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史春妹  谢佳君  顾佳音  刘丹  姜广顺 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4685-4693
东北虎个体的自动识别是种群数量评估和制定有效保护策略的重要基础。以东北虎林园和怪坡虎园38 只虎为研究对象,将目标检测方法首次应用到东北虎个体识别研究中,采用多种深度卷积神经网络模型,以实现虎个体的自动识别。首先通过相机在不同角度对 38 只东北虎进行拍摄取样,建立包含13579张图像的虎样本数据集。由于虎的体侧条纹信息不具有对称性,所以运用单次多盒目标检测(Single Shot MultiBox Detector, SSD)方法,对虎的躯干左侧条纹、右侧条纹以及脸部等不同部位图像,进行自动检测并分割提取,极大节省手工截取时间。在检测分割出的左右侧及脸部不同部位图片基础上,运用上、下、左、右平移变换进行数据增强,使图片数目扩大为原来的5 倍。采用LeNet、AlexNet、ZFNet、VGG16、ResNet34共5 种卷积神经网络模型进行个体自动识别。为了提高识别准确率,运用平均值和最大值不同组合方式来优化池化操作,并在全连接层引入概率分别为0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4的丢弃(Dropout)操作防止过拟合。实验表明,目标检测模型耗时较少,截取分割老虎不同部位条纹能达到0.6 s/张,远快于人工截取速度,并且在测试集上准确率能达到97.4%。不同姿态下的目标部位都能正确识别并分割。ResNet34模型的准确率优于其他网络模型,左右侧条纹以及脸部图像识别准确率分别为93.75%、97.01%和 86.28%,右侧条纹识别准确率优于左侧条纹和脸部图像。研究为野生虎自动相机影像的识别提供技术参考。在未来研究中,对东北虎个体影响数据进行扩充,选取更多影像数据进行训练,使网络具有更强的适应性,从而实现更准确的个体识别。  相似文献   

Warning (aposematic) and cryptic colorations appear to be mutually incompatible because the primary function of the former is to increase detectability, whereas the function of the latter is to decrease it. Disruptive coloration is a type of crypsis in which the color pattern breaks up the outline of the prey, thus hindering its detection. This delusion can work even when the prey's pattern elements are highly contrasting; thus, it is possible for an animal's coloration to combine both warning and disruptive functions. The coloration of the wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis) is such that the moth is conspicuous when it rests on vegetation, but when it feigns death and drops to the grass‐ and litter‐covered ground, it is hard to detect. This death‐feigning behavior therefore immediately switches the function of its coloration from signaling to camouflage. We experimentally tested whether the forewing patterning of wood tiger moths could function as disruptive coloration against certain backgrounds. Using actual forewing patterns of wood tiger moths, we crafted artificial paper moths and placed them on a background image resembling a natural litter and grass background. We manipulated the disruptiveness of the wing pattern so that all (marginal pattern) or none (nonmarginal pattern) of the markings extended to the edge of the wing. Paper moths, each with a hidden palatable food item, were offered to great tits (Parus major) in a large aviary where the birds could search for and attack the “moths” according to their detectability. The results showed that prey items with the disruptive marginal pattern were attacked less often than prey without it. However, the disruptive function was apparent only when the prey was brighter than the background. These results suggest that warning coloration and disruptive coloration can work in concert and that the moth, by feigning death, can switch the function of its coloration from warning to disruptive.  相似文献   

How are tiger shark embryos nourished to large size without a placental connection? Tiger sharks belong to the family Carcharhinidae, and all carcharhinid sharks are placental with the exception of the tiger shark. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that tiger shark embryos are nourished to large size by imbibing a clear uterine fluid found in their egg cases. Based on weights of fertilized eggs and of term embryos, the tiger shark is a matrotrophic species, and its embryos appear to reach gains of 2119% in wet weight and 1092% in dry weight during gestation. By measuring the total energy content of the fluid in the egg case by chemical oxygen demand (COD), the authors demonstrate that clear liquid in the tiger shark egg case is an energy-rich embryotrophe that nourishes the embryos to large size. We suggest that the process be termed ‘embryotrophy'. The process appears to be an adaptation for producing large broods of large embryos in a species lacking a placental connection.  相似文献   

