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衣藻属的系统发育分析——基于形态形状和nrDNA ITS序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验分析莱茵衣藻 ( Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) 1个种和互连网获得衣藻属 1 5个种及丝藻属 1个种 ( Ulothrix zonata) ,共 1 7个种的 nr DNA ITS序列 ,并以 U.zonata为外类群 ,采用计算机分析软件包对其进行分析及构建分子系统发育树图。同时以 1 2个传统分类性状 ,对此 1 6种衣藻构建数据矩阵 ;以 U.zonata动孢子的相应性状为外类群原始性状 ,用Wagner法在计算机上对其进行分枝分析 ;然后比较并分析分子系统树和表征性状分支分析树的异同。初步尝试以 ITS分子序列系统发育分析作为传统性状分析的补充来研究衣藻种间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

栝楼属基于核糖体ITS序列的系统发育分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
栝楼属(Trichosanthes)是葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae)中一个种类较多、药用价值较大的属。本文基于ITS序列分析了栝楼属16个种的系统发育关系。聚类分析表明:在组的划分上,具有分类争议的截叶组(sect. Truncata)与大苞组(sect. Involucraria)形成一大支,处于一亚分枝位置,不支持独立成组。在属内分类地位上,在核酸水平不支持贵州栝楼(T.guizhouensis)为一独立种,结合形态特征建议并入双边栝楼(T.rosthornii)。大方油栝楼(T.dafangensis)与小苞组(sect. Trichosanthes)成为姊妹群,处于一个向叶苞组(sect. Foliobracteola)过渡位置,结合其形态特征,建议作为小苞组(sect. Trichosanthes)成员。  相似文献   

基于ITS序列探讨忍冬属的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以七子花(Heptacodium miconioides)为外类群,运用MEGA软件对20种忍冬属植物进行系统发育分析,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)构建系统发育树,从分子系统学角度探讨忍冬属下的亲缘关系.结果表明:(1)在NJ和MP系统树中,没有形成系统树的基部分支,忍冬亚属(Subg.Chamaecerasus)和轮花亚属(Subg.Lonicera)没有形成姐妹群关系.(2)在各系统树中,囊管组内的各种没有聚为一支,故认为对囊管组的划分应进一步探讨.(3)忍冬属ITS区(ITS1+ITS2)的信息位点达到11.0%,信息位点比较丰富,证明ITS序列可以为解决忍冬属植物的系统发育问题提供较强的证据.  相似文献   

菖蒲属长期以来被置于天南星科,但近年来分子系统学的研究表明菖蒲属与天南星科的关系较远,应成立一个单型科,即菖蒲科(Acoraceae)。本文选择菖蒲科3个种及1个变种即金钱蒲(Acorus gramineus),石菖蒲(A.ttrinowii)。金边菖蒲(A.tatarinowii),金边菖蒲(A.tatarinowii var.flawo-marginatus)和菖蒲(A.calamus)不同染色体倍性的4个居群进行了核糖体RNA内源转录间隔段(ITS)进行测序。并据此讨论了菖蒲属的属下系统关系,结果表明,菖蒲科为一个自然的单系类群,不同倍性的菖蒲构成一个自展数据支持率为100%的分支,无中肋的金钱蒲,石菖蒲和金边石菖蒲构成另一个自展数据支持率为100%的分支,通过比较分析菖蒲科与其相关类群之间18S和rbcL两段DNA序列,对菖蒲科的系统位置进行了讨论,在基于18S和rbcL的系统树中,菖蒲均处于单子叶植物中较为孤立的位置。  相似文献   

在前人对列当科系统发育研究的基础上,追加了肉苁蓉属(Cistanche)的基因序列数据,运用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推断方法探讨了其在列当科中的系统位置及列当科中属间关系.基于rps16基因序列及rps16+ ITS联合序列建立了列当科系统发育树,结果显示,肉苁蓉属、列当属(Orobanche)以及草苁蓉属(Boschniakia)聚在同一进化枝内,肉苁蓉属和列当属表现出最近亲缘关系;列当科中的全寄生类群、半寄生类群和非寄生类群分属在3个不同分支中.  相似文献   

