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Hydrolases containing two metal ions connected by a bridging ligand catalyze reactions important in carcinogensis, tissue repair, post-translational modification, control and regulation of biochemical pathways, and protein degradation. The aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica serves as a paradigm for the study of such bridged bimetallic proteases since its three-dimensional structure is known to very high resolution and its catalytic reaction is amenable to spectroscopic examination. Herein, we report the X-ray crystal structure at 1.9 A resolution of AAP complexed with 1-butaneboronic acid (BuBA). This structure suggests that this complex represents a snapshot of the proteolytic reaction in an arrested form between the Michaelis complex and the transition state. Comparison of the structure with spectroscopic and other data allows us to conclude that the apparently structurally symmetrical dizinc site is actually asymmetric electrostatically.  相似文献   

Bienvenue DL  Gilner D  Holz RC 《Biochemistry》2002,41(11):3712-3719
A series of L-leucine aniline analogues were synthesized that contained either a carbonyl or thiocarbonyl as a part of the amide bond. Additionally, the para-position on the phenyl ring of several substrates was altered with various electron-withdrawing or donating groups. The kinetic constants K(m) and k(cat) were determined for the hydrolysis of each of these compounds in the presence of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) containing either Zn(II) or Cd(II). The dizinc(II) form of AAP ([ZnZn(AAP)]) was able to cleave both carbonyl and thiocarbonyl containing peptide substrates with similar efficiency. However, the dicadmium(II) form of AAP ([CdCd(AAP)]) was unable to cleave any of the carbonyl-containing compounds tested but was able to cleave the thionopeptide substrates. This is consistent with the borderline hard/soft nature of Zn(II) vs Cd(II). The trends observed in the K(m) values suggest that the oxygen atom of the amide bond directly interacts with the dinuclear active site of AAP. Heterodimetallic forms of AAP that contained one atom of Zn(II) and one of Cd(II) (i.e., [CdZn(AAP)] and [ZnCd(AAP)]) were also prepared. The K(m) values for the thionopeptides substrates are the smallest when Cd(II) is in the first metal binding site, suggesting that substrate binds to the first metal binding site. 1-Phenyl-2-thiourea (PTU) and urea (PU) were also examined to determine the differences between thionopeptide and peptide binding to AAP. PTU and PU were found to be competitive inhibitors of AAP with inhibition constants of 0.24 and 4.6 mM, respectively. The electronic absorption and EPR spectra of [CoCo(AAP)], [CoZn(AAP)], and [ZnCo(AAP)] were recorded in the absence and presence of both PU and PTU. Spectral changes were observed for PTU binding to [CoCo(AAP)] and [CoZn(AAP)] but not for [ZnCo(AAP)], while no spectral changes were observed for any of the Co(II)-substituted forms of AAP upon the addition of PU. These data indicate that carbonyl binding occurs only at the first metal binding site. In light of the data presented herein, the substrate binding step in the proposed mechanism of AAP catalyzed peptide hydrolysis can be further refined.  相似文献   

The leucine aminopeptidase of Aeromonas proteolytica (EC is a monomeric metalloenzyme having the capacity to bind two Zn2+ atoms in the active site. Structural information of this relatively small aminopeptidase that could illuminate the catalytic mechanism of the metal ions is lacking; hence, we have obtained sequences from the purified enzyme, cloned the corresponding gene, and expressed the recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. The deduced primary amino acid sequence of this secreted protease suggests a potential signal peptide at the NH2 terminus. Expression of the recombinant and native proteins in E. coli and in extracts of culture media of A. proteolytica indicates that the aminopeptidase is secreted as an active and thermosensitive 43-kDa protein that is rapidly transformed to thermostable forms of 30 and 32 kDa. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of the A. proteolytica leucine aminopeptidase with other Zn(2+)-binding metalloenzymes failed to show homologies to the consensus binding sequence His-Glu-X-X-His for the metal ion.  相似文献   