Wildlife habitat corridors are components of landscapes, which facilitate the movement of organisms and processes between areas of intact habitat, and thus provide landscape corridor as well as serve as an ideal component to study and understand physiological ecology. Corridors are thus regions within a given landscape that generally comprise native vegetation, and connect otherwise fragmented, disconnected, non-contiguous wildlife habitat patches in the landscape. The purpose of designing corridors as a conservation strategy is primarily to counter, and to the extent possible, mitigate the impacts of habitat fragmentation and loss on the biodiversity of the landscape, as well as support continuance of land use for essential local and global economic activities in the region of reference.In this paper, we use game theory and graph theory to model and design a wildlife corridor in the Central India – Eastern Ghats landscape complex, with tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) as the focal species. We construct a graph using the habitat patches supporting wild tiger populations in the landscape complex as vertices and the possible paths between these vertices as edges. A cost matrix is constructed to indicate the cost incurred by the tiger for passage between the habitat patches in the landscape (based on Shelford's Law of Tolerance), by modelling a two-person Prisoner's Dilemma game. A minimum spanning tree is then obtained by employing Kruskal's algorithm, which would suggest a feasible tiger corridor network for the tiger population within the landscape complex. Additionally, analysis of the graph is done using various centrality measures, in order to identify and focus on potentially important habitat patches, and their potential community structure. Correlation analysis is performed on the centrality indices to draw out interesting trends in the network.  相似文献   

How morphology changes with size can have profound effects on the life history and ecology of an animal. For apex predators that can impact higher level ecosystem processes, such changes may have consequences for other species. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are an apex predator in tropical seas, and, as adults, are highly migratory. However, little is known about ontogenetic changes in their body form, especially in relation to two aspects of shape that influence locomotion (caudal fin) and feeding (head shape). We captured digital images of the heads and caudal fins of live tiger sharks from Southern Florida and the Bahamas ranging in body size (hence age), and quantified shape of each using elliptical Fourier analysis. This revealed changes in the shape of the head and caudal fin of tiger sharks across ontogeny. Smaller juvenile tiger sharks show an asymmetrical tail with the dorsal (upper) lobe being substantially larger than the ventral (lower) lobe, and transition to more symmetrical tail in larger adults, although the upper lobe remains relatively larger in adults. The heads of juvenile tiger sharks are more conical, which transition to relatively broader heads over ontogeny. We interpret these changes as a result of two ecological transitions. First, adult tiger sharks can undertake extensive migrations and a more symmetrical tail could be more efficient for swimming longer distances, although we did not test this possibility. Second, adult tiger sharks expand their diet to consume larger and more diverse prey with age (turtles, mammals, and elasmobranchs), which requires substantially greater bite area and force to process. In contrast, juvenile tiger sharks consume smaller prey, such as fishes, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Our data reveal significant morphological shifts in an apex predator, which could have effects for other species that tiger sharks consume and interact with. J. Morphol. 277:556–564, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Bengal tiger Panthera tigris tigris the National Animal of India, is an endangered species. Estimating populations for such species is the main objective for designing conservation measures and for evaluating those that are already in place. Due to the tiger's cryptic and secretive behaviour, it is not possible to enumerate and monitor its populations through direct observations; instead indirect methods have always been used for studying tigers in the wild. DNA methods based on non-invasive sampling have not been attempted so far for tiger population studies in India. We describe here a pilot study using DNA extracted from faecal samples of tigers for the purpose of population estimation.


