does competition influence patterns of coexistence between closely related taxa? Here we address this question by analyzing patterns of range overlap between related species of birds (‘sister pairs’) co‐occurring on a tropical elevational gradient. We explicitly contrast the behavioral dimension of interspecific competition (interference competition) with similarity in resource acquisition traits (exploitative competition). Specifically, we ask whether elevational range overlap in 118 sister pairs that live along the Manu Transect in southeastern Peru is predicted by proxies for competition (intraspecific territorial behavior) or niche divergence (beak divergence and divergence times, an estimate of evolutionary age). We find that close relatives that defend year‐round territories tend to live in non‐overlapping elevational distributions, while close relatives that do not defend territories tend to broadly overlap in elevational distribution. In contrast, neither beak divergence nor evolutionary age was associated with patterns of range limitation. We interpret these findings as evidence that behavioral interactions – particularly direct territorial aggression – can be important in setting elevational range limits and preventing coexistence of closely related species, though this depends upon the extent to which intraspecific territorial behavior can be extended to territorial interactions between species. Our results suggest that interference competition can be an important driver of species range limits in diverse assemblages, and thus highlight the importance of considering behavioral dimensions of the niche in macroecological studies.  相似文献   

All species have limited geographic distributions; but the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms causing range limits are largely unknown. That many species’ geographic range limits are coincident with niche limits suggests limited evolutionary potential of marginal populations to adapt to conditions experienced beyond the range. We provide a test of range limit theory by combining population genetic analysis of microsatellite polymorphisms with a transplant experiment within, at the edge of, and 60 km beyond the northern range of a coastal dune plant. Contrary to expectations, lifetime fitness increased toward the range limit with highest fitness achieved by most populations at and beyond the range edge. Genetic differentiation among populations was strong, with very low, nondirectional gene flow suggesting range limitation via constraints to dispersal. In contrast, however, local adaptation was negligible, and a distance‐dependent decline in fitness only occurred for those populations furthest from home when planted beyond the range limit. These results challenge a commonly held assumption that stable range limits match niche limits, but also raise questions about the unique value of peripheral populations in expanding species’ geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Abrupt range limits of parapatric species may serve as a model system to understand the factors that determine species’ range borders. Theory suggests that parapatric range limits can be caused by abiotic conditions along environmental gradients, biotic interactions or a combination of both. Geographic ranges of the parapatric salamanders, Salamandra salamandra and S. atra, meet in small contact zones in the European Alps and to date, the cause of parapatry and the restricted range of S. atra remain elusive. We combine multivariate approaches and climatic data analysis to explore niche differentiation among the two salamanders with respect to the available climatic environment at their contact zones. Our purpose is to evaluate whether climatic conditions explain the species’ sharp range limits or if biotic interactions may play a role for range delimitation. Analyses were carried out in three contact zones in Switzerland to assess possible geographic variation. Our results indicate that both species occur at localities with different climatic conditions as well as the presence of a strong climatic gradient across the species’ range limits. Although the species’ climatic niches differ moderately (with a wider niche breadth for S. atra), interspecific niche overlap is found. Comparisons among the contact zones confirm geographic variation in the species’ climatic niches as well as in the conditions within the geographically available space. Our results suggest that the change in climatic conditions along the recognized gradient represents a determining factor for species’ range limits within contact zones. However, our analyses of geographic variation in climatic conditions reveal that both salamander species can occur in a much wider range of conditions than observed within contact zones. This finding and the interspecific climatic niche overlap within each contact zone provides indirect evidence that biotic interactions (likely competition) between the two species may also determine their range limits.  相似文献   

In a competitive sympatric association, coexisting species may try to reduce interspecific interactions as well as competition for similar resources by several ecological and behavioral practices. We studied resource utilization of three sympatric primate species namely, lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), bonnet macaques (M. radiata) and Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) in a tropical rainforest of the central Western Ghats, south India. We studied resource use, tree-height use, foraging height, substrate use when consuming animal prey and interspecific interactions. The results revealed that across the year, there was very limited niche overlap in diet between each species-pair. Each primate species largely depended on different plant species or different plant parts and phenophases from shared plant species. Primate species used different heights for foraging, and the two macaque species searched different substrates when foraging on animal prey. We also recorded season-wise resource abundance for the resources shared by these three primate species. While there was low dietary overlap during the dry season (a period of relatively low resource abundance), there was high dietary overlap between the two macaque species during the wet season (a period of high resource abundance for the shared resources). We observed only a few interspecific interactions. None of these were agonistic, even during the period of high niche overlap. This suggests that the sympatric primate species in this region are characterized by little or no contest competition. Unlike in some other regions of the Western Ghats, the lack of interspecific feeding competition appears to allow these primates, especially the macaques, to remain sympatric year-round.  相似文献   