Glutamate 151 has been proposed to act as the general acid/base during the peptide hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by the co-catalytic metallohydrolase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP). However, to date, no direct evidence has been reported for the role of Glu-151 during catalytic turnover by AAP. In order to elucidate the catalytic role of Glu-151, altered AAP enzymes have been prepared in which Glu-151 has been substituted with a glutamine, an alanine, and an aspartate. The Michaelis constant (K(m)) does not change upon substitution to aspartate or glutamine, but the rate of the reaction changes drastically in the following order: glutamate (100% activity), aspartate (0.05%), glutamine (0.004%), and alanine (0%). Examination of the pH dependence of the kinetic constants k(cat) and K(m) revealed a change in the pK(a) of a group that ionizes at pH 4.8 in recombinant leucine aminopeptidase (rAAP) to 4.2 for E151D-AAP. The remaining pK(a) values at 5.2, 7.5, and 9.9 do not change. Proton inventory studies indicate that one proton is transferred in the rate-limiting step of the reaction at pH 10.50 for both rAAP and E151D-AAP, but at pH 6.50 two protons and general solvation effects are responsible for the observed effects in the reaction catalyzed by rAAP and E151D-AAP, respectively. Based on these data, Glu-151 is intrinsically involved in the peptide hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by AAP and can be assigned the role of a general acid and base.  相似文献   

Huntington KM  Bienvenue DL  Wei Y  Bennett B  Holz RC  Pei D 《Biochemistry》1999,38(47):15587-15596
Peptide-derived thiols of the general structure N-mercaptoacyl-leucyl-p-nitroanilide (1a-c) were synthesized and found to be potent, slow-binding inhibitors of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP). The overall potencies (K(I)) of these inhibitors against AAP range from 2.5 to 57 nM exceeding that of the natural product bestatin and approaching that of amastatin. The corresponding alcohols (2a-b) are simple competitive inhibitors of much lower potencies (K(I) = 23 and 360 microM). These data suggest that the free thiols are involved in the formation of the E. I and E.I complexes, presumably serving as a metal ligand. To investigate the nature of the interaction of the thiol-based inhibitors with the dinuclear active site of AAP, we have recorded electronic absorption and EPR spectra of Co(II)Co(II)-, Co(II)Zn(II)-, and Zn(II)Co(II)-AAP in the presence of the strongest binding inhibitor, 1c. Both [CoZn(AAP)] and [ZnCo(AAP)], in the presence of 1c, exhibited an absorption band centered at 320 nm characteristic of an S --> Co(II) ligand-metal charge-transfer band. In addition, absorption spectra recorded between 400 and 700 nm showed changes characteristic of 1c interacting with each active-site metal ion. EPR spectra recorded at high temperature (19 K) and low power (2.5 mW) indicated that in a given enzyme molecule, 1c interacts weakly with one of the metal ions in the dinuclear site and that the crystallographically identified micro-OH(H) bridge, which has been shown to mediate electronic interaction of the Co(II) ions, is likely broken upon 1c binding. EPR spectra of [CoCo(AAP)]-1c, [ZnCo(AAP)]-1c, and [CoZn(AAP)]-1c were also recorded at lower temperature (3.5-4.0 K) and high microwave power (50-553 mW). The observed signals were unusual and appeared to contain, in addition to the incompletely saturated contributions from the signals characterized at 19 K, a very sharp feature at g(eff) approximately 6.8 that is characteristic of thiolate-Co(II) interactions. These data suggest that the thiolate moiety can bind to either of the metal ions in the dinuclear active site of AAP but does not bridge the dinuclear cluster. Compounds 1a-c are readily accessible by synthesis and thus provide a novel class of potent aminopeptidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) contains two zinc ions in the active site and catalyzes the degradation of peptides. Herein we report the crystal structures of AAP at 0.95-Å resolution at neutral pH and at 1.24-Å resolution at low pH. The combination of these structures allowed the precise modeling of atomic positions, the identification of the metal bridging oxygen species, and insight into the physical properties of the metal ions. On the basis of these structures, a new putative catalytic mechanism is proposed for AAP that is likely relevant to all binuclear metalloproteases.The coordinates for the 0.95-Å resolution structure and the 1.24-Å structure at pH 4.7 were deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank and have PDB ID numbers of 1RTQ and 2DEA, respectively.  相似文献   