In this study, PCR primers were developed based on tiger-specific variations in the mitochondrial cytochrome b for reliably identifying tiger faecal samples from those of sympatric carnivores. Microsatellite markers were developed for the identification of individual tigers with a sibling Probability of Identity of 0.005 that can distinguish even closely related individuals with 99.9% certainty. The effectiveness of using field-collected tiger faecal samples for DNA analysis was evaluated by sampling, identification and subsequently genotyping samples from two protected areas in southern India.


Our results demonstrate the feasibility of using tiger faecal matter as a potential source of DNA for population estimation of tigers in protected areas in India in addition to the methods currently in use.

Evidence is vital. Understanding what interventions are effective is critical for the conservation of wild tigers and conservation biology in general. We evaluated the effectiveness of tiger reserves within India, a country with more than half of the estimated wild tiger population, with comparative effectiveness research. Other complex environments, medicine and business use these techniques where cause and effects are often non-linear. These techniques also allowed us to evaluate data from the small sample size often seen in conservation interventions. The opinions of three tiger experts were used to generate a list of seven tiger reserves classified as successful and five reserves as failures. We also used expert opinion to identify any key individuals that garnered widespread support for tiger conservation at any of the identified reserves. Using data from the Indian Census, World Database on Protected Areas, and the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, we analyzed the human population around the tiger reserves. We found two surprising insights that have received scant attention in the peer-reviewed literature. First, one can achieve tiger conservation success even within a densely populated human landscape where a high percentage of the population is involved in agriculture. Second, the presence of “conservation champions” can dramatically affect the performance of individual reserves and have positive outcomes for tiger conservation.  相似文献   

中国野生东北虎数量监测方法有效性评估   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
张常智  张明海  姜广顺 《生态学报》2012,32(19):5943-5952
虎数量监测是虎保护的核心内容之一。野生虎现存数量少、领域宽广,加之习性机警,很难对其数量和种群变化趋势做出准确的评估。合适的虎数量监测方法随着监测目标、监测尺度、虎密度、猎物密度、气候及其它环境因素的变化而不同。2002—2011年,用东北虎信息收集网络法,样线调查法,猎物生物量和捕食者关系法,对东北虎数量进行监测。(1)用老虎信息收集网络法研究2006年完达山东部地区东北虎的种群现状,结果显示东完达山地区2006年东北虎数量为6—9只,由1只成年雄虎,2—3只成年雌虎,2—4只亚成体虎和1只小于1岁的幼体虎组成;(2)用猎物生物量和捕食者关系法得到东完达山地区2002年东北虎的密度为0.356只/100 km2,能容纳22—27只东北虎;(3)用样线法在黑龙江的老爷岭南部和吉林省大龙岭北部面积1735.99 km2的区域内设置样线64条,总长609 km,没有发现东北虎足迹链。样线调查的结果表明,在2011年2—3月该调查区域东北虎的数量为0只。监测结果表明,用猎物生物量和捕食者关系得到东北虎数量远远超过现实数量,人们对有蹄类的盗猎和猎套对老虎的伤害可能是其主要原因;样线法调查得出的结果低于现实种群,主要原因是老虎数量极低和调查者对野生虎行为学了解甚少,较难在野外有效的发现虎信息;且样线法监测仅应用于当东北虎以一定的密度(即有定居虎)存在的情况下(多数监测样线能发现虎信息)。虽然和样线法一样存在着诸如专家估计密度和真实密度之间的关系,老虎足迹数量和老虎真实密度间关系不确定,保守估计等内在缺点,在目前中国东北地区野生东北虎种群密度极低,且多是穿越于中俄边境地区的游荡个体的现状下,信息收集网络法是一种高效,可行东北虎监测方法。因此,建议建立更广泛的监测信息收集网络,培训监测人员,严格执行信息收集程序,减少专家估计误差以完善此监测方法。此外,其他监测方法,如占有法、基于标志重捕远红外照相法、粪便DNA法、足迹数码信息法、警犬法等,应根据各种方法的理论前提、误差来源、适用范围和老虎是否定居及密度等具体情况有选择地加以应用,且有些方法可能成为未来中国野生东北虎种群的有效监测工具。  相似文献   

