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The effects of different neutral salts on the maximal velocity (V) and activation volume (ΔV3) of the M4-lactate dehydrogenase reaction were studied to determine the mechanistic basis of the inhibitory effects of these salts. For salting-in salts (which increase protein group solubility), increasing salt concentrations led to reductions in V and increases in ΔV3, with the order of salt effectiveness following the Hofmeister (lyotropic) series: KSCN > KI > KBr. A 50% reduction in V was associated with an approximately 17 cm3 mol?1 increase in ΔV3 for different concentrations of the same salt and for equal concentrations of different salting-in salts. Salting-out salts were also inhibitory, but no uniform correlation between changes in V and ΔV3 was observed. The strongly salting-out salt KF decreased ΔV3 at all concentrations. The weaker salting-out salt K2SO4 increased ΔV3 at concentrations below 0.1 m and decreased ΔV3 at higher concentrations. KCl increased ΔV3 as the salt concentration was raised to approximately 0.2 m; further increases in KCl concentration were without effect on ΔV3. The rate and volume effects of these neutral salts, especially the highly regular covariation in V and ΔV3 found for salting-in salts, seem difficult to explain in terms of salt-induced changes in the geometry of the active site. We propose instead that these salt effects can all be explained in terms of the energy and volume changes which accompany transfers of protein groups (amino acid side chains and peptide backbone linkages) between the hydrophobic interior of the enzyme and the enzyme-water interface during catalytic conformational changes.  相似文献   

A simple and reproducible method for the tritium labeling of small amounts of proteins prior to analysis under denaturing conditions on polyacrylamide slab gels is described. The method involves the in vitro labeling of proteins by reductive methylation using formaldehyde and high specific activity [3H]potassium borohydride. Labeled proteins were detected by fluorography after fractionation on polyacrylamide slab gels in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate. The overall procedure allows the analysis and molecular weight estimation of submicrogram quantities of protein.  相似文献   

A continuously recording spectrophotometric assay has been developed for Clostridium histolyticum collagenase based on the hydrolysis of 2-furanacryloyl-l-leucylglycyl-l-prolyl-l-alanine (FALGPA). The hydrolysis of this peptide by collagenase obeys Michaelis-Menten kinetics with V = 1.8 × 105μkatal/kg and Km = 0.5 mm. FALGPA is hydrolyzed more rapidly by collagenase than any other commonly used synthetic substrate, but is not cleaved by any of the well-known proteinases such as trypsin, thermolysin, or elastase. The assay itself is rapid, convenient, and sensitive, and should greatly facilitate detailed kinetic studies of collagenase.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy shows that the lipoprotein dispersions formed from the interaction of negatively charged liposomes with bovine serum albumin contain closed, vesicular, multilamellar structures. Discontinuous density gradient studies indicate that the lipoprotein suspensions are vesicles in which bovine serum albumin homogenously associate with lipid.Low angle X-ray diffraction results show that all the systems, positively and negatively charged, with and without protein, have the characteristic lamellar structure observed in biological membranes. The lamellar spacing (bilayer plus water layer) of negatively charged liposomes without bovine serum albumin is 55 Å. The same lamellar separation in the positively charged system is 108 Å. The lamellar spacing corresponding to bilayer, water, and protein for the negatively charged lipoprotein system is 93 Å while that for the positively charged lipoprotein system is 91 Å. These dimensions suggest that a layer of protein one molecule thick is incorporated between the lamellae bound to the surface of the bilayer.Wide angle X-ray diffraction results indicate no major effect of the protein on the 4.1 Å spacing, characteristic of hexagonal packing of the hydrocarbon chains.A classical light scattering technique is to used to show that the lipoprotein systems are osmotically active. The solute permeability exhibited by these lipoprotein systems follows the sequence (glucose < arabinose < malonamide < glycerol). K+ diffusion from negatively charged lipoprotein systems is greater than that found for positively charged lipoprotein systems.  相似文献   

