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This review describes current advances in our understanding of fungal-plant interactions. The widespread application of whole genome sequencing to a diverse range of fungal species has allowed new insight into the evolution of fungal pathogenesis and the definition of the gene inventories associated with important plant pathogens. This has also led to functional genomic approaches to carry out large-scale gene functional analysis. There has also been significant progress in understanding appressorium-mediated plant infection by fungi and its underlying genetic basis. The nature of biotrophic proliferation of fungal pathogens in host tissue has recently revealed new potential mechanisms for cell-to-cell movement by invading pathogens.  相似文献   

Stobadine, a pyridoindole derivative which has been synthesized in search of new antiarrhytmic drugs, was able to interact with alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH.) a stable free radical. Its scavenging potential was in the same order of magnitude as that of well known strong antioxidants. The scavenging effect of antioxidants tested increased in the order: stobadine, ascorbic acid, trolox, cysteine. Stobadine exerted a scavenging effect also towards alkoxyl radicals in a nonpolar solvent in the canthaxantin bleaching test. In this test stobadine was more effective than trolox.  相似文献   

A study of the involvement of free oxygen radicals in trapping and digestion of insects by carnivorous plants was the main goal of the present investigation. We showed that the generation of oxygen free radicals by pitcher fluid of Nepenthes is the first step of the digestion process, as seen by EPR spin trapping assay and gel-electrophoresis. The EPR spectrum of N. gracilis fluid in the presence of DMPO spin trap showed the superposition of the hydroxyl radical spin adduct signal and of the ascorbyl radical signal. Catalase addition decreased the generation of hydroxyl radicals showing that hydroxyl radicals are generated from hydrogen peroxide, which can be derived from superoxide radicals. Gel-electrophoresis data showed that myosin, an abundant protein component of insects, can be rapidly broken down by free radicals and protease inhibitors do not inhibit this process. Addition of myoglobin to the pitcher plant fluid decreased the concentration of detectable radicals. Based on these observations, we conclude that oxygen free radicals produced by the pitcher plant aid in the digestion of the insect prey.  相似文献   


A study of the involvement of free oxygen radicals in trapping and digestion of insects by carnivorous plants was the main goal of the present investigation. We showed that the generation of oxygen free radicals by pitcher fluid of Nepenthes is the first step of the digestion process, as seen by EPR spin trapping assay and gel-electrophoresis. The EPR spectrum of N. gracilis fluid in the presence of DMPO spin trap showed the superposition of the hydroxyl radical spin adduct signal and of the ascorbyl radical signal. Catalase addition decreased the generation of hydroxyl radicals showing that hydroxyl radicals are generated from hydrogen peroxide, which can be derived from superoxide radicals. Gel-electrophoresis data showed that myosin, an abundant protein component of insects, can be rapidly broken down by free radicals and protease inhibitors do not inhibit this process. Addition of myoglobin to the pitcher plant fluid decreased the concentration of detectable radicals. Based on these observations, we conclude that oxygen free radicals produced by the pitcher plant aid in the digestion of the insect prey.  相似文献   

活性氧、自由基与植物的衰老   总被引:140,自引:15,他引:140  
介绍近 1 0年来有关活性氧、自由基的产生 ,对植物的伤害及植物对活性氧、自由基清除的研究进展。  相似文献   

A new method for the production of ascorbate free radicals is established. The radical is produced from ascorbate in deionized water by applying constant potential electrolysis under a nitrogen atmosphere. Prior to electrolysis, a cyclic voltammogram (CV) of the ascorbic acid was obtained. Electrolysis potentials were selected as the oxidation peak potential of the ascorbic acid obtained by CV. The detection of the radical was done by electron spin resonance (esr) and uv spectroscopies.  相似文献   

Proteolysis,free radicals,and aging   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Exercise,free radicals and oxidative stress   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This article reviews the role of free radicals in causing oxidative stress during exercise. High intensity exercise induces oxidative stress and although there is no evidence that this affects sporting performance in the short term, it may have longer term health consequences. The mechanisms of exercise-induced oxidative stress are not well understood. Mitochondria are sometimes considered to be the main source of free radicals, but in vitro studies suggest they may play a more minor role than was first thought. There is a growing acceptance of the importance of haem proteins in inducing oxidative stress. The release of metmyoglobin from damaged muscle is known to cause renal failure in exercise rhabdomyolysis. Furthermore, levels of methaemoglobin increase during high intensity exercise, while levels of antioxidants, such as reduced glutathione, decrease. We suggest that the free-radical-mediated damage caused by the interaction of metmyoglobin and methaemoglobin with peroxides may be an important source of oxidative stress during exercise.  相似文献   

