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Passive transfer studies using monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies in the macaque model have been valuable for determining conditions for antibody protection against immunodeficiency virus challenge. Most studies have employed hybrid simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) challenge in conjunction with neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies. Passive protection against SIV, particularly the pathogenic prototype virus SIVmac239, has been little studied because of the paucity of neutralizing antibodies to this virus. Here, we show that the antibody-like molecule CD4-IgG2 potently neutralizes SIVmac239 in vitro. When administered by an osmotic pump to maintain concentrations given the short half-life of CD4-IgG2 in macaques, the molecule provided sterilizing immunity/protection against high-dose mucosal viral challenge to a high proportion of animals (5/7 at a 200 mg dose CD4-IgG2 and 3/6 at a 20 mg dose) at serum concentrations below 1.5 μg/ml. The neutralizing titers of such sera were predicted to be very low and indeed sera at a 1∶4 dilution produced no neutralization in a pseudovirus assay. Macaque anti-human CD4 titers did develop weakly at later time points in some animals but were not associated with the level of protection against viral challenge. The results show that, although SIVmac239 is considered a highly pathogenic virus for which vaccine-induced T cell responses in particular have provided limited benefit against high dose challenge, the antibody-like CD4-IgG2 molecule at surprisingly low serum concentration affords sterilizing immunity/protection to a majority of animals.  相似文献   

Intravascular delivery of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) has shown promise for prevention and treatment of HIV infection. However, multiple IV administrations in geographic locations with poor accessibility to medical care have practical limitations. We have assessed the efficacy of plant-derived PGT121 delivered subcutaneously (SC) against pre-and post-intravaginal challenge using a rigorous SHIV-SF162P3 macaque protection model. SC administered PGT121 exhibited a longer serum half-life than IV administration and was more consistent than intramuscular delivery. A dose of 3.5mg/kg PGT121 prevented infection at a minimum ID50 neutralization titer of 1:295 while 5mg/kg protected five of six macaques when delivered immediately post-challenge. These results suggest the utility of plant-derived bnAbs delivered SC for HIV prevention.  相似文献   

