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C Yanisch-Perron  J Vieira  J Messing 《Gene》1985,33(1):103-119
Three kinds of improvements have been introduced into the M13-based cloning systems. (1) New Escherichia coli host strains have been constructed for the E. coli bacteriophage M13 and the high-copy-number pUC-plasmid cloning vectors. Mutations introduced into these strains improve cloning of unmodified DNA and of repetitive sequences. A new suppressorless strain facilitates the cloning of selected recombinants. (2) The complete nucleotide sequences of the M13mp and pUC vectors have been compiled from a number of sources, including the sequencing of selected segments. The M13mp18 sequence is revised to include the G-to-T substitution in its gene II at position 6 125 bp (in M13) or 6967 bp in M13mp18. (3) M13 clones suitable for sequencing have been obtained by a new method of generating unidirectional progressive deletions from the polycloning site using exonucleases HI and VII.  相似文献   

Analysis of 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine-induced mutagenesis in phage M13mp2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanism of mutagenesis induced by 2-amino-N6-hydroxyadenine (AHA) and its deoxyriboside (AHAdR) was studied by determining the nucleotide sequences of phage M13mp2 mutant DNA samples. Mutations in the lac promoter-lacZ alpha region of the phage were induced by addition of this agent to culture media in which the phage was growing inside the host bacteria. The spectrum of spontaneous mutation was also investigated. The induced sequence changes were mostly base transitions (80% with AHA and 90% with AHAdR). A few single-base deletions and additions were detected, but they were ascribable to spontaneous mutations. These results are consistent with the incorporation type mechanism proposed by Janion (this issue). In the Ames Salmonella assay, both AHA and AHAdR showed strong mutagenicity in strain TA100 but no activity in TA98.  相似文献   

The most abundant lesion formed in DNA upon modification with methylating agents 7-methylguanine, under alkaline conditions is converted into 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5N-methyl-formamidopyrimidine (Fapy-7MeGua). We have previously shown that treatment of dimethylsulfate methylated DNA with NaOH creates mutagenic base derivatives leading to a 60-fold increase in the frequency of A-->G transitions and a 2-3-fold increase of G-->T and G-->C transversions. We have analyzed which lesions lead to these mutations. We compared mutagenic spectra in the lacZ gene of M13mp18 phage DNA modified with dimethylsulfate and NaOH after selective elimination of damaged bases from molecules used for transfection into SOS-induced E. coli. Partial elimination of Fapy-7MeGua from phage DNA performed by its digestion with formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase resulted in a 2-3-fold decrease of G-->T and G-->C transversions. Selective depurination of methylated bases (9 h, 37 degrees C, pH 7.0) resulting in almost complete loss of 7MeAde as demonstrated by HPLC analysis of [3H]MNU alkylated phage DNA used as a probe, caused a dramatic, 9-fold decrease of A-->G transitions. Alkali-catalysed rearrangement of 7MeAde was followed by HPLC analysis of [3H]MNU alkylated poly(A) and poly(dA). After incubation of these oligonucleotides in NaOH, 7MeAde disappeared from both chromatograms, but only in polyA, 2 new peaks migrating with retention time different from that of 1MeAde, 3MeAde or 7MeAde were detected, suggesting formation of two rotameric forms of Fapy-7MeAde as observed for Fapy-7MeGua. Thus the miscoding lesion, giving rise to A-->G transitions derived from 7MeAde was Fapy-7MeAde. Fapy-7MeGua was at least an order of magnitude less mutagenic, but in SOS-induced cells it gave rise to G-->T and G-->C transversions.  相似文献   

A versatile primer for DNA sequencing in the M13mp2 cloning system   总被引:76,自引:0,他引:76  
A primer for DNA sequencing by the chain-termination method in the M13mp2 cloning system was constructed and amplified. The primer was isolated as an EcoRI/AluI restriction fragment. After conversion of the AluI end into an EcoRI end the fragment was cloned in pBR325 from which it can be recovered by cleavage with EcoRI. The primer hybridizes to the single-stranded DNA of the mature M13mp2 phage next to the site of insertion thereby directing DNA synthesis along the inserted DNA.  相似文献   

R Ebright  Q Dong  J Messing 《Gene》1992,114(1):81-83
There are seven differences between the actual nucleotide (nt) sequence of bacteriophage M13mp18 gene III and the previously reported nt sequence (which had been compiled based on the nt sequence of wild-type bacteriophage M13 gene III).  相似文献   