A quantitative collagen film collagenase assay for large numbers of samples   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A new statistical procedure is described which permits the direct, quantitative comparison of alternative physical models for a set of experimental results. Its reliability is demonstrated through a computer simulation study, and its usefulness is illustrated in the analysis of nonlinear van't Hoff and Arrhenius plots for selected cases of steroid-protein binding and enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing concentrations of mequitazine, a quinuclidinylmethyl-phenothiazine, on the phase transition temperature (Tc), the broadening of the transition peak, the enthalpy and entropy of transition of dimyristoyl-, dipalmitoyl- and distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes was studied. Pest critical micelle concentrations of mequitazine (CMC = 5.23 X 10?2M), caused broadening of the transition peak and lowering of the Tc of pure liposomes. The ratio of peak heights from the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of egg phosphatidycholine liposomes was used as a criterion for assessing the interaction of the drug with phospholipid membranes. Mequitazine interacts with both the polar head groups and hydrophobic membrane interior.  相似文献   

A radiometric assay for epoxide hydratase using [14C]benzene oxide as substrate has been developed. The reaction product trans-1,2-[14C]dihydroxy-1,2-dihydrobenzene (benzene dihydrodiol) was separated from the other components by simple extraction of the unreacted substrate and phenol (a rearrangement product) into a mixture of light petroleum and diethyl ether followed by extraction of the benzene dihydrodiol into ethyl acetate. The product was then estimated by scintillation counting. Using this assay the enzymic hydration of benzene oxide and the possible existence of a microsomal epoxide hydratase with a greater specificity toward benzene oxide were reinvestigated. The sequence of activities of microsomes from various organs was liver > kidney > lung > skin, the pH optimum of enzymic benzene oxide hydration was about pH 9.0, which is similar to that of styrene oxide hydration and both activities were equally stable when liver microsomal fractions were stored. The effect of low molecular weight inhibitors upon the hydration of styrene and benzene oxide by liver microsomes was similar in some cases and dissimilar in others. However, all the dissimilarities could be explained without recourse to the hypothesis of the existence of a separate benzene oxide hydratase. During enzyme purification studies the activity toward benzene oxide was inhibited by the detergent used (cutscum) but was recovered when the detergent was removed. Solubilization without significant loss of activity was successful using sodium cholate. This allowed immunoprecipitation studies, which were performed using monospecific antiserum raised against homogeneous epoxide hydratase. The dose-response curves of the extent of precipitation of activity with increasing amounts of added antiserum were indistinguishable for benzene oxide and styrene oxide as substrate. At high antiserum concentrations precipitation was complete with both substrates. The findings, taken together, indicate the presence in rat liver microsomes of a single epoxide hydratase catalyzing the hydration of both styrene and benzene oxide or the presence of enzymes so closely related that these cannot be distinguished by any of the criteria tested.  相似文献   

Plasmid M6 has been shown to contain sequences complementary to two related abundant mRNA species which differ in length by 100 nucleotides and code for Dictyostellum actin. M6 complementary RNA was isolated by hybridization to immobilized M6 DNA and translated in vitro. The product is identical to major forms of in vivo labeled actin in both mobility on two-dimensional gels and two-dimensional fingerprints of tryptic peptides. Both plasmid M6 and a second plasmid complementary to the actin mRNA complementary region in M6, pDd actin 2 (McKeown et al., 1978), direct the synthesis in minicells of a number of similar polypeptides that are not seen in minicells containing other recombinant plasmids. Three of these polypeptides are similar in two-dimensional gel mobility to Dictyostelium actin and bind to DNAase I agarose.The repetition frequency of isolated restriction fragments from actin mRNA complementary plasmid M6 has been examined. The data from two different experimental approaches (DNA excess hybridizations using plasmid DNA as probe, and hybridization of plasmid probe to DNA blot filters of restriction enzyme-digested Dictyostelium DNA) indicate that the mRNA complementary region is reiterated 15–20 times. When an actin cDNA probe is used in the same experiments, the results suggest that the entire coding region is reiterated.When the two major actin mRNA species are separated and independently translated, each appears to code for one of the two major actin species. The results suggest that there are at least two different functional genes, and possibly more, for Dictyostelium actin.  相似文献   

The glycophorins of whole, human erythrocytes were labeled at their sialic acid residues with one of three fluorescent probes. After preparation of the erythrocyte ghosts, the mobility of each fluorescent probe on the intact membrane was compared with its mobility on the isolated, labeled glycopeptides dissolved in aqueous buffer. A four- to ninefold decrease in the rotational relaxation time, as defined by the Perrin equation, accompanied the proteolytic removal of the labeled glycopeptides from the membrane. This suggests that the fluorescent probes, and by extrapolation, the sugars to which they are immediately attached, are restricted in their mobility at the membrane surface. A crude model of the carbohydrate layer of the erythrocyte surface was constructed by incorporating the labeled, tryptic glycopeptides into agarose gels of different agarose content. A decrease in the probe's mobility was observed as agarose content was raised. This indicates that the high oligosaccharide density at the erythrocyte membrane surface may contribute to the observed immobilization of the fluorescent probes in situ.  相似文献   

