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Summary A study of the morphological variability among 25 different collections of sugarcane smut fungusUstilago scitaminea from the States of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh and Madras revealed that considerable variation exists in spore size, colour, spore-wall markings of the isolates. On the basis of statistically significant differences in the spore size, the 25 isolates can be classified into 4 distinct groups. Three types of spore-wall markings viz., verrucose, punctate and echinulate are met within the isolates studied. There is no appreciable difference in the spore wall thickness of the different isolates. Spore colour of the different isolates varied from yellow to brown with several shades in between.Part of a thesis submitted by the senior author in partial fulfilment of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, P. G. School, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.  相似文献   

Saccharum officinarum, cv. Mayarí, is a variety of sugarcane resistant to smut disease caused by Ustilago scitaminea. Sugarcane naturally produces glycoproteins that accumulate in the parenchymatous cells of stalks. These glycoproteins contain a heterofructan as polysaccharide moiety. The concentration of these glycoproteins clearly increases after inoculation of sugarcane plants with smut teliospores, although major symptoms of disease are not observed. These glycoproteins induce homotypic adhesion and inhibit teliospore germination. When glycoproteins from healthy, non-inoculated plants are fractionated, they inhibit actin capping, which occurs before teliospore germination. However, inoculation of smut teliospores induce glycoprotein fractions that promote teliospore polarity and are different from those obtained from healthy plants. These fractions exhibit arginase activity, which is strongly enhanced in inoculated plants. Arginase from healthy plants binds to cell wall teliospores and it is completely desorpted by sucrose, but only 50% of arginase activity from inoculated plants is desorpted by the disaccharide. The data presented herein are consistent with a model of excess arginase entry into teliospores. Arginase synthesized by sugarcane plants as a response to the experimental infection would increase the synthesis of putrescine, which impedes polarization at concentration values higher than 0.05 mM. However, smut teliospores seem to be able to change the pattern of glycoprotein production by sugarcane, thereby promoting the synthesis of different glycoproteins that activate polarization after binding to their cell wall ligand.  相似文献   

Three species of smut fungi (Ustilaginales, Basidiomycota) of economic importance, Ustilago maydis on corn, U. scitaminea on sugar cane, and U. esculenta on Zizania latifolia, were investigated in order to define their systematic position using morphological characteristics of the sori, ultrastructure of teliospore walls, and molecular data of the LSU rDNA. LSU rDNA suggests that U. maydis and U. scitaminea belong to the genus Sporisorium. This has already been proposed for U. scitaminea, which develops sori with whip-shaped axes corresponding to columellae. U. maydis and U. scitaminea, like typical species of Sporisorium, present peridia and columellae in their sori. Therefore, U. scitaminea is called Sporisorium scitamineum. U. maydis, however, is not placed in the genus Sporisorium here, because ongoing investigation of molecular data from the ITS rDNA region yields contradictory results and because the name Sporisorium maydis is occupied by an imperfect fungus. U. esculenta is recognized as Yenia esculenta. This placement in a separate genus is based on molecular data and on unique teliospore ultrastructure, i.e. apically enlarged, partly confluent warts developing on a strongly folded plasmalemma, and the exosporium and endosporium forming part of the ornamentation. Part 193 in the series „Studies in Heterobasidiomycetes“ from the Botanical Institute, University of Tübingen.  相似文献   

Singh S  Dhar DW  Gupta RK 《Mikrobiologiia》2011,80(3):403-410
Abstract-Thirty cyanobacterial strains of Calothrix (family Rivulariaceae) isolated from diverse geographical regions of India were analyzed using morphological and molecular approaches. Most of the isolates were planktonic while some grew benthically. Significant differences were observed with regard to the shape and size of the vegetative cells, heterocysts, and akinetes. Analyses of molecular polymorphisms using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) of 16S rRNA genes with the reference strain led to unambiguous differentiation of the isolates as well as understanding of their genetic relationships.  相似文献   

Intraspecies diversity within Ustilago scitaminea isolates from South Africa, Reunion Island, Hawaii and Guadeloupe was assessed by RAPDs, bE mating-type gene detection, rDNA sequence analysis, microscopy and germination and morphological studies. Except for sequence data, the other analyses yielded no differences in the isolates that could be used in a phylogenetic separation. Mycelial DNA of the SA isolate shared 100% sequence identity with that of mycelial DNA cultured from in vitro produced teliospores of the parent cultivar. Overall the ITS1 and ITS2 regions were found to have 96.1% and 96.9% sequence identity with a total of 17 and 21 base changes, respectively, amongst the isolates. The Reunion Island isolate was shown to be most distantly related by 3.6% to the other isolates, indicating a single clonal lineage. The lack of germination in teliospores from Guadeloupe may be attributed to changes in temperature and humidity during transportation.  相似文献   

