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A single 50 mg dose of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) decreases the urinary excretion of calcium (U(Ca)V), clearance (C(Ca)) and fractional excretion (FE(Ca)) of calcium. This is accompanied by an increase of total calcium and ionized calcium (Ca2+) concentrations in the serum. On the other hand, HCTZ increases fractional excretion of magnesium (FE(Mg)) and decreases serum Mg2+ concentrations. Moreover, HCTZ decreases markedly clearance of phosphate (C(Pi)) and fractional excretion of phosphate (FE(Pi)) and increases serum phosphate (Pi) concentrations in healthy postmenopausal women. It is concluded that intrinsic renal cellular control promptly uncouples calcium and magnesium tubular reabsorption even without K+ depletion.  相似文献   

Low birth weight in humans is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Humans with heart failure have a reduced beta-adrenergic response. The aim of this study was to investigate the hemodynamic response to the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol and to identify molecular deficiencies that may be predictive of cardiac failure in a low-birth weight rodent model that develops insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes in adulthood. Wistar rats were fed a control or a low-protein (LP) diet throughout pregnancy and lactation. The resting heart rate and blood pressure of the 3-mo-old male offspring of these dams, termed "control" and "LP" groups, respectively, and their responses to isoproterenol (ISO) infusion were monitored by radiotelemetry. The protein expression of beta-adrenergic signaling components was also measured by Western blot analysis. Basal heart rate was increased in LP offspring (P<0.04), although mean arterial pressure was comparable with controls. Chronotropic effects of ISO were blunted in LP offspring with significant delays to maximal response (P=0.01), a shorter duration of response (P=0.03), and a delayed return to baseline (P=0.01) at the lower dose (0.1 microg.kg-1.min-1). At the higher dose (1.0 microg.kg-1.min-1 ISO), inotropic response was blunted (P=0.03) but quicker (P=0.001). In heart tissue of LP offspring, beta1-adrenergic receptor expression was reduced (P<0.03). beta1-Adrenergic receptor kinase and both stimulatory and inhibitory G protein levels remained unchanged, whereas beta-arrestin levels were higher (P<0.03). Finally, insulin receptor-beta expression was reduced in LP offspring (P<0.012). LP offspring have reduced beta-adrenergic responsiveness and attenuated adrenergic and insulin signaling, suggesting that intrauterine undernutrition alters heart failure risk.  相似文献   

Animal models support human epidemiological studies in demonstrating a relationship between impaired fetal growth and risk of adult hypertension. Undernutrition during pregnancy exerts programming effects on the developing kidney, and modulation of angiotensin receptor (ATR) expression has been observed persisting into adult life. Fetal overexposure to glucocorticoids is thought to be central to the nutritional programming of blood pressure and may act through an interaction with ATR expression. Pregnant female Wistar rats were fed a control (n = 6) or a maternal low-protein diet (MLP; n = 17) throughout pregnancy. The glucocorticoid dependency of MLP effects was tested using metyrapone, an inhibitor of corticosterone synthesis. MLP-fed rats were injected twice daily with metyrapone, metyrapone plus corticosterone, or vehicle over days 1-14 of pregnancy. At delivery, all animals were fed standard laboratory chow. MLP-exposed offspring 4 wk of age exhibited increased systolic blood pressure compared with controls (P < 0.05), which proved to be glucocorticoid dependent in males only. AT(1)R mRNA expression was independent of in utero dietary treatment. AT(2)R mRNA expression was downregulated in MLP-exposed females only (P < 0.05) and in a glucocorticoid-independent manner. Male offspring exhibited glucocorticoid-dependent hypertension with no modulation of renal ATR mRNA expression. In contrast, female offspring exhibited glucocorticoid-independent hypertension associated with reduced expression of renal AT(2)R mRNA. These data do not support the hypothesis that an interaction between glucocorticoid and ATR mRNA expression underlies the nutritional programming of blood pressure but instead suggest two independent mechanisms acting in a sex-specific manner.  相似文献   

