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The binding of AMP to rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase a (EC has been studied by equilibrium dialysis and isothermal microcalorimetry at pH 6.9 over a temperature range of 25 degrees C to 35 degrees C. Thermal titration experiments were carried out in various buffer systems. We have found by these methods that a certain number of protons are released when the protein binds to the ligand and are taken up by the buffer. The tetramer of phosphorylase a has been shown to have four equal and independent, non-cooperative binding sites for AMP at 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, and 35 degrees C; these sites can be assigned to the so-called nucleotide or, activator, sites in the protein. The binding constants together with the changes in Gibbs energy, enthalpy, and entropy per site for the AMP binding were calculated at each temperature. A negative delta Cp value of -2.3 +/- 0.2 J K-1 (AMP bound)-1 was obtained for this binding process. The hydrophobic and vibrational contributions of the heat capacity and entropy changes have been resolved by the method described by Sturtevant (Sturtevant, J. M. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 74, 2236-2240). From this analysis, it appears that the binding is, in all cases, enthalpy-driven, the two entropic contributions, hydrophobic and vibrational, having opposing effects.  相似文献   

The binding of the allosteric activator, AMP, and the inhibitor, ATP, to glycogen phosphorylase b has been studied in the crystal at 3 Å resolution. The nucleotides bind to two sites on the enzyme which are identified as site N, the allosteric effector site which is close to the subunit-subunit interface, and site I, a nucleoside inhibitor site which blocks the entrance to the active site crevasse. AMP when bound at the allosteric effector site makes several defined interactions with the enzyme in agreement with the results of solution studies. The contacts involve the N-10 position of the base, the 2′ hydroxyl of the ribose and the phosphate. IMP, analysed at 4 Å resolution, appears to bind in an identical conformation to AMP. At 3 Å resolution no well defined conformational changes are observed on binding AMP, although there are indications of a disturbance of the crystal lattice. It is concluded that the forces which stabilise the crystal lattice prevent the allosteric response of the enzyme in the crystal.  相似文献   

R F Steiner  L Greer  R Bhat 《Biochemistry》1979,18(7):1380-1385
The mutual influence of ligand binding and self-association has been examined for phosphorylase b in the presence of a series of small ligands. The stepwise equilibrium constants describing the mutual dependence have been evaluated and discussed in terms of possible molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

The binding to glycogen phosphorylase b of glucose 6-phosphate and inorganic phosphate (respectively allosteric inhibitor and substrate/activator of the enzyme) were studied in the crystal at 0.3 nm (3A) resolution. Glucose 6-phosphate binds in the alpha-configuration at a site that is close to the AMP allosteric effector site at the subunit-subunit interface and promotes several conformational changes. The phosphate-binding site of the enzyme for glucose 6-phosphate involves contacts to two cationic residues, Arg-309 and Lys-247. This site is also occupied in the inorganic-phosphate-binding studies and is therefore identified as a high-affinity phosphate-binding site. It is distinct from the weaker phosphate-binding site of the enzyme for AMP, which is 0.27 nm (2.7A) away. The glucose moiety of glucose 6-phosphate and the adenosine moiety of AMP do not overlap. The results provide a structural explanation for the kinetic observations that glucose 6-phosphate inhibition of AMP activation of phosphorylase b is partially competitive and highly co-operative. The results suggest that the transmission of allosteric conformational changes involves an increase in affinity at phosphate-binding sites and relative movements of alpha-helices. In order to study glucose 6-phosphate and phosphate binding it was necessary to cross-link the crystals. The use of dimethyl malondi-imidate as a new cross-linking reagent in protein crystallography is discussed.  相似文献   

Comparison of AMP and NADH binding to glycogen phosphorylase b   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The binding sites for the allosteric activator, AMP, to glycogen phosphorylase b are described in detail utilizing the more precise knowledge of the native structure obtained from crystallographic restrained least-squares refinement than has hitherto been available. Localized conformational changes are seen at the allosteric effector site that include shifts of between 1 and 2 A for residues Tyr75 and Arg309 and very small shifts for the region of residues 42 to 44 from the symmetry-related subunit. Kinetic studies demonstrate that NADH inhibits the AMP activation of glycogen phosphorylase b. Crystallographic binding studies at 3.5 A resolution show that NADH binds to the same sites on the enzyme as AMP, i.e. the allosteric effector site N, which is close to the subunit-subunit interface, and the nucleoside inhibitor site I, which is some 12 A from the catalytic site. The conformations of NADH at the two sites are different but both conformations are "folded" so that the nicotinamide ring is close (approx. 6 A) to the adenine ring. These conformations are compared with those suggested from solution studies and with the extended conformations observed in the single crystal structure of NAD+ and for NAD bound to dehydrogenases. Possible mechanisms for NADH inhibition of phosphorylase activation are discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of beta-glycerophosphate (glycerol-2-P) to glycogen phosphorylase b in the crystal has been studied by X-ray diffraction at 3 A resolution. Glycerol-2-P binds to the allosteric effector site in a position close to that of AMP, glucose-6-P, UDP-Glc, and phosphate. In this position, glycerol-2-P is stabilized through interactions of its phosphate moiety with the guanidinium groups of Arg 309 and Arg 310 which undergo conformational changes, and the hydroxyl group of Tyr 75, while the same residues and solvent are involved in van der Waals interactions with the remaining part of the molecule. Kinetic experiments indicate that glycerol-2-P partially competes with both the activator (AMP) and the inhibitor (glucose 6-phosphate) of phosphorylase b. A comparison of the positions of glycerol-2-P, AMP, glucose 6-phosphate, UDP-Glc, and Pi at the allosteric site is presented.  相似文献   