A method is described for purifying luciferase from firefly lanterns in very good yield. The enzyme was extracted from Photinus lanterns, dialyzed, and further purified by affinity chromatography with 6-aminohexanoic acid-Sepharose 4b benzylamine. Fractions containing luciferase activity were pooled, concentrated by ultrafiltration, and crystallized by dialysis against a low-ionic-strength buffer. The crystalline enzyme appears to be homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. The entire protocol described was conveniently performed in less than 3 days and yielded 6.2 mg of enzyme from 2.2 g of firefly lanterns. Furthermore, the affinity column employed can be reused at least five times without appreciable loss of binding capacity. Luciferase was chromatographed with several other affinity gels and the results are compared. It appears that 6-aminohexanoic acid-Sepharose 4b benzylamine does not function as a true bioaffinity gel, but rather as a hydrophobic interaction support.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the major neurotoxin from the sea snake Lapemis hardwickii was investigated by several methods of conformational analysis: structure prediction, circular dichroism, and laser Raman spectroscopy. From the primary structure, secondary structure prediction yielded two regions of β-sheet structure at residues 1–7 and 41–45. β-Turns were predicted at residues 14–17, 20–23, 30–33, 37–40, and 46–49. From the predictions, the toxin appears to be composed of approximately 20% β-sheet and 33% β-turn. The CD spectrum of the native toxin appears to be a hybrid of model spectra for β-sheet and β-turn proteins. The pH perturbation studies on the toxin observed by CD demonstrated that the toxin is a very stable molecule except at extremely high or low pH values. The Raman data indicated that the toxin contains both antiparallel β-sheet and β-turn structure. Using two methods of secondary structure quantitation from Raman spectra the molecule was calculated to contain 35% β-sheet from one method and 27% from the other. Overall, the various methods demonstrate that the toxin is composed of β-sheet and β-turn structure with little or no α-helix present. From the comparison of these different techniques appreciation can be gained for the necessity of several methods when identifying and quantitating secondary structure.  相似文献   

The major glycolipid sulfate of the extreme halophile Halobacterium salinarium was isolated and characterised mainly by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. The mass spectrum of the permethylated, desulfated and trimethylsilylated derivative showed the molecule to be a trihexosyl glycerol C20-diether with the sulfate group on the terminal hexose. A 3-position of the sulfate was indicated by the mass spectrum obtained after acetylation and trimethylsilylation (solvolysis of sulfate and replacement by a trimethylsilyl group). The NMR spectrum of the desulfated permethylated glycolipid gave conclusive evidence for the presence of one β and two α anomeric protons. With the knowledge of degradation data it was possible to assign the β signal to galactose (terminal hexone), and the α signals to glucose and mannose. These data together make it likely that the glycolipid sulfate is identical in structure with the glycolipid from Halobacterium cutirubrum characterised previously (M. Kates and P.W. Deroo, J. Lipid Res., 14 (1973) 438).On the basis of a suggested function of cerebroside sulfate of animal origin (identical polar end with the bacterial glycolipid: β-galactopyranose-3-sulfate) and the present knowledge of ion transport in Halobacteria, it is proposed that the bacterial glycolipid may function as a selective K+ receptor for the K+ transport from a high-Na+ and low-K+ outside medium.  相似文献   

A neurotoxic, [3H]labelled derivative of β-bungarotoxin, known to inhibit neurotransmitter release and to be free of phospholipase activity, was used to demonstrate autoradiographically the distribution and ultrastructural location of its saturable binding component in brain. Light-microscope autoradiography of rat cerebellum and hippocampus showed that it resides primarily in synaptic-rich areas, with much lower densities of sites in other regions containing cell bodies; also, little binding was associated with myelinated tracts. Ultrastructural localisation and sub-fractionation studies on purified cerebrocortical synaptosomes showed that [3H]toxin binding sites are located predominantly on brain synaptosomal membranes, consistent with their possible association with transmitter release.  相似文献   

