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Genetic diversity of Carica papaya as revealed by AFLP markers.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genetic relationships among Carica papaya cultivars, breeding lines, unimproved germplasm, and related species were established using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Seventy-one papaya accessions and related species were analyzed with nine EcoRI-MseI primer combinations. A total of 186 informative AFLP markers was generated and analyzed. Cluster analysis suggested limited genetic variation in papaya, with an average genetic similarity among 63 papaya accessions of 0.880. Genetic diversity among cultivars derived from the same or similar gene pools was smaller, such as Hawaiian Solo hermaphrodite cultivars and Australian dioecious cultivars with genetic similarity at 0.921 and 0.912, respectively. The results indicated that self-pollinated hermaphrodite cultivars were as variable as open-pollinated dioecious cultivars. Genetic diversity between C. papaya and six other Carica species was also evaluated. Carica papaya shared the least genetic similarity with these species, with an average genetic similarity of 0.432; the average genetic similarity among the six other species was 0.729. The results from AFLP markers provided detailed estimates of the genetic variation within and among papaya cultivars, and supported the notion that C. papaya diverged from the rest of Carica species early in the evolution of this genus.  相似文献   

Aims:  The genetic diversity of Beauveria bassiana was investigated by comparing isolates of this species to each other (49 from different geographical regions of Brazil and 4 from USA) and to other Beauveria spp.
Methods and Results:  The isolates were examined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and rDNA sequencing. MLEE and AFLP revealed considerable genetic variability among B. bassiana isolates. Several isolates from South and Southeast Brazil had high similarity coefficients, providing evidence of at least one population with clonal structure. There were clear genomic differences between most Brazilian and USA B. bassiana isolates. A Mantel test using data generated by AFLP provided evidence that greater geographical distances were associated with higher genetic distances. AFLP and rDNA sequencing demonstrated notable genotypic variation between B. bassiana and other Beauveria spp.
Conclusion:  Geographical distance between populations apparently is an important factor influencing genotypic variability among B. bassiana populations in Brazil.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study characterized many B. bassiana isolates. The results indicate that certain Brazilian isolates are considerably different from others and possibly should be regarded as separate species from B. bassiana sensu latu . The information on genetic variation among the Brazilian isolates, therefore, will be important to comprehending the population structure of B. bassiana in Brazil.  相似文献   

中国马铃薯晚疫病菌AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The genetic diversity of the populations of Phytophthora infestans from some major potato production regions in China were detected by amplified restriction fragment polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Among 200 combinations of primer pair screened, 12 combinations could generate consistent polymorphic bands using six tested isolates. The twelve combinations were used to amplify the genomic DNA of 50 isolates collected in China from 1997 to 2002. A total of 922 AFLP bands were obtained, and 530 of them,covering 57.5%, showed polymorphism. Cluster analysis using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) separated 50 isolates into five AFLP groups which were correlated to groups defined by geographical origin, however, they were not correlated to groups defined by mating type, or response to metalaxyl and virulence. Parameters of genetic diversity calculated by POPGENE software indicated that the genetic diversity level of Phytophtora infestans population in China was not high.  相似文献   