In pancreatic islets, glucose metabolism is a key process for insulin secretion, and pregnancy requires an increase in insulin secretion to compensate for the typical insulin resistance at the end of this period. Because a low-protein diet decreases insulin secretion, this type of diet could impair glucose homeostasis, leading to gestational diabetes. In pancreatic islets, we investigated GLUT2, glucokinase and hexokinase expression patterns as well as glucose uptake, utilization and oxidation rates. Adult control non-pregnant (CNP) and control pregnant (CP) rats were fed a normal protein diet (17%), whereas low-protein non-pregnant (LPNP) and low-protein pregnant (LPP) rats were fed a low-protein diet (6%) from days 1 to 15 of pregnancy. The insulin secretion in 2.8 mmol l(-1) of glucose was higher in islets from LPP rats than that in islets from CP, CNP and LPNP rats. Maximal insulin release was obtained at 8.3 and 16.7 mmol l(-1) of glucose in LPP and CP groups, respectively. The glucose dose-response curve from LPNP group was shifted to the right in relation to the CNP group. In the CP group, the concentration-response curve to glucose was shifted to the left compared with the CNP group. The LPP groups exhibited an "inverted U-shape" dose-response curve. The alterations in the GLUT2, glucokinase and hexokinase expression patterns neither impaired glucose metabolism nor correlated with glucose islet sensitivity, suggesting that β-cell sensitivity to glucose requires secondary events other than the observed metabolic/molecular events.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to a maternal low-protein (LP) diet has been known to cause cognitive impairment, learning and memory deficits. However, the underlying mechanisms have not been identified. Herein, we demonstrate that a maternal LP diet causes, in the brains of the neonatal rat offspring, an attenuation in the basal expression of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neurotrophin indispensable for learning and memory. Female rats were fed either a 20% normal protein (NP) diet or an 8% LP 3 weeks before breeding and during the gestation period. Maternal LP diet caused a significant reduction in the Bdnf expression in the brains of the neonatal rats. We further found that the maternal LP diet reduced the activation of the cAMP/protein kinase A/cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) signaling pathway. This reduction was associated with a significant decrease in CREB binding to the Bdnf promoters. We also show that prenatal exposure to the maternal LP diet results in an inactive or repressed exon I and exon IV promoter of the Bdnf gene in the brain, as evidenced by fluxes in signatory hallmarks in the enrichment of acetylated and trimethylated histones in the nucleosomes that envelop the exon I and exon IV promoters, causing the Bdnf gene to be refractory to transactivation. Our study is the first to determine the impact of a maternal LP diet on the basal expression of BDNF in the brains of the neonatal rats exposed prenatally to an LP diet.  相似文献   



Gap junctions between β-cells participate in the precise regulation of insulin secretion. Adherens junctions and their associated proteins are required for the formation, function and structural maintenance of gap junctions. Increases in the number of the gap junctions between β-cells and enhanced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion are observed during pregnancy. In contrast, protein restriction produces structural and functional alterations that result in poor insulin secretion in response to glucose. We investigated whether protein restriction during pregnancy affects the expression of mRNA and proteins involved in gap and adherens junctions in pancreatic islets. An isoenergetic low-protein diet (6% protein) was fed to non-pregnant or pregnant rats from day 1–15 of pregnancy, and rats fed an isocaloric normal-protein diet (17% protein) were used as controls.


The low-protein diet reduced the levels of connexin 36 and β-catenin protein in pancreatic islets. In rats fed the control diet, pregnancy increased the levels of phospho-[Ser279/282]-connexin 43, and it decreased the levels of connexin 36, β-catenin and beta-actin mRNA as well as the levels of connexin 36 and β-catenin protein in islets. The low-protein diet during pregnancy did not alter these mRNA and protein levels, but avoided the increase of levels of phospho-[Ser279/282]-connexin 43 in islets. Insulin secretion in response to 8.3 mmol/L glucose was higher in pregnant rats than in non-pregnant rats, independently of the nutritional status.


Short-term protein restriction during pregnancy prevented the Cx43 phosphorylation, but this event did not interfer in the insulin secretion.  相似文献   

The effect of diet calcium on fluoride toxicity in growing rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effect of dietary Ca in response to fluoride (F) treatment was investigated in rats. Rats were maintained on either adequate (0.5%) or high (2.0%) dietary Ca and given for 5 weeks, NaF in drinking water. The minimum NaF levels that inhibited body growth and reduced survival were 300 mg/L with 0.5% diet Ca and 550 mg/L with 2.0% diet Ca. With these toxic F doses, bone histology showed increased formation surfaces and thickened osteoid seams (osteoid index 6-7%). Fluoride doses 30% below toxic levels (200 and 350 mg/L for 0.5 and 2.0% diet Ca, respectively) had no demonstrable effect on bone. Additional diet Ca reduced F absorption from 76 +/- 3 to 47 +/- 3% for 0.5 and 2.0% diet Ca, respectively. Comparable absorbed doses of F produced comparable effects on bone and body growth but, with additional dietary Ca, these effects were observed with 50% lower serum and bone F levels. Variable response to NaF therapy can be produced in rats by alterations in dietary Ca alone. Results indicate that for clinical treatment the NaF dose needs to be adjusted on an individual basis but neither serum nor bone F levels can be used reliably to establish optimal doses.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenergic blockade by oral propanolol in five cirrhotic patients caused changes in the handling of an acute sodium load. Fractional sodium excretion following an acute saline load increased from 0.69% +/- 0.29 to 1.49% +/- 0.11 (103 microEq/min +/- 7.5 to 129 microEq/min +/- 18) before propranolol administration. After 3 days of oral propanolol 1 mg/kg day, the fractional excretion of sodium by saline loading increased from 0.52% +/- 0.19 to 2.17 +/- 0.19 (109 microEq/min +/- 9 to 178 microEq/min +/- 11). This change was not accompanied by changes in GFR, RPF or in the renin-aldosterone system. The possibility that these changes are caused by a change in the sodium transport at the tubular cell level induced by the beta-adrenergic blockade, is entertained.  相似文献   

