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To better determine the range of normal values of hypoxic and hypercapni ventilatroy drives in man, these drives were measured in 40 males and 4 females between 21 and 51 yr of age. The average hypoxic drive, expressed as parameter A, was 186 plus or minus 12.8 (SEM). The average hypercapnic drive, expressed as the slope S, was 2.69 plus or minus 0.19. The range of values for these individuals was large and could not be accounted for by variations in maximal oxygen uptake, age, or sex. However, positive correlations were found between these drives and height and weight, and a positive correlation was found between hypoxic and hypercapnic drive.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone that is implicated in meal initiation, in part because circulating levels rise before meals. Because previous human studies have examined subjects fed on known schedules, the observed preprandial ghrelin increases could have been a secondary consequence of meal anticipation. A causal role for ghrelin in meal initiation would be better supported if preprandial increases occurred before spontaneously initiated meals not prompted by external cues. We measured plasma ghrelin levels among human subjects initiating meals voluntarily without cues related to time or food. Samples were drawn every 5 min between a scheduled lunch and a freely requested dinner, and hunger scores were obtained using visual analog scales. Insulin, glucose, fatty acids, leptin, and triglycerides were also measured. Ghrelin levels decreased shortly after the first meal in all subjects. A subsequent preprandial increase occurred over a wide range of intermeal intervals (IMI; 320-425 min) in all but one subject. Hunger scores and ghrelin levels showed similar temporal profiles and similar relative differences in magnitude between lunch and dinner. One subject displayed no preprandial ghrelin increase and was also the only individual whose insulin levels did not return to baseline between meals. This finding, along with a correlation between area-under-the-curve values of ghrelin and insulin, suggests a role for insulin in ghrelin regulation. The preprandial increase of ghrelin levels that we observed among humans initiating meals voluntarily, without time- or food-related cues, and the overlap between these levels and hunger scores are consistent with a role for ghrelin in meal initiation.  相似文献   

Determining response dynamics of hypoxic air hunger may provide information of use in clinical practice and will improve understanding of basic dyspnea mechanisms. It is hypothesized that air hunger arises from projection of reflex brain stem ventilatory drive ("corollary discharge") to forebrain centers. If perceptual response dynamics are unmodified by events between brain stem and cortical awareness, this hypothesis predicts that air hunger will exactly track ventilatory response. Thus, during sustained hypoxia, initial increase in air hunger would be followed by a progressive decline reflecting biphasic reflex ventilatory drive. To test this prediction, we applied a sharp-onset 20-min step of normocapnic hypoxia and compared dynamic response characteristics of air hunger with that of ventilation in 10 healthy subjects. Air hunger was measured during mechanical ventilation (minute ventilation = 9 +/- 1.4 l/min; end-tidal Pco(2) = 37 +/- 2 Torr; end-tidal Po(2) = 45 +/- 7 Torr); ventilatory response was measured during separate free-breathing trials in the same subjects. Discomfort caused by "urge to breathe" was rated every 30 s on a visual analog scale. Both ventilatory and air hunger responses were modeled as delayed double exponentials corresponding to a simple linear first-order response but with a separate first-order adaptation. These models provided adequate fits to both ventilatory and air hunger data (r(2) = 0.88 and 0.66). Mean time constant and time-to-peak response for the average perceptual response (0.36 min(-1) and 3.3 min, respectively) closely matched corresponding values for the average ventilatory response (0.39 min(-1) and 3.1 min). Air hunger response to sustained hypoxia tracked ventilatory drive with a delay of approximately 30 s. Our data provide further support for the corollary discharge hypothesis for air hunger.  相似文献   

The effect of local anesthetic aerosol inhalation on the ventilatory response and the sensation of breathlessness to CO2 rebreathing was studied in seven healthy male subjects with permanent tracheal stomas after laryngectomy for carcinoma. Inhalation of bupivacaine aerosol sufficient to abolish the cough reflex to mechanical probing below the carina increased the ventilatory response to CO2 in six of seven subjects compared with saline control. This was achieved by an increase in both respiratory frequency (f) and tidal volume (VT) in four subjects, f in one subject, and VT in one subject. All subjects reported that they were more breathless on rebreathing after bupivacaine aerosol. The six subjects who recorded breathlessness with a visual analog scale (VAS) indicated its onset at a lower minute ventilation (VE) and gave higher VAS scores for equivalent levels of VE after threshold. We conclude that the enhanced CO2 sensitivity and breathlessness on rebreathing after airway anesthesia results from altered lower airway receptor discharge.  相似文献   