Microsporum canis was isolated from the inflammatory skin lesions of a Bengal tiger in April, 1979. In clinical findings rounded area of alopecia, 3 to 8 cm in size was observed on the right haúnch and the tail. The skin lesions were covered with thin scales, but the inflammatory changes were not severe. Findings, on physical examination, were unremarkable and the animal appeared healthy except for the skin lesions. The infected hairs were invaded by the fungal elements and arthroconidia were around the hair shaft. Cuticles and cortex of the infected hairs were brittle. They were evidently digested and were easily pulled out from the hair follicles. In mycological findings numerous and typical macroconidia were observed. By cross mating of a isolate from tiger andNannizzia otae(–) strain, cleistothecia were produced. Both organic iodide and undecylenic acid ointment were effective for therapy. In this paper the dermatophytosis of tiger caused byM. canis is described.  相似文献   

Electric images of two low resistance objects in weakly electric fish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Electroreceptive fish detect nearby objects by processing the information contained in the pattern of electric currents through their skin. In weakly electric fish, these currents arise from a self-generated field (the electric organ discharge), depending on the electrical properties of the surrounding medium. The electric image can be defined as the pattern of transepidermal voltage distributed over the receptive surface. To understand electrolocation it is necessary to know how electric image of objects are generated. In pulse mormyrids, the electric organ is localized at the tail, far from the receptors and fires a short biphasic pulse. Consequently, if all the elements in the environment are resistive, the stimulus at every point on the skin has the same waveform. Then, any measure of the amplitude (for example, the peak to peak amplitude) could be the unique parameter of the stimulus at any point of the skin. We have developed a model to calculate the image, corroborating that images are spread over the whole sensory surface and have an opposite center-surround, "Mexican-hat" shape. As a consequence, the images of different objects superimpose. We show theoretically and by simulation that the image of a pair of objects is not the simple addition of the individual images of these objects.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns of gene flow of an endangered species metapopulation occupying a fragmented habitat is crucial for landscape-level conservation planning and devising effective conservation strategies. Tigers (Panthera tigris) are globally endangered and their populations are highly fragmented and exist in a few isolated metapopulations across their range. We used multi-locus genotypic data from 273 individual tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) from four tiger populations of the Satpura–Maikal landscape of central India to determine whether the corridors in this landscape are functional. This 45 000 km2 landscape contains 17% of India''s tiger population and 12% of its tiger habitat. We applied Bayesian and coalescent-based analyses to estimate contemporary and historical gene flow among these populations and to infer their evolutionary history. We found that the tiger metapopulation in central India has high rates of historical and contemporary gene flow. The tests for population history reveal that tigers populated central India about 10 000 years ago. Their population subdivision began about 1000 years ago and accelerated about 200 years ago owing to habitat fragmentation, leading to four spatially separated populations. These four populations have been in migration–drift equilibrium maintained by high gene flow. We found the highest rates of contemporary gene flow in populations that are connected by forest corridors. This information is highly relevant to conservation practitioners and policy makers, because deforestation, road widening and mining are imminent threats to these corridors.  相似文献   

