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Environmental pollullon is one of the major problems for human health. Toxic heavy metals are normally present as soil constituents or can also be spread out in the environment by human activity and agricultural techniques. Soil contamination by heavy metals as cadmium, highlights two main aspects: on one side they interfere with the life cycle of plants and therefore reduce crop yields, and on the other hand, once adsorbed and accumulated into the plant tissues, they enter the food chain poisoning animals and humans. Considering this point of view, understanding the mechanism by which plants handle heavy metal exposure, In particular cadmium stress, is a primary goal of plant-blotechnology research or plant breeders whose aim is to create plants that are able to recover high amounts of heavy metals, which can be used for phytoremediation, or identify crop varieties that do not accumulate toxic metal in grains or fruits. In this review we focus on the main symptoms of cadmium toxicity both on root apparatus and shoots. We elucidate the mechanisms that plants activate to prevent absorption or to detoxify toxic metal ions, such as synthesis of phytochelatins, metallothioneins and enzymes involved in stress response. Finally we consider new plant-biotechnology applications that can be applied for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is an inorganic mineral in the earth's crust. Cadmium entry into the environment occurs through geogenic and anthropogenic sources. Industrial activities including mining, electroplating, iron and steel plants, and battery production employ Cd during their processes and often release Cd into the environment. When disseminated into soil, Cd can be detrimental to agro-ecosystems because it is relatively mobile and phytotoxic even at low concentrations. Cadmium's phytotoxicity is due to reductions in the rate of transpiration and photosynthesis and chlorophyll concentration resulting in retardation of plant growth, and an alteration in the nutrient concentration in roots and leaves. In response to Cd toxicity, plants have developed protective cellular mechanisms such as synthesis of phytochelatins and metallothioneins, metal compartmentalization in vacuoles, and the increased activity of antioxidant enzymes to neutralize Cd-induced toxicity. While these direct protective mechanisms can help alleviate Cd toxicity, other indirect mechanisms such as microelements (zinc, iron, manganese, and selenium) interfering with Cd uptake may decrease Cd concentration in plants. This comprehensive review encompasses the significance of Cd, portals of contamination and toxicity to plants, and implications for crop production. Various mitigation strategies with the beneficial effects of zinc, iron, manganese, and selenium in activating defence mechanisms against Cd stress are discussed. Furthermore, this review systematically identifies and summarises suitable strategies for mitigating Cd-induced toxicity in plants.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation is an eco friendly approach for remediation of contaminated soil and water using plants. Phytoremediation is comprised of two components, one by the root colonizing microbes and the other by plants themselves, which degrade the toxic compounds to further non-toxic metabolites. Various compounds, viz. organic compounds, xenobiotics, pesticides and heavy metals, are among the contaminants that can be effectively remediated by plants. Plant cell cultures, hairy roots and algae have been studied for their ability to degrade a number of contaminants. They exhibit various enzymatic activities for degradation of xenobiotics, viz. dehalogenation, denitrification leading to breakdown of complex compounds to simple and non-toxic products. Plants and algae also have the ability to hyper accumulate various heavy metals by the action of phytochelatins and metallothioneins forming complexes with heavy metals and translocate them into vacuoles. Molecular cloning and expression of heavy metal accumulator genes and xenobiotic degrading enzyme coding genes resulted in enhanced remediation rates, which will be helpful in making the process for large-scale application to remediate vast areas of contaminated soils. A few companies worldwide are also working on this aspect of bioremediation, mainly by transgenic plants to replace expensive physical or chemical remediation techniques. Selection and testing multiple hyperaccumulator plants, protein engineering of phytochelatin and membrane transporter genes and their expression would enhance the rate of phytoremediation, making this process a successful one for bioremediation of environmental contamination. Recent years have seen major investments in the R&D, which have also resulted in competition of filing patents by several companies for economic gains. The details of science & technology related to phytoremediation have been discussed with a focus on future trends and prospects of global relevance.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation has gained increased attention as a cost-effective method for the remediation of heavy metal-contaminated sites. Because some plants possess a range of potential mechanisms that may be involved in the detoxification of heavy metals, they manage to survive under metal stresses. High tolerance to heavy metal toxicity could rely either on reduced uptake or increased plant internal sequestration,which is manifested by an interaction between a genotype and its environment. The growing application of molecular genetic technologies has led to increased understanding of mechanisms of heavy metal tolerance/accumulation in plants and, subsequently, many transgenic plants with increased heavy metal resistance,as well as increased uptake of heavy metals, have been developed for the purpose of phytoremediation. In the present review, our major objective is to concisely evaluate the progress made so far in understanding the molecular/cellular mechanisms and genetic basis that control the uptake and detoxification of metals by plants.  相似文献   

