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Fuchs Y  Steller H 《Cell》2011,147(4):742-758
Programmed cell death (PCD) plays a fundamental role in animal development and tissue homeostasis. Abnormal regulation of this process is associated with a wide variety of human diseases, including immunological and developmental disorders, neurodegeneration, and cancer. Here, we provide a brief historical overview of the field and reflect on the regulation, roles, and modes of PCD during animal development. We also discuss the function and regulation of apoptotic proteins, including caspases, the key executioners of apoptosis, and review the nonlethal functions of these proteins in diverse developmental processes, such as cell differentiation and tissue remodeling. Finally, we explore a growing body of work about the connections between apoptosis, stem cells, and cancer, focusing on how apoptotic cells release a variety of signals to communicate with their cellular environment, including factors that promote cell division, tissue regeneration, and wound healing.  相似文献   

The expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts observed in autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorders have the tendency to form intracellular aggregates, thus enhancing apoptotic cell death and the formation of autophagic vesicles. PolyQ accumulation inhibits the ER-associated degradation system (ERAD) resulting in reduced retrotranslocation from the ER and increased accumulation of misfolded proteins in the lumen of ER. Autophagy is an early cellular defense mechanism associated with ER stress, but prolonged ER stress may induce autophagic cell death, with destruction of cellular components and apoptotic cell death. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress may be the key signal for both of these events.  相似文献   

Eggs must be the major locus of reproductive aging in women, because donation of eggs from younger to middle-aged women abrogates the effects of age on fertility. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis are associated with senescence. To develop an animal model of egg senescence, we treated mouse zygotes with 175 microM H(2)O(2) that induced mitochondrial dysfunction and developmental arrest, followed by delayed cell death, consistent with apoptosis. We reconstructed zygotes with nuclei and cytoplasm from treated or untreated zygotes, then followed development and apoptotic cell death in the reconstituted embryos. Pronuclear exchange between untreated, normal zygotes served as nuclear transfer controls. Rates of cleavage and development to morula and blastocysts were significantly lower (P<0.01) in zygotes reconstituted from untreated pronuclei and H(2)O(2)-stressed cytoplasts than those of nuclear transfer controls. Instead, the arrested, reconstituted zygotes displayed TUNEL staining at a similar rate to that of H(2)O(2)-treated controls, suggesting that apoptotic potential could be transferred cytoplasmically. On the other hand, rates of cleavage and development to morula and blastocyst of the reconstituted zygotes, derived from stressed pronuclei and untreated cytoplasm, were significantly increased (P<0.05), compared to those of H(2)O(2)-treated, control zygotes, indicating that healthy cytoplasm could partly rescue pronuclei from oxidative stress. Although oxidation stressed both nuclei and cytoplasm, cytoplasm was more sensitive than nuclei to oxidative stress. It is suggested that cytoplasm, most likely mitochondria, plays a central role in mediating both development and apoptotic cell death induced by oxidative stress in mouse zygotes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial regulation of apoptotic cell death   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mitochondria play a decisive role in the regulation of both apoptotic and necrotic cell death. Permeabilization of the outer mitochondrial membrane and subsequent release of intermembrane space proteins are important features of both models of cell death. The mechanisms by which these proteins are released depend presumably on cell type and the nature of stimuli. Of the mechanisms involved, mitochondrial permeability transition appears to be associated mainly with necrosis, whereas the release of caspase activating proteins during early apoptosis is regulated primarily by the Bcl-2 family of proteins. However, there is increasing evidence for interaction and co-operation between these two mechanisms. The multiple mechanisms of mitochondrial permeabilization may explain diversities in the response of mitochondria to numerous apoptotic stimuli in different types of cells.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death is implicated in both physiological and pathological processes. Since many types of cancerous cells intrinsically evade apoptotic elimination, induction of apoptosis has become an attractive and often necessary cancer therapeutic approach. Conversely, some cells are extremely sensitive to apoptotic stimuli leading to neurodegenerative disease and immune pathologies. However, due to several challenges, pharmacological inhibition of apoptosis is still only a recently emerging strategy to combat pathological cell loss. Here, we describe several key steps in the intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptosis pathway that represent potential targets for inhibitors in disease contexts. We also discuss the mechanisms of action, advantages and limitations of small‐molecule and peptide‐based inhibitors that have been developed to date. These inhibitors serve as important research tools to dissect apoptotic signalling and may foster new treatments to reduce unwanted cell loss.  相似文献   