The South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis, SCT) is the most critically endangered subspecies of tiger due to functional extinction in the wild. Inbreeding depression is observed among the captive population descended from six wild ancestors, resulting in high juvenile mortality and low reproduction. We assembled and characterized the first SCT genome and an improved Amur tiger (P. t. altaica, AT) genome named AmyTig1.0 and PanTig2.0. The two genomes are the most continuous and comprehensive among any tiger genomes yet reported at the chromosomal level. By using the two genomes and resequencing data of 15 SCT and 13 AT individuals, we investigated the genomic signature of inbreeding depression of the SCT. The results indicated that the effective population size of SCT experienced three phases of decline, ~5.0–1.0 thousand years ago, 100 years ago, and since captive breeding in 1963. We found 43 long runs of homozygosity fragments that were shared by all individuals in the SCT population and covered a total length of 20.63% in the SCT genome. We also detected a large proportion of identical-by-descent segments across the genome in the SCT population, especially on ChrB4. Deleterious nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphic sites and loss-of-function mutations were found across genomes with extensive potential influences, despite a proportion of these loads having been purged by inbreeding depression. Our research provides an invaluable resource for the formulation of genetic management policies for the South China tiger such as developing genome-based breeding and genetic rescue strategy.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to examine the effect of cell culture conditions, antioxidants, protease inhibitors (PI), and different levels of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for the promotion of synchronization of different cell cycles of Siberian tiger skin fibroblasts. We also compared the ability of somatic cell nuclei of the Siberian tiger in pig cytoplasts and to support early development after reconstruction. Cell cycle synchronization between nuclear donor and recipient cells is considered to be one of the most crucial factors for successful cloning. Five experiments were performed each with a one-way completely randomized design involving three replicates of all treatments. Least significant difference (LSD) was used to determine variation among treatment groups. Experiment I focused in the effects of cycling, serum starved and fully confluent stages of Siberian tiger cells on different cell cycles. In Experiment II, the effects of different antioxidants like beta-Mercaptoethanol (beta-ME, 10 microM), cysteine (2 mM), and glutathione (2 mM) were examined after cells were fully confluent without serum starvation for 4 hr. In Experiment III, three PI, namely 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP, 2 mM), cycloheximide (7.5 microg/ml) and cytochalasin B (7.5 microg/ml) were used in the sane manner as in Experiment II. In Experiment IV, different levels of DMSO at 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.5% were tested on different cell cycle stages of Siberian tiger examined by Flowcytometry (FACS). In Experiment I, 67.2% of the Siberian tiger skin fibroblasts reached the G0/G1 stage (2C DNA content) in fully confluent conditions which was more than the cycling (49.8%) and serum starved (SS) medium (65.5%; P < 0.05). Among the chemically treated group, glutathione (72.6%) and cycloheximide (71.3%) had little bit better results for the synchronization of G0 + G1 phases than serum starved and fully confluent. After nuclear transfer we did not see any significant differences on the development of tiger-porcine reconstructed embryos at cycling, SS and fully confluent. Data indicate that prolonged culture of cells in the absence of serum as well as using different chemicals for this experiment does not imply a shift in the percentage of cells that enter G0/G1 and that confluency is sufficient to induce quiescence. This finding can be beneficial in nuclear transfer programs in Siberian tiger, because there are negative effects, such as apoptosis associated with serum starvation.  相似文献   

Interpreting data on distribution or population trends may be difficult unless detection probability is accounted for. We wished to determine the detectability of the rare and patchily distributed cobblestone tiger beetle (Cicindela marginipennis) along the upper Genesee River in western New York for development of a monitoring strategy. We used occupancy surveys and distance sampling to examine two types of detectability. The first type was site-level detectability: the probability of detecting a single cobblestone tiger beetle on an occupied cobble bar, calculated using program PRESENCE. The second type was individual-level detectability: the probability of detecting an individual cobblestone tiger beetle in a population on a single cobble bar, calculated using program DISTANCE. Our occupancy surveys consisted of collecting presence and absence data on cobble bars along the Genesee River; these showed a relatively narrow range of site-level detection probabilities (0.60?C0.68) for cobblestone tiger beetles in 2008 and 2009. Three visits were necessary to detect cobblestone tiger beetles on 90% of occupied cobble bars. Individual cobblestone tiger beetles were detectable one-half of the time (0.50) in our surveys. It is important for ecologists to distinguish between the two kinds of detectability, as monitoring implications could differ substantially depending on which is calculated. Our monitoring recommendations include (1) continuing occupancy surveys with at least three visits to each cobble bar; (2) conducting occupancy surveys between 10:00 and 17:00 on warm sunny days in mid-July and mid-August; and (3) conducting surveys at three- to five-year intervals depending on the study objective.  相似文献   

