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Summary The24Na efflux (J eff Na ) (i.e., the rate of appearance of24Na in the outer compartment) in the isolated short-circuited toad skin bathed by NaCl-Ringer's solution on both sides is composed of para- and transcellular components of almost equal magnitudes. This relies on the assumption that amiloride acts on the transcellular component only and could block it completely.Ouabain induces a large transient increase of the transcellular component. This increase, which starts within a few minutes after the addition of ouabain, is due to electrical depolarization of the outer barrier, rather than a consequence of blocking Na recirculation across the inner barrier. The subsequent decline ofJ eff Na , which takes place after the ouabain-inducedJ eff Na peak, is due to a progressive block of outer barrier Na channels with time, which can eventually be complete, depending on the duration of action of ouabain. As the external Na concentration was always kept high and constant in these experiments, the results indicate that a rise in cell Na concentration, and not in the outer bathing solution, is the signal that triggers the reduction of outer barrier Na permeability (P 0 Na ).Ouabain has no effect uponJ eff Na with Na-free solution bathing the outer and NaCl-Ringer's solution the inner skin surface, showing the importance of Na penetration across the outer barrier, and not across the inner barrier due to its low Na permeability, in the process of closing the Na channels of this structure.Step changes from Na 115mm to Na-free external solution, or vice-versa, may affect both the outer barrier electrical potential difference (PD0) and cell Na concentration (Na) c . Therefore, the behavior ofJ eff Na depends on which variable (if PD0 or (Na) c regulated outer barrier Na permeability) is most affected by step changes in outer bathing solution Na concentration.Amiloride in the control condition blocks the transcellular component ofJ eff Na . However, in the condition of approximate short-circuiting of the outer barrier and high cellular Na concentration induced by long term effects of ouabain, when the Na channels of the outer barrier are already blocked by elevated cell Na concentration, amiloride may induce the opposite effect, increasing Na permeability of the outer barrier.With outer barrier Na channels completely blocked by high cell Na concentration, PCMB in the outer bathing medium induces a large increase ofJ eff Na , rendering these channels again amiloride sensitive.The results are consistent with the notion that Na efflux from cell compartment to the outer bathing solution goes through the amiloride-sensitive Na channels of the apical border of the superficial cell layer of toad skin, with an apparent Na permeability modulated by cell ionic environment, most probably the cell Na concentration.The ensemble of the present results are consistent with Na permeability regulation taking place at the outer barrier level. However, this precise location could only be made unambiguously by measurements across the individual outer cell membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The reversible dependence of skin osmotic water permeability (L PD ) upon the ionic concentration of the outer bathing solution — which we have called hydrosmotic salt effect (HSE) — was studied in the isolated skin of the toadBufo marinus ictericus. The skin osmotic water flow (J V ) was measured as a function of outer bathing solution osmolality (O e ).L PD , calculated as (J v /) P=0 (where and P are the osmotic and hydrostatic pressure differences across the skin, respectively) was constant whenO e was altered with sucrose, a nonelectrolyte. In contrast,L PD increased continuously in the hypotonic range asO e was raised from zero (distilled water) with NaCl or KCl. The HSE could also be evoked in the condition of reversed osmotic volume flow, with the outer bathing medium made hypertonic with sucrose.Diffusional14C-sucrose permeability, measured in theJ v =0 condition to prevent solvent drag of sucrose in the paracellular pathways, indicate that the hydrosmotic salt effect cannot be explained by assuming a paracellular permeability increase, due to tight junction opening, but might be interpreted as due to changes in the osmotic water permeability of the apical membranes of the most superficial cells of the epithelium.The hydrosmotic salt effect can be elicited in control skins and in vasopressin-stimulated skins, on top of the hormonal response.The time course of the hydrosmotic salt effect is substantially different from that of the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin. Its half-time is 4 to 5 times faster than that of vasopressin action, with individual values as short as 1.5 min.The time courses of the hydrosmotic salt-effect onset and reversibility are exponential, clearly contrasting with the typical sigmoidal shape of vasopressin onset and washout time courses.Based on time course data and on speed of response we postulate that the mechanism underlying the hydrosmotic salt effect is due to modifications of existing water pathways in the apical membrane, rather than to incorporation and removal of water permeability units in this structure.  相似文献   