Molecular biology of metal tolerances of plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract. The review discusses some of the important aspects of the molecular biology of metal tolerances in animals, fungi and plants. First, results of classical ecological and genetical studies are briefly outlined. The evidence for the occurrence and properties of metal-binding proteins (metallothioneins) and peptides (phytochelatins) in fungi and plants is described. It is concluded that at present there is no firm evidence to suggest that a protein homologous with the metallothioneins of animals and fungi occurs in plants. The discovery of phytochelatins, γ-glutarnyl peptides, containing only glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine, in plants is described and evidence for their role in heavy metal tolerance is assessed. The difference between sulphur metabolism in animals and plants and its relationship to heavy metal tolerances is discussed in terms of the occurrences of metallothioneins in animals and phytochelalins in plants. Future prospects for research in this area are outlined in terms of identification of plant genes coding for metallothioneins and for the enzymes involved in the synthesis of phytochelatins.  相似文献   

Due to their immutable nature, metals are a group of pollutants of much concern. As a result of human activities such as mining and smelting of metalliferous ores, electroplating, gas exhaust, energy and fuel production, fertilizer and pesticide application, etc., metal pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems today. Phytoremediation, an emerging cost-effective, non-intrusive, and aesthetically pleasing technology, that uses the remarkable ability of plants to concentrate elements and compounds from the environment and to metabolize various molecules in their tissues, appears very promising for the removal of pollutants from the environment. Within this field of phytoremediation, the utilization of plants to transport and concentrate metals from the soil into the harvestable parts of roots and above-ground shoots, i.e., phytoextraction, may be, at present, approaching commercialization. Improvement of the capacity of plants to tolerate and accumulate metals by genetic engineering should open up new possibilities for phytoremediation. The lack of understanding pertaining to metal uptake and translocation mechanisms, enhancement amendments, and external effects of phytoremediation is hindering its full scale application. Due to its great potential as a viable alternative to traditional contaminated land remediation methods, phytoremediation is currently an exciting area of active research.  相似文献   

The effect of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) consortium conformed by (Glomus intraradices, Glomus albidum, Glomus diaphanum, and Glomus claroideum) on plant growth and absorption of Pb, Fe, Na, Ca, and 32P in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants was evaluated. AMF-plants and controls were grown in a substrate amended with powdered Pb slag at proportions of 0, 10, 20, and 30% v/v equivalent to total Pb contents of 117; 5,337; 13,659, and 19,913 mg Pb kg?1 substrate, respectively. Mycorrhizal root colonization values were 70, 94, 98, and 90%, for barley and 91, 97, 95, and 97%, for sunflower. AMF inoculum had positive repercussions on plant development of both crops. Mycorrhizal barley absorbed more Pb (40.4 mg Pb kg?1) shoot dry weight than non-colonized controls (26.5 mg Pb kg?1) when treated with a high Pb slag dosage. This increase was higher in roots than shoots (650.0 and 511.5 mg Pb kg?1 root dry weight, respectively). A similar pattern was found in sunflower. Plants with AMF absorbed equal or lower amounts of Fe, Na and Ca than controls. H. vulgare absorbed more total P (1.0%) than H. annuus (0.9%). The arbuscular mycorrizal consortium enhanced Pb extraction by plants.  相似文献   