B Tudek  S Boiteux    J Laval 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(12):3079-3084
Guanine residues methylated at the N-7 position (7-MeGua) are susceptible to cleavage of the imidazole ring yielding 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5N-methyl-formamidopyrimidine (Fapy-7-MeGua). The presence of Fapy-7-MeGua in DNA template causes stops in DNA synthesis in vitro by E. coli DNA polymerase I. The biological consequences of Fapy-7-MeGua lesions for survival and mutagenesis were investigated using single-stranded M13mp18 phage DNA. Fapy-7-MeGua lesions were generated in vitro in phage DNA by dimethylsulfate (DMS) methylation and subsequent ring opening of 7-MeGua by treatment with NaOH (DMS-base). The presence of Fapy-7-MeGua residues in M13 phage DNA correlated with a significant decrease in transfection efficiency and an increase in mutation frequency in the lacZ gene, when transfected into SOS-induced JM105 E.coli cells. Sequencing analysis revealed unexpectedly, that mutation rate at guanine sites was only slightly increased, suggesting that Fapy-7-MeGua was not responsible for the overall increase in the mutagenic frequency of DMS-base treated DNA. In contrast, mutation frequency at adenine sites yielding A----G transitions was the most frequent event, 60-fold increased over DMS induced mutations. These results show that treatment with alkali of methylated single-stranded DNA generates a mutagenic adenine derivative, which mispairs with cytosine in SOS induced bacteria. The results also imply that the Fapy-7-MeGua in E. coli cells is primarily a lethal lesion.  相似文献   

We describe several modifications of the Gubler and Hoffman procedure [Gene 25 (1983) 263-269] for complementary DNA (cDNA) synthesis that expand the versatility of this method for the rapid synthesis and cloning of double-stranded (ds) cDNA. These modifications include: (1) The combination of first and second strand synthesis into a single two-step reaction, which reduces the time for synthesis of blunt-ended ds-cDNA to less than 4 h. (2) The use of random hexadeoxyribonucleotide primers (RP) for the synthesis of ds-cDNA, which allows the synthesis of cDNA from any RNA template. (3) The combined use of random primers and DNA ligase treatment of cDNA/RNA hybrids prior to second-strand synthesis, which promotes the production of nearly full length ds-cDNA molecules. (4) The use of gel filtration to size-fractionate ds-cDNA, which allows the selection of specific size classes of ds-cDNA for cloning. (5) The use of blunt-end ligation to insert the ds-cDNA into the vector, which reduces the total time required for the construction of cDNA libraries to less than 24 h.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the synthesis and cloning of a short segment of DNA complementary to the region immediately adjacent to the EcoRI insertion site in the single-stranded bacteriophage vector M13mp2. This segment is useful as a "universal" primer for DNA sequencing by the dideoxynucleotide chain termination method; the template can be any DNA species cloned in M13mp2 or its derivatives. The primer has been cloned into the tetracycline resistance gene of plasmid pBR322 as one strand of a 26 bp EcoRI/BamHI fragment. This fragment may be readily prepared from an EcoRI + BamHI restriction digest of the parent plasmid (designated pSP14) by a simple size fractionation.  相似文献   

H Ayaki  K Higo    O Yamamoto 《Nucleic acids research》1986,14(12):5013-5018
M13 mp10 single-stranded phage DNA was irradiated with 60 Co gamma-rays, and transfected into Escherichia coli. One hundred and sixteen mutant clones having lesions in the lac insert were selected, and mutational sites were examined by DNA sequence analysis. Fourteen out of the 15 nucleotide changes thus detected were base substitutions, and the rest was a base addition. Transitions and transversions were almost equal in number. Mutational events were observed at cytosine residues more frequently than at other residues, and the predominant base change was a C ---- T transition. Possible roles in gamma-ray-induced mutagenesis played by the misincorporation of dAMP owing to radiolytic derivatives of cytosine residues and/or formation of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites are discussed.  相似文献   

A compilation of techniques for DNA cloning in filamentous phage M13 based vectors for a novice in cloning is presented. It does not require either specialized microbiological facilities, or any specific knowledge in Escherichia coli genetics. The cloning strategy uses only blunt-end ligation into a vector that has been prepared once for several hundred experiments. The first part describes the isolation, preparation and checking of a blunt-ended M13 vector (with M13 mp series vectors as an example), and also the isolation of clonable fragments, transformation of competent cells and preliminary analysis of recombinants. The second part describes procedures and equipment, which enable to sequence recombinant M13 clones by the chain termination procedure of Sanger et al. It includes simplified procedures for the preparation of sequencing gels, and the rules of interpretation of the sequencing ladders. Reference material is added, which includes trouble-shooting guide, E. coli K12 strain list and polylinker sequences for use of mp-series vectors as well as a fully documented cloning and sequencing experiment.  相似文献   

R Rothstein  R Wu 《Gene》1981,15(2-3):167-176
The construction of two new derivatives of the bacteriophage cloning vector M13mp2 is described. One derivative, mWJ22, contains a new HindIII site while the other, mWJ43, contains a new BamHI site. These new sites were both introduced at the EcoRI site at amino acid five of the 145 amino acid-long fragment of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase within the phage. The new restriction sites do not disrupt the blue color detection system of M13mp2; therefore insertion of cloned fragments results in colorless plaques on indicator plates for the new derivatives.  相似文献   