大叶苎麻组(Sect.Duretia)是荨麻科苎麻属(Boehmeria)的一个种类比较多的组,目前对该组植物的系统发育还不清楚.本研究测定了其中9种4变种的核糖体DNA的ITS序列.ITS平均长度约687 bp.选取冷水花属作为外类群,根据ITS序列的差异计算出种间遗传距离.分别采用最简约法和邻接法进行系统发育分析.细野麻(Boehmeria gracilis)、赤麻(B.silvestrii)、野线麻(B.japonica)和疏毛水苎麻(B.pilosiuacula)、束序苎麻(B.siamensis)亲缘关系较近聚成一支,自展支持率为76%(MP)和89%(NJ);密球苎麻(B.densiglomerata)、长序苎麻(B.dolichostachya)、灰绿水苎麻(B.macrophylla var.canescens)、糙叶水苎麻(B.macrophylla var.scabrella)、圆叶水苎麻(B.macrophylla vat.rotundifolia)和海岛苎麻(B. formosana)、福州苎麻(B.formosana var.stricta)则聚为另一支,自展支持率为74%(MP)和94%(NJ);歧序苎麻(B.polystachya)单独为一支,与大叶苎麻组的其他种在一级分支中就分开,和其他种亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

水青冈属(Fagus L.)在北温带呈间断分布, 已发现的丰富的第三纪化石为讨论其起源和演化提供了证据。该文采用泛生物地理学的轨迹分析方法对水青冈属的分布进行了研究, 试图分析水青冈属的分布格局, 进而讨论其进化问题。结果表明, 水青冈属在中国、日本、北美、欧洲的分布是完全间断的, 没有一个共有轨迹连接它们, 即使在毗邻的、且有植物亲缘关系的中国和日本, 也没有一个共有轨迹连接。完全间断的轨迹对分析水青冈属的起源、演化和扩散学说, 没有提供任何信息。仅有两条共有轨迹分别分布在中国东南部和日本, 分别代表了中国4种和日本3种水青冈属种类的连接, 说明水青冈属经历了漫长的历史演化, 扩散能力是有局限性的, 仅在分化和多样性中心进行了一些分化和演化, 整个属并未进行长距离的扩散, 或者长距离扩散早已销声匿迹了, 现代的分布格局完全是以间断为最主要特征的。间断分布的动力解释为古地中海西撤、青藏高原隆起、东亚季风活动等地质历史事件, 第三纪以来特别是第四纪冰期活动等气候波动, 以及水青冈属植物的生物学特性(特别是喜温喜湿)。  相似文献   

测定了山羊草属(Aegilops)二倍物种核rDNA ITS区序列,发现其碱基粉介于601-607之间,比报道的小riuceae)其他属的ITS区我略长,G+C含量达61.1%~62.9%,序列间的分化距离为0.0050~0.0468。用PHYLIP3.5e软件包对所测得的DNA数据进行聚类分析,结果显示:1.Ae.speltoides与该组其他种相距很远,支持将其从Sitopsis组中独立出来,  相似文献   

现存的兰属分类系统是基于宏观形态学性状、尤其是花粉块的数目以及唇瓣与蕊柱的愈合程度而建立的。兰属因此而划分为3个亚属:兰亚属(subgenus Cymbidium),大花亚属(subgenus Cyperorchis)和建兰亚属(subgenus Jensoa)。本文运用PCR扩增和直接测序的方法分析兰属(Cymbidium)27种、3个栽培品种以及3个外类群的核DNA ITS区段序列,通过最简约性分析产生的ITS系统发育树表明,兰属的3个亚属均可能为不自然的类群,大花亚属表现为一复系群,兰亚属的冬凤兰(C.dayanum)隐藏于基点;建兰亚属为一并系群,它的成员之一兔耳兰(C.lancifolium)偏离出去而成为兰属一最基部的分支;兰亚属为一复系群,它分为几支而分别与另两个亚属组合在一起,由于兰属ITS序列位点变异率较低,最简约性分析产生的几支主要分支均得不到Bootstrap分析的高度支持,各亚属内组之间的关系也不明确,研究兰属的系统发育关系还需要新的数据。  相似文献   

在前人对列当科系统发育研究的基础上,追加了肉苁蓉属(Cistanche)的基因序列数据,运用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推断方法探讨了其在列当科中的系统位置及列当科中属间关系。基于rps16基因序列及rps16+ITS联合序列建立了列当科系统发育树,结果显示,肉苁蓉属、列当属(Orobanche)以及草苁蓉属(Boschniakia)聚在同一进化枝内,肉苁蓉属和列当属表现出最近亲缘关系;列当科中的全寄生类群、半寄生类群和非寄生类群分属在3个不同分支中。  相似文献   