植物硒生理及与重金属交互的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硒是一种重要的微量元素,在低浓度时对生物有益,但高浓度时呈现与重金属类似的毒性。植物作为人体硒摄入的主要来源,其硒代谢对于植物硒积累乃至人体硒营养水平十分重要。研究植物硒吸收、代谢和积累机理能指导富硒粮食的生产,是解决人体硒摄入不足/超量问题的有效途径。本文在阐述土壤硒含量、形态、生物有效性及分布的基础上,综述了植物对硒的吸收、代谢机理的研究进展,并讨论了农业生物强化以及遗传育种生物强化等两种硒生物强化的实践方法,以及利用硒生物强化缓解重金属毒性减少积累;最后,提出了植物硒代谢及硒生物强化研究的前沿问题,以期为改善人体硒营养水平提高人体健康状况提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

Plants play an important role in the removal of excess heavy metals from soil and water. Medicinal plants can also have non-traditional use in phytoremediation technologies. Among the heavy metals, Cadmium (Cd) is the most abundant and readily taken up by the crop plants. Plant metallothioneins (MTs) are small proteins having cysteine-rich residues and appear to play key roles in metal homoeostasis. Plant metallothionein 2 (MT 2) from Coptis japonica (Gold-thread; CjMT 2) is a typical member of this subfamily and features two cysteine-rich regions containing eight and six cysteine residues, respectively, separated by 42 amino acids long linker region. In-silico analysis of MT 2 protein sequences of C. japonica was performed. In this study, ab initio methods were utilised for the prediction of three-dimensional structure of CjMT 2. After structure validation, heavy metal-binding sites were predicted for the selected modelled structures of CjMT 2. To obtain Cdi-CjMT 2 (i = 1–7), metalated complex individual docking experiments were performed. The stability of the metalated docked structures was assessed by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies. Our study showed that CjMT 2 binds up to 4 Cd2+ ions in two distinct domains: a N-terminal β-domain that binds to 2 Cd2+ ions and a C-terminal α-domain that binds with 2 Cd2+ ions. Our analysis revealed that Cys residues of alpha and beta domain and some residues of spacer region of CjMT 2 protein might be important for the cadmium interaction. MD simulation studies provided insight into metal-induced conformational changes and mechanism of metalation of CjMT 2, an intrinsically disordered protein. This study provides useful insights into mechanism of cadmium-type 2 metallothionein interaction.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of land and freshwater resources is a serious concern worldwide. It adversely affects the health of animals, plants and humans. Therefore, remediation of toxic heavy metals must be highly considered. Unlike other techniques, phytoremediation is a holistic technology and can be used in large scale for soil remediation as it is costless, novel, environmentally-safe and solar-driven technology. Utilization of non-edible plants in phytoremediation is an ingenious technique as they are used to generate new bioenergy resources along with the remediation of contaminated soils. Some nonfood bioenergy crops such as Salix species, Miscanthus species, Populus species, Eucalyptus species, and Ricinus communis exhibit high capability to accumulate various metals and to grow in contaminated lands. However, there are still sustainable challenges facing coupling phytoremediation with bioenergy production from polluted lands. Therefore, there has long been a need for developing different strategies to resolve such challenges. In this article review, we will discuss the phytoremediation mechanism, the technique of phytoremediation coupling with bioenergy production, sustainable problems facing linking phytoremediation with energy production as well as possible strategies to enhance the efficiency of bioenergy plants for soil decontamination by improving their characteristics such as metal uptake, transport, accumulation, and tolerance.  相似文献   

The mobility of Cd in potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) was examined using both short‐term radioisotopic labelling with 109Cd and long‐term growth experiments in soil supplemented with Cd, with an emphasis on the pathways through which Cd is taken up by tubers. Split‐pot experiments showed that tubers and their associated stolons and stolon roots contribute only a minor fraction to the overall Cd absorption by the plant. Most of the Cd was absorbed by the basal roots. 109Cd absorbed from the soil was rapidly exported to other parts of the plant, especially the stem, with significant amounts appearing in the tubers within 30 h. Application of 109Cd to leaves showed that Cd can be rapidly distributed via the phloem to all tissues. The results suggest that unlike Ca, Cd has high mobility in plants in both xylem and phloem, and that stems may have an important role in transfer between these two pathways.  相似文献   