Smut is a major disease of sugarcane caused by Ustilago scitaminea. Germination of fungal teliospores is achieved on the internode surface of plants, and it is followed by the formation of appressoria. A primary response of sugarcane plants to the infection seems to be the production of several glycoproteins, defined as mid-molecular mass (MMMG) or high molecular mass (HMMG) macromolecules. Teliospore germination in the presence of both MMMG and HMMG decreased about 50% following 5 h of teliospore contact with glycoproteins. This may be related to the ability of glycoproteins to produce cytoagglutination. Binding of fluorescein-labelled glycoproteins was studied by fluorescence microscopy, showing that staining of cells was not uniform, but mainly in the contact zone between two individual teliospores when aggregated. HMMG was composed of only one fraction that was completely retained by smut teliospores, whereas three of the five different glycoproteins occurring in the MMMG fraction were retained by teliospore cell walls. Moreover, a unique application of salicylic acid, naturally produced by sugarcane stalks after experimental fungal infection, enhanced the production of both glycoprotein pools. A hypothesis about the role of both HMMG and MMMG as defence glycoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of sugarcane buds from sensitive (Barbados 42231) and resistant (Mayarí 5514) cultivars of sugarcane hybrids to smut with teliospores of Ustilago scitaminea leads to a remarkable increase of both free and conjugated polyamines. Whereas resistant buds mainly produce free putrescine, the sensitive cultivars produce acid soluble-conjugated as well as acid insoluble-conjugated spermidine and spermine after infection. A net maximum of both polyamines is reached 13 or 17 d after infection and levels decrease later. This maximum after infection is always higher than that found for non-infected buds. Variation of cadaverine, also produced by sugarcane buds, does not show any clear correlation with smut development.  相似文献   

Ustilago scitaminea is the causal agent of sugar-cane smut disease. There is, however, no genetic transformation method for it. Here we report the development of an efficient mutagenesis method based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. To improve transformation efficiency, a range of conditions, including the codon-usage preference of the selection marker gene, promoters and the culture conditions for transformation were optimized. A strong promoter to drive marker gene expression, optimized codon usage of selection marker gene, controlled water content and pH of co-culture medium were critical factors affecting transformation efficiency. Our findings provide a useful tool for genetic analysis of this important plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Infection of sugarcane buds (var. Barbados 42231) with teliospores of Ustilago scitaminea changes the pattern of polyamine conjugation in several organs of 2-month-old plants. Stalks of infected plants contain SH-spermidine that does not occur in the healthy organ. Similar results have been obtained for SH-spermine in the first expanded leaf and in the stem. The amount of SH-cadaverine in the first expanded leaf, roots and stem of infected plants is always higher than that found for healthy plants. Some phenolics are also associated with different polyamine fractions. So, the amount of p-hydroxybenzoic acid in both SH and PH fractions of polyamines extracted from the root increases after infection. Syringic acid is the main phenol associated with the PH fraction in the first expanded leaf of infected plants, whereas this phenol is mainly associated with both SH and PH fractions isolated from the stem and the whip. Infection enhances conjugation of p-courmaric acid to PH polyamines, whereas caffeic acid appears in the SH fraction in leaf, root and stem. However, ferulic acid seems to be the main hydroxycinnamic acid derivative in the whip. Chlorogenic acid is associated with the SH fraction from the stem of healthy plants although this changes to free phenolics after infection.Key words:Saccharum officinarum, Ustilago sciaminea, phenolics, polyamines.   相似文献   

The basidiomycete Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, which causes sugarcane smut disease, has been spreading throughout Africa and America since the 1940s. The genetic diversity and structure of different populations of this fungus worldwide was investigated using microsatellites. A total of 142 single-teliospore were isolated from 77 distinct whips (sori) collected in 15 countries worldwide. Mycelium culture derived from on generation of selfing of these single teliospores were analysed for their polymorphisms at 17 microsatellite loci. All these strains but one were homozygous at all loci, indicating that selfing is likely the predominant reproductive mode of U. scitaminea. The genetic diversity of either American or African U. scitaminea populations was found to be extremely low and all strains belong to a single lineage. This lineage was also found in some populations of Asia, where most U. scitaminea genetic diversity was detected, suggesting that this fungal species originated from this region. The strong founder effect observed in U. scitaminea African and American populations suggests that the fungus migrated from Asia to other continents on rare occasions through movement of infected plant material.  相似文献   

Mannosylerythritol lipids (MELs) are glycolipid biosurfactants excreted by fungal strains. They show not only excellent surface-active properties but also versatile biochemical actions. Ustilago scitaminea NBRC 32730 has been reported mainly to produce a mono-acetylated and di-acylated MEL, MEL-B, from sucrose as sole carbon source. In order to make biosurfactant production more efficient, we focused our attention on the use of sugarcane juice, one of the most economical resources. The fungal strain produced MEL-B at the yield of 12.7 g/L from only sugarcane juice containing 22.4% w/w sugars. Supplementation with organic (yeast extract, peptone, and urea) and inorganic (sodium nitrate and ammonium nitrate) nitrogen sources markedly enhanced the production yield. Of the nitrogen sources, urea gave the best yield. Under optimum conditions, the strain produced 25.1 g/L of MEL-B from the juice (19.3% sugars) supplemented with 1 g/L of urea in a jar fermenter at 25 °C over 7 d. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the surface-tension at the CMC for the present MEL-B were 3.7×10(-6) M and 25.2 mN/m respectively. On water-penetration scan, the biosurfactant efficiently formed the lamella phase (L(α)) and myelins over a wide range of concentrations, indicating excellent surface-active and self-assembling properties. More significantly, the biosurfactant showed a ceramide-like skin-care property in a three-dimensional cultured human skin model. Thus, sugarcane juice is likely to be effective in glycolipid production by U. scitaminea NBRC 32730, and should facilitate the application of MELs.  相似文献   