Veronica (Veroniceae; Scrophulariaceae) and segregated genera, such as Hebe from New Zealand has been debated intensively in the past. We conducted an analysis of sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) to evaluate the validity of segregate genera and the monophyly of Veronica. According to the results presented here, Veronica is paraphyletic, with the Hebe complex, Synthyris, and Paederota nested within the larger Veronica clade. Pseudolysimachion is in a basal polytomy of the expanded Veronica clade in the strict consensus tree and might be nested within Veronica as well. Clades within Veronica do not correspond to sections traditionally recognized. This study provides a first estimation of the phylogeny of Veroniceae using molecular data and can serve as a starting point for future investigations of Veronica and relatives. Received 24 July 2000/ Accepted in revised form 19 October 2000  相似文献   

DNA sequence analysis of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) was performed to determine phylogenetic relationship between 49 isolates of rusts infecting grain and forage legumes. Isolates were collected from different hosts and distinct geographic origins and represent eight species of Uromyces: U. anthyllidis, U. appendiculatus, U. ciceris‐arietini, U. minor, U. pisi, U. striatus, U. viciae‐fabae and U. vignae. ITS sequences revealed length polymorphisms and variation in DNA sequence that were used to characterize phylogenetic relationships by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses which in general agreed revealing the presence of four clearly distinct clades. Clade one included the isolates causing rust on chickpea, fenugreek and alfalfa. Clade two was composed by rust isolates of field clover and pea plants, while the third clade was formed by bean and cowpea isolates. Clade four was the largest and included all the rust isolates infecting faba bean. Within this clade, the highly supported subclusters of U. viciae‐fabae collected on Lens culinaris, U. viciae‐fabae collected on Vicia sativa and U. viciae‐fabae collected on Lathyrus palustris suggest an ongoing process of host specialization.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (1TS) region (1TS1, ITS2 and 5.8S rDNA) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was amplified via PCR in 28 taxa of Abies Mill. The amplified fragments showed length polymorphism among species, with species from Central America and two species from North America having a length of approximately 2 500 base pairs (bp) and the remaining taxa having a length of approximately 1 700 bp based on 100 bp and 1 kb ladder standard markers. The complete sequencing of ITS of Abies bracteata showed that the shorter type is 1 697 bp (1TS1 is 1 296 bp, 5.8S + 1TS2 is 401 bp). For the longer one, the partial rrs1 and complete 5.8S + ITS2 sequencing revealed that thelength of 5.8S + ITS2 is the same as that of the shorter type. The length difference of ITS in Abies is mainly due to the length difference in the ITS1 region, a result similar to the previous findings in other genera of Pinaceae. Variation in ITS length seems well correlated with morphological and geographic characters in Abies, suggesting that the length variation may be a phylogenetically informative character within the genus, long ITS was also found in other genera of Pinaceae in the previous studies. The long length of ITS in the family makes the sequencing of the region and subsequent alignment of sequences among species or genera more difficult than in taxa with short ITS, such as angiosperms. Although the length variation of ITS in the genus Abies is significant, the homogenous of ITS sequence between the longer one and the shorter one is obvious if the insertion in the longer ITS is ignored.  相似文献   

Abstract: Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed for 44 Artemisia species (46 populations) representing all the five classical subgenera and the geographical range of the genus, 11 species from 10 genera closely related to Artemisia, and six outgroup species from five other genera of the Anthemideae. The results definitely support the monophyly of the genus Artemisia in its broadest sense (including some taxa segregated as independent genera, like Oligosporus and Seriphidium ). Eight main clades are established in this molecular phylogeny within Artemisia; they agree in part with the classical subdivision of the genus, but they also suggest that some infrageneric groups must be redefined, especially the subgenus Artemisia. The subgenera Tridentatae and Seriphidium are independent from each other. Some of the satellite genera are clearly placed within Artemisia ( Artemisiastrum, Filifolium, Mausolea, Picrothamnus, Sphaeromeria, Turaniphytum ), whereas some others fall outside the large clade formed by this genus (Brachanthemum, Elachanthemum, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria). Our results, correlated to other data such as pollen morphology, allow us to conclude that the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently defined is a very heterogeneous group. Affinities of the largest genus of the subtribe and tribe, Artemisia, and of other genera of the subtribe to some genera from other subtribes of the Anthemideae strongly suggest that subtribe Artemisiinae needs a deep revision and redefinition. Phylogenetic utility of region trnL-F of the plastid DNA in the genus Artemisia and allies was also evaluated: sequences of the trnL-F region in Artemisia do not provide phylogenetic information.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Xia N  Lin R 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(11-12):603-612
Phylogenetic analyses of Bambusa species were performed using internal transcribed spacer sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The 21 species sampled included members of Bambusa (sensu stricto), Dendrocalamopsis, Dendrocalamus, Guadua, Leleba, and Lingnania. Arundinaria gigantea was used as an outgroup. Using the maximum parsimony method with PAUP*, gaps were treated as missing states or new states. Parsimonious analysis revealed that Dendrocalamus latiflorus was closely related to the members of Dendrocalamopsis. Dendrocalamus membranaceus was a sister species to Dendrocalamus strictus. Three Dendrocalamus species were closely related to and nested in a polyphyletic Bambusa. Bambusa subaequalis was a sister species to B. multiplex, B. emeiensis to B. chungii, B. contracta to B. hainanensis, and B. flexuosa was a sister species to B. sinospinosa, B. tuldoides, B. surrecta, B. intermedia, and B. valida group, which raised doubts about the monophyly of the subgenera Bambusa (sensu stricto), Dendrocalamopsis, Leleba, and Lingnania under the genus Bambusa.  相似文献   