The human monoclonal antibody 2G12 is a member of a small group of broadly neutralizing antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1. 2G12 adopts a unique variable heavy domain-exchanged dimeric configuration that results in an extensive multivalent binding surface and the ability to bind with high affinity to densely clustered high mannose oligosaccharides on the “silent” face of the gp120 envelope glycoprotein. Here, we further define the amino acids responsible for this extraordinary domain-swapping event in 2G12.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope (Env) protein contains numerous N-linked carbohydrates that shield conserved peptide epitopes and promote trans infection by dendritic cells via binding to cell surface lectins. The potent and broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2G12 binds a cluster of high-mannose-type oligosaccharides on the gp120 subunit of Env, revealing a conserved and highly exposed epitope on the glycan shield. To find an effective antigen for eliciting 2G12-like antibodies, we searched for endogenous yeast proteins that could bind to 2G12 in a panel of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycosylation knockouts and discovered one protein that bound weakly in a Δpmr1 strain deficient in hyperglycosylation. 2G12 binding to this protein, identified as Pst1, was enhanced by adding the Δmnn1 deletion to the Δpmr1 background, ensuring the exposure of terminal α1,2-linked mannose residues on the D1 and D3 arms of high-mannose glycans. However, optimum 2G12 antigenicity was found when Pst1, a heavily N-glycosylated protein, was expressed with homogenous Man8GlcNAc2 structures in Δoch1 Δmnn1 Δmnn4 yeast. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of this form of Pst1 showed high affinity for 2G12, which translated into Pst1 efficiently inhibiting gp120 interactions with 2G12 and DC-SIGN and blocking 2G12-mediated neutralization of HIV-1 pseudoviruses. The high affinity of the yeast glycoprotein Pst1 for 2G12 highlights its potential as a novel antigen to induce 2G12-like antibodies.The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has evolved numerous means to evade the humoral immune response, including a two-receptor mechanism for entry that recesses and protects highly conserved binding sites in the gp120 subunit of the viral envelope (Env) protein, trimerization of Env to further protect neutralizing epitopes readily exposed on the monomer, and rapid and continual mutation in the face of immune selective pressure (8, 9). Another highly effective defense mechanism is found in the extensive array of oligosaccharides covering gp120, with approximately 25 N-linked glycosylation sites per gp120 monomer (26). These glycans facilitate HIV type 1 (HIV-1) escape from immune surveillance by presenting immunologically “self” molecules with highly variable glycoforms that mask polypeptide epitopes along the “silent face” of gp120 (46, 49). Additionally, high-mannose-type N-linked glycans on gp120 have been implicated in inducing immunosuppressive responses from dendritic cells (DCs) (40), and in helping viral dissemination by binding to DCs through C-type lectins, such as DC-SIGN (DC-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin) (18, 33, 34). The high affinity of DC-SIGN for mannose structures on gp120 (29, 41), and evidence that DC-SIGN+ mucosal cells assist trans infection of permissive T cells, imply a key role for DC-SIGN in early HIV infection after sexual transmission (19).The high-mannose-type glycans of gp120 also represent a vulnerability for HIV-1. Mannose-binding lectins, such as cyanovirin N (16), actinohivin (12), and human mannose-binding protein (17), can interact with gp120 and inhibit HIV-1 infection in vitro. More critically for vaccine studies, high-mannose glycans are also the target of 2G12, one of the few broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) isolated from HIV-1-infected patients (36, 37, 42). The potency of this MAb stems from its unique epitope on the exposed and relatively conserved “silent face” of gp120, comprised of a cluster of terminal Manα1,2-Man residues on the D1 and D3 arms of up to three high-mannose glycans (10, 11, 36, 37). 2G12 is thought to have a high affinity for these gp120 glycans due to a unique heavy chain variable (VH) domain-swapped configuration that forms a multivalent binding surface with a potential noncanonical binding site at the novel VH/VH interface in addition to the two conventional VH/light chain variable (VL) binding sites. This extended antigen binding surface is thought to allow 2G12 to interact with multiple clustered high-mannose glycans (11).Due to the broadly neutralizing activity of 2G12, the high-mannose glycans on gp120 have aroused interest in the design of glycoantigens that recapitulate the 2G12 epitope. Several such antigens have been created by using flexible linkers to cross-link natural or chemically synthesized high-mannose glycans to various molecular scaffolds, each showing that multivalency of high-mannose glycans is the key to higher 2G12 affinity (2, 25, 27, 43-45). An alternative approach is to express heterologous glycoproteins with natural high-mannose glycans able to support 2G12 binding (28, 38). The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses many proteins with high densities of N-linked glycans, and the enzymes involved in its N-glycosylation pathway are easily manipulated to produce glycans with various high-mannose structures (3, 31). We previously showed that an engineered strain lacking the OCH1, MNN1, and MNN4 genes for carbohydrate-processing enzymes expressed at least four highly glycosylated proteins that supported 2G12 binding and that immunization of rabbits with whole yeast cells from this strain elicited antibodies that cross-reacted with the glycans of gp120 (28). Here, we describe a second approach to modify the glycosylation machinery of S. cerevisiae and the subsequent discovery of Pst1, a yeast glycoprotein able to bind MAb 2G12. We show that Pst1 displays increased 2G12 binding as the dominant glycans on the protein become more similar to the glycans on the 2G12 epitope of gp120. This form of Pst1, containing strictly Man8GlcNAc2 glycans, displayed high affinity for 2G12 and effectively blocked the interaction of gp120 with 2G12 and DC-SIGN. This identifies Pst1 as a candidate molecular scaffold for an effective presentation of the 2G12 epitope and as a potential immunogen to induce mannose-specific antibodies.  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibodies may have critical importance in immunity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. However, the amount of protective antibody needed at mucosal surfaces has not been fully established. Here, we evaluated systemic and mucosal pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of 2F5 IgG and 2F5 Fab fragments with respect to protection against vaginal challenge with simian-human immunodeficiency virus-BaL in macaques. Antibody assessment demonstrated that 2F5 IgG was more potent than polymeric forms (IgM and IgA) across a range of cellular and tissue models. Vaginal challenge studies demonstrated a dose-dependent protection for 2F5 IgG and no protection with 2F5 Fab despite higher vaginal Fab levels at the time of challenge. Animals receiving 50 or 25 mg/kg of body weight 2F5 IgG were completely protected, while 3/5 animals receiving 5 mg/kg were protected. In the control animals, infection was established by a minimum of 1 to 4 transmitted/founder (T/F) variants, similar to natural human infection by this mucosal route; in the two infected animals that had received 5 mg 2F5 IgG, infection was established by a single T/F variant. Serum levels of 2F5 IgG were more predictive of sterilizing protection than measured vaginal levels. Fc-mediated antiviral activity did not appear to influence infection of primary target cells in cervical explants. However, PK studies highlighted the importance of the Fc portion in tissue biodistribution. Data presented in this study may be important in modeling serum levels of neutralizing antibodies that need to be achieved by either vaccination or passive infusion to prevent mucosal acquisition of HIV-1 infection in humans.  相似文献   