Hypoxic depression of mitochondrial mRNA levels in HeLa cell.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Air hunger is an unpleasant urge to breathe and a distressing respiratory symptom of cardiopulmonary patients. An increase in tidal volume relieves air hunger, possibly by increasing pulmonary stretch receptor cycle amplitude. The purpose of this study was to determine whether increasing end-expiratory volume (EEV) also relieves air hunger. Six healthy volunteers (3 women, 31 +/- 4 yr old) were mechanically ventilated via a mouthpiece (12 breaths/min, constant end-tidal Pco(2)) at high minute ventilation (Ve; 12 +/- 2 l/min, control) and low Ve (6 +/- 1 l/min, air hunger). EEV was raised to approximately 150, 400, 725, and 1,000 ml by increasing positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to 2, 4, 6, and 8 cmH(2)O, respectively, for 1 min during high and low Ve. The protocol was repeated with the subjects in the seated and supine positions to test for the effect of shifting baseline EEV. Air hunger intensity was rated at the end of each breath on a visual analog scale. The increase in EEV was the same in the seated and supine positions; however, air hunger was reduced to a greater extent in the seated position (13, 30, 31, and 44% seated vs. 3, 9, 23, and 27% supine at 2, 4, 6, and 8 cmH(2)O PEEP, respectively, P < 0.05). Removing PEEP produced a slight increase in air hunger that was greater than pre-PEEP levels (P < 0.05). Air hunger is relieved by increases in EEV and tidal volume (presumably via an increase in mean pulmonary stretch receptor activity and cycle amplitude, respectively).  相似文献   

Seven normal human subjects inspired a CO2-O2 mixture from a constant-flow generator while performing maximal inspiratory maneuvers from functional residual capacity. End-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) was maintained at either 5.5 (normocapnia), 3.5 (hypocapnia), or 7% (hypercapnia) on separate testing days. Subjects attained maximal mouth pressure (Pm) while breathing at either 1.25 or 1 l/s, utilizing a fixed breathing pattern (duty cycle 0.43) with an inspiratory time of 1.5 s. Maximal Pm was measured at rest and then during a 10-min endurance trial in which subjects repeated maximal voluntary inspirations with constant flow and breathing pattern. The endurance Pm data were fit to nonlinear exponential regression. The results indicated that 1) maximal Pm at rest was unaffected by changing ETCO2; 2) the rate of Pm decay over time was accelerated by hypercapnia, whereas hypocapnia showed no consistent effects; and 3) "sustainable" Pm, attained toward the end of the endurance trial, was not decreased; therefore sustainable force output was preserved in response to changing ETCO2.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are large granular lymphocytes capable of producing inflammatory cytokines and spontaneously killing malignant, infected or 'stressed' cells. These NK-cell functions are controlled by cell-surface receptors that titrate stimulatory and inhibitory signals. However, we remain puzzled about where and when NK cells develop and differentiate, and this has fuelled the debate over the diversification of the peripheral NK-cell pool: are NK cells functionally homogeneous or are there subsets with specialized effector functions? In this Review, we consider the developmental relationships and biological significance of the diverse NK-cell subsets in mice and humans, and discuss how new humanized mouse models may help to characterize them further.  相似文献   