The peptide inhibitor L-leucinethiol (LeuSH) was found to be a potent, slow-binding inhibitor of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP). The overall potency (K(I)*) of LeuSH was 7 nM while the corresponding alcohol L-leucinol (LeuOH) was a simple competitive inhibitor of much lower potency (K(I) = 17 microM). These data suggest that the free thiol is likely involved in the formation of the E x I and E x I* complexes, presumably providing a metal ligand. In order to probe the nature of the interaction of LeuSH and LeuOH with the dinuclear active site of AAP, we have recorded both the electronic absorption and EPR spectra of [CoCo(AAP)], [CoZn(AAP)], and [ZnCo(AAP)] in the presence of both inhibitors. In the presence of LeuSH, all three Co(II)-substituted AAP enzymes exhibited an absorption band centered at 295 nm, characteristic of a S --> Co(II) ligand-metal charge-transfer band. In addition, absorption spectra recorded in the 450 to 700 nm region all showed changes characteristic of LeuSH and LeuOH interacting with both metal ions. EPR spectra recorded at high temperature (19 K) and low power (2.5 mW) indicated that, in a given enzyme molecule, LeuSH interacts weakly with one of the metal ions in the dinuclear site and that the crystallographically identified mu-OH(H) bridge, which has been shown to mediate electronic interaction of the Co(II) ions, is likely broken upon binding LeuSH. EPR spectra of [CoCo(AAP)]-LeuSH, [ZnCo(AAP)]-LeuSH, and [Co_(AAP)]-LeuSH were also recorded at lower temperature (3.5-4.0 K) and high microwave power (50-553 mW). These signals were unusual and appeared to contain, in addition to the incompletely saturated contributions from the signals characterized at 19 K, a very sharp feature at g(eff) approximately 6.5 that is characteristic of thiolate-Co(II) interactions. Combination of the electronic absorption and EPR data indicates that LeuSH perturbs the electronic structure of both metal ions in the dinuclear active site of AAP. Since the spin-spin interaction seen in resting [CoCo(AAP)] is abolished upon the addition of LeuSH, it is unlikely that a mu-S(R) bridge is established.  相似文献   

The aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) is a bridged bimetallic enzyme that removes the N-terminal amino acid from a peptide chain. To fully understand the metal roles in the reaction pathway of AAP we have solved the 1.20 A resolution crystal structure of native AAP (PDB ID = 1LOK). The high-quality electron density maps showed a single Tris molecule chelated to the active site Zn(2+), alternate side chain conformations for some side chains, a sodium ion that mediates a crystal contact, a surface thiocyanate ion, and several potential hydrogen atoms. In addition, the high precision of the atomic positions has led to insight into the protonation states of some of the active site amino acid side chains.  相似文献   

The leucine aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (also known as Vibrio proteolyticus) (AAP) is a metalloenzyme with broad substrate specificity. The open reading frame (ORF) for AAP encodes a 54 kDa enzyme, however, the extracellular enzyme has a molecular weight of 43 kDa. This form of AAP is further processed to a mature, thermostable 32 kDa form but the exact nature of this process is unknown. Over-expression of different forms of AAP in Escherichia coli (with AAP's native leader sequence, with and without the N- and/or C-terminal propeptides, and as fusion protein) has allowed a model for the processing of wild-type AAP to be proposed. The role of the A. proteolytica signal peptide in protein secretion as well as comparison to other known signal peptides reveals a close resemblance of the A. proteolytica signal peptide to the outer membrane protein (OmpA) signal peptide. Over-expression of the full 54 kDa AAP enzyme provides an enzyme that is significantly less active, due to a cooperative inhibitory interaction between both propeptides. Over-expression of AAP lacking its C-terminal propeptide provided an enzyme with an identical kcat value to wild-type AAP but exhibited a larger Km value, suggesting competitive inhibition of AAP by the N-terminal propeptide (Ki approximately 0.13 nM). The recombinant 32 kDa form of AAP was characterized by kinetic and spectroscopic methods and was shown to be identical to mature, wild-type AAP. Therefore, the ease of purification and processing of rAAP along with the fact that large quantities can be obtained now allow new detailed mechanistic studies to be performed on AAP through site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Binding of the competitive, slow-binding inhibitor bestatin ([(2S,3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutanoy]-leucine) to the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) was examined by both spectroscopic and crystallographic methods. Electronic absorption spectra of the catalytically competent [Co_(AAP)], [CoCo(AAP)], and [ZnCo(AAP)] enzymes recorded in the presence of bestatin revealed that both of the divalent metal ions in AAP are involved in binding bestatin. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the [CoCo(AAP)]-bestatin complex exhibited no observable perpendicular- or parallel-mode signal. These data indicate that the two Co(II) ions in AAP are antiferromagnetically coupled yielding an S = 0 ground state and suggest that a single oxygen atom bridges between the two divalent metal ions. The EPR data obtained for [CoZn(AAP)] and [ZnCo(AAP)] confirm that bestatin interacts with both metal ions. The X-ray crystal structure of the [ZnZn(AAP)]-bestatin complex was solved to 2.0 A resolution. Both side chains of bestatin occupy a well-defined hydrophobic pocket that is adjacent to the dinuclear Zn(II) active site. The amino acid residues ligated to the dizinc(II) cluster in AAP are identical to those in the native structure with only minor perturbations in bond length. The alkoxide oxygen of bestatin bridges between the two Zn(II) ions in the active site, displacing the bridging water molecule observed in the native [ZnZn(AAP)] structure. The M-M distances observed in the AAP-bestatin complex and native AAP are identical (3.5 A) with alkoxide oxygen atom distances of 2.1 and 1.9 A from Zn1 and Zn2, respectively. Interestingly, the backbone carbonyl oxygen atom of bestatin is coordinated to Znl at a distance of 2.3 A. In addition, the NH(2) group of bestatin, which mimics the N-terminal amine group of an incoming peptide, binds to Zn2 with a bond distance of 2.3 A. A combination of the spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic data presented herein with the previously reported mechanistic data for AAP has provided additional insight into the substrate-binding step of peptide hydrolysis as well as insight into important small molecule features for inhibitor design.  相似文献   