C A Swenson  P A Ritchie 《Biochemistry》1979,18(17):3654-3658
The enthalpies of binding adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) and 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate [AMP-P(NH)P] to rabbit skeletal myosin have been measured in Pipes and Tris buffers at pH 7.8 and 15 degrees C. For ADP the enthalpy of binding was exothermic, whereas the enthalpy of binding AMP-P(NH)P, a nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue, was small and endothermic. For the reaction of ATP and myosin, the development of enthalpy was resolved into two phases: a fast endothermic phase, which is the summation of binding and hydrolysis, and a slow exothermic phase, which is associated with product-release steps. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for energy transduction.  相似文献   

Reaction microcalorimetry and equilibrium dialysis have been used to study the binding of AMP and IMP to glycogen phosphorylase b (EC at 25 degrees C and pH 6.9. The combination of both techniques has enabled us to obtain some of the thermodynamic parameters for these binding processes. Four binding sites were found to be present in the dimeric active enzyme for both AMP and IMP. The binding to two high-affinity sites, which, in our opinion, correspond to the activator sites, seems to be cooperative. The two low-affinity sites, which would then correspond to the inhibitor sites, appear to be independent when the nucleotides bind to the enzyme. The negative delta G0 of binding/site at 25 degrees C is the result in all cases of a balance between negative enthalpy and entropy changes. The large differences in delta H and delta S0 for the binding of AMP to the activator sites (-27 and -70 kJ mol-1; -22 and -150 J X K-1 mol-1) suggest the existence of rather extensive conformational changes taking place in phosphorylase b on binding with the allosteric activator. Whereas the affinity of AMP for the activator sites is about 1 order of magnitude higher than that of IMP, the affinity of both nucleotides, including their delta H and delta S0 values, seems to be the same for the inhibitor sites.  相似文献   

The inhibition of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase b (1,4-alpha-D-glucan--orthophosphate alpha-glucosyltransferase, EC by aromatic compounds was examined with 15 compounds. The relative effectiveness of the inhibitors correlated well with increasing substituent constant, pi, indicating the hydrophobic nature of the binding site. The inhibition was not affected by the ionic-strength variation of the assay mixtures. The results predict that the course of chemical modification of this enzyme and the properties of the derivatives depend on the nature of the reagent and on the incorporated groups. Many of the dissimilar and sometimes contradictory results reported for chemical-modification studies and for chemically modified phosphorylase b are explained by the findings presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Apoprotein of electron-transferring flavoprotein (ETF) reacts with FAD as follows: A*<-->A, A+FAD<-->holoETF. Two different forms of apoETF (A* and A) convert into each other and only one of them, A, can associate with FAD [Sato, K. et al. (1991) J. Biochem. 109, 734-740]. In the present study, the reactions between apoETF and ATP, ADP, AMP, riboflavin, or FMN were investigated. It was revealed that all three adenine nucleotides bind with apoETF with the same kinetic reaction scheme as FAD, and compete with FAD. These results suggest that the nucleotides bind to A with the same location as the ADP part of FAD in holoETF and that the ADP-binding site of apoETF is generated upon conversion from A* to A. Neither riboflavin nor FMN bound to apoETF regardless of the presence or absence of the nucleotides, indicating that the ADP part of the FAD molecule is essential to the incorporation of the isoalloxazine ring into ETF. The binding rate constant of FAD to A was 1/20 of that of ADP while the dissociation rate constant was 1/1,000. This indicates that the riboflavin part of FAD inhibits the binding of FAD by steric hindrance, while after the binding, it stabilizes the complex.  相似文献   