After voluntary hyperventilation, normal humans do not develop a significant ventilatory depression despite low arterial CO2 tension, a phenomenon attributed to activation of a brain stem mechanism referred to as the "afterdischarge." Afterdischarge is one of the factors that promote ventilatory stability. It is not known whether physiological stimuli, such as hypoxia, are able to activate the afterdischarge in humans. To test this, breath-by-breath ventilation (VI) was measured in nine young adults during and immediately after a brief period (35-51 s) of acute hypoxia (end-tidal O2 tension 55 Torr). Hypoxia was terminated by switching to 100% O2 (end-tidal O2 tension of first posthypoxic breath greater than 100 Torr). Brief hypoxia increased VI and decreased end-tidal CO2 tension. In all subjects, termination of hypoxia was followed by a gradual ventilatory decay; hyperoxic VI remained higher than the normoxic baseline for several breaths and, despite the negative chemical stimulus of hyperoxia and hypocapnia, reached a new steady state without an apparent undershoot. We conclude that brief hypoxia is able to activate the afterdischarge mechanism in conscious humans. This contrasts sharply with the ventilatory undershoot that follows relief of sustained hypoxia, thereby suggesting that sustained hypoxia inactivates the afterdischarge mechanism. The present findings are of relevance to the pathogenesis of periodic breathing in a hypoxic environment. Furthermore, brief exposure to hypoxia might be useful for evaluation of the role of afterdischarge in other disorders associated with unstable breathing.  相似文献   

To evaluate the contribution of vagal airway receptors to ventilatory control during hypercapnia, we studied 11 normal humans. Airway receptor block was induced by inhaling an aerosol of lidocaine; a preferential upper oropharyngeal block was also induced in a subgroup by gargling a solution of the anesthetic. Inhalation of lidocaine aerosol adequate to increase cough threshold, as measured by citric acid, did not change the ventilatory response to CO2, ratio of the change in minute ventilation to change in alveolar PCO2 (delta VI/delta PACO2), compared with saline control. Breathing pattern at mean CO2-stimulated ventilation of 25 l/min showed significantly decreased respiratory frequency, increased tidal volume, and prolonged inspiratory time compared with saline. Resting breathing pattern also showed significantly increased tidal volume and inspiratory time. In nine of the same subjects gargling a lidocaine solution adequate to extinguish gag response without altering cough threshold did not change delta VI/delta PACO2 or ventilatory pattern during CO2-stimulated or resting ventilation compared with saline. These results suggest that lower but not upper oropharyngeal vagal airway receptors modulate breathing pattern during hypercapnic as well as resting ventilation but do not affect delta VI/delta PACO2.  相似文献   

The circadian dynamics of responses to cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) in in vitro experiments and the stimulating effects of the pineal hormone melatonin on cGMP levels both in vitro and in vivo provoked an investigation into the diurnal pattern of occurrence of this second messenger in human plasma and its correlation with plasma melatonin levels. Plasma cGMP levels were measured in 9 normal human subjects who were over 50 years of age. Samples were obtained hourly through a 20-h period (11 a.m. to 7 a.m.) that included the subjects' habitual hours of nocturnal sleep; physical activity was kept to a minimum during the daylight hours. The area under the time-plasma cGMP concentration curve showed a significant increase during the period of nocturnal sleep compared to that observed during the period of daytime wakefulness. The individual temporal pattern of the nocturnal rise in plasma cGMP differed among the subjects; however, the initial increase typically was observed soon after bedtime. No significant correlation was observed between individual nocturnal plasma melatonin levels and cGMP levels.  相似文献   

The ventilatory and cardiac responses to voluntary and passive exercise were studied in 20 healthy subjects. These responses to passive leg exercise were also studied in 23 patients with spinal cord transection at the level of T5-T12. In the normal subjects, minute ventilation (VE) increased abruptly from the first breath after the onset of the two types of exercise. In contrast, cardiac output (Q) increased gradually in voluntary exercise, exhibiting significant augmentation from the fifth breath. Q changed insignificantly in passive exercise. In the patients with spinal cord transection, neither VE nor Q changed with passive exercise. These results suggest that ventilatory responses at the onset of mild exercise are related to drives from the moving limbs. We could not detect any evidence to support cardiodynamic hyperpnea at the onset of exercise.  相似文献   

To express the degree of hunger during both of feeding and unfeeding periods of spiders, equations for the amount of ingestion and food disappearance from the gut were presented using three components: capacity of gut, rate of ingestion and rate of food disappearance. The degree of hunger was expressed by the rate of unfilled capacity of gut to the capacity of gut based on these equations. The rates of ingestion and food disappearance were estimated from the results of experiment with a wolf spider, Pardosa laura. The equations obtained well applied to the experimental result. By changing values of these rates, it was revealed that the ratio of rates of ingestion to food disappearance determine the amount of ingestion.  相似文献   

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