中国马铃薯晚疫病菌AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AFLP分子标记检测了我国部分马铃薯主要产区马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性及不同地区菌株间的亲缘关系。在200对引物组合中,利用6个菌株筛选出12对多态性好、带型清晰的引物组合。利用这12对引物组合对1997-2002年间采自我国黑龙江、河北、四川和云南4省的50株菌株进行了PCR扩增,共扩增出922条谱带,其中多态性标记530条,占57.5%。利用NTSYSpc软件中UPGMA算法构建了我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的亲缘关系树状图,聚类分析结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性与病原菌的地理来源有一定的相关性,而与交配型、生理小种和对甲霜灵的抗性无明显的相关性。用POPGENE软件计算了各群体间的遗传多样性参数,结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性程度不高,不同地区种群间分化不明显。  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) is a perennial warm-season grass native to North America that has been identified as a dedicated cellulosic biofuel crop. We quantified genetic diversity in tetraploid switchgrass germplasm collected at Oklahoma State University and characterized genetic relatedness among the collections from distinct regions. Fifty-six tetraploid accessions, including seven upland and 49 lowland genotypes from throughout the US, were examined. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) procedure was utilized to generate DNA profiling patterns that were scored visually. Sixteen selective AFLP primer combinations were used to amplify 452 polymorphic bands. The accessions' genetic similarity coefficients, UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging) cluster analysis and principle coordinate analysis, were performed. The upland and lowland accessions clustered according to ecotypes, with one exception (TN104). Genetic similarity coefficients among the accessions ranged from 0.73 to 0.95. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed, showing significant differences between the upland and lowland genotypes. The trnL marker confirmed that TN104 was a lowland genotype, but the trnL marker identification of upland and lowland genotypes was not consistent with the AFLP analysis in two germplasms (Miami and AR4).  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among wild and cultivated barley as revealed by RFLP   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Genetic variability of cultivated and wild barley, Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare and spontaneum, respectively, was assessed by RFLP analysis. The material consisted of 13 European varietes, single-plant offspring lines of eight land races from Ethiopia and Nepal, and five accessions of ssp. spontaneum from Israel, Iran and Turkey. Seventeen out of twenty-one studied cDNA and gDNA probes distributed across all seven barley chromosomes revealed polymorphism when DNA was digested with one of four restriction enzymes. A tree based on genetic distances using frequencies of RFLP banding patterns was estimated and the barley lines clustered into five groups reflecting geographical origin. The geographical groups of land-race lines showed less intragroup variation than the geographical groups of spontaneum lines. The group of European varieties, representing large variation in agronomic traits, showed an intermediate level. The proportion of gene diversity residing among geographical groups (FST) varied from 0.19 to 0.94 (average 0.54) per RFLP pattern, indicating large diversification between geographical groups.  相似文献   

为了明确我国大螟Sesamia inferens Walker不同地理种群的遗传多样性水平,利用AFLP方法对我国长江流域和南方稻区大螟的10个地理种群进行了遗传多样性分析,结果表明不同地理种群间具有丰富的遗传多样性,利用27对引物共扩增到1 055条条带,其中837条条带具有遗传多态性,多态性比例为78.75%;种群间分化系数(Gst)为0.7132;Nei’s基因多样性(h)范围在0.29690.4547之间,平均为0.3752;Shannon信息指数介于0.29360.4547之间,平均为0.3752;Shannon信息指数介于0.29360.5043之间,平均为0.3888;10个种群间遗传一致度较高,均大于0.63。遗传距离聚类分析表明,大螟10个地理种群可区分为4类,德阳,龙海,湛江各为一类,其余7个地理种群聚为一类。研究还表明,与其他测试种群的遗传距离普遍较大、相对孤立的地理种群,其聚类结果有一定的随机性,因此,取样点较多、且样点分布较均匀的聚类分析结果才有较高可信度。  相似文献   

中国北方球孢白僵菌的遗传多样性和种群遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将在中国北方13省采集分离的622株球孢白僵菌按省份划分成13个亚种群,其中寄主可以鉴定到目的8目昆虫和蜘蛛目的568株按目划分成9个亚种群,用ISSR(简单重复序列区间)分子标记技术进行遗传多样性和种群遗传结构分析.结果表明:各多样性指数皆显示我国北方地区球孢白僵菌的遗传多样性水平较高,种群的异质性较强.其中内蒙古亚种群的遗传多样性和种群异质性最高,河南亚种群最低;鳞翅目亚种群的遗传多样性和种群异质性最高,蜘蛛目亚种群最低.河南与辽宁亚种群间以及蜘蛛目与螳螂目亚种群间的遗传分化系数以及遗传距离最大,宁夏与陕西亚种群间以及鞘翅目与膜翅目亚种群间最小.按寄主目划分的亚种群间的平均遗传分化系数和平均遗传距离均低于按省份划分的亚种群.这些结果以及基于遗传距离的亚种群聚类分析都证明我国北方球孢白僵菌的遗传谱系与寄主来源和地理来源均无关系.我国北方球孢白僵菌的变异主要是由各不同寄主目内科间及属间的变异造成的,也是由各省不同采集地以及采集地内部不同微生境间的差异造成的.  相似文献   