Novel biotic interactions in shifting communities play a key role in determining the ability of species' ranges to track suitable habitat. To date, the impact of biotic interactions on range dynamics have predominantly been studied in the context of interactions between different trophic levels or, to a lesser extent, exploitative competition between species of the same trophic level. Yet, both theory and a growing number of empirical studies show that interspecific behavioural interference, such as interspecific territorial and mating interactions, can slow down range expansions, preclude coexistence, or drive local extinction, even in the absence of resource competition. We conducted a systematic review of the current empirical research into the consequences of interspecific behavioural interference on range dynamics. Our findings demonstrate there is abundant evidence that behavioural interference by one species can impact the spatial distribution of another. Furthermore, we identify several gaps where more empirical work is needed to test predictions from theory robustly. Finally, we outline several avenues for future research, providing suggestions for how interspecific behavioural interference could be incorporated into existing scientific frameworks for understanding how biotic interactions influence range expansions, such as species distribution models, to build a stronger understanding of the potential consequences of behavioural interference on the outcome of future range dynamics.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the niche space is a mechanism used to explain the coexistence of similar species. Ectotherms have variable body temperatures and their body temperatures influence performance and, ultimately, fitness. Therefore, many ectotherms use behavioral thermoregulation to avoid reduced capacities associated with body temperatures far from the optimal temperature for performance. Several authors have proposed that thermal niche partitioning in response to interspecific competition is a mechanism that allows the coexistence of similar species of ectotherms. We reviewed studies on thermal resource partitioning to evaluate the evidence for this hypothesis. In almost all studies, there was insufficient evidence to conclude unequivocally that thermal resource partitioning allowed species coexistence. Future studies should include sites where species are sympatric and sites where they are allopatric to rule out alternative mechanisms that cause differences in thermal traits between coexisting species. There is evidence of conservatism in the evolution of most thermal traits across a wide range of taxa, but thermal performance curves and preferred temperatures do respond to strong selection under laboratory conditions. Thus, there is potential for selection to act on thermal traits in response to interspecific competition. Nevertheless, more stringent tests of the thermal resource partitioning hypothesis are required before we can assess whether it is widespread in communities of ectotherms in nature.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological processes that govern species'' range margins is a fundamental question in ecology with practical implications in conservation biology. The center‐periphery hypothesis predicts that organisms have higher abundance at the center of their geographic range. However, most tests of this hypothesis often used raster data, assuming that climatic conditions are consistent across one square km. This assumption is not always justified, particularly for mountainous species for which climatic conditions can vary widely across a small spatial scale. Previous studies rarely evenly sample occurrence data across the species'' distribution. In this study, we sampled an endemic perennial herb, Thunbergia atacorensis (Acanthanceae), throughout its range in West Africa using 54 plots and collected data on (a)biotic variables, the species density, leaf mass per area, and basal diameter. We built a structural equation model to test the direct and indirect effects of distance from geographic and climatic niche centers, and altitude on Thunbergia density as mediated by abiotic and biotic factors, population demographic structure, and individual size. Contrary to the prediction of the center‐periphery hypothesis, we found no significant effect of distance from geographic or climatic niche centers on plant density. This indicates that even the climatic center does not necessarily have optimal ecological conditions. In contrast, plant density varied with altitudinal gradient, but this was mediated by the effect of soil nitrogen and potassium which had positive effect on plant size. Surprisingly, we found no direct or mediating effect of interspecific competition on plant density. Altogether, our results highlight the role of geography, climatic, and ecological mismatch in predicting species distribution. Our study highlights that where altitudinal gradient is strong local‐scale heterogeneity in abiotic factors can play important role in shaping species range limits.  相似文献   