A fluorogenic substrate for exo-β-N-acetylmuramidase from Bacillus subtilis B was synthesized. 4-Methyl-2-oxo-1,2-benzopyran-7-yl 2-acetamido-4,6-O-benzylidene-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranoside was prepared from 4-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-benzopyran-7-yl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranoside, condensed with dl-2-chloropropionic acid, the benzylidene residue removed by acetolysis and the 4-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-benzopyran-7-yl 2-amino-3-O-(d-1-carboxyethyl)-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranoside purified by chromatography on silica gel and Sephadex G-10 and by high-voltage paper electrophoresis. The identity of the product was confirmed by pmr studies, acid hydrolysis followed by chromatography of the products, and enzymic digestion.  相似文献   

S B Lee  J E Bailey 《Plasmid》1984,11(2):166-177
A mathematical model based on the molecular control mechanisms for lambda dv plasmid replication in a single Escherichia coli cell has been applied to simulate replication of mutant lambda dv plasmids. Model simulations of changes in repressor level and copy number resulting from mutations in the promoter-operator PROR region are consistent with experimental data. Calculated effects on lambda dv plasmid copy number of oligomer formation and of alternations in termination efficiency at tR1 also agree with experiment. The model has been employed to simulate the influence of cro mutants and of cro and tR1 double mutants on copy number and stable maintenance of lambda dv plasmid copy number. The genetic structure included in formulation of the replicon model provides a framework for relating changes in specific genetic loci on the plasmid with resulting alterations in host-plasmid system function.  相似文献   

Half of the adenosine triphosphatase (dynein) activity of starfish sperm tail axonemes was extracted with 0.6 m KCl-10 mm Tris · HCl (pH 7.8)-0.1 mm EDTA-0.5 mm dithiothreitol (KCl-EDTA), while with 1 mm Tris · HCl (pH 7.8)-0.1 mm EDTA-0.5 mm dithiothreitol (Tris-EDTA) around 90% of the activity was extracted. The main adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) in the KCl-EDTA extract had a sedimentation coefficient of 20S and that in the Tris-EDTA extract had a sedimentation coefficient of 12S. The effects of divalent cations, pH, and an SH-blocking reagent and the Km for ATP were different for the activities of the two forms of dynein ATPase. These two forms of dynein can interconvert to some extent when the ionic strength of the medium is changed. In a medium suitable for recombination of dynein to outer doublet microtubules (recombination buffer, 20 mm Tris-HCl (pH 7.6)-2 mm MgCl2-0.5 mm dithiothreitol), the 20S ATPase converted to a 24S ATPase. Recombination of the ATPase activity from the KCl-EDTA extract was almost complete while that from the Tris-EDTA extract was around 50%. Outer arms disappeared preferentially by the treatment with KCl-EDTA, and the extracted arms could be reconstituted in the recombination buffer. In the case of the Tris-EDTA extraction, both the outer and inner arms disappeared and the reconstitution of the arms could not be confirmed. From the above results it can be considered that the 20 or 24S dynein represented the arm structure. The 20 or 24S ATPase fraction contained two large polypeptide chains as main components having electrophoretic mobilities in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate similar to those of Tetrahymena ciliary dyneins and of sea urchin sperm flagellar dyneins. The relationship between these chains and dynein subunits is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to identify an antigen required for elicitation of anti-H-2 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), we have purified the H-2-Kk glycoprotein, incorporated it into a lipid vesicle, and tested it for its ability to elicit anti-H-2Kk CTLs. The results indicate that a lipid vesicle containing purified H-2Kk can elicit specific secondary anti-H-2Kk CTLs. In addition it was shown that in association with a partially purified Iak fraction the primary anti-H-2Kk CTL response was enhanced. It was also shown that Iak antigens alone could elicit an anti-H-2k CTL response. Although a low primary response was found with purified H-2Kk, it was observed that lipid vesicles containing both H-2Kk and Iak glycoproteins could elicit a significantly enhanced primary anti-H-2Kk CTL response. Lipid vesicles containing H-2Kk-Iak were tested for their enhanced capacity to elicit anti-H-2 CTLs as well as for their ability to elicit anti-H-2Kk CTLs in the presence of supernatants from concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells.  相似文献   

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