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An investigation was conducted examining the horizontal and vertical distribution of zooplankton in Lake Miramar, a southern California reservoir. Daphnia and Mesocyclops populations were most abundant offshore and in deeper water during the day but appeared to move toward shore and upward at night. The results of inshore zooplankton sampling provided no evidence chat the diel horizontal migration pattern was a result of sampler avoidance by zooplankton. Inshore-offshore differences in Daphnia and Mesocyclops abundance and diel migrations were reduced during winter and early spring. Rotifer zooplankters exhibited less seasonal variation in their horizontal distributions than did the large crustacean zooplankters at all times of the year. It is hypothesized that the spatial distribution of zooplankton is related to predation gradients in Lake Miramar. The dominant planktivore in the reservoir, young-of-the-year Micropterus salmoides. was abundant from late May through December and much less so from January to early May. They were largely restricted to the littoral zone and this produced horizontal gradients of planktivory which varied in strength seasonally and from day lo night. It appears that crustacean zooplankton in Lake Miramar avoid areas with abundant planktivores during the day but migrate into these areas at night when the intensity of planktivory is reduced. Rotifers exhibit less horizontal heterogeneity and no significant diel migrations, which is attributed to the reduced risk of predation that rotifers experience relative to crustacean zooplankters. A graphical model is proposed to integrate our understanding of diel vertical and horizontal migrations of zooplankton. In this model, gradients of predation are completely vertical in offshore areas and strongly horizontal in near shore areas. Gradients of food availability are roughly similar to those of predation intensity. Plankiers respond to these gradients by migrating in a path parallel to gradients of predation at dawn and parallel to gradients of food availability after dark.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of endocrine cells in the crypt and villus epithelium along the length of the mouse intestine was studied. Argyrophil reactivity using the Grimelius stain was used to estimate the total endocrine population of the intestine. Comparisons were then made with the fraction of endocrine cells containing glucagon like material, stained immunocytochemically using rabbit anti-glucagon antisera. A highly significant reduction in the incidence of endocrine cells (argyrophil reactive) from the proximal to distal end of the intestine was noted. However, only 10-30% of these cells contained glucagon like material in the crypts of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, compared to 30-60% in the crypts of the colon and rectum. The distribution of endocrine cells (argyrophil reactive) was maximal in the lower regions of the proliferative zone of the crypts but showed no significant variation along the length of the villi. Cells containing glucagon like material were also most frequent in the lower regions of the proliferative zone of the crypts, but were not generally found above the bottom third of the villi. Each crypt in the small intestine contains between 3 and 5 endocrine cells one of which contained glucagon like immunoreactive material. In the colon and rectum each crypt contains about 6-8 endocrine cells, of which 3-4 contained glucagon like immunoreactive material. These results indicate that a sub-set of cells containing glucagon like material, differentiate early in the lineage of endocrine cells within the proliferative zone of the intestinal crypts.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of endocrine cells in the crypt and villus epithelium along the length of the mouse intestine was studied. Argyrophil reactivity using the Grimelius stain was used to estimate the total endocrine population of the intestine. Comparisons were then made with the fraction of endocrine cells containing glucagon like material, stained immunocytochemically using rabbit anti-glucagon antisera. A highly significant reduction in the incidence of endocrine cells (argyrophil reactive) from the proximal to distal end of the intestine was noted. However, only 10-30% of these cells contained glucagon like material in the crypts of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, compared to 30–60% in the crypts of the colon and rectum. The distribution of endocrine cells (argyrophil reactive) was maximal in the lower regions of the proliferative zone of the crypts but showed no significant variation along the length of the villi. Cells containing glucagon like material were also most frequent in the lower regions of the proliferative zone of the crypts, but were not generally found above the botom third of the villi. Each crypt in the small intestine contains between 3 and 5 endocrine cells one of which contained glucagon like immunoreactive material. In the colon and rectum each crypt contains about 6-8 endocrine cells, of which 3–4 contained glucagon like immunoreactive material. These results indicate that a sub-set of cells containing glucagon like material, differentiate early in the lineage of endocrine cells within the proliferative zone of the intestinal crypts.  相似文献   