The role and importance of ecological interactions for evolutionary responses to environmental changes is to large extent unknown. Here it is shown that interspecific competition may slow down rates of adaptation substantially and fundamentally change patterns of adaptation to long-term environmental changes. In the model investigated here, species compete for resources distributed along an ecological niche space. Environmental change is represented by a slowly moving resource maximum and evolutionary responses of single species are compared with responses of coalitions of two and three competing species. In scenarios with two and three species, species that are favored by increasing resource availability increase in equilibrium population size whereas disfavored species decline in size. Increased competition makes it less favorable for individuals of a disfavored species to occupy a niche close to the maximum and reduces the selection pressure for tracking the moving resource distribution. Individual-based simulations and an analysis using adaptive dynamics show that the combination of weaker selection pressure and reduced population size reduces the evolutionary rate of the disfavored species considerably. If the resource landscape moves stochastically, weak evolutionary responses cause large fluctuations in population size and thereby large extinction risk for competing species, whereas a single species subject to the same environmental variability may track the resource maximum closely and maintain a much more stable population size. Other studies have shown that competitive interactions may amplify changes in mean population sizes due to environmental changes and thereby increase extinction risks. This study accentuates the harmful role of competitive interactions by illustrating that they may also decrease rates of adaptation. The slowdown in evolutionary rates caused by competition may also contribute to explain low rates of morphological change in spite of large environmental fluctuations found in fossil records.  相似文献   

Interspecific resource competition is expected to select for divergence in resource use, weakening interspecific relative to intraspecific competition, thus promoting stable coexistence. More broadly, because interspecific competition reduces fitness, any mechanism of interspecific competition should generate selection favoring traits that weaken interspecific competition. However, species also can adapt to competition by increasing their competitive ability, potentially destabilizing coexistence. We reared two species of bean beetles, the specialist Callosobruchus maculatus and the generalist C. chinensis, in allopatry and sympatry on a mixture of adzuki beans and lentils, and assayed mutual invasibility after four, eight, and twelve generations of evolution. Contrary to the expectation that coevolution of competitors will weaken interspecific competition, the rate of mutual invasibility did not differ between sympatry and allopatry. Rather, the invasion rate of C. chinensis, but not C. maculatus, increased with duration of evolution, as C. chinensis adapted to lentils without experiencing reduced adaptation to adzuki beans, and regardless of the presence or absence of C. maculatus. Our results highlight that evolutionary responses to interspecific competition promote stable coexistence only under specific conditions that can be difficult to produce in practice.  相似文献   

Co-existence among potentially competing species can be favoured by niche specialisation and/or by reducing the overall intensity of competition via aggregated utilisation of fragmented resources. We investigated the respective roles of niche specialisation and aggregation in the case of nine congeneric monogenean parasites on the gills of Roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) belonging to the genus Dactylogyrus. The position of each individual parasite of the nine Dactylogyrus species was recorded. Niche breadth and niche overlap of parasite species were estimated. Comparative methods, which take into account phylogenetic information of the analysed species, were used. We reconstructed a phylogeny of the nine Dactylogyrus species based on morphological characters. We used the 'aggregation model of co-existence' in the model to test if species co-existence is facilitated when intraspecific aggregation exceeds interspecific aggregation. We observed a lack of negative correlation in abundance between pairs of parasites, and a negative correlation between niche size and parasite aggregation, for both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. Our comparative analysis showed that parasite abundance is positively correlated with niche breadth. Then parasite abundance, and not interactions between Dactylogyrus species, seems to be the most important factor determining niche size This result gives some support to niche segregation by specialisation. Niche size was negatively correlated with both intraspecific and interspecific aggregation. No relationship was found between an increase of interspecific aggregation with an increase of niche overlapping, which suggests that competition may play little role. A lack of competition could be also confirmed by the lack of negative correlation in abundance between species pairs. A parsimony analysis of the evolution of gill distribution indicates a change in one parameter of the niche (arch, segment and/or area) at each branching event.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Neotropical catfish family Loricariidae contains over 830 species that display extraordinary variation in jaw morphologies but nonetheless reveal little interspecific variation from a generalized diet of detritus and algae. To investigate this paradox, we collected delta13C and delta15N stable isotope signatures from 649 specimens representing 32 loricariid genera (82 species) from 19 local assemblages distributed across South America. We calculated vectors representing the distance and direction of each specimen relative to the delta15N/delta13C centroid for its local assemblage, and then examined the evolutionary diversification of loricariids across assemblage isotope niche space by regressing the mean vector for each genus in each assemblage onto a phylogeny reconstructed from osteological characters. RESULTS: Loricariids displayed a total range of delta15N assemblage centroid deviation spanning 4.9per thousand, which is within the tissue-diet discrimination range known for Loricariidae, indicating that they feed at a similar trophic level and that delta15N largely reflects differences in their dietary protein content. Total range of delta13C deviation spanned 7.4per thousand, which is less than the minimum range reported for neotropical river fish communities, suggesting that loricariids selectively assimilate a restricted subset of the full basal resource spectrum available to fishes. Phylogenetic regression of assemblage centroid-standardized vectors for delta15N and delta13C revealed that loricariid genera with allopatric distributions in disjunct river basins partition basal resources in an evolutionarily conserved manner concordant with patterns of jaw morphological specialization and with evolutionary diversification via ecological radiation. CONCLUSIONS: Trophic partitioning along elemental/nutritional gradients may provide an important mechanism of dietary segregation and evolutionary diversification among loricariids and perhaps other taxonomic groups of apparently generalist detritivores and herbivores. Evolutionary patterns among the Loricariidae show a high degree of trophic niche conservatism, indicating that evolutionary lineage affiliation can be a strong predictor of how basal consumers segregate trophic niche space.  相似文献   