Conditionally replicating adenoviruses (CRAds) represent a promising class of novel anticancer agents that are used for virotherapy. The E1ADelta24 mutation-based viruses, Ad5-Delta24 [CRAd(E3-); E3 region deleted] and infectivity-enhanced Ad5-Delta24RGD [CRAd(E3+)] have been shown to potently eradicate tumor cells. The presence of the E3 region in the latter virus is known to improve cell killing that can be attributed to the presence of the oncolysis-enhancing Ad death protein. The more precise mechanism by which CRAds kill tumor cells is unclear, and the role of the host cell apoptotic machinery in this process has been addressed only in a limited way. Here, we examine the role of several major apoptotic pathways in the CRAd-induced killing of non-small-cell lung cancer H460 cells. As expected, CRAd(E3+) was more potent than CRAd(E3-). No evidence for the involvement of the p53-Bax apoptotic pathway was found. Western blot analyses demonstrated strong suppression of p53 expression and unchanged Bax levels during viral replication, and stable overexpression of human papillomavirus type 16-E6 in H460 cells did not affect killing by both CRAds. CRAd activity was also not hampered by stable overexpression of anti-apoptotic Bcl2 or BclXL, and endogenous Bcl2/BclXL protein levels remained constant during the oncolytic cycle. Some evidence for caspase processing was obtained at late time points after infection; however, the inhibition of caspases by the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein overexpression or cotreatment with zVAD-fmk did not inhibit CRAd-dependent cell death. Analyses of several apoptotic features revealed no evidence for nuclear fragmentation or DNA laddering, although phosphatidylserine externalization was detected. We conclude that despite the known apoptosis-modulating abilities of individual Ad proteins, Ad5-Delta24-based CRAds trigger necrosis-like cell death. In addition, we propose that deregulated apoptosis in cancer cells, a possible drug resistance mechanism, provides no barrier for CRAd efficacy.  相似文献   

DNA fragmentation/degradation is an important step for apoptosis. However, in unicellular organisms such as yeast, this process has rarely been investigated. In the current study, we revealed eight apoptotic nuclease candidates in Saccharyomyces cerevisiae, analogous to the Caenorhabditis elegans apoptotic nucleases. One of them is Tat-D. Sequence comparison indicates that Tat-D is conserved across kingdoms, implicating that it is evolutionarily and functionally indispensable. In order to better understand the biochemical and biological functions of Tat-D, we have overexpressed, purified, and characterized the S. cerevisiae Tat-D (scTat-D). Our biochemical assays revealed that scTat-D is an endo-/exonuclease. It incises the double-stranded DNA without obvious specificity via its endonuclease activity and excises the DNA from the 3'- to 5'-end by its exonuclease activity. The enzyme activities are metal-dependent with Mg(2+) as an optimal metal ion and an optimal pH around 5. We have also identified three amino acid residues, His(185), Asp(325), and Glu(327), important for its catalysis. In addition, our study demonstrated that knock-out of TAT-D in S. cerevisiae increases the TUNEL-positive cells and cell survival in response to hydrogen hyperoxide treatment, whereas overexpression of Tat-D facilitates cell death. These results suggest a role of Tat-D in yeast apoptosis.  相似文献   