Guanidinosuccinic acid (GSA) is noted for its nitric oxide (NO) mimicking actions such as vasodilatation and activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. We have reported that GSA is the product of argininosuccinate (ASA) and some reactive oxygen species, mainly the hydroxyl radical. We tested for GSA synthesis in the presence of NO donors. ASA (1 mM) was incubated with NOR-2, NOC-7 or 3-morpholinosydomine hydrochloride (SIN-1) at 37°C. GSA was determined by HPLC using a cationic resin for separation and phenanthrenequinone as an indicator. Neither NOR-2 or NOC-7 formed GSA. SIN-1, on the other hand, generates NO and the superoxide anion which, in turn, generated peroxynitrite which was then converted to the hydroxyl radical. Incubation of ASA with SIN-1 leads, via this route, to GSA. When ASA was incubated with 1 mM SIN-1, the amount of GSA produced depended on the incubation time and the concentration of ASA. Among the tested SIN-1 concentrations, from 0.5 to 5 mM, GSA synthesis was maximum at 0.5 mM and decreased with increasing concentrations of SIN-1. Carboxy-PTIO, a NO scavenger, completely inhibited GSA synthesis. SOD, a superoxide scavenger, decreased GSA synthesis by 20%, and catalase inhibited GSA synthesis only by 12%; DMSO, a hydroxyl radical scavenger completely inhibited GSA synthesis in the presence of SIN-1. These data suggest that the hydroxyl radical derived from a combination of NO and the superoxide anion generates GSA, a stable NO mimic. Meanwhile, synthesis of GSA by NO produces reactive oxygen and activates the NMDA receptor that generates NO from GSA, suggesting a positive feed back mechanism.  相似文献   

The measurement of the relative quantum yield of singlet oxygen formation, a simple process without tedious sample deoxygenation, is shown to furnish data on the interaction of the excited photosensitizer with any additive (in this case stable free radicals) given to the sample. The rate constants derived from such measurements are in good agreement with direct determination of the corresponding values.  相似文献   

In field experiments on a sandy loam at Wellesbourne, England in 1972 and on a silt loam at Agassiz, British Columbia in 1973, combinations of herbicides and insecticides were applied at sowing to determine their effects on weeds and invertebrate populations and on the growth and yield of cauliflowers grown at high density There was good agreement between the results from the two locations. The two combinations of herbicides, 0.6 kg trifluralin/ha incorporated pre-drilling plus 2.2 kg propachlor/ha pre-emergence and 2.2 kg nitrofen/ha plus 2.2 kg propachlor/ha both applied pre-emergence, gave good weed control, their relative effectiveness depending on the species composition of the weed population. The insecticides isophenphos, carbofuran, chlorfenvinphos and fensulfothion were applied as bow-wave treatments. None of them, whether in combination with herbicides or not, adversely affected crop stand or yield. Yield was reduced when either weeds or root-fly maggots (Hylemya brassicae (Bouché)) were not controlled. Only in one experiment was there any evidence of any herbicide-insecticide interactions. Where trifluralin and carbofuran were applied together at Agassiz, the control of both weeds and maggots was less than that with the other combinations. None of the treatments affected the populations of predatory beetles, but the numbers of earthworms were greatly reduced by carbofuran and to a lesser extent by chlorfenvinphos. Except for carbofuran in one experiment, the treatments had no effects on the numbers of aphids, lepidopterous larvae or leaf miners present at harvest.  相似文献   

The EPR spectrum of sucrose irradiated by high-energy radiation is complex due to the presence of more than one radical species. In order to decompose the spectrum and elucidate the radical magnetic parameters a high-field (HF(-)EPR) study on stable free radicals in gamma-irradiated polycrystalline sucrose (table sugar) was performed at three different high frequencies--94, 190 and 285 GHz as well as at the conventional X-band. We suggest a presence of three stable radicals R1, R2 and R3 as the main radical species. Due to the increase of g-factor resolution at high fields the g-tensors of these radicals could be extracted by accurate simulations. The moderate g-anisotropy suggests that all three radicals are carbon-centred. Results from an earlier ENDOR study on X-irradiated sucrose single crystals (Vanhaelewyn et al., Appl Radiat Isot, 52, 1221 (2000)) were used for analyzing of the spectra in more details. It was confirmed that the strongest hyperfine interaction has a relatively small anisotropy, which indicates either the absence of alpha-protons or a strongly distorted geometry of the radicals.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, oxygen free radicals, disease and ageing   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Superoxide is generated by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The transformation of this superoxide into hydrogen peroxide and, under certain conditions, then into hydroxyl radicals is important in diseases where respiratory chain function is abnormal or where superoxide dismutase function is altered, as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In addition, these reactive oxygen species can influence the ageing process through mechanisms involving mutagenesis of mtDNA or increased rates of shortening of telomeric DNA.  相似文献   

Circulatory shock and its treatment have been compared to a whole-body ischemia and reperfusion with activation of oxygen-derived free radicals. A pilot study had suggested a selenium redistribution in this context. To verify this hypothesis, an experimental study was designed. Temporary occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery was performed in 18 male adult Wistar rats using clamping for 0, 10, and 20 min. Hemodynamic and biochemical data were assessed before clamping and 20 min after release of the mesenteric blood flow. After release, mean arterial pressure decreased, plasma lactate increased, and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase decreased. Plasma and erythrocyte selenium did not change; however, a slight decrease in plasma selenium was observed when related to hematocrit (to take into account the fluid balance). Erythrocyte-reduced glutathione did not change. In contrast, liver and kidney selenium increased, whereas reduced glutathione decreased in kidney, but not in liver after 20 min of clamping as compared to the sham-operated group. These results suggest that, after temporary intestinal ischemia, the changes in selenium and reduced glutathione observed in blood and tissues, like liver or kidney, could be related to a redistribution pattern in selenium metabolism during shock injury.  相似文献   

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