The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV-1, located at the C terminus of the gp41 ectodomain, is conserved and crucial for viral fusion. Three broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bnMAbs), 2F5, 4E10, and Z13e1, are directed against linear epitopes mapped to the MPER, making this conserved region an important potential vaccine target. However, no MPER antibodies have been definitively shown to provide protection against HIV challenge. Here, we show that both MAbs 2F5 and 4E10 can provide complete protection against mucosal simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) challenge in macaques. MAb 2F5 or 4E10 was administered intravenously at 50 mg/kg to groups of six male Indian rhesus macaques 1 day prior to and again 1 day following intrarectal challenge with SHIVBa-L. In both groups, five out of six animals showed complete protection and sterilizing immunity, while for one animal in each group a low level of viral replication following challenge could not be ruled out. The study confirms the protective potential of 2F5 and 4E10 and supports emphasis on HIV immunogen design based on the MPER region of gp41.Eliciting broadly neutralizing antibodies is an important goal of HIV vaccine design efforts, and the study of broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (bnMAbs) can assist in that goal. Human bnMAbs against both gp120 and gp41 of the HIV-1 envelope spike have been described. Three bnMAbs to gp41, 2F5, 4E10, and Z13e1, have been identified and shown to recognize neighboring linear epitopes on the membrane proximal external (MPER) region of gp41 (3, 24, 25, 37, 47). In a comprehensive cross-clade neutralization study by Binley et al., 2F5 neutralized 67% and 4E10 neutralized 100% of a diverse panel of 90 primary isolates (2). Similar broad neutralization was seen against sexually transmitted isolates cloned from acutely infected patients (22). More recently, a comprehensive study showed that 2F5 neutralized 97 isolates from a 162-virus panel (60%) and that 4E10 neutralized 159 isolates (98%) (41). Although less potent, the monoclonal antibody Z13, isolated from an antibody phage display library derived from a bone marrow donor whose serum was broadly neutralizing (47), has cross-clade neutralizing activity. Z13e1 is an affinity-enhanced variant of the earlier-characterized MAb Z13 that is directed against an access-restricted epitope between and overlapping the epitopes of 2F5 and 4E10. Both MAbs 2F5 and 4E10 were originally obtained as IgG3 antibodies in hybridomas derived from peripheral blood mononuclear blood lymphocytes (PBMCs) of HIV-1-seropositive nonsymptomatic patients and were later class switched to IgG1 to enable large-scale manufacturing and to prolong in vivo half-life (3, 6, 32).Despite the interest in the MPER as a vaccine target, there is limited information on the ability of MPER antibodies to act antivirally in vivo either in established infection or prophylactically. A study using the huPBL-SCID mouse model showed limited impact from 2F5 when the antibody was administered in established infection (31). Passive administration of 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 to a cohort of acutely and chronically infected HIV-1 patients provided little direct evidence of 2F5 or 4E10 antiviral activity, whereas the emergence of escape variants indicated unequivocally the ability of 2G12 to act antivirally (18, 39). Indirect evidence did, however, suggest that the MPER MAbs may have affected virus replication, as indicated by viral rebound suppression in a patient known to have a 2G12-resistant virus prior to passive immunization (39). Another study of 10 individuals passively administered 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 before and after cessation of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) showed similarly that 2G12 treatment could delay viral rebound, but antiviral activity by 2F5 and 4E10 was not clearly demonstrated (21). In prophylaxis, an early 2F5 passive transfer study with chimpanzees suggested that the antibody could delay or lower the magnitude of primary viremia following HIV-1 challenge (7). A study using gene transfer of 2F5 in a humanized SCID mouse model suggested that continuous plasma levels of approximately 1 μg/ml of 2F5 may significantly reduce viral loads in LAI- and MN-challenged mice (34). Protection studies of rhesus macaques using simian-human immunodeficiency virus SHIV89.6PD challenge did not provide definitive direct evidence for MPER antibody-mediated protection. One of three animals was protected against intravenous (i.v.) challenge when 2F5 was administered in a cocktail with HIVIG and 2G12 (19), but all three animals treated with 2F5 alone at high concentration became infected. In a vaginal challenge study with SHIV89.6PD (20), four of five animals were protected with a cocktail of HIVIG, 2F5, and 2G12, but a 2F5/2G12 combination protected only two of five animals. Further protection studies have used MPER MAbs in combination with other MAbs, leaving the individual contributions of these antibodies uncertain (1, 8).In our previous studies, we successfully used the SHIV/macaque model to demonstrate neutralizing antibody protection against mucosal challenge, and we have begun to explore how that protection is achieved (12, 30). Here, we conducted a protection study with the two broadly neutralizing MPER-directed antibodies 2F5 and 4E10. We show that the antibodies can prevent viral infection and thereby support the MPER as a vaccine target.  相似文献   



Passive transfer of antibodies can be protective in the simian human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) – rhesus macaque challenge model. The human monoclonal antibody IgG1 b12 neutralizes human immunodeficiency type 1 (HIV-1) in vitro and protects against challenge by SHIV. Our hypothesis is that neutralizing antibodies can only completely inactivate a relatively small number of infectious virus.