Climate is a major factor affecting the development and form of peatlands, as well as the distribution of individual bryophyte species. This paper examines the climatic and ecological gradients affecting the distribution of peatland types along a north-south gradient in the Mackenzie River Basin. Based on a TWINSPAN analysis of bryophyte abundance from 82 peatlands in the Mackenzie River Basin, seven peatland types, two with southerly geographical distributions are recognized. In the Mackenzie River Basin, such local factors as surface water chemistry, pH, and solute concentration as well as height above the water table play a significant role in determinining bryophyte species distributions. Climate is secondary. Amongst the climatic variables, precipitation, length of the growing season, and annual temperature are the most signifcant. The seven peatland groups are: widespread poor fens; peat plateaus with thermokarst pools, low-Boreal bogs; bogs and peat plateus without thermokarst pools; low-Boreal dry poor fens; wet moderate-rich fens; and wet extreme-rich fens.  相似文献   

The hyperbenthic fauna of the Westerschelde estuary was sampled in spring, summer and winter of 1990 at 14 stations along the salinity gradient. Mysids dominated the hyperbenthos in each season. Other important species, either permanently (e.g. amphipods and isopods) or temporarily (e.g. fish larvae and decapod larvae) hyperbenthic, belong to a variety of faunistic groups. Spatial structure was stable through time: the estuary could be divided in the same geographically defined zones in each season. Each zone had a characteristic fauna. Gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity correlated strongly with the observed variation in community structure. The spatial patterns dominated over the temporal patterns, especially in the brackish part of the estuary. In the marine part, seasonal differences in the communities were more pronounced due to the occurrence of a series of temporary hyperbenthic species in spring and summer. In each season, the upstream (brackish) communities were characterized by few species occurring in very high numbers, whereas the downstream (marine) communities were composed of many species but at lower densities.  相似文献   

Karbowski J 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26709
Brain is one of the most energy demanding organs in mammals, and its total metabolic rate scales with brain volume raised to a power of around 5/6. This value is significantly higher than the more common exponent 3/4 relating whole body resting metabolism with body mass and several other physiological variables in animals and plants. This article investigates the reasons for brain allometric distinction on a level of its microvessels. Based on collected empirical data it is found that regional cerebral blood flow CBF across gray matter scales with cortical volume V as CBF ~ V(-1/6), brain capillary diameter increases as V(1/12), and density of capillary length decreases as V(-1/6). It is predicted that velocity of capillary blood is almost invariant (~V(ε)), capillary transit time scales as V(1/6), capillary length increases as V(1/6+ε), and capillary number as V(2/3-ε), where ε is typically a small correction for medium and large brains, due to blood viscosity dependence on capillary radius. It is shown that the amount of capillary length and blood flow per cortical neuron are essentially conserved across mammals. These results indicate that geometry and dynamics of global neuro-vascular coupling have a proportionate character. Moreover, cerebral metabolic, hemodynamic, and microvascular variables scale with allometric exponents that are simple multiples of 1/6, rather than 1/4, which suggests that brain metabolism is more similar to the metabolism of aerobic than resting body. Relation of these findings to brain functional imaging studies involving the link between cerebral metabolism and blood flow is also discussed.  相似文献   