Glutamate151 (E151) has been shown to be catalytically essential for the aminopeptidase from Vibrio proteolyticus (AAP). E151 acts as the general acid/base during the catalytic mechanism of peptide hydrolysis. However, a glutamate residue is not the only residue capable of functioning as a general acid/base during catalysis for dinuclear metallohydrolases. Recent crystallographic characterization of the D-aminopeptidase from Bacillus subtilis (DppA) revealed a histidine residue that resides in an identical position to E151 in AAP. Because the active-site ligands for DppA and AAP are identical, AAP has been used as a model enzyme to understand the mechanistic role of H115 in DppA. Substitution of E151 with histidine resulted in an active AAP enzyme exhibiting a kcat value of 2.0 min(-1), which is over 2000 times slower than r AAP (4380 min(-1)). ITC experiments revealed that ZnII binds 330 and 3 times more weakly to E151H-AAP compared to r-AAP. UV-vis and EPR spectra of CoII-loaded E151H-AAP indicated that the first metal ion resides in a hexacoordinate/pentacoordinate equilibrium environment, whereas the second metal ion is six-coordinate. pH dependence of the kinetic parameters kcat and K(m) for the hydrolysis of L-leucine p-nitroanilide (L-pNA) revealed a change in an ionization constant in the enzyme-substrate complex from 5.3 in r-AAP to 6.4 in E151H-AAP, consistent with E151 in AAP being the active-site general acid/base. Proton inventory studies at pH 8.50 indicate the transfer of one proton in the rate-limiting step of the reaction. Moreover, the X-ray crystal structure of [ZnZn(E151H-AAP)] has been solved to 1.9 A resolution, and alteration of E151 to histidine does not introduce any major conformational changes to the overall protein structure or the dinuclear ZnII active site. Therefore, a histidine residue can function as the general acid/base in hydrolysis reactions of peptides and, through analogy of the role of E151 in AAP, H115 in DppA likely shuttles a proton to the leaving group of the substrate.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the Co(II)-loaded form of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica ([CoCo(AAP)]) was solved to 2.2A resolution. [CoCo(AAP)] folds into an alpha/beta globular domain with a twisted beta-sheet hydrophobic core sandwiched between alpha-helices, identical to [ZnZn(AAP)]. Co(II) binding to AAP does not introduce any major conformational changes to the overall protein structure and the amino acid residues ligated to the dicobalt(II) cluster in [CoCo(AAP)] are the same as those in the native Zn(II)-loaded structure with only minor perturbations in bond lengths. The Co(II)-Co(II) distance is 3.3A. Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) coordinates to the dinuclear Co(II) active site of AAP with one of the Tris hydroxyl oxygen atoms (O4) forming a single oxygen atom bridge between the two Co(II) ions. This is the only Tris atom coordinated to the metals with Co1-O and Co2-O bonds distances of 2.2 and 1.9A, respectively. Each of the Co(II) ions resides in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. This important structure bridges the gap between previous structural and spectroscopic studies performed on AAP and is discussed in this context.  相似文献   

