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The vertical distribution and feeding of pelagic chaetognathsat 5°S, 160°W in the Central Equatorial Pacific wereinvestigated using a series of 0–500 m vertical haulswith a VMPS net over a 24 h period between 6 and 7 October 1990.The total number of individuals per haul was between 370 and688. Fourteen species in four genera were found at this station.The most abundant species was Sagitta enflata which comprised32.4–61.1% of the individuals collected from the 0–500m layer. Mesopelagic species made up 9.3–15.1% of thetotal number of individuals. Sagitta enflata and Pterosagittadraco were found in the upper part of the thermocline both byday and at night. The fraction of the population containingfood items (FCF) of S.enflata in the 0–50 m layer variedbetween 4.8 and 12.5% (mean 10.8%) and feeding activity washighest between sunrise and noon. The percentages of Copepoda,Foraminifera, crustacean larvae, Chaetognatha, Pteropoda, Ostracoda,fish and unidentified material in the gut of S.enflata were51.9,6.7,3.8,2.9,1.9,1.9 and 30.9%, respectively. Sagitta enflataconsumed food organisms which were mainly between 0.5 and 1.0mm in length. The daily feeding rate of S.enflata was 1.81 preyper individual, which was equivalent to 8.06 mg C m–2day–1. This corresponded to  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genomes were determined for the three pelagic chaetognaths, Sagitta nagae, Sagitta decipiens, and Sagitta enflata. The mitochondrial genomes of these species which were 11,459, 11,121, and 12,631 bp in length, respectively, contained 14 genes (11 protein-coding genes, one transfer RNA gene, and two ribosomal RNA genes), and were found to have lost 23 genes that are present in the typical metazoan mitochondrial genome. The same mitochondrial genome contents have been reported from the benthic chaetognaths belonging to the family Spadellidae, Paraspadella gotoi and Spadella cephaloptera. Within the phylum Chaetognatha, Sagitta and Spadellidae are distantly related, suggesting that the gene loss occurred in the ancestral species of the phylum. The gene orders of the three Sagitta species are markedly different from those of the other non-Chaetognatha metazoans. In contrast to the region with frequent gene rearrangements, no gene rearrangements were observed in the gene cluster encoding COII–III, ND1–3, srRNA, and tRNAmet. Within this conserved gene cluster, gene rearrangements were not observed in the three Sagitta species or between the Sagitta and Spadellidae species. The gene order of this cluster was also assumed to be the ancestral state of the phylum.  相似文献   

长江口强壮箭虫和肥胖箭虫的丰度变化对环境变暖的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李云  徐兆礼  高倩 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4773-4780
根据1959年和2002年在长江口28°00′~32°00′N,122°00′~123°30′E海域4个季节8个航次海洋调查资料,分析强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)和肥胖箭虫(Sagitta enflata)丰度的平面分布和季节变化特征,并结合同步的温度资料分析不同生态类群的强壮箭虫和肥胖箭虫对环境变暖的响应.结果表明:长江口水域春、夏、秋3季强壮箭虫平均丰度均小于1.00 ind/m3,出现率低,无集群性.1959年冬季平均丰度达3.24 ind/m3,出现率较高,有明显的集群性,而2002年冬季平均丰度锐减为0.001 ind/m3,几无分布.肥胖箭虫夏季平均丰度、出现率和集聚强度明显高于其它季节.2002年夏季平均丰度达16.06 ind/m3,较1959年增加3.71 ind/m3,且分布区明显扩大.可见,暖温种强壮箭虫和暖水种肥胖箭虫对长江口海域变暖的响应不同,可作为长江口海洋变暖长期变化的重要指示种.  相似文献   

Immature chaetognaths 2.8 mm long on average had the highestfeeding activity at 22.00 h. The presence of diatoms in theirguts is discussed.  相似文献   

Tolerance to low oxygen concentrations is expected in Brachionus plicatilis, a rotifer adapted to live in saline warm waters. The population dynamics of a clone of this species, isolated from an endorreic saline lake, was studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Although their growth and metabolism is extremely reduced, B. plicatilis populations are able to maintain relatively high-density populations (a mean of 35 ind ml–1) in oxygen concentrations below 1 mg 1–1, for more than one month. Major features of population growth related to oxygen are discussed.  相似文献   