Mice were fed with a 5% low-protein diet for two weeks, at which point tumor inoculation was conducted. Following this inoculation, the 5% low-protein diet was continued. On the other hand, control mice were fed with a normal diet (25% protein) and such diet was continued after tumor inoculation. In comparison with control mice, mice fed with the 5% low-protein diet showed a prominent prolongation of survival rate when injected with both EL4 and 3LL tumors. Interestingly, CD1d(-/-) mice, which primarily lack natural killer T (NKT) cells, did not show the prolongation of survival rate even when they received a 5% low-protein diet. The most striking phenomenon seen in tumor-bearing mice fed with the 5% low-protein diet was the suppression of tumor metastasis to the liver and lung. Such suppression was not seen in CD1d(-/-) mice who were fed with a 5% low-protein diet. Phenotypic study revealed that the proportion of NKT cells after tumor inoculation decreased in the mice fed with a normal diet. However, such decrease did not occur in mice fed with the 5% low-protein diet. Reflecting the activation of NKT cells by feeding, tumor cytotoxicity and cytokine production were also augmented by the 5% low-protein diet. These results suggest that a low-protein diet has the potential to augment the innate immunity against tumors, especially mediated by the activation of NKT cells.  相似文献   

Prenatal intake of choline has been reported to lead to enhanced cognitive function in offspring, but little is known about the effects on spatial learning deficits. The present study examined the effects of prenatal choline supplementation on developmental low-protein exposure and its potential mechanisms. Pregnant female rats were fed either a normal or low-protein diet containing sufficient choline (1.1 g/kg choline chloride) or supplemented choline (5.0 g/kg choline chloride) until delivery. The Barnes maze test was performed at postnatal days 31–37. Choline and its metabolites, the synaptic structural parameters of the CA1 region in the brain of the newborn rat, were measured. The Barnes maze test demonstrated that prenatal low-protein pups had significantly greater error scale values, hole deviation scores, strategy scores and spatial search strategy and had lesser random search strategy values than normal protein pups (all P<.05). These alterations were significantly reversed by choline supplementation. Choline supplementation increased the brain levels of choline, betaine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine of newborns by 51.35% (P<.05), 33.33% (P<.001), 28.68% (P<.01) and 23.58% (P<.05), respectively, compared with the LPD group. Prenatal choline supplementation reversed the increased width of the synaptic cleft (P<.05) and decreased the curvature of the synaptic interface (P<.05) induced by a low-protein diet. Prenatal choline supplementation could attenuate the spatial learning deficits caused by prenatal protein malnutrition by increasing brain choline, betaine and phospholipids and by influencing the hippocampus structure.  相似文献   

Maternal nutrition during pregnancy can affect kidney development in the foetus, which may lead to adverse consequences in the mature kidney. It was expected that high-salt intake by pregnant ewes would lead to a reduction in foetal glomerular number but that the ovine kidney would adapt to maintain homoeostasis, in part by increasing the size of each glomerulus. Merino ewes that were fed either a control (1.5% NaCl) or high-salt (10.5% NaCl) diet during pregnancy, as well as their 5-month-old offspring, were subjected to a dietary salt challenge, and glomerular number and size and sodium excretion were measured. The high-salt offspring had 20% fewer glomeruli compared with the control offspring (P < 0.001), but they also had larger glomerular radii compared with the control offspring (P < 0.001). Consequently, the cross-sectional area of glomeruli was 18% larger in the high-salt offspring than in the control offspring (P < 0.05). There was no difference in the daily urinary sodium excretion between the two offspring groups (P > 0.05), although the high-salt offspring produced urine with a higher concentration of sodium. Our results demonstrated that maternal high-salt intake during pregnancy affected foetal nephrogenesis, altering glomerular number at birth. However, the ability to concentrate and excrete salt was not compromised, which indicates that the kidney was able to adapt to the reduction in the number of glomeruli.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of heating on oxidative stress and muscle mass in immobilized limbs. Rats were divided into three groups (n = 9/group): a control group (Con), an immobilized group (Im), and an immobilized and heated group (ImH). Rats were immobilized in the plantarflexed position for 8 days. The core temperature of the ImH group was elevated to 41-41.5 degrees C on alternating days and maintained for 30 min before cooling. On day 8, both heat shock protein 25 (HSP25) and HSP72 were markedly elevated in the ImH compared with the Im group, whereas results in the Im group were not different from Con. Most notably, the ImH group had significantly larger solei compared with the Im group, which were less than those shown in the Con group. Furthermore, immobilization alone caused a significant increase in oxidative damage, and the addition of heating to immobilization significantly reduced oxidative damage. In an effort to further identify the cause of this protective effect, antioxidant enzyme activities were assessed. CuZnSOD was sharply elevated in Im compared (P < 0.025) with that in the Con and reduced in the ImH group compared with that in the Im group (P < 0.025). Catalase was elevated 8% (P < 0.025) in the Im group compared with the Con group and was similar to the ImH group. Glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and MnSOD did not differ between groups. These data indicate that heating provides protection against oxidative stress and preserves muscle mass during disuse atrophy. These data also suggest that antioxidant protection is not conferred via antioxidant enzymes, and HSPs may play an important role.  相似文献   