L Ustynyuk  B Bennett  T Edwards  R C Holz 《Biochemistry》1999,38(35):11433-11439
Seven aliphatic and two aromatic alcohols were tested as reporters of the substrate selectivity of the aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP). This series of alcohols was chosen to systematically probe the effect of carbon chain length, steric bulk, and inhibitor shape on the inhibition of AAP. Initially, however, the question of whether AAP is denatured in the presence of aliphatic alcohols was addressed. On the basis of circular dichroism (CD), electronic absorption, and fluorescence spectra, the secondary structure of AAP, with and without added aliphatic alcohols, was unchanged. These data clearly indicate that AAP is not denatured in aliphatic alcohols, even up to concentrations of 20% (v/v). All of the alcohols studied were competitive inhibitors of AAP with K(i) values between 860 and 0.98 mM. The clear trend in the data was that as the carbon chain length increases from one to four, the K(i) values increase. Branching of the carbon chains also increases the K(i) values, but large bulky groups, such as that found in tert-butyl alcohol, do not inhibit AAP as well as leucine analogues, such as 3-methyl-1-butanol. The competitive nature of the inhibition indicates that the substrate and each alcohol studied are mutually exclusive due to binding at the same site on the enzyme. On the basis of EPR and electronic absorption data for Co(II)-substituted AAP, none of the alcohols studied binds to the dinuclear metallo-active site of AAP. Thus, reaction of the inhibitory alcohols with the catalytic metal ions cannot constitute the mechanism of inhibition. Combination of these data suggests that each of these inhibitors bind only to the hydrophobic pocket of AAP and, consequently, block the binding of substrate. Thus, the first step in peptide hydrolysis is the recognition of the N-terminal amino acid side chain by the hydrophobic pocket adjacent to the dinuclear active site of AAP.  相似文献   

Computer modeling studies have been performed on the several pairs of D- and L-nucleoside inhibitors with the HIV-1 RT model. Additionally, clinically important M184V mutation, which confers the viral resistance against 3TC and FTC, were studied by the same modeling system.  相似文献   

The nature of the interaction of the transition-state analogue inhibitor L-leucinephosphonic acid (LPA) with the leucine aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica (AAP) was investigated. LPA was shown to be a competitive inhibitor at pH 8.0 with a K(i) of 6.6 microM. Electronic absorption spectra, recorded at pH 7.5 of [CoCo(AAP)], [CoZn(AAP)], and [ZnCo(AAP)] upon addition of LPA suggest that LPA interacts with both metal ions in the dinuclear active site. EPR studies on the Co(II)-substituted forms of AAP revealed that the environments of the Co(II) ions in both [CoZn(AAP)] and [ZnCo(AAP)] become highly asymmetric and constrained upon the addition of LPA and clearly indicate that LPA interacts with both metal ions. The X-ray crystal structure of AAP complexed with LPA was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The X-ray crystallographic data indicate that LPA interacts with both metal centers in the dinuclear active site of AAP and a single oxygen atom bridge is absent. Thus, LPA binds to the dinuclear active site of AAP as an eta-1,2-mu-phosphonate with one ligand to the second metal ion provided by the N-terminal amine. A structural comparison of the binding of phosphonate-containing transition-state analogues to the mono- and bimetallic peptidases provides insight into the requirement for the second metal ion in bridged bimetallic peptidases. On the basis of the results obtained from the spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic data presented herein along with previously reported mechanistic data for AAP, a new catalytic mechanism for the hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by AAP is proposed.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 integrase (IN) is an attractive target for development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome chemotherapy. In this study, conventional and coupled quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of HIV-1 IN complexed with 5CITEP (IN-5CITEP) were carried out. In addition to differences in the bound position of 5CITEP, significant differences at the two levels of theory were observed in the metal coordination geometry and the areas involving residues 116-119 and 140-166. In the conventional MD simulation, the coordination of Mg(2+) was found to be a near-perfect octahedral geometry whereas a distorted octahedral complex was observed in QM/MM. All of the above reasons lead to a different pattern of protein-ligand salt link formation that was not observed in the classical MD simulation. Furthermore to provide a theoretical understanding of inhibition mechanisms of 5CITEP and its derivative (DKA), hybrid QM/MM MD simulations of the two complexes (IN-5CITEP and IN-DKA) have been performed. The results reveal that areas involving residues 60-68, 116-119, and 140-149 were substantially different among the two systems. The two systems show similar pattern of metal coordination geometry, i.e., a distorted octahedron. In IN-DKA, both OD1 and OD2 of Asp-64 coordinate the Mg(2+) in a monodentate fashion whereas only OD1 is chelated to the metal as observed in IN-5CITEP. The high potency of DKA as compared to 5CITEP is supported by a strong salt link formed between its carboxylate moiety and the ammonium group of Lys-159. Detailed comparisons between HIV-1 IN complexed with DKA and with 5CITEP provide information about ligand structure effects on protein-ligand interactions in particular with the Lys-159. This is useful for the design of new selective HIV-1 IN inhibitors.  相似文献   