Methods And Findings

We have used GHOST cell assays to quantify individual infectious events with HIV-1SF162 and its SHIV derivatives: the relatively neutralization sensitive SHIVSF162P4 isolate and the more resistant SHIVSF162P3. A plot of the number of fluorescent GHOST cells with increasing HIV-1SF162 dose is not linear. It is likely that with high-dose inocula, infection with multiple virus produces additive fluorescence in individual cells. In studies of the neutralization kinetics of IgG1 b12 against these isolates, events during the absorption phase of the assay, as well as the incubation phase, determine the level of neutralization. It is possible that complete inactivation of a virus is limited to the time it is exposed on the cell surface. Assays can be modified so that neutralization of these very low doses of virus can be quantified. A higher concentration of antibody is required to neutralize the same dose of resistant SHIVSF162P3 than the sensitive SHIVSF162P4. In the absence of selection during passage, the density of the CCR5 co-receptor on the GHOST cell surface is reduced. Changes in the CD4 : CCR5 density ratio influence neutralization.


Low concentrations of IgG1 b12 completely inactivate small doses of the neutralization resistant SHIV SF162P3. Assays need to be modified to quantify this effect. Results from modified assays may predict protection following repeated low-dose shiv challenges in rhesus macaques. It should be possible to induce this level of antibody by vaccination so that modified assays could predict the outcome of human trials.  相似文献   