Rotifer distribution in relation to temperature and oxygen content   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
Mikschi  Ernst 《Hydrobiologia》1989,186(1):209-214
Lunzer Obersee, a small lake located at an altitude of 1100 m above sea level, was investigated from July 1985 to October 1987. The rotifer community consists of 7 dominant species, 7 subdominant species and 34 species which occasionally occurred in the plankton. The dominant species show rather different demands in relation to temperature and oxygen content; e.g.: Filinia hofmanni was found at a wide range of oxygen concentrations (0.6–13.3 mg O2l–1) and low temperatures (4–6 °O, living in the upper water layers (1–7 m) during spring and in the deeper, anoxic zone in summer. In contrast, Asplanchna priodonta was found at rather high oxygen contents (> 9 mg O2 l–1), ), and showed a wide range of temperature tolerance (4–15 °C).On the basis of field data the temperature and oxygen requirements of several species are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the population structure and patterns ofvertical distribution and migration of the dominant chaetognath,Sagitta elegans, in a fjord off Puget Sound were determinedwith samples collected at approximately semi-monthly intervalsfrom November 1972 to November 1973. S. elegans bred continuouslyfrom March through August, with major recruitment in June andJuly. Seasonal changes in the vertical distribution of the populationand in the proportion of the population that vertically migratedreflected the stage of maturity and size of the individuals.Small chaetognaths were non-migratory and distributed in thetop 100 m. Stage II individuals were dispersed throughout thewater column; some did migration was evident. Breeding stageswere restricted to a layer between SO and 100 m during the dayand migrated to the surface layer at night, enhancing the probabilityof successful reproduction.  相似文献   

Effects of very low concentrations of dissolved O2 on nitrogenase activity in Klebsiella pneumoniae were studied in a stirred chamber system which enabled simultaneous measurements of steady-state O2 concentrations, O2 consumption and C2H2 reduction. A strain carrying a chromosomal nifH::lac fusion as well as the Nif+ plasmid pRD1, expressed nitrogenase activity with 80 nM-O2, a concentration known to inhibit nifH::lac expression by about 50% Thus nitrogenase activity in vivo was no more sensitive to O2 than expression of nifH::lac. When compared with anaerobic treatments, dissolved O2 near 30 nM apparently stimulated nitrogenase derepression and enhanced the activity of nitrogenase synthesized anaerobically. Thus, in this organism, N2 fixation occurs in microaerobic as well as anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

This study examines the distribution patterns and feeding ecologyof chaetognaths in the Catalan Sea in relation to mesoscalefeatures along an inshore–offshore gradient. The studywas conducted during two different periods of the year: latespring of 1995 and late summer of 1996. The two periods differedin hydrographic conditions and mesoscale processes, which affectedthe distribution patterns of the different species of chaetognathsfound. The diet of the chaetognaths was mainly composed of copepodsand differed between species. Prey size was not always stronglyrelated to chaetognath size and for certain species, there wasan overlap in prey size spectrum. Trophic niche breadth (ona ratio scale) appeared to be constant with growth. Ingestionrates and predation pressure by chaetognaths did not followa clear trend related to the mesoscale features in the area,such as the presence of a density front. The impact of chaetognathson copepod standing stock appeared to be extremely low (<1%),but it became more relevant when the species and prey size specificityof the chaetognaths was taken into account.  相似文献   

Summary Seepage caused salinity gradients in a 120 cm deep ditch adjacent to Lake Veere in the Dutch Delta area. The water was mixed by strong horizontal currents, forced by a pumping engine. The restoration of vertical chloride and oxygen gradients was studied.During summer when the level of Lake Veere was raised by 70 cm, a rapid seepage into the ditch was observed, ranging from 6 to 10 mm.h–1. This caused an anoxic saline layer. At the anaerobic-aerobic interface 1.4 to 2.4 mg O2.l–1.h–1 of the oxygen present in the upper water column was taken up. Sulfide oxidation required one quarter of this amount of oxygen.During winter the level of Lake Veere was lowered again. Normally seepage was absent then, and chloride entered the water column by diffusion; the mud chlorinity decreased from 15 to 3 Cl on its way to the ditch. Only after maximum discharge of polder water a moderate seepage of less than 4.4 mm.h–1 restored a chloride gradient; about 1.6 mg O2.l–1.h–1, produced by benthic diatoms, had to be supplied to the reducing materials in the seepage water in less than 12 hours.A saline seepage was simulated in the laboratory. These simulation tests showed that seepage below 1 mm.h–1, as well as benthic respiration only, had a small impact on the vertical oxygen profile in the water column. Bottom oxygen demand increased with seepage velocity. At a strong seepage the water column could become entirely anaerobic.Communication no. 226.  相似文献   

Aims Optimizing water and fertilizer management for crops requires an understanding of root distribution. Maize (Zea maysL.) is currently the most widely planted cereal crop in China, yet the vertical distribution of maize roots across different regions remains unknown. The aims of this work were (i) to quantify the effects of climate and soil texture on the vertical distribution of maize roots, and (ii) to show the depth distribution of root biomass in China.  相似文献   