Atovaquone is an antiparasitic drug that selectively inhibits electron transport through the parasite mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex and collapses the mitochondrial membrane potential at concentrations far lower than those at which the mammalian system is affected. Because this molecule represents a new class of antimicrobial agents, we seek a deeper understanding of its mode of action. To that end, we employed site-directed mutagenesis of a bacterial cytochrome b, combined with biophysical and biochemical measurements. A large scale domain movement involving the iron-sulfur protein subunit is required for electron transfer from cytochrome b-bound ubihydroquinone to cytochrome c1 of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Here, we show that atovaquone blocks this domain movement by locking the iron-sulfur subunit in its cytochrome b-binding conformation. Based on our malaria atovaquone resistance data, a series of cytochrome b mutants was produced that were predicted to have either enhanced or reduced sensitivity to atovaquone. Mutations altering the bacterial cytochrome b at its ef loop to more closely resemble Plasmodium cytochrome b increased the sensitivity of the cytochrome bc1 complex to atovaquone. A mutation within the ef loop that is associated with resistant malaria parasites rendered the complex resistant to atovaquone, thereby providing direct proof that the mutation causes atovaquone resistance. This mutation resulted in a 10-fold reduction in the in vitro activity of the cytochrome bc1 complex, suggesting that it may exert a cost on efficiency of the cytochrome bc1 complex.  相似文献   

The Thr252 residue plays a vital role in the catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450cam during the formation of the active species (Compound I) from its precursor (Compound 0). We investigate the effect of replacing Thr252 by methoxythreonine (MeO-Thr) on this protonation reaction (coupling) and on the competing formation of the ferric resting state and H2O2 (uncoupling) by combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods. For each reaction, two possible mechanisms are studied, and for each of these the residues Asp251 and Glu366 are considered as proton sources. The computed QM/MM barriers indicate that uncoupling is unfavorable in the case of the Thr252MeO-Thr mutant, whereas there are two energetically feasible proton transfer pathways for coupling. The corresponding rate-limiting barriers for the formation of Compound I are higher in the mutant than in the wild-type enzyme. These findings are consistent with the experimental observations that the Thr252MeO-Thr mutant forms the alcohol product exclusively (via Compound I), but at lower reaction rates compared with the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase forms citrate by deprotonation of acetyl-CoA followed by nucleophilic attack of this substrate on oxaloacetate, and subsequent hydrolysis. The rapid reaction rate is puzzling because of the instability of the postulated nucleophilic intermediate, the enolate of acetyl-CoA. As alternatives, the enol of acetyl-CoA, or an enolic intermediate sharing a proton with His-274 in a “low-barrier” hydrogen bond have been suggested. Similar problems of intermediate instability have been noted in other enzymic carbon acid deprotonation reactions. Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical calculations of the pathway of acetyl-CoA enolization within citrate synthase support the identification of Asp-375 as the catalytic base. His-274, the proposed general acid, is found to be neutral. The acetyl-CoA enolate is more stable at the active site than the enol, and is stabilized by hydrogen bonds from His-274 and a water molecule. The conditions for formation of a low-barrier hydrogen bond do not appear to be met, and the calculated hydrogen bond stabilization in the reaction is less than the gas-phase energy, due to interactions with Asp-375 at the active site. The enolate character of the intermediate is apparently necessary for the condensation reaction to proceed efficiently. Proteins 27:9–25 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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