Cell volume and the regulation of apoptotic cell death   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Apoptosis is a physiological mechanism allowing for the removal of abundant or potentially harmful cells. The hallmarks of apoptosis include degradation of cellular DNA, exposure of phosphatidylserine at the outer leaflet of the cell membrane and cell shrinkage. Phosphatidylserine exposure favours adhesion to macrophages with subsequent phagocytosis of the shrunken apoptotic particles. The interaction of cell volume regulatory mechanisms and apoptosis is illustrated in two different model systems, i.e. (a) lymphocyte apoptosis following stimulation of CD95 receptor and (b) erythrocyte apoptosis upon cell shrinkage. (a) Triggering of CD95 in Jurkat T lymphocytes is paralleled by activation of cell volume regulatory Cl- channels, inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger and osmolyte release. The latter coincides with cell shrinkage, DNA fragmentation and phosphatidylserine exposure. CD95 stimulation leads to early inhibition of the voltage gated K+ channel Kv1.3, which may contribute to the inhibition of the Ca2+ release activated Ca2+ channel I(CRAC). (b) Osmotic shock of erythrocytes activates a cell volume regulatory cation conductance allowing the entry not only of Na+ but of Ca2+ as well. Increased cytosolic Ca2+ stimulates a scramblase which disrupts the phosphatidylserine asymmetry of the cell membrane, leading to phosphatidylserine exposure. The cation conductance is further activated by oxidative stress and energy depletion and inhibited by Cl-. Shrinkage of erythrocytes stimulates in addition a sphingomyelinase with subsequent formation of ceramide which potentiates the effect of cytosolic Ca2+ on phosphatidylserine. In conclusion, cell volume-sensitive mechanisms participate in the triggering of apoptosis following receptor stimulation or cell injury.  相似文献   

DAP-kinase--protector or enemy in apoptotic cell death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Death-associated protein (DAP)-kinase, a member of a novel subfamily of pro-apoptotic serine/threonine kinases, was recently identified as a new tumor suppressor gene with multiple functions in programmed cell death. This 160-kDa protein consists of different interaction domains that enable it to participate in seemingly contradictory pathways such as elimination of premalignant cells or cytoprotection in cellular homoeostasis. DAP-kinase is frequently inactivated by aberrant promoter methylation in many cancer types, and its expression was shown to be a useful molecular marker for cancer prognosis. Moreover, DAP-kinase is considered a regulator of neuronal apoptosis. Future investigations should allow for the evaluation of DAP-kinase as a potential target for both pro- and anti-apoptotic therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Caspase-mediated parkin cleavage in apoptotic cell death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The parkin protein is important for the survival of the neurons that degenerate in Parkinson's disease as demonstrated by disease-causing lesions in the parkin gene. The Chinese hamster ovary and the SH-SY5Y cell line stably expressing recombinant human parkin combined with epitope-specific parkin antibodies were used to investigate the proteolytic processing of human parkin during apoptosis by immunoblotting. Parkin is cleaved during apoptosis induced by okadaic acid, staurosporine, and camptothecin, thereby generating a 38-kDa C-terminal fragment and a 12-kDa N-terminal fragment. The cleavage was not significantly affected by the disease-causing mutations K161N, G328E, T415N, and G430D and the polymorphism R366W. Parkin and its 38-kDa proteolytic fragment is preferentially associated with vesicles, thereby indicating that cleavage is a membrane-associated event. The proteolysis is sensitive to inhibitors of caspases. The cleavage site was mapped by site-directed mutagenesis of potential aspartic residues and revealed that mutation of Asp-126 alone abrogated the parkin cleavage. The tetrapeptide aldehyde LHTD-CHO, representing the amino acid sequence N-terminal to the putative cleavage site was an efficient inhibitor of parkin cleavage. This suggests that parkin function is compromised in neuropathological states associated with an increased caspase activation, thereby further adding to the cellular stress.  相似文献   