Trophodynamics and predation impact of the 2 dominant chaetognaths Eukrohnia hamata and Sagitta gazellae were investigated at 19 stations in the vicinity of the Prince Edward Islands and at a 24-h station occupied at the sub-Antarctic Front in late summer (April/May) 1996. During the entire investigation, the zooplankton assemblages were numerically dominated by copepods with densities ranging from 21 to 170 ind. m−3. Amongst the copepods, Clausocalanus brevipes, Metridia gerlachei and M. lucens dominated accounting for >90% of the total. Generally, chaetognaths were identified as the second most important group composing at times up to 30% (mean = 14.7%) of total zooplankton abundance. Of the two chaetognath species, E.␣hamata was generally numerically dominant. Gut content analysis showed that both chaetognath species are opportunistic predators generally feeding on the most abundant prey, copepods. No feeding patterns were evident during the 24-h station, suggesting that both species feed continuously. The feeding rates of E. hamata ranged from 0 to 0.50 prey ind. day−1 and between 0 and 0.90 prey ind. day−1 for S. gazellae. The maximum total predation impact of E. hamata was equivalent to 5.2% of the copepod standing stock or up to 103% of copepod production per day. For S. gazellae the predation impact was lower, reaching a level of 3.2% of the copepod standing stock or 63% of the daily copepod production. Chaetognaths can, therefore, be regarded as an important pelagic predator of the Prince Edward Islands subsystem. Received: 27 March 1997 / Accepted: 11 September 1997  相似文献   

This study investigates the diel vertical distribution and the diet of the most important chaetognath species found in the 0–50 m surface layer of a coastal area in the eastern Mediterranean during a 24-hour period in July 2004. Among the recorded chaetognaths, Sagitta enflata was the most abundant species (41.6%), followed by S. minima (32.5%) and S. serratodentata (20.8%). Those three species exhibited a “twilight migration” pattern, with only small differences among them. Vertical separation was found between S. enflata and S. minima. Both species preyed mainly on cladocerans, although copepods were the most abundant group in the zooplankton assemblage. The chaetognath species followed partially the diel vertical migration of their prey. S. enflata showed high feeding intensity at different times in both day and night, while S. minima fed more intensively at midday (12:00) and at dusk (20:00), and S. serratodentata in the morning (08:00). It seems that in order to coexist in an area of low productivity the chaetognath species follow the basic ecological rules of space, time and food-type separation, in order to reduce the inter- and intra-specific competition. The high preference of S. minima and especially of S. enflata for the cladocerans made them probably the most important predators of cladocerans during summer.  相似文献   

Pitman MG 《Plant physiology》1969,44(9):1233-1240
The uptake of Na+ and K+ by barley seedlings grown on aerated or non-aerated solutions was studied. Plants growing in culture solution took up K+ with high selectivity whether the solution was aerated or not. Roots of plants grown on aerated CaSO4 and transferred to a solution of KCl and NaCl had a lower preference for K+ than roots of plants grown on non-aerated CaSO4. Both kinds of low-salt roots were much less able to discriminate between K+ and Na+ than high-salt roots grown on a culture solution. The different levels of K+ selectivity are suggested to be related to H+ release from the tissue.  相似文献   

Human spermatozoan oxygen consumption was measured in semen serially diluted with its own plasma, and shortly after serial dilution of washed spermatozoa in an artificial medium. In both media, per-sperm oxygen uptake rose significantly when sperm concentration fell below the range of 15-25 X 10(6) cells/ml. Oxygen uptake was higher in the artificial medium, regardless of sperm concentration. Sperm oxygen consumption in the artificial medium declined over times short enough that no change in the percentage of motile spermatozoa was detected.  相似文献   

The population structure of Sagitta setosa from the south-westernpart of the Black Sea was examined between May 1994 and December1996. In addition, the vertical distribution and diel verticalmigration of S.setosa were studied for juveniles (  相似文献   

Abstract. 40 sites, representing different pasture types in Northwest Spain, were sampled in respect of their floristic composition, distribution of above and below-ground biomass and environmental and physical variables. Five plant community types were identified by classification techniques of plant species composition. These communities were then characterized in terms of the percentage of ground covered by herbaceous and shrub vegetation, stones, rocks and gaps as well as their topographic location and characteristics of the shallow soil (pH, organic matter, nitrogen and calcium content). Bio-mass was assessed in terms of above-ground structures, surface crowns and three below-ground layers to a depth of 10 cm. Three types of grazing regime were distinguished: Concentrated Intense Grazing in early spring (CIG), Extended Intense Grazing throughout the spring (EIG), and Non-Intense Grazing (NIG). Grazing regime showed the highest association with plant community type and three broad categories were identified: xeric stressed pastures, which nevertheless received CIG, mesic pastures with EIG, and three kinds of NIG mesic pastures. The xeric communities had the highest proportion of aboveground biomass, as a consequence of their greater proportion of woody perennials. These xeric communities displayed a more gradual reduction in below-ground biomass with depth than mesic pastures, a likely consequence of the low water content in the upper soil layers. The mesic communities had a high concentration of below-ground biomass in the upper layers when they were intensely grazed. However, when grazing was low (i.e. NIG situations), these communities had greater variability in biomass profiles than any of the other pasture types. Possible causes of the patterns in biomass distribution of the intensely grazed pastures are discussed.  相似文献   

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