Summary The transepithelial fluxes, conductances and permeabilities of Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, NH 4 + and H3CNH 3 + were studied under ionic concentrations ranging from 12 to 250mm inBufo arenarum gallbladders. When these measurements are carefully corrected in order to get only the component due to the paracellular cation channels, the following results are obtained: (1) The permeability ratios (cationic/anionic) are a decreasing function of salt concentration. (2) The partial conductances through paracellular cationic channels show nonlinear saturable concentration kinetics. (3) Moreover, partial conductance kinetics of K+, Cs+ and NH 4 + present a maximum followed, at higher concentratons, by a negative-slope region. (4) The selectivity sequences obtained from biionic potentials do not agree with those obtained from partial conductance measurements. (5) The unidirectional22Na tracer flux (serosal to mucosal) is inhibited by 63% when the K+ symmetrical concentration in the bathing solutions is raised from 25 to 200mm. (6) When the unidirectional42K fluxes (serosal to mucosal) at 200mm KCl Na-free solutions are compared with K+ partial conductance by means of the Hodgkin and Keynes (Hodgkin, A.L., Keynes, R.D. 1955.J. Physiol London 128:61–88) expression, then factor is 2.0. These results indicate that cations do not follow the independence principle and behave as in single-file diffusion multi-ion pores when crossing the paracellular cation channels ofBufo arenarum gallbladder epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary The hydrosmotic salt effect (HSE), the reversible dependence of skin osmotic water permeability upon the ionic concentration of the outer bathing solution, is known to induce the appearance of sucrose-impermeable pathways in the apical membrane of the outermost epithelial cell layer. Diffusional14C-urea permeability, measured in theJ v=0 condition to prevent solvent drag effects, indicates that the newly formed pathways induced by HSE are narrower than the size of the urea molecule, being therefore highly selective for water molecules. After mild glutaraldehyde (2% solution) fixation of the apical membrane structures, the water channels induced by the HSE are no longer affected by the ionic strength of the outer solution. This indicates that the channel-forming membrane protein can be fixed in different configurations with the water channels in the open or closed states.Escola Paulista de Medicina, Department of Biophysics.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(5):361-375.e5
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In Pleurodeles waltl, progeny resulting from a cross between 2 individuals of the Z/W sexual genotype include 25% of W/W individuals, while those issued from crossing a Z/W neomale with a W/W thelygenous female include 50% of W/W individuals. W/W individuals can be identified through the peptidase-1 zymogram since, in P. waltl, this enzyme is controlled by codominant alleles which are linked to the sex chromosomes. In such progeny, we discovered 2 mutant phenotypes affecting larval and postmetamorphic skin pigmentation in W/W individuals. These phenotypes are described herein. The study of their inheritance in several offspring provides evidence that they are controlled by 2 distinct genes, the recessive mutant alleles of which are linked to the W sex chromosome; moreover, in thelygenous W/W females, the differential segment does not prevent the occurrence of meiotic recombinations between W sex chromosomes. Mutant skin pigmentary phenotypes are easily identified and constitute a tool for rapid, efficient selection of individuals of the W/W sexual genotype.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated intestinal segments from rats or hamsters were recirculated with balanced salt solutions containing fluorocarbon emulsion to provide 6 vpc oxygen. The lumen contained an axial Ag–AgCl electrode, and the serosal surface was surrounded by a cylindrical shell of Ag–AgCl. Transmural impedances were measured at frequencies from 0.01–30 kHz before and after removal of the mucosal epithelium. The resistance of intercellular junctions,R J , the distributed resistance of the lateral spaces,R L , and the distributed membrane capacitance,C M , were computed from the relations between frequency and impedance. Activation of Na-coupled solute transport by addition of glucose, 3-0-methyl glucose, alanine or leucine caused two- to threefold decreases of transepithelial impedance. Typical changes induced by glucose in hamster small intestine wereR J 3013 ,R L 2310 , andC M 820 F (per cm length of segment). Half maximal response occurred at a glucose concentration of 2–3mm. The area per unit path length of the junctions (Ap/x=specific resistance ÷R J ) in glucose activated epithelium was 3.7 cm in hamster midgut and 6.8 cm in rat. These values are close to the 4.3 cm estimated independently from coefficients of solvent drag and hydrodynamic conductance in glucose-activated rat intestine in vivo. The transepithelial impedance response to Na-coupled solute transport was reversibly dependent upon oxygen tension.It is proposed that activation of Na-coupled solute transport triggers contraction of circumferential actomyosin fibers in the terminal web of the microvillar cytoskeletal system, thereby pulling apart junctions and allowing paracellular absorption of nutrients by solvent drag as described in the previous accompanying paper. Anatomical evidence in support of this hypothesis is presented in the following second accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model of the action of amiloride to block apical Na channels in the toad urinary bladder was tested. According to the model, the positively charged form of the drug binds to a site in the lumen of the channel within the electric field of the membrane. In agreement with the predictions of the model: (1) The voltage dependence of amiloride block was consistent with the assumption of a single amiloride binding site, at which about 15% of the transmembrane voltage is sensed, over a voltage range of ±160 mV. (2) The time course of the development of voltage dependence was consistent with that predicted from the rate constants for amiloride binding previously determined. (3) The ability of organic cations to mimic the action of amiloride showed a size dependence implying a restriction of access to the binding site, with an effective diameter of about 5 angstroms. In a fourth test, divalent cations (Ca, Mg, Ba and Sr) were found to block Na channels with a complex voltage dependence, suggesting that these ions interact with two or more sites. at least one of which may be within the lumen of the pore.  相似文献   