山羊草属异源多倍体物种核rDNA ITS区的进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文测定了山羊草属Aegilops 3个组中异源多倍体物种的核rDNA ITS区序列,并用邻接法进行了聚类分析。结果表明,多倍体物种的ITS区序列长度为559∽606bp,其中ITS1、ITS2分别有变异位点51、42个,且存在多态位点。多倍体种均与各自的某一祖先种构成稳定分支,说明在杂交-多倍化后,这些多倍体的ITS区在同步进化的作用下已向着其某一祖先种的ITS区进化。对于sect.Vertebrata的异源多倍体物种来说,其ITS区主要向其祖先种Ae.umbellulata(UU)的ITS区进化,这与山羊草属的细胞遗传学研究结果基本一致。在sect.Cylindropyrum和sect.Polyeides中,Ae.cylindrica(CCDD)朝着Ae.caudata (CC)进化;Ae.ventricosa(DDMvMv)朝着Ae.comosa(MM)进化;Ae.vavilovii(DDMMSS)朝着Ae.crassa (DDMM)进化。  相似文献   

Hybridization with subsequent polyploidy is a prominent process in evolution of higher plants, but few data address the evolution of homeologous sequences after polyploidy. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) from eleven allopolyploid species in Aegilops was investigated by PCR amplification and direct sequencing. The sequences obtained were used to study the evolution of ITS region in allopolyploid species. The length of ITS region varied from 599 to 606 bp and the number of variable sites was 93, i.e. 51 and 42 for ITS1 and ITS2 re spectively. Some polymorphic sites were observed in polyploid species, and this indicated that the ancestral sequences had not been homogenized completely by concerted evolution. Distance matrix analysis of diploid and polyploid species by neighbor-joining method, using Triticum monococcum as outgroup, resulted in well-resolved neighbor-joining tree indicating that the ITS regions of UUMM and UUSS genome ( sect. Vertebrata) were homogenizing toward those of UU ancestal genome. This result is in agreement with the results of ctyogenetics of Aegilops. On the other hand, the neighbor joining tree including the D-genome group species (sect. Cylindropyrum and sect. Polyeides ) com prised three clades (CC-DDCC, UU-DDMM-DDMMSS-DDMMUU and MM-DDMvMv), which sug gested that concerted evolution was homogenizing the ITS region of the polyploid derivatives to either of their ancestors.  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer 1 sequences were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among 8 of the 9 described species and one putative species of the entomopathogenic nematode genus Heterorhabditis. Sequences were aligned and optimized based on pairwise genetic distance and parsimony criteria and subjected to a variety of sequence alignment parameters. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with maximum parsimony, cladistic, distance, and maximum likelihood algorithms. Our results gave strong support for four pairs of sister species, while relationships between these pairs also were resolved but less well supported. The ITS1 region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat was a reliable source of homologous characters for resolving relationships between closely related taxa but provided more tenuous resolution among more divergent lineages. A high degree of sequence identity and lack of autapomorphic characters suggest that sister species pairs within three distinct lineages may be mutually conspecific. Application of these molecular data and current morphological knowledge to the delimitation of species is hindered by an incomplete understanding of their variability in natural populations.  相似文献   

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