Due to the inherent immune evasion properties of the HIV envelope, broadly neutralizing HIV-specific antibodies capable of suppressing HIV infection are rarely produced by infected individuals. We examined the feasibility of utilizing genetic engineering to circumvent the restricted capacity of individuals to endogenously produce broadly neutralizing HIV-specific antibodies. We constructed a single lentiviral vector that encoded the heavy and light chains of 2G12, a broadly neutralizing anti-HIV human antibody, and that efficiently transduced and directed primary human B cells to secrete 2G12. To evaluate the capacity of this approach to provide protection from in vivo HIV infection, we used the humanized NOD/SCID/γcnull mouse model, which becomes populated with human B cells, T cells, and macrophages after transplantation with human hematopoietic stem cells (hu-HSC) and develops in vivo infection after inoculation with HIV. The plasma of the irradiated NOD/SCID/γcnull mice transplanted with hu-HSC transduced with the 2G12-encoding lentivirus contained 2G12 antibody, likely secreted by progeny human lymphoid and/or myeloid cells. After intraperitoneal inoculation with high-titer HIV-1JR-CSF, mice engrafted with 2G12-transduced hu-HSC displayed marked inhibition of in vivo HIV infection as manifested by a profound 70-fold reduction in plasma HIV RNA levels and an almost 200-fold reduction in HIV-infected human cell numbers in mouse spleens, compared to control hu-HSC-transplanted NOD/SCID/γcnull mice inoculated with equivalent high-titer HIV-1JR-CSF. These results support the potential efficacy of this new gene therapy approach of using lentiviral vectors encoding a mixture of broadly neutralizing HIV antibodies for the treatment of HIV infection, particularly infection with multiple-drug-resistant isolates.While broadly neutralizing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific antibodies have the capacity to prevent or suppress HIV infection, they are rarely produced by infected individuals, thereby markedly compromising the ability of the humoral response to control HIV infection (reviewed in reference 28). The high degree of sequence variability in the gp120 structure limits the number of highly conserved epitopes available for targeting by neutralizing antibodies (40). In addition, HIV utilizes several mechanisms to shield the limited number of conserved neutralizing epitopes from the potentially potent antiviral effects of HIV envelope-specific antibodies (14). First, the envelope protein is heavily glycosylated, and the linkage of the most immunoreactive envelope peptide structures to poorly immunogenic glycans shields them from antibody binding (37). Second, exposure of neutralizing epitopes not protected from antibody binding by glycosylation is greatly reduced by trimerization of the gp120-gp41 structure (5). Third, susceptibility of other neutralizing epitopes to antibodies is greatly reduced by limiting their accessibility to antibody binding to the brief transient phase of conformational changes that occur only during binding of the envelope protein to its cellular receptors, CD4 and CCR5 or CXCR4 (41). These intrinsic structural features of gp120 greatly reduce the capacity of natural HIV infection or vaccination to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies able to prevent or control infection. Despite these constraints, rare human antibodies with broad anti-HIV neutralizing activity, i.e., 2G12, b12, 2F5, and 4E10, have been isolated (2).The capacity of passive immunization with neutralizing antibodies to prevent infection was suggested by challenge studies demonstrating that transferred neutralizing antibodies protected monkeys from infection by simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) and simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) (15). These studies were extended to humans, including several studies that examined the effect of passive immunotherapy using 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 on inhibition of HIV replication in infected individuals (20). Passive immunotherapy with a triple combination of 2G12, 2F5, and 4E10 delayed viral rebound after the cessation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), and activity of 2G12 was critical for inhibitory activity by this antibody combination (18). The key role of 2G12 in suppressing HIV replication was supported by the development of viral rebound in parallel with the emergence of HIV isolates resistant to neutralization by 2G12 (19).While HIV infection may be controlled by the lifelong treatment of HIV-infected individuals with periodic infusions of neutralizing-antibody cocktails every few weeks, this is not a practical or cost-effective therapeutic approach. Eliciting these antibodies by vaccination has not been successful. Therefore, we investigated whether we could circumvent the mechanisms that limit the endogenous production of broadly neutralizing HIV-specific antibodies using a molecular genetic approach to generate B cells that secrete these protective antibodies. In a proof-of-concept study, we examined the capacity of a single lentiviral vector to express the heavy and light chains of the 2G12 antibody, a well-studied anti-HIV human antibody that has broad neutralizing activity both against T cell line-adapted and primary HIV isolates (31). The 2G12 antibody was generated by applying murine/human xenohybridoma technology to establish human hybridoma cell lines from B cells isolated from HIV-infected individuals (16), and it targets the high-mannose and/or hybrid glycans of residues 295, 332, and 392 and peripheral glycans from residues 386 and 448 on gp120. In the current study we demonstrated that a lentiviral vector encoding the heavy and light chains of the 2G12 antibody reprogrammed B cells in vitro to secrete 2G12 with functional neutralizing activity. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the 2G12 lentiviral vector genetically modified human hematopoietic stem cells (hu-HSC), enabling them to differentiate in vivo into progeny cells that secreted 2G12 antibody that inhibited the development of in vivo HIV infection in humanized mice.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy with antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a treatment option given the absence of any vaccine or other available satisfactory treatment. We selected one of our monoclonal antibodies, RS-348, that is highly neutralizing. We showed that a single peptide (PEP3H) derived from complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) of its heavy chain was capable of neutralizing the virus in vitro. When intranasally administered 24 h before challenge, this peptide protected BALB/c mice against RSV lung infection. These results indicate that a single CDR can be effective against RSV infection.  相似文献   



Schistosomiasis affects more than 200 million individuals worldwide, with a further 650 million living at risk of infection, constituting a severe health problem in developing countries. Even though an effective treatment exists, it does not prevent re-infection, and the development of an effective vaccine still remains the most desirable means of control for this disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Herein, we report the cloning and characterization of a S. mansoni Stomatin-like protein 2 (SmStoLP-2). In silico analysis predicts three putative sites for palmitoylation (Cys11, Cys61 and Cys330), which could contribute to protein membrane association; and a putative mitochondrial targeting sequence, similar to that described for human Stomatin-like protein 2 (HuSLP-2). The protein was detected by Western blot with comparable levels in all stages across the parasite life cycle. Fractionation by differential centrifugation of schistosome tegument suggested that SmStoLP-2 displays a dual targeting to the tegument membranes and mitochondria; additionally, immunolocalization experiments confirm its localization in the tegument of the adult worms and, more importantly, in 7-day-old schistosomula. Analysis of the antibody isotype profile to rSmStoLP-2 in the sera of patients living in endemic areas for schistosomiasis revealed that IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgA antibodies were predominant in sera of individuals resistant to reinfection as compared to those susceptible. Next, immunization of mice with rSmStoLP-2 engendered a 30%–32% reduction in adult worm burden. Protective immunity in mice was associated with specific anti-rSmStoLP-2 IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies and elevated production of IFN-γ and TNF-α, while no IL-4 production was detected, suggesting a Th1-predominant immune response.


Data presented here demonstrate that SmStoLP-2 is a novel tegument protein located in the host-parasite interface. It is recognized by different subclasses of antibodies in patients resistant and susceptible to reinfection and, based on the data from murine studies, shows protective potential against schistosomiasis. These results indicate that SmStoLP-2 could be useful in a combination vaccine.  相似文献   

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