Identification of apoptotic cell death in distraction osteogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this experimental work was to investigate whether apoptosis contributes to tissue remodelling during distraction bone healing. In a rabbit model of mandibular distraction osteogenesis, we quantitatively analysed the extent of apoptotic cell death in relation to differently applied mechanical loadings. Apoptotic cells were identified by means of an in situ detection assay for nuclear DNA fragmentation using a modified TUNEL procedure and by electron microscopical examination for typical morphological features of programmed cell death. TUNEL-positive cells were frequently detected in samples distracted at higher strain magnitudes. Ultrastructurally, these apoptotic cells displayed a condensed chromatin and fragmented nuclei, while the continuity of their plasma membranes remained intact. Our results clearly indicated that the discontinuous traction of osteotomized mandibles induced enhanced apoptosis. In contrast to non-distracted samples and mandibles distracted at low strain magnitudes, in which only minimal evidence of apoptotic cell death was detected, the application of hyperphysiological strain magnitudes resulted in an increased apoptosis rate. Thus, mechanical loading seems to be a triggering factor for apoptotic changes in osteoblastic cells. These findings suggest a pathophysiological role of apoptotic cell death in the control of tissue integrity during distraction osteogenesis.  相似文献   

Intracellular targeting of mRNAs has long been recognized as a means to produce proteins locally, but has only recently emerged as a prevalent mechanism used by a wide variety of polarized cell types. Localization of mRNA molecules within the cytoplasm provides a basis for cell polarization, thus underlying developmental processes such as asymmetric cell division, cell migration, neuronal maturation and embryonic patterning. In this review, we describe and discuss recent advances in our understanding of both the regulation and functions of RNA localization during animal development.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) K1 and radiosensitive CHO irs-20 cells were synchronized in S phase and labeled for 10 min with 5-[(125)I]-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine ((125)IdU). The cells were washed, incubated in fresh medium for 1 h for incorporation of the intracellular radionucleotides into DNA, and then frozen (-80 degrees C) for accumulation of (125)I decays. At intervals after freezing, when the cells had accumulated the desired number of decays, aliquots of the frozen cells were thawed and plated to determine survival. The survival curves for K1 and irs-20 cells were similar from 100% to 30% survival. At higher (125)I doses (more decays/cell), the survival of K1 cells continued to decline exponentially, but the survival of X-ray-sensitive irs-20 cells remained at approximately 30% even after the cells had accumulated 1265 decays/cell. The results contradict the notion that increased DNA damage inevitably causes increased cell death. To account for these findings, we propose a model that postulates the existence of a second radiation target. According to this model, radiation damage to DNA may be necessary to induce cell death, but DNA damage alone is not sufficient to kill cells. We infer from the survival response of irs-20 cells that damage to a second (non-DNA) structure is involved in cell death, and that this structure directly affects the repair of DNA and cell survival.  相似文献   

The polyamines are essential for cellular growth and differentiation. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), which catalyses the first step in the biosynthesis of the polyamines, has a very fast turnover and is subject to a strong feedback control by the polyamines. In the present study, we show that overexpression of a metabolically stable ODC in CHO cells induced a massive cell death unless the cells were grown in the presence of the ODC inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). Cells overexpressing wild-type (unstable) ODC, on the other hand, were not dependent on the presence of DFMO for their growth. The induction of cell death was correlated with a dramatic increase in cellular putrescine levels. Analysis using flow cytometry revealed perturbed cell cycle kinetics, with a large accumulation of cells with sub-G1 amounts of DNA, which is a typical sign of apoptosis. Another strong indication of apoptosis was the finding that one of the key enzymes in the apoptotic process, caspase-3, was induced when DFMO was omitted from the growth medium. Furthermore, inhibition of the caspase activity significantly reduced the recruitment of cells to the sub-G1 fraction. In conclusion, deregulation of polyamine homeostasis may negatively affect cell proliferation and eventually lead to cell death by apoptosis if putrescine levels become too high.  相似文献   