Both starvation of and feeding a high linoleic acid content diet to rats during late pregnancy resulted in marked differences in the metabolism of the fed offspring immediately after birth when compared to control neonates (mother fed the normal high carbohydrate content laboratory diet during pregnancy). In particular differences in postnatal changes in blood glucose, non esterified fatty acids and ketone bodies and in hepatic triglyceride content were observed. Many of the differences appeared to be related to the variations in blood and hepatic metabolites present at birth in the various groups of animals. A similar situation also existed with respect to postnatal changes in the activity of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase.  相似文献   

Acute exposure of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) to low external calcium (25 microM) caused an immediate but transient increase in plasma epinephrine concentration that may have been related to a concomitant depression of blood pH. Intra-arterial infusion of epinephrine at normal ambient calcium levels (0.35 mM) for 4 h caused circulating levels of epinephrine to rise from 2.9 X 10(-9) to 8.0 X 10(-8) M but did not affect norepinephrine levels, or branchial unidirectional calcium fluxes. Active (ATP-dependent) calcium transport across basolateral plasma membranes prepared from gill epithelial cells was not affected by pretreatment of fish with epinephrine or by direct application of epinephrine or cAMP, in vitro. Epinephrine infusion elevated urine flow rate, decreased urine pH, and increased urine phosphate levels significantly. Net renal calcium efflux increased significantly as a result of the increased urine flow rate. It is concluded that epinephrine does not stimulate branchial calcium uptake or renal conservation of calcium in rainbow trout at normal external calcium levels and therefore we cautiously suggest that epinephrine is unlikely to be involved in calcium balance during periods of exposure to low external calcium. Instead, epinephrine may play a role in compensating the acid-base disturbances and the increased branchial water influx that are associated with exposure to low ambient calcium.  相似文献   

High postmenopausal endogenous estrogen concentrations are an important determinant of preservation of bone mass and reduced fracture in elderly women. Calcium supplementation can also reduce bone loss in these patients, suggesting an interaction between estrogen deficiency and calcium balance. Potential mechanisms of estrogen on calcium transport include direct effects on the bone, the kidney, and the bowel. Previous studies have demonstrated effects of estrogen on renal phosphate handling. We have used a cross-sectional, population-based analysis of biochemical data obtained from ambulant elderly women to determine the association of endogenous estradiol with urine calcium and phosphorus excretion. The subjects were 293 postmenopausal women >70 yr old. Factors associated with renal calcium and phosphate excretion were measured, including the filtered calcium and phosphate load, parathyroid hormone (PTH), estradiol, and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). The free estradiol concentration (FE) was calculated from a previously described formula. A high plasma estradiol concentration (r(2) = 0.023, P = 0.01) and a high FE (r(2) = 0.045, P = 0.001) were associated with reduced renal calcium excretion. The estradiol and FE effect on renal calcium excretion remained significant after adjusting for calcium filtered at the glomerulus and serum PTH. A high FE was associated with a reduced renal phosphate threshold in univariate analysis (r(2) = 0.023, P = 0.010). The effect remained significant after adjustment for serum PTH. The size of the effect of the FE was of the same order of magnitude as the effect of PTH on reducing renal calcium excretion and increasing renal phosphate excretion. These data support in vitro and animal data demonstrating an effect of estradiol on renal calcium and phosphate handling and indicate that, in elderly postmenopausal women, the effect is of a similar magnitude to the well-recognized effects of PTH on these physiologically regulated parameters.  相似文献   

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