Conserving large populations with unique adaptations is essential for minimizing extinction risks. Sundarban mangroves (>10,000 km2) are the only mangrove inhabited by tigers. Baseline information about this tiger population is lacking due to its man-eating reputation and logistic difficulties of sampling. Herein, we adapt photographic capture-mark-recapture (CMR) and distance sampling to estimate tiger and prey densities. We placed baited camera stations in a typical mangrove in 2010 and 2012. We used telemetry based tiger home-range radius (5.73 km, SE 0.72 km) to estimate effective trapping area (ETA). An effort of 407 and 1073 trap nights were exerted to photocapture 10 and 22 unique tigers in 2010 and 2012. We accounted for use of bait by modelling behaviour and heterogeneity effects in program MARK and secr package in program R. Using traditional CMR, tiger number was estimated at 11 (SE 2) and density at 4.07 (SE range 3.09–5.17) in 2010 while in 2012, tiger number was 24 (SE 3) and density 4.63 (SE range 3.92–5.40) tigers/100 km2. With likelihood based spatially explicit CMR, tiger densities were estimated at 4.08 (SE 1.51) in 2010 and 5.81 (SE 1.24) tigers/100 km2 in 2012. Using distance sampling along water channels, we estimated chital density at 5.24/km2, SE 1.23 which could potentially support 4.68 tigers/100 km2 [95 % CI (3.92, 5.57)]. Our estimates suggest that Sundarban tiger population is one of the largest in the world and therefore merits high conservation status.  相似文献   

Larvae of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) are burrow-dwelling, visual ambush predators which withdraw into their burrows with the passing of large objects. Laboratory experiments confirmed that stimulation of each of the four principal stemmata can elicit escape and that the necessary visual stimulus is contracting, expanding, or transverse movement of a high-contrast image. Response frequency increases as a power function of contrast. Whole-field dimming is ineffective. Movement of large images composed of multiple texture elements, e.g., checkerboards, does not elicit escape, even if each element is much larger than the system's minimum visible angle (4–8° depending upon image contrast). In pilot experiments with a single figure before a textured background, coherent movement of the two inhibits escape, whereas motion in opposite directions does not. Thus, the processing mechanism functions as a feature detector and directs a response to large, single, moving objects.  相似文献   

Aposematic organisms have warning signals advertising their unpalatability to predators, and because signal efficiency is better in higher densities, positive frequency-dependent selection is expected to select against less common signals. The wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis) occurs across the Holarctic and its conspicuous hindwings serve as warning signals to predators. It also has conspicuous black and white forewing patterns that could act as warning signals, or help to hide the moth by preventing predators from seeing the outline of the moth’s body (a strategy known as disruptive coloration). In Alaska, the predominant forewing pattern changes distinctly between the regions around Fairbanks and Anchorage, suggesting local predators may maintain differences if the pattern functions as a warning signal. Alternatively, restricted gene flow along with drift could be responsible. We placed artificial moths with both local dominant and foreign forewing patterns in each of the two regions to test if predators select against the foreign forewing types, which would suggest the warning signal function of forewing patters. We also manipulated the level of disruptiveness in the forewing patterns to see if disruptiveness works in concert with the warning signal. The locally dominant forewing type was better protected in Fairbanks, but not in Anchorage where morphs were attacked equally. Manipulating the level of disruptiveness in the forewing pattern did not influence predation. Population genetic analyses from specimens caught during fieldwork showed the existence of two populations and restricted gene flow. Our results suggest that positive frequency dependent selection may be partially responsible for maintaining local signal differences, although predators seem to avoid both forewing patterns in Anchorage. Restricted gene flow between the two populations could be attributed to a combination of selection against foreign morphs in Fairbanks and physical barriers, which both likely contribute to warning signal differences in Alaska.  相似文献   

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