We describe the first isolation of a human creatine kinase M cDNA clone and its mapping of the gene to human chromosome 19. A human creatine kinase M cDNA clone, pJN2CK-M, harboring a 1,160-bp insert, was isolated by colony hybridization with a previously sequenced chicken creatine kinase M cDNA probe. The human cDNA was used as a probe in Southern transfers of TaqI-digested genomic DNA from mouse/human somatic-cell hybrids to localize the human creatine kinase-M gene to chromosome 19. In situ hybridization of the tritiated cDNA probe to metaphase chromosomes of peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal males revealed significant labeling to chromosome 19. These two independent methodologies assign the human creatine kinase-M gene to chromosome 19. Since greater than 69% of the grains of chromosome 19 label band q13, the human creatine kinase-M gene has been mapped to 19q13. On the basis of high-resolution G-banding, the predominant labeling site was 19q13.2-q13.3.  相似文献   

The forward mutation of the lacZ part of the bacteriophage M13mp8 has been used to study the fidelity of the 9S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus during in vitro replication of single-stranded DNA. Errors leading to a loss of alpha-complementation were identified by DNA sequencing. The overall mutation rate of the lacZ target sequence was in the range of 1:300-1:1000 which is more than one order of magnitude higher than the spontaneous mutation rate. In a mutL host the mutation rate was nearly threefold higher as compared to the wildtype host. Base substitutions comprise 86% of the errors whereas base deletions amount to 12%. The addition of a base was detected only in one mutant out of 71 sequenced ones. The frameshift mutations occurred predominantly in runs of the same base. The frequencies of individual base substitution are in the order of 2 X 10(-4)-4 X 10(-4) for most of the mismatches. Mutations involving dCTP:T and dGTP:T mismatches are observed with a lower frequency, those involving dTTP:C mismatches with a higher frequency.  相似文献   

Gene replacement and retrieval with recombinant M13mp bacteriophages.   总被引:27,自引:15,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed an allele exchange system for shuttling sequences of DNA to and from their original chromosomal loci. Cloned segments of the histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium and the lactose operon of Escherichia coli served as target sequences and were used to develop the system. Replacement and retrieval of target sequences used the phage M13mp vectors and proceeded through an M13 lysogen intermediate. The intermediates and products of allele exchange were characterized by genetic and hybridization analyses. Several unique properties of M13 lysogens were exploited to devise positive selections to detect integration and excision. These positive selections were used to manipulate phenotypically silent alleles.  相似文献   

S Artz  D Holzschu  P Blum  R Shand 《Gene》1983,26(2-3):147-158
A restriction map was determined for a phi 80 lambda dhis transducing phage DNA carrying the Salmonella typhimurium histidine operon. DNA fragments containing the promoter/regulatory region and the first two structural genes of the histidine operon (hisOGD) were identified by their ability to direct regulated synthesis of histidinol dehydrogenase (product of hisD) in a coupled in vitro protein synthesizing system. A 3.1-kb SalI-EcoRI restriction fragment containing the hisOGD region, was subcloned into phage M13mp8 and M13mp9 RF DNAs. Methods are described for shuttling mutant and wild-type bacterial DNA sequences between the M13mp::his phage and host bacterial genomes. Of novel importance is the use of the phage M13 gene II amber mutation to obtain integration of the M13mp::his phage genome into the homologous his region of the bacterial chromosome following transduction of recipients lacking an amber suppressor. This method can be used to facilitate allele replacement with genes carried on M13 transducing phages.  相似文献   

Phage display is achieved by fusing polypeptide libraries to phage coat proteins. The resulting phage particles display the polypeptides on their surfaces and they also contain the encoding DNA. Library members with particular functions can be isolated with simple selections and polypeptide sequences can be decoded from the encapsulated DNA. The technology's success depends on the efficiency with which polypeptides can be displayed on the phage surface, and significant progress has been made in engineering M13 bacteriophage coat proteins as improved phage display platforms. Functional display has been achieved with all five M13 coat proteins, with both N- and C-terminal fusions. Also, coat protein mutants have been designed and selected to improve the efficiency of heterologous protein display, and in the extreme case, completely artificial coat proteins have been evolved specifically as display platforms. These studies demonstrate that the M13 phage coat is extremely malleable, and this property can be used to engineer the phage particle specifically for phage display. These improvements expand the utility of phage display as a powerful tool in modern biotechnology.  相似文献   

The pausing of DNA replication has been used as a tool for analyzing secondary structures in a single-stranded DNA. M13mp8 (+) single-stranded DNA was replicated in vitro by the DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus. The positions of pausing were determined from DNA sequencing gels. All experimentally observed pausing sites could be correlated with computer-predicted secondary structures of the M13 single-stranded DNA. In the computer calculations of the secondary structures, long-range base-pairing, G.T mispairs and loop-out of bases were allowed. By using six different primers, the pausing site pattern and the corresponding secondary structure map of a region comprising 1400 nucleotides of the M13 genome has been established. Our experiments indicate that the M13 DNA is highly structured. Most of the stable structures are clustered around the origin of replication. With fragments of the M13 DNA, we show that long-range base-pairing exists in the M13 single-stranded genome and we present evidence for tertiary structure interactions. Furthermore we observe structures that form newly during the course of replication. The Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein facilitates replication through the barriers.  相似文献   

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