A smut fungus Ustilago scitaminea NBRC 32730 on sugar cane (Saccharum) was found to accumulate a large amount of glycolipids in the culture medium. As a result of structural characterization, the main glycolipid was identified as MEL-B, 4-O-β-(2′,3′-di-O-alka(e)noyl-6′-O-acetyl-D-mannopyranosyl)-erythritol. The MEL-B was sufficiently produced from a variety of sugars such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, and mannose. Olive oil and methyl oleate were also available as carbon sources to produce MEL-B. However, these residual oils made product recovery very complicated. Under optimal conditions, a maximum MEL yield of 12.8 g/l was achieved by feeding of sucrose.  相似文献   


Inoculation of sugarcane plants, cv. Jaronu 60-5, with teliospores of Ustilago scitaminea increased the production of sugarcane glycoproteins of high molecular mass (HMMG) and decreased the amount of those of mid-molecular mass (MMMG) recovered from stalks cell-free extracts. Whereas sugarcane glycoprotein of healthy plants totally inhibited the production of fungal mycelium from teliospores, mycelium growth was slightly affected by MMMG, and drastically diminished by HMMG obtained from inoculated plants. The adhesion of sugarcane glycoproteins to fungal teliospores produced cell aggregation. This effect was clearly reduced by incubating teliospores in buffer containing HMMG or MMMG previously digested with invertase. Sugarcane arginase associated to MMMG was retained by teliospores, whereas the enzymatic activity associated to HMMG from inoculated plants increased. Chitinase was not significantly retained by teliospores. Only HMMG and MMMG obtained from healthy plants were able to inhibit cell polarity in some extent. Smut induced changes in the composition of HMMG and MMMG. Some of these new glycoproteins are able to inhibit cell polarity. Since receptors, isolated from the cell wall of smut teliospores, were eluted from activated agarose beads by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, we concluded that the peptide fraction of HMMG and MMMG bind to this amino sugar in the polysaccharide moiety of smut ligands.  相似文献   

The mating patterns of Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale (74 isolates) and the Microsporum gypseum complex (17 isolates) of diverse origin and T. rubrum (25 isolates) and T. tonsurans (10 isolates) of clinical origin were studied. The results of the study showed that the teleomorph of the Indian isolates of T. mentagrophytes belong to Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii, undetermined teleomorphs of T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale (+) mating types, and undetermined teleomorphs of T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale indeterminate mating types. All the isolates of T. rubrum and T. tonsurans were found to be of the (-) mating type.  相似文献   

Thirty cyanobacterial strains of Calothrix (family Rivulariaceae) isolated from diverse geographical regions of India were analyzed using morphological and molecular approaches. Most of the isolates were planktonic while some grew benthically. Significant differences were observed with regard to the shape and size of the vegetative cells, heterocysts, and akinetes. Analyses of molecular polymorphisms using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RPLP) of 16S rRNA genes with the reference strain led to unambiguous differentiation of the isolates as well as understanding of their genetic relationships.  相似文献   

Ongoing modernization in India has elevated the prevalence of many complex genetic diseases associated with a western lifestyle and diet to near-epidemic proportions. However, although India comprises more than one sixth of the world's human population, it has largely been omitted from genomic surveys that provide the backdrop for association studies of genetic disease. Here, by genotyping India-born individuals sampled in the United States, we carry out an extensive study of Indian genetic variation. We analyze 1,200 genome-wide polymorphisms in 432 individuals from 15 Indian populations. We find that populations from India, and populations from South Asia more generally, constitute one of the major human subgroups with increased similarity of genetic ancestry. However, only a relatively small amount of genetic differentiation exists among the Indian populations. Although caution is warranted due to the fact that United States–sampled Indian populations do not represent a random sample from India, these results suggest that the frequencies of many genetic variants are distinctive in India compared to other parts of the world and that the effects of population heterogeneity on the production of false positives in association studies may be smaller in Indians (and particularly in Indian-Americans) than might be expected for such a geographically and linguistically diverse subset of the human population.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of Ustilago maydis were obtained by incubating sporidia of the fungus with a combination of Helicase and a commercial Onozuka R-10 enzyme preparation of Trichoderma harzianum in the presence of 0.6 m (NH4)2 SO4 as an osmotic stabilizer. In the presence of the organic stabilizers sorbitol and sucrose, however, the release of protoplasts was inhibited. Combinations of Helicase with other lytic enzymes such as cellulase from Aspergillus niger, cellulase and hemicellulase from Rhizopus, and Driselase or Nagarse were inactive.  相似文献   

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