Patterns of fish population composition were examined in the San Pedro River, Ivory Coast, in 2001 to assess whether distinct types of assemblage exist along longitudinal gradients within this small coastal basin. A total of 45 species was found: 28 in the lower and the upper courses of the river and 29 in Faé man-made lake. The environmental variables most closely associated with assemblage-level patterns were those which can be significantly modified by dam construction: transparency, conductivity, current and sampling site position on the basin. Groups were separated by means of canonical correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. Downstream assemblages were distinguished by the presence of marine and brackish water fish species and a relatively low abundance of cichlid fishes. Assemblages from Lake Faé were characterised by a predominance of cichlids.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of magnetotactic bacteria along various physico-chemical gradients in freshwater microcosms was analyzed by a combined approach of viable cell counts, 16S rRNA gene analysis, microsensor profiling and biogeochemical methods. The occurrence of magnetotactic bacteria was restricted to a narrow sediment layer overlapping or closely below the maximum oxygen and nitrate penetration depth. Different species showed different preferences within vertical gradients, but the largest proportion (63-98%) of magnetotactic bacteria was detected within the suboxic zone. In one microcosm the community of magnetotactic bacteria was dominated by one species of a coccoid "Alphaproteobacterium", as detected by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in sediment horizons from 1 to 10 mm depth. Maximum numbers of magnetotactic bacteria were up to 1.5 x 10(7) cells/cm3, which corresponded to 1% of the total cell number in the upper sediment layer. The occurrence of magnetotactic bacteria coincided with the availability of significant amounts (6-60 microM) of soluble Fe(II), and in one sample with hydrogen sulfide (up to 40 microM). Although various trends were clearly observed, a strict correlation between the distribution of magnetotactic bacteria and individual geochemical parameters was absent. This is discussed in terms of metabolic adaptation of various strains of magnetotactic bacteria to stratified sediments and diversity of the magnetotactic bacterial communities.  相似文献   

The distribution of fish species in the North Branch of the Moose River (Lake Rondaxe to headwaters of Big Moose Lake) was determined by intensive netting and electrofishing surveys of lakes and streams in the watershed during 1982–83. A chronology of changes in fish species occurrence in the drainage system was reconstructed from earlier published surveys conducted in 1882 and 1931 and unpublished survey data obtained by the NYSDEC during the period 1948–1975. Native species present in 1882 were also collected in 1931. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were introduced in the early 1900's and were present in collections made in 1931. Major changes in the fish community have taken place since 1931. The smallmouth bass and many of the native species found in the earlier surveys were either absent or restricted in occurrence to downstream sites (eg. L. Rondaxe and Moss L. sub-drainage) in 1982. Non-native species introduced after 1931 (yellow perch,Perca flavescens; central mudminnow,Umbra limi; banded killifish,Fundulus diaphanus) are currently widely distributed throughout the drainage system. In particular, the yellow perch is now a dominant species in the larger lakes of the basin. Comparisons of survival rates for caged fish transferred from high to low pH sites in the Big Moose drainage system demonstrated relatively greater acid tolerane of non-native species (yellow perch, mudminnow, killifish) than native cyprinids. Watershed acidity gradients (pH and aluminum concentrations) and relative physiological acid tolerance are major determinants of currently observed fish species distribution patterns in the North Branch of the Moose River. Differences in age and size structure of fish populations inhabiting acidic and non-acidic lakes of the drainage system were apparent, but difficult to interpret without additional information onpopulation size and potential density dependent parameters such as age specific growth and survival rates. Differential hatching success was observed for yellow perch eggs reciprocally transferred between acid (Big Moose) and neutral (Moss L.) lakes. Eggs transferred from Moss L. to Big Moose L. exhibited poor hatching success as a result of alterations in egg membrane structure that inhibited normal egg expansion and the hatching process. This effect was not evident in eggs from the same parents reared in Moss Lake nor in eggs from the Big Moose parents reared in both lakes. These experimental observations suggested possible genetic adaptation to acid stress by the yellow perch population inhabiting Big Moose Lake.  相似文献   

Xu  Li  Wang  Mao  Xin  Changpeng  Liu  Chao  Wang  Wenqing 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(2):549-561
Hydrobiologia - This study was designed to survey zonation and ion compartmentalization of mangroves in relation to water salinity along a freshwater-dominated river to reveal controlling factors...  相似文献   

植物物种丰富度随山地海拔梯度的变化格局是生物多样性研究的热点之一.基于种-面积关系的任何模型对群落物种数目所作估计,其精度都依赖于样本的代表性、抽样尺度以及所涉及的分类群.作者以秦岭南坡森林群落样方实测的乔木种数据为例,借鉴群落最小面积(minimum area,MA)的概念及其确定方式,利用稀疏法(rarefacti...  相似文献   