Ceratopteris pteridoides (Hook.) Hieron. is an endangered aquatic homosporous fern in China. Genetic diversity and structure of eight populations collected from the mid-lower reaches of Yangtze River were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). A low level of gene diversity was found at the population level (Pp = 17.4%, HE = 0.039 and I = 0.063), which possibly resulted from its high degree of inbreeding, clonal growth and short life history of this species. C. pteridoides contained high clonal diversity (PD = 0.757, D = 0.992). High population differentiation was revealed by partitioning of genetic diversity (GST = 0.707), and the AMOVA analysis consistently showed that 72.3% of the total genetic diversity was attributable to among-population diversity. Based on the genetic information from UPGMA cluster and principal coordinate analysis, two management units have been identified, and translocation within each management unit is recommended.  相似文献   

Withania somnifera is an important medicinal plant, and its anticancerous properties have been attributed to various classes of withanolide compounds. The objective of the present study was to investigate the inter- and intraspecific genetic variation present in 35 individuals of W. somnifera and 5 individuals of W. coagulans using AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) marker technique. The information about genetic variation determined from AFLP data for 40 individuals was employed to estimate similarity matrix value based on Jaccard's coefficient. The similarity values were further used to construct a phenetic dendrogram revealing the genetic relationships. The dendrogram generated by UPGMA (unweighted pair group method of arithmetic averages) distinguished W. somnifera from W. coagulans and formed two major clusters. These two main clusters shared a similarity coefficient of 0.3, correlating with the high level of polymorphism detected. The dendrogram further separated W. somnifera into three subclasses corresponding to Kashmiri and Nagori groups and an intermediate type. The AFLP profile of Kashmiri individuals was distinct from that of the Nagori group of plants. The intermediate genotype was distinct as it shared bands with both the Kashmiri and Nagori individuals, even though it was identified as a Kashmiri morphotype. Furthermore, the intermediate type shared a similarity coefficient of 0.8 with the Kashmiri individuals. The present work revealed low levels of variation within a population though high levels of polymorphism were detected between Nagori and Kashmiri populations. The ability of AFLP markers for efficient and rapid detection of genetic variations at the species as well as intraspecific level qualifies it as an efficient tool for estimating genetic similarity in plant species and effective management of genetic resources.  相似文献   

濒危植物扇脉杓兰野生居群遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扇脉杓兰(Cypripedium japonicum)是一种珍稀的地生兰。为了探索并制定针对性的保护措施,采用AFLP分子标记技术对现存于浙江省的6个扇脉杓兰天然居群进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构的研究。筛选出的7对引物共扩增出377条清晰条带,多态性比率为20.95%。居群总Nei基因多样性指数为0.0512,其中居群内基因多样性为0.0247,居群平均Shannon多态性信息指数为0.0417,群体间总遗传分化系数为0.5178,基因流为0.4655,表明扇脉杓兰居群的遗传多样性较低,居群间出现一定程度的遗传分化。UPGMA聚类和Mantel检测分析结果表明,居群间的地理位置与遗传距离之间不存在显著相关性(r=0.16,P=0.242)。基于本研究结果并结合扇脉杓兰的生物学特性,初步提出了相应的保育策略。  相似文献   

Rice is one of the most economically important cereal crops in the world. The genus Echinochloa is the most competitive and difficult to control weeds in the rice fields. Improving the knowledge on the genetic diversity and structure of Echinochloa spp. can supply crucial information for designing effective management strategies for weed control in rice breeding. In the study, 28 Echinochloa spp. genotypes were subjected to the analysis of genetic diversity using four amplified fragment length polymorphism selective primer combinations. The number of polymorphic fragments per primer combination detected ranged from 28 to 50 bands with an average of 41.5 bands. Average polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.26 in overall primer combinations. EACA-MCAG primer combination showed the highest PIC (0.52) which can be a good candidate primer combination to verify genetic diversity in Echinochloa spp. The unweighted pair-group method of the arithmetic average and principal coordinate analysis showed a clear distinction among the genotypes and the genotypes divided into three clusters in the dendrogram results. A model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of two populations. The accessions were clearly assigned to a single population in which >70 % of their inferred ancestry was derived from one of the model-based populations. However, three genotypes (10.7 %) in the sample were categorized as having admixed ancestry. The study showed that genetic variation and population structure are determined among genotypes collected from different locations. High level of genetic variation in both intra and inter species was detected.  相似文献   