A long‐standing macroecological hypothesis posits that species range limits are primarily determined by abiotic factors (e.g. climate) at poleward boundaries and biotic factors (e.g. competition) at equatorward boundaries. Using correlative environmental niche models we test this hypothesis for 214 amphibian and reptile species endemic to the United States (U.S.). As predicted, we find a closer association between climate and northern (poleward) range limits than at southern (equatorward) boundaries. However when we separately analyze amphibians and reptiles, only reptiles show the predicted pattern; amphibians show the opposite pattern. We also find more unoccupied, but climatically habitable, area beyond species’ southern range limits for reptiles but not amphibians. This suggests that factors other than climate limit distributions at southern boundaries for reptiles and at northern boundaries for amphibians. These contrasting results suggest that even in the same biogeographic regions, this macroecological hypothesis does not hold. Further studies should investigate, preferably via experimental approaches, the proximate and ultimate mechanisms responsible for range limits.  相似文献   

We apply a quantification of contemporary niche theory to several related topics of current interest: competition for alternative resources, the effect of consumers on those resources, and contemporary and evolutionary patterns at the community level attributable to the sequential colonization of resources and their consumers. Although the first topic is the traditional purview of niche theory, we believe that our model brings several issues into sharper focus than heretofore: The breadths of species' niches, overlap between them and the resulting interspecific effects all depend on the strategies by which competitors exploit heterogeneous environments. For our second application, we allow the alternative resources to be animate, and discover a positive relationship between predation and prey species diversity. Because we expect such a relationship for reasons that differ from those motivating the disturbance hypothesis, these ideas are easily distinguished. Finally, we consider the development of communities whose constituent populations behave according to the tenets of niche theory. Because successive trophic levels are colonized sequentially, patterns resulting from resource competition are replaced by those resulting from predation on consumers. For instance, consumer species-abundance distributions, which are uneven initially, become increasingly even during succession. Similar processes occur in evolutionary time, but the results have been reported as individual taxon cycles of invasion, accommodation and extinction or reinvasion. Niche theory suggests strategies and efficiencies of resource use that would facilitate invasion and prevent extinction. Though these last three are novel applications, the potential of this theory far exceeds them all. Moreover, the resulting insights augment the theory itself, increasing its general applicability. As a consequence of such feedback, niche theory may yet become a unifying concept in population biology.  相似文献   