The effect of Ba2+ (0.5 mM, corial side) upon the transport characteristics of the frog skin epithelium was investigated. It was observed that Ba2+ decreased the conductance of the preferably K+-permeable basolateral border to less than 30% of its control value. Furthermore, Ba2+ abolished the K+ electrode-like behaviour, existing at the basolateral membrane under conditions of zero transcellular current flow, for [K+] below 10–15 mM. Effects upon other parameters of transepithelial transport (electromotive forces and resistance of outer or basolateral border and shunt pathway, respectively) were small and might represent secondary events. It is concluded that Ba2+ inhibits passive fluxes of K+ across basolateral membranes of tight, Na+ transporting epithelia, similar to its influence upon membranes of nonpolar cells.  相似文献   

A novel potent trypsin inhibitor was purified and characterized from frog Bombina maxima skin. A full-length cDNA encoding the protein was obtained from a cDNA library constructed from the skin. Sequence analysis established that the protein actually comprises three conserved albumin domains. B.maxima serum albumin was subsequently purified, and its coding cDNA was further obtained by PCR-based cloning from the frog liver. Only two amino acid variations were found in the albumin sequences from the skin and the serum. However, the skin protein is distinct from the serum protein by binding of a haem b (0.95 mol/mol protein). Different from bovine serum albumin, B. maxima albumin potently inhibited trypsin. It bound tightly with trypsin in a 1:1 molar ratio. The equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) obtained for the skin and the serum proteins were 1.92 x 10(-9) M and 1.55 x 10(-9) M, respectively. B. maxima albumin formed a noncovalent complex with trypsin through an exposed loop formed by a disulfide bond (Cys53-Cys62), which comprises the scissile bond Arg58(P1)-His59(P1'). No inhibitory effects on thrombin, chymotrypsin, elastase, and subtilisin were observed under the assay conditions. Immunohistochemical study showed that B. maxima albumin is widely distributed around the membranes of epithelial layer cells and within the stratum spongiosum of dermis in the skin, suggesting that it plays important roles in skin physiological functions, such as water economy, metabolite exchange, and osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Summary Several new amiloride analogues and two reported photoaffinity analogues were tested for irreversible inhibition of short-circuit current,I sc, in toad bladder. Bromoamiloride, a photoaffinity analogue, induced 40% irreversible inhibition at 500 m after irradiation with ultraviolet light 320 nm. Iodoamiloride caused no irreversible inhibition. Of the new analogues tested, only 3,5-diamino-6-chloro-N-[(phenylamino) aminomethylene] pyrazinecarboxamide,phenamil, irreversibly inhibitedI sc at concentrations of 0.05 to 5 m when added to the mucosal solution. Irreversible inhibition ofI sc by phenamil may be attributed to specific blockage of the mucosal sodium channels, which depended on: 1) time of exposure; 2) mucosal pH: 3) mucosal sodium concentration. For example, 5 m phenamil irreversibly inhibitedI sc by 38% in 103mm Na at pH 8.6 and nearly 75% in 30mm Na at pH 6.4 after a 40-min exposure. Irreversible inhibition occurred in two phases with time constants of 10 min and approximately 140 min. Due to its irreversible nature, phenamil may be used to measure channel density.  相似文献   

We investigated the cellular mechanism of formation of subepidermal thick bundles of collagen (collagen lamella) during larval development of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, using cDNA of alpha1(I) collagen as a probe. The originally bilayered larval epidermis contains basal skein cells and apical cells, and the collagen lamella is directly attached to the basement membrane. The basal skein cells above the collagen lamella and fibroblasts beneath it intensively expressed the alpha1(I) gene. As the skin developed, suprabasal skein cells ceased expression of the gene. Concomitantly, the fibroblasts started to outwardly migrate, penetrated into the lamella and formed connective tissue between the epidermis and the lamella. These fibroblasts intensively expressed the gene. As the connective tissue developed, the basal skein cells ceased to express the gene and were replaced by larval basal cells that did not express the gene. These dynamic changes took place first in a lateral region of the body skin and proceeded to all other regions except the tail. Isolated cultured skein cells expressed the gene and extracellularly deposited its protein as the type I collagen fibrils. Thus, it is concluded that anuran larval epidermal cells can autonomously and intrinsically synthesize type I collagen.  相似文献   