三个地理群体赤眼鳟遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RAPD技术对宿鸭湖、青龙湖和丹江口水库3个野生赤眼鳟群体的遗传多样性进行分析.9个RAPD引物共获得93个扩增位点,其中多态位点56个,多态位点比例为60.22%.3个群体的多态位点比例分别为53.01%、54.12%和57.95%,遗传距离分别为0.1548、0.1613和0.1764,Shannon信息指数分别为0.2249、0.2318和0.2437.群体间遗传距离以宿鸭湖和青龙湖群体最近(0.1257),青龙湖与丹江口水库群体最远(0.1416).结果表明3个赤眼鳟群体的遗传多样性均较丰富,但群体间地理遗传分化差异并不明显.  相似文献   

 The challenge to maize breeders is to identify inbred lines that produce highly heterotic hybrids. In the present study we surveyed genetic divergence among 13 inbred lines of maize using DNA markers and assessed the relationship between genetic distance and hybrid performance in a diallel set of crosses between them. The parental lines were assayed for DNA polymorphism using 135 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and 209 amplified-fragment polymorphisms (AFLPs). Considerable variation among inbreds was detected with RFLP and AFLP markers. Moreover AFLPs detect polymorphisms more efficiently in comparison to RFLPs, due to the larger number of loci assayed in a single PCR reaction. Genetic distances (GDs), calculated from RFLP and AFLP data, were greater among lines belonging to different heterotic groups compared to those calculated from lines of the same heterotic group. Cluster analysis based on GDs revealed associations among lines which agree with expectations based on pedigree information. The GD values of the 78 F1 crosses were partioned into general (GGD) and specific (SGD) components. Correlations of GD with F1 performance for grain yield were positive but too small to be of predictive value. The correlations of SGDs, particularly those based on AFLP data, with specific combining-ability effects for yield may have a practical utility in predicting hybrid performance. Received: 15 August 1997 / Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   

利用AFLP标记对中国11省13个二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)地理种群进行遗传多态性分析,以揭示不同区域种群间遗传分化,为建立较准确的二化螟发生区划及区域治理对策提供新的依据。选取3对引物,共扩增出445个位点,其中多态性位点数为386,多态性比率为86.8%。种群间分化系数(Gst)为0.74,基因流仅为0.176;13个地理种群间遗传一致度较高,均大于0.67。遗传距离聚类分析表明,二化螟13个地理种群可区分为4类,其中淮北平原类(赣榆、阜宁、阜南)、东南山区类(鄞县、闽侯)、荆湘川类(荆州、邵阳、德阳)三类种群分别具有较一致的地理气候特征或相对较近的距离。研究还表明,与其他测试种群的遗传距离普遍较大、相对孤立的地理种群,其聚类结果有一定的随机性,因此,取样点较多、且样点分布较均匀的聚类分析结果才有较高可信度。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of apricot ( Prunus armeniaca; 2n = 16) was studied using AFLP markers. Forty seven apricot cultivars were selected from the following geographic regions: Europe, North America, North Africa, Turkey, Iran and China. Five EcoRI- MseI AFLP primer combinations revealed 416 legible bands, of which 379 were polymorphic markers. A similarity matrix was prepared using the simple matching coefficient of similarity. A UPGMA dendrogram demonstrated a gradient of decreasing genetic diversity of varieties from the former USSR to Southern Europe. This is coherent with the historical dissemination of apricot from its center of origin in Asia. The American cultivars were intermediate demonstrating a different genetic base than the European and/or Mediterranean cultivars. Euclidean distances from the first ten Factorial Component Analysis coordinate axes were used to generate a tree using the Ward algorithm. The results of these analyses were evaluated based on the known geographic origins and agronomic characteristics of the cultivars studied. Four cultivar groups were identified: Diversification, Geographically Adaptable, Continental Europe and Mediterranean Basin. To evaluate the relationship of the common apricot with some closely related species, one or two accessions of the following related species or sub-species from within the section Armeniaca were included in the analysis: Prunus armeniaca var. ansu, Prunus mume, Prunus brigantiaca, Prunus dasycarpa, and Prunus holosericea. A Neighbour Joining dendrogram was made using the similarity matrix. The P. holosericea accession fell well within the cultivar group, thus supporting its classification as a variant of P. armeniaca. The P. armeniaca var. ansu accession was sister to the common apricot cluster with a bootstrap value of 96%. P. mume was farther removed. P. brigantiaca was the most-distant from the common apricots. P. dasycarpa was intermediate between P. brigantiaca and P. mume, in accord with its plum-apricot hybrid origin. The results have a direct application for the selection of new breeding progenitors.  相似文献   

Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng., commonly known as curry leaf plant, is found in the different hilly regions of India. In the present study, fifty-nine accessions representing eight wild populations of M. koenigii were analyzed using thirteen ISSR primers. A total of 152 bands were amplified, out of which, 136 were polymorphic corresponding to 89.47% polymorphism across the accessions. The pairwise population genetic distances were calculated for all the populations that varied from 0.05 to 0.13 between the populations of M. koenigii. AMOVA and Nei’s genetic diversity analysis revealed higher genetic variations within populations than among the populations. The clustering of populations in the dendrogram was not in congruence with geographical affiliations. The results indicate that the ISSR method is sufficiently informative and powerful to estimate the genetic diversity in M. koenigii populations. As M. koenigii is an important wild plant genetic resource, therefore, information on genetic variability might be a potential source as breeding material for development of commercially valuable traits in M. koenigii plants.  相似文献   

两广地区家蚕白僵菌的SSRs遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明广东和广西地区家蚕Bombyx mori病原白僵菌的来源及其菌株间的相互关系, 本研究利用了微卫星标记(simple sequence repeats, SSRs)技术, 分别对采自广东、 广西蚕区的白僵菌菌株居群之间和居群之内的遗传多态性进行了研究。结果发现, 两广白僵菌居群之间的基因分化系数(Gst)是0.0590, 多态位点百分率(PPL)为97.73%, Nei氏基因多样性指数(H)为0.1896, Shannon氏信息多样性指数(I)为0.3165, 表明两广家蚕来源的白僵菌居群间的遗传分化较小; 两个居群内部的遗传多态性研究结果分别是广东白僵菌居群的PPL=68.18%, H=0.1910, I=0.3044, 而广西白僵菌居群的PPL=65.91%, H=0.1713, I=0.1791, 表明广东白僵菌居群的遗传多样性水平较高, 广西白僵菌居群遗传多样性水平相对较低。最后, 利用Nei氏遗传距离进行了两广地区白僵菌菌株间地理来源关系的聚类分析, 结果表明实验室保存菌株单独聚为类群Ⅰ, 而不同采集地的菌株聚为类群Ⅱ。结果反映了生产来源的白僵菌菌株存在遗传多态性和基因分化现象, 暗示了家蚕白僵病病原来源的复杂性, 还说明应用SSRs技术进行家蚕白僵病病原的溯源是一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

Japanese rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars that are strictly used for the brewing of sake (Japanese rice wine) represent a unique and traditional group. These cultivars are characterized by common traits such as large grain size with low protein content and a large, central white-core structure. To understand the genetic diversity and phylogenetic characteristics of sake-brewing rice, we performed amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat analyses, using 95 cultivars of local and modern sake-brewing rice together with 76 cultivars of local and modern cooking rice. Our analysis of both nuclear and chloroplast genome polymorphisms showed that the genetic diversity in sake-brewing rice cultivars was much smaller than the diversity found in cooking rice cultivars. Interestingly, the genetic diversity within the modern sake-brewing cultivars was about twofold higher than the diversity within the local sake-brewing cultivars, which was in contrast to the cooking cultivars. This is most likely due to introgression of the modern cooking cultivars into the modern sake-brewing cultivars through breeding practices. Cluster analysis and chloroplast haplotype analysis suggested that the local sake-brewing cultivars originated monophyletically in the western regions of Japan. Analysis of variance tests showed that several markers were significantly associated with sake-brewing traits, particularly with the large white-core structure.  相似文献   

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