Heavy metals accumulation in soils poses a potential threat to ecosystems, which, in turn, threat human health through food chains. Therefore, remediating polluted sites is important to environment and humanity. In this investigation, statice (L. sinuatum) was exposed to Cd (0, 15, 30, 60 mg kg?1 soil) or Pb (0, 100, 150, 300 mg kg?1 soil) in a pot experiment to assess its tolerance to each metal and study its phytoaccumulation capability. The benefits of mycorrhization (mixture of Glomus mosseae and G. intraradices) were also studied simultaneously. Single exposure to Cd or Pb reduced the plant growth, but statice was still relatively tolerant to both metals. The plants accumulated both metals in their roots; little was translocated to the shoots. Total Pb and total Cd accumulated by the roots was approximately 2 and 3 times higher in mycorrhizal than non-mycorrhizal plants (49 versus 147 and 595 versus 956 μg plant?1) respectively; however, mycorrhization alleviated metal phytotoxicity. The results suggest that statice is a potential candidate to be used as an ornamental plant in lead and cadmium polluted sites, mainly inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizae. Besides that, it would be useful as a Pb or Cd controlling agent by means of phytostabilization.  相似文献   

Miersch  Jürgen  Bärlocher  Felix  Bruns  Ina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):77-84
The effects of cadmium, copper, and zinc on the growth of ten strains ofaquatic hyphomycetes were investigated. On a solid medium, Cd and Cu reducedradial growth of most strains by 50% at concentrations between150–400 µM; in a liquid medium, the strains were more sensitive.The inhibitory effects of zinc were much less severe. Two isolates(Articulospora tetracladia and Tetracladium marchalianum) from a copper-minestream were more resistant against copper than conspecific strains from anon-polluted stream. Heliscus lugdunensis and Varicosporium elodeaeresponded to Cd exposure, but not to Cu or Zn exposure, by increasedsynthesis of SH-containing compounds. Glutathione levels showed a unimodalresponse to increasing Cd and Zn exposure. With copper, glutathionedecreased at intermediate levels of contamination. In the presence of Cd, H. lugdunensis synthesized several unknown sulfur-rich substances that wereabsent or produced at reduced rates in control cultures.  相似文献   

In order to select appropriate amendments for cropping hyperaccumulator or normal plants on contaminated soils and establish the relationship between Cd sorption characteristics of soil amendments and their capacity to reduce Cd uptake by plants, batch sorption experiments with 11 different clay minerals and organic materials and a pot experiment with the same amendments were carried out. The pot experiment was conducted with Sedum alfredii and maize (Zea mays) in a co-cropping system. The results showed that the highest sorption amount was by montmorillonite at 40.82 mg/g, while mica was the lowest at only 1.83 mg/g. There was a significant negative correlation between the n value of Freundlich equation and Cd uptake by plants, and between the logarithm of the stability constant K of the Langmuir equation and plant uptake. Humic acids (HAs) and mushroom manure increased Cd uptake by S. alfredii, but not maize, thus they are suitable as soil amendments for the co-cropping S. alfredii and maize. The stability constant K in these cases was 0.14–0.16 L/mg and n values were 1.51–2.19. The alkaline zeolite and mica had the best fixation abilities and significantly decreased Cd uptake by the both plants, with K ≥ 1.49 L/mg and n ≥ 3.59.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation with vetiver was investigated in relation to heavy metal contaminated soil in Thailand. The work compared the performance of two species of vetiver named Songkhla 3 (Chrysopogon zizaniodes) and Prachuap Khiri Khan (Chrysopogon nemoralis) in absorbing lead, zinc, and cadmium in contaminated soils. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), and Allium tests were conducted to determine toxicity of treated soil. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was also used to increase heavy metals concentration in solution in soil, which led to an increase in translocation and bioaccumulation factors. In general, results showed that concentration of heavy metals decreased in soil and increased in both the shoots and roots of vetivers during a 4-month treatment period. TCLP results indicated that the concentration of zinc and cadmium in contaminated soil was reduced over treatment time, and significantly increased after EDTA was applied. To confirm vetiver performance in phytoremediation, Allium testing showed that remained heavy metals in treated soils had no effect on nucleus aberration. Songkhla 3 and Prachuap Khiri Khan showed similar trends in their ability to remediate lead, zinc, and cadmium from contaminated soil. Both species could accumulate higher concentrations of heavy metals in their shoots and roots over time, and with EDTA application.  相似文献   