自噬在细胞存活和死亡中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自噬是亚细胞膜结构发生动态变化并经溶酶体介导对细胞内蛋白质和细胞器降解的过程.通过平衡细胞合成和分解代谢,自噬稳定细胞内环境,维持细胞的存活.然而,过度自噬可导致细胞发生Ⅱ型程序性细胞死亡.自噬与凋亡在细胞死亡过程中的关系十分密切.本文对自噬的过程及其在细胞存活和死亡中的作用作一综述.  相似文献   

Autophagic cell death is characterized by the accumulation of vacuoles in physiological and pathological conditions. However, its molecular event is unknown. Here, we show that Atg5, which is known to function in autophagy, contributes to autophagic cell death by interacting with Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD). Down-regulation of Atg5 expression in HeLa cells suppresses cell death and vacuole formation induced by IFN-gamma. Inversely, ectopic expression of Atg5 using adenoviral delivery induces autophagic cell death. Deletion mapping analysis indicates that procell death activity resides in the middle and C-terminal region of Atg5. Cells harboring the accumulated vacuoles triggered by IFN-gamma or Atg5 expression become dead, and vacuole formation precedes cell death. 3-Methyladenine or expression of Atg5(K130R) mutant blocks both cell death and vacuole formation triggered by IFN-gamma, whereas benzyloxycarbonyl-VAD-fluoromethyl ketone (Z-VAD-fmk) inhibits only cell death but not vacuole formation. Atg5 interacts with FADD via death domain in vitro and in vivo, and the Atg5-mediated cell death, but not vacuole formation, is blocked in FADD-deficient cells. These results suggest that Atg5 plays a crucial role in IFN-gamma-induced autophagic cell death by interacting with FADD.  相似文献   

Introduction: Tissue transglutaminase (t.TG) is an enzyme that catalyzes the cross-linking of intracellular proteins, thus assembling a protein scaffold that prevents leakage of intracellular components. t.TG is activated during the apoptotic cell death cascade and plays a key role in the formation of apoptotic bodies. The aim of this study was to determine to what amount t.TG-mRNA becomes expressed during apoptosis and whether the t.TG-mRNA expression level could be used as trace marker of recent apoptosis and in individual cases for quantification of apoptosis. Methods: Expression of t.TG-mRNA was determined using TaqMan based, real-time RT-PCR, a semi-quantitative RT-PCR technique. The t.TG-mRNA expression was measured in cultured cells (MCF-7, human endothelial cells) and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) before and after induction of apoptosis in vitro. Results: The TaqMan RT-PCR of t.TG proved to be reliable, reproducible (CV's inter and intraassay precisions of 0.8–2.8%, measured at two levels), and specific for apoptotic cell death. t.TG-mRNA expression increases in response to apoptosis induction and is not expressed during the process of necrotic cell death. The expression during apoptotic cell death changes in the dose dependent manner in cultured cells as well as in the PBMCs, treated in vitro. The increase t.TG-mRNA expression level was up to 20 times, depending on the intensity of the apoptosis induction treatment and incubation time afterwards. PBMCs of patients with myelodysplasia showed spontaneous expression of t.TG-mRNA in agreement with their increased apoptotic cell death in vivo. Conclusion: t.TG-mRNA expression increases significantly in response to apoptosis inducing treatment. The observed changes are dose and time dependent. This leads to the conclusion that t.TG expression can be used as a trace marker for detection and quantification of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins: endogenous modulators of apoptotic cell death   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The highly conserved heat shock proteins (HSPs) accumulate in cells exposed to heat and a variety of other stressful stimuli. HSPs, which function mainly as molecular chaperones, allow cells to adapt to gradual changes in their environment and to survive in otherwise lethal conditions. The events of cell stress and cell death are linked and HSPs induced in response to stress appear to function at key regulatory points in the control of apoptosis. HSPs include antiapoptotic and proapoptotic proteins that interact with a variety of cellular proteins. Their expression level can determine the fate of the cell in response to a death stimulus, and apoptosis-inhibitory HSPs, in particular HSP27 and HSP70, may participate in carcinogenesis. This review summarizes apoptosis-regulatory function of HSPs.  相似文献   

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