M Morange  H Buc 《Biochimie》1979,61(5-6):633-643
Glycogen phosphorylase b is converted to glycogen phosphorylase a, the covalently activated form of the enzyme, by phosphorylase kinase. Glc-6-P, which is an allosteric inhibitor of phosphorylase b, and glycogen, which is a substrate of this enzyme, are already known to have respectively an inhibiting and activating effect upon the rate of conversion from phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a by phosphorylase kinase. In the former case, this effect is due to the binding of glucose-6-phosphate to glycogen phosphorylase b. In order to investigate whether or not the rate of conversion of glycogen phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a depends on the conformational state of the b substrate, we have tested the action of the most specific effectors of glycogen phosphorylase b activity upon the rate of conversion from phosphorylase b to phosphorylase a at 0 degrees C and 22 degrees C : AMP and other strong activators, IMP and weak activators, Glc-6-P, glycogen. Glc-1-P and phosphate. AMP and strong activators have a very important inhibitory effect at low temperature, but not at room temperature, whereas the weak activators have always a very weak, if even existing, inhibitory effect at both temperatures. We confirmed the very strong inhibiting effect of Glc-6-P at both temperatures, and the strong activating effect of glycogen. We have shown that phosphate has a very strong inhibitory effect, whereas Glc-1-P has an activating effect only at room temperature and at non-physiological concentrations. The concomitant effects of substrates and nucleotides have also been studied. The observed effects of all these ligands may be either direct ones on phosphorylase kinase, or indirect ones, the ligand modifying the conformation of phosphorylase b and its interaction with phosphorylase kinase. Since we have no control experiments with a peptidic fragment of phosphorylase b, the interpretation of our results remains putative. However, the differential effects observed with different nucleotides are in agreement with the simple conformational scheme proposed earlier. Therefore, it is suggested that phosphorylase kinase recognizes differently the different conformations of glycogen phosphorylase b. In agreement with such an explanation, it is shown that the inhibiting effect of AMP is mediated by a slow isomerisation which has been previously ascribed to a quaternary conformational change of glycogen phosphorylase b. The results presented here (in particular, the important effect of glycogen and phosphate) are also discussed in correlation with the physiological role of the different ligands as regulatory signals in the in vivo situation where phosphorylase is inserted into the glycogen particle.  相似文献   

A number of regulatory binding sites of glycogen phosphorylase (GP), such as the catalytic, the inhibitor, and the new allosteric sites are currently under investigation as targets for inhibition of hepatic glycogenolysis under high glucose concentrations; in some cases specific inhibitors are under evaluation in human clinical trials for therapeutic intervention in type 2 diabetes. In an attempt to investigate whether the storage site can be exploited as target for modulating hepatic glucose production, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrins were identified as moderate mixed-type competitive inhibitors of GPb (with respect to glycogen) with K(i) values of 47.1, 14.1, and 7.4 mM, respectively. To elucidate the structural basis of inhibition, we determined the structure of GPb complexed with beta- and gamma-cyclodextrins at 1.94 A and 2.3 A resolution, respectively. The structures of the two complexes reveal that the inhibitors can be accommodated in the glycogen storage site of T-state GPb with very little change of the tertiary structure and provide a basis for understanding their potency and subsite specificity. Structural comparisons of the two complexes with GPb in complex with either maltopentaose (G5) or maltoheptaose (G7) show that beta- and gamma-cyclodextrins bind in a mode analogous to the G5 and G7 binding with only some differences imposed by their cyclic conformations. It appears that the binding energy for stabilization of enzyme complexes derives from hydrogen bonding and van der Waals contacts to protein residues. The binding of alpha-cyclodextrin and octakis (2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-gamma-cyclodextrin was also investigated, but none of them was bound in the crystal; moreover, the latter did not inhibit the phosphorylase reaction.  相似文献   

Activation of phosphorylase b by AMP is stimulated by certain aliphatic and cyclic polycarboxylates. This stimulation was depended on the number and the position of the carboxyl groups, the stereochemistry and the size of the molecule, and was more pronounced at low AMP concentrations. Kinetic studies indicated that in the presence of polycarboxylates the affinity of the enzyme for AMP was enhanced, the cooperative binding of the nucleotide was removed, and the enzyme was no longer inhibited by glucose-6-phosphate. Although polycarboxylates have no effect on the sedimentation pattern of phosphorylase b in the absence of AMP, the partial association of the enzyme caused by AMP is greatly enhanced in the presence of the acids.  相似文献   

The binding of zinc ion (Zn2+) to rhodanese at two pH values was studied by microcalorimetry and the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy changes determined. Binding exhibited rather large endothermic enthalpy changes quite similar to those observed for zinc-model compound interactions. The large positive entropy changes which accompany binding appear to be a feature common to Zn2+-apocarbonic anhydrase systems as well. The correlations between Zn2+ interaction with model compounds resembling protein side chains and the thermodynamic values obtained for Zn2+-protein interactions suggest that endothermic enthalpies of binding should commonly be observed under slightly acidic to basic conditions. It is found that commercial rhodanese binds Zn2+ with moderate to weak affinity by a process that is entropy driven much like that of other Zn2+-protein interactions.  相似文献   

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