Effects of Cadmium on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Sugar Cane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L. cv. Copersucar SP80-3280) seedlings were grown in nutrient solution with varying concentrations (0, 2 and 5 mM) of cadmium chloride for 96 h. Leaves were analysed for catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Although a clear effect of CdCl2 on plant growth was observed, the activity of SOD was not altered significantly. However, the CAT activity decreased as the concentration of CdCl2 increased. GR exhibits a significant increase in activity at 2 and 5 mM CdCl2. CAT and SOD isoenzymes were further characterised by analysis in non-denaturing PAGE. Activity staining for SOD revealed up to seven isoenzymes in untreated control and 2 mM CdCl2 treated plants, corresponding to Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes. At 5 mM CdCl2, only six Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes were observed. No Fe-SOD and Mn-SOD isoenzymes were detected. For CAT, one band of activity was observed.  相似文献   

镉中毒大鼠睾丸与肝脏金属硫蛋白表达的时相研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
啮齿目动物睾丸对镉毒性较肝脏更敏感.为阐明睾丸的镉毒性分子机制,比较了肝脏与睾丸金属硫蛋白(MT)表达的时相变化.mRNA采用RT-PCR技术分析并用光密度扫描定量;蛋白质定量用ELISA方法.结果显示,睾丸中存在MT,镉中毒后MT1与MT2 mRNA明显升高,但MT没有相应增加;肝脏镉中毒后MTmRNA与MT均明显升高.结果提示:镉虽然能诱导睾丸MTmRNA的转录,但没有促进其MT的合成,这可能是睾丸对镉毒性与致癌作用较肝脏更敏感的重要原因.  相似文献   

OsPT1编码的水稻磷酸盐(Pi)转运蛋白在水稻生长发育、非生物胁迫应答等方面发挥重要的调控作用。前期研究表明OsPT1为镉(Cd)响应基因,但其在Cd胁迫下的功能及作用机制仍然未知。阐明OsPT1在Cd胁迫下的作用,并为低Cd水稻品种的选育奠定基础。通过生物信息学方法对该基因的序列特征、结构和功能进行分析和预测,利用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)方法检测Cd胁迫下水稻不同组织、不同时间点OsPT1的相对表达量。此外,利用PCR的方法克隆OsPT1的编码序列,构建pGADT7-OsPT1重组质粒载体,并将其转入Δycf1 BY4741酵母菌株(Cd敏感酵母菌株)用以验证OsPT1对酵母Cd耐受性的影响。结果表明,OsPT1编码序列全长为1 584 bp,编码分子量为57.46 kD,由527个氨基酸构成的蛋白。在水稻基因组中该基因上游启动子区含有与光、厌氧、茉莉酸甲酯等环境和激素响应相关的调控元件。系统进化分析表明,水稻OsPT1与高粱SbPT1亲缘关系最近。基因的镉响应表达分析结果表明,与对照相比,经100 μmol/L Cd处理的水稻在1、6和12 h后,地上部分OsPT1的转录水平分别上调1.31、1.34和2.46倍;水稻根部OsPT1在处理1和6 h后分别上调1.28和1.14倍,但在Cd处理12 h后,其表达水平下调至处理前的0.62倍。转基因酵母Cd耐受性结果表明,与对照(0 μmol/L Cd)相比,经25 μmol/L Cd处理后,转OsPT1的酵母对Cd的耐受性有一定的下降。OsPT1可能在水稻应对Cd胁迫过程中发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

Land application of biosolids to improve agricultural productivity is a cost-effective approach for resource recovery. Unfortunately, municipal biosolids often contain high concentrations of heavy metals, including zinc and copper. In this study, a co-cropping technique was investigated using a known zinc hyperaccumulator, Sedum alfredii with a grain crop, Zea mays. After a 3-mo growth trial, the results indicate that when Z. mays is co-cropped with S. alfredii, heavy metals accumulated in the grains were significantly reduced when compared to monoculture cropping. Co-cropping improved the growth of both plant species. In addition, the biosolids maintained stable pH, N-P-K concentrations, germination potential, and water content after the plant treatment, regardless of the plant species used in the trial. In conclusion, co-cropping with hyperaccumulators may be an effective approach to reducing the risk of contaminant uptake in edible crops.  相似文献   

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