Natural environments, like soils or the mammalian gut, frequently contain microbial consortia competing within a niche, wherein many species contain genetically encoded mechanisms of interspecies competition. Recent computational work suggests that physical structures in the environment can stabilize local competition between species that would otherwise be subject to competitive exclusion under isotropic conditions. Here we employ Lotka-Volterra models to show that interfacial competition localizes to physical structures, stabilizing competitive ecological networks of many species, even with significant differences in the strength of competitive interactions between species. Within a limited range of parameter space, we show that for stable communities the length-scale of physical structure inversely correlates with the width of the distribution of competitive fitness, such that physical environments with finer structure can sustain a broader spectrum of interspecific competition. These results highlight the potentially stabilizing effects of physical structure on microbial communities and lay groundwork for engineering structures that stabilize and/or select for diverse communities of ecological, medical, or industrial utility.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence that biotic interactions limit the distribution of species and their potential redistribution under climate change, the recent surge of interest in niche conservatism has predominantly focused on the Grinellian (abiotic) niche, whereas few studies have attempted to quantify potential lability in the Eltonian (biotic or trophic) niche. Here, we test for conservatism in the Eltonian niche of 32 freshwater fish species between their introduced and native ranges from 435 populations across the globe. We used stable isotope data to quantify niche shifts along the horizontal (δ13C: indicating the origin of the resources consumed) and vertical (δ15N: describing the trophic position) dimensions of the isotopic niche, as well as shifts in overall isotopic niche breadth. Using an assemblage centroid standardized isotope vector analysis and controlling for phylogenetic relatedness among species, we demonstrated that introduced freshwater fishes exhibited flexibility in both resource use and trophic position that was beyond levels of natural variability observed in their native ranges. By contrast, niche breadth showed variability only within the limits recorded in native populations and varied independently from shifts in mean isotopic niche positions. Across all species and introduction histories, we found a consistent shift towards more balanced acquisition of resources with mixed origins and at intermediate trophic positions, suggesting a general mechanism by which fish species successfully establish into recipient communities. The mechanisms that promote or inhibit species from shifting their Eltonian niche remains unknown, but trophic flexibility is likely to contribute to both the success and the ecological impacts of invasive species and range shifts of native species under future global change.  相似文献   

By specialising on specific resources, species evolve advantageous morphologies to increase the efficiency of nutrient acquisition. However, many specialists face variation in resource availability and composition. Whether specialists respond to these changes depends on the composition of the resource pulses, the cost of foraging on poorly matched resources, and the strength of interspecific competition. We studied hummingbird bill and plant corolla matching during seasonal variation in flower availability and morphology. Using a hierarchical Bayesian model, we accounted for the detectability and spatial overlap of hummingbird‐plant interactions. We found that despite seasonal pulses of flowers with short‐corollas, hummingbirds consistently foraged on well‐matched flowers, leading to low niche overlap. This behaviour suggests that the costs of searching for rare and more specialised resources are lower than the benefit of switching to super‐abundant resources. Our results highlight the trade‐off between foraging efficiency and interspecific competition, and underline niche partitioning in maintaining tropical diversity.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plant diversity is often explained by the ecological and evolutionary consequences of resource competition. Recently, the importance of allelopathy for competitive interactions has been recognized. In spite of such interest in allelopathy, we have few theories for understanding how the allelopathy influences the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of competing species. Here, I study the coevolutionary dynamics of two competing species with allelopathy in an interspecific competition system, and show that adaptive trait dynamics can cause cyclic coexistence. In addition, very fast adaptation such as phenotypic plasticity is likely to stabilize the population cycles. The results suggest that adaptive changes in allelopathy can lead to cyclic coexistence of plant species even when their ecological characters are very similar and interspecific competition is stronger than intraspecific competition, which should destroy competitive coexistence in the absence of adaptation.  相似文献   

Populations are often found on different habitats at different geographic locations. This habitat shift may be due to biased dispersal, physiological tolerances or biotic interactions. To explore how fitness of the native plant Chamaecrista fasciculata depends on habitat within, at and beyond its range edge, we planted seeds from five populations in two soil substrates at these geographic locations. We found that with reduced competition, lifetime fitness was always greater or equivalent in one habitat type, loam soils, though early-season survival was greater on sand soils. At the range edge, natural populations are typically found on sand soil habitats, which are also less competitive environments. Early-season survival and fitness differed among source populations, and when transplanted beyond the range edge, range edge populations had greater fitness than interior populations. Our results indicate that even when the optimal soil substrate for a species does not change with geographic range location, the realized niche of a species may be restricted to sub-optimal habitats at the range edge because of the combined effects of differences in abiotic and biotic effects (e.g. competitors) between substrates.  相似文献   

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