Summary The ion selectivity of the apical membrane Na channel in the toad urinary bladder was investigated. The electrical potential difference and resistance across the basal-lateral membrane were reduced using high concentrations of KCl in the serosal bathing medium, and gradients for various ions were imposed across the apical membrane by altering the composition of the mucosal bathing medium. Ion fluxes through the channel were measured as the transepithelial current inhibited by amiloride, a specific blocker of the channel's Na conductance. The selectivity sequence for alkali metal cations was H>Li>NaK. K, permeability was barely detectable; the selectivity for Na over K was about 1000:1. Ammonium, hydroxyl ammonium and hydrazinium ions were, like K, virtually impermeant. The results suggest that the size of the unhydrated ion is an important factor in determining permeability in this channel.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether or not the distribution of specific glycoconjugates within the skin is related to the regulation of water balance in the aquatic larvae and semiaquatic adults of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. A lectin histochemical study was carried out on paraffin sections of dorsal and ventral skin from tadpoles in representative stages as well as from adult frogs. Sections were stained with the following horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-conjugated lectins, which bind to specific terminal sugar residues of glycoconjugates: UEA 1 for alpha-L-fucose, SBA for N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, WGA for N-acetyl-B-D-glucosamine, and PNA for beta-galactose. Results indicate that lectins serve as markers for specific skin components (e.g., a second ground substance layer within the dermis was revealed by positive UEA 1 staining). Moreover, each lectin has a specific binding pattern that is similar in dorsal and ventral skin; the larval patterns change as the skin undergoes extensive histological and physiological remodeling during metamorphic climax. These findings enhance our understanding of glycoconjugates and their relationship to skin structure and function-in particular, to the regulation of water balance in R. catesbeiana.  相似文献   

Summary Overgrowth with fibroblasts has been a major problem in the cultivation of normal human skin epithelium. In the present study it is shown that the addition of spermine to the culture medium in micromolar concentrations has a differential cytotoxic effect on fibroblasts allowing the cultivation of human skin epithelial cells in primary culture without fibroblastic overgrowth. Putrescine, another polyamine, is shown to be equally cytotoxic to fibroblasts and epithelial cells when added in millimolar concentrations; below this concentration range no cytotoxic effect could be demonstrated. This difference in cytotoxicity between spermine and putrescine is suggested to depend on the conversion of spermine, but not putrescine, and to highly cytotoxic products by an amine oxidase present in fetal bovine serum. This project was supported by the Novo foundation.  相似文献   

The amphibian skin, widely used for studying the transepithelial passage of electrolytes, exhibits anion pathways relatively specific for Cl(-). We studied the effect of HgCl(2), 1.0 x 10(-4) M on its electrical parameters and unidirectional anion fluxes. In the presence of Cl(-), the transepithelial conductance (G) of the isolated skin of the Bufo arenarum toad increased considerably following exposure to HgCl(2), whereas short-circuit current (SCC)--reflecting transepithelial Na(+) transport-underwent only slight stimulation. Following the blockade of Na(+) intake by amiloride, 1.0 x 10(-4) M, the removal of Cl(-) from the solution bathing the epidermal border of the skin brought about a decrease in G, and gave rise to a gradient-induced SCC (SCCg) consistent with transepithelial passage of Cl(-) along its gradient. Addition of mercaptoethanol, 5.0 x 10(-3) M to the bath containing Hg(2+) fully reversed these effects. The increase in G was accompanied by an increase in the unidirectional (epidermal to dermal) fluxes of (36)Cl(-) and (131)I(-), and a decrease in the passage of (99m)TcO(4)(-). These results show the effects of HgCl(2) to be similar to those of theophylline, although exhibiting a different selectivity. Our data suggest that anion passage following exposure to HgCl(2) is, like that stimulated by theophylline, predominantly if not exclusively transcellular, and does not involve a significant opening of the tight junctions.  相似文献   

A lectin histochemical study was carried out to determine the distribution of specific sugars in glycoconjugates within an important osmoregulatory organ, amphibian skin. Paraffin sections were made of Rana pipiens skin from dorsal and ventral regions of aquatic larvae in representative developmental stages as well as from several body regions of semiaquatic adult frogs. Sections were incubated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)‐conjugated lectins, which bind to specific terminal sugar residues of glycoconjugates. Such sites were visualized by DAB‐H2O2. The following HRP‐lectins were used: UEA‐1 for α‐L ‐fucose, SBA for N‐acetyl‐D ‐galactosamine, WGA for N‐acetyl‐β‐D ‐glucosamine, PNA for β‐galactose, and Con A for α‐mannose. We found that lectin binding patterns in larvae change during metamorphic climax as the skin undergoes extensive histological remodeling; this results in adult skin with staining patterns that are specific for each lectin and are similar in all body regions. Such findings in R. pipiens provide additional insight into the localization of molecules involved in osmoregulation in amphibian skin. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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