The possible regulatory role of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase for chlorophyll accumulation has been investigated in barley plants. Within the primary leaf of etiolated plants the different maturation stages of etioplasts are found in a linear series with the youngest in cells near the base and the oldest in cells near the tip. This distribution of different plastid forms is paralleled by drastic differences in the NADPH-protochlorophyllide-oxidoreductase content of the plastids and their capacity to accumulate chlorophyll during illumination. The amount of enzyme and the rate of chlorophyll accumulation are highest in the mature etioplast in the tip of the leaf and both decline rapidly with decreasing age of the leaf tissue, being almost undetectable in the leaf base. The translatable mRNA coding for the enzyme shows a different distribution pattern within the leaf. The highest concentration is found in the middle part of the leaf while in the top part only traces of this mRNA are detectable. It is concluded that during leaf development the enzyme is synthesized rapidly only during a limited time period and that it is stored subsequently in the mature etioplast as a stable protein. The close correlation between the distribution of the enzyme within the barley leaf and that of the potential to accumulate chlorophyll during illumination would favour a control of chlorophyll accumulation by the amount of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase. Dark-grown plants which were exposed to far-red light were used to test this possibility. The far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) has an inverse effect on the kinetics of chlorophyll accumulation and the enzyme concentration. Our results indicate that the rate of chlorophyll accumulation in barley is not determined by the level of NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase present in the leaves.  相似文献   

The digestive (hydrolytic enzymes) and absorptive (sugar and amino acid transport) functions of dog small intestine have been evaluated in different segments and analysed in relation to morphometric and biochemical parameters. The dog small intestine is a cylinder of decreasing diameter in which the underlying mucosa thins down from duodenum to ileum, though maintaining its cellular homogeneity as revealed by measuring the mucosal weight, the total DNA and protein content and the protein content of the brush border membrane. Sucrase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, leucylnaphthylamidase and alkaline phosphatase specific activities, measured both in homogenates of the mucosa and purified brush border membrane fractions, were found distributed along proximo-distal gradients of activity. However, different patterns were obtained which are specific for the enzyme considered. Kinetic parameters, Vmax and Km, were estimated for sucrase and alkaline phosphatase in purified brush border membrane fractions. It appeared that Vmax correlated well with the observed distribution of catalytic sites along the small intestine. Sugar (glucose) and amino acid (alanine and leucine) transport capacities were also distributed according to specific proximo-distal gradients but passive and facilitated diffusions were not affected. Only the active, Na+ -dependent component of transport was sensitive to position along the small intestine and we postulated that this adaptation should involve variations in carrier densities. It is therefore concluded that absorbo-digestive functions are intrinsic characteristics of the brush border membrane which are regulated according to the position along the small intestine.  相似文献   

The distribution of small mammals in mountainous environments across different elevations can provide important information on the effects of climate change on the dispersal of species. However, few studies conducted on Afromontane ecosystems have compared the altitudinal patterns of small mammal diversity. We investigated the species diversity and abundance of non-volant small mammals(hereafter ‘small mammals')on Mt. Kenya, the second tallest mountain in Africa,using a standard sampling scheme. Nine sampling transects were established at intervals of 200 m on the eastern(Chogoria) and western(Sirimon) slopes.A total of 1 905 individuals representing 25 species of small mammals were trapped after 12 240 trap-nights.Abundance was highest at mid-elevations on both slopes.However, species richness and their distribution patterns differed between the two slopes. More species were recorded on Chogoria(24) than on Sirimon(17). On Chogoria, species richness was higher at mid-high elevations, with a peak at mid-elevation(2 800 m a.s.l.),whereas species richness showed little variation on the Sirimon slope. These results indicate that patterns of species diversity can differ between slopes on the same mountain. In addition, we extensively reviewed literature on Mt. Kenya's mammals and compiled a comprehensive checklist of 76 mammalian species. However, additional research is required to improve our understanding of smal mammal diversity in mountain habitats in Africa.  相似文献   

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